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Pets in health

Next, I am going to talk about the health benefits of having a pet.

Might you have heard that having a pet can have great benefits, both for the owner and
for the animal, and it is true, since today only 30% of pets have a home, so on the one
hand it has helped Giving an animal a shelter and family and on the other hand, health has
increased enormously, since some characteristics of an owner who has lived with a pet

 Better cardiovascular system: this is due to less stress, better blood pressure,
cholesterol level and triglyceride levels. So, all this must have reduced the chance
of getting a heart attack enormously.
 Strengthens the immune system: by being exposed to these animals, the body has
become accustomed to it, generating better defenses, so allergies will be reduced,
causing less rashes and the impact of virus that can enter the body will decrease,
lightening the infections, cough, flu, among others. This point could have
happened to all of us who had pets since we were children.
 Better state of mind: this clearly influences health, like I have said before it reduces
stress, which is a great factor in various diseases, especially in the head with its
headaches and their variants.
 More energy: You'll just feel more active.
We can see that having a pet will indirectly improve our quality of life, but it is true that
nullifying the possibility of catching a disease is impossible, but even in those cases having
a pet will also facilitate the process. Since suppose you have gotten a fever or have a
broken bone, so you will have to rest for several days without being able to move much.
The company of a pet will be a great advantage during the recovery process, since always
you will feel enormous company and therefore a feeling of comfort and overshadowing
the bad moment.
Of course, having a pet requires a lot of responsibility in terms of the obligations that must
be taken into account, so we must give our time, love, space and also money, since a pet
with bad care could not reach generate the same benefits or the same happiness, what's
more, a pet in poor care could develop a violent attitude that sooner or later can make a
wound when feeling threatened by the lack of bond. This case has occurred in many cases
of animal violence.
In conclusion, a pet can become a great pillar in a person's life, since it can improve the
owner's quality of life, if the responsibilities and obligations that must be fulfilled are kept
in mind.
Alumno: Luis Gerardo Torres Durón Grupo: 3 M. 2063860

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