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1 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:

Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L1
ungkapan pendapat berkaitan dengan
Expressing Opinion Man : Our first school magazine has been published have you read it?
Woman : Yes, I have
Woman : What do you think of it?
Man : I think it is good enough for the first edition. It contains recent issues and interesting topics,
but I think the journalists should improve their writings
Woman : I think so.

Narrator : What opinion does the girl seek for?

A. A school magazine
B. The recent issues
C. Interesting topics
D. The school journalist
E. The journalists’ writings


Diperdengarkan sebuah dialog pendek,
peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi 1 A
ungkapan pendapat

Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat anak perempuan itu, Our first school magazine has been published have you read it?. Jadi, pilihan yang tepat adalah A
2 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:
Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L1
ungkapan rencana (plan) berkaitan dengan
Expressing Plan 2. Girl : Are you going to practice Pencak Silat?
Boy : I am. I have to prepare for the competition next week
Girl : I hope you win. If my ankle is not sprained, I will attend the competition too
Boy : Come on! Don’t be sad. You can attend the next competition
Girl : You’re right

Narrator : What will the girl do if she is fit?

A. She will cure her sprained ankle

B. She will join a pencak silat competition
C. She will watch a pencak silat competition
D. She will practice for the next competition
E. She will help the boy prepare for the competition


Diperdengarkan sebuah dialog pendek,
peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi 2 B
ungkapan rencana (plan)

Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat anak perempuan, “If my ankle is not sprained, I will attend the competition too. Jadi pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah “B”
3 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:
Peserta didik dapat menjelaskan alasan DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L2
berkaitan dengan ungkapan menunjukkan
Expressing Showing Attention Girl : Yesterday, I heard you singing when I passed in front of your house. Your voice is really
Boy : Thank you. I practiced singing for the opening of the cultural festival at school
Girl : I think you should attend a singing competition at TV-show
Boy : I have joined it last year, but I failed. I think I need more practices, and I will join it later. Wish
me luck!
Girl : Sure

Narrator : Why does the girl compliment the boy?

A. He has a beautiful voice
B. He will perform in a cultural festival
C. He sang melodiously in a TV show
D. He showed his best voice in a competition
E. He practices hard for the next competition


Diperdengarkan sebuah dialog pendek,
peserta didik dapat menjelaskan alasan 3 A
berkaitan dengan ungkapan
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat anak perempuan itu, Yesterday, I heard you singing when I passed in front of your house. Jadi jawaban yang paling tepat adalah option ‘A’.

4 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:

Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L1
topik/gagasan utama dialog lisan
Expressing asking/giving permission Girl : Excuse me, is the seat vacant?
Boy : Yes it is. Have a seat please.
Girl : Thank you. I am Nila. I am a new student in this course
Boy : Hi Nila. I am Wayan. Nice to meet you
Girl : Nice to meet you too

Narrator : What is the topic of the conversation?

A. Expressing gratitude
B. Introducing oneself
C. Having a new class
D. Asking for permission
E. Welcoming a new student


Diperdengarkan sebuah dialog pendek,
peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi topik 4 B
dalam dialog

Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat anak perempuan itu, “ Excuse me, is the seat vacant?.” Jadi, topic dari percakapan tersebut adalah Perkenalan diri, ‘B.’

5 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:

Peserta didik dapat menerapkan respon DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L2
ungkapan pendapat
Expressing Opinion 5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
Woman: I’d like to return your CD thank you.
Man : you’re welcome. What do you think of the short movie I have made?
Woman: ….
Narrator: what is the woman’s best response?
A. I don’t agree with your idea.
B. It’s great! You are very talented
C. I am going to make an independent movie.
D. I hope you win in the independent movie contest.


Diperdengarkan sebuah dialog pendek,
peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi
mengidentifikasi respon ungkapan pendapat 5 B

Laki-laki tersebut member informasi tentang anaknya dengan berkata, “What do you think of the short movie I have made?”. Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah option ‘B’( ungkapan
member pendapat)

6 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:

Peserta didik dapat menerapkan respon DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L2
ungkapan harapan
Expressing Hopes/wishes 6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
Woman : sir, I will be late for work tomorrow. I need to escort my son to the air port.
Man : all right. Anyway, where is he going?
Woman : he is going to Australia. He has received a scholarship to continue his studies there.
Man : ……
Narrator : what is the best response for the woman?
A. I know why you come late.
B. You should go with him abroad.
C. He is a really smart and lucky boy.
D. I hope you will not be stuck in traffic.


Diperdengarkan sebuah dialog pendek,
peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi respon 6 C
Wanita tersebut member informasi tentang anaknya dengan berkata, “He is going to Australia. He has received a scholarship to continue his studies there. Respon yang paling tepat adalah
ungkapan memuji. Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah option ‘C’.
7 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:
Peserta didik dapat menerapkan respon DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L2
ungkapan harapan
Expressing Hopes/wishes 7. Boy : O, no. the bus is broken and we have not found any bus
Girl : yes. We only have fifteen minutes before the bell rings
Boy : I hope it doesn’t need a long time to repair.
Girl : ……
Narrator : what is the girl’s best response?
A. I am sure we will get on the next bus.
B. There is a problem with the bus machine.
C. I think the bus driver should drive the bus faster.
D. You are right. We will be late for school if the repair takes a long time.


Diperdengarkan sebuah dialog pendek,
peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi respon 7 D

Bus yang ditumpangi anak laki-laki dan anak perempuan tersebut mogok. Anak laki-laki berharap mobil itu segera diperbaiki. Jadi, Jawaban yang tepat adalah ‘D’ karena merupakan kalimat
pengandaian yang maknanya adalah harapan.
8 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:
Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L1
gambar yang tepat
Descriptive Text No.8
This restaurant is a boat shaped restaurant at the edge of the Rancabali Lake in Ciwidey Village, West Java, Indonesia. From Bandung, it is a 2-
hour drive if you’re not stuck in the traffic jam. There is only one lane road from Bandung to this place. So, be patient and be very careful. The
restaurant has a lot of choices of food and beverages, starting from light bites to real heavy meals. On sunny days, the views from this hilltop
restaurant are just marvelous. There are three spots you can choose here, indoor 1st floor outdoor 2nd floor and outdoor deck. The price here
is tag more expensive than other places selling similar menu in Bandung, but the view makes it worth the while.
Narrative : Which picture is suitable with the monologue?
Diperdengarkan sebuah monolog pendek,
peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi gambar 8 B
yang tepat

Monolog tersebut menjelaskan tentang sebuah restoran unik berbentuk kapal pinisi. Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah ‘B’.
9 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:
Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L1
gambar yang tepat
Descriptive Text NO.9
This fish is one of the most bizarre-looking fish in the sea. The deep sea fish has a round body that resembles a basketball, and indeed, it looks like it could
easily swallow one. It has a very large mouth with sharp, fang-like teeth. Its grotesque appearance has earned it the nickname “common black devil”. The
color of this fish ranges from brown to dark grey or black. It has soft flesh and bones and small eyes. Its skin is especially adapted to reflect blue light. Since
nearly all light emitted from bioluminescent creatures is blue, this fish can be nearly invisible to other deep sea animals. Due to its wide, round body, it
cannot swim very fast. Instead, it somewhat “wobbles” through the water.

Narrative : Which picture matches the monologue?


Diperdengarkan sebuah monolog pendek,
peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi gambar
9 D
yang tepat

Monolog tersebut tentang ikan anglierfish yang berbentuk bulat dan mengerikan dengan gigi tajam. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah option ‘D’.
10 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:
Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L1
gambar yang tepat
Descriptive Text NO.10
This person is the founder and CEO of Bukalapak, an Indonesian based C2C E-commerce company that focuses on empowering Small Medium Enterprise
(SME). This person, who always dresses casually with t-shirt and jeans, launched Bukalapak in March 2010 together with his colleagues.
No one will believe that this person is a CEO, especially if they judge this judge this person by looks. This person has around and funny face, and a short and
rather fat body. This person is also recognizable from glasses, thin beard and a moustache. This person also cuts his hair short. Even so, this person has
experience in the Internet industry, business/startup strategy, growth hacking, multi-sided platform, user experience design, technology investment
ventures and customer development.

Narrator : Who is described in the monologue?

Diperdengarkan sebuah monolog pendek,
peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi gambar 10 A
yang tepat
Monolog tersebut tentang Achmad Zacky, pemilik Bukalapak.com yang berpenampilan santai dan berfisik pendek dan agak gemuk dengan wajah bulat dengan rambut Mohawk dan kumis
serta jenggot tipis. Jadi, gambar yang sesuai dengan monolog tersebut adalah option ‘A’.

11 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:

Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L1
gambar yang tepat
Report Text NO.11
Riau island is set to hold the Dragon Boat Race 2017 International Festival on Oct.20th-22th at Sei Carang Waters in Tanjungpinang.
The event is part of Riau Islands Marine Festival 2017 and supported by the Tourism Ministry.
Riau Island Tourism Agency head Buralimar said up to 48 teams would be competing in the race, of which five of them are from neighbouring countries such
as Malaysia and Singapore.
“Eleven teams are from provinces outside Riau Island, namely Riau, West Sumatra, Jambi and South Sumatra. This event is one of Tanjungpinang’s leading
events, “said Buralimar.
The committee has prepared a total price of Rp.150 million (US$11,000) for the winners.

Narrator : Which picture matches the monologue?


Diperdengarkan sebuah monolog pendek,
peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi gambar 11 E
yang tepat
Monolog tersebut tentang perlombaan perahu naga yang diadakan di Riau. Jadi jawaban yang paling tepat adalah option ‘E.’
12 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:
Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L1
informasi rinci tersurat
Descriptive Text Gorillas are some of the most powerful and striking animals, not only for their size and force, but also for their gentle human-like behaviours. They play a
crucial role in local biodiversity, roaming through large territories and helping, for example, to spread the seeds of the fruit they consume.
The largest living primates, gorilla are stocky animals with broad chests and shoulders, large hands and forearms that are much shorter than upper arms. The
face is black and hairless, with small eyes that are close together and large, prominent nostrils. Adult males are identified by a sagittal crest along the midline
of the skull an area of white hair on the back, which is why they are known as ‘silverback.’
Gorillas have a well-developed social structure, forming stable family groups in which the dominant male keeps its position for years. Group size is usually 5-
10 individuals, but can vary from 2 to over 50 members. According to group size, habitat quality and food availability, a group’s home range may vary from 5
to over 30 Km2, with frequent overlap between group rangers.

Narrator :
12. How do male gorillas receive the name ‘silverback’?

A. They use mud to dye their backs white

B. They have white heir around the chest area
C. They have white hair covering their backs
D. They use dust to cover their back area
E. They have very strong backs just like the metals


Diperdengarkan sebuah monolog pendek,
peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi informsi
12 C
rinci tersurat

Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat “Adult males are identified by a sagittal crest along the midline of the skull and area of while hair on the back, which is why they are known as ‘silverback.’
Jadi jawaban yang paling tepat adalah option ‘C.’
13 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:
Peserta dididk dapat menyimpulkan teks DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L3
yang dibaca
Descriptive Text 13. What can be inferred about gorillas?13.
A. They have fur covering all parts of their bodies
B. They are constantly moving to different areas
C. A group of gorillas is lead by the oldest female
D. A group can accidentally meet with another group
E. They are the largest animals in the entire jungle


Diperdengarkan sebuah monolog pendek,
peserta didik dapat menyimpulkan ide utama
13 D
dalam teks

Berdasarkan kalimat “…Group size is usually 5-10 individuals, but can vary from 2 to over 50 members. According to group size, habitat quality and food availability, a group’s home range may
vary from 5 to over 30 Km2. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah ‘D.’

14 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:

Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L1
topik/gagasan utama bacaan
Descriptive Text Two goats, frisking gaily on the rocky steeps of a mountain valley, chanced to meet, one on each side of a deep chasm through which poured a mighty
mountain torrent. The trunk of a fallen tree formed the only means of crossing the chasm, and on this not even two squirrels could have passed each other
in safety. The narrow path would have made the bravest tremble. Not so the two goats. Their pride would not permit either to stand aside for the other.
One set its foot on the log. The other did likewise. In the middle they met horn to horn. Neither would give way, and so they both fell, to be swept away by
the roaring torrent below.

Narrator :
14. What is the monologue about?

A. Two brave goats

B. Two proud goats
C. Two smart goats
D. Two strong goats
E. Two patient goats


Diperdengarkan sebuah monolog pendek
peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi topik 14 B

Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat . “Their pride would not permit either to stand aside for the other.” Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah option ‘B.’

15 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:

Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L1
informasi rinci tersurat
Descriptive Text 15. Why did the goats fall?
A. They climbed on a steep cliff
B. They cancelled to cross the bridge
C. They were startled by a squirrel
D. They fought on the dangerous bridge
E. They slipped when they crossing the bridge


Diperdengarkan sebuah monolog pendek,
peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi informsi 15 D
rinci tersurat
Jawaban disimpukan dari kalimat “In the middle they met horn to horn. Neither would give way, and so they both fell, to be swept away by the roaring torrent below. Jadi, jawaban yang
paling tepat adalah ‘D.’

16 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:

Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L1
tujuan komunikatif dari teks iklan
Iklan (Advertisement)

Every Saturday from 18.00 to 21.30

Banjar Restaurant
A selection of our original recipes
Prepared in front of your eyes by our chef
- Including free dawet drink
- Enjoy the live music by Marem Band
For more info:
Call: 3389777 ext. 65111-65112

16. What is the purpose of the advertisement above?

A. To enjoy Marem band
B. To explain dawet drink
C. To inform Banjar Restaurant
D. To describe Banjar Restaurant
E. To promote Banjar Restaurant


Disajikan sebuah teks Iklan, peserta didik
dapat mengidentifikasi tujuan dari teks 16 E
Jawaban yang benar adalah “To promote Banjar Restaurany” karena tujuan dari iklan tersebut adalah mempromosikan Banjar Restaurant

17 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:

Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L1
informasi rinci tersurat dari teks iklan
Iklan (Advertisement)

Every Saturday from 18.00 to 21.30

Banjar Restaurant
A selection of our original recipes
Prepared in front of your eyes by our chef
- Including free dawet drink
- Enjoy the live music by Marem Band
For more info:
Call: 3389777 ext. 65111-65112

17. Banjar Restaurant opens....

A. Every day
B. Every evening
C. Sunday to Friday
D. Every Saturday evening
E. Every Saturday from 18.00 to 21.30


Disajikan sebuah teks Iklan, peserta didik
dapat menentukan informasi tersurat dari 17 E
teks tersebut
A. Jawaban dapat dilihat pada kalimat pertama iklan “Every Saturday from 18.00 to 21.30” Jadi jawaban yang benar adalah E

18 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:

Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L1
informasi tertentu dalam sebuah teks
Undangan (Invitation)
Undangan (Invitation))



COCKTAILS at 7 p.m.
DINNER at 8 p.m.

Rajawali Hotel’s Ballroom

Jl. Permata Bunda No. 10
Surabaya, East Java

Please RSVP to Anne Rahman: 08333344441234

Admission is Rp. 500.000/person

Dress Code: Black and White

18. Who issued the invitation?

A. Anne Rahman
B. The banquet participants
C. The winners of the Young Gen awards
D. Young Generation Association
E. Rajawali Hotel’s management


Disajikan sebuah teks Undangan
(Invitation), peserta didik dapat
18 D
mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dalam
teks tersebut.
Identitas pembuat undangan tersebut disimpulkan dari kalimat awal undangan yaitu “ THE YOUNG GENERATION ASSOCIATION INVITES YOU TO ATTEND”Jadi Undangan
tersebut dibuat oleh Asosiasi Generasi Muda.
19 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:
Peserta didik dapat menjelaskan informasi DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L2
rinci tersurat dalam sebuah teks Undangan
Undangan (Invitation))



COCKTAILS at 7 p.m.
DINNER at 8 p.m.

Rajawali Hotel’s Ballroom

Jl. Permata Bunda No. 10
Surabaya, East Java

Please RSVP to Anne Rahman: 08333344441234

Admission is Rp. 500.000/person

Dress Code: Black and White

19. Which information is mentioned in the text?
A. The event is held each year
B. The event has been held for five times
C. All invitees should contact Anne by e-mail
D. The event will take place in the association’s
E. The event will take place in the association’s hall


Disajikan sebuah teks Undangan
(Invitation), peserta didik dapat
19 A
menjelaskan informasi terkait yang ada
dalam teks.
Pernyataan yang benar yaitu pilihan jawaban (A) yang artinya acara tersebut dilaksanakan tiap tahun. Pernyataan tersebut sesuai Frasa “ THE 5TH ANNUAL YG AWARD BANQUET”

20 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:

Pesrta didik dapat menjelaskan gambaran DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L2
umum dalam sebuah teks Pengumuman
Pengumuman (Announcement)
20. On 17 August, we are going to hold a flag-raising ceremony in the schoolyard to commemorate Indonesians independents.
Students are instructed to wear complete uniform. Please not this announcement and comply. Have a nice day.
What is the text about?
A. Independence day
B. A flag-rising ceremony
C. A school announcement
D. A flag-hoisting ceremony
E. The independence day ceremony


Disajikan sebuah teks Pengumuan, peserta
didik dapat menjelaskan tentang gambaran 20 C
umum teks tersebut
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat pertama “we are going to hold a flag-raising ceremony in the schoolyard” jadi text diatas tentang pengumuman sekolah.

21 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:

Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L1
informasi tersurat dalam teks
Pengumuman (Announcement)
Pengumuman (Announcement)
21. On 17 August, we are going to hold a flag-raising ceremony in the schoolyard to commemorate Indonesians independents.
Students are instructed to wear complete uniform. Please not this announcement and comply. Have a nice dayWhich
information is mentioned in the text?
What is the text about?
What should students do?
A. Students must participate in the ceremony
B. Students must know about independence day
C. Students have to wear complete uniform at school
D. Studets should pay attention to announcement
E. Students have wear uniform at the flag-raising ceremony


Disajikan sebuah teks Pengumuman,
peserta didik dapat mengidentifkasi 21 E
informasi tersurat yang ada dalam teks.
Jawaban dapat disimpulkan dari kalimat “Students are instructed to wear complete uniform” yang artinya siswa harus memakai seragam sekolah di upacara bendera.

22 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:

Peserta didik dapat menjelaskan gambaran DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L2
umum dalam teks Recount
Recount Text
Young Indonesian jazz pianist, Joey Alexander, received much applause at the 41 st anniversary of the Bern Jazz Festival, held from
March to May, in the capital city of Switzerland. Joey performed over five days in April, playing compositions of Herbie Hancock,
Thelonious Monk and the most complicated “Countdown” by John Coltrane. He also proudly performed his very own music from
his My Favorite Thing album, which was recently nominated for Best Jazz Instruental Albun at the 2016 Gramy Awards.
As one of the few Indonesians among the many Swiss audience members, I felt both proud and ecstatic to see how much
Joey has progressed. I remember the first time I watched him, three years ago, in Soehana Hall, Jakarta. He was still 9 years old at
that time, but I could already sense that, with such natural skill, this kid was going to be a big star. And it did not take long until he
appeared as a performer at the Grammy Awards night and the world started calling him “the child prodigy” at the age 12.
Joey began to play the piano at six. His father, who was an amateur musician, introduced him to the instrument, and nurtured
his swing and improvisation skills by introducing him to classic jazz recordings and taking him to jam sessions in Bali and Jakarta.
Joey has never received any formal training in jazz, and says he improves his skills by listening to musicians that he likes.
22. The text tells us about...
A. a child prodigy
B. the Bern Jazz Festival
C. the 2016 Gramy Awards
D. a young Indonesians jazz pianist
E. the writer’s memory of Joey Alexander


Disajikan sebuah teks Recount, peserta
didik dapat menjelaskan gambaran umum 22 D
tentang teks tersebut
Jawaban dapat disimpulkan dari kalimat awal paragraph “Young Indonesian jazz pianist, Joey Alexander,” Jadi text tersebut menceritakan tentang seorang pemain piano muda dari

23 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:

Peserta didik dapat menganalisis informasi DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L3
tersurat dalam teks Recount
Recount Text
Young Indonesian jazz pianist, Joey Alexander, received much applause at the 41 st anniversary of the Bern Jazz Festival, held from
March to May, in the capital city of Switzerland. Joey performed over five days in April, playing compositions of Herbie Hancock,
Thelonious Monk and the most complicated “Countdown” by John Coltrane. He also proudly performed his very own music from
his My Favorite Thing album, which was recently nominated for Best Jazz Instruental Albun at the 2016 Gramy Awards.
As one of the few Indonesians among the many Swiss audience members, I felt both proud and ecstatic to see how much
Joey has progressed. I remember the first time I watched him, three years ago, in Soehana Hall, Jakarta. He was still 9 years old at
that time, but I could already sense that, with such natural skill, this kid was going to be a big star. And it did not take long until he
appeared as a performer at the Grammy Awards night and the world started calling him “the child prodigy” at the age 12.
Joey began to play the piano at six. His father, who was an amateur musician, introduced him to the instrument, and nurtured
his swing and improvisation skills by introducing him to classic jazz recordings and taking him to jam sessions in Bali and Jakarta.
Joey has never received any formal training in jazz, and says he improves his skills by listening to musicians that he likes.
23. How long has Joey Alexander been playing the piano?
A. Three years
B. Five years
C. Six years
D. Nine years
E. Twelve years


Disajikan sebuah teks Recount, peserta
didik dapat menganalisis informasi 23 C
tersurat yang ada dalam teks tersebut.
Jawaban (C) karena sesuai dengan isi teks yang menjelaskan bahwa Joey Alexander mulai belajar piano umur 6 Tahun hingga dia tampil di acara “The Child Prodigy” pada umur 12 tahun.

24 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:

Peserta didik dapat menyimpulkan DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L3
informasi tersirat dalam teks Recount
Recount Text
Young Indonesian jazz pianist, Joey Alexander, received much applause at the 41 st anniversary of the Bern Jazz Festival, held from
March to May, in the capital city of Switzerland. Joey performed over five days in April, playing compositions of Herbie Hancock,
Thelonious Monk and the most complicated “Countdown” by John Coltrane. He also proudly performed his very own music from
his My Favorite Thing album, which was recently nominated for Best Jazz Instruental Albun at the 2016 Gramy Awards.
As one of the few Indonesians among the many Swiss audience members, I felt both proud and ecstatic to see how much
Joey has progressed. I remember the first time I watched him, three years ago, in Soehana Hall, Jakarta. He was still 9 years old at
that time, but I could already sense that, with such natural skill, this kid was going to be a big star. And it did not take long until he
appeared as a performer at the Grammy Awards night and the world started calling him “the child prodigy” at the age 12.
Joey began to play the piano at six. His father, who was an amateur musician, introduced him to the instrument, and nurtured
his swing and improvisation skills by introducing him to classic jazz recordings and taking him to jam sessions in Bali and Jakarta.
Joey has never received any formal training in jazz, and says he improves his skills by listening to musicians that he likes.
24. What was the writer’s first impression of Joey Alexander?
A. That he was a genius
B. She was proud and estatic
C. She felt that he had progressed
D. She thought that he would be famous
E. That he would be a Grammy Awards nominne


Disajikan sebuah teks Recount, peserta
didik dapat menyimpulkan informasi 24 D
tersirat dalam teks tersebut.
Jawaban dapat disimpulkan dari kalimat “I could already sense that, with such natural skill, this kid was going to be a big star” sehingga jawabannya adalah (D)

25 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:

Peserta didik dapat menjelaskan DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L2
gambaran umum dalam teks Report
Report Text
Less than one percent of algal blooms actually produce toxins. Harmful algal blooms are blooms of species of algae that can have
negative impacts on humans, marine and freshwater environments, and coastal economies. These blooms occur when
phytoplankton, which are tiny microsopic plants, grow quickly in large quantities while producing toxic or harmful effects on
people, fish, shelfish, marine mammals, and birds.
A bloom does not have to produce toxins in order to be harmful to the environment. It can also be harmful by causing anoxic
conditions where oxygen is depleted in the water. Bloosom can block light to organism lower in the water column, or even clog or
harm fish gills.
Not algal blooms are harmful; some can actually be beneficial. Phytoplankton are found at the base of the marine food chain,
therefore all other life in the ocean relies on phtoplankton. Bloosom can also be a good indicator of environmental change, not only
in the water, but also on land.
25. What does the text tell us about?
A. The habital of algal blooms
B. The toxicity of algal blooms
C. Where algal blooms can be found
D. How algal blooms produce their toxins
E. The effect of algal bloom to the environment


Disajikan sebuah teks Report, peserta
didik dapat menjelaskan gambaran umum 25 E
teks tersebut
Jawaban dapat disimpulkan dari keseluruhan isi text sehingga jawaban yang benar adalah E

26 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:

Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L1
informasi tertentu dalam teks Report
Report Text
Less than one percent of algal blooms actually produce toxins. Harmful algal blooms are blooms of species of algae that can have
negative impacts on humans, marine and freshwater environments, and coastal economies. These blooms occur when
phytoplankton, which are tiny microsopic plants, grow quickly in large quantities while producing toxic or harmful effects on
people, fish, shelfish, marine mammals, and birds.
A bloom does not have to produce toxins in order to be harmful to the environment. It can also be harmful by causing anoxic
conditions where oxygen is depleted in the water. Bloosom can block light to organism lower in the water column, or even clog or
harm fish gills.
Not algal blooms are harmful; some can actually be beneficial. Phytoplankton are found at the base of the marine food chain,
therefore all other life in the ocean relies on phtoplankton. Bloosom can also be a good indicator of environmental change, not only
in the water, but also on land.
26. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about algal blooms?
A. Some algal blooms are beneficial
B. Less than one percent of algal blooms produce toxins
C. Algal blooms are only harmful when they produce toxins
D. Algal blooms can cause oxygen in the water to be depleted
E. Harmful algal bloom can have negative impacts of humans


Disajikan sebuah teks Report, peserta
didik dapat mengidentifikasi informasi 26 C
yang tidak benar dalam teks tersebut.
Jawaban yang benar adalah C karena kalimat “Algal blooms are only harmful when they produce toxins” tidak terdapat dalam teks.

27 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:

Peserta didik dapat mengklasifikasi makna DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L2
kata dalam teks Report
Report Text
Less than one percent of algal blooms actually produce toxins. Harmful algal blooms are blooms of species of algae that can have
negative impacts on humans, marine and freshwater environments, and coastal economies. These blooms occur when
phytoplankton, which are tiny microsopic plants, grow quickly in large quantities while producing toxic or harmful effects on
people, fish, shelfish, marine mammals, and birds.
A bloom does not have to produce toxins in order to be harmful to the environment. It can also be harmful by causing anoxic
conditions where oxygen is depleted in the water. Bloosom can block light to organism lower in the water column, or even clog or
harm fish gills.
Not algal blooms are harmful; some can actually be beneficial. Phytoplankton are found at the base of the marine food chain,
therefore all other life in the ocean relies on phtoplankton. Bloosom can also be a good indicator of environmental change, not only
in the water, but also on land.
27. “it can also be harmful by causing anoxic conditions . . . “(Paragraph 2)
The underlined word means . . .
A. to be completely deprived of oxygen
B. to have high levels of oxygen
C. to have low levels of oxygen
D. to have high levels of hidrogen
E. the fear of gaining weight


Disajikan sebuah teks Report, peserta
didik dapat menentukan makna ungkapan 27 A
yang ada dalam teks.
Kata “Anoxic” mempunyai arti “to be completely deprived of oxygen”
28 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:
Peserta didik dapat menganalisis informasi DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L3
tersurat dalam teks Analytical Exposition
Analytical Exposition
Farm engineering in conventional farming includes producing synthetic fertilizer and pesticides, regulator for growing plants, and
multivitamins for livestock feed. However, organic farming is more beneficial for farmers.
Firstly, organic farm management concerns how to create a schedule for crop rotation, to select superior seeds and
comprehensive pest management, to recycle or to compost the residue, and to manage crop productivity.
Secondly, crop research has proved that using pesticide in agriculture or plantation is very risky to the farmers and also the
consumer. Parkinson’s disease is one of the phenomena caused by the utilization of pesticides in agriculture. Pesticide laboratory
research reported the paraquat and dieldrin are not permitted on organic farms, because they cause brains damage in mice.
Moreover, organic farming standards only permit farmers to apply natural ways to protect plants from pests. Organic communities
declarace that the use of pesticidesin conrolling pests is just one option of many. The main strategies of pest-control are maintaining
the health of livestock, sustaining plant disease immunity, scheduling crop rotation, and empowering advantages of insect and birds.

28. What is the difference between conventional and organic farming?

A. Modern technology in cultivation
B. The use of pesticides in controlling pests
C. The use of high technology to control pests
D. Integrated technology to manipulate crop productivity
E. The role of modern technology in optimizing drop productivity


Disajikan sebuah teks Analytical
Exposition, peserta didik dapat 28 B
menganalisis isi teks
Jawaban dapat disimpulkan dari kalimat di awal paragraph sehingga jawaban yang benar adalah (B)
29 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:
Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L1
informasi tersurat dalam teks Analytical
Analytical Exposition
Farm engineering in conventional farming includes producing synthetic fertilizer and pesticides, regulator for growing plants, and
multivitamins for livestock feed. However, organic farming is more beneficial for farmers.
Firstly, organic farm management concerns how to create a schedule for crop rotation, to select superior seeds and
comprehensive pest management, to recycle or to compost the residue, and to manage crop productivity.
Secondly, crop research has proved that using pesticide in agriculture or plantation is very risky to the farmers and also the
consumer. Parkinson’s disease is one of the phenomena caused by the utilization of pesticides in agriculture. Pesticide laboratory
research reported the paraquat and dieldrin are not permitted on organic farms, because they cause brains damage in mice.
Moreover, organic farming standards only permit farmers to apply natural ways to protect plants from pests. Organic communities
declarace that the use of pesticidesin conrolling pests is just one option of many. The main strategies of pest-control are maintaining
the health of livestock, sustaining plant disease immunity, scheduling crop rotation, and empowering advantages of insect and birds.

29. What is NOT done in organic farming?

A. Comprehensive pest management
B. Selection of superior feeds
C. Recycling and composting
D. Use of pesticide
E. Crop rotation


Disajikan sebuah teks Analytical
Exposition, peserta didik dapat
29 D
mengidentifkasi informasi tersurat dalam
teks tersebut
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat diawal paragrap sehingga jawaban yang benar adalah (D) karena organic farm not use pesticide
30 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:
Peserta didik dapat menjelaskan informasi DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L2
tertentu dalam teks Discussion
Discussion Text
There has been a long debate on giving homework to students. Children often protest to their parents when they get many
assignments, because they have less time for playing and social life.
Teachers argue that they five homework to students to help them study independently at home. By giving home assignments,
students know what to study. Teachers consider that assignments are essential, because students often do not know what to study
and others do not feel the importance of studying if they do not have homework.
Parents state that their children spend all their time studying. However, students also need time to develop their talents and
invest time in their interests, such as arts sports, music, or film. Too much homework makes them stressed and hinders the
improvement to their personalities.
Therefore, students need to balance homework and “me” time. For example, they study school subjects on weekdays and
enjoy their obbies at the weekends. Therefore, parents and schools should monitor whether it si effective for students to study
independently at home without teacher’s guidance.

30. Why do parents object to school homework?

A. Homework just makes children stressed.
B. Their children are given too much homework
C. Their children do not need so much homework
D. Their children also need time for other activities outside school
E. Homework does not guarantee children’s understanding of school materials


Disajikan sebuah teks Discussion, Peserta
didik dapat menjawab pertanyaan dan
30 D
menentukan informasi tertentu dalam teks
Jawaban dapat disimpulkan dari kalimat “Parents state that their children spend all their time studying. However, students also need time to develop their talents and invest time
in their interests” sehingga jawabnnya adalah D
31 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:
Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L1
informasi tersurat dalam teks Discussion
Discussion Text
There has been a long debate on giving homework to students. Children often protest to their parents when they get many
assignments, because they have less time for playing and social life.
Teachers argue that they five homework to students to help them study independently at home. By giving home assignments,
students know what to study. Teachers consider that assignments are essential, because students often do not know what to study
and others do not feel the importance of studying if they do not have homework.
Parents state that their children spend all their time studying. However, students also need time to develop their talents and
invest time in their interests, such as arts sports, music, or film. Too much homework makes them stressed and hinders the
improvement to their personalities.
Therefore, students need to balance homework and “me” time. For example, they study school subjects on weekdays and
enjoy their obbies at the weekends. Therefore, parents and schools should monitor whether it si effective for students to study
independently at home without teacher’s guidance.

31. How do students balance their life?

A. By not doing homework
B. By teacher guidance at home
C. By parental guidance at school
D. By taking extracurricular activities
E. By managing their school and hobbies carefully


Disajikan sebuah teks Discussion, peserta
didik dapat mengidentifikasi informasi 31 E
yang ada dalam teks tersebut
Jawaban dapat disimpulkan pada paragraph terakhir sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah (E)
32 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:
Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L1
informasi tersurat dalam teks Review
Review Text
Author Anthony Doerr takes us back to the pre-World war II era, telling the story of Marie Lure, a beautiful, freckled and blind
French girl, and Werner Pfennig, a genius German orphan boy with a penchant for technology.
The book tells stories about the two children, who grew up in contrasting encironments in a parallel manner. The tale
unravels the stories of Marie laure and Werner, up to the point where their paths crossed. The moments building up to where Marie
Laure and Werne’s fate crossed are interlaced with intricate, gut wrnching side stories. Doerr also allows his readers to experience
being blind with words carefully selected to describe the agony, as well as the unusually interesting adventures of not having the
sense of sight.
Doerr manages to set the war’s dark, cold and vile setting as a ‘normal’ environment for a coming-of-age story. Poetic and
alluring, All the lights We Cannot see might not be a page-turner for some, but a book better read a t a slow pace to absorb all its
literary aesthetics. From begining to end, readers are transported into a world that existed within the last 100 years; however, it is
totally foreign and enchanting and actually humanizes the terrible events happening within the period.

32. What is the reviewer’s opinion about the book?

A. It is better read at a leisurely pace
B. The book is definitely not a page-turner
C. The book cannot describe the agony of being blind
D. The book tells the stories about two children in the pre-World War II era
The events happening within the period illustrated in the book are commonplace.
Disajikan sebuah teks Review, peserta
didik dapat mengidentifikasi informasi 32 A
yang ada dalam teks tersebut
Jawaban dapat disimpulkan dari kalimat “but a book better read a t a slow pace to absorb all its literary aesthetics” sehingga jawaban yang benar adalah (A) pilihan yang lain
bbukan opini dari penulis
33 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:
Pesert didik dapat menyimpulkan DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L3
informasi tertentu dalam teks Review
Review Text
Author Anthony Doerr takes us back to the pre-World war II era, telling the story of Marie Lure, a beautiful, freckled and blind
French girl, and Werner Pfennig, a genius German orphan boy with a penchant for technology.
The book tells stories about the two children, who grew up in contrasting encironments in a parallel manner. The tale
unravels the stories of Marie laure and Werner, up to the point where their paths crossed. The moments building up to where Marie
Laure and Werne’s fate crossed are interlaced with intricate, gut wrnching side stories. Doerr also allows his readers to experience
being blind with words carefully selected to describe the agony, as well as the unusually interesting adventures of not having the
sense of sight.
Doerr manages to set the war’s dark, cold and vile setting as a ‘normal’ environment for a coming-of-age story. Poetic and
alluring, All the lights We Cannot see might not be a page-turner for some, but a book better read a t a slow pace to absorb all its
literary aesthetics. From begining to end, readers are transported into a world that existed within the last 100 years; however, it is
totally foreign and enchanting and actually humanizes the terrible events happening within the period.

33. “...All the Lights We Cannot See might not be a page-turner for some...” (Paragraph 3)
This means that the book is...
A. poetic and alluring
B. better read at a slow pace
C. about interesting adventures
D. not going to be a favourite of some readers
E. interlaced with intricate, gut-wrenching side stories
Disajikan sebuah teks Review, peserta
didik dapat menyimpulkan informasi 33 D
tertentu yang ada dalam teks
Kalimat “might not be a page-turner for some” sama artinya dengan “not going to be a favourite of some readers”
34 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:
Peserta didik dapat menyimpulkan DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L3
gambaran umum dalam teks News Item
News Item Text
EU, Indonesia hold Scholarships Info Day

Tha Jakarta Post

Jakarta Sun, May 29 2016  10:58 am

The delegation of Europian Union (EU) to Indonesia, together with the Indonesian government, on Saturday held an EU-
Indonesia scholarship Info Day to celebrate Europe Day and National Education Day, which fell on 9 May and 2 May respectively.
About 3.000 participants, who had registered online, attended the event, which was aimed at fullfiling the commitment of the
EU and Indonesian government to increse the quality of higher education opportunities for Indonesian citizens.
During scholarship Info Day, young Indonesian obtained information about scholarship opportunities they could use to
pursue higher education in European countries. The students candidates were able to directly meet and consult with representatives
of the scholarship providers in the one-day event.

34. The text talks about ...

A. EU-Indonesia Scholarship Info Day
B. Higher education in European countries
C. Europe Day and National Education Day
D. The delegation of the European Union to Indonesia
E. Higher education opportunities for Indonesia citizens


Disajikan sebuah teks News Item, peserta
didik dapat menyimpulkan gambaran 34 A
umum dalam teks
Jawaban dapat disimpulkan dari kalimat pertama “EU, Indonesia hold Scholarships Info Day” sehingga jawaban yang benar adalah (A)
35 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:
Peserta didik dapat megidentifikasi DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L1
informasi tersurat dalam teks News Item
News Item Text
EU, Indonesia hold Scholarships Info Day

Tha Jakarta Post

Jakarta Sun, May 29 2016  10:58 am

The delegation of Europian Union (EU) to Indonesia, together with the Indonesian government, on Saturday held an EU-
Indonesia scholarship Info Day to celebrate Europe Day and National Education Day, which fell on 9 May and 2 May respectively.
About 3.000 participants, who had registered online, attended the event, which was aimed at fullfiling the commitment of the
EU and Indonesian government to increse the quality of higher education opportunities for Indonesian citizens.
During scholarship Info Day, young Indonesian obtained information about scholarship opportunities they could use to
pursue higher education in European countries. The students candidates were able to directly meet and consult with representatives
of the scholarship providers in the one-day event.
35. What can young Indonesian do during the event?
A. Celebrate Europe Day
B. Celebrate National Education Day
C. Pursue higher education in European countries
D. Obtain information about working opportunities
E. Ask questions about scholarship directly to the providers


Disajikan sebuah teks News Item, peserta
didik dapat mengidentifikasi informasi 35 E
tersurat yang ada dalam teks
Jawaban dapat disimpulkan dari paragrap terakhir sehingga jawaban yang benar adalah (E)
36 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:
Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L1
tujuan komunikati teks Explanation
Explanation Text
Butterflies are insects undergo a complete methamorphosis during their life cyrcle. They are born as eggs that hatch into larvae and
then grow into pupas, before transforming into adults which are butterflies.
Adult female butterflies lay many almost-invisible eggs simulataneously on plants. These plants, later, will become a source
food for the hatching eggs, called larvae. At the stage of larvae, the hatching eggs do not look like butterflies. The larvae of
butterflies are called caterpillars. The only thing caterpillars do is eat. The food they eat will be stored and used when they become
butterflies. During their growth before turning into pupas called chrysalises, they shed skin 4 to 5 times. When they are fully grown,
they stop eating ant turn into pupas, hanging under branches, leaver or other hidden areas. Inside the pupas, the cells of caterpillars
turn into parts of butterflies’ bodies. When the caterpillars come out their pupas, they have already transformed into butterflies.
They have compound eyes and long antennae, and legs and wings. At the final stage of their life cycle, the jobs of butterflies are
mating, and laying eggs to become the next caterpillars.

35. The purpose of the text is ...

A. to amuse readers with a text about butterflies
B. to persuade readers to like butterflies
C. to present opinions about butterflies
D. to tell the life cycle of butterflies
E. to help readers catch butterflies


Disajikan sebuah teks Explanation, peserta
didik dapat mengidentifikasi tujuan 36 D
komunikatif teks tersebut
Jawaban yang benar adalah “to tell the life cycle of butterflies” karena teks tersebut menjelaskan bagaimana siklus kehidupan kupu-kupu dari telur hingga bermetamorfosis menjadi
37 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:
Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L1
makna kata dalam teks Explanation
Explanation Text
Butterflies are insects undergo a complete methamorphosis during their life cyrcle. They are born as eggs that hatch into larvae and
then grow into pupas, before transforming into adults which are butterflies.
Adult female butterflies lay many almost-invisible eggs simulataneously on plants. These plants, later, will become a source
food for the hatching eggs, called larvae. At the stage of larvae, the hatching eggs do not look like butterflies. The larvae of
butterflies are called caterpillars. The only thing caterpillars do is eat. The food they eat will be stored and used when they become
butterflies. During their growth before turning into pupas called chrysalises, they shed skin 4 to 5 times. When they are fully grown,
they stop eating ant turn into pupas, hanging under branches, leaver or other hidden areas. Inside the pupas, the cells of caterpillars
turn into parts of butterflies’ bodies. When the caterpillars come out their pupas, they have already transformed into butterflies.
They have compound eyes and long antennae, and legs and wings. At the final stage of their life cycle, the jobs of butterflies are
mating, and laying eggs to become the next caterpillars.

36. “Adult female butterflies lay many almost-invisble eggs at once on plants.”
(Paragraph 2)
The undelined word means ...
A. cannot be destroyed
B. cannot be hatched
C. cannot be seen
D. cannot be laid
E. cannot fly


Disajikan sebuah teks Explanation, peserta
didik dapat mengidentifikasi tujuan 37 C
komunikatif teks tersebut
Jawaban yang benar adalah “Cannot be seen” karena “Invisible” artinya tidak terlihat

38 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:

Peserta didik dapat menyusun kalimat DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L2
acak dalam teks Deskripsi
Descriptive Text
37. Arrange the following sentences into the correct order!
1. Grenade has a large international airport which is one of the largest in the Caribbean
2. The land is 34 km long and 19 km wide. It is green, with many hills and valleys. It is famous for its white, sandy beaches
and coral reefs in the south of the island
3. The capital of Grenade is St George’s
4. The country’s climate is tropical. It is warm all the year round but in the rainy season, it rains everyday. The wettest months
are July, August, and September.
5. Grenade is an island in the East Carribean. It is one of a group of islands called the Windward Wands.

A. 3-2-5-1-4
B. 3-1-5-4-2
C. 5-3-2-4-1
D. 5-4-3-2-1
E. 2-5-1-4-3


Disajikan kalimat acak, peserta didik dapat
menyusun kalimat dengan benar 38 D
berdasarkan teks Deskripsi
Susunan yang benar adalah 5-4=3-2-1 sehingga jawaban yang benar adalah D

39 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:

Peserta didik dapat menyimpulkan DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L3
Hortatory Exposition Text
Hortatory Exposition Text
When we go shopping, we get a plastic bag to carry in the items we buy. When we go to a friend’s or relative’s house, and we want
to give him/her items, we use a plastic bag to carry them. In fact, plastic bags are really needed. However, they are dangerous for the

Firstly, plastic bags need a long time to decompose. Plastic bags take up to 1000 years to decompose on land and 450 years
in the water.

Secondly, people use up natural resources to make the plastic bags. The most common plastic bags you see today are made
of polyethylene. This material is made of crude oil and natural gas.

Moreover, they harm wildlife and marine life. Plastic bags are now ubiquitous in our environment, and animals both on land
and in water are being strangled, choked and killed by them. Plastic bags are now the fifth most common debris item found on

Plastic bags are also dangerous for our health. Based on the results of the research by Drugs and Food Control, coloured
plastic bags are very dangerous for health if we use them to keep food. This is because coloured plastic bags are recycled products,
and their previous history is not known. They may have been used to carry in pesticide containers, hospital waste, heavy metals
waste and so forth. Long-term consequences of the use of these plastic bags can lead to various diseases such a cancer, kidney
disorders and others.

Based on the facts, plastic bags shoud not be used anymore. There are several alternatives such as using paper or using
canvas bags.

38. From the text we can infer that the writer ... to use plastic bags
A. agree
Disajikan sebuah Teks Hortatory, peserta
didik dapat menyimpulkan informasi yang 39 B
terdapat dalam teks
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat di paragraph terakhir “Based on the facts, plastic bags shoud not be used anymore” Hal itu menunjukkan bahwa penulis tidak setuju dengan
penggunaan tas plastik.
40 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:
Peserta didik dapat mengidentifkasi DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L1
informasi rinci dalam Hortatory
Exposition Text
Hortatory Exposition Text
When we go shopping, we get a plastic bag to carry in the items we buy. When we go to a friend’s or relative’s house, and we want
to give him/her items, we use a plastic bag to carry them. In fact, plastic bags are really needed. However, they are dangerous for the

Firstly, plastic bags need a long time to decompose. Plastic bags take up to 1000 years to decompose on land and 450 years
in the water.

Secondly, people use up natural resources to make the plastic bags. The most common plastic bags you see today are made
of polyethylene. This material is made of crude oil and natural gas.

Moreover, they harm wildlife and marine life. Plastic bags are now ubiquitous in our environment, and animals both on land
and in water are being strangled, choked and killed by them. Plastic bags are now the fifth most common debris item found on

Plastic bags are also dangerous for our health. Based on the results of the research by Drugs and Food Control, coloured
plastic bags are very dangerous for health if we use them to keep food. This is because coloured plastic bags are recycled products,
and their previous history is not known. They may have been used to carry in pesticide containers, hospital waste, heavy metals
waste and so forth. Long-term consequences of the use of these plastic bags can lead to various diseases such a cancer, kidney
disorders and others.

Based on the facts, plastic bags shoud not be used anymore. There are several alternatives such as using paper or using
canvas bags.
39. Which of the following statements is the writer’s argument about plastic bags?
A. They are comfortable to use
B. They are made of safe materials
C. We can find them easily in stores
D. They are one of the biggest pollution
Disajikan sebuah Teks Hortatory, peserta
didik dapat mengidentifkasi informasi 40 D
rinci dalam teks
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat di paragrap empat “Plastic bags are now the fifth most common debris item found on beaches.” Jadi pilihan jawaban (D) benar. Pilihan lain
bukan argumen penulis
41 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:
Peserta didik dapat menyusun kalimat DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L2
acak dalam teks Prosedur
Prosedure Text 40. Arrange the following sentence into a good paragraph!
1. Adjust the copying settings
2. Push the copy button to start copying the document
3. First, place a blank paper in the paper feeder
4. Next, select the copying options
5. Then place the document to copy into the document feeder, with the page to copy facing up.

Disajikan kalimat acak, peserta didik dapat
menyusun kalimat dengan benar 41
berdasarkan teks Prosedur

Urutan yang benar adalah 3-5-1-4-2
42 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:
Peserta didik dapat menjawab pertanyaan DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L2
berdasarkan teks Pengumuman
Prosedure Text Attention please,

To find out the twelfth grade students’ ability in English, our school will hold a TOEFL test. Please prepare yourself well for the
test. It will be held in the language laboratory next week after school.

For further information about the schedule, please see the information on the announcement board. Thank you

41. What is the text about?

Disajikan sebuah teks pengumuan, peserta
didik dapat menjawab pertanyaan 42
berdasarkan teks

Jawaban yang benar adalah “To find out the twelfth grade students’ ability in English”
43 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:
Peserta didik dapat menjawab pertanyaan DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L2
berdasarkan teks Pengumuman
Prosedure Text Attention please,

To find out the twelfth grade students’ ability in English, our school will hold a TOEFL test. Please prepare yourself well for the
test. It will be held in the language laboratory next week after school.

For further information about the schedule, please see the information on the announcement board. Thank you

42. Who will join the TOEFL test?

Disajikan sebuah teks pengumuan, peserta
didik dapat menjawab pertanyaan 43
berdasarkan teks

Jawaban yang benar adalah “The students of grade twelve will”
44 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:
Peserta didik dapat menjawab pertanyaan DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L2
berdasarkan teks Pengumuman
Prosedure Text Attention please,

To find out the twelfth grade students’ ability in English, our school will hold a TOEFL test. Please prepare yourself well for the
test. It will be held in the language laboratory next week after school.

For further information about the schedule, please see the information on the announcement board. Thank you

43. How can the students of grade twelve will?

Disajikan sebuah teks pengumuan, peserta
didik dapat menjawab pertanyaan 44
berdasarkan teks

Jawaban yang benar adalah “By Reading it on the announcement board”
45 Kompetensi Yang Diuji Buku Acuan / Referensi: Level Kemampuan:
Peserta didik dapat melengkapi teks DETIK-DETIK UNBK 2018 L2
dengan kata yang tepat
Narrative Text A boy was watching the sheep and , (a. Pretending/Mocking) .... that he saw a wolf, began to cry, “Help! A wolf! A wolf!.
The peasants came running up and saw that it was not so. After doing this for a second and a third time, it happened that a
wolf really came. The boy began to cry, “Come, come, quickly, a wolf!”. The peasants thougt that he was (b.
Seeing/Deceiving)... them as usual, and paid no attention to him. The wolf saw there was no reason to be (c.
Afraid/Exhausted) ...; he leisurely killed the whole flock.

Disajikan sebuah teks Narrative rumpang,
peserta didik dapat melengkapi dengan 44
kata yang tepat

a. Pretending
b. Deceiving
c. Afraid

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