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1ª Avaliação Diagnóstica / DIAGNOSTICS ENGLISH TEST (8º Ano)

Nome: Turma:
Componente Curricular: _Inglês Valor: _ _____ Média: ______ Nota:
Professor(a) _____ Data: / /20___

Assinatura do Pai/Responsável: _________________________________________________________________________

1. Escreva ao lado de cada verbo sua forma no Present Continuous:

a) To put _______________________________
b) To wake ______________________________
c) To have ______________________________
d) To see _______________________________
e) To go ________________________________
2. Escolha a melhor resposta para cada pergunta abaixo:

I. “What is the name of that woman?” II. Which of these books is yours ? ________
“_________ name is May Parker.” is that thick one..”
a) Hers d) His a) His . d) Your
b) Your e) Yours b) Mine e) Me
c) Her c) My.

1ª Diag English / 8º
8. Coloque os advérbios sugeridos na posição correta.
a) We go to the zoo at the weekend. (sometimes)

b) My English class is interesting. (usually)


c) My parrot watches TV in the morning. (often)


d) My dad is happy on Friday evening. (always)


e) I cycle to school. (never)


f) You take our dog for a walk. (hardly ever)


Good luck students!


1ª Diag English / 8º

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