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Climate change is the consequence of global warming of the Earth. That is, the general increase in
temperature on the planet, which is produced by the toxic emissions that human beings generate in their
activities. Are we aware of the impact it has on our lives? Apparently not because we continue to have
attitudes that harm the environment, the pertinent authorities have not taken action to punish anyone
who does not comply with the care.
Climate change affects us all. The potential impact is enormous, with predictions of a lack of potable water,
major changes in conditions for food production, and an increase in mortality rates due to floods, storms,
droughts, and heat waves, as the layer of ozone is too harmful to protect us from Ultra violet rays, causing
skin damage apart from the aforementioned.
The greenhouse effect is a natural process that allows the Earth to maintain the conditions necessary to
support life: the atmosphere retains part of the Sun's heat; Without the greenhouse effect, the average
temperature of the planet would be 18ºC below zero. But the environmental temperature has been
drastically increasing, reaching up to 35ºC.
Greenhouse gases:
Carbon dioxide (CO₂), Methane (CH4), Halogenated compounds, Tropospheric ozone, Nitrogen oxide.
Caused mainly by the burning of fossil fuels for the generation of electricity, transport, heating, industry
and construction. Also caused by livestock, agriculture (mainly rice cultivation), wastewater treatment and
landfills among others.
Destruction of marine ecosystems:
The oceans are also carbon sinks, absorbing up to 50% of the CO₂ generated. In addition to their
destruction, the problem is that when they reach their limit, the ocean acidifies and deaths and diseases of
marine flora and fauna occur, this killing millions of marine species, damaging corals, marine plants, hay,
and others. flower.
Consequences of climate change:
Among the impacts of climate change, the melting of the ice mass at the poles stands out, which in turn
causes the rise in sea level, which produces floods and threatens coastal coastlines – even small island
states are at risk of disappearing , also increases the appearance of more violent meteorological
phenomena, droughts, fires, the death of animal and plant species and the overflow of rivers and lakes.

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