Cranial Nerves 5 TH and 7th

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saif darif 2022

Cranial nerves examination 5th & 7th F MP P

Intro 0 1/2 1
Washes hands.
Hello’ (introduction and gains consent)
Exposure & Lighting
setting on bed.
asks if the patient is in any pain
Inspection: start From end of bed 0 1 2
Symmetry of face
Absent of frontal wrinkles
Deviation of mouth Or Depression of angle of mouth
Flattening of nasolibial fold
Wasting of mastication muscles ( prominence of zygomatic arch)
5 th 0 1 2
trigeminal nerve (motor and sensory):
Tests sensation in three areas supplied by branches V1, V2 and V3 (light touch).
Opens the patient’s mouth against resistance and moves it from side to side
Feels the temporalis and masseter muscles while the patient clenches their teeth.
Jaw jerk ( ask pt to elevate his tounge )
says that you have to do corneal reflex (wisp of cotton on the sclera of the eye – both
eyes should blink)
7th 0 2 4
facial nerve (motor and sensory):
• Asymmetry – look for a Bell’s palsy
• Is the forehead spared?
• Asks the patient to raise their eyebrows and shut their eyes tight against resistance
• Asks them to show their teeth
• Asks them to puff out their cheeks
• Taste in anterior two-thirds of the tongue & tears .
Examiner ( ask about muscles name )

I would like to examine behaind ear for ( tenderness , scars , bleeding ) 0 2 4

I would like to examine ear ( OM , here’s zoster , hearing )
Examine for any patois mass or scars .
I would like to examine another cranial nerves and cerebellum
Thanks patient & help patient get dressed
Differences between UMNL & LMNL of facial nerves ? Why ? 0 2 4
Causes of LMNL of 7th nerve ?
Causes of absent corneal touch reflex

Comment ( findings ) 0 2 4
Dr.saif darif 2022

Pt face looks asymmetrical there is

Right facial palsy (LMNL ) the lesion in same side
There is scar post auricular ( neurosurgical scar ) acoustic neuroma surgery.
There is right Trigminal palsy LMNL

What are the branches of facial nerve ? 0 2 4

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