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GENERAL EDUCATION 1. The known Lakambini of Katipunan is _________ A. Melchora Aquino C.

Gregoria de jesus B. Marcela Agoncillo D. Teresa Magbanua 2. Ang Dapat Mabatid ng mga Tagalog ay
akda ni ________ A. Jaena C. Bonifacio B. Rizal D. Del Pilar 3. Pilosopo Tasyo is a character in Noli Me
Tangere personified by whom in reality? A. Paciano C. Elias B. Isagani D. Ibara 4. What country is the
largest in Central Asia? A. India C. Maldives B. Kazakhstan D. Russia 5. A point in the Orbit of a body
circling the sun that is closest to the star A. Aphelion C. Apogee B. Perihilion D. Perigee 6. In what type of
matter are atoms most tightly packed? A. Solids C. Plasma B. Liquids D. Gas 7. What is the best-selling
novel of all time? A. Don Quixote C. The Lord of the Rings B. Tale of two Cities D. The little prince 8. A
fictional character who appears in three plays by William Shakespeare A. John Falstaff C. Macbeth B.
Hamlet D. Birnam Wood 9. Whose author wrote his last novel with crayons A. Nathaniel Hawthorne C.
J,K Rowling B. James Joyce D. O. henry 10. It is regarded as Chaucer’s great work in his book of
Canterbury Tales A. A story within a story C. love and war B. Horror and Detective D. selflessness and
sacrifice 11. What novel opens with a line “call me Ishmael”? A. Mrs. Daloway C. Daniel Defoe B. Moby-
Dick D. The Gatsby 12. Two chambers combine into one and the term almost always describe a
governing body is called_____________ A. Bicameralism C. Tricameralism B. Unicameralism D.
Paliamentarism 13. Whose poet wrote the following lines: Two roads diverged in the woods and I, I took
the one less traveled by? A. Rudyard Kippling C. Samuel Clemens B. Robert Frost D. Ernest Henley 14. In
Orwell’s animal farm, what animal is the Boxer A. Donkey C. Pig B. Horse D. Dog 15. Ancient Greek
Fabulist and Story teller famous for writing a collection of fables known as Aesop Fables A. Homer C.
Shakespeare B. Aesop D. Chaucer 16. The Philippine coastline of 36,289 km (22,548 miles) is considered
the fifth longest coastline in the world and A. Longer than Indonesia C. twice as Canada B. Is as twice as
US D. longer than Canada 17. In the levels of proficiency 79 belongs to ___________ A. Beginning C.
Advanced B. Developing D. Approaching 18. The first father of Taxonomy was__________ A. Carl Linae
C. Charles Darwin B. Aristotle D. Flemming 19. What poem of Rizal tell us how beautiful the Philippines is
and how Rizal want us to learn from our past and to see the truth about how the world view to us? A.
Ala Patria C. El Vardadero Decalogo B. Mi Ultimo Adios D. Dasalan at Toksohan 20. The film Aladdin
merged two stories from ___________, a collection of Arabic Folktales brought to the west in 1700s A.
Arabian Nights C. Bhagavad Gita B. Books of the Suns D. Indarapatra 21. Kapag ang pares ng panlapi ay
ikinakabit sa unahan at hulihan ng salitang ugat ito ay A. Kabilaan C.Panlapi B. Laguhan D. Gitlapi 22.
Potential Energy is to battery, as a moving electric fan is to __________ energy A. Mechanical C.
Electrical B. Kinetic D. Nuclear 23. Before the coming of the first settlers from neighboring Asian
countries, the earliest occupants of the Philippines were the A. Indones C. Malays B. Negritos D. Tabon
24. Queen Elizabeth II is the English Monarch with the longest A. Rain C. rein B. Reign D. Rane 25. The
right to demand a physical presence of the accused in court is known as writ A. Habeas Corpus C. Data B.
Ampara D. Kalikasan 26. The epitome of traditional Filipino Woman: meek: submissive, obedient, was A.
Leonor Rivera C. Monica B. Maria Clara D. Gregoria De Jesus 27. Energy transfer illustrated by the
storage current in a battery of power bank is _______ energy A. Potential C. Mechanical B. Kinetic D.
Solar 28. Simplifying 3x – (2y-4x) + 6y A. -7x + 4y C. 7x – 4y B. 7x + 4y D. -7x – 4y 29. The educated
Filipinos who led the reform movement during the Spanish is A. Illustrados C. Creoles B. Meztizo D. Indio
30. The measure of a systems energy that is unavoidable for doing useful work is A. Entrophy C. Joules B.
Work Load D. Friction 31. Association between an orchid growing on a mango tree is that
of_____________ A. Commensalism C. Mutualism B. Competition D. Grazing 32. The work of
propagandists opened the eyes of the Filipinos on their countrys need for A. Revolution C. Arm Struggle
B. Freedom D. Social Justice 33. It is known as table sugar A. Sucrose C. Maltose B. Fructose D. Lactose
34. The watery fluid portion of the blood (90% water) in which element are suspended is A. Platelets C.
Hemoglobin B. Plasma D. Red Blood Cells 35. Iron, Nickel and cobalt is a type of A. Diamagnetic C.
Ferromagnetic B. Paramagnetic D. Automagnetic 36. What do you call the device used to measure the
blood pressure of the person? A. Thermometer C. Stethoscope B. Seismograph D. Sphygmomanometer
37. Which change of state of matter is an example of sublimation A. Water vapor to ice C. Rain B. Dry Ice
D. Ice 38. In what layer of our atmosphere is ozone layer located A. Troposphere C. Mesosphere B.
Stratosphere D. Ionosphere 39. Robert, the eldest son, has hemophilia. This genetic mutation is from A.
Father C. Grandparents B. Mother D. radiation 40. Father of Biology and Zoology A. Aristotle C.
Herodutos B. Galileo Galile D. Robert Koc

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