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D.Zayabaatar Dean, School of Arts and Sciences

N.Altantugs Vice dean, Division of Humanities, School of Arts and Sciences

1. Academic Program (2+2 program, student exchange

B.Batjargal Vice president for Academic Affairs
S.Bulgantamir Director, Office for Academic Affairs and Curriculum Policy
M.Daariimaa Department of British and American Studies

2. Halal Lab
S.Yamjinsuren Department of Philosophy and Religion Studies
S.Gombobaatar Department of Biology

3. English Language Testing Center

D. Otgontuya Foreign language center
Kh. Nurjan Foreign language center

4. Cultural Promotion
Т. Erdene-Ochir Head, Department of Mongolian language and Linguistics
Ya. Badamsuren Head, Foreign language center

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