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Process Journal

I feel that our group was pretty productive. When leading the performances and warm ups,

everyone did a good job of having a variety so the games/prompts were not too similar. We went

in turn for prompts and warm ups after getting in a circle like how we do it in class. The directors

of the day did well to lead the performances and help the actors to learn the emotions and

positions faster. People asked questions when needed to properly learn the format of the

performance. Our group got to choose the type of performance we wanted to direct (tableau,

mime etc.) without problem since everybody wanted something different in our group. We got to

talk with our group throughout the rehearsal process and learn from their ideas to see what would

be most fitting for the performance. Our topic, beauty standards, allowed for many ideas and

prompts to what we could do. Everyone was listening to each other when talking about the ideas

or when the director was helping one person and giving them feedback, others could learn from

it as well. The people in our group are fast learners and productive so that also helped with our

performance. We got to explore new stuff in our drama exam/performance such as the screen

projector and finding new ways to transition in between scenes. Each director also got to learn

about the lights and has a format for the lights to use during the performance.

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