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Knee O.

Types, pathological Clinical presentation Treatment
changes and risk and physical 1-Medical ttt
factors. examination - Mild symptoms: Acetaminophen + NSAIDs
Types: C.P: - Severe symptoms: Tramadol
Primary, Secondary Pain, Tenderness, - I.A corticosteroids
Pathological changes: Discomfort, Swelling, 2-P.T ttt
Degeneration of hyaline Gelling phenomenon,
cartilage, Loss of J. space, crepitation, weakness,
 Activities modification+ cane, splint, or tape.
Osteophytes, Sclerosis, instability, deformity,  (Modalities)
cysts, Degenerative antalgic gait TENS, Interferential therapy, PRICE
changes, Deformity X-ray:  (Ex)
(Verus) -Decrease joint space -ROM ex.,
Risk factors: -Bone sclerosis -Strengthening ex (Quadriceps, abductors, hamstring)
Obesity, Mechanical -Verus deformity in advanced Isometric ex. >> isotonic and isokinetic
factors, Heavy physical cases.
activates, trauma, old age, Physical examination:
Open and closed kinetic chain
female gender, genetic and Inspection (Effusion, patella, -Stretching ex. (Hamstring, calf, iliotibial band, rectus femoris,
hormonal. quadriceps, osteophytes, L.L adductors)
alignment. -Aerobic ex. (low impact)
Palpation (Temp., -Functional training
Tenderness, Effusion and -Static ex.
osteophytes.  (Manual)
ROM, Mus. Flexibility, Mus.
-Grade I,II mobilization for pain, Grade III, IV for ROM
-Mulligan mobilization
Knee O.A

 other approaches
- Patient education
- Biomechanical approach
(Weight reduction, Walking aid, Knee brace, Heel wedge,
patellar taping, Toe out or ipsilateral trunk lean gait,
Strengthening ex., aerobic ex, Modalities.)

3-Surgical ttt
 Arthroscopic debridement and lavage (degenerated
 Osteotomy (unicompartmental OA in young active patient)
 Hemiarthroplasty (Medial tibiofemoral J.)
 TKA (Advanced cases)

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