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Student Satellite Program

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Powai, Mumbai - 400076, INDIA


Question Paper: Non-Tech

Date: 11 March 2023

Note: The paper has 3 parts (250 points): Personal Portfolio (50 points), Basic News Aggregator
(100 points) and SSP Website Homepage Redesign Assignment (100 points)

Disclaimer: Life is not about knowing all the answers but trying to find your way out. We are not
just looking for correct answers but also your approach. Hence, present your answers such that your
thought process is indicated.

Portfolio Website Development Project

a. This is a test of your fundamental coding abilities, thus you must complete it to demonstrate your

a. Incorporate an introduction section featuring your name and a concise biography.
b. Implement a navigation menu leading to various sections.
c. Design the homepage with optimal aesthetics and functionality.

Technical Requirements
a. Employ HTML, CSS, and optionally JavaScript for interactive elements.
b. Ensure a responsive design that seamlessly adapts to different screen sizes (desktop, tablet, mobile).

Additional Considerations
a. Adhere to best practices for code organization and provide comprehensive commenting.
b. Optionally, integrate visual elements or animations to elevate the user experience.

Brownie Points
Contact Section
i. Implement a contact form allowing visitors to send messages directly to your email address.

Evaluation Criteria
Participants will be evaluated based on the functionality, design, responsiveness, and creativity of their
portfolio website.

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Basic News Aggregator

a. Introduction:
• Provide a brief overview of the importance of staying informed online.
• Introduce the concept of a basic News Aggregator and its potential impact on user experience.
• This project involves managing our IT team’s live webpage (SSP). As a result, answering this
question is essential.

b. Development of the News Aggregator:

• Design a simple and responsive web page for the News Aggregator using HTML and CSS.
• Utilize basic JavaScript for interactivity (e.g., handling user input, displaying news sum-
• Consider using placeholder data or APIs for retrieving news content.
c. Example Data:
• Include an example dataset of top news stories from various sources.
• Provide sample summaries for at least three news articles.

d. Brief Analysis or Commentary:

• Implement a feature that allows users to read a brief analysis or commentary on selected news
• Use basic JavaScript functionalities to display and hide additional information.

e. Technical Implementation:
• Provide a brief explanation of the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript used in your News Aggregator.
• Describe how user interactions are handled and how news summaries are generated.
f. Challenges and Solutions:

• Identify potential challenges in implementing a basic News Aggregator.

• Propose simple solutions or strategies to overcome these challenges.

IITBSSP Recruitment Test 2023 March 11, 2023

SSP Website Homepage Redesign Assignment

Redesign the homepage of the SSP (Student Satellite Program) website to improve user experience and
visual appeal.

a. Introduction:
• This is to evaluate your ability to code your design. To design for the same, you may use any
program, such as Figma.
b. Research and Analysis:
• Conduct a brief analysis of the current SSP website. Identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas
for improvement.
• Consider the target audience and their needs. What information is crucial for them on the
c. Design Principles:
• Apply design principles such as clarity, consistency, and hierarchy in your redesign.
• Ensure that the design aligns with the SSP brand identity.
d. Content Placement:
• Decide on the placement of key elements like navigation, featured content, and calls-to-action.
• Consider the use of headings, subheadings, and images to guide users through the page.
e. Visual Elements:
• Choose a color scheme that complements the SSP brand or propose a new color palette.
• Select fonts that enhance readability and match the overall design theme.
f. Responsive Design:
• Ensure that your redesign is responsive, adapting to different screen sizes and devices.
g. Figma Prototype:
• Use Figma to create a high-fidelity prototype of the redesigned homepage.
• Include interactive elements where applicable to showcase the user flow.
h. Presentation:
• Prepare a brief presentation explaining your design choices and improvements.
• Justify how your redesign addresses the identified weaknesses and enhances the user experi-

Submission Guidelines
• Submit the Figma link to your prototype.
• Include a PDF document or slides summarizing your design decisions.
• Create a new repository on the Git hosting service of your choice (e.g., GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket).
• Choose a meaningful name for your repository. Initialize the repository with a file.
• Choose an appropriate open-source license. Include the full text of the license in the LICENSE

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IITBSSP Recruitment Test 2023 March 11, 2023

Grading Criteria
• Creativity and Innovation

• User Experience (UX) considerations

• Adherence to design principles
• Responsiveness

• Presentation and Communication


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