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Newton's Laws of Motion and Friction-ENTRANCE EXAMS QUESTIONS-


Article · November 2018


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Alvaro H. Salas
National University of Colombia


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Newton's Laws of Motion and Friction
Syllabus: Foret tlnd ill trlUl. NtwtO/l'S mws 01 motion, conservatioll 01 finta r nromtnlum, j'/ir /ial frQnlt5 01 rq~rtnCLS, stali, and kinetic
fr,ction, laW5 01 frie/ioll. rollil1g friclion.
Re view of Concepts
1. Concept of Forc:e and nel Fo rce: Force is familiar 1: Fz = mQt
word in science. From yaur own experience, yeu know lhal Case 1 : Fre-c body diagram of connecled bodies on a
forces can produce changes in m otion. If a force is applied to horiz.ontal smoolh surface .
a slalionary body, Ihe body comes in motion. 11 can speed up
Situation: Two blocks oí masses "'1 and "'2 a re
and slow d own a m oving body or change Ihe direction of its
connected by a massless s lring (show n in figu re).
motion In nut shelL the force is cause of change in velocity

~ 11 ~F
cE Ihe body. In o lher words, force is the cause of acceleration
o f lhe body. I ,
If a number of forces acl on a body, the nel or resultan!
force on lhe body is vector $um of al! forces. Solulion ! Draw force d iagram of each block :
Newlo n's second law gives a good relation between nel
force :md aCCf'ler~ l ion of body.
Accocding lo Newlo n's second law 01 motion,
.... ....
l. F:m a
It Ihe resultanl force on lhe body is zero, body rema ins
ei'her in rest or moves with constan! velocily. A non-zero nel
Forc. d'agram
force is reíerred lo as an unbalanced force. Unbalanced force 01 m,
is cause al acceleration of Ihe body.
2. Newton's Second Law : The re¡¡ultan t force on a N,
body is equa l lo product of mass a nd acceleration of the T
body. The direction of acceleration is same as the ditection of - - t--F
resultolnl force. Mathematically, ==>
.... ....
F =m a
.... m"
Force diagram Free tlDd y
Here, F = nel force on the body
olm, dijagram 01 m,
m = mass a l Ihe body
-;= accelera tion oí Ihe body Case JI : CnDOSe co-ordinate system and apply
Application oí me thods using Newlon's second law oí Newton's se<ond law :
motion : For '"2 :
(i) Co" ,,"l"" yO"' mi"d O" lhe body w hid> i,
considered by you. Since. botn bocHes move in
(ii) Make <JI sepa ra te 's ketch for lhe cansidered body.
ho rizontal direction (a lo ng x-axis), x' ---t--- ,
nence, y-componenl of ~cceleralion of
(iji) Show all lorces acting on the body.
both blocks should be uro.
(IV) Reduce Ihe considered body lo a single poinl (poin!
lly= O
mass) and redraw Ihe forces aCling on the body,
such Ihat tails 01 all force veclors are on the poin! ~ f y = may
mass. This is known as free body diag ram.
(v) Choose a co-ordinale system for the problem whose
N2 - m lg>=mxO=O
origin is al Ihe poin! mass. N2 =mlg
(vi) Find I. F... , I. Fy and 1: Fl' Also, l:fz=f - T = mlQ:z..,.
(vii) Write Newlon's second law for each o t lhe
F - T = m2 Q b:; ... (i)
co-ordlnate system.
¡.e., Similarly for 1n1 '
Newton's Laws oC Motion and Friction 71

I,fy = O The direction oi force wruch exerts by you on the ball is in

N}-mI8=0 Ihe opposite direction to the force tha! ball exerts on your foot.
This type of pair of forces is known as acnon-reaction pairo If
N} = mlg you kick forcely the ball, you feel more pain. This is due lo
.nd l:fX=mlQh inerease in the force which is exerted by hall on your foot.
T= mlal x .. ·(iO It means, when action force inereases, reaction fOlce .lIso
increases. It shows that whenever two bodies interact, then
Since, the length of string remains constant,
two forces (action and reaetion) that they exerl on each other
ah=a2l:=a are always equal in magnitude and opposie in direelion.
F-T=m~ ... (iii) Statement oí Newton's third law: "I{ a force is exerted
on block A by block B, then a force is .lIso exerted on block
.nd T",m¡a ... (iv) B by block A,"
From equations (iii) and (iv) These iorces are equal in magnitude bul opposite in
F - m¡a=m~ direclion.

, . m} +m2
4. Different Types Di Forees in Nature :
,,---'--,,- m, F" m,
O ~ -O
(1) r, z (2)
(a) Gravitational force: The force af attraction between
Altem.tive· method: Since, the accelerations of both bodies by virtue of their masses is known as
blocks are same, so, they are taken as a system. gravitationat force.
Le! two blocks af masses mi and m2 are separated by
a distanee r.
The force on bloc k 1 by block 2 is F 12 aeting lowards
m2 aJong line joining mI and rn2' Similarly, the fo rce
-L-,r-'-l-' on block 2 by block 1 is F21 acting towards m¡ alaog
line joining m2 and /111 (as shown in figure)
From the coneept of Newton's third law,
-, ~

FI2 =- F2I
From ¡he force diagram (shown in figure), In Ihe sense af magnitude,
N-(m¡ +mvg Grn¡m2
F12 =F21 =F= - ,,-
.nd F=(m¡+m2)a

, ==-,--,,-
F Here e ..
g ravitational constant = 6.7x 10- 11 Nm 2/kg 2
m ) (b) Weight oC body (mg): It is defined as Ihe force by
3. Newton', Third Law of Motion : Newlon's third law which earlh atlraets a body lowards ils centre. If
of motion is often called the law of nachon .lnd reaction". For body is siluated either on Ihe surface oí earth or near
a simple inlroduction lo the third law, considcr the forces the surface of earlh, then gravitational acceleralion is
involved in kicking a ball by foot. If you kick a ball by your nearly cons tan! and is equal lo
loot, the pain you fe-el is due lo the force that lhe ball exerts 8=9.8m/s . The (orce Of +
on your foo!. gravily (we.ighl) on a block. of
From this paint of view, il is obvious that a force acting mass m IS w = mg actlng
on a body '~ al'vays the resull of its interaction with anolher towards centre oí earth mg
body. (shown in figure)
(e) Electromagnetic force

Electrical Magnetic Force of Spring Normal Force oi Viscous Buoyancy

force force tension force reacHon friction force {orce
Coulomb Electrical force
force in e1ectrical iield
72. Newton's LilIW5 of Motion ilInd Friction
(A) EIe<triCOllJ force : In Ihe language of physics, the book exerts a force on your
{iI Cou lo mb force DI force of e l ectrost~ti c inter;¡¡dion head normal 10 Ihe surface of contad in downwa rd d ireclion .
between charges: The force of interaction bctween A ccording lo Newton's third law of mOllon, ,he head exerts
two particles by virtue of their charges is known as a fo rce of same magnilude on the book no nna ) 10 Ihe surface
eJectrostatic force cf interaction. The force of of contael in upward di rection.
e l ~tros lalic interaction takes place along the line These forees are known as noonal reaclion forces.
joi,,!ing Ihe charges. No rmal ruellon forces in different s ituations :
Some lmportant Points: (i)
(i) I:ike poinl charges tepel each other.


. q,

' "q2 - .
• F z,
."",,,,0,,,,,,,,, Direction 01 normal
c,c.c, .c ............ c.c ... ,
Oirection 01 normat
F:2" . F~2 reactioo on
th. biocl<
l eaelion
on surlace
-q, q, (ii)
(b) •
F ,...
• ~
• • F2 1

F"" -'~2
(ii) Unlike poinl cha rges atlTact each other.
- q,
• •
nogaj yo

, \\\\11\ \\\

rncllned plane OIftK:lion 01 notmal
F'2" - F'2 re8cllon on ltIe block
(iii) f he magnitude of force of electrostltlc interaction is
FI2 - F11 - F ': - - . N
4x€.o r"
H ere : _ '_ =9
)( lQ9 Nm2

(ji) Eledrica l force in an electric Cield: lf a charged

, N,
\\\ .. ..
, "
Normal reaction on
horizon,ar sul1il1C11
partic~ A of cha rge q is placed in a region where an electric Dlredion ot normal reaclion
field E"created by olher charges is present, the particle A on lhe Indined plane
~ .... The nllmber of normal reaction pa irs is equal lo nllmber
experienees an eleetric force F ;:- qE. The eleetrie force o n
positive eharge is in _he direclion of eleclric field . Bul lhe of contact surfaces.

eleclrie force on nega live eharge is in opposile direction of (iii)

eJectric ftel\l (shown in figu re).


F .qE F .qE......a
~ ,
,tI II~ J, 3:,1\\\\\ = \1

q IsoIated

pos/tive chatge negativo chilrgo

-, MilIgne tic force on ilI moving charge in ilIn millg netit:


q is g;ven by -F = qv
(e) Nonnal ruction
(ield B : The magnetic force an a eharged particle of charge
o( H.
force: If two blocks come in The normal reaction on upper block is in upward direc tion
contac t, they exert force on eaeh olher. The component o f and normal reaction on lower block is in downward
contael force perpend icu lar lo the surface of conlact is direction.
generally known as normal reactíon. (iv)
For a simple introduction lo Ihe nonnal reaction force,
consider a situabon in whch you pul a book on yo ur head wa:r
.:m d continue yo ur slalionary posltion. In Ihis case, the pain
you feel ¡s due to Ihe force that the book ex.erts on yo ur head .
New\on's L;¡ws of Motion ;¡nd Friction
Iv) For small elongation or eompression of spring, spring
force is proporlional lo ils elongation or eompression.
i.I:. ,

where k is proportionality constant known as spring

constant or stiffness constant. Its unÍ! is N/m. The
direction of spring force is always lowards the naturallength
of spring.

Spring In natural Spring in ttle condition Spring ;n ttle condition

lenglh 01 elongation 01 compression
l') (b) (o)

L l---l L+x-i
~ ~~F~'~"'lQ¡¡;;1m3
No spring force SprirJg IOrce on the Spri ng force on the
= on body
body is leftward
body is rightward

, N,
I 5. Combin;¡tion of Springs:
(i) Springs in series:
(Ol Spting (orce: Coiled metallic wire is known as 1 1 1 1
spri ng. The distance between two successive coillsions in a
- - - +-+-
k k1 k'J. k3
spring remains the same. If a spring is placed on a smooth
surface, ¡he lcngth between ends of spring is known n atural
length (shown in figure). ,,
As you m<ly have discovered ilseU, springs resist where k is equivalent spring constan!.
attempts lo ehange ¡heir length. lf Ihe lenglh of spring is 1 1 1
In general, - = - ..¡.. - ..¡.. .
greater than jls natural length, the spring is in the condition J.: ~' 1 k~
of elongiltion (shown in figure ahead). If Ihe length of spring
(H) Springs in parallel :
is lesser than ils naturallength, the spring is in the eondition
of compression (shown in figure ahead). In faet, the more you
<llter a spring's length, ¡he harder it resisls. From this point
of view, spring force increases, when elongation or
eompression increases.
74 Newtan's L;aws of Motion ;and Friction
k = k¡ +k2 (b) M;assive stri ng: The tension in massive rope varies
point to point.
In gcnerill, k =kt +k2+k3+ o ••

Sorne Im port;ant Points:

(Hir (;a) If string, slacks, tension in string becornes zero.
(b) The direction of tension on a body or pulley is
always away trom ¡he body or puUey.
The directions oE tension in sorne cases are shown
below :

k = k] +k 2

(iv) If spring of spring constant le and length I is cut into (ii)
tWQ pieces of length I1 and /2. then

k ~ _l_ VI\
11 + 12

/el "" -
= T T
k~"", -
- 1, Sprin!l Ill lTllilsllesl5
and pullO)' ie m.
(v) If sp ring is massive then the effective mass 01 lighl and smcolh

spring is n,:u. where mo is mass oCspnng. riii)

.' T

.. Maseless

Masflive spri ng

6. Slring: If a block is pulled by a string. the string is String 1I measte"

ana' puliey i$
in the condition oE tcnsion (shown in figure) Nghl and llmeolh

Feom microscopic point oC view, Ihe electrons and
T'8' m,

protons n ear point A al slring exerts forces on electrons and

protons ol the block. According lo Newton's lhird law oE Puleys are lillhl and T,

motíon eleclrons and protons of the block execlS same smooth IInd slring
m agnitude 01 force on electrons and protons neae poinl A ol i8 mll s$l ass m,
Ihe stTing. These forces are cause oEtensia n in the string. This Iv)
is why, {orce o f teosian is an example of electromagnetic
force. T

Massless slring Massive string =
(;a) M;assless string: In the cae oí massless string. the
tension, every where remains the same in it.
Newton's Law5 of Mo tion and Fridion 75

(vi) . (ml- m2,)8

Acceleratlon '" a . ( )
mi +m2
2mlrn, ]
Tension=T =
rmI + ml

(b) Bodies ac«lerated o n a horizontal sucfaee by a

ralling body:
Slring is mu.lH$ .nd
thoro is ltidon botwoen
string "nd pulley
., " ,


String i, m'MleIs
"nd tMir. ~ Irk::tion between
puUoy ane! Itmg T = moza ... (')
lf ml Icnds lO move downwards, Ihen mI8- T =m]/I " .(ii)

T2 > T I and T2 =TI t'lI a

Acceleration = a =l mI
mi +ml
where IJ, = coefficienl of friclion ,
a = angle s ubtendf'd by slrÚlg at the centre
of pulley Tension =T =[ml+
(viii) (e) MoIion on a smooth indined
• pla~:

= T1:1 T,
~l!. ,
String ;. masll ... anl!
ItMIr. i. lriclion betwlMlfl
~ \o
m · gcosl~
pulO'¡ and string
711],\ - T=ml'¡ ,.: (i)
(O Momen tum - ¡l_ ",yf T - m28sin e - m1fl ... (ii)

(ji) Change in momentum is kno~-" as , · f ml-m2Sin e ¡

. , :-,:
1mpu!se = pf- · ... ... f ~
...... = m(v- ·- u, ..
, mi +ml g
(i ii) If mass a nd velocity both are variable;
T '" '"l m1 (1 + sin e) g
-" d p' -4 dm dv· .nd
F = - '-= v · ·-+m- (mI + m2)
dt dt dt (vi) Apparent weight 01 a moving lill:
(i v) lf mass of body remains constant
--> (a) The weigh l that we l«1 is the
F=ma- . normal force and nol the actual
where m'" mass 01 body, ¡:¡,. ac«leralionofbody we.ighl,
(v) Motion of eonne<ted bodies. (b) If lift is moving upwards with
COI) Unequal masses (mI> '"2) suspended from a eonstant acee.leration ao :
N -mg 'HPt4Cl=mg [ 1 · iI
Here. apparent weight (i.e., N) is g reater than the
actual weighl (i_t" mg) ,
(e) Jf lilt i, aecelerated downwards
w ith constant acceleration 40 : N
Newton's La ws of Motion a nd Friction
Here apparent weight is lesser than the actual weighl. (xvi) When two surfaces roll on each other (as in case
In this case, if Ito""g (Free fa ll) of ball bearings), the rolJing friction comes into
(weightlessness) play.
(xvii) Thc force ading on mz is h = Ilzm2E .
Sorne Im p ortant Poin ts:
If the system movcs with the common acceleration,
(i) Normal reaction and weight of the b ody are not
action-reaction pairo
(ii) When F ¡ncreases, normal reaction shifts from
r entre oi mass to right. At the time oi toppling,
normal reaction acts through point A. A lso, Ihe n el
force on the body gives acceleralion of Ihe centre
", m, F

of mass.
(iii) Th, number
normal forces acting
is egual to the number

of ;:_ _ _ ,, _ _ _ _
j F -111 {mI +m2)g= (mi +m2) a
~~ c~~i~~t. 0r sudaces , ,,,,,... ,~L.. ,,'., l.":.,,, Ilzm:zg - mza
(iv) If Ihe body is in rest a=).I.zg
with respect lo the surface, !hen Ir < I15N. (xviii) If forc e is applied on upper block:
(v) If Ihe body is jusI in motion, then Ir "" IlsN h = limi ting friction between mi and m2 - f.l2m~ .
(vi) If the body is in molion, then Ir "' !.lkN 11 = limiti ng
(vii) Tf sorne bocHes have same accelerations, then they frictian between
are ta ken as a system. If they do not move the surface and ", F
together, bodies are nDl taken as a system. mi"" f.ll (mi + mz)g
lf F > j¡, then both"_ '~~""~""",*,,,,,
(viii) During walking on ice, it is better to take shorl
steps. blocks move wi th -,
(ix) The force of frict ion durin g pushing is greater different acceJeration and
than that of pulling in the same manner. acts between the blocks.
(x) The mass is measure of inertia oC the body.
(xi) 11 is misconception 10 say that rriclion a lways F- h-mzllz
opposes the motion oi the body. It only opposes f - f.lzm28 = mzaz
the relative motion between surfaces. N z=m28
(xii) Monkey cllmbing a rope:
Case J : When monkey moves up with N¡ = N2 +mlg
constant speed: =(m 1 + 11:12) g
In Ihis case, T = mg b -)J¡N1
where m "" mass of the monkey,
= )Jl (m1 +mz) g
T", tension in the rope.
Case. tJ: When monkey is acceleraled Monkey fz =)Jzmzg
upwards, lf h <!t, then mI remains in teSt.
T-mg = ma
lf fz >!t, then mI moves in the di rection of fz.
Case In: When monkey acceleraled
h -1,"",m, i2 1

(xiii) Gravitational
mg - T .. ma
force: Electromagnetk force:
N, 1N.
Strong force: Weak force = 1 : 1036 : 103 : 1025.
(xiv) Ir a body is in rest on a rough surface and no m. "
p ulling force is applied, then the force of friction f. • ,
on the body is zero.
(xv) For the eguilibrium of a
"' l~,g
body on an indined m Ir F </2> then no relation is found between m1 and mz.
mgsin 9 _ ~gcos9
i.e., mI and m2 move together.
Ils = tan 9
o If F <!t then the system Is in resto
If F> Iv the system moves w ith the common acceleration
this case,
a. In this case,
Newlon's Laws of Monon and Friction 77

F - /t = (mI + mz) a In Ihis type of problem, find ¡he aceeleralions of

or F -Ill (1711 + mil g = (mI +"m:z) a blocks without contaet.
(xix) The rdio of masses on an indined plane: The
eoefficient of frietion = ~. a· a,/
? k"

~s' "

o m1Qcos6
•• •
m 29COSlJ

e 1:,9 (a) lf al :> a2' then both blocks move separately

with respective acceleration al and a2 .
(a) When 1111 starts moving downwards, then
\b) I. u, < 021 then both blocks move together with
- :>sin 9+~ eos9 a eommon aeeeleration Q.
m, In this case, both bloeks are treated as a system
(b) When 1712 starls moving downwards, of mass (m ¡ + 1712)
m, :>sin9- J.1 eos9
- (1711 + 1712) g sin 9 - 1'1 mIS" eos 9 - 1l211128" eos e
m, ",(m¡+m2)a
(e) When no motion tal es place. ~ = sin e.
m, (xxii) To solve the problem involving Ihe motion of a
(xx) Frictional force does not depend upon Ihe are.cl of parlide. we can use
....... -. ~ ~
eontact. The mieroscopie area of contacl is about f = m(R",i +oyj+o¡k)
10- 4 limes the actual area of eontact. using normal and tangential components, we had
~s > I'k :> 1-lT
(xxi) Blocka in contad on an indined plane: 1 F=m
, -dI-' 1 FII ",!!!..!!....
where p the radius of eurvature.
(xxiii) In many probl ems involving the plane motion of.
a particJe, It is found convenient 10 use radia l and
transverse eomponents. In Ihis method.

e !. Fr :",[d"dfZ _(deJ'
Objective Questions __________________________
1. A ship of mass 3 )( 107 kg initially at test is pulled by a (a) mg (b) mg
force of 5)( 10' N through a distance of 3 m. Assume tbat ,'" e
the resistanee due to water is negligible, the speed of the (e) mg tan e {d} mg eos e
ship is : 4. A block of mass M is suspended by a string A from Ihe
(a) 1.5 m Is (b) 60 m Is eeiling and another string B is connected to the bottom
(e) 0.1 mIs (d) 5 m Is oí the block. lf B is pulled on steadily:
2. A young man of mass 60 kg stands on the Elaor a l a lift (a) A breaks earlier than B
whkh is aeeelerating dow nward s at 1 mls 2 then the (b) B brea ks earlier than A
reaetion of the Eloor of Ihe lift on the man is : (el both break simultaneously
(d ) not possible to say which one will break earHer
(Take g =9.8 m/52)
Ca) 528 N Cb ) 540 N 5. A machine gun fires 10 bullels per second, eaeh al mass
(e) 546 N (d) none of these 10 g, the speed of eaeh bullet is 20 cm ls, then force of
recoil is:
3. A block of mass M is kept on a smoolh indined plane of
(a) 200 dyne (b) 2000 dyne
indination 9. The force exerled by the plane on the block
(e) 20 dyne (d) none of Ihese
has a magnitude :
18 NeWlon's L~ws 01 Motion and Friction
6. A block of mass 2 kg is placed on the floor. The (a) 8 N (b) 10 N
eoeffiaent ol static frietion is 0.4. If a force of 2.8 N is (e) 0.8 N (d) zero
applied on the block parallel to f]oor, Ihe force of friction 15. Two blocks of masses nll'" 4 kg and m2 = 2 kg are
between the block and floor is (take g = 10 m / s 2) : eonnected to the ends of a string which passes OVf'r a
(,) 2.8 N (b) 8 N massless, frietionless pulley. The total downward thrust
(e) 2 N (d) none ol these on the pulley is nearly :
7. TWQ bodies haviog masses ml-40g and m2 - 60g are (a) 27 N (b) 54 N
attached lo Ihe end oC a string ol negligib:<! "l.3SS and (e) 2.7 N (d) none oí these
suspended from massless pulley. The acceleration ol the 16. Three blocks of masses ml. m2 and m3 are ronnected with
bodies is:
weightless string and are plaeed on a frictionless tableo
(a) 1 m/sJ. (h) 2 m/5 2
(e) 0.4 m I s
, (d) 4 m/51
If the mass m) is dragged wlth a force T, Ihe lension in
the slring between m2 and m3 is :
8. rile ratio oí Ihe weighl ol a man in a stationary lift and Tm3 Tm2
when it moving downwards with uniform acceleration (,) :::-:-=-'':-=-
(b) ::-::..:?-:-=
g is 3 : 2 ihen Ihe value of a is:
(mi + m2)T
(a) ~ g (b) ~ «) mi +m2+m3
(d) none of these
17. A body weighs 8 g when plaeed in one pan and 18 g
«) g (d) ~g when plaeed on the other pan of a false balance. Jf the
9. In a rocket fuel burns al rate 1 kg/s and ejected with beam is horizontal when both the pan are empty. the true
velocity 48 km/s, Ihen Ihe force exerted by ihe exhaust weighl of the bedy is :
gases on ihe racket is : (.)13g (b)12g

(,) 48000 N (b) 48 N «) 15.5 g (d) 15 g
(e) 480 N (d) none of these 18. A red of length L and weight -;.;;;;~':::;;;;:.~
10. An open knife edge of mass 200 g is dropped from heighl
5 m on a eardboard . If Ihe koife edge penetrates distancc
2 m ioto the eardboard, the average resistance oUered by'
the eardboard to the knire edge is :
W is kept horizontally. A small c:
weight w is huog at one end . If
the system balances on a
fulcrum plaeed at T then :
(,) 7 N
(e) 35 N
(b) 25 N
(d) none of these
(a) r-'2L
11. A block is released from top oC a smooth indined pLaneo Jt
reaches the bollom of the plane in 6 secoThe time talcen by
(e) r= ~ (d) none of these
thc body te cover Ihe first hal( of !he indined plane is : 19. A rope of length 1. is pulled by a eonstant force F. What
(a) 3 see (b) 4 see is lhe tension in the rope at a distance r rrem the end
(e) 3";2 see (d) S sec when the force is applied ?
12. A dise of mass 100 g is kept floating horizontally In air (a) F (L - x) (b) .fl...
by riring bullets, eaeh of mass S g with the same velccity L 1. - r
at the same rate oí 10 bullets per second . The bullets
(d) ...!'!...
rebound with the same spero in opposite direction, the L- x
velocity of each bulle! at the time of impact is : 20. 1'wo blccks oí masses 5 kg and 10 kg are connected by a
(a) 196 cm / s (b) 9.8 cm/ s massless spring as shown in figure. A force of 100 N acts
(e) 98 cm/s (d) 980 cm/ s on the 10 kg mass. Al the instant shown Ihe 5 kg mass
13. A block of mass 10 kg is kept has accelerat10n 10 m/s2. The aeceleration oC 20 kg mass
on a horizontal surface. A force is:
F is acted on the block as
shown in figure. For what
r:::::l-lOO N
minimum value of F, the block will be Jifted up 7
(,) 98 N (b) 49 N
(e) 200 N (d) None oC these (a) 10 mis'" (b) 5 mIs"
14. Figure shows a block of mass (e) 2 mlsl (d) none of these
ni k.ept on indined plane with 21. 1Wo blocks of masses 6 kg and 4 kg are eonnected with
indination e. The tension in the spring balance. Two foree8 20 N and 10 N are applied on
string is : 1-' _ 0.8
the bloeks as shown in figure. The reading of spring
'" balance is:
N~wlon'~ Laws of Motion and Fric:lion
(a) 20% (b) 25%
(e) 35% (d) 15%
25. A block oí mass 4 kg is kept on a rough horizontal
(a) 14 N (b) 20 N surfaee. The eoefficient oE static lrietion is 0.8. lf a faITe
(e) 6 N (d) 10 N oí 19 N is applied on the block parallel to the floor, then
22. Three blocks of masses mIJ m2 and I1h are plac:ed on a the force aE Erietion between the block and floor is:
(a) 32 N (b) 18 N
horizontal frictionless su rface. A force oí 40 N pulls the
system theo calculate the val ue oí T, if mI = 10 kg. (e) 19 N (d) 9.8 N
1n2 = 6kg,IIIJ=4kg: 26. A ehain lies on a rough horizontal tableo It starts sliding
when one-fourth of its length hangs over Ihe edge of Ihe
m, tableo The eoefficipnt of static frie tion between the chain
10 kg and the surEar.:e oE the table is :
1 1
(,) - (b)
2 ,
(a) 40 N (b) 20 N
(e) 10 N (d) 5 N (e) .1 (d) 1
4 5
23. A block A of mass 2 kg rests on another block B of mass
27. A block al mass 0.1 kg is held against a wall by apply ing
8 kg which rests on a horizontal floor. The eoefficienl of
a horizontal force o f 5 N on the block. If the eoefficient
friction between A aod B is 0.2 while Ihal between B and
of frietion between the block and the wall is 0.5, the
floor is 0.5. When a horizontal force 25 N is applied on
magnitude of the frict¡onal force aeting on the block is:
the block B, Ihe force oEfricli on between A aod B is:
(,) 2.5 N (b) 0.98 N
(a) zero (b) 3.9 N
(e) ' .9 N (d) 0.• 9 N
(e) 5.0 N (d) .9 N
28. A block is moving up an inclined plane of inclination
24. A heavy uoiform ehain lies on a horizontal top 01 table. 60" with velocity of 20 mIs and stops after 2.00 seco If
If the coefficient 01 Irietion between the ehain and Ihe
g =10 m / s2 then the app roximate value of eoefficient of
lable is 0.25 then the maximum percentage of the length
friction is :
of the ehain that can hang over one edge of the table is :
(a) 3 (b) 3.3
(e) 0.27 (d) 0.33

Newton's Laws oí Motion 5. A heavy block of mass /ti is supparteel by

1. Two bodies have same mass anel s~d, then : a cord e attached 10 the eeiling, and e
(a) their momentlJms Uf.' same another cord D is attae hed lo the bottom 01
the block. If a sudden jerk is given to D.
(b) the rdtio of momentums is nol detennined
then: m
(e) the ra tio oí their magnitudes oí momentum is one
(a) eord e breaks
(el) both (b) anel (e) are corree!.
(b) cord D breaks
2. Mark eorrect oplion or options : (c) cord e and D bolh break
(a) The body 01 grealer mass needs more forces to move D
(d) none al Ihe cords breaks
due 10 more inertia
(b) Force versus time graph gives impulse
6. At time t setond, a particle oí mass 3 kg has position
(e) Microscopic area o f eontaet is abaut 10-4 times actual
vector T metre where -r+= 31t -4 eos t j. The impulse oí
area of the contaet
(d) Al! of the aboYe the force during the time intervalO <: t <: I is:
3. In the superhit film 'Raja Hindustani', Amir Khan greets
(a) 12jN-s (b) 9;N-s
his beloved by shaking hand. What kind of force do they
exert ? (e) 4;N-s (d) 14'í'N-s
(a) Nuclear (b) Gravitational 7. A parrot is sitting on Ihe naor of a c10sed glass eage
(e) Weak (d) Eleetromagnetie which is in a boy's hand. If the parrot starts fIying with
4. Impulse indieales: a eonstanl speed, the boy will feel the weight of eage as
(a) the momentum generated in the direetion of force (a) unchanged
(b) reduced
(b) the eombined eHeet of mass .lnd velocity
(e) inereased
(e) Ihe main eharacteristics of particle nature
(d) nothing can be said
(d) both (b) ando(e) are eorrect
80 Newlon's Laws 01 Motion and Frietion
8. A particle is acted by three forces as shown in the figure. 13. A 0.1 kg body moves al a eonstanl speed of 10 mis. lt is
Then: pushed by applying a constant force for 2 seco Due lo Ihis
force, il starts moving exactly in the opposile direclion
e with a speed ol4 mis. Then :
(a) the deeeleration of the body is 7 m/s~
F, (b) the magnitude oí change in momentum is 1.4 kg-m/sec
(e) impulse of the force is 1.4 Ns
(d) the force whieh acts on the ball ís 0.7 N
A"----=--"B (e) all of the aboye
14. Water jel issue5 water from a nozzle of 2 em 2
eross-seelion wilh velocity 30 em/s and strikes aplane
(a) Ihe resultant force on the particle may or may not be
surfaee placed at right angles lo the jet. The force exerled
on the plane is :
(b) the partide mus! be in rest
(a) 200 dyne (b) 400 dyne
(e) the direction of accclcratíon is in ¡ndeterminate form
(e) 1800 dyne (d) none a l these
(d) the partide moves with variable velocity
15. Mark corree! option or oplions ;
9. If F = Fo (1 - f' - 1/),), Ihe F-t graph is: (a) The normal reaetion and gravitational force on a
body placed on a surface are actjon-reaetion paír
(b) The normal reaetion on a body plaeed on a rough
surfaee ís always equal to weight oi lhe body
(e) rl- = u2 + 2gh is always applicable lo a falling body on
the earlh in the absence of air
(d) All are wrong
16. The aelion and reaction forees referred lo Newton's third
law of molion :
(a) must aet upon Ihe same body
(b) musl ae! upon difierenl bodies
(e) need not lo be equal in magnitude bul musl have the
same Une ol aelion
(d) mus! be equal in magnitude bul need nol have Ihe
10. A particle of mass m is moving under Ihe variable force same line ol aelion
.+ . ~
F If IF I is constan!, the" the possible path of the 17. Choose the correel option or oplions :
partiele can never be : (a) Tension force always pulls a body
(a) redilinear (b) circular (b) Tension can never push a hody or rape
(e) parabolic (d) elliptical (e) Tension across m30ssless or frictionless pulley remains
11. A particle is acted upon by a force oi constan! magnitude eonstant
which is always perpel"tdicular lo the velocity oí lhe (d) Rape becomes slack when lension force becomes zero
particle. The mation oC ¡he partide takes place in aplane. (e) AII of the above
It follows Iha! : 18. Aman Is pulling a rape attached to a block on a smooth
(a) ¡Is velodty is constan! horizontallable. The tension in the rape wilJ be the same
(b) its kinetic energy is constan! al .111 points;
(e) il moves in a circular path (a) if and only jf Ihe rape is nol acceleraled
(d) both (b) 3.nd (e) are eorrect (b) if and only JI the rape is massless
12. A particle oí mass m moves on the x-axis as íollows. II (e) if eilher Ihe rape is not aceeleraled or is massless
starts from rest al t=O írom Ihe poinl x=O, a nd comes (d) always
to rest at t = 1 al the point % = 1. No olher informatíon is 19. A particle al mass m moves on the .r-axis under the
available aboul ils motion at inlermediate time influenee of a force al attraction lowa rds Ihe origin O
(O < t < t ). If a denotes Ihe instantaneous aceeleration of
Ihe particle, Ihen :
given by F - - ~.
r Jf the partide starts from rest al

(a) a eannol remain positive for all t in the inlerval .r""Q. The speed il will aUain to reach al dislanee % lrom
0<1<1 Ihe origín O will be :
(b) I al eannol exeeed 2 al any poinl in its path
(e) I al be > 4 al poinl or sorne poinls in ils palh
(a) -/?f[r
m ar
-a]'· (b) ~[a+
m ar
(d) bolh (a) and (e) are corree!
'1 '!'.[a
2k ar
- r] 'n
Newton's Laws of Motion and Frietion 81
20. A particle is on a smooth horizontal planeo A force F is 25. In the given arrangernent, n number of equal masses are
applied whose F-t graph is given. Then : eonnecled by strings of negligible masses. The tension in
the slring eonneeled to n th mass is :
tF n 4 3 2 1

(a) at t1 aeee!eration is constan! mMg mMg
(b) initial!y body musl be in rest (a) nm+M (b) nmM
(e) at t2' aeeeleration is eonstant (e) mg (d) mng
(d) initially aeeeleration is zero 26. A (O N block is supported by two ropes. One rope is
(e) both (e) and (d) are eorreet horizontal and the olher makes an angle of 3D" with the
21. A force F is applied to the initially stationary eart. The ceiling. The tension in the rope attached to the ceiling is
variation ef force with time is shown in the figure. The approximalely :
speed 01 e<lrt at t = 5 sec is : (a) 80 N (b) 40 N
(e) 34.6 N (d) 46.2 N
50f----,, 27. A weight W is suspended from the midpoinl of a rope,
whose ends Are Al the same leve!' Jn order lo make !he
t : Parabolic
rope perfectly horizontal, the force applied lo eaeh of ils

.F517/ (~'""'=----+-:----:--
> _ .:> .
~ - S t(sec) . .....,.
ends must be:
(a) less Ihan W
(e) equal lo 2W
(b) equal lo W
(d) infinilely large
28. In !he given figure. pulleys aod slrings are massless. }oor
(a) 10 m Is (b) 8.33 mIs equilibrium of the system, Ihe value of el is ·
(e) 2 mIs (d) zero

22. The mass m is plaeed on a body oC
mass M. There is no fric:tion. The
force F is applied on M and it
maves wlth acceleratian tl .
the force on the top body is :
(a) F (b) ma
(e) F - ma 01 Ihese
(d) nane
23. Two bodies A and B of masses 20 kg and 10 kg
respeetively are placed in
eontac! on a smooth horizonlal
surfaee (as sh own in the figure)
A force of 10 N is applied on
either A o r B in eomfortable
F-I' S
/ 7> » .
(a) 6(}0
le) 90"
lb) 30"
Id) 120"
29. A ring oC mass 5 kg sliding on
manner. a frictionless vertical rod is
Then Ihe (orce F musl be applied en : eonnected by a block B 01 mass
l.) A lb) B 10 kg by the help of a rnassless
(e) either A or B (d) all slring. Then al the equilibrium A
2( Three identical blocks eaeh oC the syslem Ihe value of 9 is :
of mass M are along a l.) 30" lb) 60"
frictionless lable and a le) 90" Id) O·
force F is acnng as shown.
30. A body 01 mass 10 kg is to be raised by a massless slring
Which of the following
from rest to rest, Ihrough a height 9.8 m . The greatest
stalemenls is (a[se 7
lension which the slring can safely hear is 20 kg wt. The
(a) The nel vertical force on block A is zero
leasl time of aseent is :
(b) The nel force on block A is FI3
(e) The aeeeleration oC block e is F13M (a) 2 sec (b) 3 see
(d) The force of inleraetion between A and B is 2F13 1') • "" (d) none oí these
82 Nt!wlon's LIWS af Molion ilod Friction
* '31 .. A body of mass 171 is hauled from Ihe earth's surface by Then:
applyii\g a force (a) Q¡=¡¡2=a3 (b) al >aJ >az
F=2(ah-l)mg (e) al =a2' 02>03 (d) ul>aZ' a2 - a3
where a is posilive conslanl and h is height from the .. 36. In the ideal case:
earth's surfate. 1 ES"""f""""2Ji"""''Fc3
(a) al height 11 = ::,: ' the velocity of Ihe body is maximum

(b) al height h = 1, Ihe velocity of partide is zeTa

(e) Ihe motioo oí partide is oscillatory p
(d) all the aboye are correel
.. 32. Which of Ihe following expressions corredly represents
T, and T 2 ii Ihe system is given an upward acceleration
by a pulling up mass A ?
(a) T¡=MA(a - g)+MB(a - g),
a (a) magnilude oC aeceleration 01 A is sum oE magnitude
T 2 =M n (a-r,)
(h) T¡=MACS-a)+MeCX - a),
• of aeeeleration of E and e
(b) magnilude of acceleration oE A is arithmetic mean of
T 2 =M¡¡(g - a)
magnitude of acceleration of B and e
(e) acceleration oCpulley P is same as Ihat oC mass B
(e) T¡=MI'1(g+ll) + MB(g + I».
(d) if P is massless, net force on pulley is non-2erO
Tz =MB(g +a) 37. The actual aeceleration ol body A is 't. Then :
(d) T¡=MA(g+a). T2=Ms<8+a)
B ,
• :>3. A chaln consisting oC 5 Iinks each of
mass 0.1 kg is lifted vertically with a
constan! acceleralioo of 2.5 mis:' as 2 jF ..
shown in the figure. The force of
interaction betweeo Ihe IOp link and the 3
link immediately below ji, will be :
(a) 6.15 N
, (a) the acceleration ol B is a
(b) 4.92 N 5 (b) the aeceleration of B is 2'?
(o) 3.69 N (e) the magnitude oE relatlve acceleration of B with
(dI 2046 N respect 10 A is -/27
34. lo !he given figure : (d) the momcntum 01 A may be equal lO Ihal 01 B
(a) acceleration 01 mi and "12, are In the arrangemenl shown in figure, "'=r=:;;;::::=
same pulleys A and B are massless and the -
(b) ¡he magnitude oC relative thread is inextensible. B
acceleration of mi wilh respecl MaS! 01 pulley e is equal to m. U Irienon
lo m2, is Iwice the magnitude in all ¡he pulleys is negligible. then
of acceleration oC mi
(e) the velocity ol mi and mz are
m, (a) lension in Ihread is equal lO I mg ~

(b) acceleration oí pulley e is equal lO ,( . ; e

s.:.me o
(d) the speed ol m, aod m2 are not same 812 (downward)
(e) aeceleration ol pulley A is equal to 8 (upward)
In the figur¿, the blod:s A, B and e eaeh ol mass m have
aceeleralions ni, az and al respecnvely. F¡ and F2 are (d) aeeeleration of pulley A is equal to 2g (upward)
~xternJ.l forces oC magnitude 2 '"8 and mg respeetively. 39. In lhe given ideal pulley system:
(a) tension in string is zero
(b) pulleys B and e rolate counler
clockwise and the pulley A clock-
(e) A and B are same and is equal lo g A
(d) all the aboye

Newton's La.ws of Motion and Friction 83

40. Jf the surface is smooth, the acceleration oi the block

m2 will be :
••• In(a) thebothgivenmasses
always remain
same level
(b) alter some lime, A is lower Ihan
m, B
(e) alter sorne time, B is lower than
(d) no sufficien l informalion

45. Observer 0 1 is in a lift going upwards and O~ is on the

ground. Both apply Newton's law, and measure normal
reaetion on the body :

(,) ..:'
4m¡ +1112
4m¡ +ml
2m¡g 2m,g
(e) (d)
m¡+4m2 m¡+m2
4 1. Pulleys and string are massless. The horizontal surface is
smooth. The acceJeration of the block A is :

A (a) Ihe both measure Ihe same value

m (b) the both measure uro
,. (e) Ihe both measure difierent value
(d) no sufficient data
46. A particle is fo und to be a l rest when seen (rom frame
, 5J and moving with a eonstant velocity when seen from
another trame 52- Mark the posslble points from the
F following:
(a) both the lrames are inertial
F F (b) both lhe frames are non-inertial
(,) (b) _.-
m 2m (e) SI is non-inertial and 52 is ¡nerrial
(e) - F• . (d) O
(d) both (a) and (b) are eorreet
4m 41. A block 01 mass 10 kg is suspended
42. n-blocks o( different masses through two light springs whieh are
are placed on the frictionless balanced as shown in the figure. Then :
inclined plane in contacto (a) both the $Cales will read 10 kg
They are released al the (b) bolh the scales will read S kg
samc time. The force 01
(e) the upper scale will read 10 kg and the
interaclion between (n _l)lh lower zero
and 11 th blocks is: (d) Ihe readings may be ol any value bul
(a) (111" _ I - m") g sin a (b) zero Iheir sum will be 10 kg
(e) m"g cos 9 (d) none ol these
43. for the system shown in the figure, the pulleys are lighl
and frieti onless. The lension in the slring will be :
'8. A block of mass m is suspended throug h
thrce light springs balanced as stlOwn in the
(a) the reading of A is greatí'r Ihan B
(b) the re3ding of B is grealer Ihan e
(el the readings of A, B and e are the same
(d) the readings oE A and e are not the same
(a) "3mgsin9 (b) 3 mgsm
. •
(e)~mgsin 9 (d) 2mgsin9
., Ncw!on's LOIW5 of Motion and Friction
49. The normal reaction on a body placed in a !ift moving other side. If b = 2lI :
up with constanl acccleratian 2 m/s 2 is 120 N. Mass of (a) the end descends wilh a constan! aeceleration gl3.
body is (Take ,~ = 10 mls2) (b) Ihe end descends wilh aeceleration depends upon
(a) 10 kg (h) 15 kg hanging position
(e) aeeeleration can not be determined
(e) 12 kg (d) 5 kg
(d) aeeeleration is variable
50. A body is kept on ¡he floor oí a !ift al rest. The lilt slarls
57. A mass m is plaeed over spring oi spring constan! k, lhe
descending al aceelcratian Jl :
(a) if a > g, ¡he displacement of body in time t is i gt 2
acceleration of mass at the lowest
position is.
(a) g
(b) if a <g, the displacement 01 body in time t is ~ gt 2 (b) zero

(e) if a > g, Ihe displacement of body in lime t is Iat2 (e)

[u- 1where x is compression

in spring
(d) if a < ¡t. ¡he displacement of body in time t is .
(d) none 01 Ihe above
~(a+g)t2 58. In lhe figure, !he ball A is released
51. A block d mass m is moving oro a wedge with the from rest when Ihe spring is al its
accelcratior. .o". Tr. ~ wedge is m oving with Ihe natural leng!h. For Ihe block B oE
mass M to ¡eave contac! with Ihe
acceleration al' The observer 15 siluated on wedge. The
ground al sorne stage, the minlmum
magnitud e of pseudo fOfC:! on the block is? m A
mass of A must be :
(a) mao eb) mal (a) 2M
(e) m"a~ + aT (d) m(a aol 1
(b) M

52. A simple pendulum hangs from the roof 01 a moving

(e) M
train. The slring is indined towards !he rear of the train. (d) a function of M and the force
What is the natute of motion oC the train ? constant of Ihe spring.
(al Accelerated (b) Uniform 59. In • the given figure, Ihe
(e) Relarded (d) None of above inclined surface is smooth.
53. A poin! mass m is moving along indined plane with The body releases from Ihe
aeeeleralion a with respe< t 10p. Then :
lo smooln triangular block. (a) the body has maximum
The triangular block is velocity jusI before
m(\ving horizontally wilh striking the spring
acceleration Qí) The value oC (b) the body perlorms
n is : '-------~~
o - 'o periodic molion
(a) gSin9+Doeos9 (b) gsin&-Il(lcos& (e) Ihe body has maximum velocily at Ihe eompression
(e) g cosÜ-aosin9 (d) gcos 9-antan9
mgsin e
k where k is spring constanl
54. Two weighls W! and w~ are suspended ftom the ends oE (d) bolh (b) and (e) are eorreel
a light s lring passing over a smooth fixed pulley. 1{ the
pulley is pulled up with acceleration g. Ihe tension in ¡he
'o. Which of the following does nol represent actual surfaee
of water?
slring will be :

(.) ---------_.
(b) -------
:-:.---::-:.-:.-: ----------
:-:.---::-:.--- : 11.--0 ----.-----
(d) ~~:::~~~:::~ ~~:::~~~:::~
2 (w¡ U7) ------- -
---------- ----------
---------- ----------
--- ----.
55. A unifnrm fine .:hain oE lenglh I is suspended w ith lower
end jusI touehi"g a horizontal tableo The pressure on Ihe
labll", when a lenglh x has reaehed the table is :
(a) II1SX (b) 2mgx

(e) 3mgx (d) ?" XX

56. A uniform ehain is eoiled up on a horizontal plane and
one end passes over a smaU Iighl pulley al a height 'a'
above the planeo Initially, a lenglh 'b' hangs freely on Ihe
Newton's L¡ws oi MoHon ;lnd Friction 85
61. A vessel eonlaining waler is moving wilh a eonstanl 67. Look al the situation, when the body
aeeeleration as shown in figure. Which oi the following . IR
IS . air an d is moving with pure ¡¡;;---)A·'
diagrams represents surfaee liquid ? translalion. This situation i5 shown
in the figure. What happens when ==="'~
fue body hits the surfaee? " ~;';~~d~7
(a) Sliding friction will acl in the in 11151
backward direetion
(b) The velocity of the poinl oC eonlaet gradually
(e) The sliding friction acts in sueh a way so as lo try to
make the point oC contact velocity of Ihe body same
as thal of the surface
(d) 80th (a) and (b) are eorrect
68. Let F, FN and f denote the magnitudes of the eontaet

force, normal force and the frictienal force exerted by one
surfaee on the olher k-epl in contacto If one of Ihese ís
zero, then :
(a) F>FN (b) F>/
'2. Mark eorrect option or options :
(e) FN-f< FN'+-f (d) all the aboYe
(a) Friction always opposes the molion of a body
69. A ear s tarls from rest lo eover a dislanee s. The coeffieient
(b) Frlction only opposes the relative molion between
surfaees. of frietion between the road and the Iyres ís ).l.. The
mínimum time in whieh the ear can cover the distanee ís
(e) Kinelic fdetion depends on the speed oE body when
proporlional lo:
the speed of body is less than 10 mIs
(d) The eoeffident of frietion is always less than or equal
(a) " (b) .,¡¡¡
(e) 1/).1. (d) 1 /-J~
to one
70. A block 'A' oC mass 2 kg rests on a rough horizontal
63. A bicycle Is In motion. When It Is nOl pedaJed, the {orce
plank, the eoefficient oC frielion between the plank and
ol frietion exerted by the ground on the two wheels is =
the block 0.1. If the plank is puJled horizontaUy with a
5uc-h Ihat il aets :
eonstant aeeeleration oC 3.96 mJs~ , the distance moved in
(a) in the baekward d irection on the lront wheel and in
melre by the block on the plank in 5 second alter starting
the forward d ireetion on the rear wheel
from rest, is :
(b) in the forward direction on the fronl wheel and in
(a) 25 (b) 25 x 0.98
the backward directton en rear wheel
(e) 25 x 1.98 (d) O
(e) in the baekward direetion on both the tronl and the
7\. A body of mass 2 kg is placed
rear wheels
on rough horizontal pl.me. rhe
(d) in the lorward direetion on both the iront and the
eoeffident oí friction between
rear wheels
body and plane is 0.2. Theo :
64. If a body of mass m is moving on a rough horizontal (a) body will mOVe in forward
surface 01 eoefricienl of kinetic frietion jJ.. the nel direclion ie F z 5 N
electromagnetie force exerled by surb.ce on the body is: (b) body will be move in backward direction with
(a) In~v~ (b) l1mg aceeleration 0.5 mI 52 if force F :::: 3 N
(o) mg (d) mg ~ (e) If E,..3 N Ihen body will be in rest eondition
65. A block is plaeed on a rough lIoor and a horizonlal loree (d) both (a) and (e) are eorreet
F is, applied on il. The force al (rietion by the fl oor on the 72. A block 01 mass m Iying
block js measured lar different values of F 'a nd a graph on a rough horizontal a ......
is plotted between them, then : plane is acted upon by a '''.... '
(a) lhe graph is a straight Une ol slope 45 0 horizonlal force P and i
"" ti
(b) lhe graph is a slraight !ine parallel lo the E-axis another force Q indined , ~
(e) Ihe graph is a straighl line ol slope 45 8 lar small F al an angle e lo the P -;;;;;;~~~;d lb""",,'?
and a slraighl line parallel lo lhe E-axis ior large E vertical. The block will 7///// / /////// ////7
(d) there is a small Imik on Ihe graph remain in equilibrium if
lhe eoeffident al lrietion between il and the surfaee is ;
66. When body is in resl in the eondition ol a horizontal
applip.d force. Then the slope oC foree-friction graph is : (a) P+Qsin9 .... Peos9+Q
mg+Qcos9 ,-, mg..-QsIn9
(a) \ (b)"
(o) O (d) -\ (e) P+Qcos9 (d) Psin9-Q
mg+Qsin9 mg-Qcos9
8' Newton'. LilWI of Molion ilnd Friction
13. Two blocks of masses
M=3kg and m=2 kg are in
contact o n a horizontal tableo
A conslan! horizontal force
F = 5 N is applied to block z
M as shown. There is a constant fricUonal force of 2 N
between Ihe table and lhe block m bul no frktional force ,
between the table and ¡he fies! block M, then acceleration '.
of ¡he two blocks is; (a) system may remain in equilibrium
(a) OAms- 2 (b) 0.6 ms- 2 (b) both bodies must move together
(e) 0.8 ms- 2 (d) 1 ms- 2 (e) the system eannot remain in equilibrium
(d) none of the above
74. The coefficient oí static friction between the bodies A .lOO
B is 0.30. Determine minimum 10. The eoefficient o f statie
frklion between the two
stopping distance tha! the body A ~
blocks is 0.363, whal is the
can have a speed of 70 km / h and B
minimum aeeeJeration of
constan! deceleration, if ¡he body B is
block 1 so that block 2 does
nol lo s li p forward, is : A Vo
not fall ?
(a) 3 m (b) 30.3 m
(a) 6 ms- 2 (b) 12ms' 2
(e) 70 km (d) 63 m
(e) 18 ms-2 (d) 27 ms' 2
75. ln ¡he given figure force of friction on body B is ;
* 80. A fl at ear is given aro J¡

F acee!eration Q¡¡ = 2 mJs' ;''-------~rr~

sta rling from rest. A cable
iseonnected to a erate A r: ~ .::.:r- a.¡

of weighl 50 kg as" ·O: : : : ~· .::::::;.....~.,... .g.. ..o:::z::::::c::.

shown . Neglect (ri<lio n between the floor and the car
(a) towards ¡eft (b) lowards right wheels and .lIso the mass of the pulley. Cakulate
(e) either left Oc right (d) no suffident da ta eorrespondi ng tension in the cable ir 11 = 0.30 between Ihe
76. In the glven figure, the eoeffi~ erale and the floor of the ear :
(a) 350 (b) 250
cient oí frleno n between rn~ and
(e) 300 (d) 400
"'2 is 11 and m2 and horizontal F'
surface is zero : r---l...-_L-~ 81 . Two masses A a nd B of S kg and 6 kg are eonnecled by
a string passing over a
(a) if F> jJ.m¡ g, then rclative
frietio nlcss pullcy fixed a l e
aeeeleration i5 found '---""",,"c,.:¡o;---~
the eorner of table as
between II/! and m2 shown in the figure. The A

(b) if F < jJ.n' ¡g, then relative aeeeleration Is found eoefficienl of friction 7?""""~"'¡'''''''''?,
betwccn "': and "'2 between A a nd lable is
(e) if F> jJ.m¡ g, then both bodie5 move togelher 0.3. The mínimum mass
(d) Q a nd (b) are eorreet o f e that mus! be plaeed
" Two blocks A and B of masse5 4 kg and 3 kg respectively on A to prevent it from
rest on a smooth horizontal surfaee. The eoeffidcnt of moving i5 equal to :
friction bctwccn A and B is 0.36. l"hen : (a) lS kg (b) 10 kg
(e) S kg (d) 3 kg
(a) the maximum horizontal force r which can be
applied lO B so that there ís no relat1ve motion 82. In the given figure, the hori zontal surfaee below the
between A and B is equal to 0.36 )( 3 )( 9.8 N bigger block is sm ooth. the eo--eflident oC frktion
(b) Ihe milximum horizontal force F on B with no between blocks is Jl. l"hen:
relative motion between A and B is equal to
0.63x3x9.8 N A
(e) Ihe maximurn horizonl.. : force F which can be
applied lo A (no force on B) with no relative motion
between A and B is 0.84 x 3)( 9.8 N
(d) both (b) a nd (e) are eorreet
m ,
78. Consider the situa- tion shown in the figure. The wall is
smooth bul tlle surfaces of A and B in eontaet are rough.
Newlon's Laws of Motion <lond Friction 87
(a) if block B slips upward, F is maximum (a) atx=1.16m (b)atx 2m z
(b) if block B slips upward, F is minimum (e) al bottom 01 plane (d) atx=25m
(e) if block B slips downward, F is maximum 89. A given objecl takes n times as much time to slide down
(d) if block B slips downward, F is minimum a 45 e rough indine as it takes to sUde down a prefeetly
(e) both (a) and (d) are eorreet smooth 45° indine. The coeffident of kinetic frietion
83. In the given figure (Take g = 10 mls 2): between the object and the indine is given by :
I 1
(a) }l=--2 (b) ll ", l - ,
(l-n) Ii-

(e) " " 't ~ n, 1 ,di ""..)'-[1---':'-1

90. Two bloeks having
7kg masses mi and 1112 are ./
connected by a thread
and are placed on s mooth
(a) Ihe acccleralion of A and B are same to eaeh other inclined plane with
(b) the aeeeleration of A is 9 mJs2
(e) the aceeleration 01 B, e and o are not same to eaeh
thread lcose as shown in "'.
figure. When blocks are ,¿,,-~'I_o________
other released: -
(d) all boches move with common aeeeleration (a) thread will remain lcose il mi < '"2
84. Two bodies 01 masses m! and m2 eonnected by an ideal (b) thread will remain loase il .m2 < '"1
massless spring 01 eonstant k. The coefficient of friction (e) thread will remain loose for al! values of m! and m2
between the bodies and surface is~. The minimum force (d) none of the aboye
required lo shjft the body m2 is F. Then :
". The coefficient of fri ction
between m2 and inclined
plane is J.l (shown in the

(a) the mass m! will first acceleratc lhcn dcaccelerate

m, =sin 9:
figure). If mi

(b) the mass m1 is first aecelerated upto a maximum (a) no motion takes place
velocity Vo and then declerates to come to rest (b) '"1 moves downward
(e) the mass m, will aeeeleratc eontinuously (e) '"1 moves upward
(d) both (a) and (b) are eorreet (d) no sutricient information
85. A body is in equilibrium on a rough indined plane under 92. In the aboye qucstion m! starts coming down if :
its own weight. If the angle of indination of the ind ined m, mi
plane is a 3nd the angle of frklion is A. then : (. ) ---'- > sin 9 + II eos 9 (b) - <sinO+ll cosO
m, m,
(a) a>A. (b) a>1J2
mi mi
(e) a=}.. (d) «>1 (e) - =sin9 +lleos9 (d) - >sin9 - J.leos9
m, m,
86. For the equilibrium oí a body en an incJined' plane 01
indination 45°, the eoefficien l oí stalie lrielion will be: 93. In the aboYe question, when m2 starts eoming down ?
(a) greater than one (b) less than one m. mi
(a) ~ <si n9 -llcO$e (b) - > sin9-lleos9
(e) zero (d) less than zero m2 m2
87. Fine partides al a substance are to be stored in a heap mi
on a horizontally circular plate al radius ti. iE the m, - sin 9· · 11 cos 9
(e) - (d) no suHicient information
coefficient of statie frienon between the partides is k. The
maximum possible height 01 cone is: ••• Aupplank is required as a ramp where by people may gel
a one metre step as shown in the figure. What is the
(a) Dk (b) ~k
(e) ti/k ..
88. A body is moving down a long indined pIane of slope
37e. The coefficient of frienon between the body and
plane varies as J.l - 0.3 x, where x is distance travelled
down the plane. The body will have maximum speed.
(sin 37° = ~ and g = 10 mls2)
88 Newlon's L;¡W5 ol Motion and Friction
least length 01 wood yau would consider suitable lor this
purpose if the coefficient ol friction between the person
.x r
and the plank is ~?
(a) 2 m (b) 3 m /
(e) 4 m (d) 5 m
95. A heavy circular disc whose plane is ve rtical is kept al '",
rest on rough inclined plane by a slring parallel lo the 1 1
(a) ~ <2tana (h) ~>2tana
plane and touching the circle (shown in the figure). Oisc
stacls lo slip if: 1
(e) ~<Iana (d) ¡J. :>¡tana

AnslVers __________________________________________________________________
1. (e) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (a) S. (b) 6. (a ) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (a) 10. (a)
11. (e) 12. (d) 13. (e) 14. (d) 15. (bJ 16. (e) 17. (b) 18. (b) 19. (a) 20. (b)
21. (a) 22. (b) 23. (a) 24. (a) 25. (() ,.. (b) 27. (b) 28. (e)

1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (a) S. (b) 6. (a) 7. (a ) 8. (e) 9. (e) 10. (e)
11 . (d) 12. (a) 13. (e) 14. (e) 15. (d) 16. (b) 17. (d) 18. (e) 19. (a) 20. (e)
21 . (b) 22. (d) 23. (a) 24. (d) 25. (a) 26. (a) 27. (d) 28. (a) " . (b) 30. (a)
31. (d) 31. (e) 33. (b) 34. (b) 35. (b) 36. (e) 37. (e) 38. (d) 39. (b) 40. (a)
41. (b) 42. (b) 43. (e) 4C. (e) 45. (e) 46. (d ) 47. (a) 48. (e) 49. (a) 50. (a)
51. (b) 51. (a) 53. (b) 54. (a) 55. (e) 56. (a) 57. (e) 58. (e) 59. (d) OO. (d)
61 . (a) 62. (b) 63. (e) 64. (a) OS. (d) 66. (a) 67. (d) 68. (e) '9. (d) 70. (a)
71. (d) 72. (a) 73. (b) 74. (d) 75. (b) 76. (d) 77. (d) 78. (e) 79. (d) 80. (b)
81. (a) 82. (e) 83. (b) 84. (d) 8S. (e) 86. (a) 87. (a) 88. (d) 89. (b) 90. (e)
91. (a) 91. (a) 93. (b) 94. (e) 95. (a)
Solutions _________________________________________________________
S. Time taken lor 1 bullet .. 1 '::$ (0)2 =(10)2 + 24 x 2
Force = the rate of ehange al momentum = mvn
" a =- 100 = - 25m/s2
= 10 x 20 x 10 = 2000 dyne This is total retardation due to gravity and air resistanee.
(m2 - m¡) :.Retardation due to air resistance
7. Q= v
(m l+m2) ~ ti =g + a = (10 + 25) m/s2 = 35 m/s 2
_ (6O -40)xl0 Force due to air resistance = Ma'
- 60+40
'" 200 x 10-3 X 35 '" 7000 x 10-3 =7 N

11. We get
3 mg
2 m(g a)

3g-3a=2g::::) a=~ (i;h;, ,

(~r ~2
10. Velocity aequired in falling through height h li ~
::::) -=ti
u=..Jigh =.J2xI0x5 10m/s2 2
36 .2
Again T-'Z
•• t2 - .JtS· = 3..J2 sec

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