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5th Biology SBA LABS (Feb. 19 – Mar.


Lab # 12 (AI)


Aim: To Investigate the Effect of Temperature on Seed Germination

Materials Needed:

20 mung beans
Paper towels
Ziplock bags or plastic bags/containers
Labels or markers


1. Portion seeds into 4 batches of 5 seeds each.

2. Moisten 20 sheets of paper towels with water, ensuring they are damp but not soaking wet.
3. Place 5 seeds evenly spaced on each moistened paper towels.
4. Place each batch of seeds into plastic bags or plastic containers – germinating chambers.
5. Clearly label each plastic bag or container with the temperature treatment it represents –
cold (refrigerator) and warm (lab bench).
6. Use a thermometer to accurately measure the temperature of the various places used to
represent the various temperatures.
7. Place two germinating chambers in the cold and warm environments each.
8. Monitor for seed germination daily.
9. Record the number of germinated seeds in each germinating chamber and the time taken for
germination to occur.

• Take photos to visually document the progress of seed germination.

Mark Scheme


At least 3 relevant biological principles on content area: 3

Description of the process of germination [1] factors that affect germination [1] effect of
temperature on germination [1]
Analysis – Identifying the percentage germination of seeds in each temperature [2] 2
Ony one temperature identified [1]
Interpretation – Explanation for observed differences based on the effect of temperature on 2
the process of germination [2]
Explanation only considers one temperature [1]
Conclusion stated [1] 2
Evidence provided to support conclusion [1]
Limitation/Source of error/Precaution – Any acceptable one of each 1


Lab #13 (MM)


Aim: To Conduct an Ecological Study

Materials needed:

Meter ruler
pH paper
Sample containers
Digging tool

1. Visit the area designated to your group.

2. Draw a simple map to represent the general distribution of objects, living things in the
area. (The size of the dimensions should be shown).

Biotic factors

3. Move slowly and quietly through the area and carefully observe the organisms there. You
may need to view under leaf litter, rocks, under tree bark, on tree branches, flying, in soil etc.

4. Make a list of all the animals and plants seen in the area. Use the DAFOR scale to determine
their abundance in the area:

5. Construct a food chain using the organisms observed.

6. Note any special relationships like symbiosis, competition, pollination, camouflage etc.

7. Use a quadrat to sample the area (throw at least five times).

8. Choose any one plant species OR any one animal species and use a quadrat to calculate
population density and population frequency.

Abiotic factors

9. Record the temperature at least three times in the general area.

10. Note the soil pH. (To do this you will need to take a soil sample, add water to make a
suspension and test with pH paper)

11. Briefly describe the light intensity of the area.

Mark Scheme


Correct technique in making soil suspension [1] 2

Correct use of pH paper in soil suspension [1]

Correct reading of thermometer [1] 2

Holds thermometer upright, bulb freely exposed [1]

Careful handling of quadrat when tossing [1] 2

Accurate counting of organisms [1]

Measuring 1 m intervals for line transect [1] 2

Correct determination of organisms touching line transect [1]

Random sampling technique applied [1] 2

Biases eliminated in sampling areas [1]


Lab #14 (ORR/MM)


Aim: To investigate the water retention properties of different soils


Various types of soil samples (e.g., sand, silt, clay)

Measuring cups or beakers
Graduated cylinder
Filter paper or cloth
Markers or labels
Stopwatch or timer


1. Collect soil samples from different locations or sources and label.

2. Remove any visible debris or large particles from the soil samples.
3. Set up the apparatus as shown in the image.
4. Pour 50cm3 of water on each soil sample, ensuring even distribution
across the surface.
5. Use the stopwatch to time how long it takes for the water to
completely absorb into the soil. Record this time for each sample.
6. Measure the amount of water in the graduated cylinder and record.
7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 and calculate the average water retention
capacity for each soil sample.
8. Dispose of soil samples responsibly and clean area and equipment.

Mark Scheme


Insert filter paper in funnel correctly [1] 2
Ensure no soil enters the measuring cylinders [1]
Keep soil samples separated [1] 2
Organize materials on bench to work efficiently [1]
Pouring of water done carefully, no spills [1] 2
Water does not over flow the funnel [1]
Accurate reading of measuring cylinder to reduce parallax error [1] 2
Correct volume recorded [1]
Proper disposal of soil and filter paper [1] 2
Equipment and work area cleaned [1]


Mark Scheme


Correct sequence/order of write-up [1] 2

Correct content under each heading [1]
Method written in past tense [1] 3
Adequate details provided; logical order [1]
Apparatus drawn [1]
Correct use of grammar, no personal pronouns, few grammatical 1
errors [1]
Table appropriate - (titles/units) [2] 2
If any ONE inaccurately presented only 1 mark awarded

Calculations shown for at least ONE soil sample [2] 2


Lab #15


Aim: To investigate continuous and discontinuous variation in height and earlobe position of students
in a class

See instructions on Canvas

Lab #16


Aim: To demonstrate sex determination in human beings

See instructions on Canvas

Lab #17

The Proposal (PD)

Lab #18

The Implementation (AI)

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