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Dimension means the mass, length, width, height, or depth of any materials or workpiece. STS Ey et HT An ay Dimensional analysis is also known as factor-label method or unit-factor method. It is a method to convert one system of unit into another. STK em kel Ror MeO MCL oe Rol Rol CORA) numerical quantity that we can multiply or divide to the number or quantity that we want to convert. for example-Convert 5.2 meter into cm ? solution- using the relation 7u,;=",u Eales ale] Males OE a aT or) Bese SL lai “ Drewes) Pee CMe MAUL aan Roos re MA) oko a ROL CO measurement and used to define the size of the object, location, orientation, or other geometric characteristics of a part . @ It is mainly used to know the object size, the name of parts and diameter of the Lito) ion © Dimensions fall into two types-size dimensions and location dimensions. @ Size dimensions are used to provide the measurements for the size of component or objects . Size dimension are clearly marked on the drawing. @ Location dimensions are used to locate the position of component and objects. Chain dimensioning : In this type of dimensioning the dimension lines are arranged in a straight line.Each section of figure are dimensional alone & all dimension line are along same line of action. Parallel dimensioning : In this type of dimensioning all the dimension lines are draw from a POO ae Ore cnan cree Okt Seeger cnn okie cris base line DPT eT © Dimensional Analysis is concerned with the interpretation of different dimensional qualities like flatness, straightness, concentricity ete demaned by the product from the part print so that an acceptable product should be manufactured. Po Tecan Sam ey at noe Ce PCy oz Pas Cat ra Dries a 4 3 te 1. Linear or Coordinate Dimensions CPS tntrre rose neces Cal Roem nom CRC onc o Mom Cem on cromo Contr @ You can place linear dimensions with the Coordinate or Distance Between two points. DTN ta NETO © An angular dimension measures the angle of a line, the sweep angle of an arc, or the angle Penne ee koa te © You can place angular dimensions by specifying the Angle Between two points. Measuring the Geometry of the form OUR eran moe Ses eee eek) be measured in order to make a perfect part as Popa nec one eee cet ones ie Lr aid potatos bereits) thelr ted PSU Pointe ievg eed Pee arn CP a neon io EC e Ueno CRC Remco e EUs ees pia, Cen y paar} i ae cio cod enon) cnt) 2. Parallelism CBO ee ROC RG NO Ro ROC mos Uce yc eater tart Brat POs CeCe eet ener e ents POE tots Perabo tat) 3. Straightness Cerin a ak Cana Con Sa ho Rene eck a ene ecm IY Ter Te CROAT CORR Cece aCe OR OR NCCE nT CRC CR OR CRC rT Fig, the axis must lie within a cylinder .003 diameter. Ce Bad arene coo Ora Petey Poetics {a) Straightness as applied to center line of a cone © Angularity is the tolerance applied to control the angle at which a line or surface must lie in relation to a given datum. The term angularity applies only to oblique angles. © Angularity tolerances may be expressed in two ways: by a circumferential tolerance and by a PrcontelteCem Ce enlace oe tian ona a ve , 4 tA Pe 2 ane WZ i ; Bb PERC vaRuIK poe N (a) Angular surface with circumferential tolerance Neer) Peano INTERPRETED 5. Roundness Cee SOR oe een Ree ec e mec neon Ry point or axis about which they are generated. PRO oer [ipa re Pini OE tat) BeETSan iy © Baselines is a line on the part print which help to relate the surfaces of the PONTE eR NANCIE Cen lace Oeeica ancien cet eetncg Forties (a COs centsa creontrcce cont CRU eee cone aoe BCODETAY IL IMC CENTS ORCC clos RCO ROTM SAU eee LC Peco a ese CRORE TUN te tod Cesetomer ir Raa eke sion Direction of Specific Dimensions © The placing of an arrowhead at each end of a dimension line only indicates that the distance between two surfaces is the same regardless which direction along the dimension line it is measured. It does not indicate which surface is the control surface. Thus knowledge is necessary See Oe eo Ra ee Ee Serene enon Oe oe nea cc eb ce rsa Chee sence Broecntecr nase © Tolerance analysis is also known as variational analysis is the process of determining how much PREM eM r ee CUR NT etn een econ ena tod DOr en eia ee cco Ut ect Race csc aeea emee nto ers Note:- COW ramen ea om ce yee Ute CUI NM ER LHmn Com mn Ctmo occ Namur ce meenTerleCOry thus a slighly change in dimension from workpiece to workpiece will always be found, this condition is known as workpiece variation. OTTO AOTC TON eee ee een en eet Cree Ch cs cecmn nrg Tce cee eatetag built into them. Ce een rare Cee cm R ce me ns ta ee cn meen rocerteeerere et due to regrinding leads to variation. CMe itcrnemt cesta tes mic en ac Pele rece Tea ca CR ener ON eRe eel PCS UCLA LAB TRC OS Ooms eT ee one yee OR Cac MMMM rc RS Con Reo Te LeLnomecer ONO CON GOCE TC UOTE TCO SR Rete TTR IC NTRS Te or inability of the operator to make perfect settings. Ce acm ren CO ceen tna een ce Rao rcs SoreReceer errors tcc terete © Nominal size: It is the size of a part specified in the drawing as a matter of convenience © Basic size: It is the size of a part to which all limits of variation (ie. tolerances) are applied to Pee teste eva Ts = parts. The nominal or basic size of a part is often the ne + deviation nse Allowance Tolerance Say eroeC ected © A tolerance can be expressed in two ways Tamer ea me earte Dae Beer © A unilateral tolerance is one in which the total allowable variation from the basic size is in one direction only. It may be either plus or minus but not both. © A bilateral tolerance is one in which the allowable variation from the basic size is in both plus EIR eer coe a en es a oe oe kK a eo eta paametbeice deel | (a) Unilateral op ny BR) Cees itCa cd © A tolerance stack occurs when accepted tolerances on individual dimensions combine in such a way as to create an unacceptable variation in an over-all dimensional relationship. © When extreme permissible tolerances combine, the condition is called a limit stack. Cubes are machined to 1.000 + .005 cm. If two oN ee ee Ue coe Coo RTT CS ley erm tate Be) Ros Ceciele LES ss Types of tolerance stack © Tolerance stacks can be divided into two basic categories: Pca erat] 2. Process tolerance stacks. PM ee gee Ree OS created by the product designer and is found on the part print. When a design tolerance stack occurs, it should be Po Tinatnarettete Mec eesy mp oerssie) Merete ey Peat an es Senne a es tra Perna Ng Cots Recess pa ook eR fearon pp mcun pom Seri vet el © A process tolerance stack is a result of improper processing. It occurs when the basic principles of process planning are not observed, The result is that a faulty part may be produced even though no tolerance stack condition is apparent from the part print. or see keno] © The workpiece must be produced within the tolerances shown on the part print and to maintain part print tolerances, the workpiece must be correctly positioned while work is being done thus the variation of dimensions on the workpiece is directly related to the variation in workpiece position ENR RES CR es te ed eM ce Rte eae eT CRC TeCUICHe TR Lor ccs positioning is referred to as workpiece control. © Several theories and techniques used by the process engineer to maintain workpiece control are: ees sc PeRee onto d cettr! erento Dimensional control cate AY Clereuitesl aces ice SOR Tes ee Wits Oe ee Roane nO Rc erie cme ec eRe described as a balance of the forces applied an object. The object is at rest when in equilibrium. Oey emcee nec teg een Dm ener OS ce Seen Te era e Oe EOC nes The holding force is provided by some clamping device(locators) designed by the tool engineer. The equal and opposite moments are likewise provided by stationary locators. These locators are gauges designed by the tool engineer. Semis center) ORs Once Ree ence e ne ic body diagram in Figure below , the object would be unbalanced and movement would Cele OMIT eRe Cerone a MTB HCO aT Prone e eeta sri Conese tte tetra Pent Ros Gece cece nea ce orcs ctr and opposite forces completely counteract each ieee Recta Ceres cere Since linear movement has stopped, a state of reetaer ieee Recent te) ae ert Sea cad sd Pee lee BS TU yeu CD ec eocm nies orn ts enema ORC RCE Oar SUB LBAtecloe tate eek CO CME Reo eOCR OR CLCRICSC yea er Reo ee LR MULTE Ted exists and rotation will occur. The moment is calculated by multiplying the force times the PRE eee ERTS etme TT and opposite moment must be provided. Se EVET ORO OSCR TCO he counteract each other and a state of rotational Penis eee ese ae eed ce == a ete a os peer =I eats | Force less than applied force oe ee wll pinto. oad Saas 5 Cad pee rae Geometric Control es ll Sa CCR orc Cone eco kc ee eed a locate the position of workpiece SEC coca On eC Frarsen (cm oe Leone CBRE TRON Bec ee ) the stability o£ the workpiece. If the rt Soe eer CUCL CR ere eectke nt locators, the work-piece tends to lift or rock (14 away from one or more locators. The holding cia teams Oca Ne eR CROs eeaC ETT \ oe Reena eee Te sees Beit control or accuracy of position is poor. PPTs ete CB Pyros Reon eRe ee ele RSE Cr rcm Dri s I eCO rie Re otoentnee rc emer Se Oa eed acme ree MDs C HIRO ORE RCO Ne BET Ta CORI Top UNC eRO MIRC Re LZR NEETS SS cotiteeRerml ces rem per EMU CRU Zoe en Coccm Nm cm reeset MI INDE or Toes OB (oma) dimension. © Dimensional control is accomplished or mode by the correct placement of locators (clip,pin). This is a primary responsibility of the process engineer. NSTI OKULTEOE @ Mechanical control is concerned with control Como NoeRO malities CcccO nats Rr ente CBU Coinied Reena en Taeonii Ce) Rudy Poa OR Ce oem a Oren ones occa the workpiece. This control also is Ronen ime Mey eon mm Cre Oe OEE Pern creo ecci a LCR e ase rnclece ee mem STS CCm Cea ciscenettn ean ts SMeCrse a ce Cnt eters Pee a Se or 3. Correctly position locators Pi ered pa aaa ‘ool foro from miling reread Elie Seared Peete > ae eres Cee ees

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