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3rd july 2005 at Meenakshi College,Chennai ::

1. There is a merry-go-round race going on. One person says,"1/3 of those in front of me and 3/4 of
those behind me, give the total number of children in the race". Then the number of children took part in
the race? (repeated from previous papers)
Ans : 13
[ Assume there are x participants in the race.In a round race,no: of participants in front of a person wil b
x-1 an that behind him wil b

x-1. i.e, 1/3(x-1) + 3/4(x-1) = x ; solving x = 13 ]

2. In an Island the natives lie and visitors speak truth. A man wants to know whether a salesman beside
him in a bar is a native or visitor. He asked him to ask a woman beside him whether she is a native or
visitor. He replied "she says she is a visitor". Then he knew that the salesman is a native or visitor.
salesman is in which category , native or visitor?
Ans : Native (not sure) [ Draw table and see ]

3.A man fixed an appointment to meet the manager, Manager asked him to come two days after the
day before the day after tomorrow. Today is Friday. When will the manager expect him? (repeated from
previous papers)
Ans: Monday [Don't confuse it with Tuesday.the correct answer is Monday]

4. A jem merchant wants to exhibit his 7 precious jewels in an exhibition, Amethist, Diamond, Ruby,
Opel ,G, Sapphire and Emarald.He shows either through the left window or through the right window.At
a time he shows only 3 out of his 7 jewels he had.

some conditions where given like

(i) A should be shown only through the left window.
(ii) D should be shown only through the right window
(iii) E and S ahould be shown together
(iv) R should not be shown though the same window as O or G
(v) Some more conditions...I 4got the remaining..
4 questions where asked on this and 4 options where given like..
[A] Which among the following sets are possibly shown through the left window?
4 options like {a} A,D,G {b} D,O,R {c} A,G,R {d} A,S,E
[B] Which of the following should be shown through the right window if E is shown through the right
4 options..
[C] and [D] questions where also there. 8 marks
It was an easy question. (repeated from previous papers)

5.A man said he spent 1/6 of his as a child, 1/12 as salesman in a liquor shop, 1/7 and 5 years as a
politician and a good husband respectively. At that time Jim was born. Jim was elected as Alderman
four years back.when he was half of his age. What is his age?

(repeated from previous papers) Ans: 84 years

[Assume that he lived x years.
X/6 + x/12 + x/7 + 5 + 4 + x/2 = x. Solving x= 84, Same as Question in Shakundala Devi book]

6.Jack,Doug and Ann, 3 children had a running race while returning from school.Mom asked who won
the race.Then Jack replied" I wont tell u.I wil give u a clue,When Ann takes 28 steps Doug takes 24
steps, meantime I take 21 steps. Jack explained that his 6 steps equals Droug's 7 steps and Ann's 8
steps. Who won the race? (repeated from previous papers) Ans: Doug
[ Ann steps = 8,16,24,28 --- finished by 3 & half full steps
Doug steps=7,14,21,24 --- finished before 3 & half full steps
Jack steps= 6,12,18,21 --- finished by 3 & half full steps
So Doug won the race ]

7. Every day a cyclist meets a car at the station.The road is straight and both are travelling in the same
direction. The cyclist travels with a speed of 12 mph. One day the cyclist comes late by 20 min. and
meets the car 5miles before the Station. What is the speed of the car? Ans: 60 mph

[Very similar to Shakuntala Devi puzzles to puzzle you problem no: 38 ]

8. A problem of persons and profession. 4 persons were there- Jack, Clove, Smith, Morgan belongs to
4 professions policeman, Druggist, Grocer, Butcher. Who all belongs to which profession?Some
conditions where given like..
(i) Clove and Jones drive together to work
(ii) Clove earns more income than Morgan...I 4got the conditions..
Clove :
Jones : 8 marks
Morgan :
Smith :

9.A lady goes for shopping. She bought some shoestrings. 4 times the number of shoestrings, she
bought pins and 8 times, handkerchiefs. She paid each item with their count as each piece's cost. She
totally spent Rs. 3.24. How many handkerchiefs did she buy? (repeated from previous papers)

10. Complete the series :

a) 3,6,13,26,33,66,____(repeated from previous papers)
b) 364,361,19,16,4,1,___( " " " )
Ans : a) 63
b) 1

3 July 2005, Delhi.

1. There is a circle race going on. One of them says,”1/3 of those in front of me and ¾ of those
behind me, give the total number of children in the race”. Then the number of children took part
in the race?
Ans : 13

2. In an Island the natives lie and visitors speak truth. A man wants to whether a salesman beside him
in a bar is a native or visitor. He asked him to ask a woman beside him whether she is a native or
visitor. He replied that she says “she is a visitor”. Whether the salesman is a native or visitor?
Ans : Visitor

3.A man fixed an appointment to meet Mr.X, X asked him to meet two days after the day before the day
after tomorrow. Today is Friday. Whats the appointed day. Ans: Monday

4. A jewel problem, with some conditions and it is quite easy to solve.

5.A man said he spent 1/6 of his as a child, 1/12 as salesman in a liquor shop, 1/7 and 5 years as a
politician and a good husband respectively. At that time Jim was born. Jim was elected as Alderman
four years back. when he was half of his age. What is his age.
Ans: 84 ( It is same as diaphantus problem given in shakuntala devi -2 part)

6.Jack,Dough and Ann, 3 children had a race when returning from school. Ann takes 28 steps when
Droug takes 24 steps, meantime Jack takes 21 steps. Jack explained that his 6 steps equals Droug’s 7
steps and Ann’s 8 steps. Who won the race? Ans: Dough
7. Every day a cyclist meets a car at the station. The road is straight and both are traveling in the same
direction. The cyclist travels with a speed of 12 mph. One day the cyclist comes late by 20 min. and
meets the car 5miles before the Station. What is the speed of the car? Ans: 60 mph

8. A problem of persons and profession. 4 persons were there- Jack, Clove, Smith, Morgan. Some
conditions were there. I do’t remember, but I remember the answer. Ans: Clove : Druggist
Jones: Grocer
Morgan : Butcher
Smith : Policeman

9.A lady goes for shopping. She bought some shoestrings. 4 times the number of shoestrings, she
bought pins and 8 times, handkerchiefs. She paid each item with their count as each piece’s cost. She
totally spent Rs. 3.24. How many handkerchiefs did she buy? Ans : 16

10. Complete the series :

a) 3,6,13,26,33,66,____
b) 364,361,19,16,4,1,___
Ans : a) 73
b) 1
4th July 2005, Chennai.

1. There is a circle race going on. One of them says,”1/3 of those in front of me and ¾ of those behind
me, give the total number of children in the race”. Then the number of children took part in the race?
Ans : 12

2. In an Isalnd the natives lie and visitors speak truth. A man wants to whether a salesman beside him
in a bar is a native or visitor. He asked him to ask a woman beside him whether she is a native or
visitor. He replied that she says “she is a visitor”. Whether the salesman is a native or visitor?
Ans : Visitor ( not sure )

3.A man fixed an appointment to meet Mr.X, X asked him to meet two days after the day before the
after tomorrow. Today is Friday. What is the appointed day? Ans: Tuesday.

4. A jewel problem, with some conditions and it is quite easy to solve.

5.A man said he spent 1/6 of his as a child, 1/12 as salesman in a liquor shop, 1/7 and 5 years as a
politician and a good husband respectively. At that time Jim was born. Jim was elected as Alderman
four years back. When he was half of his age. What is his age. Ans: 86

6.Jack,Droug and Ann, 3 children had a race when returning from school. Ann takes 28 steps when
Droug takes 24 steps, meantime Jack takes 21 steps. Jack explained that his 6 steps equals Droug’s 7
steps and Ann’s 8 steps. Who won the race? Ans: Droug

7. Every day a cyclist meets a car at the station. The road is straight and both are traveling in the same
direction. The cyclist travels with a speed of 12 Kmph. One day the cyclist comes late by 20 min. and
meets the car 5km before the Station. What is the speed of the car? Ans: 60 kmph

8. A problem of persons and profession. Quite easy one.

9.A lady goes for shopping. She bought some shoestrings. 4 times the number of shoestrings, she
bought pins and 8 times, handkerchiefs. She paid each item with their count as each piece’s cost. She
totally spent Rs. 3.24. How many handkerchiefs did she

buy? Ans : 16
10. Complete the series:s
a) 3,6,13,26,33,66,____
b) 364,361,19,16,4,1,___
Ans : a) 73
b) 1 or -1

Q1) Problem on ages. Slightly confusing text. (3Marks)

Q2) Two trains are approaching each other at 60mph each. The length of each train is 1/6 miles. When
the two locomotives (engines) meet, how many seconds will it take for them to pass each other
completely? (4Marks)

Q3) Complete the series:- (6Marks)

a) 1,9,2,8,3,7,4,6,5,5,6,4,7,3,8,2, , , (two blanks) (Ans: 9,1)

b) 2,4,8,32,512, (one blank) (Ans: 2 raise to n-1, so it will be 2 raise to 17, ie. 131072)

Q4) In a race Andrew beats Jim.Jack is not the last.Dennis loses to both Jack and Lucia.Jim beats
Jack.Who won the race? (This question came with different names) (4 Marks)

Q5) 8 Marks Question. Some information was given about some cities.
Eg: A is to the north of B and to the west of C.C is to the south of D and to the east of F. (5/6 facts were
given) 4 questions were asked with multiple choice answers.

Q6) If i multiplied by i is me. me multiplied by multiplied by me is she. What is the value of she?
Ans: i=4, so m=1 and e=6, Therefore s=2, h=5 and e=6, hence she is 256.

Q7) 5 Marks question, easy one. Some facts were given like:
a) Dravid scores 26 runs more than Robin.
b) Robin and Azhar together score 94 runs.
Like these around 5/6 facts were given. Only equations had to be formed and total runs scored by all
the batsmen had to be found.

Q8) Profit Loss sum for around 3 Marks.

Q9) There are 5 persons who have won top five places in an event in Olympics . one of them asks all
the five regarding their positions, they reply as
a: "i am not the last"
b: "c is in third place"
c: "E is behind A"
d: "B is in first place"
e: "D is not the first"
The persons who have won gold and silver have lied, find the positions in order. (5Marks)

Q10) Assume you have a huge cube. All the 6 sides of the cube are painted red. Then 6 straight cuts
are made across the cube to give 125 cubes of equal size. 8 Marks sum.

a) find the number of cubes with 3 sides painted red.

b) find the number of cubes with 2 sides painted red.
c) find the number of cubes with 1 side painted red.
d) find the number of cubes with no side painted red.
e) If all the cubes are put into a bag, and one cube is removed at random, what is the probability that its
surface pointing towards you is red in colour?
Infosys off campus ( 7-August-2005 )

1)The age of the grand lady is between 50-70 where each of her son has as many sons as many
brothers he has. The grand lady's age is equal to the number of sons and grand sons. What is the age
of the grand lady. Ans: 64 years

2) Four persons A, B, C and D are playing cards. Each person has one card, laid down on the table
below him, which has two different colours on either side. There are 2 red, 2green and 2 blue. The
colours visible on the table are Red, Green, Red and Blue. They see the color on the reverse side and
give the following comment.

A: Yellow or Green
B: Neither Blue nor Green
C: Blue or Yellow
D: Blue or Yellow

Given that out of the 4 people 2 always lie find out the colours on the cards each person.

3) what is the 5 digit number which has only 2 prime numbers in it and satisfies the following condition.
a>3rd digit is the largest
b>2nd digit is the smallest
c>1st digit is one less than the 3rd digit and greater than the addition of 4th and 5th digit.
d>5th digit is between the 1st and 2nd digit and half of the 4th digit.
1 is not considered as the prime number.

Ans: 71842

4> What is the value of X,Y and Z?

------------- Ans: X=9, Y=1, Z=8

5)40 cows graze a pasture in 40 days,30 cows graze the same pasture in 60 days. how many days
does 20 cows take to graze it.
Ans:80 days (check it)

6) A person from washington came to india. One evening at 6.00 p m he started walking at the speed of
40 km/hr and climbed the slope at speed of 30 km/hr. From there he walked back to the source at the
same speed at 9.00 p m. what is the distance he covered in one way. Ans: 12 kms

7) A c-pole of 200 ft is 250 ft from the d-pole which is 150 ft high.. Two pigeons are sitting at the top of
each poles (one in one pole)

Both pigeon fly towards a grain which is present between the 2 poles at the same speed. What is the
distance between the c-pole and the grain?

8) A 1 Km wire is connected between N poles. if 1 pole is removed the distance between the pole
increases by 2/3 of the original distance. How many poles are there ?

9)A question on languages. Something like... Four people are there among them they know languages
like French, Italian, German, English. Each of them knows two languages exactly. no body knows
French and German together.
10) a question on racing. Asking who is the first in the race.
1.Lucia is a wonderful grandmother. Her age is between 50 and 70.Each of her sons have as many
sons as they have brothers. Their combined number gives Lucia’s age. What is the age?

2.There are two towers A and B. Their heights are 200ft and 150ft respectively and the foot of the
towers are 250ft apart. Two birds on top of each tower fly down with the same speed and meet at the
same instant on the ground to pick a grain. What is the distance
between the foot of tower A and the grain?

3.Grass in lawn grows equally thick and in a uniform rate. It takes 40 days for 40 cows and 60 days for
30 cows to eat the whole of the grass. How many days does it take for 20 cows to do the same?

4.Four tourists A,B,C,D and four languages English, German, French and Italian. They are not able to
converse among themselves in one language. Though A does not know English he can act as an
interpreter between B and C. No one spoke both French and German. A knows German and was able
to converse with D who doesn’t know a word in German. Only one language was spoken by more than
two persons. Each spoke two languages. Find who spoke what.

5. There is a five digit number. It has two prime digits (1 is not a prime number). Third digit is the
highest. Second digit is the lowest. First digit is one less than the third digit. The fifth digit is half of the
fourth. The sum of 4th and 5th is less than the first. Find the number.

6. Four persons A, B, C and D are playing cards. Each person has one card, laid down on the table
below him, which has two different colours on either side. No card has the same color on both sides.
The colours visible on the table are Red, Green, Red and Blue respectively. They see the color on the
reverse side and give the following comment.

A: Yellow or Green
B: Neither Blue nor Green
C: Blue or Yellow
D: Blue or Yellow

Given that out of the 4 people 2 always lie find out the colours on the cards each person.

7. A software engineer returns from America. As he is fat he decided to have evening walk..... he
started at 3pm. he walks along the road at 4km/hr for some time then he climbs a upward slope area at
3km/hr then downwards at the rate of 6km/hr. then back to the home through the road at 4km/hr. what
is the distance he covered in one way if he reaches back home at 9pm

8. A 1 k.m. long wire is held by n poles. If one pole is removed, the length of the gap becomes 12/3m.
What is the number of poles initially?

9. Find the digits X,Y,Z

Y Y Y Y +

10.In a race Andrew beats Jim. Jack is not the last. Dennis loses to both Jack and Lucia. Jim beats
Jack. Who won the race?

2)A man starts walking at 3 pm . ha walks at a speed of 4 km/hr on level ground and at a speed of 3
km/hr on uphill , 6 km/hr downhill and then 4 km/hr on level ground to reach home at 9 pm. What is the
distance covered on one way? Ans: 12 km

3)A grandma has many sons; each son has as many sons as his brothers. What is her age if it’s the
product of the no: of her sons and grandsons plus no: of her sons?(age b/w 70 and 100).
Ans: 81 (I think)

4)An electric wire runs for 1 km b/w some no: of poles. If one pole is removed the distance b/w each
pole increases by 1 2/6 (mixed fraction). How many poles were there initially?

5)There is a church tower 150 feet tall and another catholic tower at a distance of 350 feet from it which
is 200 feet tall. There is one each bird sitting on top of both the towers. They fly at a constant speed
and time to reach a grain in b/w the towers at the same time. At what distance from the church is the
grain? Ans: 90 (I think)

6) Days Cows
40 40
60 30
X 20
Find the no: of days ie X.
7) Puzzle on color and cards.
8) Puzzle on languages and people.
9) Find out a five digit no: which has two prime nos: and , its highest digit is 3 and lowest digit is 2
bla bla bla………
10) Some question on truth and lie ….. I don’t remember the question but I think Andrew was the ans.

1) Lusie age is between 54-70.she has sons and each sons has sons as many brothers they have. The
combined number of sons and grandsons give lusie's age ? how old is she ?

2) A pigeon sitting on a cathedral tower of height 200m. another pigeon sitting on another tower of
height of 150 m. the distance between the two towers is 250. in ground. there are some grains, the
birds fly at same speed, and at same instance and reaches the ground and start to eat grains. how far
is the grain in the ground level from cathedral tower. ( 6 marks )

3)on a field, 50 cows were put for fed, which can last grass in 30 days. If 30 cows were put, they can
empty the field in 60 days. How many days 60 cows will take to last the grass ?

4) here is a five digit number. the fifth one is half of fourth digit, there must be two primes ( 1 not
considered as prime) the second digit is lowest digit the third digit is highest. 1'st digit greater than sum
of last two digit

5)4 players were playing a card game.Cards had different colours on both sides. Neither of cards has
same colour on both sides.

Colours were 2 Red,2 Blue,2 Green, 2 yellow.Cards were lying in front of each player.Now ,each
playere knew the colour on other side of card. They are required to tell their colour. Statement given by
each of them are

Annie: Blue or green

Bobby: Neither Blue nor Green
Cindy:Blue or Yellow
Dainny:Blue or yellow
Colour of cards that are visible to all were Red,'Yellow,Green, Blue in order of names.Exactly two of
them are telling truth and exactly two of them are telling are lieing ? can you tell the colour on other face
of card for each player ( 8 marks )

6) A software enginner starts his walking at 3 PM from point A, he walks at the rate of 4km/hr in plains
and 3km/hr in hill to reach the point B.During his return journey, he walks at the rate of 6km/hr in hill
and 4km/hr in plains and reaches point A at 9.P.M. what is the distance between A and B ?

YXXZ What is the value of X, Y,Z ?

8)A 1 k.m long wire is held by n poles. if one pole is removed, the length of gap is increased by 5/3
meters. What is the number of poles initially.

9) andrew beat jim, Davis,elite lost to jim, jack was beaten by jim. Jim beats davis. elite is not last.
(sorry i forgot exact order )

10) one 8 mark question based on language they speak. There are four persons. Each persons
speaking only two language conditions:
nobody speak both German and France. William donno English but he act as interpreter b/w Jacob and
Jim Jacob know German and

some conditions ......

we have to answer what the two languages they speak ?

Jacob William Jim Andrew

1. A lady's age is between 50 to 70 yrs. Her sons have as many sons as one has brothers. and the total
number of her sons and grandsons equal her age. Tell her age. ( 3 Marks )

2. Catheral Tower is 200 feet high and is at a distance of 250 feet from Shark Tower which is 150 feet
high. Two pigeons are sitting on each top of each tower. They fly instantly with the same speed at a
grain lying on a floor in between the two towers. They both reach on the same time. Tell the distance
from the foot of Catheral Tower where grain is lying. ( 6 Marks )

3. A Grass in a garden grows at a constant rate. 40 cows eat it at a regular rate for 40 days. 30 cows
eat it for 60 days. How many days will the grass last if 20 cows were there. ( 3 Marks )

Y Y Y Y+
Find the values of X, Y, and Z. ( 6 Marks )

5.There is a five-digit no. following conditions were given about the same number.
-> There are two prime nos in that number.
-> No duplicates are there.
-> Digit 3 is the highest.
-> Digit 2 is the lowest.
-> Digit 5 is between digit 2 and digit 1 and is half of digit 4.
-> Digit 1 is one less than digit 3 and is greater than sum of digit 4 and digit 5.
Find the number.(Don't take 1 as prime no.) It was given there in the paper. ( 5 Marks )

6. A software engineer returns from America. As he is fat he decided to have evening walk daily. He
started at 3pm. he walks along the road at 4km/hr for some time then he climbs a upward slope area at
3km/hr then downwards at the rate of 6km/hr. then back to the home through the same road at 4km/hr.
what is the distance he covered in one way if he reaches back home at 9pm. ( 4 Marks )

7. There is a 1 Km long wire. It has been fixed around a wall of the building with the help of some poles
between two telephone towers. It is noticed that if there is a increase of 1 2/3 m in the width of two
poles then there is need of one less pole. how many poles were used.( 3 Marks )

8. A group of friends participate in a akating race during their luch time. conditions are
-> Louise was not last.
-> Denish was beaten by Jack and Louise in that order
-> Jim was not first.
-> Jack was beaten by Jim.
-> Andew beated Jim.
Who won the race ?( 4 Marks )

9. A, B, c, D are from different countries. They speak English, Italian, French and German. Only one
language is spoken by more than two persons. Following conditions were given.
-> A speaks German but can converse with D who doesn't know a single word of German.
-> No person can speak both German and French together.
-> A and B can't converse with each other but they C can act as interpreter between them.
-> B, C, D don't have any common language between them.
-> Each person speaks two languages.
Find out the languages which each person speaks.( 8 Marks )

10. Four persons A, B, C and D are playing cards. They have one card in their hand. Each card has two
different colours on each of its side. In total there are 2 red, 2 green, and 3 blue colours. They made
following statements about their hidden colour of the card. and exactly two among them are lying.
A -> Blue or Green
B -> Neither Blue nor Green
C -> Blue or Yellow
D -> Blue or Yellow
The visible colours are Red, Green, Red and Blue respectively in that order. Tell the hidden colour of
card for each of the person. (8 Marks )

1. 64 yrs ( 8 Sons and 56 grandsons )
2. 90 feet ( speed and time are same. so distance must b same. Pythagorus theorem)
3. 120 days
4. X - 9, Y - 1, Z - 8.
5. 71842 (there can be other numbers also. Like 70821 etc.) But i wrote 71842 over there )
6. 12 Kms
7. 24 Poles and distance between each pole is 40 m
8. Andre ( order will be Andrew Jim Louise Jack Denish ) But I am not sure but it must b Andre or
9. A -> German and Italian
B -> French and English
C -> French and Italian
D -> English and Italian
10. A -> Yellow (False)
B -> Yellow (True)
C -> Blue (True)
D -> Green (False)
1.the problem regarding speed in shakuntala devi in which a person sees milestone after traveling
some distance 2 digit no reverses
Ans: 45 km/h is based on equations A and C score this much S and C, that much totally 5 players play cricket. A
scores 100 runs more than R some other conditions were given.
Ans: form equations like A+C=runs given and solve it

3.problem on ages in shakuntala Devi in which husband and wife's age difference is 9 years and their
sum of ages divided by difference is 11. ans: 45 years

4.the cube is painted and cut into 9 pieces find no of blank painted cubes, one side painted , 2 sides
painted and 3 side painted cubes

5.this regarding jobs done by various people some conditions were given and we have to find which
person does which job.
ans: solve it by table method in 12th edition logical reasoning in barron's

6.another similar to above problem and surnames are given solve it by table method in barron's

7.the average speed problem from shakuntaladevi use formula (2xy/(x+y))

8.a person gives half money to charity, and remaining half to that like that same problem is given in

9.some people are there and total less than 500.some students are in school and number of students is
divisible by some numbers like 2,3 etc. some condition was given
Ans:420. take lcm of all those numbers

10.clock problem it is worked example in agarwal very simple.2 clocks are ticking one gains 10 min in 1
hr and other loses 10 min in 1 hr at what time 2 clocks reach same time

1. there is a cycle race going on and 1/5th of the total in front a person and 5/6th of the total behind that
person gives up the total number of participants. total how many participants r there? (3 marks) a:31

2. a person wants to meet a lawyer and as that lawyer is busy he asks him to come three days after the
before day of the day after tomorrow? on which day the lawyer asks the person to come? a:

3. a person is 80 years old in 490 and only 70 years old in 500 in which year is he born? a: 470

4. a man enquires a person about the past 5 days temperatures in the 12 noon in that region. but the
other says that he dont remember the actual figures but there is different temperature on each day and
that their multiplication gives 12. assuming the temperature to the nearest degree what are the
temperatures on the five days? (5 marks)
a: 1,-1,2,-2,3 ( i think this one is correct but please check it out)

5. a cube is painted red and it is divided into 27 equal cubes then how many cubes r there which
3,2,1,0 sides painted red.
6.a person says that their speed while going to a city was 10mph however while returning as there is no
much traffic they came with a speed of 15mph what is their average speed? a: 12mph

7. there is a peculiar island where a man always tells truth and a women never says two 2 consecutive
truth or false statements that is if she says truth statement then she says false statement next and vice
versa. a boy and girl also goes in the same way. one day i asked a child " what r u a boy or a girl"
however the child replied in their language that i dint understand but the parents knew my language
and one parent replied that " kibi is a boy" the other one said that "no kibi is a girl, kibi lied" (8 marks)

a: is kibi a boy or a girl

b: who ansered first mother or father?
Ans: kibi is a girl and mother answered first.( i think its correct but check it out)

8. there is a couple and they have many children. 7 of them dont eat aloo 5 ot them dont eat carrot 6 of
them dont eat beans. 4 of them dont eat neither aloo or carrot 2 of them eat neither aloo or beans 3 of
them dont eat neither carrot or beans. and 1 dont eat neither aloo, carrot or beans total how many
children r there? a: 8

9. there r three tribes in a village sororean tribe always tell the truth nororean always lie and mororean
however truth and false statements alternately however his first statement is uncertain three persons A
B C replies in the following way
A: 1. i am soroean
2. B is not mororean
B: 1. i am mororean( not exactly in this order i dont remember correctly)
but answer is A: mororean B: nororean C: sororean

10. this one is the sixth question i dont remeber this one but a easy one regarding the flight coming late
had it been 6 hours late ... we would have been waiting for only ....(sorry i dont remember) a: 4pm

1) There was a cycle race going on. 1/5th of the those in front of a person and 5/6th of those behind
him gives the total number of participants. How many people took part in the race? (3 marks) Ans :
Let the total number of participants be X
So, [(x-1)/5 + 5(x-1)/6] = X

2) Today is Saturday. A person wants to meet a lawyer and as that lawyer is busy he asks him to come
three days after the before day of the day after tomorrow? On which day the lawyer asks the person to
Ans: Wednesday
Day after tomorrow=Monday
Day before day after tomorrow=Sunday
Three days after the day before the day after tomorrow=Wednesday

3) A person is 80 years old in 490 and only 70 years old in 500 in which year is he born?
Ans: 570 BC
Since the age gets decreased with the years, the years should definitely be in BC and hence u should
increment the years as u decrease the age. Therefore if he is 70 years old in 500BC, he would have
born on 570 BC!!

4) A man enquires a person about the past 5 days temperatures at 12 noon in that region. The other
replies that he doesn't remember the actual figures but there was a different temperature on each day
and that their product gives 12. Assuming the temperature to the nearest degree what are the
temperatures on the five days?
Ans: -1,-2,1,2,3
We know that the smallest two integers that can give a product of 12 is 3*4 which is spilt up as 2*2*3.
But no temperature is the same...hence use -2 instead of 2. Now the product becomes -12. Choose the
other temperatures such that value of the product does not change but only the sign changes. So
naturally, the other two options are -1 and 1.

5) A cube is painted. It is cut into 27 cubes with three straight lines. Find the number of cubes with
a. 3 sides painted
b. 2 sides painted
c. 1 side painted
d. no painted sides
Ans: a. 8 (4 corner cubes + 4 corner cubes)
b. 12 (center cubes at each EDGE)
c. 6 (center cubes at each FACE)
d. 1 (cube at the center of the original cube)
Draw a cube (with front, top and side faces, dont draw the inner lines. that'll confuse) cut it into 27
cubes. thats done by drawing 3 horizontal and 3 vertical lines on the front face of the cube. extend
those lines along the other two faces. then COUNT accordingly.

6) A person travels at a speed of 10 mph from one city to another. However while returning as there
was not much traffic. He came with a speed of 15mph. what is his average speed?
Ans: 12 mph
Let the distance be X
Distance/ Time=Speed
Time taken for forward journey=X/10
Time taken for return journey=X/15
Total time for to and fro journey T =[(X/10)+(X/15)]
Total distance covered D=2X
Hence, average speed= D/T = 12mph

7) There is a peculiar island where people speak a strange language called 'Kubi'.The men always
speak truth and a women never say two 2 consecutive truth or false statements, that is, if she says
truth statement once then she says false statement next and vice versa. The boys and girls always lie.
One day I asked a child "Are you a boy or girl ?" and the child replied in Kubi. Since I didn't know the
language, I asked the child's parents what it means. One of the parents said "The child says,"I am a
boy"" and the other said that "The child is a girl. He lied".
a) Is the child a boy or a girl
b) Which parent answered first?
Ans: The child is a girl and father answered first.
Take the statement "The child is a girl. He lied". If 'He lied' is true, then the child is a girl is a false.
Likewise, is 'He lied' is false, then the child is a girl is true => The second statement was given by the
child's mother and hence the father answered first.

Take the statement "The child says,"I am a boy". Since the father always speak the truth, the child
should have said that he was a boy. But then the child lies, so he cannot be a boy => the child was a
girl. (Confused? Try reasoning it out yourself, u'll understand the logic)

8) There is a couple and they have many children. 7 of them dont eat spinach. 5 ot them dont eat
carrot. 6 of them dont eat beans. 4 of them dont eat either spinach or carrot. 2 of them eat neither
spinach or beans and 3 of them eat neither carrot or beans. and 1 dont eat spinach, carrot or beans.
How many children r there in total? Ans: 9 children
4 of them don't eat spinach or carrot => 4 of them eat beans alone.
2 of them don't eat spinach or beans => 2 of them eat carrots alone.
3 of then don't eat carrot or beans =>3 of them eat spinach alone.
Total children=4+2+3=9
(If some other reasoning approach was chosen, the remaining three statements could be used. But this
one is simple and I am sure that the answer is right. Try out the other approaches anyway)

9) There are three tribes in a village. The Sorobean always speaks the truth. The Narobean always lies
and the Midorean speaks truth and false alternatively. From the following statements, find out who
belongs to which tribe.
A: I am a Sorobean
B is a Narobean

B: I am a Sorobean
C is a Midorean

C: I am a Sorobean
A is a Midorean

Ans: A -Midorean, B-Narobean, C-Sorobean

Simple ! Assume one as Sorobean and try to satisfy the conditions. All the above statement get
satisfied only for the above answer. I think the statements that I have given are sorry if its
wrong but the answer to this puzzle in the Infy paper is the one that I have given above.

10) A flight is scheduled to depart at 12 midnight. A family arrived at the airport 10 hours late and
missed the flight. If they had arrived 4 hours earlier, they would have reached the airport 2 hours earlier
to the departure of the flight. (Something like that...not sure of the values). What is the present time ?
Ans: 4PM

Let the present time be X
If they r 4 hours early, they arrive at airport at X+(10-4)=X-6.
The train leaves at 12 midnight => total duration from morning 12am 10 12 midnight=24 hours.
x-6 is 2 hours earlier to 12Pm =>24-(x-6)=2
X=16 hours=4PM
1.There were 2 systems A n B.14 degrees in A is equivalent to 36 in system B and 133 in A is
equivalent to 87 in B. now what is the temperature where they both r equal?(4 marks)

2.Grass in lawn grows equally thick and in a uniform rate. It takes 40 days for 40 cows and 60 days for
30 cows to eat the whole of the grass. How many days will 20 cows take.?

3.After gathering 770 chestnuts, three girls divided them up so that amounts were in the same
proportion as their ages. As often as mary took four chestnuts, nelli took three, and for every six that
mary received, Susie took seven. How many chestnuts did each girl get ?

4. There are 4 girls (say, ABCD). Each belonged to a different family (say, PQRS). Each prepared a
salad using different kinds of fruits. None of the girls used more than 2 kinds of fruits in common. The
fruits used were cherries, grapes, bananas and apples. Some clues were given and 4 ?s were asked.

5. Two coin is flipped. One gets $ 1 on winning. At the end of play, one had won $ 3 and the other had
won three times. How many games did they play altogether?
6.There is a peculiar island where people speak a strange language called ‘Kubi’. The men always
speak truth and a women never say two 2 consecutive truth or false statements, that is, if she says
truth statement once then she says false statement next and vice versa. The boys and girls always lie.
One day I asked a child “Are you a boy or girl ?" and the child replied in Kubi. Since I didn’t know the
language, I asked the child’s parents what it means. One of the parents said “The child says,” I am a
boy”” and the other said that "The child is a girl. He lied".
a) Is the child a boy or a girl
b) Which parent answered first?

7. vendor who is an ex-mathematician has a number of apples and when he arranges them in rows of 3
he is left with one more, when he arranges them in rows of 5 again he is left with 1 more, Same
happens with when he tries to arrange them in rows of 7 and

9 that is 1 apple is left extra. But when he arranges them in a row of 11 he is left with none. Can u tell
me how many apples were there?

8.question like A is older than B but younger than C ...etc to find the youngest..

1.) There are 100 people.Out of them, 10 percent did not take any course in physics or chemistry 76
people took course of physics.83 people took course of chemistry.How many people took the course of
both physics and chemistry.

2) Sam and saul participated in running race.Sam won with the distance of 10 yards. Next time , again
both of them participated , but now sam started 10 yards behind the time..and both of them raced with
the same speed as in the previous race.

3.) consider A to I. The values of A to I are equal to 1to 9, not necessarily in sequential manner. And
A=4. Now A+B+C+D=D+E+F+G=G+H+I=17. What is the value of D,G.

4.)There is a six faced die.Numbering should be done from 1 to 6.How many ways the numbering can
be done , with a condition that 1 and 6, 2 and 5 , 3 and 4 comes on the opposite sides of the die.

5.) A man built a house. He should pay amount to these persons: paper hanger,painter, plumber,
merchant , carpenter. He found that, ha should pay for

Paperhanger+ painter=1100
(some equation were given in this way,did not remember exactly).
Find, how much should he pay to each of them individually.(I did not remember the questions 6,7,8

6.)There is a milk man.He has pure milk in one can, and water in second can.First he poured milk from
first can to other can.(did not remember exactly….the water from and the milk are mixed from one can
to other can..he gave some conditions)Finally, in second can, one gallon of water remained than that of
Q. a) How much water and milk remained in both the cans at last.
b) Initially,how much milk and how much water is present in the two cans.

7.)There are three persons Robert Jones,James,X(did not remember the name).Two of them work as
pilot,biochemist,not necessarily in the manner specified..(he gave some conditions). Who is working as
8.)There is a stone merchant.He want to place arrange two showcase windows on left and right,to
place the stones for the exhibition of the stones to the coustomers who come to his shop.He want to
place emerald, ruby,garnet( given, some other stone names).(Some conditions are specified and 5to 6
questions are asked related to them)

9.) The wife of X gave birth to 15 children with a gap of one and a half year between each child.The
older one claimed that she is 18 years of that of the age of the younger one.How old is the older one?

10.)My friend came to my home for vacation. Every day we played a chess game.Where the looser
should give the winner a choclate. Finally one day my friend gave me 8 choclates even though she won
12 games. How many days did she stay in my home?

1.There are 100 students among them 10 dont study both physics and chemistry,63 studying
physics,85 studying chemistry. how many of them are studying both chemistry and physics (3
ans; 63+85-90=68

2. sal and saul are taking part in 100 yards running race in which sal beats saul by 10 yards. If sal starts
10 yards behind the starting line who will win the race?
Ans; sal wins saul by 1 yard, because as sal covers 10 yards saul covers only 9 yards.

3.This problem is like .....

IF A= 4,A+B+C+D = D+E+G+H=G+H+I=17..
whats the value of D and G. (6 mark) ans; d=5 g=1

4.In a dice the nos 1&6, 2&5, 3&4 are to be in opposite face . how many chances are there to attain this
by satisfying the above condition.... (3 mark)

Ans: 48(u need to place the nos in the die in such a way it satisfies all the condition i.e. right-1 left-6
top-2 bottom-5 front-3 back-4

5.In this problem , they gave 6 equations ..

like M+E=1000
upto 6 equations.. (8 mark)

and ask us to find out the value of each variable. in this type of problem just cancel the common
variables in given equation by either addition or subtraction.

6.there are two cans A&B can A contains water, can B contains pure milk .first double the amount of
liquid in can B by adding water from can A , the double the content of can A by adding content of can B,
then finally double the amount of can B by can A at last the amount in both the cans are equal and the
water in can B is 1 gallon more the amount of milk .find the amount of milk &water start with. (6 mark)
(I was not able to solve this problem if any one can plz send me the soln)

7.Jan robinson, kate jones, john smith are engineer, pilot & biochemist not in the order .they have three
martian assistants . as they find difficulty with martian names they gave them nick names as smith,
robinson, jones as their masters name.
1.robinson is an yomi
2.all martians speak uri.
3.the martians name is the same as the bio chemist is naim
4.robinson beats engineer in the chess
(one more condition) who is the pilot?
dont remember exactly..

Ans :Jan robinson

8. This problem was to arrange 7 gems in right & left window 3 in each very easy ..this question carries
8 marks... Its easy.... U can do it..

9.a parent has 15 children who where born in an interval of 1.5 years each . the first child`s age is 8
times that of last child. what’s the age of the first child?.(4M)
Ans: X=8Y, X=Y+21 Solving X=24

10.Sita goes to Gita's house during vacation. they play a game of chess everyday and the loser has to
give a chocolate to the winner for every game . Sita gave 8 chocolates to Gita at the end of the
vacation, although she had won 12 games. How long did she stay
there? 5 marks

Ans : 32 days(doubt)I put as 31


1. 75 persons Major in physics, 83 major in chemistry, 10 not at major in these subjects u want to find
number of students majoring in both subjects Ans 68.

2. if A wins in a race against B by 10 mts in a 100 Meter race. If B is behind of A by 10 mts. Then they
start running race, who will won?
Ans A

3. A+B+C+D=D+E+F+G=G+H+I=17
given A=4
Find value of G and H?
Ans : G = 5 E=1

4. Question goes like this

Plumber+ painter = 1100
painter + electrician = 1300'
wireman + woodcutter = 5300
Find each Share
Ans , 200,900,800,300,3000,2300

5. If 1-6, 2-5,3-4 are facing opposite 2 eacher how many ways are possible to arrange Ans : 24.

6. I cant able 2 remember question is A, B are 2 jugs u have to weigh equal amount of water and milk

7. 8 mark I cant able 2 remember 4 persons jan robinson, smith, peter, 4 nickname, Find who is pilot
some conditions Ans: jan robinson

8.8 Mark
Question about diamond, orpal,rupy, aremanld.......
4 questions, options given
Ans a,a,b,e

9. Age problem::: A father and a mother, For each one and a half year a child born, total they have 15
childrens at the end of n years, The oldest is 8 time younger, find age of oldest… Ans : 24.
10. Chocolate Problem In a game i won 12 games, each game if i loose i will give u one chocolate, You
have 8 chocolates how many games played? Ans :
1. A publishing company advertisd the job opening.The response was good. One hundred people
applied for the post. The company wanted someone expert in both physics and chemistry. Out of which
10 did not had any specalization.75 of them had got physics training and 83 got training in many applicants had got training in both physics and chemistry? (3 marks)

2.sal & saul had a race for 100 yards.sal won de race and saul is 10 yards behind him(i.e, in de mean
time saul covered 90 yards).if sal is 10 yards behind the start line and runs with the same speed as b4
who will win? (4 marks)

3.A + B + C +D = D + E + F + G = G + H + I =17. If A = 4. What are the values of D and G. Each letter

taken only one of the digit from 1 to 9. (6 marks)

4. A mother has 15 children with a interval of 1.5 years between each if the oldest child (given
some name)is three times the youngest one (given some name) what is the age of oldest one? (3

5.. Last Year my cousin came to my place and we played a game where the loosing one has to give
one choclate to the person who won the game .At the end of the vacation,i.e the day my cousin was
leaving she counted number of games that i won an she won. At last she gave me a total of 8 choclates
even though she won about 12 games.Find the mumber of games that we played.
(4 marks)

6. a jeweller makes a window display. he has 7 gems of which he needs to display 6. three on the left
side of the pane on three on the right. with following conditions.let the gems be Armanet, diamond,
emerald , sapphire , garnet, opal and ruby.
1.armanet should be always displayed on left side
2.diamond always on the right
3.ruby should not be kept with diamond or garnet.
4.emerald and sapphire should always be on the same side. (8 marks)
1]what are the possible combinations on the possible for left pane.
a] armanet,garnet , opal
b] armanet, ruby, garnet
c] diamond, emerald , sapphire
d] armanet , emerald, garnet
2]what are the possible combinations on the possible for right pane.
a]diamond, garnet , opal
b]diamond, ruby, opal
c]armanet,emerald, sapphire
3]if garnet, diamond, opal are on the right side what is possible
option for right side.
4]if armanet, ruby, opal are on the left side what is possible option for left side.
a]diamond, garnet, emerald
b]diamond, sapphire, garnet
c]garnet, sapphire, emerald
d]diamond, emerald, sapphire
7.a milkman says to a boy "in one can there is spring water.other can contains a cream milk.i will mix
some water with de milk to provid wholesome diet.if i take some quantity from can A and pour it into
can B such that its content doubles.again take some quantity from can B and pour it into can A such
that its content doubles.again take some quantity from can A and pour it into can B such that its
content doubles.Finally quantity of milk in both the cans are same but the amount of water is one gallon
more than the milk.(they didnt specify what the can A & can B contains)
(1) what is the initial amount of milk and water?
(2) what is the final amount of milk and water? (8 marks)

8.if the charges are as follows

plumber +painter=900
painter +electrician=
like this 6 values and the persons are paint hanger,painter,plumber,carpenter,electrician,mason.
find their individual charges (very easy to solve) (6 marks)

10. A dice is there. it should contain 1,6 and 2,5 and 3,4 pairs as opposite to each other(i,e, if 1 is at the
top 6 should be at the bottom) how many possible ways are there?
1.There is 100 yards run race b/n sal and saul.Sal win by saul 10 yards.If at the beginning sal took 10
yards behind the saul who wins the race?(they maintained const speed)

2.A+B+C+D=D+F+G+H=H+I+J=17 AND if A=4 then D=?H=?Ans:D=5,H=1

3.if anu came to rama's home to the vacation.They played one card game per each day.the condition is
that who losses the game should give a chacolate to the he end of the vacation eventhough
anu won 12 games she gave 8 chacolates to rama,then for how many days the vacation lasted?

4.I dont remember this one plz check it with othersPlumber+Paperhanger=1100

like this 8 statements given you have to find each persons value?its dead easy

5.One milk boy have 2 one can some water and in 2 can some milk is there(ie in A,B cans).He
take some quantity from A mixed with B then B Qty doubled,Then He took some qty from B then
mixedwith A then A qty doubled.Again He take some quantity

from A mixed with B then B Qty doubled,again He took some qty from B then mixedwith A then A qty
doubled.Finally how much milk is there intially and also water qty?after final mixing hw much qty each
milk and water in each can?Ans:Intially in A 2 ltrs Milk,in B 1 ltr water.then caluculate the second ans

6.Die is there u have to mark each side with 1-6 numbers but the cond is that 1-6,2-4,3-5 must be
oppite side hen how many ways u can do that one?

7.This one a little bit confusing regarding 3 persons and there profeessions some 3 stmts given finally
who is the pilot.

8.there is one jewallary show room there they want to exhibit some jewels in front of the shop.for hat
shop 2 wings r there ie left and each wing u have to place 3 jewels.
-Emorold should be in left wing.
-diomond should be in right wing-if garnet is there ruby doesnt be there.
1.There are 100 students among them 10 dont study both physics and chemistry,63 studying
physics,85 studying chemistry. How many of them are studying both chemistry and physics (3
mark) (similar Qn. Asked prev)
ans; 63+85-90=68

2. sal and saul are taking part in 100 yards running race in which sal beats saul by 10 yards. If sal starts
10 yards behind the starting line who will win the race? Ans: Sal.
When 100mtrs is covered by Sal ,Saul covers only 90 mtrs…acc 1st race In 2nd race Sal has to run
tot 110 mtrs while Saul 100 mtrs

but when Saul covers 90mtrs Sal has coverd 100mtrs ie now for both 10 mtrs r rem but Sal is faster
than Saul as he won 1st rece so this 10 mtrs Sal will complete first and will win by 1 mtr.

3. A+B+C+D = D+E+G+H=G+H+I=17.
If A=4,Find value of D and G. (present in prev paper) (6 mark) ans; D=5 G=1

4.In a dice the nos 1&6, 2&5, 3&4 are to be in opposite face . How many ways u can do this
arrangement. (prv paper)
Ans: I wrote 24 ways.
Suppose 1and 6 we fix in any 2 faces rem nos we can arrange in 4 ways again 4 combi in same way
but 1 and 6 interchanged ie 8 combi for 1 pair so 8x3=24 combi. Chk out tis one …….

5. Plumber+Paperhanger=1100
Painter+electrision=..... and so on 6 equation. (8 mark) (repe)
Ans: You can solve equation or try few values u get the ans.. i didn’t had enough time so I put values
and tried luckily I got correct answer

6.Some milkman problem. There are two cans A&B can A contains water, can B contains pure milk . To
dilute the milk first he put water frm Can A to Can B so that he doubles the qty in Can B. then poured
some qty frm Can B to Can A to double qty in Can A and then again frm Can A to Can B to double qty in
Can B. At the end he finds both Qty same but in Can B 1 gallon water is more than Can A (something
like this I’m sorry I don’t remember exactly the last sentence). So what is the initial quantity of milk and
water(6 or 8 mark) I didn’t solve only tis qn. If ny1 has d ans plz put it in group mail.
7.Jan robinson, kate jones, john smith are engineer, pilot & biochemist not in the order .they have three
martian assistants . as they find difficulty with martian names they gave them nick names as smith,
robinson, jones as their masters name. 1.robinson is an yomi

2. martians speak uti. 3.the martians name is the same as the bio chemist 4.robinson beats engineer in
the chess (conditions I don’t remember properly) who is the pilot? Ans :Jan robinson
U have to work out the conditions and analyze some 2 conditions r imp u get the idea so concentrate
and do.

8. This was gem problem .7 gems to be arranged on window 3 on left 3 on rt. diamond always on rt,
Emrald on lf always sapphire and something always together ruby wont go with some gems etc etc.4
sub qns asked very easy u can easily solve this.
(8 mrks) (repeated)

9.Mr. And Mrs. XYZ has 15 children who where born in an interval of 1.5 years each . the first child`s
age is 8 times that of last child. what’s the age of the eldest child?.(4M)
Ans: 24 yrs youngest is 3 yrs. X=8Y, X=Y+21 Solving X=24

10.Sita goes to Gita's house during vacation. They play a game of chess everyday and the loser has to
give a chocolate to the winner for every game . Sita gave 8 chocolates to Gita at the end of the
vacation, although she had won 12 games. how many days she stay there? 5 marks (repe)
Ans : 32 days
Sita 12 games won ----12 days
Sita 12 days lost--------12 days
Sita 8 games lost--------8 days tot: 32 days

1. A man is 80 yrs old in the year 490 and 90 yrs old in the year 480. when was he born? 3 Marks
Ans : 570

2. A man starts from his house and after some time he comes across a milestone that shows the
distance travelled in Kms. It is a 2 digit number. after an hr. he gets another milestone with the same 2
digits reversed. After an hr. he gets another milestone with thesame two digits but with a Zero in
between. What is his speed? 4 marks Ans : 45kph

3. Sita goes to Gita's house during vacation. they play a game of chess everyday and the loser has to
give a chocolate to the winner for every game . Sita gave 8 chocolates to Gita at the end of the
vacation, although she had won 12 games. How long did she stay
there? 5 marks Ans : 32 days

4. There is a train from NY to Washington every 1/2 hr and 1 hr. there is a train from Washington to NY
every 1 hr. (constant speed assumed) it takes 5 hrs from NY to Washington and 5 hrs. to come back.
On your way from Washington to NY, how many trains
will cross you? 6 marks Ans: 19 trains

Q 1. At some diamond shop ,a burglary happened. Police got hold of 3 suspects named Robbert, Davis
and Andy. each one of them pointed the other for the robbery. Robbert said “one of the other 2 has
done it. I have not done that.” Latter police came to know that robber was telling lies. Tell who did that.
(3 marks)
ANS statement of Robert” one of the other 2 has done it. I have not done that.” As it is given that he
was telling lies so “I have not

done” is false. hance rebert did that. ROBBERT

Q 2.There was a person who smoked a lot .One day he decided to quit his habit, but he had 27
cigarettes with him. So he started smoking them one by one ,to finish them. He had the habit of
smoking only 2/3rd of it and leaving the rest butt. later he found out that by joining 3 butts he can form 1
cigarette. So ,tell haw many cigarettes in all he smoked.
ANS from 3 butts he get 1 cigarette.Hence from 27 butts he get 9 (27/3) cigarettes. 3 butts give way 1
ANSWER. check it

Q 3. one day a person wanted to meet a lawyer, but lawyer was busy,so he told the man to meet him 2
days after the day before the day after tomorrow .Tell what the day is ,if today is Friday.

Ans day after tomorrow-Sunday

The day before day after tomorrow-Saturday
2 days after Saturday=Monday

Q 4 Tell a 5 digit number which satisfies:

It has 2 prime numbers.
The 3rd digit is largest.
The 2nd digit is smallest.
The 1st digit is greater than the sum of 4th and 5th digits.
The 5th digit is between 2nd and 1st digit and is half of 4th digit.
Find the number. (6 marks)


Q 5 in an office there are 5 people named miss aimes, miss benns, mr colonoy, mr Davis and Mr Paul.
And the 5 posts are floorwalker, manager, clerk, cashier and buyer .Find who is who,if:
2 of these were roommates in college (Don’t remember the names).
The buyer is a bachelor.
Mrs colonoy was angry when her husband told her that the manager refused for give him promotion.
Davis was the best man when the clerk and cashier got married.
Aimes and paul had the business relations only. (8 marks)

Q 6 There are some students in a school. The 1/2 of number of students is a whole number. The 1/6 of
number of students is a whole number. The 1/5 of number of students is a whole number. The 1/7 of
number of students is a whole number. Find the number of students. (SOMETHING THIS TYPE.
Ans 420
Q 7 Complete the series:
1,2,3 (I don’t remember). (6 marks)

Q 8It was something that 2 trains are going in opp direction.time was given and we have to find out how
many number of trains will meet train ‘A’ before reaching its destination.

Q 10 4 cards r placed on a table, each card has 2 colors. U don’t know the color of the back side of
each card.4 persons A,B,C,D r there and they can see the top color of their cards as Red, Green, Red,
Blue. No card can have same color on both its sides. all the 4 see thee back color of their cards and
A: yellow/Green.
B:neither blue nor green
Out of these 2 tells truth and two tells lie. tell the color of the backside of each card.
(8 marks).

1. Clark, Jones, Smith and Morgan are Butcher, Grocer, Druggist and Policeman. Based on the given
conditions find who is who.
1. Clark and Jones are neighbors and they drive each other on alternatively to work.
2.The Butcher always walks to work.
3.Clark beats Smith at the bowl regularly.
4.The Policeman has met the Grocer only once when he arrested him for speeding.
5.The Policeman and the Druggist are not neighbors.
6.Jones earns more than Morgan.
7.The Policeman earns more than the druggist or Grocer.
Quite confusing and time consuming for me.
Clark and Jones are not butchers
Proceeding like this solve it.

2. Trains leave from New York to Washington every hour on the hour (1:00,2:00....).Trains leave from
Washington to New York every hour on the hour and half hour(1:00,1:30,2:0,2:30....).It takes a train 5
hrs to complete its journey from Washington to New York as well as from New York to Washington. A
train leaves from New York to Washington. Find out how many trains it will meet before it reaches

3. A man drives with constant speed..n he after some time he sees a milestone with 2-digits..then he
travels for an hr n sees the same 2 digits in reverse order..n then after an hr he sees that the milestone
has the same 2 digits with a 0 between them.. so whats the man speed?

4. Last Year my cousin came to my place and we played a game where the loosing one has to give one
choclate to the person who won the game .At the end of the vacation,i.e the day my cousin was leaving
she counted number of games that i won an she won.At last she gave me a total of 8 choclates even
though she won about 12 games. How many days did my cousin stayed in my house?

a. Rimmie wears a hat only if goerge wears a tie.
b. George wears a scarf only if Johnie wears a tie.
c. Vickie wears a googles only if Rimmie wears a hat.
some what like this there are 8 statements, from that we have to determine who wears what.

6. A person is 80 years old in 490 and only 70 years old in 500 in which year is he born?

7. A solicitor says to his friend that its one hour before the end of the summer”; when can we have our
Friend : we can meet 11 hours after the town clock has 10 seconds to strike.
Solicitor : doesn’t it the town clock strikes with 1 second between
Friend : yes
So what is the time of their meeting?

8. Name of some 5 persons are given say A,B,C,D,E. and it is said that they play games and some
conditions are given like if A comes second B and C are in third and fourth position.. its very easy.. the
question is to find the position of B,C,D,..

9. A farmers wife says to her husband if we have 75 chicken ,they can be fed for 20 days and if still
more 100 chicken are there they can be fed for only 15 days”
how many chicken does the farmer have?

10. “1/8th of my life as a boy”, said my boss,”1/6th as a young man…. So on like this. Jus add up the
fractions to find the age of the boss.
Infosys Test 9/11/05 (FOR EXPERIENCED)
1.There are 100 balls .20red,20 blue,20,20,20 What is the min no of balls u shld pick so that u can
make a pair

2.1/5 of those in front = 5/6 of those behind how many in the race?

3.There is train from New York to Washington every hour from Washington to New York every ½ an
hour total journey takes 5 hours how many trains u will see if go from New York to Washington
5.2 temperature systems A & B 14 in A = 36 in B 133 in A =87 in B at what temp both will be equal Ans

6.There are 5 positions in an office Manager, Cashier, Clerk, Floorwalker, Buyer & 5 people Miss A
,Miss B, Mr C, Mr D, Mr E 5

Conditions are given.

1. Cashier & manger were roommates in college
2. Buyer is a bachelor
3. E has only business relations with Miss A
4. Mrs C was very upset when her husband told her manager refused to give a raise
5. Davis will be the best man when cashier weds clerk
Find the position of all

7. From a to b it is 8 km up hill and 24 km downhill. Mr X goes from a to b in 2 hr 50 min and b to a in

4 hrs 30 min Find the uphill and downhill velocity 8a red cube cut into 27 pieces how many
7. no sides painted
8. 1 side
9. 2 side
10. 3side

9 there are stamps of 2 p,7p,10p,15p,20p Stamps are to be bought in two sets 3 kind of stamps 5
each,2 kind 6 each Total money to be spent is Rs 3 find the two sets

10. M is sister of P, O`s husband is L`s brother, N is father of K & grandfather of P There are two fathers
and one mother and 3 brothers Find who is husband of O No of male members......The group of

1. A person is 80 years old in 490 and only 70 years old in 500 in which year is he born?

2. I spent one-sixth of my age as a boy and one-12th in youth, remarked the boss "spent one-seventh
and five years in matrimony". My son born just after that period was elected as a governor 4 years back
when he was half of my present age. What is the age of the boss?

3. A person travels in a car with uniform speed. He observes the milestone, which has 2 digits. After
one hour he observes another milestone with same digits reversed. After another hour he observes
another milestone with same 2 digits separated by 0. Find the speed of the car?

4. 'A' says if seventy five chickens are sold from what we have now the feed will last for extra 20 days
but 'B' says if we buy additional 100 chickens then feed will get over 15 days earlier. Find the no. of
chickens both are having now?

5. Trains leave from New York to Washington every hour on the hour (1:00, 2:00....).Trains leave from
Washington to New York every hour on the hour and half hour (1:00, 1:30, 2:0, 2:30....).It takes a train 5
hrs to complete its journey from Washington to New York as well as from New York to Washington. A
train leaves from New York to Washington. Find out how many trains it will meet before it reaches

I remember only till this question only.

9. One question similar to 11th question on “Puzzles to puzzle u” but not that much easier question
(related to that) (4 line question).

There were 3 logical question of 8, 8, 6 marks. And one more 3 marks aptitude question.
7. Captain is making a race between some friends (5 members) and some 6 condition were given
asked to find out their positions in the race. (6 mark)

10. 11 to 14 sentences were given about that and 4 person names and 4 things as hat, tie, and scarf
and asked who is wearing what. (Most difficult one)(8 mark)

1.There are 100 balls in a box. 20 are blue, 20 are red, 20 are black, and 20 are white and 20 orange.
Find the least no of ways to get the pair of balls.

2.There are 2p, 5p, 7p, 10p and 15p stamps are available. My mom told me to buy three stamps of 5
each and two stamps of 6 each. But I forget that. But my mom had given me the exact amount to buy
the stamps Rs. 3.00. Please help me to buy the stamps.

3.In a circular bicycle race. There are 1/5th of total racers are ahead of me and 5/6th are behind me.
Find the total no. of bicycle racers in the race.

4.There are tow trains. One from New York to Washington and second from Washington to New York.
The total journey to a destination takes 5 hours. A train from New York to Washington leaves on hour at
every hour. The train from Washington to New York leaves an hour and on half an hour. How many
trains will be passing if you are traveling from New York to Washington?

5.In a school there are fewer than 500 students. The 1/3 are the whole numbers. The 1/4th and the
1/7th are the whole numbers. Find the total number of students in the school.

6.A person on his bicycle walks 8km uphill and 24km Downhill he took 2hr30minutes to complete this.
He started again without any stop now he took now 4hr50minutes. Find the average speed of the cyclist

7.There is question on relations. Who is the brother, wife. (8 marks)

8.There is one more question on relations. (8 marks)

9.There are two mew systems developed for temperature A and B. if A =14 the B=36, when A = 133
then B = 87. Find when both the temperature becomes equal.

1)3 marks) Sandy's uncle died leaving 1000 rs behind to be distributed among his five nephews. The
money is to be divided among the nephews according to their ages. A person gets Rs 20 more than his
immediate younger brother.Sandy being the youngest what was his share? Ans. Rs 160.0

let sandy's share be x


2) 4MARKS Rohit was descending from the elavator which was not working. When he had stepped
down 7 steps his sir started from the bottom of the elevator and they passed each other and when
Rohit had still 4 steps to go down, his sir reached at the top.

Taking into consideration that sir's 2 steps took same time as Rohit's one what were the total no of
steps? Ans 22 steps

let no of steps be x

Distance covered by Rohit = x-7-4 (7 steps already covered and 4 were still to go)
Distance covered by sir = x
Speed of Rohit =s
Speed of sir = 2s
Time taken is equal in both the cases so

(x-7-4) / s = x / 2s
2x - 22 = x

3) 3 marks) A vendor who is an ex-mathematician has a number of apples and when he arranges them
in rows of 3 he is left with one more, when he arranges them in rows of 5 again he is left with 1 more,
Same happens with when he tries to arrange them in rows of 7 and 9 that is 1 apple is left extra.
But when he arranges them in a row of 11 he is left with none. Can u tell me how many apples were
there? Ans : 946
the no is a multiple of 3,5,7,9 + a remainder of 1. So
3* 5* 7* 9= 945 + 1 =946
946 /11= 86
so it is divisible by 11 also.

4 4MARKS A theft was reported in a p[olice station and police detained 3 persons - Tommy, Lee and
Andy on the basis of doubt. However everyone said that he did not steal and one among the other two
is the thief. Later on police came to know that Tommy was lying. Who was the real thief? Ans : Tommy

He gave 2 false statements:

1: he didn't steal though he was the thief.
2: one among the other two did it. If he is the thief how can other 2 do it.
It was very easy and infact that created a doubt n everyone cross checked it again n again to be sure
as nobody was expecting such

a simple puzzle.

5> 6M
The temperature is noted for 5 consecutive days and it is noted that no two days have the same
temperature. Moreover the product of all the 5 readings is 12. The difference is noted to the nearest
degrees. What were the readings of the temperature?

Ans: -2, -1, 1, 2, 3

Factors of 12: 4*3,6*2

2*2*3 bt 2 cant b repeated so -2 and to nullify -ve sign -1 is there
so -2 *-1 * 1 * 2 *3 = 12

There are five persons in an office in the post of buyer, clerk, footwalker, manager,cashier. Allen,
Benett, Clark, Ewinger, Davis holds the post.

1. Among the 5 two have their lunch time from 11:30- 12:30 and the rest have it in 12:30 -1:30
2. Mrs Allen and Mrs Benett are sisters.
3. Cashier and clerk share their lunch among themselves.
4. Two Bachelors share their rooms.
5. Davis and Ewinger doesn't face each other from the day Davis reported Ewinger to the Manager
when he returned from lunch and found out that Ewinger has already left for lunch before time.
I m not sure about the answers bt question was like this
Allen: Manager

Lunch 11:30 - 12:30


Davis ( from the 5th point he takes lunch in the earlier session)
Davis cant be manager

lunch 12:30 - 1:30


Ewinger( form the 5th point he takes

lunch in 2nd session
Ewinger cant be manager

7> (4marks)
A dice has faces 1 against 6, 3 against 5 and 2 against 4 always. How many such combinations of
faces are possible in a dice?
Ans : 24
keeping 1 and 6 fixed, we can have two combinations of 6 and 3, and two of 2 and 4 that means four.
And interchanging 1 and 6 we can have two more combinations that means with one pair 8
combinations are there : 4*2=8. Similarly with other two also 8 combos. So in all 8*3=24 combos are

8> (4 marks) A boy's age is 5 times as old as his sister. His father's age is twice to that of his
mother who is five times as old as the boy. The sum of all of them equals to that of his grandmother
who is celeberating his 81st birthday. How old is the boy?
Ans: 5 years old

let boys age b x

sister's = x/5

81*5 = x+5x+ 25x +50x
405 = 81x
x= 405/81
so boys age is 5 years

9> (6 marks) It was something like 4persons take part in a race and got different ranks.what
weretheir ranks: John, black, Wee, Anthony

Conditions were given like

1. If John stood first then wee cant be on 4th position and Anthony at 2nd postion.
2. Similarly 4 5 conditions were given
10> (8 marks) An easy question with 4 subparts
A painter has 7 paintings and he follow certain rules while exhibiting the paintings:

Never places x and y in the same exhibit

If y is there z is also there
U is there if and if only w is there

Following these constraints 4 questions were asked based on the possible combinations in the exhibit.

1.In a lunch hour staff in the company had a race. Dennis beat Jim.
Samantha was beat by Lousie and Jim in that order. Jack beat Jim. Jack was not first. Who won the
Ans : Dennis

2.A ten digit number whose first digit is the number of ones, second digit is the number of twos, third
digit is the number of threes, fourth digit is the number of fours, fifth digit is the number of fives, sixth
digit is the number of sixes, seventh digit is the number of sevens, eight digit is the number of eights,
ninth digit is the number of nines and tenth digit is the number of zeros. what is that digit.

3,There was a burglary in a diamond shop. three thieves were arrested, Smith,J,D. All the three blamed
that " one of the other two stole the diamonds. I didnt do it ".Atlast the police found out that J was lying
and that only one of them robbed. Who is tat.

4..A lady goes for shopping. She bought some shoestrings. 4 times the number of shoestrings, she
bought pins and 8 times she bought handkerchiefs. And she paid number of coins in the same as the
number of items she bought in each. How many handkerchiefs did she buy.

5.If one-fifth of a hive of bees flew to the badamba flower, one-third flew to the slandbara, three times
the difference of these two numbers flew to an arbour, and one bee continued to fly about, attracted on
each side by the fragrant Ketaki and Malati, what was the total number of bees ?

6.Three couples were playing golf. A,B,C are the wives names and X,Y,Z are the husbands names but
not in order. The winner of the game is the one who has the least number of points.

(i) A,B,C,X got points as 104,102,100,94 respectively.

(ii) Y and X got 96 and 98 but dont know who got what because their names were not put in the
(iii) X's wife bet Y's wife.

Find who is married to who.

7.If a large cube painted red from out side , if it cut into 125 equal part by six straight lines, then how
many cubes were there with

(a) no face painted

(b) only one face painted
(c) only two faces painted
(d) three faces painted

What is the probability that the 125 cubes taken at random is red.

8.Jack went for shopping to five stores. In each store he spent Rs.1 more than half of what was left
from the previous purchase. How much money he had when he entered the first store.
9.A man enquires a person about the past 5 days temperatures at 12 noon in that region. The other
replies that he doesn't remember the actual figures but there was a different temperature on each day
and that their product gives 12. Assuming the temperature to the nearest degree what are the
temperatures on the five days? Ans: -1,-2,1,2,3


We know that the smallest two integers that can give a product of 12 is 3*4 which is spilt up as 2*2*3.
But no temperature is the same...hence use -2 instead of 2. Now the product becomes -12. Choose the
other temperatures such that value of the product does not change but only the sign changes. So
naturally, the other two options are -1 and 1.
1.a red painted cube which is cut across by 6 straight lines (probably it is 9) and into 125 cubes. onthis
there were 5 questions
a)3 red coloured faced cubes
a)2 red coloured faced cubes
c)1 red coloured faced cubes
d)0 red coloured faced cubes

1.2 if all placed in a bag and randomly drawn what is the probability that i get a cube with red face.

2.a question on bees: 1/3 went to one flower ,1/5 went to another .... Q) no. of bees

3.a boy visits 5 shops and spends all his amount when he reaches 5 th shop

in first shopp he gives 1 more than half of the money

in second same...
what is the amt.
4)golf 3men and 3women(3 couples) went to play golf

men women
---=x ---=x1
---=y ---=z1
---=y ---=z1 here x,x1,y,y1,z,z1 are diff numbers

some more inferences tell who is the wife of whom

5. an old lady went to shopping she purchased goods of Rs.3.24 x shoelaces 4times to shoelaces
shoes 8times kerchiefs she paid paise proportional to the quantity how many kerchiefs?
6.a (confusing 8 mark) problem to find what is what hill stations harbour population something like that
-=============== a ten digit no places in 1st place as many no of ones in the no in 2nd place as many no of twos in
the no and so on tell the no
1.There is a truck, which contains 12 gallons of Fuel that comes for 300miles/hr. The driver has not
seen the hole in it, and has taken that truck and drove for 4hrs after which the fuel was lasted. How
much fuel was lost during the journey?

2.On a field, 40 cows were put for fed, which can last grass in 40 days. If 30 cows were put, they can
empty the field in 60 days. How many days 20 cows will take to last that grass?
3.There are some bees flying on some flowers. One-fifth of the bees flew to the first flower. One-third
of the bees flew to second flower. 3 times the difference of the above two flew to the third flower. One
bee is flying around two flowers. Totally, how many flowers are there?

4.A case includes six people Mark, Fillip, Graham, Walt, Hunt and Clark who play the roles of Murderer,
victim, witness, Judge, Policeman, Hang man, but not in the same order.
i. Policeman took Graham to the place of incident.
ii. Mark knows both the victim and murderer.
iii. Hunt and Walt never met.
iv. Walt is one of the persons who have seen Fillip alive.
(Some more such conditions have given.)
Who played the roles below in the melodrama?

Role Person

5.On a skating plane, Michel and Jennie are in a distance of a mile on each side of a point. They are
going to skate to the direction of each other’s. Jennie, having added force with the flow of the wind,
skated two and one-half miles faster than Michel and beat her 6 minutes. What are the times taken by
both of them?

6.(Some conditions were given, but may not be exactly the same.)
i. A&B, who can speak English, have common language with E as Spanish.
ii. Common language for B&E is French.
iii. A, C&E can speak Italian.
iv. D&E have common language as Portuguese.
v. Portuguese is known by at least 3 persons.
There is only one person who knows all the 5 languages, only one who knows 4 languages, only one
who knows 3 languages, only one who knows 2 languages and only one who knows exactly one
language. Based on the conditions, 4 questions were given. (Options were also not the same, I’ve
given just for model.)
1. A Knows
i. English, Spanish, Portuguese
ii. French, English, Spanish
iii. French, Italian, Spanish.
2. E knows
i. French, Portuguese
ii. English, Spanish, Portuguese
iii. Italian, Spanish, French
3. B knows
i. Spanish, French
ii. English, French, Italian
iii. Portuguese, English, French, Spanish.
4. C Knows…(and some options)

7.James has come out of Jail after 6 years. When he was punished with imprisonment, his age was 5
times his son’s age. Now, his age is 3 times his son’s age. What was his age when his son was born?

8. A Boy has taken a short cut on which there is a railway track that goes through a narrow bridge.
When the boy covered 7/16th of the track in the bridge, he heard the whistle of the train. Then he ran
out of that bridge, when the train came to that bridge. If he were taken actual root, he would have
reached the destination on time, rather taking the shortcut and running out of that bridge. If the boy
covers 4km/hr, what was the speed of the train?

9.Three persons A, B & C who can be named according to their behavior. They can be named as
Sororean, the name that can be given to the one who always wins; Nororean, the name that can be
given to the one who always tells the truth; Midrorean, the name that can be given to the one who
always lies. Then, given some statements (not exactly the same I’ve given), based on which to answer
the question (we need to write the names that A, B & C can be given in the table given)
A. 1) C has beaten B.
2) C always tells truth.
3) C is the winner.
B. 1) A is the winner.
2) B doesn’t tell truth.
C. 1) B beat C.
2) A is the winner.


1) A man was on his way to a marriage in a car with a constant speed. After 2 hours one of the tier is
punctured and it took 10 minutes to replace it. After that they traveled with a speed of 30 miles/hr and
reached the marriage 30 minutes late to the scheduled time. The driver told that they would be late by
15 minutes only if the 10 minutes was not waste.
Find the distance between the two towns?(6Marks) Ans: 120 miles

2). B & C initially speak English but when D joined Spanish, they also took up Spanish. The only
common language between A, B and E is French. The only common language between C and E is
Italian. Three people speak Portuguese. Most common language is Spanish. One person knows all 5
languages. One person knows 4. One person knows 3. One person 2. One person 1.
Who speaks what ? (6 marks).

3). A cyclist is cycling in a circular path. he is at some point on the path, at that point 1/5th of the cyclists
infront of him and 5/6th back to him gives the total number of clyclists participating in the race. What is
the total number of cyclists? Ans:31.(4 Marks)

4) Players were playing a card game. Cards had different colours on both sides. Neither of cards had
same colour on both sides. Colours were 2 Red, 2 Blue, 2 Green, 2 Yellow. Cards were lying in front of
each player. Now, each player knew the colour on other

side of his card. They are required to tell their colour.

Statement given by each of them was :
Annie : Blue or Green
Bobby : Neither Blue nor Green
Cindy : Blue or Yellow
Danny : Blue or Yellow
Colours of cards that are visible to all were Red, Blue, Green, Blue in order of their names. Exactly two
of them are telling truth and

exactly two of them are lieing. Can you tell the colour on other face of card for each player ? (6 Marks)
Sol :
Annie : Yellow (Lieing)
Bobby : Yellow (Telling truth)
Cindy : Blue (Telling truth)
Danny : Green (Lieing)

5) 5 Shop-owners have one daughter each. Each of them name their shop after another's daughter.
certain details given. Who is dimple's father? Ans: Mrinal (4 Marks)

6)if a person is sitting in a exam having 30 questions (objective type) the examiner use the formula to
calculate the score is S=30+4c-w here c is number of correct answer and w is number of wrong answer
, the examiner find the score is more than 80, tell how may questions are correct ? if the score is little
less but still more than 80 then u wont be able to answer.
Ans :- 16 ( 6Marks)

7) This was a simple question about a running race. I couldn't recollect the correct
question............Samantha beat Jack..........Jim was forwarded by jack and Tom and so on.......Jack was
not the last to reach.........Jim was not the first.....Who won the race??
Ans:- Samantha ( 3 Marks)

8)A Father Has to Give Coins to his Childern, The Oldest Son will get 1/2th ,then next son will get 1/4
th of Remaining, theirs son will get 1/5th of Remaining and then his youngest son get 49 Coins. So
Initially How Much coins that Father Had?? ( 3 Marks)

9) There are 3 teachers and 6 subjects. Some conditions like when the biology teacher was playing
cards with the geography teacher, the history teacher was in class. Te1 and the geography teacher are
ighbours ....... I Don't Remember the Entire Question ( 6 Marks)
1) A person is 80 years old in 490 and only 70 years old in 500 in which year is he born? Ans: 570B.C

2) A boss tells "1/6th of his life in childhood,1/12th of his in youth and 1/7 of his in bachelor, five years
more in politics and socialization. This brought me up to jimmy born. Jimmy was elected for the
governor four years ago, when he was half my present age. Find the boss age. Ans: 84 years

3) I was driving in a car at a particular speed I saw a speed limit board 0f 2 digits after a hr again I saw
speed limit board reverse of the previous 2 digits and had same number as previous and after a hr
again saw the 2 digits backward and forward separated by zero (3 digit) as speed limit board. what was
the speed at which I was traveling ? Ans: 45kmph 16,61,106

4) A girl visits to her cousin's house for a vacation. They both played a game for all the days she stayed
there for every win they need to give a chocolate to the other. At the day when she left she had given
12 chocolates but had won 8 games. Find how many days she stayed there ? Ans:32

5) Husband says if we sell 75 chickens from our farm we can feed the chickens for 20 days and if we
buy 100 chickens we would finish the feed is days sooner. how many chickens were there?
Ans:300(not sure)

6) Two trains one from New York to Washington and the other from Washington to NY travel daily. The
train from NY to Washington start for every one hour and the train from Washington to NY start for
every one hour and an half an hour (read this line carefully).

Time taken by the trains to cover the distance between is 5 hours. Find how many trains does the train
from NY to Washington happens to meet on its way? Ans: 7 trains (check it)

7) Four persons who uses four different things like hat, gloves, tie, scarf. There were eleven sentences
given out of which we must find the correct combination. This is really tough (try from Barrons the
analytical section ) ( 8 marks)
8) A captain coaches his four students out of the five men including the captain only three will be
selected. We need to find the number 1,2,3 position among the men selected. Here around seven
sentences are given ( 6 marks)

9) Mr. Solicitor meets his friend at an hour to the birth of summer. So they plans to fix a time to meet( a
complex English statement would be given). (4 marks) Ans: 10 AM( check it)

10) Clark, Jones, Mason, Smith are 4 people, there are four professions druggists, grocer, butcher,
policemen. Find who is who?

1.clark and Jones are neighbors and they drive each other to work.
2.Jones earn more than mason
Like this totally 6 sentences are given.( 8 marks)
1.While driving through the countryside one day I saw a farmer tending his pigs and ducks in his yard. I
was curious to know how many of each he had. I stopped the car and inquired. Leaning on the stile
jovially, he replied, “I have altogether 60 eyes and 86 feet between them”. I drove off calculating in my
mind exact dugs and pigs he had. What do you think is the answer ? (4 Marks)
Sol : 13 Pigs and 17 Ducks.

2. Here is a simple arithmetical puzzle set by Longfellow in his own flowery, poetical language.
If one-fifth of a hive of bees flew to the badamba flower, one-third flew to the slandbara, three times the
difference of these two numbers flew to an arbour, and one bee continued to fly about, attracted on
each side by the fragrant Ketaki and Malati, what was the total number of bees ? (4 Marks)
Sol : The number of bees was 15.

3. There are 100 men in town. Out of which 85% were married, 70% have a phone, 75% own a car,
80% own a house. What is the maximum number of people who are married, own a phone, own a car
and own a house ? ( 3 marks)
Sol: 15% (check it).

4. There are 10 Red, 10 Blue, 10 Green, 10 Yellow, 10 White balls in a bag. If you are blindfolded and
asked to pick up the balls from the bag, what is the minimum number of balls required to get a pair of
atleast one colour ? ( 2 Marks) Sol : 6 balls.

5. Triplet who usually wear same kind and size of shoes, namely, Annie, Danny, Fanny. Once one of
them broke a glass in kitchen and their shoe prints were there on floor of kitchen. When their mother
asked who broke Annie said, “I didn’t do it”; Fanny said “Danny

did it”; Danny said “Fanny is lieing”; here two of them are lieing, one is speaking truth. Can you find out
who broke it ? (3 Marks) Sol : Annie

6. 4 players were playing a card game. Cards had different colours on both sides. Neither of cards had
same colour on both sides. Colours were 2 Red, 2 Blue, 2 Green, 2 Yellow. Cards were lying in front of
each player. Now, each player knew the colour on other side of his card. They are required to tell their
Statement given by each of them was :
Annie : Blue or Green
Bobby : Neither Blue nor Green
Cindy : Blue or Yellow
Danny : Blue or Yellow
Colours of cards that are visible to all were Red, Blue, Green, Blue in order of their names. Exactly two
of them are telling truth and

exactly two of them are lieing. Can you tell the colour on other face of card for each player ? (6 Marks)
Sol : Annie : Yellow (Lieing)
Bobby: Yellow (Telling truth)
Cindy: Blue (Telling truth)
Danny : Green (Lieing)

7. (I don’t remember the exact question, but it was something like this only.) Addy asks Sunny to pick as
number of cards from a deck of cards. Sunny picks first card, picks another card by skipping 1 card,
then, picks another card by skipping 2, so on skipping one card more each time. Ultimately he finds that
he has picked up 5%of the cards. Can u find out the number of cards ? (6 Marks)
Sol : 39 ( answer is correct I don’t know the procedure).

8. One day Harry and I set our watches together. None of us was aware that my watch was getting
faster by 2 min per hour and Harry’s watch was getting slower by 1 min per hour. After sometime, we
discovered that my watch was 1 hr ahead of Harry’s watch.

Can you find out after how long we noticed this ? (3 Marks)
Sol : 20 hrs

9. Four people, say, A, B, C, D belonging to M, N, O, P group, not in order decided for a picnic. All of
them brought salad from their home in their traditional style. Fruits used in salad were Grapes, Banana,
Apple, Cherry. All of them used exactly 3 fruits in their salad. None of them used same combination of
fruits in their salad. Some clues given are :
A doesn’t belong to group M used Apple.
B who doesn’t belong to group M and O used Apple & Cherry.
Person belonging to M group used Apple & Cherry in his salad.
C and person belonging to O used Cherry & Grapes both, but person belonging to N used only one of

Question goes on like this and finally you need to answer 4 questions based on these clues :
(a) Which of the following fruits is not used by M group ?
Apple, Banana, Grapes, Cherry
(b) Which combination was used by B ?
Some pairs were given.
I don’t remember the full question. It was of 8 marks, (4 parts.) But I was able to solve it.
(7)a cube painted on all the sides is cut into 27small cubes using six st lines........ find no of cubes
painted on 3sides, 2 sides , 1side and no sides painted
ANS: 8,12,6,1 respectively........

(8) a problem from shakuntala devi on the no of the taxi very easy.........
ANS: 121

1. if a person is sitting in a exam having 30 questions (objective type) the examiner use the formula to
calculate the score is S=30+4c-w here c is number of correct answer and w is number of wrong answer
, the examiner find the score is more than 80, tell how may questions are correct ? if the score is little
less but still more than 80 then u wont be able to answer.
answer :- 16

2. if a cube of 27 meter *meter*meter painted red from out side , if it cut into 27 equal part , then how
many cubes were there
(a) no face painted -------------------------ans 1
(b) only one face painted--------------------ans 6
(c) only two faces painted..........................ans 12
(d) three faces painted..............................ans 8
3. if a person having 1000 rs and he want to distribute this to his five children in the manner that ecah
son having 20 rs more than the younger one , what will be the share of youngest child ans- 160

4.raju having some coins want to distribute to his 5 son , 5 daughter and driver in a manner that , he
gave fist coin to driver and 1/5 of remaining to first son he again gave one to driver and 1/5 to 2nd son
and so on.... at last he equally distributed all the coins to 5 daughters. how many coins raju initially
have??? ans:-881(i was not able to do this question)

5. a,b,c, are three person in a city there can only three type of person can be found sososean:- who
speaks truth always, norosean who speaks false always, midsean who speak truth / false alternately
but which come first time it is not known
(a) A says (1) i am sorosean ( 2) b is norosean
(b)b says (1) i am sorosean (2) c is midsean
(c) C says (1) i am sorosean (2) a is midsean
very esay one answer is A is midsean F/T, B is Norosean, C is Sorosean

6. a painter went in a exhibition to purchases some pictures where T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z pictures were
remaining , he want to buy only five in the condition on that
if T is there then X should not be there,
if U is there than y should be there
if if v is there then X should be there

which is the combination the painter can have

(a) T,U,V,W,Y
ans (d) some more question on this basis

7. if ravi binded his book and the binder cut the pages of the book , ravi decided to mark the pages by
himself own , what he found that number of three appears 61 times find of number of pages answer -

8. if a die is marked according like that 1-6, 2-5,3-4 comes apposite to each other, what is the number
of combination that a die can be marked???? Ans - 1 only ( as i think)

9. if deepak & suresh were going to school by cycle with 12 mile /hour speed deepak shouted "hey
suresh see the same bus of blue color that we have see before 20 minutes ago " suresh replied "ya this
buses comes in each 14 minutes on stop" can u find the speed of bus answer 40 mile /hour

1.In a lunch hour staff in the company had a race. Samntha beat jack.
Jill hit Morris followed by Jessi in the race. At last Jack beat Jill. Who won the race?
Ans: Samantha

2.A cyclist covered 2/3 of his distance by cycle ,then his type was punctured. after that he covered the
remaining distance by walk. He felt that he had walked twice the time of he cycle. how fast he cycled
than he walked. Ans:4 times

3.The cube painted red on all sides was cut into 27 equal cubes then
how many cubes will have colored faces of
a.3 sides
b.2 sides
c.1 side
d. 0 side ans:8,12,6,1
4.The Pigeon And cathedral tower problem Ans :90 ft

5 The two Systems of C & F when the come equal(I went wrong here) Ans:51.25

6.In jewel shop...Right pane...left pane prob ans: a,a,b,e (choices)

7.Position of captain..long jack..williad prob ans:4,2,1

8.The boy goes to school reaches railway station at his 1/3 of his journey& mill at 1/4 of his journey the
time taken him to walk

between railway station & mill is 5 mins Also he reaches railway station at 7.35amwhen he started from
house& when he reaches

Ans:7:15to8.15 many pages there will be if he writes 61 3'sso far 300 pages.

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