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School CALLAN ELEMENTARY Grade Level Five

Teacher SHAZELL L. VARONA Learning Area MAPEH 6
Grades 1-12
Daily Lesson Log
Teaching Date and Quarter Second, Week 6

Learning Identifies different wastes H6CMH-IIe-4

Key Concepts/ Wastes – rubbish, trash, refuse, garbage, junk & liter ( is unwanted materials )
Understandings Types of Wastes:
to be  HAZARDOUS WASTES – are harmful wastes that potentially threaten public health or the
Developed environment
 ORGANIC WASTE – are wastes that come from plants or animals
 RECYCLABLE WASTES – are waste that can be recycled into new and useful products
Knowledge Identify the different wastes.
Skills Demonstrate the proper ways of disposing wastes through role play, news casting and puzzle.
Attitudes Practice proper wastes disposal for building and maintaining healthy school and community environment.
Values Cleanliness
2.Content/Topic Healthy School and Community Environment (Different Wastes)
3. Learning
Resources/Materials/ Keeping in Touch with MAPEH pp. 292 – 294, TV, Laptop, pictures
4. Procedure
4.1 Introductory Activity Integration of Literacy, English and ICT

A. Unlocking of difficult Words

The teacher will show pictures with unfamiliar words through TV, and the learners will match to its
corresponding meaning using the mouse.

HAZARDOUS ○ ○ natural

○ ○ can be recycled


○ ○ dangerous or unsafe


○ ○ unwanted or unusable materials

Integration of P.E


Say: Let’s have a basketball tryout. Each group will have one representative to play the game.

1. Each representative will pick up two balls inside the box. Each ball has a picture and word
pasted on it.
2. There are 3 rings. Each ring has its corresponding label. The representative in each group
will shoot the ball to the ring where he/she think it belong.
1. How do you feel while playing the game? (happy)
2. Is it good to play this kind of game? Why? (Yes. To be healthy)
3. In the Filipino Pyramid Activity, where does playing basketball belong? (Recreational Act)
4. What was in the ball? (Pictures of different wastes)
5. What made you decide to shoot the ball to its corresponding ring? (based on knowledge)
6. After playing, what do you think will be our lesson for today? (About different wastes)

4.2 Activity Presentation: Integration of ICT

I will show you a short video and I want you to remember the rules when watching video clips.(States the
( Video Clip about wastes)
4.3 Analysis Strategy: Inquiry (Student involvement) Integration of Numeracy

Say: Based from the video, the teacher will ask some questions.
1. What was the video all about? (wastes)
2. What is wastes? (unwanted materials)
3. What are the different types of wastes presented in the video? (hazardous, organic, recyclable)
4. When can you say that a wastes is hazardous? What are some examples?
(If it’s harmful Ex. Mercury, fire extinguishers, pesticides, chemicals from factory)
 When can you say that it’s Organic? What are some examples? (If it can be fertilizer Ex. Fruit
and vegetable peels, flower trimmings, dog poop, Cow & Carabao manure)
 When can you say that it’s Recyclable? What are some examples? (can be recycle Ex. Papers,
newspaper, magazine, water bottles, soda can, wine bottle or glass)
5. What are the waste products that can be found at home and in the community?
(fruit and vegetable peels, water bottles, papers)
6. Do we need to dispose them properly? Why? (Yes. To be healthy)
7. How many times in a week does your brgy. garbage collector collects your wastes?
Integration in Science
I have here pictures of different waste, all you have to do is to put each waste to its corresponding trash

Organic Waste Recyclable Waste Hazardous Waste

4.4 Abstraction Ask:
(5mins) 1. What do you think would happen to our environment (here in school in your home & in your
community) if wastes are not properly dispose?
2. What can you do to make and keep the school and environment healthy? (dispose properly the
wastes, recycle the materials that can still be use)

4.5 Application Differentiated Activity

Directions: The class will be divided into 3 groups. They will demonstrate the proper ways of disposing
wastes through role play, reporting and puzzle.

Group 1 – Role play

Create a scenario in your home where family members demonstrates the proper ways of disposing

Group 2 – Reporting
Put each waste to its corresponding trash can on the chart and report to the class your work

Group 3 – Puzzle
Puzzle the picture and share to the class your insights about the picture you puzzled up.

5. Assessment Direction: Identification. Write H on the blank provided if the given wastes is Hazardous, O if Organic and
(5mins) R if Recyclable.

______ 1. Pesticides ________ 6. Soda Can

______ 2. Fruit peels ________ 7. Vegetable peels
______ 3. Carabao Manure ________ 8. Fire extinguishers
______ 4. Plastic bottles ________ 9. Batteries
______ 5. Newspaper ________ 10. Fluorescent

6. Assignment (5 mins) Recycle wastes out of what is available in your house.

Example: newspaper → flower vase

7. Concluding Activity Here, all wastes will be viewed as a recycling opportunity.

8. Remarks

9. Reflections

A. No. of learners who C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of

earned 80% in the learners who have caught up with the
evauation lesson?
B. No. of learners who
require additional D. No. of learners who continue to require
activities for remediation.
E. Which of my
learning strategies
worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/ discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
6- Sunflower

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