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As I have observed and reflect the artwork.

The subject of it is Athyrium filix-femina fern and

it can be connected to the journey of life. the artist represented the life journey through the
fern by using different shades of green. the lighter green symbolizes the lively and happy
moments when we're young as the time pass by the more matured we become, it shows how
we get wiser and learned from serious moments of our life. the artwork is subjective as I've
interpreted the piece of art like a story of life. I will not change the artwork but rather adjust
its color and use vibrant to dark colors of green and maybe add some withering effect to
bottom and name the artwork "Life in a single fern". I chose this artwork over other artworks
because it's a simple piece. the color gradient in fern makes us feel the different stage we go
through in life. It's a artwork that makes you reflect on your own life and appreciate the
beauty of the journey from being young to growing old.

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