Science Lesson Plan 2 5 - 2 9

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Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Jordan Katz Date: 2/5/2024

Group Size: Allotted Time: 2:30-3:00 Grade Level: 4th

Subject or Topic: Rain to Drain (Project Day 1)

Common Core/PA Standard(s)

3.3.4.D Obtain and combine information to describe that energy and fuels are derived from
natural resources and their uses affect the environment

Learning Targets/Objectives

- Students will be able to create a model of a house and use various resources to protect
the house from flooding when it “rains”

Formative Assessment Approaches Evidence observation or method of collection

1. Students successfully create a model 1. Rubric scale
with various resources to protect 2. Observation on students work and
house from flooding discussions

…. …
Assessment Scale for any of the assessments above if needed

(Project rubric scale)

Below Basic
No attempt

Summative if applicable


Subject Matter/Content to be taught in the lesson

- An understanding of how we use water
- An understanding of why we use water
- An understanding of what happens if we have too much water
- An understanding of what happens if we have not enough/too little of water
- An understanding of flooding
- An understanding of what a drought is
- A general understanding of the water cycle

New Key Vocabulary

- Force: Strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement
- Gravity: The force that attracts a body toward the center of the Earth, or toward any
other physical body
- Exerts: Apply or bring to a bear (a force, influence, or quality)
- Prediction: A statement of what would be observed under specific conditions
- Observation: The act of noticing or perceiving and the acquisition of information from
a primary source
- Slope: A surface of which one end or side is at a higher level than another
- Runoff: When water from the Earth’s surface runs into a body of water
- Infiltration: Water that seeps into soil
- Impervious Surfaces: Surfaces that water cannot pass through readily.
- Green Infrastructure: help reduce the amount of stormwater that runs into local water


Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies

- Good Afternoon fourth grade! We ended Friday learning about pollution, today we are
going to start a project for rain to drain! Your job will be to create a model and keep
your house from flooding

Development/Teaching Approaches
- Teacher will have students gather to the back table
- I am going to create my own model and try to make it so my house cannot
- Teacher will ad various resources to the bin and then add the house on one end
in the box
- Now, I am going to lift the bin on one side to create a slope and we will see
what happens to my water
- After watching how the water moves throughout the model the teacher and
students will discuss what happened and why it happened
- Teacher will prompt students to go back to their seats
- Now, I am going to put you into groups
- After putting students in groups, the teacher will prompt them to go with their
- Now that you are in your groups I am going to give you each a number,
REMEMBER your number
- Teacher will list students off by numbers
- Okay, now I am going to come around with a piece of paper, do not do
anything yet, just leave it on the desk
- Now, talk with your group about the supplies you will need, person number one
is going to write down the supplies you and your group decide to do
- As students do this, teacher will walk around and have discussions with group
- Teacher will implement call and response
- Now, you are going to talk about your predictions with your group, predict
what will happen to your water and mini environment model. Person number
two, you will write down underneath the supplies what your group predicts will
happen. Go ahead!
- Teacher will walk around and discuss predictions with groups
- Teacher will implement call and response
- Now, with just a pencil you are going to sketch out where you are putting
everything in your model, as your group discusses and agrees and where
resources will go, person number 3, you will draw the sketch. Go ahead!
- Teacher will walk around and discuss sketches with groups
- Teacher will implement call and response
- Now, person number 4, you are going to take a blue crayon and draw where
you think your water will go after it rains
- Teacher will give students a short amount of time to do this
- Teacher will implement call and response
- (Assuming there are more than 4 people in a group) Now, if your number did
not get a chance to do something today do not worry! We will start with the
next number tomorrow and then go back to 1
- Put your names on your papers, put them on my desk and then go back to your
Closure/Summarizing Strategies
- (Assuming there is enough time) Let’s share some of our ideas and predictions. Now
we only have a couple minutes so give me a very brief explanation of your plan and a
- Teacher and class will discuss
- Great work today friends, tomorrow we will be implementing the experiment and see
how we do! I will dismiss you by rows to go back to your homeroom
- Teacher will dismiss class
- Teacher will assist students with needs
- Follow all IEP and 504 plans

Materials and Resources:

- Plastic bin
- Lego houses
- Dirt
- Rock
- Sand
- Clay
- Water
- Paper
- Pencil
- Blue crayon

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection Questions

Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Jordan Katz Date: 2/6/2024

Group Size: Allotted Time: 2:30-3:00 Grade Level: 4th

Subject or Topic: Rain to Drain (Project Day 2)

Common Core/PA Standard(s)

3.3.4.D Obtain and combine information to describe that energy and fuels are derived from
natural resources and their uses affect the environment

Learning Targets/Objectives

- Students will be able to create a model of a house and use various resources to protect
the house from flooding when it “rains”

Formative Assessment Approaches Evidence observation or method of collection

2. Students successfully create a model 3. Rubric scale
with various resources to protect 4. Observation on students work and
house from flooding discussions

…. …
Assessment Scale for any of the assessments above if needed

(Project rubric scale)

Below Basic
No attempt

Summative if applicable

Subject Matter/Content to be taught in the lesson

- An understanding of how we use water
- An understanding of why we use water
- An understanding of what happens if we have too much water
- An understanding of what happens if we have not enough/too little of water
- An understanding of flooding
- An understanding of what a drought is
- A general understanding of the water cycle

New Key Vocabulary

- Force: Strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement
- Gravity: The force that attracts a body toward the center of the Earth, or toward any
other physical body
- Exerts: Apply or bring to a bear (a force, influence, or quality)
- Prediction: A statement of what would be observed under specific conditions
- Observation: The act of noticing or perceiving and the acquisition of information from
a primary source
- Slope: A surface of which one end or side is at a higher level than another
- Runoff: When water from the Earth’s surface runs into a body of water
- Infiltration: Water that seeps into soil
- Impervious Surfaces: Surfaces that water cannot pass through readily.
- Green Infrastructure: help reduce the amount of stormwater that runs into local water


Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies

- Good Afternoon fourth grade! Yesterday we planned out our experiment and today we
will be implementing the experiment! Go ahead and quietly get into your groups

Development/Teaching Approaches
- Okay, just like yesterday I am going to assign you numbers. Remember your
- Teacher will number off students within groups
- Okay, I am going to come around and bring your plan to your group
- Teacher will pass out students plans from the day prior
- Number 1 go ahead and grab any supplies that you need for your group
- Students will grab supplies
- Number 2, go ahead and set up your communities exactly how your group
sketched it out in the picture
- Give me a thumbs up quietly once you are done
- Now, person three, set up your slope! Make your box a little bit slanted
- Give me a thumbs up once you are ready
- Great, now number 4 go ahead and pour your water over your house and watch
what happens
- Teacher will walk around and observe students as they complete this step
- Teacher will implement call and response
- Teacher and students will have a whole class discussion, each group will share
their findings and what happened
- Great work friends, person who is number one will put the supplies away and
you can go back to your seats

Closure/Summarizing Strategies
- I am going to give you all an index card, on the index card I want you to write your
name, what your group did for your experiment and if your prediction was correct or
- Teacher will assist students with needs
- Follow all IEP and 504 plans

Materials and Resources:

- Plastic bin
- Lego houses
- Dirt
- Rock
- Sand
- Clay
- Water
- Paper
- Pencil
- Blue crayon

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection Questions

2/7/2024 - Rain to drain Assessment
- Landform brainpop

2/8/2024 Introduce landforms (guided notes in

Standard: - Landform powerpoint
S4.D.1.1 Describe basic landforms in - What are landforms
Pennsylvania - What is a geologist
- Mountains
Describe how prominent Earth features in
Pennsylvania (e.g., mountains, valleys,
caves, sinkholes, lakes, rivers were formed

2/9/2024 Plateaus
- Powerpoint slides on plateaus
Standard: - Students will take guided notes
S4.D.1.1 Describe basic landforms in in their flipbooks
- Appalachian plateaus
S4.D.1.1.2 Identify various Earth structures - Students will take guided notes
(e.g., mountains, watersheds, peninsulas, in their flipbooks
lakes, rivers, valleys) through the use of
models - Mountain Vs. Plateauts

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