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Diapo 2:

My sister is a receptionist, she works part time exactly 40 hours a week,

because she studies at the university and she has to pay her semester.
Diapo 3:
When she goes to work, she wears a tight blouse, a black skirt, a piece of
bright jewelry and a pair of heels. She can´t wear casual clothes.
Diapo 4:
This is her office is very white, she is on the chair, there are a computer in
front of my sister, books, a desk phone and behind this a flower vase.
Diapo 5:
She has a lot of responsibilities for example: she has to welcome visitors in
the office, she has to transfers the important calls and she has to answer
the questions. My sister likes her job because she meets people, she is
getting a lot of experience and she makes good money.
Diapo 6:
Finally, if you want to apply for this job, you need a degree in
communications or business, also you need to speak two languages and
you need experience of course.

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