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Hypnotic Awakenings

The Marknosis Journaling Method

All that's required in any self-improvement effort is

measurable progress in a reasonable period of time.
- Mark Cunningham

Journaling is wonderful because it helps keep you on track. Journaling creates a

pathway. It first provides a structure within which you learn to be aware of your
strengths, goals, obstacles and successes.

As the process becomes internal, you develop the capacity to stay on track and
consistently set and meet your goals, moving through the world with a startling sense of
ease and timing.

And ultimately, it fosters within you a conviction that you can control your life and its

Note: Journaling is a process, not a diary.

Strongly Recommended: Before you do your self-assessment, watch the HA Bonus

Video You Begin Where You Are And That's Okay.

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Hypnotic Awakenings


Before you start, get out 4 pieces of paper (Yes paper. Writing engages much more of
your brain) and create each of the following lists on it's own page. Note you can print out
the 4 pages at the end of this guide.

Most Important: Be HONEST with yourself!

Step 1: List Your Strengths

Start with an assessment of your STRENGTHS. Be honest. What is great about

yourself. Make a list. Add to it as you add new strengths.

IMPORTANT: Never make a list of weaknesses! Because when you do they become

State these in this way: "I am _______" or "I'm ______"

"I am confident speaking to groups"
"I'm able to learn new skills quickly"
"I am able to get along with most people"
"I am very self-motivated to workout every day"

Step 2: List Your Obstacles To Power

These are the things about yourself that describe how you get in your own way. How
you hold yourself down and hold yourself back.

"I have a tendency for self doubt"
"I feel insecure about my body so I don't go to the gym"
"Instead of learning from my mistakes, I'm hard on myself"
"I over-analyze when I have a decision to make"

Step 3: List Your Goals

These must be clearly described, measurable, and attainable. (If you are 50 years old
you aren't likely to play in the NBA.)

Make your goals very specific. Your goals must be well formed with graphic full sensory
detail so you KNOW when you've got it.

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"I want a 2017 BMW 2 Series convertible. Silver with red leather interior. 8-speed sport
automatic transmission with paddle shifters, and Harmon Kardon sound system"

Note: On your goal list put EVERYTHING! If you want the boopsie of your dreams...
describe her. If you want a particular job, or a free and clear bank balance of a certain
amount... describe it precisely so you can MEASURE YOUR PROGRESS toward that

Step 4: Daily Self-Assessment (Journaling)

On the 4th sheet of paper you are going to start a journal. At the end of EVERY DAY
you will sit down and assess what you did to move closer to your goals. A log of your
progress. You will answer the following questions

1. What did I do today to take advantage of my strengths?

2. What did I do today to remove the obstacles to my power?

3. What did I do today to move me closer to my goals?

You may find you are making progress much faster and easier than you believed

You may find entire days when you don't do a single thing in any of these categories.


It doesn't matter. The most important thing is you focus on these 3 things EVERY DAY!

If you follow the Journaling technique, you are pretty much guaranteed to get what you
know you want.

It's when your unconscious processes are aligned with your conscious goals, and you
open your Self up to serendipity, that you begin to get the interesting surprises
everywhere else in your life.

Your subconscious will begin to notice opportunity everywhere!

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Journaling Tips:

* Write them out -- it takes longer, more effort, and so you have to think a bit more
carefully rather than just blast things out on a keyboard.

* Ask yourself the questions several times a day, and consciously experiment with
differing approaches to life throughout the day.

* One purpose of the journaling exercise is to force a brutally honest appraisal of that
which you actually DO, not what you WANT to do.

* The point of the journaling exercise is not to become a diarist. It's a realistic daily
assessment to keep you on track and making daily progress.

For a more detailed discussion of the Journaling process and it importance to self-
directed changework, see this video in the Hypnotic Awakenings Accelerator Pack...

Renegade Lifestyle Video:

Which Parts Of Yourself Will You Bring Into Your New Identity

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Hypnotic Awakenings

Step 1
List Your Strengths

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Step 2
List Your Obstacles To Power

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Step 3
List Your Goals

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Hypnotic Awakenings

Step 4 - Journaling
Daily Self-Assessment

1. What did I do today to take advantage of my strengths?

2. What did I do today to remove the obstacles to my power?

3. What did I do today to move me closer to my goals?

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