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Ambition and greed to death

Andrea Álvarez Lotero

First option
Both the banker and the lawyer were corrupted like many people in the world by the
ambition, greed, or the need to prove that they are better and capable. Therefore, they ended
being a such different person because they believe that it will be easy to stay in
confinement for fifteen years or give two million only because of their ego. I believe that
ambition and greed are dangerous if they manipulate our decisions. So, it was really worth
it? When will we stop living or being manipulate by our ego and ambition?
We are humans -like the banker and the lawyer were in the story-, and we have a great way
to make good and bad decisions. The problem is that we do not realize about this after we
do something bad to ourselves. Like the banker, who realize that he could not pay the bet
and start thinking about the possibility to kill another person, and the lawyer, who even if
he learns around language, religion, music, philosophy, literature, etc.… he was depressed.
Anyway, it only took them make a decision based on their ambition and greed to prove that
they were right.
So, it was really worth it? I don´t think so. Made a decision or say something only because
we want to be right it is really sad. Being, in the bad way, ambitious is just being unhappy
with our truly self. I am not saying that we do not be ambitious -yes, we have to be in some
cases-, but not if the only goal is prove something to someone else. We almost need to learn
being happy with what we already have to receive.
When will we stop living or being manipulate by our ego and ambition? Well, I think that
when we will ready to stop doing things or not doing things for the rest of people. Maybe if
the lawyer and the banker were not so focused in prove that the other was wrong maybe the
things were different and the story ended in another way. In conclusion, the real problem is
if we want continue doing or construct our life based on another´s person opinion.

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