Teaching Reading Using Storybook Reading at SD Negeri 1 Trosemi Gatak

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RESEARCH PAPER Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Getting Bachelor Degree of Education in English Department




A. Background of the Study A good reading skill will improve students ability in gathering ideas to communicate. Reading is a process of decoding message in which the students need their own experiences and knowledge. Elementary school students are the beginners in learning English, so it is common if they have some problems in learning English especially in reading. The main reason is that English is not the mother tongue of the students and the teachers, therefore, many problems arise from the learners, teacher, and the facilities. To solve the problem, many teaching techniques are developed. One of the techniques is teaching English by using story. By listening to a story, some important skills can be developed such as predicting, guessing, message decoding, and assimilating new vocabulary. Story also allows students to be more creative and imaginative, and also give students a sense of achievement. Here, story can be applied on several activities like story telling and storybook reading. Story telling activities are a great way to allow students to express themselves freely and creatively in an authentic and real way. story telling has a significant part to play in contemporary education from pre-school to lifelong learning story telling has immediate benefits for the development of a pupils speaking and listening skills (Storytelling in education: http://www.crickcrackclub.com/CRICRACK/EDUCF.HTM). 1

In story telling, the story is delivered using speech or oral, oral telling terms using simpler language, sentence are generally shorter. With oral telling, we usually repeat things more redundancies, especially if the students are having difficulties to follow the story. Telling story have the weaknesses such as teacher should paraphrase the story first, teacher should using the simple word for explaining the story, teacher should be good in mimic, gesture, etc. telling story is not efficient because needs many time and energy. But different with storybook reading, it is a simple and efficient technique because the teacher activity is only read the text on the books. Reading storybook with young children is one of the most important things adults can do to support early language and literary skills. What other fun, engaging interaction can teach children so many critical concept including print awareness, vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, and social and conversational skill? (Ezell, Helen K. and Laura M. Justice , http://www.brokepublishing.com/store/books/ezell8000/index.htm). Storybook reading is the most common practice for implementing literature-based instruction in primary classroom. Children who read daily over long periods of time have a good result on vocabulary, comprehension and decoding ability than children in control groups who no read by an adult (Dickinson and Smith, 1994: 104). Specifically, this research uses an action research at elementary school. The writer chooses SD Neger i 1 Trosemi Gatak for doing the action research: that is the fifth year students because those students have been taught English especially in reading subject. Therefore, the writer decided to carry out a


B. Problem Statement The writer formulates the problem of the study as follows: 1. How is the process of teaching reading using storybook reading at the fifth year at SD N 1 Trosemi Gatak? 2. What is the result of teaching reading using storybook reading at the fifth year at SD N 1 Trosemi Gatak? 3. What solution can be taken to overcome the problems which appear in teaching reading process using storybook at the fifth year at SD N 1 Trosemi 1 Gatak?

C. Objective of the Study Based on the formulation of the study mentioned above, the objectives of the study are: 1. To describe the process of teaching reading using storybook reading to the fifth year of SD N 1 Trosemi Gatak. 2. To describe the result of teaching reading using storybook reading to the fifth year at SD N 1 Trosemi Gatak. 3. To describe the solution to overcome problems which appear in teaching reading process using storybook to the fifth year of SD N 1 Trosemi Gatak.

D. Benefit of the Study The writer hopes that this research will have some benefits in studying English especially in reading skill. There are two kinds of benefits in this research, those are: 1. Theoretically The result of this research can give some information to other researchers who want to analyze method of teaching English, so that the research will be useful as the references for other researcher. 2. Practically This paper can give the information to English teacher about the suitable techniques for elementary school students in learning English, especially teaching reading, to construct a policy dealing with the teaching English at elementary school and to give them opportunity to learn and practice English more effectively. E. Research Paper Organization This research paper is organized into five chapters. Chapter I is introduction, which explains the background of the study, problem statement, objectives of the study, benefit of the study, and research paper organization. Chapter II is dealing with the review of related literature. It consists of previous study, the notion of reading, teaching reading to children, the characteristics of children, the general concept of English teaching techniques using stories, storybook reading, rationale, and hypothesis.

Chapter III contains the research method. It discusses the type of the research, subject of the study, object of the study, source of data, method of collecting data, techniques for analyzing data. Chapter IV is data analysis and discussion. In this chapter, the writer wants to explain about teaching reading using story book reading in English teaching learning process and discussion. Finally, the writer concludes her paper into conclusion and suggestion into Chapter V.

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