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Series: Commit
Title: Commit to Gospel Generosity
Text: Phil 4:10-20

-Summary of Commit…(Ministry/Unity/Maturity)
-Review and Feedback from Previous Sessions
-Scripture Reading and Prayer (Phil 4)

Every night Julio Diaz would leave work, catch an hour-long subway ride to
his neighborhood in the Bronx, always stopping at his favorite diner. It was
his normal routine. But one night his normal routine took a sudden twist.
As Julio stepped of the #6 train (pic) onto the platform, a teenage boy
approached with a knife demanding his wallet. Julio, not wanting things to
escalate, gave the boy his wallet.
As the boy turned to go away, Julio shouted, “Wait! If you're going to be
robbing people tonight, you might as well take my coat to keep you warm."
The robber stopped, turned and looked at Julio who was holding out his
jacket. As the boy reached for the jacket he asked, “Why are doing this?”
Julio said, "If you're willing to risk your freedom for a few dollars, you must
need the money. I was going to eat. If you’d like, you could join me.”
To Julio’s amazement, the boy agreed. The 2 went to Julio’s favorite
diner. The boy was amazed how Julio knew everyone, was even nice to the
man washing dishes. The boy asked Julio, “why are you so nice to
people?” Julio replied, "Haven't you been taught you should be nice to
people?" "Yea, but I didn't think people actually behaved that way."
Finally the bill arrived. Julio said, "I’d be happy to pay for the meal, but
you’ve got my wallet.” The teen gave Julio the wallet…and his knife. When
Julio told his mother the story, she said, "Julio, you're the type of guy
that if someone asked you for the time, you’d give them your watch."
That’s the kind of Church/Christians the Phillipians were. Christians
are to be a generous people.

They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship,
to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and
many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles. 44 And all those who
had believed were together and had all things in common; 45 and they began selling their
property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have
need.46 Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from
house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of
heart, 47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to
their number day by day those who were being saved. (Acts 2:42-47)
1. The Energy (Basis) for Generosity
a. Read 4:11. Wow, I want that secret! I want to be able to say
when I’m not where I want to be…I’m content. So, what is
contentment? The Greek meaning is a word often used for
“self-sufficient or independent.” The Stoics used it to describe a
feeling of detachment or indifference. But Paul is not using the
word to say, “I don’t care about anything” rather “I’m at
peace with anything.”
b. Read 4:4-7. Contentment is not enjoying your circumstances
(yes, prison!), lacking drive (he wants to be elsewhere),
emotionless (I don’t care), laziness, comfort (things to stay the
same) rather contentment is “Soul Rest.” It is even if my
circumstances don’t change, I never reach what I’m striving
for…I’m at peace in Christ!

i. Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I
desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the
strength of my heart and my portion forever. [Ps 73:25-26]
c. For Paul, God was enough! His soul was at rest because God
was his portion! I want to get out but if I don’t I’m good in God!
d. Read 4:12. Paul had this contentment in two settings:
i. Abounding: there were times in Paul’s life when every goal
was met, desire filled, and plenty of money in his pocket.
Ever had season like that? Find out you’re pregnant, get a
raise, refrigerator is full, it’s not cancer, and everything is
abounding! Now, we might think it’d be easy to be content
when abounding! Not so fast! Paul is content in abundance
= it’s easy to be discontent even when you have
abundance! In fact, our culture proves that abounding
doesn’t lead to contentment.
ii. Illustration: take for example Michael Jordan. I’m
talking 6 NBA titles, 5 MVP’s, 10 scoring titles, 14 All-Star
appearances, billion dollar shoe brand…Michael Jordan.
ESPN interviewed Michael about life after basketball. It
described how even after all his success, “Michael isn’t happy.
He is constantly searching for release, on the golf course, at the
blackjack table, as owner of the Charlotte Bobcats, and wishing he
could return to the game. Without it he feels adrift. Who am I? What
am I doing? Even after all his success; his restlessness remains.”
iii. Lacking: there were times in Paul’s life when none of his
desires were met, little money, everything went wrong
circumstantially. Ever had a season like that? You prayed
for the blessing of Abraham, but received the suffering
of Job. Now, we might say, “you can’t be content when you
have nothing.” But that’s Paul’s point! Because his
contentment wasn’t in things; the absence of things
had no impact on his contentment!
e. This secret was so important, Paul passes it on to Timothy:
i. But godliness actually is a means of great gain when accompanied
by contentment. 7 For we have brought nothing into the world, so we
cannot take anything out of it either. 8 If we have food and covering,
with these we shall be content. 9 But those who want to get rich fall
into temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful desires
which plunge men into ruin and destruction.10 For the love of money is
a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered
away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. (1 Tim

f. How can I do this? Read 4:13. This may be the most well-
known AND misquoted verse in the Bible! We’ve turned this
into a slogan, “WITH JESUS I CAN DO ANYTHING!”
g. CONTEXT, CONTEXT, CONTEXT! The “all things” of vs. 13
refers to the “all circumstances” of vs. 12. Therefore, Paul can be
content in any circumstance not because he is superhuman but
because he has a supernatural strength that God supplies in
Christ Jesus! “I’m content not in my power but power of God.”

2. The Examples of Generosity

a. Wait a minute! The title of the message is “commit to gospel
generosity. You’ve spent 30 mins talking about contentment!”
You will never reach the level of generosity God wants you
to reach until you are content in Him! If I start with generosity
you’ll quick dismiss it because of your circumstances and miss the
secret. Watch how contentment gets expressed:
i. Paul: Even if I am to be poured out as a drink offering upon the
sacrificial offering of your faith, I’m glad and rejoice… (Phil 2:17)
ii. Phillipians: You Philippians yourselves know that in the beginning of
the gospel, when I left Macedonia, no church entered into partnership
with me in giving and receiving, except you only. (Phil 4:15)
b. Application: I can preach on generosity all day long, show you
verse after verse on how understanding the gospel = generosity.
I can show you all the times Jesus addressed money. I can fill
your head with commands, BUT…until your heart is content in
Jesus, until He is enough no matter what, we will show up week
after week and not one single thing will change! Commitment to
Generosity comes from Contentment in Jesus!
c. Let me give you a quick picture of their generosity:
i. Sacrificial: We want you to know, brothers, about the grace of God
that has been given among the churches of Macedonia, for in a severe
test of affliction, their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty
have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part. For they gave
according to their means, as I can testify, and beyond their means, of
their own accord, begging us earnestly for the favor of taking part in
the relief of the saints (2 Cor 8:1-4) When the gospel grips the
heart, circumstances will not prevent you from generosity!
ii. Abnormal: 4:15…“No one else partnered like this.”
iii. Natural: 4:16...“Even in Thessalonica.” This was 2 weeks
after Paul left them. Meaning, (biblical times) it only took
them 2 weeks to come together, take collect, and deliver it.
Takes most churches 6 months to agree on carpet!
• Implication 1: Generosity isn’t something you do
when you become a “more mature Christian.”
• Implication 2: Giving isn’t something you do because
you are forced to do it. He’s not sending pictures of
starving children...not guilt-driven; gospel-driven!
iv. Habitual: 4:16…“once & again.” Ongoing part of their life.
v. Plentiful: 4:18a. “I’ve received full payment and more.” It
was more than needed. Imagine being known for that!!
vi. Missional: 4:15… “no church entered into partnership.”
[Phil 1:5.] They gave because they were apart of
something. Ones of the primary ways God has chosen
to advance the mission is the generosity of His people!
There is an inseparable relationship with giving and
partnership. If you are only receiving you’re not a partner.
vii. Faithful: 4:19… “God will supply ever need.” By “faithful” I
mean “full of faith.” They had to trust God to supply.
viii. Spiritual: 1:6…“God will complete the work he began.”
Giving was a sign of something bigger than money; it was a
sign that God was at work.
d. My point is simply…you will never get to this level of
generosity until you are content in Jesus!
3. The Enemies of Contentment
a. Read 4:4;6. So what are the things that will fight against our
contentment and therefore rob our generosity?
b. Misplaced Treasure. “Rejoice in the Lord.” The first enemy of
contentment is finding too much joy in temporary things!
i. Kindle your joy in Christ by returning to the gospel
daily: Think often about what you deserve rather than
what you desire. What we deserve is…what we received is…
If hell is your point of reference then everyday is
fantastic regardless of what prison you’re in. If you
know Jesus, you’ll never have a day worse than you deserve!
c. Misplaced Trust. “Do not be anxious but pray.” This doesn’t
mean you should never be anxious, it is saying that they way you
fight anxiety is with prayer. If you trust Christ more than your
paycheck, you will be content, and if you are truly content, there
is nothing keeping you from gospel generosity!!!
What does your generosity tell you about your contentment? Are you
striving to keep up with all the shiny, happy lives you see around you? Or is
your life at peace in Jesus? You see FF, Phil 4 teaches us that commitment
to generosity comes from contentment in Jesus.

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