Criminal Law 2 Reviewer

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CRIMINAL LAW 2 REVIEWER Grave felony – arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision

correccional in its medium period

1. QUASI-OFFENSES under Art. 365 are committed to in four
ways: Less grave felony – arresto mayor in its minimum and medium
(1) By committing through reckless imprudence any act which, periods shall be imposed.
had it been intentional, would constitute a grave or less Light felony – arresto menor in its maximum period shall be
grave felony or light felony. imposed.
Parricide or homicide, if committed with intent to kill, is a
grave felony because the first is punishable by reclusion (par. 2) Simple imprudence
perpetua to death and the second is punishable by reclusion
Grave felony – arresto mayor in its medium and maximum periods
temporal, both afflictive penalties and death is capital
punishment. If either is committed through reckless Less serious felony – arresto mayor in its minimum period
imprudence or negligence.
(par. 3) Damage to property of another – A fine ranging from an
amount equal to the value of the damages to three (3) times such
(2) By committing through simple imprudence or negligence an
value but which in no case shall be less than P5,000.
act which would otherwise constitute a grave or less serious
felony. -The question is whether or not the act would, if intentional,
result to a grave or less grave felony.
Less physical injuries are a less grave felony, because it is
punishable by arresto mayor, a correctional penalty. Slight -Imprudence or negligence is not a crime in itself; it is simple a
physical injuries are a light felony because it is punishable by way of committing a crime. It determines a lower level of
arresto menor or a fine not exceeding P200. criminal liability.
(3) By causing damage to the property of another through When a person, by simple imprudence or negligence, caused
reckless imprudence or simple imprudence or negligence. damage to the property = “Simple imprudence causing damages
to property.”
(4) By causing through a simple imprudence or negligence
Criminal negligence = a quasi-offense, which is dealt separately
some wrong which, if done maliciously, would have
from willful offenses.
constitute a light felony.
In intentional crimes, the act itself is punished however in
negligence or imprudence, what is penalized is the mental
Art. 365. (par. 1) Imprudence and negligence. “…any act which, had
attitude or condition behind the act, the dangerous
it been intentional,”
recklessness, lack of care or foresight.
The Revised Penal Code fixes the penalty for reckless (5) Inexcusable lack of precaution on the part of the offender,
imprudence at arresto mayor in its maximum to prision taking into consideration:
correccional in its minimum (medium) if the willful act would (a) His employment
constitute a grave felony. (b) Degree of intelligence, physical condition; and
(c) Other circumstances regarding persons, time and place.
A negligent act under the Revised Penal Code may produce civil
liability arising from crime but the victim cannot recover Simple imprudence the damage impending to be caused is not
damages twice for the same act or omission of the defendant. immediate nor the danger clearly manifest.

Imprudence = deficiency of an action, failure in precaution (may The elements are:

kakulangan ka)
(1) There is lack of precaution on the part of the offender.
Negligence = deficiency of perception “failure in advertence” (2) Damage impending to be caused is not immediate or the
failure in being attentive danger is not clearly manifest.

The wrongful acts may be on two levels: Doctrine of Pre-emption - in collision cases, although the driver of a
motor vehicle crossing a thru-street is supposed to wait (along the
(1) By paying proper attention and using due diligence in
intersection) for the driver of another vehicle running along said
foreseeing them, and
thrustreet, if the driver crossing the street had already reached the
(2) By taking the necessary precaution once they are foreseen.
middle thereof, the other driver travelling along the thru-street,
Reckless Imprudence consists in voluntarily, but without malice, although with a right of preemption, has the duty to stop his motor
doing or failing to do an act from which material damage results by vehicle in order to avoid a collision.
reason of inexcusable lack of precaution on the part of the person
-Driving within the speed limit does not mean that he was exercising
performing or failing to perform such act.
due care.
The elements are:
-When reckless imprudence or the simple imprudence or negligence
(1) The offender does or fails to do an act. resulted in damage to the property of another, the penalty is only
(2) Doing of or the failure to do that act is voluntary. fine, not imprisonment, ranging from the amount of equal to the
(3) It is without malice value of the damages to three times such value, but shall not be less
(4) Material damage results than P25.00.
There must be injury to person or damage to property as a
consequence or reckless or simple imprudence.
-Art. 64 to mitigating and aggravating circumstances is not the emergency rule in which a driver, in order to save himself, has to
applicable to crimes committed through negligence. It is not bound injure someone else. It is rather a case which falls under the
by the mathematical formula provided by the above-mentioned principle of last clear chance, as it is clear that the appellant had
provision. time and opportunity to avoid the mishap had he been sufficiently
careful and cautious.
Contributory negligence is not a defense, yet it may mitigate criminal
liability. It does not apply in criminal cases through reckless Art. 275 penalizes with arresto mayor "anyone who shall fail to help
imprudence, since one cannot allege the negligence of another to or render assistance to another Whom he has accidentally wounded
evade the effects of his own negligence. or injured."

The "raison d'etre" behind this legal principle is that the negligence Failing to lend help is a qualifying circumstance that raises the
of one person is in no sense justified by the concurring negligence of penalty by one degree.
Defendant is not criminally liable for the death or injuries caused by
Doctrine of “last clear chance” the contributory negligence of the his reckless negligent acts to trespassers whose presence in the
party injured will not defeat the action if it be shown that the premises he was not aware of. (People v. Cuadra)
accused might, by the exercise of reasonable care and prudence,
A quack doctor who treated a sick man, resulting in the latter's
have avoided the consequences of the negligence of the injured
death is guilty of homicide through reckless imprudence.
Action for damages against a surgeon whose patient died after
This doctrine is not a defense, it is used to recover damages.
operation. The plaintiff has the burden of establishing the surgeon’s
Emergency rule – when a person is suddenly placed in an emergency negligence by preponderance of the evidence.
and compelled to act instantly to avoid a collision or injury is not
And for a reasonable conclusion of negligence, there must be proof
guilty of negligence.
of breach of duty on the part of the surgeon as well as a casual
Reason: A sudden emergency may be left no time for thought; the connection of such breach and the resulting death of the patient.
person must make speedy decision based largely upon impulse or

Distinction of Emergency rule and last clear chance rule.


Appellant's claim that he perceived the presence of the offended They are:
party's car almost immediately before the collision does not relieve (1) Libel by means of writing or similar means (Art.355)
him of criminal responsibility. This is not a case for the application of
(2) Threatening to publish and offer to prevent such publication
for a compensation. (Art. 356) Elements of Defamation:
(3) Prohibited publication of acts referred to in the course of
(1) There must be an imputation of a crime, or of a vice or
official proceedings. (Art. 357)
defect, real or imaginary, or any act, omission, status or
(4) Slander (Art. 358)
(5) Slander by deed (Art. 359)
(2) Imputation must be made publicly.
(6) Incriminating innocent person (Art. 363)
(3) It must be malicious. - (Malice in law) there is presumption
(7) Intriguing against honor (Art. 364)
that the offender acted with malice. (Malice in fact) may be
(Art. 353) Libel is a public and malicious imputation of a crime, or a shown by proof of ill-will.
vice or defect, real or imaginary, or any act, omission, condition, (4) Imputation must be directed to a natural or juridical person,
status or circumstance tending to cause the dishonor, discredit, or or one who is dead. – It should be shown that the third
contempt of a natural or juridical person, or to blacken the memory person could identify him as the object of the libelous
of one who is dead. publication.
(5) Imputation must tend to cause dishonor, discredit, or
Requisites of Libel:
contempt of the person framed.
(1) It must be defamatory. – the words to be used are to be
(Art. 354) Requirement of publicity – Every defamatory imputation
construed in their entirety and should be taken in their
is presumed to be malicious, even if it be true, if no good intention
plain, natural and ordinary meaning.
and justifiable motive for making it is shown in the following cases:
(2) It must be malicious. – (Malice in law) there is presumption
that the offender acted with malice. (Malice in fact) may be (1) A private communication made by any person to another in
shown by proof of ill-will. the performance of any legal, moral, or social duty; and
(3) It must be given publicity. – there must be a third person (2) A fair and true report, made in good faith, without any
who has read or known the communication and it must be comments or remarks, of any judicial, legislative, or other
sealed. official proceedings which are not confidential in nature, or
(4) The victim must be identifiable. of any statement, report, or speech delivered in said
proceedings, of any other act performed by public officers in
Defamation, which includes libel and slander, means the offense of
the exercise of their functions.
injuring a person’s character, fame or reputation through false and
malicious statements. Yet, the presumption of malice is rebutted, if it is shown by the
accused that –
Libel is a defamation by means of writing, printing, lithography…
Slander is oral defamation. (Art. 335)
(a) The defamatory imputation is true, in case the law allows (3) Statements in the communication are made in good faith
proof of the truth of the imputation; without malice (in fact).
(b) It is published with good intention; and
How to overcome the defense of privileged communication under
(c) There is justifiable motive for making it.
par. 1 of Art. 354:
However, there are circumstances where exceptions to the
(a) The defendant acted with malice in fact,
presumption of malice is considered:
(b) There is no reasonable ground for believing the charge to be
(1) A private communication made by any person… true.
(2) A fair and true report, made in good faith…
-If proven the defense would be rejected by the prosecution…

(Par. 2 of Art. 354) The conditions of a privileged communication:

There are two kinds of privileged communications:
(a) Fair and true
(a) Absolute Privilege = when it is not actionable, even if its
(b) Made in good faith; and
author has acted in bad faith. These are statements made
(c) Without any comments or remarks,
by the Congress, official communication of public officers,
and allegations and statements made by lawyers in their Doctrine of Fair Comment – while in general every discreditable
pleadings. (legal, moral or social duty) imputation publicly made is deemed false, because every man is
(b) Conditionally or Qualifiedly Privileged Communications = presumed innocent until his guilt is judicially approved.
would not be actionable unless made with malice or bad
faith. Criticism – shall invite public attention or call for public comment. It
does not follow a public man into his private life nor pry in his
However, in the case of pleadings, if proven that it contains domestic concerns.
irrelevant and malicious language the qualified privilege would be
lost. Defamation- the criticism follows the person into his private life
which has no connection with the performance of his public duties.
Requisites of Privileged Communication:
Republic Act No. 4200 “The Anti-Wire Tapping Act”
(1) The person who made the communication has a legal,
moral, or social duty to make the communication. (moral Acts penalized:
and social duty depends upon the relationship of the giver (1) To tap any wire or cable, or
and recipient of the communication) (2) By using any other device or arrangement, to secretly
(2) Communication is addressed to an officer or a board, or overhear, intercept, or record such communication or
superior, having some interest or duty in the matter. spoken word…
Also.. (2) Where any of the offended parties resides at the time of the
commission of the offense.
(1) To knowingly possess any recording file or device
(2) To replay the same for any other person or persons (Art. 361) Proof of the truth
(3) To communicate the contents verbally or in writing
(Art. 362) Libelous remarks
(4) To furnish transcriptions
If remarks or comments are made upon a matter privileged, and
(Art. 355) Libel by means of writing of similar means. – Prision malice in fact is proved, the author and the editor are liable.
correccional in its minimum and medium periods or a fine ranging
The reporter of a newspaper publication, in publication what passes
from P40,000 to P1,200,000 or both in addition to the civil action
in a court of justice, must publish the whole case, and not merely
which may be brought by the offended party.
state the conclusion which he himself draws from the evidence.
Foregoing rule of preference of the Supreme Court on the matter of
He must not distort, mutilates or discolor the official proceedings
the imposition of penalties for the crime of libel bearing:
reported by him or add comments.
(1) The Administrative Circular does not remove imprisonment
(Art. 358) Slander is oral defamation. It is libel committed by oral
as an alternative penalty in Art. 355
means, instead of writing.
(2) The judges concerned may, in the exercise of sound
discretion, and taking into particular circumstances of each Two kinds of oral defamation:
case determine which best serves the interests of justice… (1) Simple slander; and
(3) Should only a fine be imposed, and the accused be unable (2) Grave slander, when it is of a serious and insulting nature.
to pay the fine…
Factors that determine the gravity of oral defamation.
(Art. 360) The persons responsible for libel are:
(1) Upon expression used
(1) The person who publishes, exhibits, or causes the (2) On the personal relationship of the accused and the
publication or exhibition of any defamation offended party
(2) The author or editor (3) The circumstances surrounding the case
(3) Editing or business manager (4) Social standing
(4) Owner of the printing plant
Slander need not to be heard by the offended party, because a
Venue of criminal and civil actions for damages in cases of written
man’s reputation is the estimate in which other holds him, not the
good opinion which he has of himself.
(1) Where the libelous article is printed and first published; or
(Art. 359) Slander by deed is a crime against honor by which is (Art. 356) Threatening to publish and offer to prevent such
committed by performing any act which casts dishonor, discredit, or publication for compensation. “Blackmail”
contempt upon another person.
(1) By threatening another to publish a libel concerning him, or
Elements: his parents, spouse, child, or other members of the family.
(1) Any act not included in any other crime against honor (2) By offering to prevent the publication of such libel for
(2) In the presence of other person or persons compensation, or money consideration.
(3) Act casts dishonor, discredit, or contempt upon the
offended party. “Blackmail” any unlawful extortion of money by threats of
accusation or exports.
Slander by deed:
(a) Simple slander by deed Blackmail is also possible in light threats (Art. 283)
(b) Grave slander b deed, that is, which is of a serious nature.
It depends on the social standing of the offended party, the (Art. 357) Prohibited publication of acts referred to in the course of
circumstances under which the act was committed, the official proceedings.
occasion, etc.
An example is the slapping the face of another if the intention of the (1) The offender is a reporter, editor, or manager of a
accused is to cause shame and humiliation. As well as pointing a newspaper daily or magazine.
dirty finger. (2) He publishes facts connected with the private life of
Slander by deed and maltreatment, distinguished. (3) Such facts are offensive to the honor, virtue, and reputation
The nature and effects of the maltreatment determine the crime of said person.
committed. If the offended party suffered from shame or
humiliation caused by maltreatment, it is slander by deed. The published facts must be necessary in the narration of any
judicial or administrative proceedings wherein such facts have been
The common denominator present in unjust vexation, slander by mentioned.
deed, and act of lasciviousness is irritation or annoyance. However,
if, in addition to the annoyance or irritation, there was present any The extent of “Gag Law”
of the circumstances provided for in Art. 335 of the Code, the crime Newspaper reports on cases pertaining to adultery, divorce, issues
would be an act of lasciviousness. about legitimacy of children, etc., will necessarily be barred from
publication. This requires two things:
(1) He publishes facts connected with the private life of
another. (Art. 364) Intriguing against honor is committed by any person who
(2) Such facts are offensive to the honor, virtue, and reputation shall make any intrigue which has for its principal purpose to
of said person. blemish the honor and reputation of another person. This consists
of some trickery.
However, if one is not present, a suit of alimony is appropriate. It
refers to the private life of a person, but it is not offensive to the 3. CRIMES AGAINST PERSONS
honor of such a person. (Art. 246) Parricide – Any person who shall kill his father, mother, or
child, whether legitimate or illegitimate, or any of his ascendants, or
Facts being talked about here are intimate facts about one’s descendants, or his spouse, shall be guilty of parricide and shall be
personal life. punished by the penalty of reclusion perpetua to death.

Source of news report may not be revealed unless the court or Elements:
House or committee of Congress finds that such revelation is (1) A person is killed.
demanded by the security of the State. (2) The deceased is killed by the accused.
(Art. 363) Incriminating innocent person “Planting of Evidence” (3) That the deceased is the father, mother, or child, whether
Elements: legitimate or illegitimate, or any of his ascendants, or
(1) Offender performs an act descendants, or the legitimate spouse, of the accused.
(2) Act he directly incriminates or imputes to an innocent
person the commission of a crime. Essential element of parricide is the relationship of the offender
(3) Act does not constitute perjury. with the victim.

This is limited to the act of planting evidence not to constituting If the relationship of the offender to the victim is illegitimate, it is
false prosecutions. not a crime of parricide but of simple homicide or murder.

Incriminating a person is committed by an act by which the offender “Illegitimate” embraces all children born out of wedlock. Thus:
directly incriminates or imputes the innocent person. It is limited to (A) Adulterine
the act of planting evidence. (B) Incestuous
(C) Sacrilegious children
On the other hand, perjury is the imputation itself, falsely made,
before an officer. It is giving false statements under oath, making a
false affidavit, and imputing to a person the commission of a crime.
The child should not be less than three days old to qualify for (3) He has not promoted or facilitated the prostitution of his
parricide. If the child is less than three days old, the crime is wife or daughter, or that he or she has not consented to the
infanticide (Art. 255). infidelity of the other spouse.

Oral evidence of the fact of marriage may be considered. The The provision does not require whether the parent is legitimate or
testimony of the appellant that he was married to the deceased is not. It only requires that the daughter be under 18 years old, and
an admission against his penal interest. she is living with her parents.
Semper praesumitur pro matrimonio = “a man and a woman
deporting themselves as husband and wife have entered into a The wors “surprise” means to come upon suddenly and
lawful contract of marriage.” unexpectedly.”
In People vs. Gabriel, the accused saw his wife and paramour
Parricide by mistake. already in the kitchen. He attacked them only when he saw that
If a person killed another, not knowing that the letter was his son, they were about to commence sexual intercourse. The accused is
will he be guilty of parricide> not held liable for the injuries suffered by the paramour.
Yes. The law does not require knowledge of the relationship
between them.
The justification of Article 247, when the circumstances provided by
this article are present, considers the spouse or parent as acting in a
(Art. 247) Death or physical injuries inflicted under exceptional
justified burst of passion. (People v. Gonzales)
circumstances. – Any legally married person who, having surprised
his spouse in the act of committing sexual intercourse with another No criminal liability when less serious or slight physical injuries are
person, shall kill any of them or both of them in the act or inflicted.
immediately thereafter, or shall inflict upon them any serious
physical injury, shall suffer the penalty of destierro. Cases where a person who has committed parricide not to be
punished with reclusion perpetua to death.
Requisites for the application: (1) When Parricide is committed through negligence (art. 365)
(1) A legally married person or a parent surprise his spouse or (2) When it is committed by mistake (Art. 249)
his daughter, the latter under 18 years of age and living with (3) When it is committed under exceptional circumstances (Art.
him, in the act of committing sexual intercourse with 247
another person.
(2) He or she kills any or both of them or inflicts upon any or
both of them any serious physical injury in the act or (Article 248) Murder – Any person, who, not falling, within the
immediately thereafter. provision of Article 246, shall kill another, shall be guilty of murder
and shall be punished by reclusion perpetua to death if committed It is also employing means to ensure its execution, without
with any of the following attendant circumstances: risk to himself arising from the defense which the offended party
might make.
1. Treachery
2. In consideration of price, reward, or promise;
Abuse of superior strength is present whenever there is a
3. By means of inundation
notorious inequality of forces between the victim and the aggressor,
4. On occasion of calamities
and that is taken advantage by him in the commission of the crime.
5. With evident premeditation
6. With cruelty
Employing means or persons to insure or afford impunity is
the prevention of the accused from being recognized and to secure
Elements: himself against detection.
(1) A person was killed
(2) The accused killed him The person who received the price or reward or who
(3) The killing was attended by any of the qualifying accepted the promise of price or reward would not have killed the
circumstances in Art. 248. victim were it not for the price, reward, or promise. Such a person is
(4) The killing is not parricide or infanticide. a principal by direct participation. And the person who gave the
Rules for the application of the circumstances which qualify the reward or prize is a principal by induction.
killing to murder.
(a) That murder will exist with only one of the circumstances By means of inundation
described in Article 248. Unlawful killing by means of inundation, fire, poison, explosion,
(b) That when the other circumstances are absorbed or shipwreck, stranding of a vessel, derailment or assault upon a
included in one qualifying circumstance, they cannot be railroad, fall of an airship, by means of motor vehicles, or with the
considered as generic aggravating. use of any other means involving great waste and ruin;
(c) That any of the qualifying circumstances enumerated in
Article 248 must be alleged in the information. On occasion of any of the calamities
Enumerated in the preceding paragraph, or of an earthquake,
eruption of a volcano, destructive cyclone, epidemic, or other public
Treachery calamity;
Unlawful killing with treachery, taking advantage of superior
strength, with the aid of armed men, o employing means to weaken Evident Premeditation
the defense, or of means or persons to insure or afford impunity. This exists when the execution of the criminal act is preceded by
cool thought and reflection upon the resolution to carry out the
criminal intent during the space of time sufficient to arrive at a calm (4) The killing was not attended by any of the qualifying
judgment. circumstances or murder, or by that of parricide or
With cruelty
Penalty when the victim of homicide is under 12 years of age is
Unlawful killing with cruelty, by deliberately and inhumanly
reclusion perpetua.
augmenting the suffering of the victim or outraging or scoffing at his
person or corpse. Intent to kill is conclusively presumed when death resulted from the
act. Intent to kill must be proved beyond reasonable doubt.
Killing is done with cruelty when other injuries or wounds
inflicted deliberately by the offender which are not necessary for the No offense of frustrated homicide through imprudence. The
killing of the victim. element of intent to kill is not compatible with negligence or
The word “outraging” means to commit an extremely
vicious or deeply insulting act.

The word “scoffing” means to jeer and implies showing of

irreverence (a lack of respect).

(Art. 249) Homicide – Any person not falling within the provision of
Article 246, shall kill another, without the attendance of any of the
circumstances enumerated in the next preceding article, shall be
deemed guilty of homicide and be punished reclusion temporal.

Homicide is the unlawful killing of any person, which is neither

parricide, murder nor infanticide.


(1) A person is killed

(2) The accused killed him without justifying circumstances
(3) The accused had the intention to kill, which is presumed

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