The Raven and The Swan

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The Raven and The Swan

Raven(1):Look at her feathers all white and pure, I wish I can

have that and not as black as a coal.

Raven(2):Yeah, Its so beautiful and precious, I’m gonna ask how

she got white as a snow. Hey Ms. Swan how are your feathers
as white as snow.

Swan(1):Oh dear I don’t know too when I was I was gray and
and my beak was black.

Raven(3):Oh but now you’re so pure and beautiful. I wish was

as white as you.

Swan(2):Oh dear, everyone is pure and beautiful in their own


Raven(4):I have an idea why not I live just like you?

Swan(3):It’s up to you dear, but I’m warning you its hard being
always in the water.

Raven(5):Yes Ms.Swan, but I’m doing it anyways so I can have

feathers as white as snow just like you.

Swan(4):Alright then dear good luck with living in the water.

Raven(6):Thanks Ms. Swan, I’ll do it

(The raven got thinner and thinner living in the water like a
swan and died of starvation)

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