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Plague and Tularemia

Tereza Cristina Leal-Balbino,
Maria Betânia Melo de Oliveira,
Maria Paloma Silva de Barros, Marise Sobreira,
and Vladimir da Mota Silveira-Filho

Plague and tularemia are diseases caused by gram-negative bacteria
Yersinia pestis and Francisella tularensis, respectively. Transmission
occurs mainly through vectors, affecting humans and other mammals,
causing fever and lymphadenopathy. These infectious diseases present
very similar clinical and epidemiological characteristics; therefore, it is
appropriate to study them jointly. On the other hand, there also are impor-
tant differences as to their clinical and epidemiological aspects, as well as
their etiologic agents. Among the reservoirs common to both microorgan-
isms, rodents are worthy of mention, as well as lagomorphs and wild and
domestic carnivores. The primary mode of plague transmission is through
the bite of infected fleas, while transmission of tularemia is caused through
the bite of several hematophagous arthropods. These diseases can be
found throughout the world: the plague persists in natural foci in countries
Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas, while tularemia is restricted to
countries in the northern hemisphere. Treatment for both diseases consists
of similar antimicrobials, where streptomycin and gentamicin are the
drugs of choice. Without prompt treatment, these diseases can cause seri-
ous illness and even death. Bacterial culture and inoculation of animals
infected with plague and tularemia should be carried out in a biosafety
level 3 (BSL3) laboratory. Both diseases are categorized as international
public health emergencies, given their ability to cause significant impact
on public health and their potential for rapid international spread.

Yersinia pestis • Francisella tularensis • Gram-negative bacteria
• Infectious diseases

M.B.M. de Oliveira
T.C. Leal-Balbino (*) • M.P.S. de Barros
Department of Biochemistry, Federal University of
M. Sobreira
Pernambuco, Recife, PE, Brazil
Department of Microbiology, Oswaldo Cruz
Foundation, Aggeu Magalhães Research Center V.M. Silveira-Filho
(CPqAM/Fiocruz), Recife, PE, Brazil Department of Biology, University of Pernambuco,
e-mail: Garanhuns, PE, Brazil

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 155

C.B. Marcondes (ed.), Arthropod Borne Diseases, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-13884-8_11
156 T.C. Leal-Balbino et al.

11.1 Introduction year (range: 1–17 cases per year). Cases are
reported in both men and women, although
Plague and tularemia are caused by the gram- historically infection is more common among
negative bacteria Yersinia pestis and Francisella men, likely due to outdoor activities that put them
tularensis, respectively. These bacteria were both at higher risk.
initially classified as belonging to the genus Tularemia affects countries in the northern
Pasteurella; however, biochemical and genetic hemisphere, principally North America, South
differences were sufficient to subdivide them into America (Venezuela), and most countries in
two genera: Yersinia in honor of Alexandre Europe and Asia (including China and Japan).
Yersin, the discoverer of the bacillus responsible In 2000, the WHO indicated 56 cases of tulare-
for plague, and Francisella in honor of Edward mia in Pristina, Kosovo. Tularemia was more
Francis, a scholar of tularemia. common in the United States in the early twen-
The clinical and epidemiological similarities tieth century than today; the case frequency
between the two diseases justify presenting them has declined since 2003, and currently, there
together. They are vector-transmitted zoonoses are fewer than 200 cases reported per year,
that occasionally affect humans, causing fever, despite occurring in every state except Hawaii.
lymphadenopathy, and pulmonary impairment in Infection occurs sporadically throughout the
infected individuals. Plague transmission occurs year with prevalence in adult males, possibly
primarily through the bite of infected fleas, while due to greater involvement in outdoor activi-
tularemia is vectored by blood-sucking arthropods ties such as hunting. Cases are also reported in
(i.e., fleas, ticks, mites, and mosquitoes). Rodents, children, especially in the summer, probably
lagomorphs, and wild and domestic carnivores are due to high seasonal abundance of ticks and
reservoirs for both bacterial strains. horse flies.
The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) classifies both bacterial
species as biosafety level 3 and within category A 11.2 History
of the bioterrorism agent/disease list, considering
the severity of disease and the potential use of 11.2.1 Plague
these pathogens as agents of bioterrorism.1
According to the World Health Organization Plague probably originated in the Central Asian
(WHO), 12,503 cases of human plague were Plateau and has been responsible for high
documented between 2004 and 2009, causing mortality rates in some time periods. Numerous
843 deaths across 16 countries in Africa, Asia, references in art, literature, and historical
and the Americas, with a case fatality rate of monuments attest to the horrors and devastation
6.7 %. Africa was the continent most affected; of the plague. During the Christian era, three
eight countries reported 12,209 cases in total, major pandemics were characterized. The first,
with 814 deaths. Asia reported 149 cases in four called the Plague of Justinian (542–605 AD),
countries with 23 deaths, while in the Americas, originated in Egypt and spread throughout the
145 cases were reported in two countries, civilized world, reaching Asia, Africa, and
resulting in six deaths. Europe. The second, the dreaded Black Death,
Between 1900 and 2010, 999 suspected cases began in Asia and extended throughout Europe
of human plague were reported in the United and North Africa, persisting from the fourteenth
States, and over 80 % of these cases were the to sixteenth centuries and killing a quarter of the
bubonic form. In the last decade, an average of European population. The third, the contemporary
seven cases of human plague was reported each pandemic, originated in 1891 in Yunnan, China
and, in 1894, extended to Hong Kong and quickly
See Chap. 3 for more information on utilization in bio- spread across the continents via sea transport,
logical warfare. leaving natural foci scattered among all continents
11 Plague and Tularemia 157

with the exception of Australia (Perry and enteropathogenic, transmitted by oral-fecal route
Fetherston 1997). and causing a clinical condition called Yersiniosis
Three relevant events occurred throughout the (Perry and Fetherston 1997). One of these
history of plague: first, the etiologic agent was pathogens, Y. pseudotuberculosis, is considered
isolated in 1894 by Alexandre Yersin; second, the ancestor of Y. pestis and is thought to have
fleas were discovered as agents of disease diverged approximately 1.5–20 thousand years
transmission in 1898 by Paul-Louis Simond; last, ago (Achtman et al. 1999).
the pandemics created natural foci in various Yersinia pestis is a gram-negative bacillus,
(previously unaffected) regions of the world. short and ovoid (0.5–0.8 mm diam. × 1–3 mm
length), and having intense bipolar coloration
when impregnated with specific dyes (Fig. 11.1a1).
11.2.2 Tularemia Yersinia pestis is aerobic or facultative anaerobic,
non-sporulating, and does not ferment lactose,
During research on the plague in endemic areas, sucrose, or rhamnose; it acidifies glucose, manni-
tularemia was discovered and initially identified as tol, and salt without producing gas and does not
a kind of plague called “pseudo-plague.” In 1911, hydrolyze urea. The results of nitrate reduction
the etiologic agent, initially named Bacterium and glycerol fermentation tests are variable and
tularense, was isolated from squirrels in the city of important for the identification of different geo-
Tulare, California (USA). The syndrome was graphic varieties or biovars.
characterized in 1912, with the first human cases Yersinia pestis grows well on ordinary media,
observed in 1914. Studies of this zoonotic disease such as peptone agar base and blood agar base
progressed in all aspects thereafter, with much of (BAB). Growth can occur at temperatures rang-
the work conducted by researcher Edward Francis. ing from 4 to 37°C, but 28°C is ideal, producing
Because of his commitment to research on this slow growth. After 48 h, colonies measure from 1
zoonosis, the name of the bacillus was changed to to 2 mm in diameter, whitish with convex shape,
Francisella tularensis in his honor (Eigelsbach shiny, translucent, and non-mucoid. In broth
and McGann 1984). (brain-heart infusion, or BHI), this microorganism
Tularemia has been reported to occur in Japan exhibits flocculent (i.e., clumped) growth,
since 1837, described as a disease acquired by resulting in nonuniform medium turbidity (Perry
ingestion of hare meat. The degree of pathology and Fetherston 1997).
to humans was discovered in the laboratory after Yersinia pestis is cold resistant and is well
accidental infection. The existence of tularemia preserved in corpses and in sputum of patients
was then acknowledged in 1928, after long being with pneumonic plague and in flea droppings.
mistaken for a type of plague. From 1929 to It can be eliminated by common disinfectants
1945, it was also acknowledged in Norway, like antiseptic soap and hypochlorite or by sun
Sweden, Turkey, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and exposure, boiling water (for a few minutes), or
France (Eigelsbach and McGann 1984). moist heat at 60 °C (40 min). Cultures can be
maintained on peptone agar at 4 °C for decades,
but the safest way is via lyophilization.
11.3 Etiology Yersinia pestis strains are considered highly
phenotypically homogeneous, having a serotype
11.3.1 Plague and phagotype. The biovars and geographical
varieties have acquired recent classifications that
The causative agent of plague, Yersinia pestis, reflect global diversity based on single nucleo-
belongs to family Enterobacteriaceae. The genus tide polymorphism (SNP) type and biochemical
Yersinia consists of 17 species that can be characteristics. In accordance with the
differentiated by their pathogenicity. Yersinia International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria
pseudotuberculosis and Y. enterocolitica are (ICNB), Y. pestis has been subdivided into two
158 T.C. Leal-Balbino et al.

Fig. 11.1 Yersinia pestis bacillus and intense bipolar col- Francisella tularensis bacillus (b1), ulceroglandular tula-
oration when impregnated with specific dyes (a1), remia (b2). Source: (a) CDC/Plague 2012 and (b) CDC/
bubonic plague (a2), septicemic plague (a3) image of Tularemia 2011

major subspecies: Y. pestis pestis and Y. pestis diagnostic tests such as enzyme-linked immuno-
microtus. Yersinia p. microtus comprises of a sorbent assay (ELISA). The pCD1 plasmid, also
group of biovars that typically do not cause dis- present in other pathogenic Yersinia, is responsible
ease in humans (bv. caucasica, bv. angola, bv. for a complex type III secretion system (TTSS),
talassica, bv. qinghaiensis, bv. xilingolensis, bv. which neutralizes host antibacterial defenses.
altaica, bv. hissarica, and bv. ulegeica). Yersinia The absence of one of these plasmids or the
pestis pestis includes four biovars (bv. interme- presence of atypical or cryptic plasmids has been
dium, bv. antiqua, bv. medievalis, and bv. orien- observed in Y. pestis strains worldwide. These
talis) (Platonov et al. 2013). events may be fostered by the presence of
The Y. pestis genome consists of a single cir- insertion sequences (IS1541A, IS100, IS285,
cular chromosome of about 4.6 Mb with a GC IS1661) in the genome of the bacterium, as well
content of 47 %, with approximately 4200 genes as by insertion of plasmid sequences on the
and three prototypical plasmids: pPCP1, PMT1, chromosome, recombination events, genetic
and pCD1 (9.5, 100, and 70 kb, respectively). Its reorganization, and inversion of genome
pathogenicity is attributed to several factors, segments (Carniel 2008).
including the presence of invasins, adhesins, and The Y. pestis chromosome contains a region
toxins, as well as intracellular and antibiotic called the pgm locus (102 kb), which is composed
resistance encoded by plasmid and chromosomal of two segments. The first segment is a high-
genes (Perry and Fetherston 1997; Parkhill et al. pathogenicity island (HPI) associated with iron
2001; Deng et al. 2002). acquisition, involved in the synthesis of sidero-
In addition to the murine toxin, the pPCP1 phores (Yersiniabactin), and essential for the dis-
plasmid appears to play an essential role in the semination of bacteria in mammals; the other
transmission of Y. pestis by fleas. The PMT1 segment is the hemin storage (HMS) and is
plasmid codes for one of the envelope proteins involved in the colonization and blockage of the
(F1) of Y. pestis, and is highly immunogenic for flea proventriculus by the production of biofilm.
humans and animals, making it useful in The pgm locus is unstable and may delete or block
11 Plague and Tularemia 159

other gene segments resulting in variations in viru- Francisella tularensis is a gram-negative

lence. This deletion is attributed to homologous coccobacillus (Fig. 11.1b1) that is pleomorphic
recombination resulting from the presence of IS in and non-spore-forming, strictly aerobic, oxidase-
this region (Prentice and Rahalison 2007). negative, and H2S-positive and that ferments
The complete genomes of various Y. pestis carbohydrates without the presence of gas. This
strains have been sequenced (Parkhill et al. 2001; species requires specific cultures rich in cystine
Deng et al. 2002). Genome comparisons, includ- and cysteine (e.g., agar blood glucose-cysteine)
ing between ancestral and current strains, have for growth, incubated at 37 °C for 2–4 days.
elucidated mechanisms of pathogen evolution and Although considered an obligatory
adaptation for emerging countries and reemerging intracellular pathogen in vivo, F. tularensis can
infections and have contributed to an understand- be cultured in vitro, in which case proper
ing of the evolution of pathogenicity of the plague environmental maintenance is strongly dependent
(Seifert et al. 2013; Wagner et al. 2014). They have on temperature. Francisella tularensis can
also been useful for reconstruction of the history survive for months at temperatures below 0 °C in
of the plague, observation of diversity in charac- water, straw, grain, and carcasses. However,
teristics, and identification of new virulence fac- survival is only possible for a few days at
tors. However, future experiments involving full temperatures above 10 °C. The bacteria are killed
characterization of the pathogenicity and lifestyle at 56 °C in 10 min or at 45 °C in 60 min. It can be
of Y. pestis are still needed. stored in the laboratory in glycerol at −80 °C or
Some Francisella species genomes have been
11.3.2 Tularemia sequenced, including F. tularensis (Larsson et al.
2005; Antwerpen et al. 2013). Subspecies tularen-
The causative agent of tularemia, Francisella sis has a high degree of genetic similarity with
tularensis (Francisella: Francisellaceae), is other subspecies. The F. tularensis genome con-
classified into three subspecies, all of them sists of a circular chromosome of approximately
pathogenic to humans. The first is F. tularensis 1.8 MB, with a GC content of 32.2 % and approxi-
tularensis, also called type A, which is highly mately 1800 genes.
virulent and occurs only in North America. It is The F. tularensis chromosome contains genes
distributed into two subpopulations (A1 and A2), that are important for cell maintenance, carbohy-
with the A1 population further subdivided into drate metabolism, amino acid biosynthesis, meta-
A1a and A1b, each having have different bolic transport, energy metabolism, DNA
geographic distributions, hosts and vectors. modifications/restrictions, and maintenance of
Francisella tularensis holarctica is also called environmental homeostasis.
type B. It is less virulent and endemic to many Francisella tularensis pathogenicity involves
countries in the northern hemisphere. Francisella several virulence factors that are important for
tularensis mediasiatica is equivalent to holarctica the development of the disease, including growth
in virulence and can be found only in Central in macrophages, degradation of the phagosome
Asia. Although species within genus Francisella membrane and release into the cytosol by the
generally differ in virulence and geographic action of the phospholipase family proteins,
distribution, they have a high degree of antigenic ammonia production, production of pili, and
and genomic similarity (Molins et al. 2014). acquisition of iron. Pathogenic Francisella
Tularemia caused by A1b strains usually genomes contain a “Francisella pathogenicity
exhibit severe clinical progression and are associ- island” (FPI) of 33.9 kb. The FPI carries 16–19
ated with high mortality rates, in contrast to infec- genes composing a type VI secretion system.
tions with strains A1a, A2, or type B. Recently, Deletions of many of these genes within the FPI
subspecies A1b was also discovered in Tasmania generate mutants that do not grow in macrophages
and Australia. and with severely attenuated virulence in mice.
160 T.C. Leal-Balbino et al.

Additionally, five types of insertion elements disease. However, studies are still needed in some
(ISFtu1–ISFtu5) have been described in the F. areas, such as pathogenicity factors, biodiversity,
tularensis genome. The ISs are responsible for and taxonomy.
the inactivation of genes in the Francisella
genome, as well as duplication of the FPI (Kingry
and Petersen 2014). 11.4 Epidemiology
The complete genomes of various F. tularen-
sis strains and subspecies have been sequenced 11.4.1 Plague
(Larsson et al. 2005; Antwerpen et al. 2013). The
comparison among different genomes has eluci- Yersinia pestis has two distinct life cycles. The
dated aspects of bacterial evolution and biogeo- natural life cycle is known as a zoonotic-syl-
graphical distribution and increased our vatic (Fig. 11.2a), wherein the bacterium is
knowledge of pathogenic factors. Access to com- transmitted primarily by the bite of infected
plete genome information has also improved fleas. When this vector encounters a similar host
microbial diversity research and our understand- in urban setting, the cycle is called zoonotic-
ing of the epidemiology and expansion of the urban (Fig. 11.2b). If at some point in these

Fig. 11.2 Plague epidemiological cycles. (a) Sylvatic zoonotic cycle and (b) urban zoonotic cycle
11 Plague and Tularemia 161

cycles a human or other mammal (dog, cat, rabbit, tine and proventriculus of the flea, where growth
camel, etc.) comes into contact with any infec- must be sufficient to block (completely or partially)
tious component (fleas, tissues, aerosols), they these organs. The plague bacilli are then regurgi-
can become infected with bacteria and develop tated during attempted feeding on a new host.
symptoms of the plague. Early transmission does not depend on the devel-
The main sources of plague infection in nature opment of the bacteria in the fleas, but it too results
are wild rodents, where seemingly every region from regurgitation of infectious material during
has a distinct endemic reservoir fauna. It is esti- the biting of an uninfected host. Mechanical trans-
mated that roughly 200 species are involved in mission occurs when the flea feeds on a septicemic
plague epidemiological cycles. Some rodent spe- host and soon thereafter feeds on a new host,
cies (e.g., Rattus rattus) may present a higher inoculating the new host with bacteria residing
resistance, resulting in persistence of infection in outside the flea mouthparts.
regions such as Madagascar. Other species are As described above, the HMS locus is impor-
subject to heavy mortality during epidemics (e.g., tant for colonization of the digestive tract of the
Cynomys and Necromys sp.) or even targets of flea. Phospholipase D is required for bacterial
poaching (e.g., Marmota spp.), increasing the survival in biofilm and in the flea midgut, appar-
risk of contamination and spread of infection ently because it prevents/blocks bacterial autoly-
among domestic animals and humans. sis by subproducts of the digested plasma.
The primary means of plague transmission is Phospholipase D is encoded by the ymt gene,
by bite from infected fleas. More than 200 flea which is located on one of the exclusive Y. pestis
species have been found infected with Y. pestis. plasmids (PMT1) essential for bacillus transmis-
Among these, the “rat flea” (Xenopsylla cheopis) sion by fleas. Other environmental and bacterial
has wide geographic distribution, is highly factors involved in flea colonization and biofilm
susceptible to infection, and is thus considered formation are poorly understood.
the primary plague vector (Eisen and Gage 2009). In addition to acting as plague vectors, fleas
Other recognized vector species include X. act as reservoirs of zoonosis, playing an important
brasiliensis in Africa, India, and South America; role in the maintenance of disease due to their
X. astia in Indonesia and Southeast Asia; X. ability to live for months within rodent holes/
vexabilis in the Pacific Islands; Nosopsyllus habitats. This microclimate favors Y. pestis
fasciatus, with nearly worldwide distribution in survival, which is eliminated with flea feces and
temperate climates; Malaraeus telchinus, deposited on the ground. Recent studies indicate
Oropsylla montana, Opisocrostis spp., and that blow flies may act as mechanical vectors of
Hoplopsyllus anomalus in the United States; Y. pestis, but the epidemiological impact of these
Stivalius cognatus in Indonesia; and Polygenis organisms is still being discussed.
spp. in foci of Brazil and Peru. Fleas in the genus Pet dogs and pet cats may carry Y. pestis-
Ctenocephalides are also considered possible infected fleas and can also develop the infection
vectors in Africa and Brazil. by acting as predators (e.g., by eating infected
When infected hosts die, fleas abandon the rodents). Dogs usually do not develop clinical
cadaver to seek new sources of food; this new manifestations, while cats may show the nodal
host needs not be the preferred host type, result- forms, including pneumonic and pharyngeal
ing in possible parasitism and infection of disease. If they survive the infection, these ani-
humans. There are three different mechanisms of mals will produce specific antibodies for up to a
transmission, which may be more or less important year, making them important sentinels for epi-
according to flea vector species and epizootio- demiological surveillance in plague outbreaks.
logical stage (Hinnebusch and Erickson 2008). Birds in general are refractory to infection, but
Biological transmission depends on bacterial birds of prey are important in the epidemiologi-
proliferation and biofilm production in the intes- cal cycle because they may transport infected
162 T.C. Leal-Balbino et al.

rodent carcasses and fleas over long distances. 11.4.2 Tularemia

Transmission between humans can occur via
aerosols due to accidents involving contami- Francisella tularensis infection has been demon-
nated tissues (e.g., during field work or from lab strated in more than 250 vertebrates (mammals,
material) or during utilization of plague bacteria birds, reptiles, amphibians) and invertebrates
as a weapon of biological warfare. Displacement (arthropods) around the world. Thus, there is no
of humans or animals infected with plague (or exclusive reservoir/host association for the dis-
carcasses) should also be taken into consider- ease. The fauna involved in epidemiological
ation, because of the potential for transmission cycles varies from region to region, where mam-
and formation of allochthonous epidemics. malian hosts (e.g., rabbits, hares, muskrats, prai-
Transmission between humans by vectors rie dogs, skunks, raccoons, mice, rats, squirrels,
occurs rarely and is characteristic of homes with sheep, cattle, and cats) are more commonly asso-
ectoparasite infestations, such as lice (Pediculus ciated with human infection risk (Harik 2013).
humanus) and fleas (Pulex irritans). In the Two biological cycles are currently described:
Andes, the habit of killing these insects with terrestrial and aquatic (Carvalho et al. 2014).
the teeth causes a syndrome characterized by Tularemia type A (F. tularensis subsp. tularensis)
cervical buboes, peritonsillar abscesses, and is more associated with the terrestrial disease
pneumonia. cycle (Fig. 11.3a), with wild rabbits and hares

Fig. 11.3 Tularemia epidemiological cycles. (a) Terrestrial cycle and (b) aquatic cycle
11 Plague and Tularemia 163

acting as main hosts and arthropod vectors (ticks activities, taxidermy, shearing, field work, land
and horse flies) as the agents spreading the patho- clearing, grass cutting, during the trading of wild
gen. Tularemia type B (F. tularensis holarctica) animals, or via laboratory accidents. Interhuman
is most often associated with aquatic cycles transmission has not been documented for tulare-
(Fig. 11.3b) but can also be transmitted by ticks. mia, even in cases of the pneumonic form. As
In this cycle, muskrats, beavers, and voles spread with the plague, epizootics occurring in rodents
the bacteria in their aquatic habitat, and humans and lagomorphs typically precede human cases,
become infected directly by ingesting contami- but the detection of infection sources can be
nated water or infected animals (e.g., fish and extremely difficult due to host diversity.
crayfish). There is also evidence that F. tularensis
may persist in water sources in association with
intracellular protozoa, aiding epidemiological 11.5 Clinical Manifestations
In North America, ticks of the genera The manifestation of these diseases depends on
Dermacentor (dog tick and wood tick), host inoculation route. The strength of invasion
Amblyomma americanum (lone star tick), and and the ability of the bacterium to infect and
Chrysops spp. (deer flies) are the main vectors of cause disease vary among different clinical
tularemia. The animal reservoirs consist of presentations.
lagomorphs, squirrels, prairie dogs, beavers,
groundhogs, deer, sheep, and occasionally
humans. Wild predators, such as foxes, coyotes, 11.5.1 Plague
birds of prey, and snakes, as well as domestic
dogs and cats (by nature of carnivorous behavior), Clinically, human plague has three main forms:
typically become infected by coming into contact bubonic, septicemic, and pneumonic.
with infected tissues or prey.
In ticks, bacteria penetrate the midgut and Bubonic Plague
migrate to the salivary glands, where they are Bubonic plague is the most common form of the
inoculated in a new host during a blood meal. disease, contracted after the bite of an infected
Transovarial infection has been confirmed in flea. When bacilli are inoculated, buboes form in
ticks, and they are known to remain infective the lymph nodes, frequently in the inguinal-cru-
during all phases of their life cycle (larva, nymph, ral (70 %), axillary (20 %), and cervical (10 %)
adult). It is believed that mites and fleas are also regions. In the absence of appropriate treatment,
involved in the transmission of tularemia but mortality rate ranges between 40 and 70 %
with lower epidemiological impact. (Koirala 2006; Prentice and Rahalison 2007).
In Europe and in other regions of the world, The buboes have a reddish color, glossy surface
the ticks Ixodes ricinus, Haemaphysalis con- and are very painful (Fig. 11.1a2). The disease
cinna, and Dermacentor sp. are involved in the presents with chills, headache, fever, myalgia,
transmission of tularemia. Mosquitoes of the anorexia, nausea, vomiting, generalized pain,
genera Aedes, Culex, and Anopheles are also and tachycardia (Prentice and Rahalison 2007).
implicated; these hematophagous insects act as The incubation period is between 2 and 6 days
mechanical vectors for the spread of bacteria, and faster in some cases (Carniel 2008).
which occur via contaminated mouthparts during
blood feeding after previous contact with an Septicemic Plague
infected host. Septicemic plague is characterized by severe
Another way in which humans acquire F. tula- toxemia and an abundance of bacilli in the blood.
rensis is through contact with contaminated tis- Bacteremia can result in necrosis due to
sues or carcasses or by inhaling aerosols from accumulation of bacilli and their toxins in the
contaminated land, grain, or hay during hunting limbs (Fig. 11.1a3), being lethal in 30–50 % of
164 T.C. Leal-Balbino et al.

cases with improper treatment. In general, ache, and general aches/pains. Bacteria are
10–20 % of cases result from progression of spread through the lymphatic system to local
improperly treated bubonic plague (Koirala lymph nodes where swelling occurs, the result
2006). Clinically, septicemic plague resembles often resembling plague buboes (Ellis et al.
other types of septicemia caused by gram-negative 2002). Francisella tularensis can be transmitted
bacteria. It presents a clinical picture with from the site of infection to other organs/tissues,
abrupt temperature rise, chills, arrhythmia, such as the spleen, liver, lungs, kidneys, gut,
hypotension, nausea, vomiting, asthenia, and central nervous system, and skeletal muscles,
mental disturbance. This form has a high mortal- with less than 3 % mortality (Evans et al. 1985).
ity if left untreated (Koirala 2006; Prentice and A rare variation of this clinical presentation is
Rahalison 2007). oculoglandular tularemia, wherein the entrance
of the bacterium is the conjunctiva, usually as a Pneumonic Plague result of hand-eye contamination. The disease is
In clinical form, pneumonic plague is the most characterized by the appearance of ulcers or
severe and dangerous, due to the high degree of nodules on the conjunctiva, with untreated
contagion, high mortality rates (approximately infection spreading to local lymph nodes (Ellis
100 % if untreated and >50 % with antibiotic et al. 2002).
therapy), and high capacity to cause epidemics Oropharyngeal or gastrointestinal tularemia
by spread of aerosols. Infection may occur by the occurs through ingestion of contaminated food or
introduction of bacilli into respiratory mucosa or water (Berdal et al. 2000). The symptoms are
secondarily by progression of untreated bubonic described as a sore throat, enlarged tonsils, and
and septicemic forms (Carniel 2008). This form formation of a yellow-white pseudomembrane.
presents sudden onset with severe and rapid This form is usually accompanied by swelling of
symptom progression, with abrupt temperature cervical lymph nodes. This clinical presentation
rise, chills, arrhythmia, hypotension, nausea, may vary from mild diarrhea to fatal acute disease
vomiting, and mental disturbance (Koirala 2006, with intestinal ulceration (Ellis et al. 2002).
Prentice and Rahalison 2007). Initially, signs of Pulmonary and respiratory tularemia is the
infection and pulmonary symptoms are either most severe form, with the inhalation of aerosols
mild or absent and later arise with chest pain, as the (rare) route of infection. Any cases of
shortness of breath and fast, bloody, and sputum natural inhalation often appear from agricultural
rich in plague bacilli. Without early treatment, activities that involve manipulation of hay, a
symptoms include delirium and coma and may common habitat of infected rodents. In most
cause death. cases, this form of tularemia occurs as a clinical
progression from other forms (Ellis et al. 2002).

11.5.2 Tularemia
11.6 Diagnosis
Depending on the route of entry of the bacteria,
the disease can manifest itself in several ways 11.6.1 Plague
(Ellis et al. 2002). Ulceroglandular tularemia is
the most common form of the disease, which The diagnosis of plague can be accomplished
typically results from the bite of an infected through bacteriological, serological, and
arthropod vector or through direct contact with molecular techniques. These techniques can be
the tissues of infected animals. An ulcer can form used separately or in combination, which allows
and persist for several months at the site of infec- greater precision of results. For plague diagnosis,
tion (Fig. 11.1b2). After an incubation period of the isolation of the bacteria is still considered the
3–6 days, infected persons have sudden onset of gold standard (BCCDC, BC Centre for Disease
flu-like symptoms, mainly chills, fever, head- Control 2013). However, not all samples from
11 Plague and Tularemia 165

human cases are appropriate for this type of diag- The HA/HI assay is also used for diagnosis
nosis. Automated systems for biochemical testing and serological surveillance of serum samples
are not considered effective in the identification from live-captured rodents and for domestic and
of Y. pestis; however, biochemical tests performed wild carnivore predators of rodents. The enzyme-
with the API20E kit are accepted. linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is useful
Laboratory investigation consists of bacterios- for diagnosis of human disease, used in detection
copy of smears stained using specific methods, of IgM or IgG and for F1 antigen capture.
direct immunofluorescence (DIF) with specific However, these techniques are not universally
antibodies for F1, use of antiplague phage applicable in serological surveillance activities,
plaques on agar (by determining a lysis area to as they require the use of different (nonhuman)
confirm the culture), and inoculation into labora- species-specific antibodies, such as from rodents,
tory animals (BCCDC, BC Centre for Disease dogs, cats, etc., for use in human sera tests.
Control 2013). Molecular techniques have some advantages
Depending on observed clinical manifesta- over bacteriological techniques in plague diagno-
tions, different sample types (e.g., bubo fluid, sis. Molecular assays are rapid techniques that
blood, sputum, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.) are col- eliminate the need for cultivation of samples and
lected for diagnostic purposes. If the patient has in which detection is possible even when bacteria
the bubonic form of the disease, blood and bubo are not viable. Several protocols based on poly-
fluid are collected. In cases of pneumonic plague, merase chain reaction (PCR) and its variations
blood and sputum fluid are collected. In recently (nested PCR, multiplex PCR, real-time PCR)
obtained infection, it is possible to obtain material have been used for this purpose. These tests are
from the mouth or from nasal secretions or used for diagnosis in human or animal material,
through a venous or bubo puncture. Samples are by means of identifying virulence genes present
packaged in the Cary-Blair transport medium, and in the three plasmids and/or on the chromosome
bacilli may be maintained in these preparations of Y. pestis (Dalmasso et al. 2014).
for several weeks at room temperature. In rodents,
the blood, liver, or spleen samples are collected.
If the animal is decomposing, the femur is 11.6.2 Tularemia
obtained to sample bone marrow, where plague
bacilli are abundant. These techniques can also be Tularemia diagnosis can also be done by
used to identify Y. pestis in flea vectors (BCCDC, bacteriological, serological, and molecular
BC Centre for Disease Control 2013). methods. Francisella tularensis is a challenging
In cases where bacterial culture presents nega- pathogen in relation to nutrients and has slow
tive results but disease is still suspected, serologi- growth. Despite these characteristics, bacterial
cal testing is recommended to confirm diagnosis. isolation remains the most recommended method,
Serological diagnosis is mainly by hemagglutina- since it allows a conclusive diagnosis of infection
tion (HA) assays, typically via hemagglutination and serves as a valuable resource for molecular
inhibition (HI) tests. F1-sensitive sheep erythro- epidemiology (Hepburn and Simpson 2008).
cytes are used for the detection of anti-F1 anti- Appropriate sample type for use in laboratory
body in blood serum of patients or people at risk diagnosis depends on patient clinical manifesta-
of contact with animals. For diagnosis of plague tions and can include sore throat swabs, blood or
in humans, it is recommended to collect two urine samples, biopsy, aspiration or scraping of
serum samples: one in the acute phase of the ulcers, lymph node tissue, affected corneal tissue,
disease and another after 3 weeks. In most sputum samples, and bronchial or pleural lavage.
patients, seroconversion occurs within 1–2 Samples of vectors, carcasses, natural host or res-
weeks of the onset of symptoms, occasionally ervoir feces, and water are all recommended for
earlier (~5 days). The disease is confirmed when epidemiological investigations (BCCDC, BC
there is a fourfold increase in reaction titer. Centre for Disease Control 2013).
166 T.C. Leal-Balbino et al.

Different sample types require different Tularemia diagnosis can also be performed by
preparations for transportation. Skin lesion sam- serological methods. Antibody production in
ples are stored in the Amies agar with activated response to F. tularensis infection is commonly
charcoal. Sputum, pharyngeal secretions, and demonstrated by several methods, including
lymph node aspirate may be packed, transported, agglutination tests, immunofluorescence assays,
and stored at −80 °C until culture procedures for ELISA, Western blot (WB), and microarray. The
isolation of the microorganism are performed. most commonly used method is the microscopic
Traditional blood transport systems are used for agglutination (MA); however, this method has
blood samples. some limitations (Chaignat et al. 2014).
Alternatively, specimens can be plated in After F. tularensis infection, antibodies appear
appropriate solid media immediately after following the end of the 2nd week of onset of
collection, and sealed plates may then be symptoms, reaching titers of 1:320–1:1280;
forwarded to a biosafety level 3 (BSL3) antibodies decline 2–3 months after treatment. In
laboratory. Bacteria grow well on chocolate agar some cases, even after clinical recovery, antibody
medium supplemented with cystine/cysteine titers may persist for several years. Two serum
(CHAB) II or GC agar with 1 % hemoglobin and samples should be collected for proper diagnosis,
1 % IsoVitaleX plus antibiotic when the specimen one in the acute phase of the disease and another
is subject to contamination by other in a few weeks.
microorganisms. Growth can be visualized after Another utilized technique corresponds to
24–48 h at 37 °C, and small, transparent colonies ELISA but allows differentiation of immuno-
can be identified by slide agglutination (5 min) or globulin class; however, in tularemia, this does
by immunofluorescence using specific antibodies not differentiate between an acute episode and
(IgG3, IgG2a, IgG1). prior infection. Alternately, there are commer-
Commercially available biochemical test sys- cially available immunochromatographic meth-
tems for the identification of F. tularensis fail, and ods, which detect specific IgM, IgG, and IgA
conventional biochemical tests are limited by the antibodies against F. tularensis lipopolysaccha-
nutritional requirements of the bacteria. Currently, ride (LPS). These methods have high sensitivity
conventional techniques and quantitative PCR are and specificity and represent an alternative to
used to identify genes encoding F. tularensis outer presumptive diagnoses of tularemia in remote
membrane proteins. PCR can also detect the areas (Sharma et al. 2014).
microorganisms directly on tissues, including All diagnostic procedures for both plague and
skin lesions, lymph nodes, spleen, liver, kidneys, tularemia should be performed in laboratories
heart, lungs, oropharynx, and meninges. Recently, that have specialized facilities, due to the risk
we developed a “toolbox” which includes all the that these pathogens present (Fig. 11.4). Cultures
tools, equipment, and solutions required for con- and animal inoculations must be conducted in
ventional PCR identification of bioterrorism biosafety level 3 (BSL3) laboratories, while
agents in the field; the development of this system serologic tests can be performed in level 2 (NB2).
is a breakthrough for detection of this pathogen in
outbreak situations.
In terms of clinical management and treatment, 11.7 Treatment
identification of F. tularensis at the species level is
sufficient. In other situations, it is important to The treatment of plagueearly and intensive due to
extend the studies to distinguish between the vari- the gravity and speed of progression of these
ous F. tularensis subspecies, particularly subsp. diseases and the possibility for Y. pestis and F.
tularensis and holarctica. This is because when tularensis use as bioterrorism agents. For plague,
they are endemic, the difference in virulence patient isolation is recommended during the
between these two particular subspecies impacts first 48 h of treatment for pneumonic forms to
treatment and control methods, as well as the types minimize the risk of contamination.
of molecular tests that should be used.
11 Plague and Tularemia 167

Cultivation of

Gold Bacterioscopy

Cultivation and
sensitivity to the
action of specific

Inoculation of
animals in

Biochemical tests

Low risk
of infect Hemagglutination

Send to
laboratory Serological
Collection of ELISA
specimens Choose the
type of

Western blot

Dispenses Immunofluorescence
of samples

PCR Conventional
and its variations

PCR quantitative

Fig. 11.4 Diagram of the different methods used for the diagnosis of plague and tularemia

Both diseases may be treated with the antimi- Tetracycline and chloramphenicol are second
crobial aminoglycosides streptomycin and gen- choice treatments. Tetracycline is prescribed in
tamicin, which are basically functionally uncomplicated cases of plague, while chloram-
equivalent. Both antibiotics are considered the phenicol can be used for all clinical forms. These
drugs of first choice. In cases of plague, strepto- treatments are effective for tularemia if used for
mycin and gentamicin use is recommended for a 14–21 days. In the absence of these antibiotics,
period of 10 days. Streptomycin is considered sulfonamides may be used in uncomplicated
the gold standard, especially in cases of pneu- cases of plague (BCCDC, BC Centre for Disease
monic plague, whereas gentamicin is prescribed Control 2013).
for all forms of the disease, especially for preg- The beta-lactam antibiotics (penicillins,
nant women and children. Currently, gentamy- cephalosporins, cephamycins, oxacephems, car-
cin is the drug of choice for all clinical forms of bapenems, and monobactams), macrolides
plague and for tularemia (BCCDC, BC Centre (erythromycin, clarithromycin, roxithromycin,
for Disease Control 2013). Tularemia treatment and miocamycin), and azalides (azithromycin)
should begin within 24 h of first symptoms and should not be employed in the treatment or
should continue for 14 days to reduce the risk of prophylaxis of plague or tularemia (Harik 2013).
relapse (Harik 2013). Despite the antibiotic susceptibility demonstrated
168 T.C. Leal-Balbino et al.

for strains of Y. pestis, these antibiotics are them. Vectors should be eliminated prior to
ineffective in vivo. Their use may thereby rodents, since without their usual host vectors
increase the risk of complications (sepsis, pneu- tend to invade the home environment.
monia, and meningitis), including death. • Control ectoparasites (fleas, ticks, and
Prophylaxis is recommended for individuals horseflies) of pet animals, and prevent pets
who were exposed to aerosols containing Y. pestis from coming into contact with wild animals or
or F. tularensis. In these situations, doxycycline their carcasses. Animals kept outdoors are
should be initiated immediately after exposure or more exposed to this contact.
up to a maximum of 24 h postexposure. However, • Avoid areas infested by arthropod vectors
other tetracyclines and chloramphenicol are also (fleas, ticks, and horse flies). In the case of
recommended for exposure to patients with unavoidable exposure, use appropriate
pneumonic plague and after contact with infected repellent, long-sleeved shirts, long pants
fleas or bacteria. The fluoroquinolones (ofloxacin, tucked inside socks, closed shoes, and wide-
levofloxacin, and ciprofloxacin) may be used in brimmed hat to protect the face and neck.
accordance with sensitivity profile and in the case Check for fleas and ticks on clothing or skin,
of terrorist attack with Y. pestis (BCCDC, BC and if present, remove them.
Centre for Disease Control 2013). • Avoid contact with wild rodents and their
nests/burrows, droppings, and carcasses.
Raising guinea pigs in or near the home for
11.8 Prevention and Control human consumption is particularly risky and
should be avoided. Avoid keeping exotic
For plague and tularemia, adequate prevention animals (hamsters, gerbils, chinchilla, ferret)
through immunization is not yet possible. The as “pets,” as they may be carriers of various
available plague vaccine is rarely used because the infectious agents including but not limited to
immunity is short-lived, ineffective against Y. pestis and F. tularensis and may carry
bubonic plague, and fails to protect against the pri- infected arthropod vectors into homes, thereby
mary pneumonic form. For tularemia, a vaccine contaminating dogs, cats, and humans.
developed from live-attenuated microorganisms • Be careful when handling lagomorphs, rodents,
(derived from an avirulent strain) is used in the and other wild animals caught during hunting
United States. This vaccine is still being evaluated activities. When removing or abrading the skin
for effectiveness, and its utilization is limited to of these animals, wear gloves, appropriate mask
professionals with high risk of exposure, such as that covers the nose and mouth and eye protec-
laboratory workers that handle the microorganism tion (such as goggles). Wash hands, utensils,
(CDC 2012; WHO 2003). and surfaces thoroughly after contact with
For both of these zoonosis, prevention and hunting-acquired raw meat, and thoroughly
control measures should be based on knowledge cook meats prior to consumption.
of regional characteristics, including ecological
and epidemiological aspects; the presence of A public health surveillance system, when
hosts/reservoirs and vectors; and degree or type properly designed, can identify risk areas, prevent
of human exposure to infection sources. human infection, promote early detection of
For people who live, work, or vacate in areas of human cases or outbreaks, reduce mortality, and
zoonosis occurrence, some measures should be prevent the occurrence of epidemics (Table 11.1).
taken to avoid contracting the infection and to pre- A global outbreak alert was established by
vent spread (CDC 2012; WHO 2003). They are: the WHO to support the implementation of the
international aspects of the International
• Eliminate sources of food and shelter for Health Regulations. This alert system depends
rodents near homes, work places, and camps/ on systematic monitoring of information con-
recreational areas. When present in these cerning suspected outbreaks and on providing
environments, employ methods to eliminate support for outbreak responses. This support
11 Plague and Tularemia 169

Table 11.1 Recommended actions for control of plague and tularemia

Action Plague Tularemia
Ecological Systematic survey of Investigate the rodent and flea Investigate environmental sources of
surveillance natural foci populations and the presence of infection: water, soil, vegetation,
bacteria among them arthropods, and hosts
Investigation of Collect and identify rodent Collect and identify susceptible
epizootics carcasses for laboratory analysis rodents; collect water and soil samples
Actively search for suspicious from the area where dead animals are
related human cases found for laboratory analysis
Human Investigation of human Early diagnosis and treatment
surveillance cases
Immediate notification Mandatory for doctors and/or local public health service laboratories
Occurrence of pneumonic plague and increasing frequency of the
pulmonary form of tularemia may indicate an act of bioterrorism
Isolation of patients For 48 h after beginning Not necessary
treatment and only for the
pneumonic form
Disinfection Sputum, secretions, and fomites Secretions of ulcers, conjunctival sac,
and lymph nodes
Chemical prophylaxis Recommended for individuals Recommended for individuals exposed
exposed to patients with to aerosols containing F. tularensis
pneumatic plague or after
exposure to infected fleas or
direct contact with bacteria

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