Pilli Medication Reminder App

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Medication Reminder App

Joel Ceja Mendoza
Project Overview The Product
Pilli is a medication reminder app to allow users to feel at
ease that they will be taking their medication on time.

Project Duration
August 2023 - October 2023

Many people have to take plenty of medication and
supplements daily. These medications have
specifications and times that are needed to be taken so
therefore it becomes a burden to remember it all.

Design an app that empowers and creates a sense of
peace for the users knowing that they will not miss their
daily supplements and medication.
Persona: Kevin
“Life is best lived at our Healthiest.”

Goals Frustrations

Keep up with his healthy Too many things going on

lifestyle to remember when to
Remember to take take medicine
medicine on time Forgets what medicine
and supplements to take

Age: 24 years old Problem Statement

Education: BS in Biology Kevin has a fun and exciting life, and he likes to stay in shape as
Occupation: Lab Manager
it boosts his self-esteem. He is constantly taking in information
at work and the gym. He often forgets when to take his
Location: Fremont, CA
supplements and medicine which allows him to stay on track
Family: Single with his health goals.
Persona: Uyen
“Life is best lived at our Healthiest.”

Goals Frustrations

Remember to take Often loses track of time

medicine on time Does not know which
Keep health in check medicine to take

Age: 38 years old Problem Statement

Education: AA in Business Uyen has a busy life as she works in tech as an admin assistant.
Occupation: Admin Assistant Although this keeps her busy she also enjoys going on trips with
friends and attending music events. She loves to live in the
Location: San Jose, CA
moment and often forgets to take her medicine, allowing her to
Family: Spouse live her best life. She wants an easy and seamless way to remind
her to take her medicine and which ones to take.
User Journey

Mapping Kevin’s Action Morning Gym Breakfast Work Afternoon Run Bed Time
user journey
revealed that this Tasks
Tasks Tasks
reminder app can A. Cooks breakfast
A. Starts work A. Goes on run
A. Video games
Task List A. Wakes up B. Protein shake B. Takes
go beyond just B. Gets ready C. Takes
B. Takes Medicine B. Showers
C. Has dinner
C. An hour at gym supplements
medication but also
Ready to take on the Feeling neutral and Feeling a bit tired Feeling exhausted,
supplements. Feeling Adjective
Tired but ready to
get a workout in
day, a bit confused ready to get the day after the run and and not in the mood
on what to take over with dinner to take anything else

A courtesy reminder A reminder to take

A reminder to take
Improvement A way to wake up A list of times and that medicine and or supplements and
medicine during
oppertuities energetic and rested supplements to take supplements are possibly that sleep is
needed soon needed soon

I did a quick ideation

exercise to come up with
ideas for how to address
gaps identified in the user
journey. My focus was
specifically on
medication/supplement info
and reminders.
Digital Wireframes

After ideating and drafting A reminder of the

some paper wireframes, I upcoming medication
that needs to be taken.
created the initial designs
for the Pilli app. These
designs focused on
informing and reminding
users to help improve their List of the daily
health. medication.
Low-Fidelity Prototype

To prepare for usability

testing, I created a low-
fidelity prototype that
connected the user flow of
viewing medication, creating
a reminder, and medication

View Pilli
Low-Fidelity Prototype
Usability Study: Parameters

Study Type: Location:

Unmoderated Usability Study San Francisco Bay Area, Remote

Participants: Length:
5 Participants 15-20 minutes
Usability Study: Findings

These were the main findings uncovered by the usability study:

Finding Finding Finding

People want easy access to People want an easy way to People need images of the
contact their doctor for create and edit medication actual bottle and or label of the
further assistance reminders medication
Before Usability Study After Usability Study

Based on the insights from

the usability studies, I
applied design changes like
adding a checklist to the
homepage rather than just
listing the daily medication.
Before Usability Study After Usability Study

Additional design changes

included adding a how often
and daily dose tab to further
assist and inform users.
High-Fidelity Prototype

The high-fidelity prototype

followed the same user flow
as the low-fidelity prototype,
including design changes
after the usability study.

View Pilli
High-Fidelity Prototype
Accessibility Considerations

Clear labels for interactive The initial focus on the home

elements. screen allows users to check
off and further make sure that
users are taking daily

With the app designs Skip

completed, I started to work

on designing the responsive Notification Medication List

watch app. I used the Pilli Remind

sitemap to guide the Me
organizational structure of
each screen's design to Remind Me Later

ensure a cohesive and

consistent experience
across devices.
Checklist to
Responsive Designs

The designs for screen size

variation included mobile,
and watch. I optimized the
designs to fit the specific
user needs of each device
and screen size.

What I learned:
I learned the impact an app or
Users feel as though they
design can have on a user's life.
don't have to carry this
As well as making it fun and
burden of having to
interesting to use.
remember so much
information about their
medication. They can simply
look at the Pilli app and
receive an answer and
reminders for their
medication and
Next Steps

Research how successful Add more educational Add a doctor chat for quick
the app is in reminding resources for users to answers on medication.
people and improving their learn.

Thank you for your time in reviewing my work for the Pilli app! If you'd like to see more or get in touch, my
contact information is provided below.
Email: joelcejamendoza@gmail.com
Website: joelceja.myportfolio.com

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