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La presente guía continua los temas que estabamos viendo, y se debe realizar en las fechas
En el periodo anterior hablamos de los derechos en cualquier relación, y el cuidado que
debemos tener con nuestra salud, en este vamos a trabajar en hablar del futuro de nuestro
planeta .
Esta actividad se debe consignar en el cuaderno y desarrollar antes del 9 de Noviembre,
para ser entregados como trabajos .
1. Averiguar sobre como se considera que será el mundo dentro de 50 años, en
aspectos como : comida, tecnología, la tierra, el vestuario y los medios de
2. Realizar un video sobre alguno de los temas del punto anterior.
3. Desarrolle las siguientes guias
3 Lesson 3


1. a. Look at situations 1-8. Are they describing natural states or human activity?
a. Why do people damage the environment? What is their motivation?
b. Which of these problems are easy to solve? Which ones are difficult?

1. ‘We can cut down the forest and sell the 5. ‘We use pesticides to protect our apples, grapes
wood to create hundreds of jobs for local and pears. They kill most insects.’
6. ‘Bees are essential to pollinate plants and
2. ‘The Amazon forest is essential because the flowers. We cannot replicate their behaviour in
trees convert much of the world’s CO2 to an artificial way.’
7. ‘Turtles lay their eggs on this beach because
3. ‘The river provides clean water for fish, there are no predators here.’
birds and other animals.’
8. ‘There is a beautiful new hotel next to the beach.
4. ‘The waste from the factory has to go Everyone wants to come here on holiday now.’
somewhere so we put it in the rivers.’

Focus on Vocabulary

2. a. Match the problems in the box with

the correct pictures.
1 4
a. drought
b. erosion
c. logging
d. forest fires
e. intensive farming
f. land and water contamination 2 5

b. Listen and check your answers.
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3 6

3 Lesson 3


7. a. Work in groups of three. Student A, read

text A. Student B, read text B. Student C,
read text C. Copy the table in your
notebook and complete it for your text.

Problem Cause Effect

What can you do? Our village was always
close to the rainforest and we used to see
b. Tell your partners about your problem.
birds and even monkeys running up and
Which one is the worst? Why?
down the trees outside our homes. Today
there’s nothing. A construction company got
c. Now read all three texts quickly. Did your
permission to build several blocks of flats
partners forget any of the information? in the area. They cut down all the trees
around our village. The disappearance of
our local wildlife is a result of the logging.
It’s crazy. Protecting the forest gives a
home to thousands of different species. I
used to see hummingbirds outside my front
door. I never see any now.

The food of the future is already here. Scientists 8. Read the sentences from the texts in
have created genetically modified (GM) salmon. exercise 7 and classify the expressions
The genetic modification results in bigger fish in bold. Complete the table.
that need less food to grow. It is one solution
to the world’s growing appetite for seafood. a. The genetic modification results in
However, protestors are concerned about the bigger fish.
innovation. At the moment, the GM fish do b. A hurricane could cause an escape of
not come into contact with rivers or the sea. the GM animals.
However, a hurricane could cause an escape of c. The disappearance of our local wildlife
the GM animals into the natural environment. If is a result of the logging.
that happens, the GM fish may destroy the wild
d. Protecting the forest gives a home to
salmon population because they are bigger and
thousands of different species.
can compete better for the same food source.
e. At first we thought the smoke was
caused by cooking in someone’s house.
f. The fire led to the destruction of 15
The first sign of the crisis was a smell of smoke. square kilometres of land.
At first we thought the smoke was caused by
cooking in someone’s house. Then we looked Cause ➞ Effect: Effect ➞ Cause
out of the window and saw a huge smoke cloud results in
over the mountains. We knew then that we were
facing an ecological disaster. The fire led to the
destruction of fifteen square kilometres of land
© MEN Colombia

in the nature reserve. The tragic thing is that it Glossary

started so stupidly. Some tourists were having a
picnic in the mountains and they started the fire ▪ hummingbird: colibrí
accidentally. ▪ nature reserve: reserve natural

5 Lesson 5


6. Read the title of the article. What do you think it will be

about? Read the article quickly to check.

The town that was contaminated by coal

Everyone was delighted that day in 1995. To the people in
a small town in Colombia, it seemed like they had won the
lottery. Why? A major US mining company was going to open a
mine right there, near their homes.
At the time, people were optimistic. ‘We thought that
the mine was going to solve our problems,’ one resident
remembers. Unemployment had been high in the area for
years but now that was going to change. The mining company Glossary
was going to end poverty in the area.
Unfortunately, it didn’t work out quite like that. The mine ▪ delighted: encantado/a
operation proved to be a major source of contamination. ▪ unbearable: insoportable
Every ton of coal that was removed from the mine led to ten ▪ forced: obligado/a
tons of waste materials.
To the surprise and horror of the residents, people started to
suffer from lung diseases and other diseases of the eyes and
nose which were caused by the activities at the mine.
Eventually, the situation became so unbearable that people
had to be moved from their homes. In 2010, just fifteen years
after the announcement of the mining company’s arrival, three
whole towns were relocated with 2,000 people forced to leave
their homes. Many people were in a state of despair at saying
goodbye to the places where they had lived their entire lives.
As time goes by, that despair has turned to fury. The local
people never dreamt that the mining company was going to
cause so much damage and questions have to be asked about
how this situation was allowed to occur.

7. Put the emotions of the local people in the town in order 1-4. Why did they change?
anger happiness sadness shock

8. Read the text again. Answer the questions.

a. Why did people want the mine?
b. Why was there so much pollution from the mine?
© MEN Colombia

c. What health problems did the mine cause?

d. Are the local towns still next to the mine today?
e. What lessons could be learned from this story?
f. Who won in this case: people, nature or big business?


Module 4

5. Read the text about the dangers of plastic bags. Think about the answer to the
question in the last paragraph.

Dangers of plastic bags

Plastic bags represent

an enormous threat to
Reading Tip
the environment. They
Guessing meaning
interfere with eco-systems
from context
and they are also the
You can deduce the meaning
source of disasters for
of new words by looking at
animals and people. Read the context where the word is
the following fast facts. presented.

Plastic bags fast facts:

▪ Between 500 billion and 1 trillion plastic bags are

used in the world every year.
▪ It is more expensive to recycle a plastic bag than to
create a new one. As a result, only 1% of plastic bags
are recycled.
▪ If they are not being recycled, plastic bags should
go to landfill. However, many plastic bags end up
in the ocean. Sea animals eat them or can become
trapped in them. For this reason, plastic bags can
be dangerous to marine life. They kill around one
million sea creatures every year, such as whales,
seals and turtles.
▪ Plastic bags are dropped, blown and carried by the
sea to all kinds of places around the planet. As time
passes by, these bags decompose into smaller, more
toxic particles that can contaminate land and rivers.
Furthermore, these microscopic particles can become
part of the food chain which means that people end
up consuming them too.
Many organisations around the world are deeply
concerned about the use of plastic bags. However,
only a few countries have taken action to address the
problems that plastic bags are creating. What can you
do to help?
© MEN Colombia

6 Lesson 6

6. a. Look at the Reading tip on page 145. Guess the meaning of the words in bold in the text.
What word in your language could replace these words?

b. Complete the sentences with the bold words from the text.

1. Many birds such as penguins and mammals 5. All animals and plants are part of the ….
such as … live in Antarctica. Insects eat leaves. Birds eat insects. Cats
2. Rubbish is usually collected in … which is eat birds, and so on.
just a big hole in the ground. 6. Air pollution is a clear … to public health.
3. After death, bodies … as a result of the 7. We rescued a bird that had got … in our
action of bacteria. house and it couldn’t get out.
4. A … is an enormous number. It’s a one 8. I dropped my newspaper and it was … down
followed by twelve zeroes! the street by the wind.

Focus on Language

7. Look at the sentences from the text. Match the words in bold to the definitions a-c.
‘It is more expensive to recycle a plastic bag than to a. This expresses a contrast. It has
create a new one. As a result, only 1% of plastic bags are a similar meaning to but.
recycled.’ b. This introduces extra
‘If they are not being recycled, plastic bags should go information. It expands the
to landfill. However, many plastic bags end up in the previous sentence.
ocean.’ c. This explains the consequence
of the information in the
‘... these bags decompose into smaller, more toxic
previous sentence.
particles that can contaminate land and rivers.
Furthermore, these microscopic particles can become
part of the food chain ...’

Useful language

▪ Use linking phrases in your writing. There are several linking phrases with a similar meaning.
▪ To express a contrast, use However or Nevertheless.
It is possible to recycle plastic bags, nevertheless, many people simply throw them away.
▪ To express a cause and effect, use As a result or Consequently.
The government made people pay five cents for every plastic bag they use. Consequently, people stopped
getting new plastic bags every time they went to the shops.
▪ To expand a point or to give more information, use In addition or Furthermore.
Plastic bags kill marine life. Furthermore, birds eat them and may die from having these bags in their

8. Join each sentence with linking words. Which two linking words work in each sentence?
a. I passed all my exams. … I was able to go to university.
b. I had a terrible cold during exam week. … I passed all my exams with great grades.
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c. The exam had a question that I had never seen before. … I forgot to turn the page and I
missed three questions!
d. The youth hostel’s swimming pool was closed. … They didn’t serve breakfast!
e. The youth hostel was really old and a bit dirty. … we enjoyed our holiday there.
f. The youth hostel was closed. … we had to spend the night in an expensive hotel.

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