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Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Jordan Katz Date: 1/26/2024

Group Size: Allotted Time: 2:30-3:00 Grade Level: 4th

Subject or Topic: Science - Rain to Drain

Common Core/PA Standard(s)

3.3.4.D Obtain and combine information to describe that energy and fuels are derived from
natural resources and their uses affect the environment

Learning Targets/Objectives

- After learning about Newton's 1st Law of Motion, students will be able to explain and
define what the law is

- After learning about Newton’s 1st Law of Motion students will be able to describe how
water moves/what causes water to move

Formative Assessment Approaches Evidence observation or method of collection

1. Anecdotal notes during class 1. Class discussion
discussion 2. Data findings logged in students
1. Anecdotal notes during observations science notebooks
of small group experiments

Assessment Scale for any of the assessments above if needed

Summative if applicable
Subject Matter/Content to be taught in the lesson

- An understanding of how we use water
- An understanding of why we use water
- An understanding of what happens if we have too much water
- An understanding of what happens if we have not enough/too little of water
- An understanding of flooding
- An understanding of what a drought is
- A general understanding of the water cycle
New Key Vocabulary
- Force: Strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement
- Gravity: The force that attracts a body toward the center of the Earth, or toward any
other physical body
- Exerts: Apply or bring to a bear (a force, influence, or quality)
- Prediction: A statement of what would be observed under specific conditions
- Observation: The act of noticing or perceiving and the acquisition of information from
a primary source
- Slope: A surface of which one end or side is at a higher level than another


Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies

- Good Afternoon fourth grade! Today we are going to continue building off of what we
have done the past two days
- Turn and talk to a partner about what we did yesterday
- *Teacher will bring group back together and call on a student to share their discussions
- So, today we are going to dive more into what happens with the water cycle before the
water gets soaked into the ground
- Let’s take a look at this picture, look at the labels and what is going on in the photo,
this is in your books on page 10
- As you look at this picture of the water cycle what force do you think is acting on the
water as it moves? Is it push or pull? Tell your neighbor
- *Teacher will bring class together and call on a student to share
- Yes! Very good, it is a pull force, why is it a pull force?
- *Teacher will call on a student
- Yes! Because of gravity! Gravity is what pulls the water from the clouds down to the
- Now, I am going to play a short video for you, while you watch I want you to think
about the water cycle and where the water goes once it hits the Earth

- •
Development/Teaching Approaches
- On page 11 it asks us what types of water you have in the community where you live.
Let’s brainstorm together. I will type them on the powerpoint and as I type them you
copy them in your books
- *Teacher and students will take a few minutes to do this together
- Now! We are going to make our own mini communities and make rain
- *Teacher will hand out supplies to groups
- I have given each group a muffin tin and in each section you have a sponge, one space
is holding a blue cup, this represents a type of body of water and each sponge
represents parts of your community in its natural state.
- Now we are going to make it rain. One person is going to hold the rainmaker bottle
over the community, another person is going to pour water in the bottle
- Now, one person is going to carefully slide the blue cup out from under the muffin tin
and use a measuring cup to find out how many ounces of water were captured. This
represents the amount of stormwater that rained directly in the body of water
- When stormwater moves across land and goes directly into a body of water that is
called runoff
- Now, the water that is in the other 5 cups and the water that is soaked up by the
sponges represent water that seeps into the groundwater. This is called infiltrated
- One person is going to squeeze the sponge into an empty measuring cup, another
person is going to dump the remaining water into the measuring cup as well
- Once both of those are measured turn to the next page and record your findings
- *Teacher will walk around and assist students with measuring

Closure/Summarizing Strategies
- On Monday we are going to set up a community again but in a developed state, we will
do the same thing that we did today but this time there will be streets and houses. I
want to know your predictions on what will happen to the community when we make it
rain. I am going to give each of you an index card and I want you to write what you
think will happen on it. Make sure you write your name on the card. Once you are
finished raise your hand and I will come collect them
- *Students will be given a few minutes to write their predictions on index cards
- Alright before we go, can I have a few people summarize what we learned today
- *Teacher will call on students to summarize what we did and learned in class.
Throughout the discussion the teacher will remind the students what each object
represents in the experiment (e.g., the sponges represent land, the blue cup is a body of
water, etc.)

- Thoughtful grouping of students
- Visuals and audio from smart board
- Student X needs some assistance with reading so when needed I will re-read the
questions to him while pointing at the words as I read

Materials and Resources:

- Workbooks
- Smart board
- Cooking Tray
- Cup of water
- Rain shaker
- Muffin tins
- Circular sponges
- Measuring cups

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection Questions

Additional reflection/thoughts

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