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Original Research

Association of Progestogens and Venous

Thromboembolism Among Women of
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Reproductive Age
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Richard H. Cockrum, MD, Jackie Soo, ScD, Sandra A. Ham, MS, Kenneth S. Cohen, MD,
and Shari G. Snow, MD

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate associations between use of through risk set sampling to 107,025 women without prior
seven progestogens and incident acute venous throm- VTE (control group). From lowest to highest systemic dose
boembolism (VTE) among women of reproductive age. based on a modified hierarchy, progestogens studied were
METHODS: This nested matched case–control study levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device (LNG-IUD),
identified women aged 15–49 years from January 1, 2010, oral norethindrone, etonogestrel implant, oral progester-
through October 8, 2018, in the IBM MarketScan data- one, oral medroxyprogesterone acetate, oral norethin-
bases, a nationwide sample of private insurance claims in drone acetate, and depot medroxyprogesterone acetate
the United States. After exclusions, 21,405 women with (DMPA). Conditional logistic regression models adjusted
incident acute VTE (case group), identified by diagnosis for 16 VTE risk factors were used to estimate odds ratios
codes, were matched 1:5 by year of birth and index date and 99% CIs for incident acute VTE associated with cur-
rent progestogen use compared with nonuse. The primary
analysis treated each progestogen as a binary exposure.
From the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the Department of Dose, which varied for oral formulations, and chronicity
Medicine, University of Chicago Medicine, the Center for Health and Social
Sciences, University of Chicago, Chicago, and the Department of Obstetrics and were explored separately. Significance was set at P ,.01 to
Gynecology, NorthShore University HealthSystem, Evanston, Illinois; and allow for multiple comparisons.
Sandra Ham Consulting, Buffalo, New York. RESULTS: Current use of higher-dose progestogens was
Presented at the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics’ 23rd significantly associated with increased odds of VTE com-
World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, held virtually, October 21–28,
pared with nonuse (oral norethindrone acetate: adjusted
2021; and at the AAGL 50th Global Congress on MIGS, November 14–17,
2021, Austin, Texas. odds ratio [aOR] 3.00, 99% CI 1.96–4.59; DMPA: aOR 2.37,
This project was supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational 99% CI 1.95–2.88; and oral medroxyprogesterone acetate:
Sciences of the National Institutes of Health through Grant Number aOR 1.98, 99% CI 1.41–2.80). Current use of other proges-
5UL1TR002389-02 that funds the Institute for Translational Medicine. The togens was not significantly different from nonuse (LNG-
content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent
IUD, etonogestrel implant, and oral progesterone) or had
the official views of the NIH.
reduced odds of VTE (oral norethindrone). Sensitivity
Source data and raw data of the sample used in this study are not publicly
available in accordance with data-sharing limits by IBM MarketScan Research
analyses that assessed misclassification bias supported
Databases but may be accessed under licensure with the company. the primary findings.
Each author has confirmed compliance with the journal’s requirements for CONCLUSION: Among reproductive-aged women using
authorship. one of seven progestogens, only use of norethindrone
Corresponding author: Shari G Snow, MD, Department of Obstetrics and acetate and medroxyprogesterone acetate—considered
Gynecology, University of Chicago Medicine Chicago, IL; email: ssnow@ higher-dose progestogens—was significantly associated with
increased odds of incident acute VTE. The roles of progesto-
Financial Disclosure gen type, dose, and indication for use warrant further study.
Kenneth S. Cohen received travel reimbursement from the Japan Cancer Society
for an awards ceremony in 2019. He received payment from the American (Obstet Gynecol 2022;140:477–87)
Medical Forum for independent CME talks in 2019, and honoraria for DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000004896
streaming lectures in 2020. He also received honoraria from Bioascend for a

lecture at the International Ultmann Chicago Lymphoma Symposium 2022. The
other authors did not report any potential conflicts of interest. enous thromboembolism (VTE), defined as deep
venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, or
© 2022 by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Published
by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. both, is associated with severe morbidity and mortal-
ISSN: 0029-7844/22 ity and is increasing in the United States.1 For women


© 2022 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
with significant VTE risk factors, in which estrogen 2010 (when diagnosis codes first differentiated acute
use is contraindicated, progestogen-only medications and chronic VTE), through October 8, 2018 (the most
(progestogens) have been recommended as alternative recently available data).9,11,27,28 The index date for
forms of contraception and treatments for benign women in the case group was defined as the inpatient
menstrual disorders.2,3 However, the assumption that date of admission or outpatient date of service. Inpa-
progestogens are safer may not hold for all types and tient diagnoses adjudicated at the time of discharge
doses. have been shown to be more accurate than outpatient
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Twenty-two studies have assessed the association diagnoses.29 Outpatient diagnoses required corrobo-
between progestogen use and VTE, but most were ration with a new anticoagulation prescription within
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judged to be of poor-to-fair quality and limited by small 42 days before or after the index date.7,30,31 Finally,
sample sizes.4–12 In their systematic review, Tepper et al continuous enrollment in medical and pharmacy ben-
described a potential dose–response relationship based efit coverage was required from 1 year before the
on a hierarchy by Bergendal et al that reflected systemic index date through 84 days after the index date, to
effects (eg, ovulation inhibition).4,13 The available evi- ascertain conditions for exclusion.
dence suggests that use of the very-low-dose levonorges- Exclusions were applied to create a sample
trel-releasing intrauterine device (LNG-IUD), low-dose representative of women in the case group with
oral norethindrone, or the moderate-dose etonogestrel incident acute VTE who could have been exposed
subcutaneous contraceptive implant does not increase to progestogens at typical doses for contraception
VTE risk. However, a recent meta-analysis found that or treatment of benign menstrual disorders (eg,
use of the high-dose injectable contraceptive depot me- endometriosis, abnormal uterine bleeding). We
droxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) was associated with excluded women with nonqualifying VTE diagno-
a 2.6-fold increase in odds of VTE.7,12,14,15 Noncontra- ses (eg, chronic, pregnancy-related) or with any
ceptive progestogens (eg, oral norethindrone acetate, oral earlier anticoagulation prescription that could indi-
medroxyprogesterone acetate, and oral progesterone), cate recurrent VTE. Superficial venous thrombosis
have also been associated with a 2.4- to 5.9-fold increase was evaluated as a covariate rather than an exclu-
in odds of VTE in four small studies.10,16–18 sion criterion.2,19 We then excluded women diag-
In contrast to clinical guidelines that have ques- nosed with conditions that can be treated with ultra-
tioned studies on DMPA use, some authors have high-dose progestogens (eg, breast cancer, ductal
urged caution when prescribing higher-dose proges- carcinoma in situ, endometrial cancer, endometrial
togens to individuals at increased VTE risk.2,4,10,16,19– intraepithelial neoplasia or hyperplasia, and
25 This nested matched case–control study aimed to cachexia or acquired immune deficiency syn-
evaluate associations between current use of seven drome) or who had a megestrol acetate prescription
progestogens and incident acute VTE, compared with within 1 year before the index date. Prior studies
nonuse of any progestogen. have already demonstrated increased odds of VTE
and mortality in these settings.16,32,33 Women in
METHODS the case group who were determined to be pregnant
The IBMÒ MarketScanÒ Commercial Claims and or postpartum based on claims within 42–84 days
Encounters Databases contain routinely collected, before or after the index date were then excluded to
de-identified data for individuals and their dependents allow for an adequate washout period and for new
with employer-based insurance and some nongroup progestogen exposure (Appendix 1, http://links.
commercial health plans in the United States.26 Data- Similarly, we excluded
bases include enrollment records, inpatient and out- women in the case group with exposure to a med-
patient adjudicated medical claims, and pharmacy ication containing estrogen within 84 days before
claims for filled prescriptions. the index date.
Case-defining VTE diagnoses (DVT, PE, or both) Women in the control group were initially
were identified by International Classification of individually matched 50:1 to women in the case
Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) or International group by risk set sampling, with replacement based
Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) on year of birth and index date. The index date for
diagnosis codes from inpatient and outpatient claims women in the control group was set to the index date
(Appendix 1, available online at http://links.lww. of the matched women in the case group so that the
com/AOG/C813). The case group included women surveillance periods overlapped exactly within each
of reproductive age, defined as age 15–49 years, who stratum. Additional confounders were incorporated as
were newly diagnosed with VTE from January 1, covariates instead of matching criteria as

478 Cockrum et al Progestogens and Venous Thromboembolism OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

© 2022 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
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recommended by STROBE (Strengthening the Re- cyclic, continuous). Current and recent users of more
porting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology) than two progestogens were excluded from analyses
guidelines.34 Propensity score matching may have as outliers.
reduced bias from differences in measurable VTE risk Covariates were identified using diagnosis and
factors between women in the case group and women procedure codes from inpatient and outpatient claims
in the control group. However, it would have pre- during the 1 year before the index date (Appendix 1,
vented use of a single study population for multiple We included 16
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progestogen exposures and reduced statistical effi- VTE risk factors as prespecified confounders based
ciency without eliminating residual confounding. on prior literature: obesity (body mass index [BMI,
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Women in the control group could not have any calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in
VTE diagnosis or anticoagulation prescriptions in meters squared] 30 or higher), history of smoking, ath-
the available records before the index date. This initial erosclerotic cardiovascular disease, hypertension, con-
larger pool ensured that an adequate number of eligi- gestive heart failure, chronic kidney disease,
ble women remained for the control group after rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematous,
exclusions that were time dependent. After applying inflammatory bowel disease, cancer (excluding nonme-
enrollment and exclusion criteria, excess women in lanoma skin cancer and breast and uterine cancers
the control group for each woman in the case group based on study exclusion criteria), hemiplegia or para-
were randomly removed to reach a 5:1 ratio. Women plegia, hypercoagulable state, superficial venous throm-
in the case group with inadequate matched women in bosis, varicose veins, history of surgery or lower
the control group were excluded from the sample. extremity fracture within 180 days before the index
Exposures to four oral progestogens (oral noreth- date, and history of hospitalization within 180 days
indrone, oral progesterone, oral medroxyprogester- before the index date.1–3,9,11,27,38
one acetate, and oral norethindrone acetate) were Descriptive statistics were calculated for charac-
identified by filled outpatient prescriptions as proxies teristics of women in the case and control groups.
for actual use as prescribed. Exposures to three Qualifying VTE diagnoses, pregnancy exclusions,
nonoral progestogens (LNG-IUD, etonogestrel and progestogen use were assessed by year to evaluate
implant, and DMPA) were identified by pharmacy secular trends and similar ascertainment between
and medical claims (Appendix 1, http://links.lww. ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes. For each of the seven
com/AOG/C813). Claims data did not allow for progestogens of interest, the primary outcome was the
direct ascertainment of indication for progestogen odds of incident acute VTE comparing current users
use or for identification of all contraindications for with noncurrent users of any progestogen
alternatives. Some progestogens were more likely (Table 1).28,30,35 Crude odds ratios were calculated
used for contraception only (oral norethindrone and by conditional logistic regression, adjusted for year
etonogestrel implant), treatment only (oral progester- of birth and index date by study design. The final
one, oral medroxyprogesterone acetate, and oral nor- multivariable model for each progestogen addition-
ethindrone acetate), or both (LNG-IUD and DMPA). ally adjusted for all 16 VTE risk factors previously
Definitions of exposure characteristics (Table 1) were described. Other studies have variably adjusted for
generated for additional analyses of recency, dose, VTE risk factors even when individual covariates fail
and chronicity. Categories reflected common pre- to significantly modify the measure of associa-
scribing practices, assumed that progestogen use near- tion.8,9,14,16,28 To aid in clinical application of the find-
est the index date was most important, and aligned ings, estimates of the absolute risks of VTE were
with prior studies.14,28,30,35 Users with more than one calculated as excess VTEs per 10,000 exposed women
current or recent progestogen exposure were classi- at both ends of the reproductive age range for all
fied as having mixed use. The primary progestogen associations with an adjusted odds ratio (aOR) of at
for analysis was selected as that with the highest sys- least 2.0.1,39,40
temic dose using a dose hierarchy by Bergendal et al Secondary analyses evaluated the effect of vary-
modified to incorporate noncontraceptive progesto- ing dose and chronicity within exposure to individual
gens (from lowest to highest: LNG-IUD, oral noreth- progestogens (Table 1), adjusted for the same covari-
indrone, etonogestrel implant, oral progesterone, oral ates as the primary analysis. For each oral progesto-
medroxyprogesterone acetate, oral norethindrone gen, weighted average daily dose was assessed as a
acetate, DMPA).13,36,37 The hierarchy did not account categorical and continuous variable in conditional
for potential pharmacologic differences in oral and logistic regression models. The categorical model
nonoral administration or for dosing patterns (eg, determined odds of VTE for low-dose, standard-dose,

VOL. 140, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2022 Cockrum et al Progestogens and Venous Thromboembolism 479

© 2022 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
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Table 1. Exposure Characteristics

Category Term Definition

Exposure windows* Current use Exposure within 28 d before the index date (primary analysis)
Recent use Exposure within 84 d before the index date
Prior use Exposure within 85 through 365 d before the index date
Noncurrent use Cannot have any progestogen exposure within 28 d before the index date (reference
for primary analysis)
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Dose Weighted average The cumulative prescribed dose within recent use averaged over the interval from
daily dose start of exposure until the index date (maximum of 84 d)
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Low category Weighted average daily dose less than half the standard daily dose of each oral
Standard category Weighted average daily dose between half and less than double the standard daily
dose of each oral progestogen
High category Weighted average daily dose greater than or equal to double the standard daily dose
of each oral progestogen
Chronicity New users All exposure occurs within no more than 84 d before the index date (ie, no prior use)
and meets current use criteria
Chronic users Exposure meets both prior use and current use criteria
Former users Exposure meets prior use but not current use criteria
Nonusers Cannot have any progestogen exposure that meets criteria for current use or prior use
(reference only for chronicity analysis)
* Current, recent, and prior use definitions are not affected by progestogen exposure or absence of exposure outside of its time window (eg,
exposures may continue beyond the index date).

and high-dose users compared with noncurrent users of association with an odds ratio of at least 2.0 at a fre-
any progestogen (Table 1). The continuous model deter- quency of current use of each progestogen of at least
mined the change in odds of VTE for increasing 0.1% among women in the control group. Reliable
weighted average daily dose. Units were set at half of estimates of frequencies for noncontraceptive proges-
the most commonly prescribed tablet of that progestogen togens were not available. The entire available sample
per day. Users with more than one recent progestogen was used because it was less than the target of 24,252
exposure and prescriptions with missing dose informa- women with VTE. All analyses were performed using
tion or with quantities less than one were excluded from SAS 9.4. This study using de-identified data was ex-
this analysis. Chronicity was assessed for all progestogens empted from review by the University of Chicago
by operationalizing exposure as a four-level categorical Biological Sciences Division Institutional Review
variable combining current use and prior use variables Board.
(Table 1) in conditional logistic regression models. For
each progestogen, comparisons were made between new, RESULTS
chronic, former, and nonusers. Of 50,692 individuals with a qualifying VTE diagnosis
Finally, we planned two sensitivity analyses. To and adequate continuous enrollment, 21,405 women in
assess for misclassification bias from inclusion of false- the case group matched 1:5 by year of birth and index
positive VTE diagnoses, the primary analysis was date to 107,025 women in the control group remained
repeated after excluding inpatient women in the case after exclusions (Fig. 1). Characteristics of all qualifying
group without a corroborating anticoagulation pre- acute VTE diagnoses by type and source are provided
scription. The primary analysis was also repeated with in Appendix 2, available online at http://links.lww.
an extended exposure time window comparing recent com/AOG/C813. We did not see abrupt changes in
progestogen use to nonrecent use to assess for mis- ascertainment of VTE or pregnancy diagnoses at the
classification from delayed use and to allow for transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 codes (Appendix 3,
comparisons to prior literature.14 available online at
For all models, significance was set at P,.01 to Characteristics of women in the case group and women
allow for multiple comparisons in the primary analy- in the control group are provided in Table 2. Sixty
sis. Adjusted odds ratios were calculated with 99% percent of the study population was aged 40–49 years
CIs. We considered secondary analyses to be at the index date. Women in the case group and
hypothesis-generating. A prespecified sample size cal- women in the control group were significantly different
culation was performed, with 90% power to detect an in all other covariates, with 66.3% of women in the case

480 Cockrum et al Progestogens and Venous Thromboembolism OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

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Fig. 1. Case group and matched control group selection flow diagram. VTE, venous thromboembolism.
Cockrum. Progestogens and Venous Thromboembolism. Obstet Gynecol 2022.

group having one or more VTE risk factors compared increased during the study period, and current use of
with 25.4% of women in the control group (P,.001). other progestogens remained stable (Appendix 3,
Frequency of current use of any progestogen was 4.1%
and 2.4% for women in the case group and women in The odds of VTE associated with current use of
the control group, respectively (P,.001), when com- each progestogen, compared with noncurrent use of
bining single and mixed use. Current use of LNG- any progestogen, are provided in Figure 2. Use of the
IUD, oral norethindrone, and etonogestrel implant higher-dose progestogens demonstrated significantly

VOL. 140, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2022 Cockrum et al Progestogens and Venous Thromboembolism 481

© 2022 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 2. Characteristics of Women in the Case Group With Acute Incident Venous Thromboembolism and
Women in the Matched General Population Control Group

Characteristic Case Group (n521,405) Control Group (n5107,025)

Age (y) 42 (35–46) 42 (35–46)

Age group (y)
15–24 1,806 (8.4) 9,049 (8.5)
25–34 3,118 (14.6) 15,555 (14.5)
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35–39 3,647 (17.0) 18,277 (17.1)

40–44 5,692 (26.6) 28,436 (26.6)
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45–49 7,142 (33.4) 35,708 (33.4)

Obesity (BMI 30 or higher) 4,451 (20.8) 7,882 (7.4)
History of smoking 1,789 (8.4) 3,059 (2.9)
Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease 1,772 (8.3) 1,496 (1.4)
Hypertension 5,740 (26.8) 13,068 (12.2)
Congestive heart failure 729 (3.4) 333 (0.3)
Chronic kidney disease 806 (3.8) 432 (0.4)
Rheumatoid arthritis 363 (1.7) 706 (0.7)
Systemic lupus erythematous 641 (3.0) 655 (0.6)
Inflammatory bowel disease 464 (2.2) 574 (0.5)
Cancer (with exclusions)* 1,007 (4.7) 406 (0.4)
Hemiplegia or paraplegia 337 (1.6) 143 (0.1)
Hypercoagulable state 332 (1.6) 101 (0.1)
Superficial venous thrombosis 359 (1.7) 57 (0.1)
Varicose veins 610 (2.9) 807 (0.8)
History of surgery or lower extremity 6,919 (32.3) 6,056 (5.7)
fracture (within 180 d before index)
History of hospitalization, excluding 4,894 (22.9) 2,313 (2.2)
index encounter (within 180 d before index)
Current user of a single progestogen† 836 (3.9) 2,533 (2.4)
Current user of multiple progestogens† 15 (0.1) 19 (0.02)
Recent user of a single progestogen‡ 990 (4.6) 2,983 (2.8)
Recent user of multiple progestogens‡ 27 (0.1) 34 (0.03)
* Excludes non-melanoma skin cancer, and also excludes breast and uterine cancer by study design.
BMI, body mass index.
Data are median (interquartile range) or n (%).

Current use is defined as exposure that occurs within 28 days before the index date.

Recent use is defined as exposure that occurs within 84 days before the index date.

increased adjusted odds of VTE (oral medroxyproges- for covariates included for adjustment differed by less
terone acetate: aOR 1.98, 99% CI 1.41–2.80; oral than 10% between all models.
norethindrone acetate: aOR 3.00, 99% CI 1.96– In estimates of absolute risk (99% CI) for women
4.59; DMPA: aOR 2.37, 99% CI 1.95–2.88), whereas aged 20–24 years, current use of oral norethindrone
low-dose oral norethindrone use was associated with acetate was associated with seven (3–13) excess VTEs
significantly reduced adjusted odds of VTE (aOR per 10,000 exposed women and current use of DMPA
0.57, 99% CI 0.43–0.76). Use of other progestogens was associated with five (3–7) excess VTEs per 10,000
was not significantly different from nonuse (LNG- exposed women. For women aged 45–49 years with a
IUD: aOR 0.72, 99% CI 0.50–1.05; etonogestrel higher baseline VTE incidence, current use of oral
implant: aOR 1.09, 99% CI 0.66–1.82; oral progester- norethindrone acetate was associated with 12 (6–22)
one: aOR 1.07, 99% CI 0.66–1.73). All 16 VTE risk excess VTEs per 10,000 exposed women and current
factors included in the multivariable models were use of DMPA was associated with eight (6–11) excess
independently associated with VTE. The conditional VTEs per 10,000 exposed women.
logistic regression model for oral norethindrone ace- As shown in Table 3, most oral progestogen users
tate is provided as a representative example (Appen- were exposed to low- or standard-weighted average
dix 2, Odds ratios daily dose (median, interquartile range): 97% of oral

482 Cockrum et al Progestogens and Venous Thromboembolism OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

© 2022 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
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Fig. 2. Current use of progestogens and odds of venous thromboembolism (VTE). *Exposures are listed using a progestogen
dose hierarchy by Bergendal et al, modified to incorporate noncontraceptive progestogens (lowest to highest: levonorgestrel
intrauterine device [LNG-IUD], oral norethindrone [NET], etonogestrel implant [implant], oral progesterone [prog], oral
medroxyprogesterone acetate [MPA], oral norethindrone acetate [NETA], depot medroxyprogesterone acetate [DMPA]).
†Referent group for each conditional logistic regression model is noncurrent users of any progestogen (ie, no progestogen

use within 28 days before index date) (n5125,027; case group: n520,554, control group: n5104,473). The crude model
was adjusted for year of birth and index date by study design. The fully adjusted model additionally included 16 VTE risk
factors: obesity (body mass index 30 or higher), history of smoking, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, hypertension,
congestive heart failure, chronic kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematous, inflammatory bowel
disease, cancer (with exclusions), hemiplegia or paraplegia, hypercoagulable state, superficial venous thrombosis, varicose
veins, history of surgery or lower extremity fracture within 180 days before index date, and history of hospitalization within
180 days of index date. ‡P,.01. §P,.001. OR, odds ratio.
Cockrum. Progestogens and Venous Thromboembolism. Obstet Gynecol 2022.

norethindrone users (0.34 mg/day, 0.28–0.35), 83% of analysis (Appendix 2,

oral progesterone users (94.1 mg/day, 53.3–168.6), C813).
95% of oral medroxyprogesterone acetate users In the sensitivity analysis excluding potentially
(3.45 mg/day, 1.71–7.63), and 86% of oral norethin- false-positive VTE diagnoses, 4,374 (35.6%) of
drone acetate users (4.68 mg/day, 2.51–6.33). In mod- 12,276 inpatient women in the case group did not
els where progestogen exposure was represented by have a corroborating new anticoagulation prescrip-
weighted average daily dose as a continuous variable tion (Appendix 2,
(Appendix 2,, C813). Only the aORs for current use of oral nor-
increasing oral norethindrone acetate and oral me- ethindrone acetate and DMPA were changed by
droxyprogesterone acetate doses were directly pro- more than 10% and both increased (aOR 3.34,
portional to adjusted odds of VTE: +22% (aOR 1. 99% CI 2.08–5.35; and aOR 2.66, 99% CI 2.15–3.
22, 99% CI 1.05–1.41) for each 2.5-mg/day increase 31, respectively). In the sensitivity analysis using
in oral norethindrone acetate and +19% (aOR 1.19, the extended exposure window of recent use
99% CI 1.05–1.34) for each 5-mg/day increase in oral (Appendix 2,,
medroxyprogesterone acetate. Increasing oral noreth- all aORs decreased, but only the estimate for oral
indrone dose was inversely proportional to adjusted norethindrone acetate decreased by more than 10%
odds of VTE. We did not find an association between (aOR 2.65, 99% CI 1.82–3.87).
increasing oral progesterone dose and VTE. Models
of weighted average daily dose as a categorical vari- DISCUSSION
able (Table 3) were limited by small sample sizes but We found that the association of current use of
reflected the results of the continuous model. Com- progestogens and VTE was dependent on the type
parisons of chronicity by a four-level categorical vari- and dose of progestogen. Use of higher-dose proges-
able broadly reflected the associations in the primary togens (oral medroxyprogesterone acetate, oral nor-

VOL. 140, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2022 Cockrum et al Progestogens and Venous Thromboembolism 483

© 2022 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 3. Oral Progestogen Exposure (Categorical) Modeled by Weighted Average Daily Dose

Odds of VTE with Recent Progestogen Use vs

Nonrecent Use of Any Progestogen
Crude OR Adjusted OR
Progestogen Dose Category Recent Users* (99% CI)† (99% CI)‡

NETA Nonuser 124,392 (99.80) Ref Ref

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Low (less than 2.5 mg/d) 58 (0.05) 2.68 (1.32–5.47)§ 2.27 (1.04–4.97)k
Standard (2.5–less than 10 mg/d) 152 (0.12) 3.71 (2.43–5.67)§ 2.78 (1.69–4.57)§
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High (10 mg/d or greater) 34 (0.03) 4.00 (1.64–9.74)§ 2.76 (0.98–7.81)

MPA Nonuser 124,392 (99.57) Ref Ref
Low (less than 5 mg/d) 342 (0.27) 1.64 (1.18–2.27)§ 1.37 (0.95–1.98)
Standard (5–less than 20 mg/d) 169 (0.14) 3.28 (2.18–4.92)§ 2.66 (1.67–4.26)§
High (20 mg/d or greater) 25 (0.02) 4.00 (1.42–11.3)§ 2.27 (0.67–7.67)
Prog Nonuser 124,392 (99.72) Ref Ref
Low (less than 50 mg/d) 74 (0.06) 1.52 (0.75–3.10) 1.56 (0.71–3.46)
Standard (50–less than 200 mg/d) 217 (0.17) 1.12 (0.71–1.76) 0.92 (0.54–1.58)
High (200 mg/d greater) 60 (0.05) 2.01 (0.96–4.21) 1.54 (0.63–3.79)
NET Nonuser 124,392 (99.22) Ref Ref
Low (less than 0.175 mg/d) 107 (0.09) 0.90 (0.45–1.80) 0.50 (0.22–1.12)
Standard (0.175–less than 0.7 mg/d) 837 (0.67) 0.94 (0.73–1.20) 0.58 (0.44–0.77)§
High (0.7 mg/d or greater) 22 (0.02) 0.24 (0.02–3.40) 0.31 (0.02–4.38)
VTE, venous thromboembolism; OR, odds ratio; Ref, reference; NETA, oral norethindrone acetate; MPA, oral medroxyprogesterone acetate;
Prog, oral progesterone; NET, oral norethindrone.
* Sample sizes were smaller than in binary progestogen exposure models due to additional exclusions for multiple progestogen use, missing
dose information, or prescribed metric quantities less than 1 (NETA: n5124,636; MPA: n5124,928; Prog: n5124,743; NET:

Adjusted for year of birth and index date by study design.

Adjusted for year of birth and index date by study design and for 16 VTE risk factors: obesity, history of smoking, atherosclerotic
cardiovascular disease, hypertension, congestive heart failure, chronic kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus
erythematous, inflammatory bowel disease, cancer (with exclusions), hemiplegia or paraplegia, hypercoagulable state, superficial
venous thrombosis, varicose veins, history of surgery or lower extremity fracture within 180 days before index date, and history of
hospitalization within 180 days of index date.

ethindrone acetate, and DMPA) was significantly acetate and oral medroxyprogesterone acetate sug-
associated with increased odds of VTE compared gested a dose–response relationship with VTE,
with nonuse, whereas use of lower-dose progestogens though the categorical dose model was limited by
(LNG-IUD, oral norethindrone, etonogestrel implant, wide CIs. In the chronicity model, we expected new
and oral progesterone) was not significantly different users to demonstrate a stronger association with VTE
from nonuse or had reduced odds of VTE. The than chronic users due to depletion of susceptibles,
importance of progestogen type and dose is supported but these groups were only significant different for
by the associations for LNG-IUD and DMPA at the oral norethindrone.41 The effect size was as expected
extremes of systemic dose, because both can be used for oral norethindrone acetate but much smaller for
for contraception and to treat menstrual disor- DMPA and oral medroxyprogesterone acetate. We
ders.19,20 This study provides the first adequate assess- also expected associations with VTE would not persist
ments for use of the contraceptive etonogestrel after progestogen discontinuation. Former users and
implant and noncontraceptive progestogens (oral pro- nonusers were not significantly different for oral
gesterone, oral medroxyprogesterone acetate, and or- norethindrone acetate and oral medroxyprogesterone
al norethindrone acetate). To do so, it used a larger acetate, but they were significantly different for
sample size than the sum of all relevant studies iden- DMPA (possibly due to its long duration) and oral
tified in recent systematic reivews.4,6 norethindrone. Future research could be powered to
Compared with those studies, we performed the evaluate these associations and incorporate dosing
first exploration of varying progestogen dose and pattern.
chronicity.4,6 Modeling oral progestogen exposure by Progestogens as a class have not been associated
weighted average daily dose for oral norethindrone with acute prothrombotic changes, but effects may

484 Cockrum et al Progestogens and Venous Thromboembolism OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

© 2022 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
vary by type.33,42–45 Oral norethindrone and oral nor- in those populations (eg, selection bias, healthy user
ethindrone acetate are uniquely metabolized to ethin- bias). Our findings for LNG-IUD, oral norethin-
yl estradiol at 0.2–1% of the orally administered drone, and DMPA aligned closely with prior studies
dose.46–48 Approved dosing for oral norethindrone that controlled for indications for use and other con-
acetate at 5–15 mg/day approximates at least 10–30 founders not available in the data source, adding to
micrograms/day of oral ethinyl estradiol, typical con- the external validity of the study.7,11,14,15,54 We also
traceptive doses. Medroxyprogesterone acetate (oral assumed that benign conditions treated by proges-
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medroxyprogesterone acetate and DMPA) upregu- togens were not causally linked to VTE. Menstrual
lates thrombin receptor expression through its potent disorders were not found to have confounding
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glucocorticoid activity.49 Clinical studies have found effects in one of the largest studies on hormone
dose-dependent increases in VTE risk associated with use and VTE in women of reproductive age.9
glucocorticoid use.50,51 Progesterone and etonogestrel Acknowledging that residual confounding cannot
also potentiate thrombin-induced procoagulant activ- be excluded, our study design benefited from a
ity but have much lower affinity and activity at the large sample size, a well-suited data source, rigorous
glucocorticoid receptor.37,52,53 Additional research is classification, and sensitivity analyses of bias.
needed on progestogen-mediated prothrombotic Although a dose–response relationship between
effects at relevant doses and with novel types (eg, progestogens and VTE remains uncertain, we rec-
dienogest). ommend that clinicians consider progestogen type
This study has several limitations. First, 35.6% of and dose to balance benefits, risks, and alternatives,
inpatient VTE diagnoses did not have a corroborating which differ for contraceptive and noncontraceptive
anticoagulation prescription, similar to other stud- indications.
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VOL. 140, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2022 Cockrum et al Progestogens and Venous Thromboembolism 487

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