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Generalized System of Preferences



UNCTAD/ITCD/TSB/Misc.58 June 2000

Generalized System of Preferences



UNCTAD Technical Cooperation Project on Market Access,

Trade Laws and Preferences

UNCTAD Technical Assistance Project to Countries of the Asian Region

on MFN and Preferential Tariffs Negotiations and GSP Utilization

This present handbook has been carried out by Ms. J. VanGrasstek, Washington
Trade Reports, Washington, D.C., in collaboration with the UNCTAD technical cooperation
projects on “Market Access, Trade Laws and Preferences” (INT/97/A06) and “Assistance to
countries of the Asian region on MFN and preferential tariffs negotiations and GSP utilization


United nations Conference on Trade and Development

Mr. S. Inama, Project Manager (Office E. 8054)
Technical Cooperation Project on Market Access,
Trade Laws and Preferences
Palais des Nations
CH – 1211 Geneva 10
Tel : (++41 22) 907 5674
Fax : (++41 22) 907 0044
E-mail : gsp@unctad.org

The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the UNCTAD secretariat.
The descriptions and classification of countries and territories in this study and the arrangement of material do not
imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the
legal status of any country, territory, city, or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers
or boundaries, or regarding its economic system or degree of development.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
I. Introduction 1
II. How the U.S. Program is Administered 2
III. Magnitude of the U.S. Program 2
IV. Benefits and Eligibility 6
A. Country Eligibility 6
B. Product Eligibility 7
C. Rules of Origin 9
V. The Competitive-Need Limitations 10
A. De Minimis Waivers of the CNLs 11
B. Permanent Waivers of the CNLs 12
C. Redesignation 14
VI. Elements of Reciprocity in the U.S. Program 14
VII. Duration and Stability of the U.S. Program 16
VIII. How Countries Can Make the Most of the GSP 17
A. Ensure that GSP-Eligible Products Take Advantage of the Program 17
B. Seek CNL Waivers When Appropriate 17
C. Defend Against Petitions to Restrict or Remove Products 18
D. Consider Seeking the Designation of New Products 18

Figure 1 GSP Share of Total U.S. Imports 3

Table 1 Hierarchy of Access to the U.S. Market 4
Figure 2 Chronology of the GSP and Other U.S. Preferential Trade Programs 5
Figure 3 How to Read the U.S. Tariff Schedule 8
Figure 4 Typical Annual Schedule for De Minimis Decisions 12
Figure 5 Typical Annual Schedule for GSP Petitions 13

Appendix 1
Status of Independent Countries Under the GSP 19
Appendix 2
Status of Non-Independent Countries and Territories Under the GSP 23
Appendix 3
Authorizing Legislation for the GSP in the U.S. Code 24
Appendix 4
U.S. Customs Service Rules on the GSP in the Code of Federal Regulations 37
Appendix 5
U.S. Trade Representative Rules on the GSP
in the Code of Federal Regulations 43
Appendix 6
The GSP Model Petition 52
Appendix 7
A Case Study in the Operation of the Competitive-Need
Limits: Ceramic Roofing Tiles from Venezuela 54
Appendix 8
Frequently Asked Questions About the GSP 57
Appendix 9
GSP Eligibility of Specific Products Imported into the United States 68


ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations

ATPA Andean Trade Preferences Act
BDC Beneficiary Developing Country
CARICOM Caribbean Common Market
CBI Caribbean Basin Initiative
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CNL Competitive-Need Limitations
EAC Tripartite Commission on East African Cooperation
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GNP Gross National Product
GSP Generalized System of Preferences
HTSUS Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States
IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
IMF International Monetary Fund
IPRs Intellectual Property Rights
LDBDC Least Developed Beneficiary Developing Country
MFN Most Favored Nation (now known in the United States as NTR)
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement
NTR Normal Trade Relations (same as MFN)
OMB Office of Management and Budget
PNTR Permanent Normal Trade Relations
SADC Southern African Development Community
SETPA Southeast Europe Trade Preferences Act
SPI Special Program Indicator
TPRG Trade Policy Review Group
TPSC Trade Policy Staff Committee
UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
USAID U.S. Agency for International Development
USC United States Code
USITC U.S. International Trade Commission
USTR U.S. Trade Representative
WAEMU West African Economic and Monetary Union
WTO World Trade Organization

I. Introduction

The Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) provides preferential duty-free entry to

numerous products imported into the United States from over one hundred designated

beneficiary countries and territories. The United States and twenty-six other industrialized

countries adopted GSP programs in the 1970s, each of which varies according to the

beneficiaries, products covered, and type of preferences granted. The purpose of this handbook is

to spell out the terms of the U.S. program, with a special emphasis on how firms and

governments in the beneficiary countries can best use this program to their fullest advantage.

Two major themes underlie the analysis here. The first is that policymakers and exporters

should bear in mind the limitations of the GSP. This program is not, and cannot be, the principal

basis for bilateral trade relationships between the United States and the beneficiary countries.

Due to the numerous limitations of the program, it should instead be assessed on the basis of its

significance for specific products. There are many products for which the program is entirely

irrelevant (either because they are not eligible for the GSP or are already eligible for duty-free

entry on a most-favored-nation basis),1 others for which the program is extremely important

(because they are GSP-eligible and would otherwise be subject to relatively high tariffs), and

many more for which the GSP is of modest significance (because they are GSP-eligible but

otherwise subject to relatively low tariffs). The first step that firms and governments should take

in optimizing their benefits under the GSP is to determine where products of interest to them fit

along this spectrum.

The second theme in this handbook is that, notwithstanding the limitations of the GSP,

countries can take steps to make the most of the program. Countries would do well to determine

whether their exporters are taking full advantage of the available opportunities. Moreover, the

U.S. rules offer several means by which interested parties — U.S. and foreign — can petition for

changes to the product coverage of the program. After finding out how the existing GSP product

coverage affects products of interest to them, firms and governments should determine whether

there are any steps that they should take to preserve or expand their benefits. Chief among these

calculations is whether products of interest to the country are affected by the “competitive-need

limits” on the amount of benefits that any country could receive for any product. While these

limits generally work to the disadvantage of GSP beneficiary countries, there are steps that

countries can take to protect their interests. These rules are discussed at length below, together

with guidance on how firms and governments can best deal with them.

In addition to examining the information and the analysis that follows, readers should also

consult the information in the appendices. Some of these issues are further explored in Appendix

8, which answers a series of frequently asked questions about the GSP.

II. How the U.S. Program is Administered

The administration of the U.S. GSP program can be divided into two distinct areas. The day-

to-day operation of the program is primarily the responsibility of the U.S. Customs Service,

which is part of the Department of the Treasury. See Appendix 4 for the regulations that govern

the Customs Service’s implementation of the program.

While many of the policy issues in the GSP are theoretically decided by the president of the

United States, in reality the chief executive’s decisions are made on the basis of advice provided

by the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) and other agencies. See Appendix 5 for

Note that in current U.S. usage, the term “normal trade relations” is employed in place of the more
traditional designation “most favored nation” (MFN). Congress mandated this change in 1998.

the regulations that govern the USTR’s conduct of GSP reviews. The address of the USTR’s

GSP office is as follows:

Office of the U.S. Trade Representative

600 17th Street, N.W., Room 518
Washington, D.C. 20508
Tel: (202) 395-6971 Fax: (202) 395-9481

The USTR consults with other U.S. Government agencies on all important issues affecting

the GSP. The GSP Subcommittee of the Trade Policy Staff Committee is responsible for

recommending to the president the actions that he should take on petitions that seek changes in

the program’s product or country coverage. This subcommittee is chaired by a USTR official and

includes members from all government agencies with an interest in international economic

relations (e.g., the departments of State, Commerce, Labor, etc.).

The GSP Subcommittee conducts annual reviews of the GSP program, in which it considers

a wider range of petitions. Any interested party — embassies, government agencies, U.S. or

foreign firms, etc. — may petition the GSP Subcommittee to request modifications in the list of

products or countries eligible for GSP treatment. A beneficiary country can use this annual

review to ask that the subcommittee add a product to the GSP, or that it waive the limits that

apply to imports of a specific product. Other interested parties variously ask that the

subcommittee add a product to the GSP, remove a product from the program, remove a specific

country’s eligibility for a specific product, or remove a country altogether from the GSP. The

GSP Subcommittee usually decides within several weeks which of these petitions it will accept

for review. The petitions that are accepted for review are then subject to a months-long process

of hearings, advice from the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC),2 and internal

deliberations; the petitions that are not accepted die at this point.

III. Magnitude of the U.S. Program

The overall size of the GSP relative to total U.S. imports is rather small. This point is

illustrated by the data in Figure 1, which show the break-down of U.S. imports in 1999. Imports

from GSP beneficiary countries accounted for only about one-eighth of total U.S. imports, and

the GSP accounted for only about ten percent of the imports from beneficiary countries.

Altogether, only 1.3 percent of U.S. imports in 1999 entered duty-free under the GSP.

Note that the USITC conducts an investigation that runs parallel to the GSP Subcommittee’s
consideration of petitions. Most of the same information that is presented in petitions and hearings to the
GSP Subcommittee will also be presented to the USITC.
Figure 1
GSP Share of Total U.S. Imports
Shares of Total U.S. Imports in 1999

Dutiable or
Imported Under
Other Programs
$119.2 Billion
All Other
Countries GSP Beneficiaries
$884.5 Billion $132.9 Billion

GSP $13.7 Billion

Source: Calculated from U.S. International Trade Commission data.

The place of the GSP in the U.S. import regime is further defined by the data in Table 1.

Although the GSP does offer preferential access to the U.S. market, the program’s beneficiary

countries do not enjoy the most preferential treatment. The program covers fewer products than

either the three free trade agreements that the United States has negotiated thus far (which cover

all products) or the special trade preferences that have been established for Andean and

Caribbean Basin countries.3

These data underline the point that the GSP should not be seen as the defining element in the

trade relationship between the United States and the program’s beneficiary countries. It instead

provides a margin of preference for some products imported from some developing countries and

territories. The restrictions on country and product eligibility are explained in greater depth in the

next section.

Note that the data in Table 1 indicate that 13.0 percent of all imports from GSP beneficiary countries
entered duty-free under the program in 1999, while the analysis of the data in Figure 1 indicated that the
figure is closer to ten percent. The difference is explained by the fact that Figure 1 is based on imports
from all GSP beneficiary countries, while the data in Table 1 isolate out those countries that are also
beneficiaries of the ATPA and CBI.

Table 1
Hierarchy of Access to the U.S. Market
Presented in descending order of preferential treatment; import data as of 1999

Share of Share Entering

Type Terms Countries Imports Under Preferences
Free trade Comprehensive duty-free Israel (since 1985), Canada 31.2% 59.9%
agreements access to the U.S. market (since 1989), and Mexico
(since 1994)
Special trade Duty-free access for almost Most Central American and 2.9% 15.8%
preferences all exports other than oil, Caribbean countries under the
textiles and apparel, most Caribbean Basin Initiative
leather products, and a few (since 1984); Bolivia,
other exceptions Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru
under the Andean Trade
Preferences Act (since 1991,
expires in 2001)
Generalized Duty-free access for many Most developing and 10.2% 13.0%
System of exports, but several transition economies; among
Preferences significant product areas are the exceptions are China, most
excluded, and numerous OPEC members, some Asian
provisions allow for the newly-industrialized
removal of specific products economies, and Nicaragua (a
or countries CBI country)
Permanent Also known as Major partners that receive 47.3% 0.0%
normal trade unconditional most favored PNTR but no preferences
relations nation or non-discriminatory include the European Union,
(NTR or treatment. Countries benefit Japan, most OPEC countries,
PNTR) from tariff reductions and Asian newly-
negotiated since 1934 industrialized economies
(Column 1 of the tariff
Conditional NTR treatment (as defined China, Albania, and most 8.0% 0.0%
NTR above) is subject to the former Soviet republics are in
freedom-of-emigration this category (Albania and
provisions of the Jackson- most former Soviet republics
Vanik law are also designated for GSP)
Denial of Countries are subject to the This status is currently held 0.1% 0.0%
NTR tariff rates established under only by Afghanistan, Cuba,
treatment the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Laos, North Korea, and
Act of 1930 (i.e., Column 2) Vietnam
Trade Countries are subject to Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North 0.3% 0.0%
embargo partial or total embargoes; Korea, Sudan, and Yugoslavia
some of them nominally are each subject to embargoes
receive NTR treatment of varying intensity

Note: Some countries fall under more than one category. For data on shares of U.S. imports, countries are counted in
the most favorable category that is applicable. For example, Russia can be classified both as a GSP beneficiary and
a recipient of conditional NTR treatment; imports from that country are counted here in the GSP category.
“Share Entering Under Preferences” includes all imports from a group that enter under terms other than MFN.

Figure 2
Chronology of the GSP and Other U.S. Preferential Trade Programs

1947 1980 1993-1995

Havana Charter for the International Ecuador, Indonesia, and Following a change in the law,
Trade Organization provides for Venezuela are designated as most states of the former Soviet
“preferences … in the interests of GSP beneficiaries. Union are designated for GSP.
economic development,” but does 1983 1993
not enter into effect. The Caribbean Basin Economic The GSP is renewed several days
1964 Recovery Act provides superior after it expires.
GSP is proposed at the first United preferences for Central 1994
Nations Conference on Trade and American and Caribbean The GSP is renewed three months
Development (UNCTAD I). countries. after it expires.
1967 1984 Mexico loses GSP benefits upon
President Johnson indicates at the The Trade and Tariff Act of the North American Free Trade
Punta del Este conference of 1984 renews the GSP through Agreement’s entry into force.
Western Hemisphere leaders that he mid-1993. 1995
is prepared to consider preferences 1985-1987 Israel is graduated from the GSP.
for developing countries. A general review of the GSP 1996
1969 program leads to numerous The GSP is renewed thirteen
President Nixon declares his support changes in product eligibility. months after it expires.
for the GSP and includes it in the 1985 1997
proposed Trade Act of 1969 that he Nicaragua’s GSP privileges are Many products are made GSP-
sends to Congress for approval. terminated for reasons of eligible when imported from least-
1971 workers’ rights. developed countries.
GATT contracting parties grant a 1987 In a dispute over intellectual
ten-year waiver for the GSP. Paraguay is suspended from the property protection the United
1974 GSP for reasons of workers’ States removes half of Argentina’s
Congress approves the GSP as part rights. GSP privileges.
of the Trade Act of 1974. 1988 President Clinton proposes the
1975 Chile is suspended from the African Growth and Opportunity
The Trade Act of 1974 is signed GSP for reasons of workers’ Act for sub-Saharan African
into law, and countries are rights. countries.
designated for the program. 1989 1998
1976 Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong, Aruba, the Cayman Islands,
The GSP enters into effect. Singapore, and South Korea are Cyprus, Greenland, Malaysia,
1979 graduated from the GSP. Macau, and the Netherlands
GATT contracting parties approve 1991 Antilles are graduated from GSP.
an Enabling Clause in the Tokyo Chile and Paraguay are 1999
Round, providing a permanent reinstated to the GSP. Mongolia is designated for the
waiver and exempting the GSP from The Andean Trade Preferences GSP.
GATT rules. Act is enacted, providing President Clinton proposes the
A provision in the Trade superior preferences for Bolivia, Southeast Europe Trade
Agreements Act of 1979 allows for Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Preferences Act.
the designation to the GSP of OPEC 1990-1992
member countries if they did not Several Eastern European and
participate in the oil embargoes. Baltic states are designated for
the GSP.

IV. Benefits and Eligibility

While some industrialized countries’ GSP schemes provide for varying levels of preferential

treatment, this aspect of the U.S. program is much more simple. All products that are eligible for

preferential treatment enter entirely free of duty. For an import to qualify for duty-free treatment

under the GSP, it must meet the following three requirements:

1. The article must be from a designated beneficiary country;

2. The product must be eligible for GSP treatment; and

3. The product must meet the rules of origin.

Each of these points is worth examining separately. In addition to reading the description that

follows, readers are encouraged to examine the laws and regulations in the appendices. Appendix

3 reproduces the full text of the authorizing legislation for the GSP in the U.S. Code, while

Appendix 4 consists of the U.S. Customs Service rules on the GSP (from the Code of Federal


A. Country Eligibility

Many, but not all, developing countries and territories are designated as GSP beneficiaries.

See the appendices for the status of independent (Appendix 1) and non-independent countries

and territories (Appendix 2) under the U.S. program.

Country eligibility has evolved considerably over the past quarter century. The original GSP

statute excluded Communist countries (other than Yugoslavia) and OPEC members, but both of

those restrictions were later relaxed. Ecuador, Indonesia, Venezuela were designated to the GSP

in 1980 (being OPEC countries that had not joined in the Arab countries’ oil embargo), and most

former Soviet republics and satellites won GSP benefits with the end of the Cold War. Other

countries have been “graduated” from the GSP upon achieving sufficiently high levels of income

and development; the four main Asian NIEs (i.e., Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan)

were graduated in 1989, and Malaysia was graduated in 1997. Mexico lost GSP when the North

American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) entered into effect in 1994. Other countries have

seen their benefits reduced, suspended, or terminated as a result of disputes over workers’ rights

and other matters, as is discussed in a later section.

The U.S. program distinguishes between two categories of countries. Thirty-eight countries

are considered by the United States to be least-developed beneficiary countries, as identified in

Appendix 1. These countries are enjoy two advantages not shared by the other beneficiaries: A

much wider range of products that are eligible for GSP treatment (as discussed in section IV.B

section), and they are not subject to the competitive-need limitations (as discussed in section V).

The law provides that a beneficiary country can be graduated completely from the program if

“the President determines that a beneficiary developing country has become a ‘high income’

country, as defined by the official statistics of the International Bank for Reconstruction and

Development.” This provision has been used to graduate several Asian newly-industrialized

economies, among others.

B. Product Eligibility

Articles eligible for duty-free treatment are defined at the eight-digit level of the Harmonized

Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS). The products eligible for GSP treatment include

most dutiable manufactures and semi-manufactures, as well as selected agricultural, fishery, and

primary industrial products that are not otherwise duty-free.

In order to determine whether a product is GSP-eligible, one should know how to read the

HTSUS. Figure 3 reproduces part of a page from the U.S. schedule, together with an explanation

of its structure and codes. The principal distinction is between countries that receive NTR (MFN)

treatment, as specified in Column 1, and those that are still subject to the high tariff rates in

Column 2. While the Column 2 tariffs applied to many Communist countries during the Cold

War, today only five countries remain subject to these rates.4 Countries that receive MFN

treatment pay the tariffs that are shown in Column 1. Some of the countries that that receive

NTR treatment also benefit from preferential trade agreements or program tariffs, as shown in

the “Special” sub-column of Column 1. Products that are eligible for GSP treatment are

identified by the letter “A” in this sub-column. This designation is further qualified in the case of

products for which some GSP countries are denied duty-free treatment (A*), and products that

are eligible for GSP treatment only when imported from least-developed countries (A+).

Certain articles are prohibited from receiving GSP treatment. These include most textiles,5

watches, footwear, handbags, luggage, flat goods, work gloves and other leather wearing apparel

which were not eligible for GSP on April 1, 1984. In addition, any other article determined to be

“import sensitive” cannot be made eligible; in this regard, the GSP law specifically cites steel,

glass, and electronic articles. Beyond these restrictions, the GSP Subcommittee is generally

authorized to designate products for GSP treatment.

Afghanistan, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and Vietnam. NTR agreements with Laos and Vietnam are
currently pending.
Although textile and apparel products are generally excluded from the GSP, there are some exceptions
to this rule. For example, six categories of textile products are eligible for GSP treatment when the GSP
beneficiary has signed an agreement with the United States to provide certification that the items are
hand-made products of the exporting beneficiary. The covered tariff categories are 5701.10.13,
5702.10.10, 5702.91.20, 5805.00.20, 6304.99.10, and 6304.99.40.

Column 1: Applies to countries that receive

Figure 3 normal trade relations (NTR), otherwise
known as MFN treatment. It is subdivided Column 2: Applies to the
How to Read the U.S. Tariff Schedule into the non-preferential ("General") and five countries that do not
preferential ("Special") columns. receive NTR treatment.

HTS item 0703.10.20

would face a tariff of
0.83 cents per kilogram
rate if imported from a
country that receives
NTR treatment, or 5.5
cents per kilogram
from a country that does
The numbers and
not. It can be imported
nomenclature (product duty-free under the
descriptions) used in GSP, but the asterisk
the U.S. tariff schedule indicates that one or
are identical to those
more countries are
used by all countries
that adhere to the
Harmonized Tariff HTS item 0703.10.40
System. The actual can be imported duty-
tariff rates applied free from any GSP
by each country vary. beneficiary country.

HTS item 0703.90.00

can be imported duty-
free only from least-
developed beneficiary
countries of the GSP.

The eight-digit tariff item number The two-digit statistical suffix The unit of quantity indicates Letters in the "Special" column indicate whether
identifies the product. It is at this further distinguishes products whether the item is counted by the product is eligible for duty-free or reduced-duty
level of specificity that tariff rates for reporting purposes, but has weight, volume, number, etc. treatment under various preferential trade agreements
are determined. no effect on the tariff rate. This helps to determine the or programs:
tariff when rates are expressed A = Generalized System of Preferences
in specific terms (e.g., the cents A* = GSP (certain countries not eligible)
per kilogram for most products A+ = GSP (only least-developed countries)
shown here) rather than ad valorem CA = Canada (NAFTA)
terms (e.g., the 20.0 percent for E = Caribbean Basin Initiative
HTS item 0703.90.00). IL = U.S.-Israel FTA
J = Andean Trade Preferences Act
MX = Mexico (NAFTA)

C. Rules of Origin

The rules of origin provide that an article must be shipped directly from the beneficiary

country to the United States without passing through the territory of any other country or, if

shipped through the territory of another country, the merchandise must not have entered the

commerce of that country in route to the United States.6 In all cases, the invoices must show the

United States as the final destination.

The rules further provide that the sum of the cost or value of materials produced in the

beneficiary country plus the direct costs of processing7 must equal at least 35 per cent of the

appraised value of the article at the time of entry into the United States. Imported materials can

Articles transshipped between the beneficiary country and the United States are eligible for GSP under
certain circumstances. Eligible articles shipped from a beneficia ry developing country through a free trade
zone in any other beneficiary will qualify for GSP if: (1) the merchandise does not enter into the
commerce of the country maintaining the free trade zone; and (2) the eligible articles do not undergo any
operations other than sorting, grading or testing, packing, unpacking, changing or packing, decanting, or
repacking, affixing marks, labels, or any other distinguishing signs, or operations necessary to ensure the
preservation of the merchandise in its condition as introduced into the free trade zone. Shipments may
also be made through free trade zones in non-beneficiaries and still qualify for GSP if: (1) the
merchandise remained under the customs authority of the intermediate country; (2) the merchandise does
not enter into the commerce of the country maintaining the free zone, except for purchases or sale other
than at retail; (3) the eligible articles do not undergo any operations other than loading and unloading, or
other operations necessary to ensure the preservation of the merchandise in the condition as introduced
into the free trade zone; and, (4) for articles transshipped through former beneficiaries who are members
of regional associations (see below), the processing described in (2) above is permitted. This exception
currently applies to goods of ASEAN beneficiaries transshipped through Singapore or Brunei
Darussalam. If merchandise is purchased and resold, other than at retail, for export within the free trade
zone, two Certificates of Origin are required: one from the original beneficiary noting that the goods are
eligible for the United States GSP and containing the name of the consignee in the United States or the
free trade zone, and one from the person responsible for the articles in the free trade zone, or any other
person having knowledge of the facts, declaring what operations were performed within the zone.
The following may be included in the direct costs of processing: All those costs whether directly
incurred in or which can be reasonably allocated to, the growth, production, manufacture or assembly of
the merchandise in question, including: actual labour costs, fringe benefits, on-the-job training, and the
cost of engineering, supervisory, quality control, and similar personnel; dies, moulds, tooling and
depreciation on machinery and equipment, research, development, design, blue-print costs and
engineering; and inspection and testing costs. The following may not be included in the direct cost of
processing: Those items which are not directly attributable to the merchandise under consideration or are
not “costs” of manufacturing, including profit and general expenses and business overhead (such as
administrative salaries, casualty and liability insurance, advertising, and the salesman’s salaries,
commissions or expenses.

be counted toward the value-added requirement, only if they are “substantially transformed” into

new and different constituent materials of which the eligible article is composed. Where articles

are imported from GSP eligible regional associations, member countries of the association will

be accorded duty-free entry if they together account for at least 35 percent of the appraised value

of the article, the same for a single country. The Customs Service is charged with determining

whether an article meets the GSP rules of origin.

The 35 percent value-added can be spread across more than one country when imported from

GSP-eligible members of certain regional associations. Articles produced in two or more eligible

member countries of an association will be accorded duty-free entry if the countries together

account for at least 35 per cent of the appraised value of the article, the same requirement as for a

single country. The competitive need limits will be assessed only against the country of origin

and not against the entire association. There are currently five associations that may benefit from

this provision: the Andean Group, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

excluding Singapore and Brunei Darussalam, the Caribbean Common Market (CARICOM), the

Southern Africa Development Community (SADC), and the West African Economic and

Monetary Union (WAEMU). The status of countries and territories under this regional-

cumulation rule is summarized in appendices 1 and 2.

In most cases the merchandise will be appraised at the transaction value. This is the price

actually paid or payable for the merchandise when sold for export to the United States, plus the

following items if not already included in the price: (1) the packing costs incurred by the buyer;

(2) any selling commission incurred by the buyer; (3) the value of any assist; (4) any royalty or

license fee that the buyer is required to pay as a condition of the sale; and, (5) the proceeds,

accruing to the seller, of any subsequent resale, disposal, or use of the imported merchandise. As

a general rule, shipping and other costs related to the transport of the GSP articles from the port

of export to the United States are neither included in the value of the article, nor in the value-

added calculation.

It should be noted that the U.S. program does not require that GSP imports be accompanied

by extensive documentation. It used to be the case that importers had to file a special “Form A”

in order to obtain GSP treatment, but that requirement was eliminated several years ago.8 Today

an importer requests GSP treatment simply by placing the prefix “A” before the HTSUS tariff

number on the entry documentation. The only additional documentary requirements (other than

those mentioned above for transactions within a free zone) pertain to certified handicraft textile

products eligible for GSP duty-free treatment. A triangular seal certifying their authenticity and

placed on the commercial invoice is required for entry.

V. The Competitive-Need Limitations

The principal restriction under the U.S. program, apart from the non-eligibility of certain

categories of products, is the competitive-need limitations (CNLs). The CNLs are intended to

prevent the extension of preferential treatment to countries that are already competitive in the

production of an item. This section describes the general rules and principles of the CNLs, but

readers are also urged to examine Appendix 5 (the USTR rules on the GSP in the Code of

Federal Regulations). Note also that Appendix 8 offers a case study in the operation of the CNLs,

examining the experience of ceramic roofing tiles imported from Venezuela.

The CNLs set a ceiling on GSP benefits for each product and country, and are triggered by

the trade data that the GSP Subcommittee reviews on an annual basis. With certain exceptions

and qualifications, a country will automatically lose its GSP eligibility for a given product (i.e.,

One artifact of the defunct Form A is that the letter “A” is still used in the U.S. tariff schedules to
identify products that are eligible for the GSP.

an eight-digit item in the tariff schedule) the year after the CNLs are exceeded. Since 1985 there

have been two CNLs in place: the original, “upper” competitive need limit and a new, “lower”

limit. The “upper” CNL remains the most common, and applies to the great majority of products

and countries. It is triggered on a product if during any calendar year U.S. imports from a

country account for half or more of the value of total U.S. imports of that product9 or exceed a

certain dollar value that is adjusted annually. The figure was originally set at $25 million in

1975, and rose to $95 million by 2000. It will go up by an additional $5 million in each

subsequent year (i.e., it will be $100 million in 2001, $105 million in 2002, etc.). Products that

have been found by the GSP Subcommittee to be “sufficiently competitive” when imported from

a specified beneficiary are subject to the “lower” CNL. For these products the trigger is 25

percent or a dollar value set at approximately 40 percent of the “upper” competitive need level.

GSP modifications resulting from the application of competitive need limit take effect July 1 of

the next calendar year.

Products that have exceeded the CNLs can be “graduated” (i.e., permanently removed) from

the program. A product can be graduated on any one of three grounds: (1) in response to

petitions submitted in the annual review; (2) in precluding individual beneficiaries from GSP

eligibility on newly-designated articles; and (3) in denying redesignation to countries eligible for

reinstatement of GSP status on specific articles.

There are two principal ways that a country can maintain its GSP benefits for a product even

when it has exceeded the CNLs. One is by obtaining a de minimis waiver, which is a temporary

(one year) exception available only to products that the United States imports in relatively small

Certain products can obtain a waiver under section 504(d). The percentage provision is waived for
items that were not produced in the United States on January 3, 1985, as provided for in Section 504(d) of
the GSP law. The list can be modified through petitions submitted in an annual review. For those products
on this list, a 504(d) waiver will automatically be granted when required each year.

quantities. The other option is to obtain a permanent waiver of the CNLs for a specific product.

A CNL waiver provides much greater protection than a de minimis waiver, and is

correspondingly more difficult to obtain. Whereas a de minimis request can take the form of a

relatively brief filing, in which the request for a waiver is backed by a modest amount of

supporting data and arguments, a CNL petition requires a very substantial amount of information

and is subject to a lengthy and difficult review.

Note that all CNLs are automatically waived for the 38 GSP beneficiaries that are designated

as least developed countries (see Appendix 1).

A. De Minimis Waivers of the CNLs

The GSP Subcommittee can waive application of the CNLs for any product that is imported

at a de minimis level. De minimis waivers are considered for all beneficiaries that exceeded the

percentage CNL for a product, but only when U.S. imports from all countries (including GSP

beneficiaries and all others) were below a certain dollar limit. Like the dollar-value CNL, the de

minimis level is adjusted each year. For 1999 imports, it is set at $14.5 million. The GSP

Subcommittee accepts public comments that either support or oppose the granting of waivers.

The subcommittee is more likely to grant a waiver when it receives one or more detailed

comments in support of a waiver (e.g., from an embassy or foreign exporter), and does not

receive any comments opposing a waiver (e.g., from a U.S. producer).

It should be stressed that these waivers are temporary, and are granted only on a year-by-year

basis. They are made entirely at the discretion of the GSP Subcommittee.

The schedule for the de minimis waivers and redesignations is summarized in Figure 4.

Figure 4
Typical Annual Schedule for De Minimis Decisions

Late January or earlyUSTR publishes a “warning list” in the Federal Register,

to mid-February identifying products that (based on the previous year’s
January-October data) appear in danger of exceeding the
CNLs. The list further identifies those products that appear to
be eligible for de minimis waivers or redesignation (pending
the availability of full-year data).
Mid-March Deadline for comments on de minimis waivers and petitions
for redesignation, based on the USTR’s “warning list.”
Late spring or early President’s decisions on competitive-need exclusions, de
summer minimis waivers, and redesignations announced. These
decisions are based on full-year data, and hence may differ
from what the ten-month “warning list” had suggested. [This
step used to be taken much earlier, but in recent years the
deadline has been moved closer to the time that the changes
take effect.]
July 1 Changes in the GSP take effect.

Note: The last two dates in the schedule coincide with the deadlines for the consideration of
petitions in annual reviews, as discussed in the next section (see Figure 5).

B. Permanent Waivers of the CNLs

As amended in 1984, the GSP law also allows interested parties to petition for a CNL waiver

for a product. This means submitting a request to the GSP Subcommittee in the annual review of

the GSP, asking that a country be permitted to export unlimited amounts of a product duty-free

to the United States. If granted, both the percentage and the dollar limit are waived.

CNL-waiver petitions are considered by the GSP Subcommittee in annual reviews. The

timing for these reviews is summarized in Figure 5. In addition to considering CNL-waiver

petitions, the reviews also cover “country practices” petitions (as discussed in section VI). The

results of annual reviews are announced and implemented at the same time as the de minimis

waivers discussed in the preceding section.


Petitions for the waiver of CNLs must conform to the GSP Model Petition prepared by the

USTR. The model format is reproduced in Appendix 6 of this report. Given the complexity of

the process and the details that are required for such petitions, many interested parties have found

that it is useful to secure the services of Washington-based consultants or lawyers who are

experienced in the preparation of CNL-waiver petitions.


Figure 5
Typical Annual Schedule for GSP Petitions

Mid-April, Year 1 Approximate time for the USTR to publish a notice in the
Federal Register, announcing the schedule for and
requesting the submission of petitions in the annual GSP
Mid-June, Year 1 Likely deadline for the submission of petitions in the annual
GSP review.
Late Summer or early GSP Subcommittee of the Trade Policy Staff Committee
Fall, Year 1 announces which of the petitions submitted in the annual
review have been accepted for consideration, and the
schedule for the investigation.
Winter, Year 2 Deadline for the submission of pre-hearing briefs to the
Fall or Winter, Year 1 Deadline for the submission of pre-hearing briefs to the GSP
Subcommittee (or alternatively the submission of written
statements in lieu of a personal appearance).
Winter, Year 1 USITC holds hearings, in preparation for its advice to the
GSP Subcommittee.
Winter, Year 1 GSP Subcommittee holds hearings.
Winter, Year 1 Deadline for the submission of written statements to the
USITC, either in addition to or in lieu of a personal
appearance at the hearings.
Winter, Year 2 Deadline for the submission of post-hearing or rebuttal briefs
to the GSP Subcommittee.
Winter, Year 2 USITC issues its advice to the president.
Spring, Year 2 Deadline for public comments on the USITC’s advice to the
Late spring or early President’s decisions in the annual review to be announced.
summer, Year 2 [This step used to be taken earlier, but in recent years the
deadline has been moved much closer to the time that the
changes take effect.]
July 1, Year 2 Changes in the GSP take effect.

There are no absolute rules dictating the outcome of the GSP Subcommittee’s deliberations.

In deciding whether to grant a CNL waiver, the president (as advised by the subcommittee) must

find that a waiver “is in the national economic interest of the United States.” The law further

specifies that he “shall give great weight to” whether the country is providing reasonable and

equitable access to its market for U.S. goods and services, and the extent to which it is providing

reasonable and effective protection to U.S. intellectual property rights. The law imposes limits on

the value of CNL waivers that can be granted globally or to a specific country. While the law

guides and limits what the GSP Subcommittee can do, in fact the members of this committee

have fairly wide discretion. Past experience shows that, in general, a petitioner is more likely to

be successful if it can offer a well-reasoned and factual argument that granting the petition for a

CNL waiver will work to the benefit of both the developing country exporter and its consumers

in the United States, without causing harm to U.S. producers. Conversely, it can be very difficult

to obtain a CNL waiver if the initiative is actively opposed by a domestic U.S. producer. The

process outlined in Figure 5 gives those producers multiple opportunities to express any

objections that they might have.

C. Redesignation

Redesignation of a product and country will be considered if U.S. imports of that article from

the affected country fall below the competitive need limitations in a subsequent year. As a

practical matter, however, it is the policy of the GSP Subcommittee to redesignate a product only

in conjunction with the granting of a CNL waiver.

VI. Elements of Reciprocity in the U.S. Program

As originally devised, the GSP program was supposed to be free from reciprocity.

Industrialized countries were to extend these benefits to developing countries “with no strings

attached,” but they did so in a non-contractual and autonomous fashion. This meant that it was

within the legal right of the donor countries to reduce or terminate the benefits at any time. The

operation of the GSP changed significantly with enactment of the Trade and Tariff Act of 1984,

which expanded the number of criteria that beneficiary countries were required to meet and

enhanced the USTR’s authority to enforce these eligibility requirements. The USTR used these

provisions as a neo-reciprocal tool in a general review of the GSP in 1985-1987, and in

subsequent annual reviews.

The original impetus for the transformation of the GSP was bargaining between Congress

and the White House. The Trade Act of 1974 had authorized the program for ten years. When the

Reagan administration asked that Congress renew the GSP in 1984, interest groups and

legislators saw an opportunity to promote their aims. The Trade and Tariff Act of 1984 allowed

U.S. trade officials to make each GSP beneficiary country’s continued eligibility, either on a

country-wide or product-specific basis, conditional upon its meeting certain eligibility

requirements. The law specifically provided that beneficiary countries could lose some or all of

their GSP privileges if they did not protect intellectual property, respect labor rights, resolve

investment disputes, and meet other stipulations. It also allowed the USTR to offer countries

more secure benefits on some products if they cooperated with the United States. The law and

regulations of the GSP also require that when considering CNL-waiver petitions, the GSP

Subcommittee must place “great weight” on the extent to which the country is providing

reasonable and equitable access to its market for U.S. goods and services, and the extent to

which the country is providing reasonable and effective protection to U.S. intellectual property


The 1985-1987 general review allowed groups to bring complaints regarding “country

practices,” including trade issues such as alleged restrictions on market access or failure to

protect intellectual property rights. The issues raised in these petitions were discussed in the

consultations that U.S. trade officials conducted in 1986. Although these consultations were not

identified as “GSP negotiations,” so as not to violate the nonreciprocal nature of the program,

they constituted negotiations for all practical purposes. The general review afforded U.S.

negotiators an opportunity to raise issues with their counterparts in several countries, with the

results of these consultations leading to continued GSP privileges for some countries, and

reduced preferences for others.

The reciprocal elements of the U.S. program have also been encouraged by a key change in

the rules of the global trade regime. While the Uruguay Round produced very significant gains

for the United States in the form of agreements on each of the “new issues” (i.e., services,

investment, and intellectual property rights), the revised dispute-settlement rules make it far

more difficult for the United States to pursue its interests through unilateral action. There

nevertheless remain some “loopholes” in the system. It would generally be WTO-illegal for the

United States to retaliate against a WTO member country without first obtaining authorization

from the WTO’s Dispute Settlement Body, that general rule does not apply if the retaliatory

action does not itself violate the WTO rights of the target country. In this respect, it is extremely

important to note that the preferences extended under the GSP are privileges rather than

enforceable rights. Under the terms of the 1979 Enabling Clause (which “legalized” the GSP

within the GATT regime), the beneficiary countries have no right to the preferences granted

under these initiatives. The United States has increasingly employed the GSP and other

preferential trade programs as substitute form of enforcement authority. This is true both for

cases involving established trade issues such as intellectual property rights, as well as new issues

such as labor rights.


The workers’ rights issue has been the single most frequent issue raised in country-practices

petitions. Following a precedent set in 1983 by the CBI legislation, which made trade privileges

conditional inter alia upon a country’s labor practices, the 1984 trade law amended the GSP by

adding a nearly identical provision. Under the amended law, a GSP beneficiary country can lose

its eligibility “if such country has not taken or is not taking steps to afford internationally

recognized workers rights to workers in the country.” The law defined these rights to include 

(a) the right of association,

(b) the right to organize and bargain collectively,

(c) a prohibition on any form of forced or compulsory labor,

(d) a minimum age for the employment of children, and

(e) acceptable conditions of work with respect to minimum wages, hours of work, and

occupational safety and health.

The workers’ rights issue has been the single most frequent issue raised in annual reviews of

the GSP. It accounted for 121 out of the 192 “country practices” petitions that were filed with the

USTR during 1985-1999.10 The investigations that followed these petitions led to commitments

from some countries to improve their observance of labor rights, while others lost their GSP

benefits either through temporary suspension (Burma, Central African Republic, Chile,

Maldives, Mauritania, Paraguay, Sudan, and Syria) or permanent termination (Liberia and

Nicaragua). One special case is Romania, where benefits were “permanently” terminated in 1987

but were then redesignated in 1994.

Violations of intellectual property rights (IPRs) are the second most common source of

complaint in country-practices petitions. For example, in 1997 Argentina lost half of its GSP

Author’s calculations based on data provided by USTR.

benefits in an IPR dispute with the United States. The decision was not made as part of a GSP

annual review, but was instead a consequence of the “Special 301” IPR law. This statute requires

that the USTR conduct annual reviews of trading partners’ IPR regimes, and can lead to the

imposition of such sanctions as the imposition of penalty tariffs. In this instance, the USTR

determined that the new Argentine patent law was not consistent with the Uruguay Round TRIPs

agreement and decided to impose sanctions via the GSP law.

VII. Duration and Stability of the U.S. Program

The Trade Act of 1974 authorized the program for a ten-year period. The 1984 renewal act

provided for reauthorization of the program until July 4, 1993, and ever since that date the

survival of the GSP has been tenuous. The program lapsed for a period of several days in 1993,

until Congress approved a fourteen-month renewal (applied retroactively to the date of

expiration). The program then expired once again on September 30, 1994, with Congress

retroactively renewing the program that December. This renewal expired on July 31, 1995.

Congress renewed the GSP on August 20, 1996, only to let it expire once more on May 31, 1997.

The August, 1997, renewal lasted through May 31, 1999. The most recent renewal was enacted

in December, 1999, and will last through the end of September, 2001.

The principal reason for these brief GSP reauthorizations is that the program is no longer

cost-free from a budgetary standpoint. The United States adopted new budget rules in 1990 that

required a “pay-as-you-go” (PAYgo) approach to any measures that affect the budget.11 Under

the PAYgo rules, any bill that provides for an increase in government expenditures or (as is the

case with tariff cuts) a decrease in government revenues must include offsetting measures. The

The PAYgo principle dates back to the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings budget rules of 1985, but it was not
applied to trade agreements and related programs (each of which affect tariffs and hence government
revenue) until 1990.

PAYgo principle thus required that the NAFTA and the Uruguay Round implementing bills

include new taxes, fees, spending cuts, or other measures in order to offset the effect of the

foregone tariffs, and these same rules also apply to the GSP. These provisions created a new

political complication for GSP. For every year that the GSP is renewed, legislators must approve

hundreds of millions of dollars in spending cuts or tax increases. Proposals to liberalize imports

from developing countries are already quite unpopular in many circles, and they do not become

more politically attractive to legislators when they are associated with new taxes or spending


VIII. How Countries Can Make the Most of the GSP

The preceding analysis has emphasized the point that there are several restrictions built into

the U.S. GSP program. Beneficiary countries can nevertheless take steps to ensure that they

maximize the available benefits under the program. Four specific suggestions follow.

A. Ensure that GSP-Eligible Products Take Advantage of the Program

The first and most simple step is to ensure that GSP-eligible products are in fact taking

advantage of the program. Firms and governments should take the following steps for all

products of interest to them:

1. Determine what the HTSUS number is for a product, and whether or not that product

is eligible for the GSP.

2. Look up whether or not the U.S. imports of that product are actually entering under

the GSP. This can be done by examining the most recent trade data reported in the

database of the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC), accessible on the

Internet at http://dataweb.usitc.gov/.

3. If the data show that significant shares of the country’s exports of a GSP-eligible

product are not entering under the GSP, the firm or government should determine

why the duty-free privileges are not being claimed.

It may be the case that the country’s producers do not meet the GSP rules of origin, in

which case it may be advisable to determine whether it is economically rational to change

production processes (e.g., sourcing of components) in order to meet the rules of origin. If

the rules or origin are already being met, the GSP privileges should be claimed.

B. Seek CNL Waivers When Appropriate

Countries should seek to avoid the loss of GSP benefits by reason of the CNLs. As a general

rule, a GSP beneficiary country will do well to follow four simple rules:

1. Always submit comments in support of de minimis waivers for any products that are

included in the USTR’s annual “warning list.”

2. All of the products identified in the warning list should also be considered candidates

for CNL-waiver petitions later that same year.

3. Products that are eligible for redesignation to the GSP should also be considered

candidates for CNL-waiver petitions, especially those for which current imports are

near (but below) either the dollar-value or the percentage CNL.

4. Examine all available information, including recent trade data (as reported on the

aforementioned USITC Web site) and any known plans for the expansion of

production and exports, to determine whether CNL waivers should be sought for any

other GSP-eligible products.

The logic behind point (2) is simple: Any product that needs a de minimis waiver in one year

is in danger of losing its GSP benefits permanently in a future year. That could easily happen if

the total U.S. imports of that product (i.e., from the specific country and all other sources) are

growing. Even if there is little or no change in the amount that the country itself ships to the

United States, it will not be possible to obtain such a waiver in the future if total U.S. imports

exceed the de minimis level. These points can best be illustrated by considering a concrete

example — ceramic roofing tiles (HTS item 6905.10.00) imported from Venezuela — which

demonstrates the potential costs of not seeking a permanent CNL waiver.

C. Defend Against Petitions to Restrict or Remove Products

Countries should also be aware that the annual petition process offers opportunities for firms

and interest groups that seek to restrict import competition in the U.S. market. Even if the firms

and governments of beneficiary countries do not file petitions of their own, they should examine

the petitions that are filed each year to determine whether any of them would reduce or remove

their own benefits under the GSP. If necessary, they should be prepared to oppose these petitions

by participating in the annual reviews.

D. Consider Seeking the Designation of New Products

The GSP Subcommittee can add new products to the list of GSP-eligible items, provided that

the goods in question are not explicitly prevented from obtaining GSP treatment. It is worthwhile

for a country or firm to consider petition for the GSP designation of any product that meets the

following criteria:

1. The product is subject to duty on an NTR basis, and the tariff is high enough to

matter (e.g., at least one percent).

2. The item has not yet been designated for the GSP.

3. The country is (among the GSP beneficiaries) one of the principal suppliers of this

product to the United States, and/or has plans to expand its production and

exportation of this item.

4. The item is not among those goods that are ineligible for the GSP by statute (i.e., the

law specifically provides that certain goods such as textiles, steel products, oil, etc.

cannot be designated for the GSP).

As in the case of CNL-waiver petitions, countries should be aware that the GSP

Subcommittee requires substantial information in support of such a request. In addition to

examining closely the GSP Model Petition (see Appendix 6), firms and governments should

consider the option of retaining the services of Washington-based consultants or law firms that

are experienced in the preparation of such petitions.

Appendix 1
Status of Independent Countries Under the GSP

Appendix 1
Status of Independent Countries Under the GSP

Regional Least- Other

Origin Developed Programs
Albania — No —
Angola — Yes —
Antigua and Barbuda CARICOM No CBI
Argentina — No —
Armenia — No —
Bahrain — No —
Bangladesh — Yes —
Belarus — No —
Benin WAEMU Yes —
Bhutan — Yes —
Bolivia Andean No ATPA
Bosnia-Hercegovina — No —
Botswana SADC No —
Brazil — No —
Bulgaria — No —
Burkina Faso WAEMU Yes —
Burundi — Yes —
Cambodia ASEAN Yes —
Cameroon — No —
Cape Verde — Yes —
Central African Rep. — Yes —
Chad — Yes —
Chile — No —
Colombia Andean No ATPA
Comoros — Yes —
Congo (Brazzaville) — No —
Congo (Kinshasa) — Yes —
Costa Rica — No CBI
Cote d’lvoire WAEMU No —
Croatia — No —
Czech Republic — No —
Djibouti — Yes —
Dominican Republic — No CBI

Regional Least- Other

Origin Developed Programs
Ecuador Andean No ATPA
Egypt — No —
El Salvador — No CBI
Equatorial Guinea — Yes —
Estonia — No —
Ethiopia — Yes —
Fiji — No —
Gabon — No —
Gambia — Yes —
Ghana — No —
Guatemala — No CBI
Guinea — Yes —
Guinea Bissau WAEMU Yes —
Haiti — Yes CBI
Honduras — No CBI
Hungary — No —
India — No —
Indonesia ASEAN No —
Jordan — No —
Kazakhstan — No —
Kenya — No —
Kiribati — Yes —
Kyrgyzstan — No —
Latvia — No —
Lebanon — No —
Lesotho — Yes —
Lithuania — No —
Macedonia (former — No —
Yugoslav Republic of)
Madagascar — Yes —
Malawi — Yes —
Mali WAEMU Yes —
Malta — No —
Mauritius SADC No —

Regional Least- Other

Origin Developed Programs
Moldova — No —
Mongolia — No —
Morocco — No —
Mozambique — Yes —
Namibia — No —
Nepal — Yes —
Niger WAEMU Yes —
Oman — No —
Pakistan — No —
Panama — No CBI
Papua New Guinea — No —
Paraguay — No —
Peru Andean No ATPA
Philippines ASEAN No —
Poland — No —
Romania — No —
Russia — No —
Rwanda — Yes —
Saint Kitts and Nevis CARICOM No CBI
Saint Lucia CARICOM No CBI
Saint Vincent and the CARICOM No CBI
Sao Tome and Principe — Yes —
Senegal WAEMU No —
Seychelles — No —
Sierra Leone — Yes —
Slovakia — No —
Slovenia — No —
Solomon Islands — No —
Somalia — Yes —
South Africa — No —
Sri Lanka — No —
Suriname — No —
Swaziland — No —
Tanzania SADC Yes —
Thailand ASEAN No —
Togo WAEMU Yes —
Tonga — No —

Regional Least- Other

Origin Developed Programs
Trinidad and Tobago CARICOM No CBI
Tunisia — No —
Turkey — No —
Tuvalu — Yes —
Uganda — Yes —
Ukraine — No —
Uruguay — No —
Uzbekistan — No —
Vanuatu — Yes —
Venezuela Andean No ATPA
Western Samoa — No —
Yemen — Yes —
Zambia — Yes —
Zimbabwe — No —

Andean: Member countries of the Cartagena Agreement (Andean Group), treated as one
country for purposes of the rules of origin.

ASEAN: Member countries of the Association of South East Asian Nations (except Brunei
Darussalam, the Lao PDR, and Singapore), treated as one country for purposes of
the rules of origin.

CARICOM: Member countries of the Caribbean Common Market, treated as one country for
purposes of the rules of origin.

SADC: Member countries of the Southern Africa Development Community, treated as one
country for purposes of the rules of origin.

WAEMU: Member countries of the West African Economic and Monetary Union, treated as
one country for purposes of the rules of origin.
Appendix 2
Status of Non-Independent Countries and Territories
Under the GSP
Appendix 2
Status of Non-Independent Countries and Territories Under the GSP

Regional Least- Other

Origin Developed Programs
Anguilla — No —
British Indian Ocean — No —
Christmas Island — No —
Cocos (Keeling) Islands — No —
Cook Islands — No —
Falkland Islands (Islas — No —
French Polynesia — No —
Gibraltar — No —
Greenland — No —
Heard Island and — No —
McDonald Islands
Montserrat CARICOM No —
New Caledonia — No —
Niue — No —
Norfolk Island — No —
Pitcairn Islands — No —
Saint Helena — No —
Tokelau — No —
Turks and Caicos — No —
Virgin Islands, British — No —
Wallis and Futuna — No —
West Bank and Gaza — No —
Western Sahara — No —

CARICOM: Member countries of the Caribbean Common Market, treated as one country for
purposes of the rules of origin.
Appendix 3
Authorizing Legislation for the GSP in the U.S. Code
Appendix 3
Authorizing Legislation for the GSP in the U.S. Code



Sec. 2461. Authority to extend preferences

The President may provide duty-free treatment for any eligible article from any beneficiary
developing country in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter. In taking any such
action, the President shall have due regard for:

(1) the effect such action will have on furthering the economic development of developing
countries through the expansion of their exports;
(2) the extent to which other major developed countries are undertaking a comparable effort to
assist developing countries by granting generalized preferences with respect to imports of
products of such countries;
(3) the anticipated impact of such action on United States producers of like or directly
competitive products; and
(4) the extent of the beneficiary developing country’s competitiveness with respect to eligible

Sec. 2462. Designation of beneficiary developing countries

(a) Authority to designate countries

(1) Beneficiary developing countries

The President is authorized to designate countries as beneficiary developing countries for

purposes of this subchapter.

(2) Least-developed beneficiary developing countries

The President is authorized to designate any beneficiary developing country as a least-developed

beneficiary developing country for purposes of this subchapter, based on the considerations in
section 2461 of this title and subsection (c) of this section.

(b) Countries ineligible for designation

(1) Specific countries

The following countries may not be designated as beneficiary developing countries for purposes
of this subchapter:
(A) Australia.
(B) Canada.
(C) European Union member states.
(D) Iceland.
(E) Japan.
(F) Monaco.
(G) New Zealand.
(H) Norway.
(I) Switzerland.

(2) Other bases for ineligibility

The President shall not designate any country a beneficiary developing country under this
subchapter if any of the following applies:

(A) Such country is a Communist country, unless:

(i) the products of such country receive nondiscriminatory treatment,

(ii) such country is a WTO Member (as such term is defined in section 3501(10)
of this title) and a member of the International Monetary Fund, and
(iii) such country is not dominated or controlled by international communism.

(B) Such country is a party to an arrangement of countries and participates in any

action pursuant to such arrangement, the effect of which is:
(i) to withhold supplies of vital commodity resources from international trade or
to raise the price of such commodities to an unreasonable level, and
(ii) to cause serious disruption of the world economy.

(C) Such country affords preferential treatment to the products of a developed

country, other than the United States, which has, or is likely to have, a significant
adverse effect on United States commerce.

(D) (i) Such country:

(I) has nationalized, expropriated, or otherwise seized ownership or
control of property, including patents, trademarks, or copyrights,
owned by a United States citizen or by a corporation, partnership, or
association which is 50 percent or more beneficially owned by
United States citizens,
(II) has taken steps to repudiate or nullify an existing contract or
agreement with a United States citizen or a corporation, partnership,
or association which is 50 percent or more beneficially owned by
United States citizens, the effect of which is to nationalize,
expropriate, or otherwise seize ownership or control of property,
including patents, trademarks, or copyrights, so owned, or
(III) has imposed or enforced taxes or other exactions, restrictive
maintenance or operational conditions, or other measures with
respect to property, including patents, trademarks, or copyrights, so
owned, the effect of which is to nationalize, expropriate, or
otherwise seize ownership or control of such property, unless clause
(ii) applies.

(ii) This clause applies if the President determines that:

(I) prompt, adequate, and effective compensation has been or is being
made to the citizen, corporation, partnership, or association referred
to in clause (i),
(II) good faith negotiations to provide prompt, adequate, and effective
compensation under the applicable provisions of international law
are in progress, or the country described in clause (i) is otherwise
taking steps to discharge its obligations under international law with
respect to such citizen, corporation, partnership, or association, or
(III) a dispute involving such citizen, corporation, partnership, or
association over compensation for such a seizure has been submitted
to arbitration under the provisions of the Convention for the
Settlement of Investment Disputes, or in another mutually agreed
upon forum, and the President promptly furnishes a copy of such
determination to the Senate and House of Representatives.

(E) Such country fails to act in good faith in recognizing as binding or in enforcing
arbitral awards in favor of United States citizens or a corporation, partnership, or
association which is 50 percent or more beneficially owned by United States
citizens, which have been made by arbitrators appointed for each case or by
permanent arbitral bodies to which the parties involved have submitted their

(F) Such country aids or abets, by granting sanctuary from prosecution to, any
individual or group which has committed an act of international terrorism or the
Secretary of State makes a determination with respect to such country under
section 2405(j)(1)(A) of title 50, Appendix.

(G) Such country has not taken or is not taking steps to afford internationally
recognized worker rights to workers in the country (including any designated zone
in that country).

Subparagraphs (D), (E), (F), and (G) shall not prevent the designation of any country as a
beneficiary developing country under this subchapter if the President determines that such
designation will be in the national economic interest of the United States and reports such
determination to the Congress with the reasons therefor.

(c) Factors affecting country designation

In determining whether to designate any country as a beneficiary developing country under this
subchapter, the President shall take into account:
(1) an expression by such country of its desire to be so designated;
(2) the level of economic development of such country, including its per capita gross national
product, the living standards of its inhabitants, and any other economic factors which the
resident deems appropriate;
(3) whether or not other major developed countries are extending generalized preferential tariff
treatment to such country;
(4) the extent to which such country has assured the United States that it will provide equitable
and reasonable access to the markets and basic commodity resources of such country and the
extent to which such country has assured the United States that it will refrain from engaging
in unreasonable export practices;
(5) the extent to which such country is providing adequate and effective protection of intellectual
property rights;
(6) the extent to which such country has taken action to:
(A) reduce trade distorting investment practices and policies (including export performance
requirements); and
(B) reduce or eliminate barriers to trade in services; and
(7) whether or not such country has taken or is taking steps to afford to workers in that country
(including any designated zone in that country) internationally recognized worker rights.

(d) Withdrawal, suspension, or limitation of country designation

(1) In general

The President may withdraw, suspend, or limit the application of the duty-free treatment
accorded under this subchapter with respect to any country. In taking any action under this
subsection, the President shall consider the factors set forth in section 2461 of this title and
subsection (c) of this section.

(2) Changed circumstances

The President shall, after complying with the requirements of subsection (f)(2) of this section,
withdraw or suspend the designation of any country as a beneficiary developing country if, after
such designation, the President determines that as the result of changed circumstances such
country would be barred from designation as a beneficiary developing country under subsection
(b)(2) of this section. Such country shall cease to be a beneficiary developing country on the day
on which the President issues an Executive order or Presidential proclamation revoking the
designation of such country under this subchapter.

(3) Advice to Congress

The President shall, as necessary, advise the Congress on the application of section 2461 of this
title and subsection (c) of this section, and the actions the President has taken to withdraw, to
suspend, or to limit the application of duty-free treatment with respect to any country which has
failed to adequately take the actions described in subsection (c) of this section.
(e) Mandatory graduation of beneficiary developing countries

If the President determines that a beneficiary developing country has become a “high income”
country, as defined by the official statistics of the International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development, then the President shall terminate the designation of such country as a beneficiary
developing country for purposes of this subchapter, effective on January 1 of the second year
following the year in which such determination is made.

(f) Congressional notification

(1) Notification of designation

(A) In general

Before the President designates any country as a beneficiary developing country under this
subchapter, the President shall notify the Congress of the President’s intention to make such
designation, together with the considerations entering into such decision.

(B) Designation as least-developed beneficiary developing country

At least 60 days before the President designates any country as a least-developed beneficiary
developing country, the President shall notify the Congress of the President’s intention to make
such designation.

(2) Notification of termination

If the President has designated any country as a beneficiary developing country under this
subchapter, the President shall not terminate such designation unless, at least 60 days before such
termination, the President has notified the Congress and has notified such country of the
President’s intention to terminate such designation, together with the considerations entering into
such decision.

Sec. 2463. Designation of eligible articles

(a) Eligible articles

(1) Designation

(A) In general

Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, the President is authorized to designate
articles as eligible articles from all beneficiary developing countries for purposes of this
subchapter by Executive order or Presidential proclamation after receiving the advice of the
International Trade Commission in accordance with subsection (e) of this section.
(B) Least-developed beneficiary developing countries

Except for articles described in subparagraphs (A), (B), and (E) of subsection (b)(1) of this
section and articles described in paragraphs (2) and (3) of subsection (b) of this section, the
President may, in carrying out section 2462(d)(1) of this title and subsection (c)(1) of this
section, designate articles as eligible articles only for countries designated as least-developed
beneficiary developing countries under section 2462(a)(2) of this title if, after receiving the
advice of the International Trade Commission in accordance with subsection (e) of this section,
the President determines that such articles are not import-sensitive in the context of imports from
least-developed beneficiary developing countries.

(C) Three-year rule

If, after receiving the advice of the International Trade Commission under subsection (e) of this
section, an article has been formally considered for designation as an eligible article under this
subchapter and denied such designation, such article may not be reconsidered for such
designation for a period of 3 years after such denial.

(2) Rule of origin

(A) General rule

The duty-free treatment provided under this subchapter shall apply to any eligible article which
is the growth, product, or manufacture of a beneficiary developing country if :

(i) that article is imported directly from a beneficiary developing country into the
customs territory of the United States; and
(ii) the sum of:
(I) the cost or value of the materials produced in the beneficiary developing
country or any two or more such countries that are members of the same
association of countries and are treated as one country under section
2467(2) of this title, plus
(II) the direct costs of processing operations performed in such beneficiary
developing country or such member countries, is not less than 35 percent
of the appraised value of such article at the time it is entered.

(B) Exclusions

An article shall not be treated as the growth, product, or manufacture of a beneficiary developing
country by virtue of having merely undergone:

(i) simple combining or packaging operations, or

(ii) mere dilution with water or mere dilution with another substance that does not
materially alter the characteristics of the article.
(3) Regulations

The Secretary of the Treasury, after consulting with the United States Trade Representative, shall
prescribe such regulations as may be necessary to carry out paragraph (2), including, but not
limited to, regulations providing that, in order to be eligible for duty-free treatment under this
subchapter, an article:
(A) must be wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of a beneficiary
developing country, or
(B) must be a new or different article of commerce which has been grown,
produced, or manufactured in the beneficiary developing country.

(b) Articles that may not be designated as eligible articles

(1) Import-sensitive articles

The President may not designate any article as an eligible article under subsection (a) of this
section if such article is within one of the following categories of import-sensitive articles:

(A) Textile and apparel articles which were not eligible articles for purposes of this
subchapter on January 1, 1994, as this subchapter was in effect on such date.
(B) Watches, except those watches entered after June 30, 1989, that the President
specifically determines, after public notice and comment, will not cause material
injury to watch or watch band, strap, or bracelet manufacturing and assembly
operations in the United States or the United States insular possessions.
(C) Import-sensitive electronic articles.
(D) Import-sensitive steel articles.
(E) Footwear, handbags, luggage, flat goods, work gloves, and leather wearing apparel
which were not eligible articles for purposes of this subchapter on January 1, 1995,
as this subchapter was in effect on such date.
(F) Import-sensitive semi-manufactured and manufactured glass products.
(G) Any other articles which the President determines to be import-sensitive in the
context of the Generalized System of Preferences.

(2) Articles against which other actions taken

An article shall not be an eligible article for purposes of this subchapter for any period during
which such article is the subject of any action proclaimed pursuant to section 2253 of this title or
section 1862 or 1981 of this title.

(3) Agricultural products

No quantity of an agricultural product subject to a tariff-rate quota that exceeds the in-quota
quantity shall be eligible for duty-free treatment under this subchapter.
(c) Withdrawal, suspension, or limitation of duty-free treatment; competitive need

(1) In general

The President may withdraw, suspend, or limit the application of the duty-free treatment
accorded under this subchapter with respect to any article, except that no rate of duty may be
established with respect to any article pursuant to this subsection other than the rate which would
apply but for this subchapter. In taking any action under this subsection, the President shall
consider the factors set forth in sections 2461 and 2462(c) of this title.

(2) Competitive need limitation

(A) Basis for withdrawal of duty-free treatment

(i) In general

Except as provided in clause (ii) and subject to subsection (d) of this section, whenever the
President determines that a beneficiary developing country has exported (directly or indirectly)
to the United States during any calendar year beginning after December 31, 1995:

(I) a quantity of an eligible article having an appraised value in excess of the

applicable amount for the calendar year, or
(II) a quantity of an eligible article equal to or exceeding 50 percent of the appraised
value of the total imports of that article into the United States during any
calendar year,

the President shall, not later than July 1 of the next calendar year, terminate the duty-free
treatment for that article from that beneficiary developing country.

(ii) Annual adjustment of applicable amount

For purposes of applying clause (i), the applicable amount is:

(I) for 1996, $75,000,000, and

(II) for each calendar year thereafter, an amount equal to the applicable amount in
effect for the preceding calendar year plus $5,000,000.

(B) “Country” defined

For purposes of this paragraph, the term “country” does not include an association of countries
which is treated as one country under section 2467(2) of this title, but does include a country
which is a member of any such association.

(C) Redesignations

A country which is no longer treated as a beneficiary developing country with respect to an

eligible article by reason of subparagraph (A) may, subject to the considerations set forth in
sections 2461 and 2462 of this title, be redesignated a beneficiary developing country with
respect to such article if imports of such article from such country did not exceed the limitations
in subparagraph (A) during the preceding calendar year.

(D) Least-developed beneficiary developing countries

Subparagraph (A) shall not apply to any least-developed beneficiary developing country.

(E) Articles not produced in the United States excluded

Subparagraph (A)(i)(II) shall not apply with respect to any eligible article if a like or directly
competitive article was not produced in the United States on January 1, 1995.

(F) De minimis waivers

(i) In general

The President may disregard subparagraph (A)(i)(II) with respect to any eligible article from any
beneficiary developing country if the aggregate appraised value of the imports of such article
into the United States during the preceding calendar year does not exceed the applicable amount
for such preceding calendar year.

(ii) Applicable amount

For purposes of applying clause (i), the applicable amount is:

(I) for calendar year 1996, $13,000,000, and

(II) for each calendar year thereafter, an amount equal to the applicable amount in
effect for the preceding calendar year plus $500,000.

(d) Waiver of competitive need limitation

(1) In general

The President may waive the application of subsection (c)(2) of this section with respect to any
eligible article of any beneficiary developing country if, before July 1 of the calendar year
beginning after the calendar year for which a determination described in subsection (c)(2)(A) of
this section was made with respect to such eligible article, the President:

(A) receives the advice of the International Trade Commission under section 1332 of this
title on whether any industry in the United States is likely to be adversely affected by
such waiver,
(B) determines, based on the considerations described in sections 2461 and 2462(c) of
this title and the advice described in subparagraph (A), that such waiver is in the
national economic interest of the United States, and
(C) publishes the determination described in subparagraph (B) in the Federal Register.

(2) Considerations by the President

In making any determination under paragraph (1), the President shall give great weight to:
(A) the extent to which the beneficiary developing country has assured the United States
that such country will provide equitable and reasonable access to the markets and
basic commodity resources of such country, and
(B) the extent to which such country provides adequate and effective protection of
intellectual property rights.

(3) Other bases for waiver

The President may waive the application of subsection (c)(2) of this section if, before July 1 of
the calendar year beginning after the calendar year for which a determination described in
subsection (c)(2) of this section was made with respect to a beneficiary developing country, the
President determines that:
(A) there has been a historical preferential trade relationship between the United States
and such country,
(B) there is a treaty or trade agreement in force covering economic relations between
such country and the United States, and
(C) such country does not discriminate against, or impose unjustifiable or unreasonable
barriers to, United States commerce,

and the President publishes that determination in the Federal Register.

(4) Limitations on waivers

(A) In general

The President may not exercise the waiver authority under this subsection with respect to a
quantity of an eligible article entered during any calendar year beginning after 1995, the
aggregate appraised value of which equals or exceeds 30 percent of the aggregate appraised
value of all articles that entered duty-free under this subchapter during the preceding
calendar year.

(B) Other waiver limits

The President may not exercise the waiver authority provided under this subsection with respect
to a quantity of an eligible article entered during any calendar year beginning after 1995, the
aggregate appraised value of which exceeds 15 percent of the aggregate appraised value of all
articles that have entered duty-free under this subchapter during the preceding calendar year
from those beneficiary developing countries which for the preceding calendar year:
(i) had a per capita gross national product (calculated on the basis of the best available
information, including that of the International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development) of $5,000 or more; or
(ii) had exported (either directly or indirectly) to the United States a quantity of articles that
was duty-free under this subchapter that had an aggregate appraised value of more than
10 percent of the aggregate appraised value of all articles that entered duty-free under this
subchapter during that year.
(C) Calculation of limitations

There shall be counted against the limitations imposed under subparagraphs (A) and (B) for any
calendar year only that value of any eligible article of any country that:
(i) entered duty-free under this subchapter during such calendar year; and
(ii) is in excess of the value of that article that would have been so entered during such
calendar year if the limitations under subsection (c)(2)(A) of this section applied.

(5) Effective period of waiver

Any waiver granted under this subsection shall remain in effect until the President determines
that such waiver is no longer warranted due to changed circumstances.

(e) International Trade Commission advice

Before designating articles as eligible articles under subsection (a)(1) of this section, the
President shall publish and furnish the International Trade Commission with lists of articles
which may be considered for designation as eligible articles for purposes of this subchapter. The
provisions of sections 2151, 2152, 2153, and 2154 of this title shall be complied with as though
action under section 2461 of this title and this section were action under section 2133 of this title
to carry out a trade agreement entered into under section 2133 of this title.

(f) Special rule concerning Puerto Rico

No action under this subchapter may affect any tariff duty imposed by the Legislature of Puerto
Rico pursuant to section 1319 of this title on coffee imported into Puerto Rico.
Appendix 4
U.S. Customs Service Rules on the GSP
In the Code of Federal Regulations
Appendix 4
U.S. Customs Service Rules on the GSP
In the Code of Federal Regulations



Sec. 10.172 Claim for exemption from duty under the Generalized System of Preferences.

A claim for an exemption from duty on the ground that the Generalized System of Preferences
applies shall be allowed by the port director only if he is satisfied that the requirements set forth
in this section and Secs. 10.173 through 10.178 have been met. If duty-free treatment is claimed
at the time of entry, a written claim shall be filed on the entry document by placing the symbol
“A” as a prefix to the subheading of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States for
each article for which such treatment is claimed.

Sec. 10.173 Evidence of country of origin.

(a) Shipments covered by a formal entry

(1) Merchandise not wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of a beneficiary developing

(i) Declaration. In a case involving merchandise covered by a formal entry which is not wholly
the growth, product, or manufacture of a single beneficiary developing country, the exporter of
the merchandise or other appropriate party having knowledge of the relevant facts shall be
prepared to submit directly to the port director, upon request, a declaration setting forth all
pertinent detailed information concerning the production or manufacture of the merchandise.
When requested by the port director, the declaration shall be prepared in substantially the
following form:
(name), hereby declare that the articles described below were produced or
manufactured in ________________ (country) by means of processing operations
performed in that country as set forth below and were also subjected to
processing operations in the other country or countries which are members of
the same association of countries as set forth below and incorporate materials
produced in the country named above or in any other country or countries which
are members of the same association of countries as set forth below:
Processing operations performed Materials produced in a
on articles beneficiary developing country
--------------------------------- or members of the same
Description of -------------------------------
Number and date of invoices articles and Description of Description of
quantity processing Direct costs material,
operations and of processing production Cost or value
country of operations process, and of material
processing country of
............... ............... .............. .............. ..............
............... ............... .............. .............. ..............
............... ............... .............. .............. ..............
............... ............... .............. .............. ..............

(ii) Retention of records and submission of declaration. The information necessary for
preparation of the declaration shall be retained in the files of the party responsible for its
preparation and submission for a period of 5 years. In the event that the port director requests
submission of the declaration during the 5-year period, it shall be submitted by the appropriate
party directly to the port director within 60 days of the date of the request or such additional
period as the port director may allow for good cause shown. Failure to submit the declaration in a
timely fashion will result in a denial of duty-free treatment.

(2) Merchandise wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of a beneficiary developing


In a case involving merchandise covered by a formal entry which is wholly the growth, product,
or manufacture of a single beneficiary developing country, a statement to that effect shall be
included on the commercial invoice provided to Customs.

(b) Shipments covered by an informal entry.

Although the filing of the declaration provided for in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section will not
be required for a shipment covered by an informal entry, the port director may require such other
evidence of country of origin as deemed necessary.

(c) Verification of documentation.

Any evidence of country of origin submitted under this section shall be subject to such
verification as the port director deems necessary. In the event that the port director is prevented
from obtaining the necessary verification, the port director may treat the entry as dutiable.

Sec. 10.174 Evidence of direct shipment.

(a) Documents constituting evidence of direct shipment.

The port director may require that appropriate shipping papers, invoices, or other documents be
submitted within 60 days of the date of entry as evidence that the articles were “imported
directly”, as that term is defined in Sec. 10.175. Any evidence of direct shipment required by the
port director shall be subject to such verification as he deems necessary.

(b) Waiver of evidence of direct shipment.

The port director may waive the submission of evidence of direct shipment when he is otherwise
satisfied, taking into consideration the kind and value of the merchandise, that the merchandise
clearly qualifies for treatment under the Generalized System of Preferences.

Sec. 10.175 Imported directly defined.

Eligible articles shall be imported directly from a beneficiary developing country to qualify for
treatment under the Generalized System of Preferences. For purposes of Secs. 10.171 through
10.178 the words “imported directly” mean:
(a) Direct shipment from the beneficiary country to the United States without passing through
the territory of any other country; or
(b) If the shipment is from a beneficiary developing country to the U.S. through the territory of
any other country, the merchandise in the shipment does not enter into the commerce of any
other country while en route to the U.S., and the invoice, bills of lading, and other shipping
documents show the U.S. as the final destination; or
(c) If shipped from the beneficiary developing country to the United States through a free trade
zone in a beneficiary developing country, the merchandise shall not enter into the commerce
of the country maintaining the free trade zone, and
(1) The eligible articles must not undergo any operation other than:
(i) Sorting, grading, or testing,
(ii) Packing, unpacking, changes of packing, decanting or repacking into other
(iii) Affixing marks, labels, or other like distinguishing signs on articles or their
packing, if incidental to operations allowed under this section, or
(iv) Operations necessary to ensure the preservation of merchandise in its condition as
introduced into the free trade zone.
(2) Merchandise may be purchased and resold, other than at retail, for export within the free
trade zone.
(3) For the purposes of this section, a free trade zone is a predetermined area or region
declared and secured by or under governmental authority, where certain operations may
be performed with respect to articles, without such articles having entered into the
commerce of the country maintaining the free trade zone; or
(d) If the shipment is from any beneficiary developing country to the U.S through the territory of
any other country and the invoices and other documents do not show the U.S as the final
destination, the articles in the shipment upon arrival in the U.S. are imported directly only if
(1) Remained under the control of the customs authority of the intermediate country;
(2) Did not enter into the commerce of the intermediate country except for the purpose of
sale other than at retail, and the port director is satisfied that the importation results from
the original commercial transaction between the importer and the producer or the
latter’s sales agent; and
(3) Were not subjected to operations other than loading and unloading, and other activities
necessary to preserve the articles in good condition; or
(e) (1) Shipment to the U.S. from a beneficiary developing country which is a member of an
association of countries treated as one country under section 502(a)(3), Trade Act of 1974, as
amended (19 U.S.C. 2462(a)(3)), through the territory of a former beneficiary developing
country whose designation as a member of the same association for GSP purposes was
terminated by the President pursuant to section 504, Trade Act of 1974, as amended (19
U.S.C. 2464), provided the articles in the shipment did not enter into the commerce of the
former beneficiary developing country except for purposes of performing one or more of the
operations specified in paragraph (c)(1) of this section and except for purposes of purchase or
resale, other than at retail, for export.
(2) The designation of the following countries as members of an association of countries for
GSP purposes has been terminated by the President pursuant to section 504 of the Trade Act
of 1974 (19 U.S.C. 2464):
The Bahamas
Brunei Darussalam

Sec. 10.176 Country of origin criteria.

(a) Merchandise produced in a beneficiary developing country or any two or more

countries which are members of the same association of countries.

Merchandise which is (1) the growth, product, manufacture, or assembly of (i) a beneficiary
developing country or (ii) any two or more countries which are members of the same association
of countries and (2) imported directly from such beneficiary developing country or member
countries, may quality for duty-free entry under the Generalized System of Preferences (“GSP”).
However, duty free entry under GSP may be accorded only if: (i) The sum of the cost or value of
the materials produced in the beneficiary developing country or any two or more countries which
are members of the same association of countries which is treated as one country under section
502(a)(3), Trade Act of 1974, as amended (19 U.S.C. 2462(a)(3)), plus (ii) the direct costs of
processing operations performed in such beneficiary developing country or member countries, is
not less than 35 percent of the appraised value of the article at the time of its entry into the
customs territory of the United States.

(b) [Reserved]

(c) Merchandise grown, produced, or manufactured in a beneficiary developing country.

Merchandise which is wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of a beneficiary developing

country, or an association of countries treated as one country under section 502(a)(3) of the
Trade Act of 1974 as amended (19 U.S.C. 2462(a)(3)) and Sec. 10.171(b), and manufactured
products consisting of materials produced only in such country or countries, shall normally be
presumed to meet the requirements set forth in this section.

Sec. 10.177 Cost or value of materials produced in the beneficiary developing country.

(a) “Produced in the beneficiary developing country” defined.

For purposes of Secs. 10.171 through 10.178, the words “produced in the beneficiary developing
country” refer to the constituent materials of which the eligible article is composed which are
(1) Wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of the beneficiary developing country; or
(2) Substantially transformed in the beneficiary developing country into a new and different
article of commerce.

(b) Questionable origin.

When the origin of an article either is not ascertainable or not satisfactorily demonstrated to the
port director, the article shall not be considered to have been produced in the beneficiary
developing country.
(c) Determination of cost or value of materials produced in the beneficiary developing

(1) The cost or value of materials produced in the beneficiary developing country includes:
(i) The manufacturer’s actual cost for the materials;
(ii) When not included in the manufacturer’s actual cost for the materials, the freight,
insurance, packing, and all other costs incurred in transporting the materials to the
manufacturer’s plant;
(iii) The actual cost of waste or spoilage (material list), less the value of recoverable scrap;
(iv) Taxes and/or duties imposed on the materials by the beneficiary developing country, or
an association of countries treated as one country, provided they are not remitted upon
(2) Where the material is provided to the manufacturer without charge, or at less than fair market
value, its cost or value shall be determined by computing the sum of:
(i) All expenses incurred in the growth, production, manufacture or assembly of the
material, including general expenses;
(ii) An amount for profit; and
(iii) Freight, insurance, packing, and all other costs incurred in transporting the materials to
the manufacturer’s plant.

If the pertinent information needed to compute the cost or value of the materials is not available,
the appraising officer may ascertain or estimate the value thereof using all reasonable ways and
means at his disposal.

Sec. 10.178 Direct costs of processing operations performed in the beneficiary developing

(a) Items included in the direct costs of processing operations.

As used in Sec. 10.176, the words “direct costs of processing operations” means those costs
either directly incurred in, or which can be reasonably allocated to, the growth, production,
manufacture, or assembly of the specific merchandise under consideration. Such costs include,
but are not limited to:
(1) All actual labor costs involved in the growth, production, manufacture, or assembly of the
specific merchandise, including fringe benefits, on-the-job training, and the cost of
engineering, supervisory, quality control, and similar personnel;
(2) Dies, molds, tooling, and depreciation on machinery and equipment which are allocable to
the specific merchandise;
(3) Research, development, design, engineering, and blueprint costs insofar as they are allocable
to the specific merchandise; and
(4) Costs of inspecting and testing the specific merchandise.

(b) Items not included in the direct costs of processing operations.

Those items which are not included within the meaning of the words “direct costs of processing
operations” are those which are not directly attributable to the merchandise under consideration
or are not “costs” of manufacturing the product. These include, but are not limited to:
(1) Profit; and
(2)General expenses of doing business which are either not allocable to the specific
merchandise or are not related to the growth, production, manufacture, or assembly of the
merchandise, such as administrative salaries, casualty and liability insurance, advertising, and
salesmen’s salaries, commissions, or expenses
Appendix 5
U.S. Trade Representative Rules on the
GSP in the Code of Federal Regulations
Appendix 5
U.S. Trade Representative Rules on the
GSP in the Code of Federal Regulations




(GSP (15 CFR PART 2007))

Sec. 2007.0 Requests for reviews.

(a) An interested party may submit a request (1) that additional articles be designated as eligible
for GSP duty-free treatment, provided that the article has not been accepted for review within the
three preceding calendar years; or (2) that the duty-free treatment accorded to eligible articles
under the GSP be withdrawn, suspended or limited; or (3) for a determination of whether a like
or directly competitive product was produced ni the United States on January 3, 1985 for the
purposes of section 504(d)(1) (19 U.S. 2464(d)(1)); or (4) that the President exercise his waiver
authority with respect to a specific article or articles pursuant to section 504(c)(3) (19 U.S.C.
2464(c)(3)); or (5) that product coverage be otherwise modified.
(b) During the annual reviews and general reviews conducted pursuant to the schedule set out in
Sec. 2007.3 any person may file a request to have the GSP status of any eligible beneficiary
developing country reviewed with respect to any of the designation criteria listed in section
502(b) or 502(c) (19 U.S.C. 2642 (b) and (c)). Such requests must (1) specify the name of the
person or the group requesting the review; (2) identify the beneficiary country that would be
subject to the review; (3) indicate the specific section 502(b) or 502(c) criteria which the
requestor believes warrants review; (4) provide a statement of reasons why the beneficiary
country’s status should be reviewed along with all available supporting information; (5) supply
any other relevant information as requested by the GSP Subcommittee. If the subject matter of
the request has been reviewed pursuant to a previous request, the request must include
substantial new information warranting further consideration of the issue.
(c) An interested party or any other person may make submissions supporting, opposing or
otherwise commenting on a request submitted pursuant to either paragraph (a) or (b) of this
(d) For the purposes of the regulations set out under Sec. 2007.0 et seq., an interested party is
defined as a party who has significant economic interest in the subject matter of the request, or
any other party representing a significant economic interest that would be materially affected by
the action requested, such as a domestic producer of a like or directly competitive article, a
commercial importer or retailer of an article which is eligible for the GSP or for which such
eligibility is requested, or a foreign government.
(e) All requests and other submissions should be submitted in 20 copies, and should be addressed
to the Chairman, GSP Subcommittee, Trade Policy Staff Committee, Office of the United States
Trade Representative, 600 17th Street, NW., Washington, DC 20506. Requests by foreign
governments may be made in the form of diplomatic correspondence provided that such requests
comply with the requirements of Sec. 2007.1.
(f) The Trade Policy Staff Committee (TPSC) may at any time, on its own motion, initiate any of
the actions described in paragraph (a) or (b) of this section.

Sec. 2007.1 Information required of interested parties in submitting requests for

modifications in the last of eligible articles.

(a) General Information Required. A request submitted pursuant to this part, hereinafter also
referred to as a petition, except requests submitted pursuant to Sec. 2007.0(b), shall state clearly
on the first page that it is a request for action with respect to the provision of duty-free treatment
for an article or articles under the GSP, and must contain all information listed in this paragraph
and in paragraphs (b) and (c). Petitions which do not contain the information required by this
paragraph shall not be accepted for review except upon a showing that the petitioner made a
good faith effort to obtain the information required. Petitions shall contain, in addition to any
other information specifically requested, the following information:
(1) The name of the petitioner, the person, firm or association represented by the petitioner, and
a brief description of the interest of the petitioner claiming to be affected by the operation of
the GSP;
(2) An identification of the product or products of interest to the petitioner, including a detailed
description of products and their uses and the identification of the pertinent item number of
the Tariff Schedules of the United States (TSUS). Where the product or products of interest
are included withother products in a basket category of the TSUS, provide a detailed
description of the product or products of interest;
(3) A description of the action requested, together with a statement of the reasons therefor and
any supporting information;
(4) A statement of whether to the best of the Petitioner’s knowledge, the reasoning and
information has been presented to the TPSC previously either by the petitioner or another
party. If the Petitioner has knowledge the request has been made previously, it must include
either new information which indicates changed circumstances or a rebuttal of the factors
supporting the denial of the previous request. If it is a request for a product addition, the
previous request must not have been formally accepted for review within the preceding three
calendar year period; and
(5) A statement of the benefits anticipated by the petitioner if the request is granted, along with
supporting facts or arguments.
(b) Requests to withdraw, limit or suspend eligibility with respect to designated articles. Petitions
requesting withdrawal or limitation of duty-free treatment accorded under GSP to an eligible
article or articles must include the following information with respect to the relevant United
States industry for the most recent three year period:
(1) The names, number and locations of the firms producing a like or directly competitive
(2) Actual production figures;
(3) Production capacity and capacity utilization;
(4) Employment figures, including number, type, wage rate, location, and changes in any of
these elements;
(5) Sales figures in terms of quantity, value and price;
(6) Quantity and value of exports, as well as principal export markets;
(7) Profitability of firm on firms producing the like product, if possible show profit data by
product line;
(8) Analysis of cost including materials, labor and overhead;
(9) A discussion of the competitive situation of the domestic industry;
(10) Identification of competitors; analysis of the effect imports receiving duty-free treatment
under the GSP have on competition and the business of the interest on whose behalf the
request is made;
(11) Any relevant information relating to the factors listed in section 501 and 502(c) of Title V
of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended (19 U.S.C. 2501, 502(c)) such as identification of
tariff and non-tariff barriers to sales in foreign markets;
(12) Any other relevant information including any additional information that may be
requested by the GSP Subcommittee.

This information should be submitted with the request for each article that is the subject of the
request, both for the party making the request, and to the extent possible, for the industry to
which the request pertains.
(c) Requests to designate new articles. Information to be provided in petitions requesting the
designation of new articles submitted by interested parties must include for the most recent three
year period the following information for the beneficiary country on whose behalf the request is
being made and, to the extent possible, other principal beneficiary country suppliers:
(1) Identification of the principal beneficiary country suppliers expected to benefit from
proposed modification;
(2) Name and location of firms;
(3) Actual production figures (and estimated increase in GSP status is granted);
(4) Actual production and capacity utilization (and estimated increase if GSP status is
(5) Employment figures, including numbers, type, wage rate, location and changes in any of
these elements if GSP treatment is granted;
(6) Sales figures in terms of quantity, value and prices;
(7) Information on total exports including principal markets, the distribution of products,
existing tariff preferences in such markets, total quantity, value and trends in exports;
(8) Information on exports to the United States in terms of quantity, value and price, as well
as considerations which affect the competitiveness of these exports relative to exports to
the United States by other beneficiary countries of a like or directly competitive product.
Where possible, petitioners should provide information on the development of the
industry in beneficiary countries and trends in their production and promotional activities;
(9) Analysis of cost including materials, labor and overhead;
(10) Profitability of firms producing the product;
(11) Information on unit prices and a statement of other considerations such as variations in
quality or use that affect price competition;
(12) If the petition is submitted by a foreign government or a government controlled entity, it
should include a statement of the manner in which the requested action would further the
economic development of the country submitting the petition;
(13) If appropriate, an assessment of how the article would qualify under the GSP’s 35 percent
value-added requirements; and
(14) Any other relevant information, including any information that may be requested by the
GSP Subcommittee.
Submissions made by persons in support of or opposition to a request made under this part
should conform to the requirements for requests contained in Sec. 2007.1(a) (3) and (4), and
should supply such other relevant information as is available.

Sec. 2007.2 Action following receipt of requests for modifications in the list of eligible
articles and for reviews of the GSP status of eligible beneficiary countries with respect to
designation criteria.

(a) (1) If a request submitted pursuant to Sec. 2007.0(a) does not conform to the requirements
set forth above, or if it is clear from available information that the request does not warrant
further consideration, the request shall not be accepted for review. Upon written request, requests
which are not accepted for review will be returned together with a written statement of the
reasons why the request was not accepted.
(2) If a request submitted pursuant to Sec. 2007.0(b) does not conform to the requirements
set forth above, or if the request does not provide sufficient information relevant to subsection
502(b) or 502(c) (19 U.S.C. 2642 (b) and (c)) to warrant review, or if it is clear from available
information that the request does not fall within the criteria of subsection 502(b) or 502(c), the
request shall not be accepted for review. Upon written request, requests which are not accepted
for review will be returned together with a written statement of the reasons why the request was
not accepted.
(b) Requests which conform to the requirements set forth above or for which petitioners have
demonstrated a good faith effort to obtain information in order to meet the requirements set forth
above, and for which further consideration is deemed warranted, shall be accepted for review.
(c) The TPSC shall announce in the Federal Register those requests which will be considered for
full examination in the annual review and the deadlines for submissions made pursuant to the
review, including the deadlines for submission of comments on the U.S. International Trade
Commission (USITC) report in instances in which USITC advice is requested.
(d) In conducting annual reviews, the TPSC shall hold public hearings in order to provide the
opportunity for public testimony on petitions and requests filed pursuant to paragraphs (a) and
(b) of Sec. 2007.0.
(e) As appropriate, the USTR on behalf of the President will request advice from the USITC.
(f) The GSP Subcommittee of the TPSC shall conduct the first level of interagency consideration
under this part, and shall submit the results of its review to the TPSC.
(g) The TPSC shall review the work of the GSP Subcommittee and shall conduct, as necessary,
further reviews of requests submitted and accepted under this part. Unless subject to additional
review, the TPSC shall prepare recommendations for the President on any modifications to the
GSP under this part. The Chairman of the TPSC shall report the results of the TPSC’s review to
the U.S. Trade Representative who may convene the Trade Policy Review Group (TPRG) or the
Trade Policy Committee (TPC) for further review of recommendations and other decisions as
necessary. The U.S. Trade Representative, after receiving the advice of the TPSC, TPRG or
TPC, shall make recommendations to the President on any modifications to the GSP under this
part, including recommendations that no modifications be made.
(h) In considering whether to recommend: (1) That additional articles be designated as eligible
for the GSP; (2) that the duty-free treatment accorded to eligible articles under the GSP be
withdrawn, suspended or limited; (3) that product coverage be otherwise modified; or (4) that
changes be made with respect to the GSP status of eligible beneficiary countries, the GSP
Subcommittee on behalf of the TPSC, TPRG, or TPC shall review the relevant information
submitted in connection with or concerning a request under this part together with any other
information which may be available relevant to the statutory prerequisites for Presidential action
contained in Title V of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended (19 U.S.C. 2461-2465).

Sec. 2007.3 Timetable for reviews.

(a) Annual review.

Beginning in calendar year 1986, reviews of pending requests shall be conducted at least once
each year, according to the following schedule, unless otherwise specified by Federal Register
(1) June 1, deadline for acceptance of petitions for review;
(2) July 15, Federal Register announcement of petitions accepted for review;
(3) September/October — public hearings and submission of written briefs and rebuttal
(4) December/January — opportunity for public comment on USITC public reports;
(5) Results announced on April 1 will be implemented on July 1, the statutory effective date of
modifications to the program. If the date specified is on or immediately follows a weekend or
holiday, the effective date will be on the second working day following such weekend or

(b) Requests filed pursuant to paragraph (a) or (b) of Sec. 2007.0 which indicate the
existence of unusual circumstances warranting an immediate review may be considered

Requests for such urgent consideration should contain a statement of reasons indicating why an
expedited review is warranted.

(c) General Review.

Section 504(c)(2) of Title V of the Trade Act of 1974 (19 U.S.C. 2464(c)(2)) requires that, not
later than January 4, 1987 and periodically thereafter, the President conduct a general review of
eligible articles based on the considerations in sections 501 and 502(c) of Title V. The initiation
and scheduling of such reviews as well as the timetable for submission of comments and
statements will be announced in the Federal Register. The first general review was initiated on
February 14, 1985 and will be completed by January 3, 1987. The initiation of the review and
deadlines for submission of comments and statements were announced in the Federal Register on
February 14, 1985 (50 FR 6294).

Sec. 2007.4 Publication regarding requests.

(a) Whenever a request is received which conforms to these regulations or which is accepted
pursuant to Sec. 2007.2 a statement of the fact that the request has been received, the subject
matter of the request (including if appropriate, the TSUS item number or numbers and
description of the article or articles covered by the request), and a request for public comment on
the petitions received shall be published in the Federal Register.
(b) Upon the completion of a review and publication of any Presidential action modifying the
GSP, a summary of the decisions made will be published in the Federal Register including:
(1) A list of actions taken in response to requests; and
(2) A list of requests which are pending.
(c) Whenever, following a review, there is to be no change in the status of an article with respect
to the GSP in response to a request filed under Sec. 2007.0(a), the party submitting a request
with respect to such articles may request an explanation of factors considered.
(d) Whenever, following a review, there is to be no change in the status of a beneficiary country
with respect to the GSP in response to a request filed under Sec. 2007.0(b), the GSP
Subcommittee will notify the party submitting the request in writing of the reasons why the
requested action was not taken.

Sec. 2007.5 Written briefs and oral testimony.

Sections 2003.2 and 2003.4 of this chapter shall be applicable to the submission of any written
briefs or requests to present oral testimony in connection with a review under this part. For the
purposes of this section, the term “interested party” as used in Secs. 2003.2 and 2003.4 shall be
interpreted as including parties submitting petitions and requests pursuant to Sec. 2007.0(a) or
(b) as well as any other person wishing to file written briefs or present oral testimony.

Sec. 2007.6 Information open to public inspection.

With exception of information subject to Sec. 2007.7 any person may, upon request inspect at the
Office of the United States Trade Representative:
(a) Any written request, brief, or similar submission of information made pursuant to this part;
(b) Any stenographic record of any public hearings which may be held pursuant to this part.

Sec. 2007.7 Information exempt from public inspection.

(a) Information submitted in confidence shall be exempt from public inspection if it is

determined that the disclosure of such information is not required by law.
(b) A party requesting an exemption from public inspection for information submitted in writing
shall clearly mark each page “Submitted in Confidence” at the top, and shall submit a
nonconfidential summary of the confidential information. Such person shall also provide a
written explanation of why the material should be so protected.
(c) A request for exemption of any particular information may be denied if it is determined that
such information is not entitled to exemption under law. In the event of such a denial, the
information will be returned to the person who submitted it, with a statement of the reasons for
the denial.

Sec. 2007.8 Other reviews of article eligibilities.

(a) As soon after the beginning of each calendar year as relevant trade data for the preceding year
are available, modifications of the GSP in accordance with section 504(c) of the Trade Act of
1974 as amended (19 U.S.C. 2464) will be considered.
(b) General Review. Section 504(c)(2) of Title V of the Trade Act of 1974 as amended (19
U.S.C. 2464(c)(2)) requires that not later than January 4, 1987 and periodically thereafter, the
President conduct a general review of eligible articles based on the considerations in sections 501
and 502 of Title V. The purpose of these reviews is to determine which articles from which
beneficiary countries are “sufficiently competitive” to warrant a reduced competitive need limit.
Those articles determined to be “sufficiently competitive” will be subject to a new lower
competitive need limit set at 25 percent of the value of total U.S imports of the article, or $25
million (this figure will be adjusted annually in accordance with nominal changes in U.S. gross
national product (GNP), using 1984 as the base year). All other articles will continue to be
subject to the original competitive need limits of 50 percent or $25 million (this figure is adjusted
annually using 1974 as the base year).

(1) Scope of General Reviews.

In addition to an examination the competitiveness of specific articles from particular beneficiary

countries, the general review will also include consideration of requests for competitive need
limit waivers pursuant to section 504(c)(3)(A) of Title V of the Trade Act of 1974 as amended
(19 U.S.C. 2464(c)) and requests for a determination of no domestic production under section
504(d)(1) of Title V of the Trade Act of 1974 as amended (19 U.S.C. 2464(d)(1)).

(2) Factors To Be Considered.

In determining whether a beneficiary country should be subjected to the lower competitive need
limits with respect to a particular article, the President shall consider the following factors
contained in sections 501 and 502(c) of Title V:
(i) The effect such action will have on furthering the economic development of developing
countries through expansion of their exports;
(ii) The extent to which other major developed countries are undertaking a comparable effort
to assist developing countries by granting generalized preferences with respect to imports
of products of such countries;
(iii) The anticipated impact of such action on the United States producers of like or directly
competitive products;
(iv) The extent of the beneficiary developing country’s competitiveness with respect to eligible
(v) The level of economic development of such country, including its per capita GNP, the
living standard of its inhabitants and any other economic factors the President deems
(vi) Whether or not the other major developed countries are extending generalized preferential
tariff treatment to such country;
(vii) The extent to which such country has assured the United States it will provide equitable
and reasonable access to the markets and basic commodity resources of such country and
the extent to which such country has assured the United States that it will refrain from
engaging in unreasonable export practices;
(viii) The extent to which such country is providing adequate and effective means under its laws
for foreign nationals to secure, to exercise and to enforce exclusive rights in intellectual
property, including patents, trademarks and copyrights;
(ix) The extent to which such country has taken action to:
(A) Reduce trade distorting investment practices and policies (including export
performance requirements); and
(B) Reduce or eliminate barriers to trade in services; and
(x) Whether or not such country has taken or is taking steps to afford workers in that country
(including any designated zone in that country) internationally recognized worker rights.
Appendix 6
The GSP Model Petition
Appendix 6
The GSP Model Petition

Part l: General Information Required of all Petitioners:

1. Provide the name of the petitioner, and the person, firm or association represented by the
petitioner. Briefly describe interest of petitioner that is being affected by the operation of the
2. Identify the product or products or interest, including a detailed description of the product(s)
and the item number(s) in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS).
Where the product or products of interest are included with other products in a basket
category of the HTSUS, provide a detailed description of the product or products or interest.
3. Describe the action requested, together with a statement of the reasons therefore and any
supporting information.
4. Indicate whether, to the best of the petitioner's knowledge, the reasoning and information in
this request has been presented previously to the Trade Policy Staff Committee (TPSC) by
the petitioner or any party. If petitioner has knowledge the request has been made previously,
petitioner must include information that indicates changed circumstances or rebut the
previous supporting arguments. (If it is a request for product addition, the previous request
must not have been formally accepted for the review within the proceeding three calendar
year period.) Information on prior petitions is available from the GSP Information Center.
5. Provide a statement of the benefits anticipated by the petitioner if the request is granted.
Part 2: Supporting Information:
(NOTE: Requests to withdraw, limit, or suspend eligibility with respect to designated articles
must include the information in Section l. Requests to designate new articles must include the
information in Section 2.)
Section 1: Request to withdraw, limit or suspend eligibility with respect to designated
Provide the following information with respect to the relevant U.S. industry for the most recent
three calendar year period:1
1. Number and location of firms;
2. Actual production figures;
3. Production capacity and capacity utilization;
4. Employment figures, including number, type, wage rate, location, and changes in any of
these elements;
5. Sales figures in terms of quantity, value and price;
6. Quantity and value of exports, and principal export markets;
7. Profitability of firm(s) producing the like product, including profit data by product line, if
8. Analysis of costs, including materials, labor and overhead;
9. A discussion of the competitive situation of the U.S. domestic industry;

This information should be submitted for each articles that is the subject of the request, both for the
party making the request, and to the extent possible, for the industry to which the request pertains.
10. Identification of competitors; analysis of the effect imports receiving duty-free treatment
under the GSP have on competition and the business of the interest on whose behalf this
request is being made;
11. Any relevant information relating to the factors listed in sections 501 and 502(c) of Title V of
the Trade Act of 1974, as amended, such as identification of tariff and non-tariff barriers to
sales in foreign markets;
12. Any other relevant information, including any additional information that may be requested
by the GSP Subcommittee.

Section 2: Requests to designate new articles or waive competitive need limits:

Provide the following information for the most recent three calendar year period for the
beneficiary country on whose behalf the request is being made and, to the extent possible, other
principle beneficiary country suppliers:
1. Identification of the principal beneficiary country suppliers expected to benefit from the
proposed modification(s);
2. Name and location of firm(s);
3. Actual production figures and estimated increase if GSP eligibility is granted;
4. Actual production and capacity utilization and estimated increase if GSP eligibility is
5. Employment figures (including numbers, type, wage rate and location) and changes in any of
these elements if GSP eligibility is granted;
6. Sales figures in terms of quantity, value and prices;
7. Information on total exports, including principle markets, the distribution of products,
existing tariff preferences in the such markets, total quantity, value and trends in exports;
8. Information on exports to the United States in terms of quantity, value, and price, and
considerations which affect the competitiveness of these exports relative to exports to the
United States by other beneficiary countries of a like or directly competitive product,
including, where possible, information on the development of the industry in beneficiary
countries and trends in production and promotional activities;
9. Analysis of costs, including materials, labor, and overhead;
10. Profitability of firms producing the product;
11. Information on unit prices and other considerations, such as variations in quality or use, that
affect price competition;
12. If the petition is submitted by a foreign government of a government controlled entity, a
statement on how the requested modification would further the economic development of the
country submitting the petition;
13. If appropriate, an assessment of how the article would qualify under the GSP's 35 percent
value added requirements;
14. Any other relevant information, including any information that may be requested by the GSP
Appendix 7
A Case Study in the Operation of the Competitive-Need
Limits: Ceramic Roofing Tiles from Venezuela
Appendix 7
A Case Study in the Operation of the Competitive-Need
Limits: Ceramic Roofing Tiles from Venezuela

The case of ceramic roofing tiles from Venezuela offers a useful illustration of how the
CNLs operate, and also illustrates the dangers of relying solely on de minimis waivers in order to
maintain GSP privileges. In this instance, a Venezuelan exporter lost but regained its duty-free
status for a product that faces an extraordinarily high tariff rate (13.5 percent ad valorem).
Venezuela enjoyed GSP benefits for this product during 1980-1993, lost eligibility in 1994
because its shipments to the United States grew sharply (if temporarily) in 1993, but petitioned
for reinstatement in 1995. The GSP Subcommittee granted this petition in 1997, but the
exporter’s interests would have been much better served by seeking a CNL waiver before losing
GSP in the first place.
The pattern of U.S. imports of this product is shown in Table A.1. Venezuela’s share of
imports exceeded 50 percent during 1991-1993, and the country could have been denied GSP-
eligibility in any one of those years. In each year the GSP Subcommittee exercised its authority
to waive the restrictions, and hence allow the product to continue receiving GSP treatment,
because total U.S. imports were below the de minimis level. Venezuela did not request a CNL
waiver, however, and came to regret this omission when U.S. imports jumped up in 1993. The
sharp increase in demand for roofing tiles was due principally to the after-effects of Hurricane
Andrew. This disaster tore through Florida in August, 1992, causing some $20 billion in
damages to homes, businesses, and other property, and producing a temporary boom in the
construction industry and allied fields. This in turn caused imports of ceramic roofing tiles to
grow rapidly, if temporarily, in the final months of 1992 and all of 1993. Total U.S. imports of
ceramic roofing tiles in 1993 were 46.9 percent higher than they had been in 1992, and 73.0
percent above the 1991 level. Venezuela once again accounted for just over half of U.S. imports
in 1993, but total imports of this product were in excess of the de minimis level. The excess was
just 2.2 percent above the de minimis level, but that was enough to prevent even the
consideration of a waiver. Beginning on July 1, 1994, imports from Venezuela were therefore
subject to the 13.5 percent duty.
The rules required that in order to be reinstated to GSP eligibility, imports from
Venezuela had to dip once again below the 50 percent mark. The data in Table 2 indicate that
this standard clearly was met in 1994. Total U.S. imports fell back to the normal, pre-hurricane
levels, and imports from Venezuela fell at a particularly sharp rate. Indeed, Venezuela’s loss of
GSP appeared to work to the advantage of suppliers from Mexico (which enjoyed duty-free
treatment for this product under NAFTA) and Colombia (which have enjoyed duty-free
treatment for this product under the Andean Trade Preferences Act since 1992).
Table A.1
U.S. Imports of Ceramic Roofing Tiles
Imports of Harmonized Tariff Schedule item 6905.10.00 in thousands of current dollars,
customs value; figures in parentheses are each country’s share of total U.S. imports

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

Venezuela 3,774 4,785 7,214 3,539 2,975 3,417 3,149
(50.5%) (54.4%) (55.8%) (43.4%) (41.1%) (34.7%) (32.4%)
Mexico 1,388 1,411 1,431 2,514 2,558 3,973 3,304
(18.6%) (16.0%) (11.1%) (30.8%) (35.3%) (40.3%) (34.0%)

Colombia   264 240 343 583 891

(0%) (0%) (2.0%) (2.9%) (4.7%) (5.9%) (9.2%)

Spain 347 618 2,209 627 501 631 549

(4.6%) (7.0%) (17.1%) (7.7%) (6.9%) (6.4%) (5.6%)

France 170 148 198 222 102 338 412

(2.3%) (1.7%) (1.5%) (2.7%) (1.4%) (3.4%) (4.2%)

Japan 1,294 1,084 908 631 403 267 264

(17.3%) (12.3%) (7.0%) (7.7%) (5.6%) (2.7%) (2.7%)

Rest of World 502 757 706 379 358 639 1,151

(6.7%) (8.6%) (5.5%) (4.6%) (4.9%) (6.5%) (11.8%)

Total imports 7,475 8,803 12,930 8,152 7,240 9,848 9,720

(100%) (100%) (100%) (100%) (100%) (100%) (100%)

De minimis level 11,276 11,819 12,649 13,346 N.A. 13,000 13,500

Total imports
relative to the de 66.3% 74.5% 102.2% 61.1% N.A. 75.8% 72.0%
minimis level

Source: Imports from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Trade Data Bank; de minimis levels
from the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative.
Note: No de minimis level is shown for 1995 because the United States opted not to conduct a GSP
review that year, and hence no CNL or de minimis levels were calculated.
A U.S. importer filed a petition to the GSP Subcommittee in the 1995 GSP review. This
petition requested that (a) imports of this product from Venezuela be restored to the GSP, and
that (b) Venezuela be granted a waiver from any further application of the CNLs for this product.
The GSP Subcommittee accepted this petition for review, but it took nearly two years for the
process to be completed. Because Congress allowed the GSP to lapse in 1995, the subcommittee
suspended its conduct of the review until the program was reinstated. It then held hearings in
October, 1996, where the U.S. importer of Venezuelan tiles gave testimony. The subcommittee
did indeed grant the Venezuelan request, which did not take effect until Congress reinstated the
GSP once again in August, 1997 (but the importer could request refunds, with interest, for any
tariffs paid on these imports since May 31, 1997).
This case demonstrates the danger of not seeking a CNL waiver for a product, and relying
instead on the temporary and uncertain protection of de minimis waivers. Suppose that in the
early 1990s, one of the interested parties  the Venezuelan producer, the Government of
Venezuela, or the U.S. importer  had taken the preventive measure of seeking a CNL waiver.
The unexpected surge of imports in 1992-1993 would not have led to the loss of GSP treatment
in mid-1994. Instead, three years passed between the loss and restoration of GSP privileges for
Venezuelan roofing tiles. During this time the United States imported $9.9 million worth of
roofing tiles from Venezuela, on which duties of $1.4 million were paid. Those duties represent a
loss that can never be recovered. Moreover, the suspension of Venezuelan GSP during this
period offered an opportunity to producers in Mexico and Colombia. These two countries’
combined share of the U.S. market rose from 13.1 percent in 1993 (the last year that Venezuela
enjoyed GSP for the full year) to an estimated 51.3 percent in 1998. It may be a long time before
Venezuela recaptures the market share that it once held.
In the end, however, the petition to redesignate the product and waive the CNLs has been
of great benefit to the Venezuelan industry. With an estimated $3.2 million worth of U.S.
imports during 1998 (based on the assumption that October-December imports were at the same
rate as January-September), the savings in foregone tariffs amounted to some $440,000.
Moreover, this industry is permanently protected from the loss of its GSP status. Even if
Venezuela once again ships more than half of U.S. imports, it will be free from the threat of the
Appendix 8
Frequently Asked Questions About the GSP
Appendix 8
Frequently Asked Questions About the GSP
Adapted from the USTR’s Web Site

I.1 GSP-Eligible Articles

Which imports qualify for duty-free treatment under the GSP?

The imported merchandise must meet the following qualifications:

1. It must be included on the list of GSP-eligible articles.

2. It must be from a designated beneficiary country.
3. The beneficiary country must be eligible for GSP treatment for that article.
4. It must meet the value-added requirements.
5. It must be imported directly into the United States from the beneficiary country or
6. The exporter/importer must request duty-free treatment under GSP by placing an “A”
before the HTSUS number that identifies the imported product on the appropriate
shipping documents.

Which products are eligible for duty-free treatment?

The GSP comprises two categories of eligible products defined at the 8-digit level of the
HTSUS. The original list now includes approximately 4,650 articles that are duty free for all
eligible GSP beneficiaries. The second list, added in 1996, made approximately 1,770 articles
from the LDBDCs duty free. The LDBDCs are countries which the World Bank has estimated to
have incomes (1996 GNP per capita) below $786. See Parts III and IV for the lists of articles
eligible for duty-free treatment under GSP. These lists contain most dutiable manufactures and
semimanufactures and selected agricultural, fishery, and primary industrial products not
otherwise duty free. Articles eligible for GSP treatment are also identified in the current edition
of the HTSUS, which is published by the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC). The
complete 1998 HTSUS can be downloaded from the USITC home page, purchased from the U.S.
Government Printing Office, or inspected at the USTR Reading Room, the field offices of the
Department of Commerce, and the U.S. Embassies or Consulates.)
Can any article be designated as eligible for GSP?

No. Certain articles are prohibited by law (19 U.S.C. 2461) from receiving GSP treatment. These
are articles that were not eligible for GSP on January 1, 1995, and include most textiles, watches,
footwear, handbags, luggage, flat goods, work gloves, and other leather wearing apparel. In
addition, any other articles determined to be import-sensitive cannot be made eligible for GSP. In
this regard, the GSP law specifically cites steel, glass, and electronics.
What is the rate of duty on a GSP-eligible article?

All imports of GSP-eligible articles are duty-free.

I.2 GSP Beneficiary Countries

Where are the official lists of the GSP-eligible countries, the LDBDCs, and the articles with
country restrictions on eligibility?
Sec. 4(a) of the General Notes at the beginning of the HTSUS contains the official list of the
GSP-eligible countries. Sec. 4(c) contains the list of the LDBDCs. Sec. 4(d) contains the list of
the imported articles that are not eligible for GSP treatment from the designated GSP countries,
for example, where imports from a country have exceeded the competitive-need limitation
(CNL). (See Part II.1, 2, and 7.)
How does an importer request GSP treatment?

The request is made by placing the Special Program Indicator (SPI), the letter “A” used as a
prefix, before the HTSUS tariff number on the shipment entry documentation to indicate that a
product is eligible for duty-free treatment under GSP.

If the GSP program expires and is later renewed retroactively, must an importer pay duties in
the interim?

If the GSP program expires, importers cannot make claims for duty-free treatment under GSP for
merchandise entered or withdrawn for consumption. Duties at the Normal Trade Relations
(NTR) rate must be deposited. A claim for duty-free treatment may be made if the merchandise
qualifies under another preferential program such as the Andean Trade Preference Act or the
Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act.

If the GSP program is renewed retroactively, how does an importer arrange to be reimbursed
for tariffs paid during the period after the expiration and before the reauthorization of GSP?

Importers who file their entries electronically should use the appropriate SPI (“A”) as a prefix to
the tariff numbers of articles that would qualify for GSP if GSP were in effect at the time of the
entry. The U.S. Customs Service has arranged for the timely processing of refunds of duties
deposited on these GSP-eligible entries without requiring further action by the filer. The use of
the SPI, in effect, constitutes an importer’s request for a refund of duties. For entries made
without using the SPI, refunds of duties deposited must generally be requested in writing. (For
further information on securing refunds, see 63 Federal Register 115, page 32911, June 16,
How can the correct HTSUS classification of a product be determined?

The U.S. Customs Service is responsible for classifying products under the HTSUS. Questions
about a specific product HTSUS number should be referred to the Classification and Value
Division. Questions about the appropriate classification of a product should be referred to the
Office of Regulations and Rulings.
Is the list of eligible articles and countries ever modified?

Yes. The U.S. Government, through the GSP Subcommittee of the Trade Policy Staff Committee
(TPSC), conducts an annual review of petitions to modify the eligibility of articles and countries
for duty-free treatment. The GSP Subcommittee comprises representatives of the Executive
Branch Agencies that have roles in U.S. trade policy formulation. (See page v for the list of these
agencies.) A list of articles for which modifications have been petitioned and accepted for review
is published in the Federal Register each summer, usually in mid-July. Public comments are
invited, hearings are held, USITC advice is requested and prepared, all of which are reviewed by
the GSP Subcommittee as it prepares its recommendations for Presidential decisions. The
President’s decisions are usually announced in late spring of the following calendar year and take
effect on July 1.
How does one petition for a modification in the list of articles or countries?

Each year a Federal Register notice invites interested parties to petition the GSP Subcommittee
for modifications in the list of products or countries eligible for GSP treatment. (See Part II.8 for
a sample petition outline for anyone seeking modifications in the GSP product coverage.)
Petitions must conform to the applicable rules and regulations contained in the Code of Federal
Regulations (15 CFR Part 2007) in order to be accepted for formal review. Petitions must be
submitted to the GSP Subcommittee by the scheduled submission date, usually in late spring, to
be considered in that year’s annual review. Petitions accepted for review are subject to public
hearings and a full review by the GSP Subcommittee. Modifications made as a result of the
annual review are implemented by Executive Order or Presidential Proclamation and are then
published in the Federal Register.
Which factors must be considered when the list of eligible articles or countries is modified?

When the GSP list is modified, the following factors must be considered:
1. The statement of a country requesting GSP eligibility
2. The effect that a modification would have on furthering the economic development of a
beneficiary country
3. The anticipated impact on the U.S. producers of like or directly competitive products
4. The extent of the beneficiary developing country’s competitiveness regarding eligible
5. The extent to which other major developed countries are undertaking a comparable effort
to assist developing countries by granting generalized preferences on imports of products
from such countries
All decisions to modify the list of GSP-eligible articles are made in light of the extent to which
beneficiaries accomplish the following:
• Offer reasonable and equitable market access for U.S. goods and services

• Protect U.S. intellectual property rights adequately and effectively

• Reduce trade-distorting investment policies/practices (including export performance

• Eliminate trade-distorting export practices

• Ensure internationally recognized worker rights, which include the following:

- Right of association

- Right to organize and bargain collectively

- Prohibition of any form of forced or compulsory labor

- Minimum age for child employment

- Acceptable work conditions regarding, for example, minimum wages, work hours, and
occupational safety and health standards
What is the three-year rule?

Many products not currently eligible for GSP may have been eligible previously or considered
for eligibility since 1976. An article may not be considered for designation as GSP-eligible if it
has been the subject of a formal review and denied eligibility during the previous three calendar
years. The petition history of a product may indicate its current potential for obtaining GSP
eligibility. The public version of petitions is on file at the Office of the USTR in Room 101.
Interested parties may call (202) 395-6186 for an appointment to examine the files.
Who makes the determinations regarding GSP product and country eligibility?

The GSP Subcommittee of the Trade Policy Staff Committee, chaired by the Office of the U.S.
Trade Representative, reviews GSP issues. All Executive Branch Agencies directly involved in
trade participate in the interagency review of GSP eligibility modifications. The GSP Executive
Director conducts the day-to-day operations and, together with the GSP Subcommittee, prepares
recommendations for GSP eligibility modifications for the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR).
After reviewing the proposed modifications, the U.S. Trade Representative decides which
recommendations will be submitted to the President, whose final decisions are published in the
Federal Register, usually in late spring.
I.3 Handicraft Textiles
What is the certified handicraft textile arrangement?

Six categories of textile products are eligible for GSP treatment when the GSP beneficiary has
signed an agreement with the U.S. Government certifying that the items are handmade products
of the exporting beneficiary. To date, such agreements have been signed with Botswana,
Colombia, Egypt, Guatemala, Jordan, Macao, Malta, Morocco, Nepal, Pakistan (suspended June
30, 1996), Peru, Romania, Thailand, Tunisia, and Uruguay. GSP benefits for duty-free treatment
of handicraft textile exports are available to other beneficiary governments that are prepared to
initiate the required exchange of letters. The six covered tariff categories are 5701.10.13,
5702.10.10, 5702.91.20, 5805.00.20, 6304.99.10, and 6304.99.40.
Is any special paperwork necessary for a GSP shipment?

For certified handicraft textile products eligible for GSP duty-free treatment, a triangular seal
certifying the products’ authenticity as handcrafted articles must be included with the
commercial invoice to be accepted for entry. As noted, only products produced in those
beneficiary developing countries that have completed an official exchange of letters with the
U.S. Government can receive GSP treatment.
Do other countries maintain GSP programs?
Yes. In addition to the United States, twenty-six other industrialized nations maintain GSP
programs. The beneficiaries, products, and type of preferences granted vary for each donor
I.4 Competitive-Need Limitations and Requests for Waivers

Do all beneficiary countries receive duty-free treatment on the entire list of


No. A country may not be eligible for GSP treatment on certain imports for the following

• The GSP imports of an article from a beneficiary country exceed the competitive-need
• The country has been graduated from the program.

• The value added in the beneficiary country is insufficient to meet the GSP rule-of- origin

• The country fails to supply complete documentation or does not meet other U.S. Customs
What are competitive-need limitations?

Competitive-need limitations impose ceilings on GSP benefits for each product and country. A
country will automatically lose its GSP eligibility for a product (which is defined by its HTSUS
eight-digit tariff category) if the CNLs are exceeded. A beneficiary country loses GSP eligibility
for a product if, during the previous calendar year, U.S. imports of a GSP article from that
(1) account for 50 percent or more of the value of total U.S. imports of that product, or

(2) exceed a certain dollar value.

Legislation reauthorizing GSP in 1996 set the dollar limit at $75 million for 1996 with an annual
increase of $5 million for each subsequent calendar year. GSP modifications that result from
imports that exceed CNLs in one year take effect on July 1 of the next calendar year.
Are the competitive-need limitations ever waived?

Yes. The President may waive competitive-need limitations under the circumstances listed in
Table 3.
How are competitive-need limitations waived?

An interested party may petition USTR in an annual review for a CNL waiver for a product
when it is imported from a specific beneficiary. In deciding whether to grant a CNL waiver, the

President is required to place “great weight” on the extent to which the beneficiary is providing
reasonable and equitable access to its market for U.S. goods and services, and the extent to
which the beneficiary is providing reasonable and effective protection to U.S. intellectual
property rights.
Table 3. Types of Competitive-Need Limitation Waivers

Types of Waivers 50% Limit Waivable Value Limit Waivable

Petitioned Request Yes Yes
503(c)(E) Yes No
No U.S. production
503(c)(D) No Limits No Limits
De Minimis Yes No

Are any limits placed on the President’s CNL waiver authority?

Yes. In general, the President may not grant a waiver for a GSP-eligible article if imports of it
from all beneficiary countries equal or exceed 30 percent of the total value of the GSP duty-free
imports in a calendar year. Furthermore, the President cannot grant a waiver for the import of a
GSP-eligible product that exceeds 15 percent of total GSP imports if the originating beneficiary
has either a per capita gross national product (GNP) in excess of $5,000 or generates imports of
GSP products that account for 10 percent or more of total GSP duty-free imports.
How long do CNL waivers remain in effect?

If the petitioned waiver is granted, both the percentage limit and the dollar limit are waived and
remain in effect until the President determines that such a waiver is no longer warranted because
of changed circumstances.
What is a 503(c)(E) waiver?

Section 503(c)(E) of the GSP law provides for a waiver of the CNL percentage for certain GSP-
eligible articles that were not produced in the United States on January 1, 1995. Articles that
were determined not to be produced in the United States are listed in Part II.5. Interested persons
may petition USTR to modify the list in an annual review. For those articles on this list, a
503(c)(E) waiver will automatically be granted each year when required.
What is a de minimis waiver?

The President may grant a waiver from the percentage provision when total U.S. imports from all
countries of a product are small or de minimis. Like the dollar value CNL, the de minimis level is
adjusted annually. In 1996 the level was set at $13 million with an annual increment of
$500,000. Each year, a de minimis waiver will automatically be considered for imports of a GSP-
eligible product from a beneficiary that exceeded the 50 percent CNL, provided total imports
from all countries for the preceding year were below the dollar limit. Although such waivers
cannot be requested by petition, public comments are accepted, nonetheless, early each year.
Granting such waivers is a discretionary decision of the President.
Does a special CNL exist for Least Developed Beneficiary Developing Countries?

Section 503(c)(D) of the GSP law automatically waived all CNLs for the GSP beneficiaries
designated as LDBDCs. (See Part II.2 for the current list of LDBDCs.)
What happens if imports reach or exceed the CNLs during the year?

Nothing. GSP eligibility for articles from countries that reach or exceed the CNLs will continue
for the rest of the year and for part of the following year. In the meantime, the GSP
Subcommittee conducts a review of import statistics to determine which articles have exceeded
the CNLs for the previous calendar year. Articles that exceeded the CNLs lose eligibility for
GSP treatment no later than July 1 of the following year unless a waiver is granted.
Does the GSP Subcommittee publish a warning list of articles that may exceed the CNLs?

Yes. USTR publishes a warning list based on statistics of GSP articles imported during the first
10 months of the past calendar year. The list generally appears early in the following year in the
Federal Register.
Can an interested party monitor the imports of an article?

Yes. Several sources maintain a monthly compilation of all imports. The Foreign Trade
Reference Room at the Department of Commerce can be contacted by telephone at (202) 482-
2185 or by Internet at http://www.ita.doc.gov/industry/otea/trade-detail/about.html. The Office
of Trade Data at the Census Bureau can be contacted by telephone at (301) 457-3041, by fax at
(301) 457-4615, or by Internet at http://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/www. The statistics
should be requested by the 8-digit HTSUS tariff number.

The early warning list of the 10-month import statistics is available for review each February in
the USTR public reading room.

Can a country ever have an article redesignated as GSP-eligible after the article has been
removed from GSP eligibility?

Yes. Redesignation of GSP eligibility for an article can be considered if U.S. imports of the
article from the affected country fall below the CNL in a subsequent year. Interested parties may
also petition for a CNL waiver to restore eligibility for a product.
I.5 Graduation from GSP

What is graduation?

There are two types of graduation: The first type refers to the removal of GSP eligibility for one
or more articles of a beneficiary country, for example, when its imports of an article or articles
exceed the CNL. The second type refers to the mandatory removal of a beneficiary country’s
entire GSP eligibility, which occurs when a country’s per capita GNP exceeds the threshold level
of income set for high-income countries by the World Bank or the discretionary removal when a
country is deemed no longer to be a developing country.
How is mandatory country graduation implemented?

Country graduation is required when the President determines that a beneficiary is a high-
income country as defined by the official statistics of the International Bank for Reconstruction
and Development (IBRD) or the World Bank. In its 1998 World Development Indicators, the
World Bank set the threshold level of per capita GNP for high-income countries at $9,636 on the
basis of 1996 GNP statistics. The per capita GNP for upper middle-income countries ranged
from $3,116 to $9,635; incomes for lower middle-income countries ranged from $786 to $3,115;
low-income countries had incomes of less than $786 a year.

When the President determines that a beneficiary has exceeded the middle-income level, its GSP
benefits will be terminated on January 1 of the second year following the President’s
How is product graduation implemented?
Product graduation decisions are made by the President in the four following contexts:
1. When interested parties submit petitions to remove GSP eligibility for an article and are
accepted for the annual GSP Product Review, the President may grant the petition.
2. When articles are newly designated, eligibility for individual beneficiaries may be
3. When countries are eligible for redesignation of GSP status for a specific article,
redesignation may be withheld.
4. When an individual beneficiary country fails to provide access to its market or fails to
protect internationally recognized worker rights or intellectual property rights, the
country may be deprived of GSP eligibility for selected articles.
I.6 Rule-of-Origin Requirements

What are the rule-of-origin requirements for qualifying products as GSP-eligible for a
beneficiary country?

The sum of the cost or value of materials produced in the beneficiary country plus the direct
processing costs must equal at least 35 percent of the appraised value of the product at the time
of entry into the United States.
Can imported materials be counted toward the 35 percent value-added requirement?

Yes, but only if the materials are “substantially transformed” into new and different constituent
materials of which the eligible article is composed. If an imported article has been produced in
part in several countries that are members of an association of countries contributing to the
regional economic integration of its members, the articles will be accorded duty-free entry if the
value of their collective production of the article accounts for at least 35 percent of the appraised
value of the article. The level of value added is the same as would be required for a product
imported from a single country. The U.S. Customs Service is charged with determining whether
an article meets the GSP rule-of-origin requirements.

How can an exporter in a developing country know the value at which the U.S. Customs
authorities will appraise an article?
In most cases, U.S. Customs will appraise the merchandise at the transaction value, that is, the
price actually paid or payable for the merchandise when sold for export to the United States. This
value would include the following elements:
1. The packing costs incurred by the buyer
2. The selling commission incurred by the buyer
3. The value of any assistance provided to the producer free of charge by the buyer
4. The royalty or license fee that the buyer is required to pay as a condition of the sale
5. The proceeds accruing to the seller of any subsequent resale, disposal, or use of the
imported merchandise
In general, shipping and other costs related to transporting the GSP articles from the port of
export to the United States are included neither in the value of the article nor in the value-added
What costs may be included in the direct costs of processing?

The direct costs of processing include all costs, whether directly incurred in or those that can be
reasonably allocated to the growth, production, manufacture, or assembly of the merchandise in
question. These include the following:
• Actual labor, fringe benefits, and on-the-job training costs

• Engineering, supervisory, quality control, and similar personnel costs

• Dies, molds, and tooling costs, as well as depreciation on machinery and equipment
• Research, development, design, blueprints and engineering, and inspection and testing costs

Which costs may not be included in the direct costs of processing?

The costs that may not be included in the direct costs of processing are those that are not directly
attributable to the merchandise being considered or are not “costs” of manufacturing. These costs
include profit and general expenses and business overhead such as administrative salaries,
casualty and liability insurance, advertising, and sales representative’s salaries, commissions, or

Does the U.S. GSP contain any special provisions for beneficiary developing countries that are
members of regional associations?

Yes. A regional association contributing to the comprehensive regional economic integration of

its members may be granted GSP cumulation benefits. A GSP cumulation benefit occurs when
U.S. imports from association members are counted as if they were imported from one country
for purposes of rule-of-origin requirements. A GSP cumulation benefit also occurs when an
imported article that was produced in two or more eligible member countries of an association is
accorded duty-free entry. The benefit is granted when the countries together account for at least
35 percent of the appraised value of the article, which is the same requirement for a single

The CNLs will be assessed only against the country of origin and not against the entire
association. Currently, qualified members of the following six associations can benefit from this
• The Andean Group

• The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), excluding Brunei,

Darussalam, Malaysia, and Singapore

• Member countries of the Caribbean Common Market (CARICOM)

• The West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU)

• The Southern African Development Community (SADC)

• The Tripartite Commission on East African Cooperation (EAC)

The President has delegated responsibility to the U.S. Trade Representative for determining
which members of SADC and EAC qualify for the cumulation benefit. The U.S. Trade
Representative has determined that Botswana, Mauritius, and Tanzania are the qualifying
members of SADC that are entitled to the cumulation benefit under GSP. (See Part II.3.)
I.7 “Imported Directly” Requirement

What is meant by the requirement that the article must be “imported directly”?

The article must be shipped directly from the beneficiary country to the United States without
passing through the territory of any other country. Or, if shipped through the territory of any
other country, the merchandise must not have entered the commerce of that country while
en route to the United States. In all cases, the invoices, bills of lading, and other documents

connected with the shipment must show that the United States is the final destination of the
imported article. (See 19 CFR 10.175(e) for the U.S. Customs Service definition of “imported

Is entrepot trade (articles transshipped between the beneficiary country and the United States)

Entrepot trade is eligible for GSP under certain circumstances. Eligible articles shipped from a
beneficiary developing country through a free-trade zone in any other beneficiary country will
qualify for GSP as follows:

1. The eligible articles do not enter into the commerce of the country maintaining the free-
trade zone.
2. The eligible articles do not undergo any operations other than sorting, grading, or testing;
packing, unpacking, changing or packing; decanting or repacking; affixing marks, labels,
or other distinguishing signs; or operations necessary to ensure that the articles are
preserved in the condition they were in when they entered the free-trade zone. (See19
CFR 10.175.)

Are shipments also permitted to be made through free-trade zones in nonbeneficiary countries
and still qualify for GSP?
Yes. The procedure is as follows:
1. The eligible articles must remain under the control of the customs authority of the
intermediate country while in transit through the free-trade zone.
2. The eligible articles do not enter into the commerce of the country maintaining the free-
trade zone, except for sale at other than retail.
3. The eligible articles do not undergo any operations other than loading and unloading or
other operations necessary to ensure that articles are preserved in the condition they were
in when they entered into the free-trade zone.
4. For articles transshipped through former beneficiary countries that are members of
regional associations (see Part II.3), the operations such as sorting, grading, or testing;
packing, unpacking, changing or packing; decanting or repacking; affixing marks, labels,
or other distinguishing signs; or operations necessary to ensure that the articles are
preserved in the condition they were in when they entered the free-trade zone are
permitted. (This exception currently applies to the products of the ASEAN beneficiaries
that are transshipped through Brunei, Darussalam, Malaysia, and Singapore.)
Are shipments permitted through a “non-independent territory” of any other country?

Shipments from a beneficiary developing country to the United States may be made through the
non-independent territory of another country, provided that
(1) the article does not enter into the commerce of the territory while en route, and

(2) the invoice, bills of lading, and other shipping documents show that the United States is the
final destination.

May the merchandise be purchased and resold, other than at retail, for export within the free-
trade zone?

Yes, as noted previously. However, for such transactions, two Certificates of Origin are required.
One is required from the original beneficiary acknowledging that the merchandise is eligible for
the U.S. duty-free treatment under GSP and contains the name of the consignee in the United
States or in the free-trade zone. A second Certificate of Origin is required from the person
responsible for the articles in the free-trade zone or from any other person having knowledge of
the facts and declaring the operations that were performed within the free-trade zone.
Appendix 9
GSP Eligibility of Specific Products Imported into the United States
Appendix 9
GSP Eligibility of Specific Products Imported into the United States

The pages that follow reproduce those sections of the Harmonized Tariff Schedules of the
United States (HTSUS) that cover GSP-eligible products. To understand how to read these tariff
schedules, see Figure 3 in the main text of this handbook.

Products that are generally eligible for the GSP are identified in this appendix in bold type.
These are items for which an “A” or and “A*” is given in the “Special” sub-column of Column
1. Note that when there is an “A*” this means that one or more countries is ineligible for the
GSP; consult the complete HTSUS to determine which county or countries are excluded from the
GSP for any specific product. Those items that are eligible for the GSP only when imported from
a least-developed country are shown in ordinary type (i.e., not bold), and are further identified by
an “A+” in the “Special” sub-column.
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1 2

fix Quantity General Special

0101.20 Asses, mules and hinnies:

0101.20.20 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 6.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15%
Mules and hinnies:
0101.20.40 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 4.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
0102.90.40 Other bovine animals .......... ............................................................. 1¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 5.5¢/kg
0104.20.00 00 Goats......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 68¢/head Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $ head
0105 Live poultry of the following kinds: Chickens, ducks, geese,
turkeys and guineas:
Weighing not more than 185 g:
0105.11.00 Chickens ... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.9¢ each Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 4¢ each
0105.12.00 00 Turkeys..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 0.9¢ each Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 4¢ each
0105.19.00 00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 0.9¢ each Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 4¢ each
0105.92.00 00 Chickens, weighing not more than 2,000 g.....................No. ............ 2¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 17.6¢/kg
kg J,MX)
0105.93.00 00 Chickens, weighing more than 2,000 g...........................No. ............ 2¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 17.6¢/kg
kg J,MX)
0105.99.00 00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 17.6¢/kg
kg J,MX)
0106.00 Other live animals:
0106.00.10 00 Birds......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No............. 1.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
0106.00.30 00 Foxes ........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 4.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15%
0201 Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled:
0201.10 Carcasses and half-carcasses:
0201.10.05 Described in general note 15 of the tariff schedule
and entered pursuant to its provisions ........................................... 4.4¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 13.2¢/kg
0201.10.10 Described in additional U.S. note 3 to this chapter
and entered pursuant to its provisions ........................................... 4.4¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 13.2¢/kg
0201.20 Other cuts with bone in:
Described in general note 15 of the tariff schedule
and entered pursuant to its provisions:
0201.20.02 00 High-quality beef cuts ......................................kg.............. 4% Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 20%
0201.20.06 00 Other ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.4¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 13.2¢/kg
0201.20.10 00 High-quality beef cuts ......................................kg.............. 4% Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 20%
0201.20.30 00 Other .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 20%
0201.20.50 00 Other ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.4¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 13.2¢/kg
0201.30 Boneless:
Described in general note 15 of the tariff schedule
and entered pursuant to its provisions:
0201.30.02 00 High-quality beef cuts ........................................kg.............. 4% Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 20%
0201.30.04 00 Other .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 20%
0201.30.06 00 Other ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.4¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 13.2¢/kg
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1 2

fix Quantity General Special

Described in additional U.S. note 3 to this chapter

and entered pursuant to its provisions:
0201.30.10 00 High-quality beef cuts ........................................kg.............. 4% Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 20%
0201.30.30 00 Other .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 20%
0201.30.50 00 Other ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.4¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 13.2¢/kg
0202 Meat of bovine animals, frozen:
0202.10 Carcasses and half-carcasses:
0202.10.05 Described in general note 15 of the tariff schedule
and entered pursuant to its provisions ...........................kg.............. 4.4¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 13.2¢/kg
0202.10.10 Described in additional U.S. note 3 to this chapter
and entered pursuant to its provisions ............................................. 4.4¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 13.2¢/kg
0202.20 Other cuts with bone in:
Described in general note 15 of the tariff schedule
and entered pursuant to its provisions:
0202.20.02 00 High-quality beef cuts ........................................kg.............. 4% Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 20%
0202.20.04 00 Other .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 20%
0202.20.06 00 Other ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.4¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 13.2¢/kg
Described in additional U.S. note 3 to this chapter
and entered pursuant to its provisions:
0202.20.10 00 High-quality beef cuts ........................................kg.............. 4% Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 20%
0202.20.30 00 Other .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 20%
0202.20.50 00 Other ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.4¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 13.2¢/kg
0202.30 Boneless:
Described in general note 15 of the tariff schedule
and entered pursuant to its provisions:
0202.30.02 00 High-quality beef cuts ....................................kg............. 4% Free (A,CA,E*,IL, 20%
0202.30.04 00 Other .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 20%
0202.30.06 00 Other ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.4¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 13.2¢/kg
Described in additional U.S. note 3 to this chapter
and entered pursuant to its provisions:
0202.30.10 00 High-quality beef cuts ....................................kg............. 4% Free (A*,CA,E*,IL, 20%
0202.30.30 00 Other .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 20%
0202.30.50 00 Other ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.4¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 13.2¢/kg

0203.12 Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in:

0203.12.10 Processed .... ............ ............................................................. 1.4¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 7.2¢/kg
0203.19 Other:
0203.19.20 Processed .... ............ ............................................................. 1.4¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 7.2¢/kg
0203.22 Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in:
0203.22.10 00 Processed..... ............ ............................................................. kg 1.4¢/kg Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 7.2¢/kg
0203.29 Other:
0203.29.20 00 Processed..... ............ ............................................................. kg 1.4¢/kg Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 7.2¢/kg
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1 2

fix Quantity General Special

0204 Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen:

0204.10.00 00 Carcasses and half-carcasses of lamb, fresh or
chilled ...... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.7¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg
Other meat of sheep, fresh or chilled:
0204.21.00 00 Carcasses and half-carcasses ......................................kg.............. 2.8¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 11¢/kg
0204.22 Other cuts with bone in:
0204.22.20 Lamb ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.7¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg
0204.22.40 00 Other ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.8¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 11¢/kg
0204.23 Boneless:
0204.23.20 00 Lamb ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.7¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg
0204.23.40 00 Other ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.8¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 11¢/kg
0204.30.00 00 Carcasses and half-carcasses of lamb, frozen...................kg.............. 0.7¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg
Other meat of sheep, frozen:
0204.41.00 00 Carcasses and half-carcasses ......................................kg.............. 2.8¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 11¢/kg
0204.42 Other cuts with bone in:
0204.42.20 Lamb ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.7¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg
0204.42.40 00 Other ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.8¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 11¢/kg
0204.43 Boneless:
0204.43.20 00 Lamb ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.7¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg
0204.43.40 00 Other ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.8¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 11¢/kg

0207 Meat and edible offal, of the poultry of heading 0105, fresh,
chilled or frozen:
Of chickens:
0207.11.00 Not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled ..................................................... 8.8¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 22¢/kg
0207.12.00 Not cut in pieces, frozen..... ............................................................. 8.8¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 22¢/kg
0207.13.00 00 Cuts and offal, fresh or chilled .......................................kg.............. 17.6¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 22¢/kg
0207.14.00 Cuts and offal, frozen......... ............................................................. 17.6¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 22¢/kg
Of turkeys:
0207.24.00 00 Not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled ...................................kg.............. 15¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 22¢/kg
0207.25 Not cut in pieces, frozen:
0207.25.20 00 Valued less than 88¢/kg...........................................kg.............. 8.8¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 22¢/kg
0207.25.40 00 Valued 88¢ or more per kg.......................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
0207.26.00 00 Cuts and offal, fresh or chilled .......................................kg.............. 17.6¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 22¢/kg
0207.27.00 Cuts and offal, frozen......... ............................................................. 17.6¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 22¢/kg
Of ducks, geese or guineas:
0207.32.00 00 Not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled ...................................kg.............. 8.8¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 22¢/kg
0207.33.00 00 Not cut in pieces, frozen.............................................................. kg 8.8¢/kg Free
(A,CAE,IL,J, 22¢/kg
0207.34.00 00 Fatty livers, fresh or chilled ...........................................kg.............. 17.6¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 22¢/kg
0207.35.00 00 Other, fresh or chilled......... ...........................................kg.............. 17.6¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 22¢/kg
0207.36.00 Other, frozen .... .... ............ ............................................................. 17.6¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 22¢/kg
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1 2

fix Quantity General Special

0208 Other meat and edible meat offal, fresh, chilled or frozen:
0208.10.00 00 Of rabbits or hares.. .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
0208.90.30 00 Quail, eviscerated, not in pieces..............................kg............. 7¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 22¢/kg
0208.90.40 00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
0209.00.00 00 Pig fat, free of lean meat, and poultry fat, not rendered or
otherwise extracted, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine,
dried or smoked ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
0210 Meat and edible meat offal, salted, in brine, dried or
smoked; edible flours and meals of meat or meat offal:
Meat of swine:
0210.11.00 Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with
bone in ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.4¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 7.2¢/kg
0210.12.00 Bellies (streaky) and cuts thereof............................................. 1.4¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 7.2¢/kg
0210.19.00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.4¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 7.2¢/kg
0210.90 Other, including edible flours and meals of meat or
meat offal:
0210.90.20 00 Meat of poultry of heading 0105...............................kg............. 2.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
0210.90.40 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 2.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 20%

0302.23.00 00 Sole (Solea spp.) ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.1¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 2.2¢/kg
0302 (con.) Fish, fresh or chilled, excluding fish fillets and other fish
meat of heading 0304 (con.):
Other fish, excluding livers and roes (con.):
0302.69 Other:
0302.69.10 Scaled (whether or not heads, viscera and/or
fins have been removed, but not otherwise
processed), in immediate containers weighing
with their contents 6.8 kg or less ....................................... 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
0302.70 Livers and roes:
0302.70.20 00 Sturgeon roe .. .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 15% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
0303 Fish, frozen, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat
0303.33.00 00 Sole (Solea spp.) ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.1¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 2.2¢/kg
0303.39.00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.1¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 2.2¢/kg
0303.71.00 00 Sardines (Sardina pilchardus , Sardinops spp.),
sardinella (Sardinella spp.), brisling or sprats
(Sprattus sprattus ) ......... ...........................................kg............. 1.1¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 2.2¢/kg
0303.75.00 Dogfish and other sharks ........................................................... 1.1¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 2.2¢/kg
0303.80 Livers and roes:
0303.80.20 00 Sturgeon roe .. .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 15% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
0304 Fish fillets and other fish meat (whether or not minced),
fresh, chilled or frozen:
0304.90.90 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

0305 Fish, dried, salted or in brine; smoked fish, whether or not

cooked before or during the smoking process; flours,
meals and pellets of fish, fit for human consumption:
0305.10 Flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human con-
0305.10.40 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
0305.20 Livers and roes, dried, smoked, salted or in brine:
0305.20.20 00 Sturgeon roe .. .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 7.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
0305.30 Fish fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked:
0305.30.20 00 Herrings, in immediate containers weighing with
their contents 6.8 kg or less each..................................kg.............. 4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
0305.30.40 00 Mackerel, in immediate containers weighing with
their contents 6.8 kg or less each..................................kg.............. 5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
Smoked fish, including fillets:
0305.41.00 00 Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka,
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta,
Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus
kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus
rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and
Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) ......................................kg.............. 5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
Fish, salted but not dried or smoked and fish in brine:
0305.61 Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii):
0305.61.20 00 In immediate containers weighing w ith their
contents 6.8 kg or less each....................................kg.............. 4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
0305.63 Anchovies (Engraulis spp.):
In immediate containers weighing with their
contents 6.8 kg or less each:
0305.63.20 00 In airtight containers .....................................kg............. 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
0305.69.20 00 In immediate containers weighing with their
contents 6.8 kg or less each..............................kg.............. 5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%

0305.69.40 00 Salmon ....... .... ............kg........................................3% ............ Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%

0305.69.60 00 Other ... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 0.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 1%

0306.14 Crabs:
0306.14.20 00 Crabmeat.. .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 7.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 15%
Not frozen:
0306.24.20 00 Crabmeat.. .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 7.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 15%
0307.60.00 00 Snails, other than sea snails ............................................................. kg 5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

0401 Milk and cream, not concentrated nor containing added

sugar or other sweetening matter:
0401.10.00 00 Of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1 percent..........liters.......... 0.34¢/liter Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.5¢/liter
0401.20 Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1 percent but not
exceeding 6 percent:
0401.20.20 00 For not over 11,356,236 liters entered in any
calendar year.... .... ............ ...........................................liters.......... 0.43¢/liter Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 1.7¢/liter
0401.30 Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 6 percent:
Of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 45 per-
0401.30.02 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff sched-
ule and entered pursuant to its provisions ...............liters.......... 3.2¢/liter Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15¢/liter
0401.30.05 00 Described in additional U.S. note 5 to this chap-
ter and entered pursuant to its provisions ...............liters.......... 3.2¢/liter Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15¢/liter
0401.30.42 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff sched-
ule and entered pursuant to its provisions ...............liters.......... 12.3¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 31¢/kg
0401.30.50 00 Described in additional U.S. note 6 to this chap-
ter and entered pursuant to its provisions ...............liters.......... 12.3¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 31¢/kg
0402 Milk and cream, concentrated or containing added sugar or
other sweetening matter:
0402.10 In powder, granules or other solid forms, of a fat con-
tent, by weight, not exceeding 1.5 percent:
0402.10.05 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff schedule
and entered pursuant to its provisions ...........................kg.............. 3.3¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 6.6¢/kg
0402.10.10 00 Described in additional U.S. note 7 to this chapter
and entered pursuant to its provisions ...........................kg.............. 3.3¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 6.6¢/kg
0402.21 Not containing added sugar or other sweetening
Of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding
3 percent:
0402.21.02 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 3.3¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 6.6¢/kg
0402.21.05 00 Described in additional U.S. note 7 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 3.3¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 6.6¢/kg
Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 3 percent
but not exceeding 35 percent:
0402.21.27 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.8¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 13.7¢/kg
0402.21.30 00 Described in additional U.S. note 8 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.8¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 13.7¢/kg
0402.21.73 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 13.7¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 27.3¢/kg
0402.21.75 00 Described in additional U.S. note 9 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 13.7¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 27.3¢/kg
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

0402.29 Other:
0402.29.05 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 17.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0402.29.10 00 Described in additional U.S. note 10 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 17.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0402 (con.) Milk and cream, concentrated or containing added sugar or
other sweetening matter (con.):
0402.91 Not containing added sugar or other sweetening
Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
0402.91.03 00 In airtight containers...........................................kg.............. 2.2¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 4¢/kg
0402.91.06 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 3.3¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 5.6¢/kg
Described in additional U.S. note 11 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
0402.91.10 00 In airtight containers...........................................kg.............. 2.2¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 4¢/kg
0402.91.30 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 3.3¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 5.6¢/kg
0402.99 Other:
Condensed milk:
Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
0402.99.03 00 In airtight containers.....................................kg.............. 3.9¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 6¢/kg
0402.99.06 00 Other... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 3.3¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 5.6¢/kg
Described in additional U.S. note 11 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
0402.99.10 00 In airtight containers.....................................kg.............. 3.9¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 6¢/kg
0402.99.30 00 Other... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 3.3¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 5.6¢/kg
0402.99.68 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 17.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0402.99.70 00 Described in additional U.S. note 10 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 17.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0403 Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, yogurt, kephir and
other fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or
not concentrated or containing added sugar or other
sweetening matter or flavored or containing added fruit,
nuts or cocoa:
0403.10 Yogurt:
In dry form:
0403.10.05 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 20% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
0403.10.10 00 Described in additional U.S. note 10 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 20% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

0403.10.90 00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 17% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
0403.90 Other:
Sour cream containing not over 45 percent by
weight of butterfat; buttermilk:
Sour cream:
0403.90.02 00 Described in general note 15 of the
tariff schedule and entered pursuant to
its provisions.... ...........................................liters.......... 3.2¢/liter Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15¢/liter
0403.90.04 00 Described in additional U.S. note 5 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................liters.......... 3.2¢/liter Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15¢/liter
0403.90.20 00 Buttermilk... ............ ...........................................liters.......... 0.34¢/liter Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.5¢/liter
Containing not over 6 percent by weight of
0403.90.37 00 Described in general note 15 of the
tariff schedule and entered pursuant to
its provisions.... ...........................................kg.............. 3.3¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 6.6¢/kg
0403.90.41 Described in additional U.S. note 12 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ............................................................. 3.3¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 6.6¢/kg
Sour cream containing not over 45 percent by
weight of butterfat; buttermilk (con.):
Dried (con.):
Containing over 6 percent but not over
35 percent by weight of butterfat:
0403.90.47 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 6.8¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 13.7¢/kg
0403.90.51 00 Described in additional U.S. note 8 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 6.8¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 13.7¢/kg
0403.90.57 00 Described in general note 15 of the
tariff schedule and entered pursuant to
its provisions.... ...........................................kg.............. 13.7¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 27.3¢/kg
0403.90.61 00 Described in additional U.S. note 9 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 13.7¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 27.3¢/kg
Sour cream containing over 45 percent by weight
of butterfat:
0403.90.72 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 12.3¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30.9¢/kg
0403.90.74 00 Described in additional U.S. note 6 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 12.3¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30.9¢/kg
0403.90.85 00 Fermented milk other than dried fermented
milk or other than dried milk with added lactic
ferments ..... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 17% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
0403.90.87 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 20% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

0403.90.90 00 Described in additional U.S. note 10 to this

chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 20% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%

0404 Whey, whether or not concentrated or containing added

sugar or other sweetening matter; products consisting of
natural milk constituents, whether or not containing added
sugar or other sweetening matter, not elsewhere specified
or included:
0404.10 Whey and modified whey, whether or not concentrated
or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter:
Modified whey:
0404.10.05 00 Whey protein concentrates ................................kg............. 8.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
0404.10.08 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 13% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
0404.10.11 00 Described in additional U.S. note 10 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 13% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
0404.10.20 00 Fluid .... ....... .... ............ ...........................................liters.......... 0.34¢/liter Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.5¢/liter
0404.10.48 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 3.3¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 6.6¢/kg
0404.10.50 Described in additional U.S. note 12 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ............................................................. 3.3¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 6.6¢/kg
0404 (con.) Whey, whether or not concentrated or containing added
sugar or other sweetening matter; products consisting of
natural milk constituents, whether or not containing added
sugar or other sweetening matter, not elsewhere specified
or included (con.):
0404.90 Other:
0404.90.10 00 Milk protein concentrates........................................................... kg 0.37¢/kg Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 12¢/kg
Dairy products described in additional U.S.
note 1 to chapter 4:
0404.90.28 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 14.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
0404.90.30 00 Described in additional U.S. note 10 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 14.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
0404.90.70 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 8.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%

0405 Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk; dairy
0405.10 Butter:
0405.10.05 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff schedule
and entered pursuant to its provisions ...........................kg.............. 12.3¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30.9¢/kg
0405.10.10 00 Described in additional U.S. note 6 to this chapter
and entered pursuant to its provisions ...........................kg.............. 12.3¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30.9¢/kg
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

0405.20 Dairy spreads:

Butter substitutes, whether in liquid or solid state:
Containing over 45 percent by weight of
0405.20.10 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 15.4¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 31¢/kg
0405.20.20 00 Described in additional U.S. note 14 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 15.4¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 31¢/kg
0405.20.40 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 13.1¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 31¢/kg
4.6¢/kg (MX)
Dairy products described in additional U.S.
note 1 to chapter 4:
0405.20.50 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
0405.20.60 00 Described in additional U.S. note 10 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA ,E,IL, 20%
0405.20.80 00 Other . ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 20%
0405.90 Other:
0405.90.05 Described in general note 15 of the tariff schedule
and entered pursuant to its provisions ............................................. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
0405.90.10 Described in additional U.S. note 14 to this chapter
and entered pursuant to its provisions ............................................. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
0406 Cheese and curd:
0406.10 Fresh (unripened or uncured) cheese, including whey
cheese, and curd:
0406.10.02 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 10% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
0406.10.04 00 Described in additional U.S.note 16 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 10% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.10.12 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Blue-mold cheese and cheese and
substitutes for cheese containing, or
processed from, blue-mold cheese:
0406.10.14 00 Described in additional U.S. note 17 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Cheddar cheese, and cheese and
substitutes for cheese containing, or
processed from, Cheddar cheese:
0406.10.24 00 Described in additional U.S. note 18 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

American-type cheese, including Colby,

washed curd and granular cheese (but not
including Cheddar cheese), and cheese
and substitutes for cheese containing, or
processed from, such American-type
0406.10.34 00 Described in additional U.S. note 19 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Edam and Gouda cheeses, and cheese
and substitutes for cheese containing, or
processed from, Edam and Gouda cheese:
0406.10.44 00 Described in additional U.S. note 20 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Italian-type cheeses, made from cow's milk,
in original loaves (Romano made from
cow's milk, Reggiano, Parmesan, Provol-
one, Provoletti and Sbrinz); Italian-type
cheeses, made from cow's milk, not in
original loaves (Romano made from cow's
milk, Reggiano, Parmesan, Provolone,
Provoletti, Sbrinz and Goya), and cheese
and substitutes for cheese containing, or
processed from, such Italian-type cheeses,
whether or not in original loaves:
0406.10.54 00 Described in additional U.S. note 21
to this chapter and entered pursuant to
its provisions.... ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Swiss or Emmentaler cheese other than
with eye formation, Gruyere-process
cheese and cheese and substitutes for
cheese containing, or processed from,
such cheeses:
0406.10.64 00 Described in additional U.S. note 22 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%

Cheese, and substitutes for cheese,

containing 0.5 percent or less by
weight of butterfat:
0406.10.74 00 Described in additional U.S. note
23 to this chapter and entered
pursuant to its provisions.....................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Other cheese and subtitutes for cheese
(except cheese not containing cow's
milk, and soft ripened cow's milk
0406.10.84 00 Described in additional U.S. note
16 to this chapter and entered
pursuant to its provisions.....................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.10.95 00 Other... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 8.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

0406.20 Grated or powdered cheese, of all kinds:

Blue-veined cheese:
0406.20.10 00 Roquefort cheese......... ...........................................kg.............. 8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
3% (MX)
0406.20.22 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 20% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.20.24 00 Described in additional U.S. note 17 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 20% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Cheddar cheese:
0406.20.29 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 16% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.20.31 Described in additional U.S.note 18 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ............................................................. 16% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%

0406.20.34 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 20% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.20.36 00 Described in additional U.S.note 19 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 20% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Edam and Gouda cheeses:
0406.20.43 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 15% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.20.44 00 Described in additional U.S. note 20 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 15% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Romano made from cow's milk, Reggiano,
Parmesan, Provolone, Provoletti, Sbrinz and Goya
0406.20.49 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 15% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Made from cow's milk:
0406.20.51 00 Described in additional U.S. note 21 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 15% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.20.54 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 9.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Other, including mixtures of the above:
0406.20.55 00 Cheeses made from sheep's milk.............................kg.............. 9.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
4.5% (MX)
0406.20.56 00 Other, described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.20.57 00 Containing, or processed from, Bryndza,
Gjetost, Gammelost, Nokkelost or
Roquefort cheeses ...........................................kg.............. 8.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1 2

fix Quantity General Special

Containing, or processed from, blue-veined

cheese (except Roquefort):
0406.20.61 00 Described in additional U.S. note 17 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Containing, or processed from, Cheddar
0406.20.65 00 Described in additional U.S. note 18 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Other, including mixtures of the above (con.):
Other (con.):
Containing, or processed from, American-
type cheese (including Colby, washed curd
and granular cheese but not including
0406.20.69 00 Described in additional U.S.note 19 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Containing, or processed from, Edam or
Gouda cheese:
0406.20.73 00 Described in additional U.S. note 20 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Containing, or processed from, Italian-type
cheeses (Romano, Reggiano, Parmesan,
Provolone, Provoletti, Sbrinz and Goya)
made from cow's milk:
0406.20.77 00 Described in additional U.S. note 21 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Containing, or processed from, Swiss,
Emmentaler, or Gruyere-process cheeses:
0406.20.81 00 Described in additional U.S. note 22 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Containing 0.5 percent or less by weight
of butterfat:
0406.20.85 00 Described in additional U.S. note
23 to this chapter and entered
pursuant to its provisions.....................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Containing cow's milk:
0406.20.89 00 Described in additional U.S.
note 16 to this chapter and
entered pursuant to its
provisions .......................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.20.95 00 Other ........ ...........................................kg.............. 8.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.30 Processed (process) cheese, not grated or powdered:
Blue-veined cheese other than Roquefort cheese:
0406.30.12 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 20% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.30.14 00 Described in additional U.S. note 17 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 20% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Cheddar cheese:
0406.30.22 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 16% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.30.24 00 Described in additional U.S.note 18 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 16% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Colby cheese:
0406.30.32 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 20% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.30.34 00 Described in additional U.S. note 19 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 20% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Edam and Gouda cheeses:
0406.30.42 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 15% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.30.44 00 Described in additional U.S. note 20 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 15% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Gruyere-process cheese:
0406.30.49 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.30.51 00 Described in additional U.S. note 22 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Other, including mixtures of the above:
0406.30.55 00 Cheeses made from sheep's milk.............................kg.............. 9.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
4.5% (MX)
0406.30.56 00 Other, described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.30.57 00 Containing, or processed from, Bryndza,
Gjetost, Gammelost, Nokkelost or
Roquefort cheeses ...........................................kg.............. 8.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Containing, or processed from, blue-veined
cheese (except Roquefort):
0406.30.61 00 Described in additional U.S. note 17 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Containing, or processed from, Cheddar
0406.30.65 00 Described in additional additional U.S.
note 18 to this chapter and entered
pursuant to its provisions ............................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Containing, or processed from, American-
type cheese (including Colby, washed curd
and granular cheese, but not including
0406.30.69 00 Described in additional U.S. note 19 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1 2

fix Quantity General Special

Containing, or processed from, Edam or

Gouda cheeses:
0406.30.73 00 Described in additional U.S. note 20 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Containing, or processed from, Italian-type
cheeses (Romano, Reggiano, Parmesan,
Provolone, Provoletti, Sbrinz and Goya):
0406.30.77 00 Described in additional U.S. note 21 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Containing, or processed from, Swiss,
Emmentaler or Gruyere-process cheeses:
0406.30.81 00 Described in additional U.S. note 22 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Containing 0.5 percent or less by
weight of butterfat:
0406.30.85 00 Described in additional U.S. note
23 to this chapter and entered
pursuant to its provisions.....................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Containing cow's milk:
0406.30.89 00 Described in additional U.S.
note 16 to this chapter and
entered pursuant to its
provisions .......................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.30.95 00 Other ........ ...........................................kg.............. 8.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%

0406.40 Blue-veined cheese:

0406.40.20 00 In original loaves ...... ...........................................kg.............. 2.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
1.8% (MX)
0406.40.40 00 Other ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
3% (MX)
Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
0406.40.51 00 In original loaves..... ...........................................kg.............. 15% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.40.52 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 20% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Described in additional U.S. note 17 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its provisions:
0406.40.54 00 In original loaves..... ...........................................kg.............. 15% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.40.58 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 20% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.90 Other cheese:
0406.90.05 00 Bryndza cheese .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 7.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
2.5% (MX)
Cheddar cheese:
0406.90.06 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 12% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.90.08 Described in additional U.S. note 18 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ............................................................. 12% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Edam and Gouda cheeses:

0406.90.14 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 15% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.90.16 00 Described in additional U.S. note 20 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its provisions .......kg.............. 15% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Gjetost cheeses:
0406.90.20 00 Made from goat's milk whey or from whey
obtained from a mixture of goat's milk and not
more than 20 percent by weight of cow's
milk ..... ....... .... ............kg........................................4.2% ......... Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
1.9% (MX)
0406.90.25 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 8.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
3% (MX)
Goya cheese:
0406.90.28 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 25% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Made from cow's milk and not in original
0406.90.31 00 Described in additional U.S. note 21 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 25% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.90.33 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 21.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
7.5% (MX)
Sbrinz cheese:
0406.90.34 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 19% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Made from cow's milk:
0406.90.36 00 Described in additional U.S. note 21 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 19% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.90.38 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 12.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Romano made from cow's milk, Reggiano,
Parmesan, Provolone and Provoletti cheeses:
0406.90.39 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 15% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Made from cow's milk:
0406.90.41 00 Described in additional U.S. note 21 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 15% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.90.43 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 9.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
S w iss or Emmentaler cheese with eye formation:
0406.90.44 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.90.46 00 Described in additional U.S. note 25 to this ch-
apter and entered pursuant to its provisions ...........kg.............. 6.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1 2

fix Quantity General Special

0406.90.49 00 Gammelost and Nokkelost cheeses ................................kg.............. 5.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
1.9% (MX)
Colby cheese:
0406.90.51 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 20% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.90.52 00 Described in additional U.S. note 19 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 20% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Other cheeses, and substitutes for cheese,
including mixtures of the above:
Cheeses made from sheep's milk:
0406.90.59 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 9.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
4.5% (MX)
Other, described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its provisions
(including mixtures):
0406.90.61 00 Containing Romano, Reggiano, Parmesan,
Provolone, Provoletti, Sbrinz or Goya, all
the foregoing made from cow's milk ..................kg.............. 7.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.90.63 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Other, including mixtures of the above
(excluding goods containing mixtures of
subheadings 0406.90.61 or 0406.90.63):
Containing Romano, Reggiano, Parmesan,
Provolone, Provoletti, Sbrinz or Goya, all
the foregoing made from cow's milk:
0406.90.66 00 Described in additional U.S. note 21 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 7.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Containing, or processed from, blue-veined
0406.90.72 00 Described in additional U.S. note 17 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%

Containing, or processed from, Cheddar

0406.90.76 00 Described in additional U.S. note 18 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Containing, or processed from, American-
type cheese (including Colby, washed curd
and granular cheese, but not including

0406.90.82 00 Described in additional U.S. note 19

to this chapter and entered pursuant to
its provisions.... ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Containing, or processed from, Edam or
Gouda cheese:
0406.90.86 00 Described in additional U.S. note 20
to this chapter and entered pursuant to
its provisions.... ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Containing, or processed from, Swiss,

Emmentaler or Gruyere-process cheese:
0406.90.90 00 Described in additional U.S. note 22 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%

0406 (con.) Cheese and curd (con.):

0406.90 Other cheese (con.):
Other cheeses, and substitutes for cheese,
including mixtures of the above (con.):
Other, including mixtures of the above
(excluding goods containing mixtures of
subheadings 0406.90.61 or 0406.90.63)(con.):
Containing 0.5 percent or less by
weight of butterfat:
0406.90.93 00 Described in additional U.S. note
23 to this chapter and entered
pursuant to its provisions.....................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Containing cow's milk (except soft-
ripened cow's milk cheese):
0406.90.95 00 Described in additional U.S.
note 16 to this chapter and
entered pursuant to its
provisions .......................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0406.90.99 00 Other ........ ...........................................kg.............. 8.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%

0407.00.00 Birds' eggs, in shell, fresh, preserved or cooked.............................. 2.8¢/doz. Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 10¢/doz.
0408 Birds' eggs, not in shell, and egg yolks, fresh, dried,
cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, molded, frozen
or otherwise preserved, whether or not containing added
sugar or other sweetening matter:
Egg yolks:
0408.11.00 00 Dried.... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 47.6¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 59.5¢/kg
0408.19.00 00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 9.7¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 24.3¢/kg
0408.91.00 00 Dried.... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 47.6¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 59.5¢/kg
0408.99.00 00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 9.7¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 24.3¢/kg

0409.00.00 Natural honey... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.9¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 6.6¢/kg

0410.00.00 00 Edible products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified

or include d .... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 10%

0501.00.00 00 Human hair, unworked, whether or not washed or scoured;

waste of human hair . .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%

0502 Pigs', hogs' or boars' bristles and hair; badger hair and
other brushmaking hair; waste of such bristles or hair:
0502.10.00 00 Pigs', hogs' or boars' bristles and hair and waste
thereof..... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 0.8¢/kg Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 6.6¢/kg
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1 2

fix Quantity General Special

0505 Skins and other parts of birds, with their feathers or down,
feathers and parts of feathers (whether or not with trimmed
edges) and down, not further worked than cleaned,
disinfected or treated for preservation; powder and waste
of feathers or parts of feathers:
0505.90.20 Feather meal and waste ............................................................. 2.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%

0509.00.00 00 Natural sponges of animal origin...... ...........................................kg.............. 3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15%

0510.00 Ambergris, castoreum, civet and musk; cantharides; bile,
whether or not dried; glands and other animal products
used in the preparation of pharmaceutical products, fresh,
chilled, frozen or otherwise provisionally preserved:
0510.00.20 00 Ambergris, castoreum, civet and musk ......................kg............. 5.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%

0511.99.40 Other . ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 10%

0601 Bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots, corms, crowns and rhi-

zomes, dormant, in growth or in flower; chicory plants and
roots other than roots of heading 1212:
0601.10 Bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots, corms, crowns and
rhizomes, dormant:
0601.10.15 00 Tulip bulbs ...... .... ............ ...........................................No............. 89.6¢/1000 Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $ 1000
0601.10.30 00 Hyacinth bulbs .. .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 38.4¢/1000 Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $ 1000
0601.10.45 00 Lily bulbs ....... .... ............ ...........................................No............. 55.7¢/1000 Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $ 1000
0601.10.60 00 Narcissus bulbs . ............ ...........................................No............. $1.3 1000 Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $ 1000
0601.10.75 00 Crocus corms..... ............ ............................................................. No. 19.2¢/1000 Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, $ 1000
0601.10.85 00 Lily of the valley pips .......... ...........................................No. ............ $1.4 1000 Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $ 1000
0601.10.90 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
0601.20 Bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots, corms, crowns and
rhizomes, in growth or in flower; chicory plants and
0601.20.10 00 Hyacinth bulbs, without soil attached.............................No. ............ 38.4¢/1000 Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $ 1000
0601.20.90 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No............. 1.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%

0602 Other live plants (including their roots), cuttings and slips;
mushroom spawn:
0602.10.00 00 Unrooted cuttings and slips .............................................................. No. 4.8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%

0602.30.00 00 Rhododendrons and azaleas, grafted or not ...............No............. 1.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
0602.90 Other:
Herbaceous perennials:
0602.90.30 With soil attached to roots ............................................. 1.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
0602.90.40 00 Other ... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
0602.90.50 00 Mushroom spawn......... ...........................................kg.............. 1.4¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 2.2¢/kg
0602.90.60 With soil attached to roots ............................................. 1.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

0602.90.90 Other ... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
0603 Cut flowers and flower buds of a kind suitable for bouquets
or for ornamental purposes, fresh, dried, dyed, bleached,
impregnated or otherwise prepared:
0603.10 Fresh:
0603.10.30 00 Miniature (spray) carnations ....................................No. 3.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
0603.10.70 Chrysanthemums, standard carnations, anthuriums
and orchids ... .... ............ ............................................................. 6.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 40%
0603.10.80 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
0603.90.00 00 Other ........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X ............... 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%

0604 Foliage, branches and other parts of plants, without flowers

or flower buds, and grasses, mosses and lichens, being
goods of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental
purposes, fresh, dried, dyed, bleached, impregnated or
otherwise prepared:
0604.99 Other:
0604.99.60 00 Other . ....... .... ............ ...........................................X ............... 7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%

0701 Potatoes, fresh or chilled:

0701.10.00 Seed.......... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.5¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 1.7¢/kg
0701.90 Other:
0701.90.10 00 Yellow (Solano) potatoes ............................................................ kg 0.5¢/kg Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 1.7¢/kg
0701.90.50 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.5¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 1.7¢/kg
0702.00 Tomatoes, fresh or chilled:
0702.00.60 If entered during the period from November 15, in any
year, to the last day of the following February,
inclusive .. ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.8¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 6.6¢/kg
See 9906.07.06-
9906.07.09 (MX)
0703 Onions, shallots, garlic, leeks and other alliaceous
vegetables, fresh or chilled:
0703.10 Onions and shallots:
0703.10.20 00 Onion sets ...... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 0.83¢/kg Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 5.5¢/kg
0703.10.30 00 Pearl onions not over 16 mm in diameter .......kg............. 0.96¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 5.5¢/kg

0703.10.40 00 Other ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.1¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 5.5¢/kg

0703.20.00 Garlic........ ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.43¢/kg Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 3.3¢/kg
0703.90.00 00 Leeks and other alliaceous vegetables.................................kg.............. 20% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50%

0704 Cabbages, cauliflower, kohlrabi, kale and similar edible

brassicas, fresh or chilled:
0704.10 Cauliflower and headed broccoli (Brassica oleracea
var. botrytis ):
0704.10.20 00 If entered during the period from June 5 to
October 15, inclusive, in any year ............................kg............. 2.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
0704.10.40 00 Not reduced in size .. ...........................................kg............. 10% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 50%
See 9906.07.14-
9906.07.16 (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

0704.10.60 00 Cut, sliced or otherwise reduced in size ........kg............. 14% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 35%
3.7% (MX)

0704.20.00 00 Brussels sprouts .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 12.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 50%
See 9906.07.17-
9906.07.18 (MX)
0704.90 Other (including sprouting broccoli (Brassica oleracea
var. italica)):
0704.90.20 00 Cabbage .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 0.54¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 4.4¢/kg
0704.90.40 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 20% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50%
See 9906.07.19-
9906.07.22 (MX)
0705 Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and chicory (Cichorium spp.),
fresh or chilled:
0705.11 Head lettuce (cabbage lettuce):
0705.11.20 00 If entered in the period from June 1 to
October 31, inclusive, in any year ......................kg............. 0.4¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 4.4¢/kg
0705.11.40 00 Other . ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.7¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL, 4.4¢/kg
See 9906.07.23-
9906.07.24 (MX)
0705.19 Other:
0705.19.20 00 If entered in the period from June 1 to
October 31, inclusive, in any year ......................kg............. 0.4¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 4.4¢/kg
0705.19.40 00 Other . ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.7¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL, 4.4¢/kg
See 9906.07.25-
9906.07.26 (MX)
0705.21.00 00 Witloof chicory (Cichorium intybus var. foliosum )................. kg 0.15¢/kg Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 4.4¢/kg
0705.29.00 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 0.15¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 4.4¢/kg

0706 Carrots, turnips, salad beets (salad beetroot), salsify,

celeriac, radishes and similar edible roots, fresh or chilled:
0706.10 Carrots and turnips:
0706.10.05 00 Reduced in size............ ...........................................kg.............. 14.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0706.10.10 00 Under 10 cm in length....................................kg............. 1.4¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 17.6¢/kg
0706.10.20 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.7¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 8.8¢/kg
0706.90 Other:
0706.90.20 00 Radishes . ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 2.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
0706.90.30 00 Beets and horseradish.. ...........................................kg............. 1.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 12%
0706.90.40 00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50%
0707.00 Cucumbers, including gherkins, fresh or chilled:
0707.00.20 00 If entered during the period from December 1 in any
year to the last day of the following February,
inclusive .. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 4.2¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 6.6¢/kg
0707.00.40 00 If ente red during the period from March 1 to April 30,
inclusive, in any year ............ ............................................................. kg 5.6¢/kg Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J) 6.6¢/kg
3.5¢/kg (MX)
0707.00.60 00 If entered during the period from July 1 to August 31,
inclusive, in any year ............ ............................................................. kg 1.5¢/kg Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 6.6¢/kg
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

0708 Leguminous vegetables, shelled or unshelled, fresh or

0708.10 Peas (Pisum sativum):
0708.10.20 00 If entered during the period from July 1 to
September 30, inclusive, in any year ......................kg............. 0.5¢/kg Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 8.6¢/kg
0708.10.40 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 2.8¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 8.6¢/kg
0708.20 Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.):
0708.20.10 00 Lima beans, if entered during the period from
November 1 in any year to the following May 31,
inclusive .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 2.3¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 7.7¢/kg
0708.20.20 00 Cowpeas (other than black-eye peas)...........................kg.............. Free Free
0708.20.90 00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.9¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 7.7¢/kg
See 9906.07.29-
9906.07.30 (MX)
0708.90 Other leguminous vegetables:
0708.90.05 00 Chickpeas (garbanzos).. ...........................................kg............. 1¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 4.4¢/kg
0708.90.15 00 Lentils ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 0.1¢/kg Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 1.1¢/kg
Pigeon peas:
0708.90.30 00 Other . ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 0.8¢/kg Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 8.6¢/kg
0708.90.40 00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.9¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 7.7¢/kg
0709 Other vegetables, fresh or chilled:
0709.10.00 00 Globe artichokes . .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 11.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50%
0709.20 Asparagus:
0709.20.10 00 Not reduced in size, entered during the period from
September 15 to November 15, inclusive, in any
year, and transported to the United States by air kg............. 5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50%
0709.20.90 00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 21.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50%
See 9906.07.31-
9906.07.34 (MX)
0709.30 Eggplants (aubergines):
0709.30.20 00 If entered during the period from April 1 to
November 30, inclusive, in any year ........................kg............. 2.6¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 3.3¢/kg
See 9906.07.35-
9906.07.38 (MX)
0709.30.40 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.9¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 3.3¢/kg
0709.40 Celery other than celeriac:
0709.40.40 00 If imported and entered during the period from
April 15 to July 31, inclusive, in any year ..........kg............. 0.25¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 4.4¢/kg
Mushrooms and truffles:
0709.51.00 Mushrooms ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 8.8¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 22¢/kg +
20% J) 45%
2.4¢/kg +
3.7% (MX)
0709.60 Fruits of the genus Capsicum (peppers) or of the
genus Pimenta (e.g., allspice):
0709.60.20 00 Chili peppers . .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 4.4¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 5.5¢/kg
See 9906.07.41-
9906.07.43 (MX)

0709.60.40 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 4.7¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 5.5¢/kg
See 9906.07.44-
9906.07.45 (MX)
0709.70.00 00 Spinach, New Zealand spinach and orache spinach
(garden spinach)..... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 20% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

0709.90 Other:
0709.90.05 00 Jicamas, pumpkins and breadfruit .........................kg............. 11.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
0709.90.10 00 Chayote (Sechium edule) ............................................................ kg 5.6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
0709.90.14 00 Okra ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 20% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%

0709.90.20 00 Squash .... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.5¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 4.4¢/kg
See 9906.07.46-
9906.07.48 (MX)

0709.90.30 00 Fiddlehead greens ............ ...........................................kg.............. 8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%

0709.90.35 00 Olives .. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 8.8¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 11¢/kg
0709.90.45 00 Sweet corn ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 21.3% Free
(CA,E,IL,J, 50%

0709.90.90 00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 20% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50%
See 9906.07.50-
9906.07.53 (MX)
0710 Vegetables (uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in
water), frozen:
0710.10.00 00 Potatoes .... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 14% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Leguminous vegetables, shelled or unshelled:
0710.21 Peas (Pisum sativum):
0710.21.20 00 If entered during the period from July 1 to
September 30, inclusive, in any year ................kg............. 1¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 8.6¢/kg
0710.21.40 00 Other . ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 2¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 8.6¢/kg
0710.22 Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.):
Not reduced in size:
Lima beans:
0710.22.10 00 If entered during the period from
November 1 in any year to the following
May 31, inclusive ......................................kg............. 2.3¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 7.7¢/kg
0710.22.15 00 Other.. ............ ...........................................kg............. 4.9¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 7.7¢/kg

0710.22.25 00 String beans (snap beans)...........................kg............. 4.9¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 7.7¢/kg

0710.22.37 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.9¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 7.7¢/kg
0710.22.40 Reduced in size............ ............................................................. 11.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0710.29 Other:
0710.29.05 00 Chickpeas (garbanzos) .......................................kg............. 1¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 4.4¢/kg
0710.29.15 00 Lentils ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 0.1¢/kg Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 1.1¢/kg
Pigeon peas:

0710.29.30 00 Other ... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 0.8¢/kg Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 8.6¢/kg
0710.29.40 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 3.5¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 7.7¢/kg
0710.30.00 00 Spinach, New Zealand spinach and orache spinach
(garden spinach)..... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 14% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0710.40.00 00 Sweet corn ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 14% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0710.80 Other vegetables:
0710.80.20 00 Mushrooms ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5.7¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 22¢/kg +
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8% J) 45%
2.1¢/kg + 3% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

0710.80.45 00 If entered during the period from July 15 to
August 31, inclusive, in any year.............................kg.............. 2.1¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 6.6¢/kg
0710.80.50 00 If entered during the period from November 15
in any year to the last day of the following
February, inclusive ... ...........................................kg............. 2.1¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 6.6¢/kg
Not reduced in size:
0710.80.60 00 Fiddlehead greens ...........................................kg.............. 8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50%
0710.80.65 00 Brussels sprouts ............................................................. kg 12.5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
0710.80.70 Other ... .... ............ ............................................................. 11.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50%
Reduced in size:
0710.80.85 00 Brussels sprouts.... ...........................................kg.............. 14% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
5.2% (MX)
0710.80.93 00 Okra..... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 14.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
0710.80.97 Other .... .... ............ ............................................................. 14.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
See 9906.07.54-
0710.90 Mixtures of vegetables:
0710.90.10 00 Mixtures of pea pods and waterchestnuts ...........kg............. 7.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
0710.90.90 00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 14% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0711 Vegetables provisionally preserved (for example, by sulfur
dioxide gas, in brine, in sulfur water or in other preservative
solutions), but unsuitable in that state for immediate
0711.10.00 00 Onions ..... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 5.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
0711.20 Olives:
Not pitted:
Green in color, in a saline solution, in containers
each holding more than 8 kg, drained weight,
certified by the importer to be used for
repacking or sale as green olives:
0711.20.18 00 Described in additional U.S. note 5 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ............ ............................................................. kg 3.7¢/kg on Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 7.4¢/kg on
drained J,MX) drained
weight weight

0711.20.38 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5.9¢/kg on Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 7.4¢/kg on
drained J,MX) drained
weight weight

0711.20.40 00 Pitted or stuffed .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 8.6¢/kg on Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 10.8¢/kg on
drained J) drained
weight 3.2¢/kg on weight
w eight (MX)

0711.30.00 00 Capers ..... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 8% Free

(A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
0711.40.00 00 Cucumbers including gherkins .....................................kg............. 7.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
0711.90 Other vegetables; mixtures of vegetables:

0711.90.40 00 Mushrooms ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5.7¢/kg on Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 22¢/kg on
drained J,MX) drained
weight weight
+ 8% + 45%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

0711.90.60 00 Other vegetables; mixtures of vegetables............kg............. 7.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%

0712 Dried vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder,
but not further prepared:
0712.30 Mushrooms and truffles:
0712.30.10 00 Air dried or sun dried............................................................ kg 1.3¢/kg + 1.8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 22¢/kg +
MX) 45%
0712.30.20 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.9¢/kg + 2.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 22¢/kg +
J,MX) 45%
0712.90 Other vegetables; mixtures of vegetables:
0712.90.10 00 Carrots ... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
0712.90.15 00 Not ripe ..... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 5.5¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 5.5¢/kg
0712.90.20 00 Ripe..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.5¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 11¢/kg
0712.90.30 00 Potatoes whether or not cut or sliced but not further
prepared. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 2.3¢/kg Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 6¢/kg
Fennel, marjoram, parsley, savory and tarragon:
0712.90.65 00 Parsley..... ............ ............................................................. kg 3.8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
0712.90.70 00 Other ... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
0712.90.74 00 In powder . .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 8.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
0712.90.78 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 8.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0712.90.80 Other vegetables; mixtures of vegetables.............................. 8.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
0713 Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled, whether or not
skinned or split:
0713.10 Peas (Pisum sativum ):
0713.10.10 00 Seeds of a kind used for sowing ............................kg............. 1.5¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 13.2¢/kg
0713.10.40 Other . ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.4¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 3.9¢/kg
0713.20 Chickpeas (garbanzos):
0713.20.10 00 Seeds of a kind used for sowing ............................kg............. 1.5¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 13.2¢/kg
0713.20.20 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.4¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 3.9¢/kg
Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.):
0713.31 Beans of the species Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper or
Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek:
0713.31.10 00 Seeds of a kind used for sowing ......................kg............. 0.8¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 13.2¢/kg

0713.31.40 00 If entered for consumption outside the

above stated period, or if withdrawn for
consumption at any time ..............................kg............. 0.3¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 6.6¢/kg
0713.32 Small red (adzuki) beans (Phaseolus or Vigna
0713.32.10 00 Seeds of a kind used for sowing ......................kg............. 1.5¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 13.2¢/kg
0713.32.20 00 Other . ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.2¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 6.6¢/kg
0713.33 Kidney beans, including white pea beans
(Phaseolus vulgaris ):
0713.33.10 Seeds of a kind used for sowing ........................................ 1.5¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 13.2¢/kg
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

0713.33.20 If entered for consumption during the period
from May 1 to August 31, inclusive, in
any year ... ............ ............................................................. 1¢/kg Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 6.6¢/kg
0713.33.40 If entered for consumption outside the
above stated period, or if withdrawn for
consumption at any time ................................................ 1.5¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 6.6¢/kg
0713.39 Other:
0713.39.10 Seeds of a kind used for sowing ........................................ 1.5¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 13.2¢/kg
0713.39.20 If entered for consumption during the
period from May 1 to August 31,
inclusive, in any year ................................................. 0.8¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 6.6¢/kg
0713.39.40 If entered for consumption outside the
above stated period, or if withdrawn for
consumption at any time.......................................... 0.8¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 6.6¢/kg
0713.40 Lentils:
0713.40.10 00 Seeds of a kind used for sowing ............................kg............. 1.5¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 13.2¢/kg
0713.40.20 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 0.15¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 1.1¢/kg
0713.50 Broad beans (Vicia faba var. major) and horse beans
(Vicia faba var. equina and Vicia faba var. minor):
0713.50.10 00 Seeds of a kind used for sowing ............................kg............. 1.5¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 13.2¢/kg
0713.50.20 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.2¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 6.6¢/kg
0713.90 Other:
0713.90.10 00 Seeds of a kind used for sowing ............................kg............. 1.5¢/kg Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 13.2¢/kg
0713.90.60 00 If entered for consumption during the period
from May 1 to August 31, inclusive, in
any year ... ............ ...........................................kg............. 0.8¢/kg Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 6.6¢/kg
0713.90.80 00 If entered for consumption outside the
above stated period, or if withdrawn for
consumption at any time ..............................kg............. 1.5¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 6.6¢/kg
0714 Cassava (manioc), arrowroot, salep, Jerusalem artichokes,
sweet potatoes and similar roots and tubers with high
starch or inulin content fresh, chilled, frozen or dried,
whether or not sliced or in the form of pellets; sago pith:
0714.10 Cassava (manioc):
0714.10.10 00 Frozen ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 7.9% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
0714.10.20 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 11.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50%
0714.20 Sweet potatoes:
0714.20.10 00 Frozen ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 6% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
0714.20.20 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 4.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50%
0714.90 Other:
Fresh or chilled:
0714.90.10 00 Dasheens . .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 2.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
0714.90.20 00 Yams . ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
0714.90.40 00 Other . ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 16% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50%
7.5% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

0714.90.45 00 Frozen kg 6% Free

(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%

0714.90.60 00 Other . ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 8.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
0802 Other nuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled:
0802.11.00 00 In shell. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 7.7¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 12.1¢/kg
0802.12.00 00 Shelled ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 24¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 40.8¢/kg
Hazelnuts or filberts (Corylus spp.):
0802.21.00 00 In shell. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 7¢/kg Free (A+,CA ,E,IL, 11¢/kg
0802.22.00 00 Shelled ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 14.1¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 22¢/kg
0802.31.00 00 In shell..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 7¢/kg Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 11¢/kg
0802.32.00 00 Shelled ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 26.5¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 33.1¢/kg
0802.50 Pistachios:
0802.50.20 00 In shell..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 0.9¢/kg Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 5.5¢/kg
0802.50.40 00 Shelled .... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.9¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 11¢/kg
0802.90 Other:
0802.90.10 00 In shell. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 8.8¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 11¢/kg
0802.90.15 00 Shelled...... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 17.6¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 22¢/kg
0802.90.20 00 In shell ...... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 0.7¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 5.5¢/kg
0802.90.25 00 Shelled...... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 11¢/kg
0802.90.80 In shell ...... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.3¢/kg Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 5.5¢/kg
0802.90.94 00 Kola nuts . ............ ...........................................kg............. 5¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 11¢/kg
0802.90.98 Other .... .... ............ ............................................................. 5¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 11¢/kg
0803.00 Bananas and plantains, fresh or dried:
0803.00.40 00 Dried .. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%

0804 Dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes and

mangosteens, fresh or dried:
0804.10 Dates:
Whole, with or without pits:
0804.10.20 00 Packed in units weighing (with the immediate
container, if any) not more than 4.6 kg.....................kg.............. 13.2¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 16.5¢/kg
0804.10.40 00 With pits..... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 2.2¢/kg
0804.10.60 00 With pits removed... ...........................................kg.............. 2.8¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 4.4¢/kg
0804.10.80 00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 29.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0804.20 Figs:
0804.20.40 00 In immediate containers weighing with their
contents over 0.5 kg each........................................kg.............. 7.9¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 11¢/kg
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

0804.20.60 00 Other . ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 6.2¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 11¢/kg
0804.20.80 00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 8.8¢/kg Free (A+,CA ,E,IL, 11¢/kg
0804.30 Pineapples:
Not reduced in size:
0804.30.20 00 In bulk.. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.51¢/kgFree (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.64¢/kg
0804.30.40 00 In crates or other packages .....................................kg.............. 1.1¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 2.11¢/kg
0804.30.60 00 Reduced in size .... ............kg........................................0.44¢/kg.... Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 4.4¢/kg
0804.40.00 00 Avocados.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 11.2¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 33.l¢/kg
3.9¢/kg (MX)
0804.50 Guavas, mangoes and mangosteens:
0804.50.40 If entered during the period from September 1,
in any year, to the following May 31, inclusive .................. 6.6¢/kg Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 33.l¢/kg
0804.50.60 If entered at any other time.................................................. 6.6¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 33.l¢/kg
See 9906.08.01-
9906.08.02 (MX)
0804.50.80 00 Dried .. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.5¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 33.l¢/kg

0805 Citrus fruit, fresh or dried:

0805.30 Lemons (Citrus limon, Citrus limonum) and limes
(Citrus aurantifolia):
0805.30.20 00 Lemons ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.2¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 5.5¢/kg
0.8¢/kg (MX)

0805.30.40 00 Limes ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.8¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 4.4¢/kg
0.6¢/kg (MX)

0805.90.00 00 Other, including kumquats, citrons and bergamots ..kg............. 0.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
0806 Grapes, fresh or dried:
0806.10 Fresh:
0806.10.20 00 If entered during the period from February 15 to
March 31, inclusive, in any year.....................................m3.............. $1.1 m3 Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $8.8 m3

0806.10.60 00 If entered at any other time ...........................................m3.............. $1.80/m3 Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $8.8 m3
0806.20 Dried:
0806.20.10 Made from seedless grapes....................................................... 1.8¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 4.4¢/kg
0806.20.20 00 Other raisins .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.8¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 4.4¢/kg

0806.20.90 00 Other dried grapes ............ ...........................................kg.............. 3.5¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 5.5¢/kg

0807 Melons (including watermelons) and papayas (papaws),

Melons (including watermelons):
0807.11 Watermelons:
0807.11.30 00 If entered during the period from December 1,
in any year, to the following March 31,
inclusive ... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
0807.11.40 00 If entered at any other time.......................................kg.............. 17% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
See 9906.08.09-
9906.08.11 (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

0817.19 Other:
0807.19.10 00 If entered during the period from August 1
to September 15, inclusive, in any year.............kg.............. 12.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
6% (MX)

0807.19.20 00 If entered at any other time .........................kg............. 29.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 35%
See 9906.08.07-
9906.08.08 (MX)
Ogen and Galia melons:
0807.19.50 00 If entered during the period from
December 1, in any year, to the following
May 31, inclusive. ...........................................kg............. 1.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
0807.19.60 00 If entered at any other time .........................kg............. 6.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
0807.19.70 00 If entered during the period from
December 1, in any year, to the following
May 31, inclusive. ...........................................kg............. 5.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 35%
See 9906.08.12-
9906.08.13 (MX)

0807.19.80 00 If entered at any other time ................................kg.............. 28% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
18.6% (MX)

0807.20.00 00 Papayas (papaws) .... ............ ............................................................. kg 5.4% Free

(A,CA,E,IL,J) 35%
2.5% (MX)

0808 Apples, pears and quinces, fresh:

0808.20.40 00 If entered at any other time kg.......................................................... 0.3¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 1.1¢/kg
0809 Apricots, cherries, peaches (including nectarines), plums
(including prune plums) and sloes, fresh:
0809.10.00 00 Apricots..... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.2¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 1.1¢/kg
0809.30 Peaches, including nectarines:
0809.30.20 00 If entered during the period from June 1 to
November 30, inclusive, in any year...............................kg.............. 0.2¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 1.1¢/kg
0809.40 Plums (including prune plums) and sloes:

0809.40.40 00 If entered at any other time kg.......................................................... 0.5¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 1.1¢/kg

0810 Other fruit, fresh:

0810.10 Strawberries:
0810.10.20 00 If entered during the period from June 15 to
September 15, inclusive, in any year ......................kg............. 0.2¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 2.8¢/kg
0810.10.40 00 If entered at any other time ......................................kg............. 1.1¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 2.8¢/kg
0810.20 Raspberries, blackberries, mulberries and
0810.20.10 Raspberries and loganberries entered during the
period from September 1 in any year to June 30 of
the following year.. ............ ............................................................. 0.18¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 2.8¢/kg

0810.90.40 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 2.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
0811 Fruit and nuts, uncooked or cooked by steaming or
boiling in water, frozen, whether or not containing added
sugar or other sweetening matter:
0811.10.00 Strawberries ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 11.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 35%
4.2% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

0811.20 Raspberries, blackberries, mulberries, loganberries,

black, white or red currants and gooseberries (other
than kiwi fruit):
0811.20.20 Raspberries, loganberries, black currants and
gooseberries (other than kiwi fruit)......................................... 4.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
0811.20.40 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
0811.90 Other:
0811.90.10 00 Bananas and plantains ... ...........................................kg............. 3.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
0811.90.22 00 Boysenberries .. .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 11.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
4.2% (MX)
0811.90.25 00 Cashew apples, mameyes colorados, sapodillas,
soursops and sweetsops .......................................................... kg 3.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
0811.90.40 00 Papayas .... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 11.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
5.2% (MX)

0811.90.50 00 Pineapples...... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 0.25¢/kg Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 4.4¢/kg

0811.90.52 00 Mangoes . ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 10.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
0811.90.55 00 Melons .... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 11.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
0811.90.80 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 14.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0812 Fruit and nuts, provisionally preserved (for example, by
sulfur dioxide gas, in brine, in sulfur water or in other
preservative solutions), but unsuitable in that state for
immediate consumption:
0812.10.00 00 Cherries..... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 13.4¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20.9¢/kg
0812.20.00 00 Strawberries ... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.8¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 2.8¢/kg
0812.90 Other:
0812.90.10 00 Mixtures of two or more fruits ........................................kg.............. 11.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0812.90.20 00 Citrus .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.8¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 4.4¢/kg
0812.90.30 00 Figs ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.6¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 11¢/kg
0.9¢/kg (MX)

0812.90.40 00 Pineapples .. .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.25¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 4.4¢/kg

0812.90.90 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.1¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 1.1¢/kg

0813 Fruit, dried, other than that of headings 0801 to 0806;

mixtures of nuts or dried fruits of this chapter:
0813.10.00 00 Apricots ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.8¢/kg Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 4.4¢/kg
0813.20 Prunes:
0813.20.10 00 Soaked in brine and dried ... ...........................................kg.............. 2¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 4.4¢/kg
0813.20.20 00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 14% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0813.30.00 00 Apples ..... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 0.74¢/kg Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 4.4¢/kg
0813.40 Other fruit:
0813.40.10 00 Papayas ... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
0813.40.15 00 Barberries... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 3.5¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 5.5¢/kg
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

0813.40.20 Other . ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.4¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 5.5¢/kg
0813.40.30 00 Cherries .... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 10.6¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 13.2¢/kg
0813.40.40 00 Peaches .... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.4¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 4.4¢/kg
0813.40.80 00 Tamarinds ...... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 6.8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
0813.40.90 00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0813.50.00 Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits of this chapter ....................................... 14% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
0814.00 Peel of citrus fruit or melons (including watermelons), fresh,
frozen, dried or provisionally preserved in brine, in sulfur
water or in other preservative solutions:
0814.00.40 00 Lime ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.6¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 4.4¢/kg
0814.00.80 00 Other ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.6¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 4.4¢/kg
0901.90.20 00 Coffee substitutes containing coffee .............................kg.............. 1.5¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 6.6¢/kg
0902 Tea, whether or not flavored:
0902.10 Green tea (not fermented) in immediate packings of a
content not exceeding 3 kg:
0902.10.10 00 Flavored .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
0902.20 Other green tea (not fermented):
0902.20.10 00 Flavored .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%

0904 (con.) Pepper of the genus Piper; dried or crushed or ground

fruits of the genus Capsicum (peppers) or of the genus
Pimenta (e.g., allspice) (con.):
0904.20 Fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta
(including allspice), dried or crushed or ground:
Of the genus Capsicum (including cayenne pepper,
paprika and red pepper):
0904.20.20 00 Paprika...... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 11¢/kg
0904.20.40 00 Anaheim and ancho pepper .....................................kg.............. 5¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 11¢/kg
3.3¢/kg (MX)
0904.20.60 Not ground ........... ............................................................. 2.5¢/kg Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 11¢/kg
0904.20.76 00 Other.. ............ ...........................................kg............. 5¢/kg Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 17.6¢/kg
0908.20 Mace:
0908.20.20 00 Bombay or wild mace, ground .................................kg............. 7.4¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 49¢/kg
0910 Ginger, saffron, turmeric (curcuma), thyme, bay leaves,
curry and other spices:
0910.10 Ginger:
0910.10.40 00 Ground .... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1¢/kg Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 11¢/kg
0910.40.30 00 Thyme ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 4.8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
0910.40.40 00 Bay leaves.. .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 3.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
Other spices:
0910.91.00 00 Mixtures referred to in note 1(b) to this chapter .kg............. 1.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
0910.99 Other:
Origanum (Lippia spp.):
0910.99.40 00 Other ... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

0910.99.60 00 Other ... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
1001 Wheat and meslin:
1001.10.00 Durum wheat... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.65¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 1.5¢/kg
0.2¢/kg (MX)
1001.90 Other:
1001.90.10 00 Seed.... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 10%
1001.90.20 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.35¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 1.5¢/kg
1003.00 Barley:
1003.00.20 00 For malting purposes.... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.1¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.92¢/kg
1003.00.40 Other ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.15¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.92¢/kg
1005 Corn (maize):
1005.90 Other:
1005.90.20 00 Yellow dent corn ............ ...........................................kg............. 0.05¢/kg Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 0.98¢/kg
1005.90.40 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.25¢/kg Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 0.98¢/kg
1006 Rice:
1006.10.00 00 Rice in the husk (paddy or rough).........................................kg.............. 1.8¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 2.8¢/kg
0.8¢/kg (MX)
1006.20 Husked (brown) rice:
1006.20.20 00 Basmati ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.83¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 3.3¢/kg
0.3¢/kg (MX)

1006.20.40 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.1¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 3.3¢/kg
0.9¢/kg (MX)
1006.30 Semi-milled or wholly milled rice, whether or not
polished or glazed:
1006.30.10 Parboiled. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 11.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
1006.30.90 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.4¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 5.5¢/kg
0.6¢/kg (MX)
1006.40.00 00 Broken rice ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.44¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 1.4¢/kg
0.2¢/kg (MX)

1007.00.00 Grain sorghum ... ....... .... ............ ...........................................0.22¢/kg... Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 4.4¢/kg
1008 Buckwheat, millet and canary seed; other cereals
(including wild rice):
1008.20.00 00 Millet........... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.32¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 2.2¢/kg
1008.30.00 00 Canary seed . ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 0.12¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 2.2¢/kg
1008.90.00 Other cereals (including wild rice).......................................................... 1.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 10%

1101.00.00 Wheat or meslin flour..... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.7¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 2.3¢/kg
1102 Cereal flours other than of wheat or meslin:
1102.10.00 00 Rye flour.... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.23¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 1¢/kg
1102.20.00 00 Corn (maize) flour .... ............ ............................................................. kg 0.3¢/kg Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 1.1¢/kg
1102.30.00 00 Rice flour . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 0.09¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL, 1.4¢/kg
1102.90 Other:
1102.90.30 00 Mixtures ... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 12.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

1102.90.60 00 Other . ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%

1103 Cereal groats, meal and pellets:
Groats and meal:
1103.11.00 Of wheat... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.5¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 2.3¢/kg
1103.12.00 00 Of oats ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 0.8¢/kg Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 1.8¢/kg MX)
1103.13.00 Of corn (maize)... ............ ............................................................. 0.3¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 1.1¢/kg
1103.14.00 00 Of rice ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 0.09¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL, 1.4¢/kg
1103.19.00 00 Of other cereals..... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1104 Cereal grains otherwise worked (for example, hulled, rolled,
flaked, pearled, sliced or kibbled), except rice of heading
1006; germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground:
Rolled or flaked grains:
1104.11.00 00 Of barley ... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 4.4¢/kg
1104.12.00 00 Of oats ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.2¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 1.8¢/kg
1104.19.00 00 Of other cereals..... ............ ............................................................. kg 0.45¢/kg Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 1¢/kg
Other worked grains (for example, hulled, pearled,
sliced or kibbled):
1104.21.00 00 Of barley.. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 17%
1104.22.00 00 Of oats ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 0.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 11%
..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. MX)
1104.23.00 00 Of corn (maize)... ............ ...........................................kg............. 0.45¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 1¢/kg
1104.29.00 00 Of other cereals . ............ ...........................................kg............. 2.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1104.30.00 00 Germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground ......kg............. 4.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%

1105 Flour, meal, powder, flakes, granules and pellets of

1105.10.00 00 Flour, meal and powder ....... ...........................................kg............. 1.7¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 5.5¢/kg
1105.20.00 00 Flakes, granules and pellets...... ...........................................kg.............. 1.3¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 6.1¢/kg

1106 Flour, meal and powder of the dried leguminous

vegetables of heading 0713, of sago or of roots or tubers
of heading 0714 or of the products of chapter 8:
1106.10.00 00 Of the dried leguminous vegetables of heading 0713 ................. kg 8.3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
1106.30 Of the products of chapter 8:
1106.30.20 00 Banana and plantain........ ...........................................kg............. 2.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
1106.30.40 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 9.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%

1107 Malt, whether or not roasted

1107.10.00 00 Not roasted...... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.3¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.88¢/kg
1107.20.00 00 Roasted..... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.42¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.88¢/kg
1108 Starches; inulin:
1108.11.00 Wheat starch .. .... ............ ............................................................. 0.54¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 3.3¢/kg
1108.12.00 Corn (maize) starch........ ............................................................. 0.54¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 3.3¢/kg
1108.13.00 Potato starch..... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.56¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 5.5¢/kg
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

1108.20.00 00 Inulin ........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
1109.00 Wheat gluten, whether or not dried:
1109.00.10 00 To be used as animal feed . ...........................................kg............. 1.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1109.00.90 00 Other ...... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 6.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%

1202 Peanuts (ground-nuts), not roasted or otherwise cooked,

whether or not shelled or broken:
1202.10 In shell:
1202.10.05 Described in general note 15 of the tariff schedule
and entered pursuant to its provisions ............................................. 9.35¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 9.35¢/kg
1202.10.40 Described in additional U.S. note 2 to this chapter
and entered pursuant to its provisions ............................................. 9.35¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 9.35¢/kg
1202.20 Shelled, whether or not broken:
1202.20.05 Described in general note 15 of the tariff schedule
and entered pursuant to its provisions ............................................. 6.6¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg
1202.20.40 Described in additional U.S. note 2 to this chapter
and entered pursuant to its provisions ............................................. 6.6¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg

1204.00.00 Flaxseed (linseed), whether or not broken ................................................... 0.39¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 2.55¢/kg

1205.00.00 Rape or colza seeds, whether or not broken................................................ 0.58¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 4.4¢/kg
1207 Other oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, whether or not
1207.20.00 Cotton seeds ... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.47¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.73¢/kg
1207.91.00 00 Poppy seeds .. .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 0.06¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 0.7¢/kg
1208 Flours and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits, other
than those of mustard:
1208.10.00 00 Of soybeans ... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1208.90.00 00 Other ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1209 Seeds, fruits and spores of a kind used for sowing:
Beet seed:
Seeds of forage plants, other than beet seed:
1209.21.00 Alfalfa (lucerne) seed..... ............................................................. 1.5¢/kg Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 17.6¢/kg
1209.22 Clover (Trifolium spp.) seed:
1209.22.20 00 White and ladino ........... ...........................................kg.............. 1.6¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 13¢/kg
1209.24.00 00 Kentucky blue grass (Poa pratensis L.) seed ................kg.............. 1.2¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 11¢/kg
1209.25.00 Rye grass (Lolium multiflorium Lam., Lolium
perenne L.) seed ... ............ ............................................................. 1.4¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 6.6¢/kg
1209.30.00 Seeds of herbaceous plants cultivated principally for
their flowers ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 13.2¢/kg
1209.91 Vegetable seeds:
1209.91.10 00 Cauliflower . .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5.9¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 55¢/kg
1209.91.50 00 Parsley ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.68¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 4.4¢/kg
1209.91.80 Other . ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.5¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 13.2¢/kg
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

1209.99.40 Other . ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.83¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 13.2¢/kg
1210 Hop cones, fresh or dried, whether or not ground, pow -
dered or in the form of pellets; lupulin:
1210.10.00 00 Hop cones, neither ground nor powdered nor in the
form of pellets ..... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 13.2¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 53¢/kg

1210.20.00 Hop cones, ground, powdered or in the form of pellets;

lupulin ...... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 13.2¢/kg Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 53¢/kg
1211 Plants and parts of plants (including seeds and fruits), of a
kind used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insec-
ticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, fresh or dried,
whether or not cut, crushed or powdered:
1211.90 Other:
Mint leaves:
1211.90.40 Other . ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
1211.90.60 00 Tonka beans .. .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 6.6¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 55¢/kg
1212 Locust beans, seaweeds and other algae, sugar beet and
sugar cane, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not
ground; fruit stones and kernels and other vegetable
products (including unroasted chicory roots of the variety
Cichorium intybus sativum) of a kind used primarily for
human consumption, not elsewhere specified or included:
1212.30.00 00 Apricot, peach or plum stones and kernels ..........................kg.............. 1.5¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 6.6¢/kg
1212.91.00 00 Sugar beet ....... .... ............t ..........................................39.7¢/t....... Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 88.2¢/t
1212.92.00 00 Sugar cane...... .... ............ ...........................................t ................ $1.2 t Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $2.7 t

1214 Rutabagas (swedes), mangolds, fodder roots, hay, alfalfa

(lucerne), clover, sainfoin, forage kale, lupines, vetches
and similar forage products, whether or not in the form of
1214.10.00 Alfalfa (lucerne) meal and pellets ........................................................... 1.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1301 Lac; natural gums, resins, gum-resins and oleoresins (for
example, balsams):
1301.90 Other:
1301.90.40 00 Turpentine gum (oleoresinous exudate from living
trees). ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 5%
1302 Vegetable saps and extracts; pectic substances,
pectinates and pectates; agar-agar and other mucilages
and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from
vegetable products:
Vegetable saps and extracts:
anhydrous morphine content .............................kg
1302.12.00 00 Of licorice ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1302.13.00 00 Of hops ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 894/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $5.29/kg
1302.19.40 Other ... .... ............ ............................................................. 1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 10%
1302.31.00 00 Agar-agar ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. Free Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
1302.39.00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
...... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. J,MX)

1401 Vegetable materials of a kind used primarily for plaiting (for

example, bamboos, rattans, reeds, rushes, osier, raffia,
cleaned, bleached or dyed cereal straw, and lime bark):
1401.20 Rattans:
1401.20.40 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X ............... 2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

1401.90 Other:
1401.90.20 00 Willow (osier).... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
1401.90.40 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1402 Vegetable materials of a kind used primarily as stuffing or
as padding (for example, kapok, vegetable hair and eel-
grass), whether or not put up as a layer with or without
supporting material:
1402.90 Other:
1402.90.10 00 Vegetable hair... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.54/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 2.24/kg
1403 Vegetable materials of a kind used primarily in brooms or
in brushes (for example, broomcorn, piassava, couch
grass and istle), whether or not in hanks or bundles:
1403.10.00 00 Broomcorn (Sorghum vulgare var. technicum) .....................t................. $4.9 t Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $2 t
1403.90 Other:
1403.90.40 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 2.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
1501.00.00 Pig fat (including lard) and poultry fat, other than that of
heading 0209 or 1503.... .... ............ ............................................................. 34/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 6.64/kg
1502.00.00 Fats of bovine animals, sheep or goats, other than those
of heading 1503..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.434/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 7.74/kg
1503.00.00 00 Lard stearin, lard oil, oleostearin, oleo-oil and tallow oil, not
emulsified or mixed or otherwise prepared.................................kg.............. 24/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 8.84/kg
1504 Fats and oils and their fractions, of fish or marine mam-
mals, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified:
1504.10 Fish-liver oils and their fractions:
1504.10.40 00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 6.64/kg +
J,MX) 10%
1504.20 Fats and oils and their fractions, of fish, other than liver
1504.20.40 00 Herring .... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 14 /kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 84 /kg
1504.20.60 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.54 /kg + 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 6.64 /kg +
MX) 20%
1504.30.00 00 Fats and oils and their fractions, of marine mammals ................ kg 1.74 /kg + 5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 6.64 /kg +
MX) 20%
1505 Wool grease and fatty substances derived therefrom
(including lanolin):
1505.10.00 00 Wool grease, crude .. ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.34 /kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 9.54 /kg
1505.90.00 00 Other ...... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 2.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 27%
1506.00.00 00 Other animal fats and oils and their fractions, whether or
not refined, but not chemically modified............................kg............. 2.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1507 Soybean oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but
not chemically modified:
1507.10.00 00 Crude oil, whether or not degummed....................................kg.............. 19.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 45%
1507.90 Other:
1507.90.40 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 19.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 45%
1508 Peanut (ground-nut) oil and its fractions, whether or not
refined, but not chemically modified:
1508.10.00 00 Crude oil .... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 7.54/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 8.84/kg
1508.90.00 00 Other ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 7.54/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 8.84/kg
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

1509 Olive oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not
chemically modified:
1509.10 Virgin:
1509.10.20 00 Weighing with the immediate container under
18 kg .. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 54 /kg on Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 17.64 /kg on
contents MX) contents
and container and

1509.10.40 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.44 /kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 14.34 /kg
1509.90 Other:
1509.90.20 00 Weighing with the immediate container under
18 kg .. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 54 /kg on Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 17.64 /kg on
contents MX) contents
and container and

1509.90.40 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.44 /kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 14.34 /kg

1510.00 Other oils and their fractions, obtained solely from olives,
whether or not refined, but not chemically modified, includ-
ing blends of these oils and fractions with oils or fractions of
heading 1509:

1510.00.40 00 Weighing with the immediate container under
18 kg .. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 54 /kg on Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 17.64 /kg on
contents MX) contents
and container and

1510.00.60 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.44 /kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 14.34 /kg
1512 Sunflower-seed, safflower or cottonseed oil, and fractions
thereof, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified:
Sunflower-seed or safflower oil and fractions thereof:
1512.11.00 Crude oil.... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.74/kg + 3.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 9.94/kg +
J,MX) 20%
1512.19.00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.74/kg + 3.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 9.94/kg +
J,MX) 20%
Cottonseed oil and its fractions:
1512.21.00 00 Crude oil, whether or not gossypol has been
removed.... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5.64/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 6.64/kg
1512.29.00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.64/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 6.64/kg
1514 Rapeseed, colza or mustard oil, and fractions thereof,
whether or not refined, but not chemically modified:
1514.10 Crude oil:
1514.10.90 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 6.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 22.5%
1514.90 Other:
1514.90.50 Denatured... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.34/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 9.924/kg
1514.90.90 Other... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 6.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 22.5%
1515 Other fixed vegetable fats and oils (including jojoba oil) and
their fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically
Linseed oil and its fractions:
1515.11.00 00 Crude oil.... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.34/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 9.94/kg
1515.19.00 00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.34/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 9.94/kg
Corn (maize) oil and its fractions:
1515.21.00 00 Crude oil.... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 3.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

1515.29.00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1515.50.00 00 Sesame oil and its fractions ............................................................. kg 0.684 /kg Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 6.64 /kg
1515.60.00 00 Jojoba oil and its fractions .. ...........................................kg............. 2.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1515.90 Other:
1515.90.40 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1516 Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, partly
or wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified or
elaidinized, whether or not refined, but not further prepared:
1516.10.00 00 Animal fats and oils and their fractions ........................kg............. 74 /kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 114 /kg
1516.20 Vegetable fats and oils and their fractions:
1516.20.10 00 Rapeseed oil ..... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 7.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 12.5%
1516.20.90 00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 8.84/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 114/kg
1517 Margarine; edible mixtures or preparations of animal or
vegetable fats or oils or of fractions of different fats or oils
of this chapter, other than edible fats or oils or their
fractions of heading 1516:
1517.10.00 00 Margarine, excluding liquid margarine...................................kg.............. 12.34/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 314/kg

1517.90 Other:
Artificial mixtures of two or more of the products
provided for in headings 1501 to 1515, inclusive:
1517.90.10 Containing 5 percent or more by weight of
soybean oil or any fraction the reof..................................... 18% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
1517.90.20 Other . ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
Dairy products described in additional U.S.
note 1 to chapter 4:
1517.90.45 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 114/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 114/kg
1517.90.50 00 Described in additonal U.S. note 10 to
chapter 4 and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 114/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 114/kg

1517.90.90 Other... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 8.84/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 114/kg
3.34/kg (MX)
1518.00 Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, boiled,
oxidized, dehydrated, sulfurized, blown, polymerized by
heat in vacuum or in inert gas or otherwise chemically
modified, excluding those of heading 1516; inedible
mixtures or preparations of animal or vegetable fats or oils
or of fractions of different fats or oils of this chapter, not
elsewhere specified or included:
1518.00.20 00 Of linseed or flaxseed oil .......... ...........................................kg.............. 6.34/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 9.94/kg
1518.00.40 00 Other ........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
1521.90 Other:
1521.90.20 00 Bleached beeswax.......... ...........................................kg............. 4.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
1522.00.00 00 Degras; residues resulting from the treatment of fatty sub-
stances or animal or vegetable waxes .......................................kg.............. 3.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
1601.00 Sausages and similar products, of meat, meat offal or
blood; food preparations based on these products:
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

1601.00.20 Pork.......... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.8¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 7.2¢/kg
1601.00.40 Beef in airtight containers........................................................... 3.4% Free (A,CA,E*,IL, 30%
1601.00.60 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.2% Free (A,CA,E*,IL, 20%
1602 Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal or blood:
1602.10.00 00 Homogenized preparations ......kg........................................1.9% ......... Free(A+,CA,E*,IL, 30%
1602.20 Of liver of any animal:
1602.20.20 00 Of goose ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.9¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 22¢/kg
1602.20.40 00 Other ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.2% Free (A,CA,E*,IL, 20%
Of poultry of heading 0105:
1602.31.00 Of turkeys ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 6.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1602.32.00 Of chickens .... .... ............ ............................................................. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1602.39.00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1602 (con.) Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal or blood
Of swine:
1602.41 Hams and cuts thereof:
1602.41.10 00 Containing cereals or vegetables .....................kg............. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1602.41.20 Boned and cooked and packed in airtight
containers............ ............................................................. 5.3¢/kg Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 6.6¢/kg
1602.41.90 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.4¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 7.2¢/kg
1602.42 Shoulders and cuts thereof:
1602.42.20 Boned and cooked and packed in airtight
containers .... ............ ............................................................. 4.2¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 6.6¢/kg
1602.42.40 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.4¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 7.2¢/kg
1602.49 Other, including mixtures:
1602.49.10 00 Offal ... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
Not containing cereals or vegetables:
1602.49.20 00 Boned and cooked and packed in air -
tight containers ........................................kg............. 4.2¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 6.6¢/kg
1602.49.40 00 Other.. ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.4¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 7.2¢/kg
1602.49.60 00 Mixtures of pork and beef .....................kg............. 3.2% Free (A,CA,E*,IL, 20%
1602.49.90 00 Other.. ............ ...........................................kg............. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1602 (con.) Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal or blood
1602.50 Of bovine animals:
1602.50.05 00 Offal.... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 2.3% Free (A,CA,E*,IL, 20%
Not containing cereals or vegetables:
1602.50.09 00 Cured or pickled. ...........................................kg............. 4.5% Free (A*,CA,E*,IL, 30%
In airtight containers:
1602.50.20 Other ....... ............................................................. 1.4% Free (A*,CA,E*,IL, 30%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

1602.50.60 00 Other... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.8% Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 20%

1602.50.90 Other . ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.5% Free (A,CA,E*,IL, 20%
1602.90 Other, including preparations of blood of any animal:
1602.90.10 00 Frog meat ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 2.7% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1602.90.90 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1603.00 Extracts and juices of meat, fish or crustaceans, molluscs
or other aquatic invertebrates:
1603.00.10 00 Clam juice.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 8.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
1604 Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes
prepared from fish eggs:
Fish, whole or in pieces, but not minced:
1604.11 Salmon:
1604.11.20 In oil, in airtight containers .......................................................... 6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
1604.12 Herrings:
1604.12.20 00 In oil, in airtight containers ........................................kg.............. 4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
1604.13 Sardines, sardinella and brisling or sprats:
In oil, in airtight containers:
1604.13.20 00 Neither skinned nor boned...........................kg.............. 15% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
4.5% (MX)

1604.13.30 00 Skinned or boned.........................................kg.............. 20% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%

6% (MX)
1604.13.90 00 Other ... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
1604 (con.) Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes
prepared from fish eggs (con.):
Fish, whole or in pieces, but not minced (con.):
1604.14 Tunas, skipjack and bonito (Sarda spp.):
Tunas and skipjack:
In airtight containers:
1604.14.10 00 In oil .... ............kg........................................35% .......... Free (A+,CA,IL) 45%
18.6% (MX)
Not in oil:
1604.14.20 In containers weighing with their
contents not over 7 kg each, and
not the product of any insular
possession of the United States,
for an aggregate quantity entered
in any calendar year not to exceed
20 percent of the United States
pack of canned tuna during the
immediately preceding year, as
reported by the National Marine
Fisheries Service................................................... 6% Free (A+,CA,IL) 25%
3.2% (MX)
1604.14.30 Other ........ ............................................................. 12.5% Free (A+,CA,IL) 25%
6.6% (MX)
Not in airtight containers:
1604.14.40 00 In bulk or in immediate containers
weighing with their contents over 6.8
kg each, not in oil .........................................kg.............. 1.1¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 2.8¢/kg
0.5¢/kg (MX)

1604.14.50 00 Other.. ............ ...........................................kg............. 6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%

Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Bonito (Sarda spp.):

1604.14.70 00 In oil ...... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
1.4% (MX)

1604.14.80 00 Not in oil .... ............kg........................................6% ............ Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%

1.8% (MX)

1604.15.00 00 Mackerel. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%

1604.16 Anchovies:
1604.16.40 00 In immediate containers weighing with their
contents 6.8 kg or less each........................kg............. 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
1604 (con.) Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes
prepared from fish eggs (con.):
Fish, whole or in pieces, but not minced (con.):
1604.19 Other (including yellowtail):
In airtight containers:
Not in oil:
1604.19.10 00 Bonito, yellowtail and pollock.......................kg.............. 4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1604.19.20 00 Other.. ............ ...........................................kg............. 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 25%
In oil:
1604.19.25 00 Bonito, yellowtail and pollock ................kg............. 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
1604.19.30 00 Other.. ............ ...........................................kg............. 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
Fish sticks and similar products of any size
or shape, fillets or other portions of fish, if
breaded, coated with batter or similarly
1604.19.40 00 Neither cooked nor in oil...............................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1604.19.50 00 Other... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 10.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
1604.19.80 00 Other.. ............ ...........................................kg............. 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
1604.20 Other prepared or preserved fish:
1604.20.05 Products containing meat of crustaceans, molluscs
or other aquatic invertebrates; prepared meals .................... 10% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
Fish sticks and similar products of any size or
shape, if breaded, coated with batter or
similarly prepared:
1604.20.40 00 Neither cooked nor in oil.....................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1604.20.50 Other .... .... ............ ............................................................. 7.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
1604 (con.) Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes
prepared from fish eggs (con.):
1604.30 Caviar and caviar substitutes:
1604.30.20 00 Caviar. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 15% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
1605 Crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates,
prepared or preserved:
1605.10 Crab:
1605.10.05 Products containing fish meat; prepared meals .................... 10% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1605.10.40 Other ... .... ............ ............................................................. 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 15%
1605.20 Shrimps and prawns:

1605.20.05 Products containing fish meat; prepared meals .................... 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

1605.30 Lobster:
1605.30.05 Products containing fish meat; prepared meals .................... 10% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1605.40 Other crustaceans:
1605.90.10 00 Boiled clams, whether whole,
minced or chopped, and whether
or not salted, but not otherwise
prepared or preserved, in
immediate containers, the contents
of each container not exceeding
680 grams gross weight.................kg............. 10% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 110%
1605 (con.) Crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates,
prepared or preserved (con.):
1605.90 Other (con.):
Other (con.):
1605.90.50 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 12.5%
1605.90.55 00 Snails, other than sea snails ..............................kg............. 5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
............................................................. J, MX)

1701 Cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose, in solid

Raw sugar not containing added flavoring or coloring
1701.11 Cane sugar:
1701.11.05 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.46064 /kg Free (A*,CA,E*,IL, 4.38174 /kg
less J,MX) less
0.0206684 /kg 0.06220054
for each kg for each
degree under degree
100 degrees under 100
and fractions degrees
of a degree in (and
proportion) fractions of
but not less a degree
than degree in
0.9438544 /kg proportion)
but not
less than
1701.11.10 00 Describe d in additional U.S. note 5 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its provisions .............. kg 1.46064 /kg Free
(A*,CA,E*,IL, 4.38174 /kg
less J,MX) less
0.0206684 /kg 0.06220054
for each kg for each
degree under degree
100 degrees under 100
and fractions degrees
of a degree in (and
proportion) fractions of
not less than a degree in
than proportion)
0.9438544 /kg but not
less than
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

1701.11.20 00 Other sugar to be used for the production

(other than by distillation) of polyhydric alcohols,
except polyhydric alcohols for use as a
substitute for sugar in human food
consumption, or to be refined and re-exported
in refined form or in sugar -containing products,
or to be substituted for domestically produced
raw cane sugar that has been or will be
exported... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.46064 /kg Free (A*,CA,E*,IL, 4.38174 /kg
less J,MX) less
0.0206684 /kg 0.06220054
for each kg for each
degree under degree
100 degrees under 100
and fractions degrees
of a degree in (and
proportion) fractions of
but not less a degree in
than proportion)
0.9438544 /kg but not
less than
1701.12 Beet sugar:
1701.12.05 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.66064 /kg Free (A*,CA,E*,IL, 6.581704 /kg
less J,MX) less
0.0206684 /kg 0.06220054
for each kg for each
degree under degree
100 degrees under 100
(and fractions degrees
of a degree in (and
proportion) fractions of
but not less a degree in
than proportion)
3.1438544 /kg but not
1701.12.10 00 Described in additional U.S. note 5 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.66064 /kg Free (A*,CA,E*,IL, 6.581704 /kg
less J,MX) less
0.0206684 /kg 0.06220054
for each kg for each
degree under degree
100 degrees under 100
(and fractions degrees
of a degree in (and
proportion) fractions of
but not less a degree in
than proportion)
3.1438544 /kg but not
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

1701.91 Containing added flavoring or coloring matter:
Containing added coloring but not containing
added flavoring matter:
1701.91.05 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ............ ............................................................. kg 3.66064 /kg Free
(A*,CA,E*,IL, 6.581704 /kg
less J,MX) less
0.0206684 /kg 0.06220054
for each kg for each
degree under degree
100 degrees under 100
(and fractions degrees
of a degree in (and
proportion) fractions of
but not less a degree in
than proportion)
3.1438544 /kg but not

1701.91.10 00 Described in additional U.S. note 5 to this

chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ............ ............................................................. kg 3.66064 /kg Free
(A*,CA,E*,IL, 6.581704 /kg
less J,MX) less
0.0206684 /kg 0.06220054
for each kg for each
degree under degree
100 degrees under 100
(and fractions degrees
of a degree in (and
proportion) fractions of
but not less a degree in
than proportion)
3.1438544 /kg but not
Containing added flavoring matter whether or
not containing added coloring:
Articles containing over 65 percent by dry
weight of sugar described in additional U.S.
note 2 to chapter 17:
1701.91.42 00 Described in general note 15 of the
tariff schedule and entered pursuant to
its provisions .............................................................. kg 6% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
1701.91.52 00 Described in general note 15 of the
tariff schedule and entered pursuant to
its provisions .............................................................. kg 6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1701.91.54 00 Described in additional U.S. note 8 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ..... ............................................................. kg 6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J) 20%

1701.91.80 00 Other ... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 5.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

1701.99 Other:
1701.99.05 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.66064 /kg Free (A*,CA,E*,IL, 6.581704 /kg
less J,MX) less
0.0206684 /kg 0.06220054
for each kg for each
degree under degree
100 degrees under 100
(and fractions degrees
of a degree in (and
proportion) fractions of
but not less a degree in
than proportion)
3.1438544 /kg but not
1701.99.10 00 Described in additional U.S. note 5 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.66064 /kg Free (A*,CA,E*,IL, 6.581704 /kg
less J,MX) less
0.0206684 /kg 0.06220054
for each kg for each
degree under degree
100 degrees under 100
(and fractions degrees
of a degree in (and
proportion) fractions of
but not less a degree in
than proportion)
3.1438544 /kg but not
1702 Other sugars, including chemically pure lactose, maltose,
glucose and fructose, in solid form; sugar syrups not
containing added flavoring or coloring matter; artificial
honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey; caramel:
Lactose and lactose syrup:
1702.11.00 00 Containing by weight 99 percent or more lactose,
expressed as anhydrous lactose, calculated on the
dry matter.. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50%
1702.19.00 00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50%
1702.20 Maple sugar and maple syrup:
Blended syrups described in additional U.S. note 4
to chapter 17:
1702.20.22 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ............................................................. 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1702.30 Glucose and glucose syrup, not containing fructose or
containing in the dry state less than 20 percent by
weight of fructose:
Blended syrups described in additional U.S. note 4
to chapter 17:
1702.30.22 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 20%

1702.30.40 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.24 /kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 4.44 /kg
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

1702.40 Glucose and glucose syrup, containing in the dry state

at least 20 percent but less than 50 percent by weight
of fructose:
Blended syrups described in additional U.S. note 4
to chapter 17:
1702.40.22 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%

1702.40.40 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 5.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1702.50.00 00 Chemically pure fructose .......... ...........................................kg.............. 9.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50%
4.5% (MX)
1702.60 Other fructose and fructose syrup, containing in the dry
state more than 50 percent by weight of fructose:
Blended syrups described in additional U.S. note 4
to chapter 17:
1702.60.22 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 20%

1702.60.40 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1702.90 Other, including invert sugar:
Derived from sugar cane or sugar beets:
Containing soluble non-sugar solids (excluding
any foreign substances that may have been
added or developed in the product) equal to
6 percent or less by weight of the total soluble
1702.90.05 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ............ ............................................................. kg 3.66064 /kg Free
(A,CA,E*,IL, 6.581704 /kg
of total sugars J,MX) of total
1702.90.10 00 Described in additional U.S. note 5 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ............ ............................................................. kg 3.66064 /kg Free
(A,CA,E*,IL, 6.581704 /kg
of total sugars J,MX) of total
1702.90.35 00 Invert molasses . ...........................................liters ........ 0.354 /liter Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 1.84 /liter
kg J,MX)

1702.90.40 00 Other ... .... ............ ...........................................liters ........ 0.354 /liter Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 1.84 /liter
kg J,MX)
1702.90.52 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1702.90.90 00 Other ... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 5.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1703 Molasses resulting from the extraction or refining of sugar:
1703.10 Cane molasses:
1703.10.30 00 Imported for (a) the commercial extraction of sugar
or (b) human consumption .......................................liters 0.354 /liter Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 1.84 /liter

1703.10.50 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................liters 0.014 /kg of Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 0.074 /kg of
kg total total sugars MX) total
1703.90 Other:
1703.90.30 00 Imported for (a) the commercial extraction of sugar
or (b) human consumption ......................................liters 0.354 /liter Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 1.84 /liter
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

1703.90.50 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................liters 0.014 /kg of Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 0.074 /kg of
kg total total sugars J,MX) total

1704 Sugar confectionery (including white chocolate), not con-

taining cocoa:
1704.10.00 00 Chewing gum, whether or not sugar -coated..............kg............. 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1704.90 Other:
Confections or sweetmeats ready for consumption:
1704.90.10 00 Candied nuts.... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 40%
1704.90.35 Other ... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
1704.90.52 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 12.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 12.2%
Dairy products described in additional U.S.
note 1 to chapter 4:
1704.90.54 00 Described in additional U.S. note 10 to
chapter 4 and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 12.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 12.2%
Articles containing over 10 percent by
dry weight of sugar described in
additional U.S. note 3 to chapter 17:
1704.90.74 00 Described in additional U.S. note 8
to this chapter and entered
pursuant to its provisions.....................kg.............. 12.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 12.2%

1704.90.90 00 Other... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 10.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 12.2%

See 9906.17.42-
9906.17.43 (MX)

1701 Cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose, in solid

Raw sugar not containing added flavoring or coloring
1701.11 Cane sugar:
1701.11.05 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.46064 /kg Free (A*,CA,E*,IL, 4.38174 /kg
less J,MX) less
0.0206684 /kg 0.06220054
for each kg for each
degree under degree
100 degrees under 100
and fractions degrees
of a degree in (and
proportion) fractions of
but not less a degree
than degree in
0.9438544 /kg proportion)
but not
less than
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

1701.11.10 00 Described in additional U.S. note 5 to this

chapter and entered pursuant to its provisions .............. kg 1.46064 /kg Free
(A*,CA,E*,IL, 4.38174 /kg
less J,MX) less
0.0206684 /kg 0.06220054
for each kg for each
degree under degree
100 degrees under 100
and fractions degrees
of a degree in (and
proportion) fractions of
not less than a degree in
than proportion)
0.9438544 /kg but not
less than
1701.11.20 00 Other sugar to be used for the production
(other than by distillation) of polyhydric alcohols,
except polyhydric alcohols for use as a
substitute for sugar in human food
consumption, or to be refined and re-exported
in refined form or in sugar -containing products,
or to be substituted for domestically produced
raw cane sugar that has been or will be
exported... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.46064 /kg Free (A*,CA,E*,IL, 4.38174 /kg
less J,MX) less
0.0206684 /kg 0.06220054
for each kg for each
degree under degree
100 degrees under 100
and fractions degrees
of a degree in (and
proportion) fractions of
but not less a degree in
than proportion)
0.9438544 /kg but not
less than
1701.12 Beet sugar:
1701.12.05 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.66064 /kg Free (A*,CA,E*,IL, 6.581704 /kg
less J,MX) less
0.0206684 /kg 0.06220054
for each kg for each
degree under degree
100 degrees under 100
(and fractions degrees
of a degree in (and
proportion) fractions of
but not less a degree in
than proportion)
3.1438544 /kg but not
1701.12.10 00 Described in additional U.S. note 5 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.66064 /kg Free (A*,CA,E*,IL, 6.581704 /kg
less J,MX) less
0.0206684 /kg 0.06220054
for each kg for each
degree under degree
100 degrees under 100
(and fractions degrees
of a degree in (and
proportion) fractions of
but not less a degree in
than proportion)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3.1438544 /kg but not

1701.91 Containing added flavoring or coloring matter:
Containing added coloring but not containing
added flavoring matter:
1701.91.05 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ............ ............................................................. kg 3.66064 /kg Free
(A*,CA,E*,IL, 6.581704 /kg
less J,MX) less
0.0206684 /kg 0.06220054
for each kg for each
degree under degree
100 degrees under 100
(and fractions degrees
of a degree in (and
proportion) fractions of
but not less a degree in
than proportion)
3.1438544 /kg but not

1701.91.10 00 Described in additional U.S. note 5 to this

chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ............ ............................................................. kg 3.66064 /kg Free
(A*,CA,E*,IL, 6.581704 /kg
less J,MX) less
0.0206684 /kg 0.06220054
for each kg for each
degree under degree
100 degrees under 100
(and fractions degrees
of a degree in (and
proportion) fractions of
but not less a degree in
than proportion)
3.1438544 /kg but not
Containing added flavoring matter whether or
not containing added coloring:
Articles containing over 65 percent by dry
weight of sugar described in additional U.S.
note 2 to chapter 17:
1701.91.42 00 Described in general note 15 of the
tariff schedule and entered pursuant to
its provisions .............................................................. kg 6% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
Articles containing over 10 percent by dry
weight of sugar described in additional U.S.
note 3 to chapter 17:
1701.91.52 00 Described in general note 15 of the
tariff schedule and entered pursuant to
its provisions .............................................................. kg 6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1701.91.54 00 Described in additional U.S. note 8 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ..... ............................................................. kg 6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J) 20%

1701.91.80 00 Other ... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 5.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

1701.99 Other:
1701.99.05 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.66064 /kg Free (A*,CA,E*,IL, 6.581704 /kg
less J,MX) less
0.0206684 /kg 0.06220054
for each kg for each
degree under degree
100 degrees under 100
(and fractions degrees
of a degree in (and
proportion) fractions of
but not less a degree in
than proportion)
3.1438544 /kg but not
1701.99.10 00 Described in additional U.S. note 5 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.66064 /kg Free (A*,CA,E*,IL, 6.581704 /kg
less J,MX) less
0.0206684 /kg 0.06220054
for each kg for each
degree under degree
100 degrees under 100
(and fractions degrees
of a degree in (and
proportion) fractions of
but not less a degree in
than proportion)
3.1438544 /kg but not
1702 Other sugars, including chemically pure lactose, maltose,
glucose and fructose, in solid form; sugar syrups not
containing added flavoring or coloring matter; artificial
honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey; caramel:
Lactose and lactose syrup:
1702.11.00 00 Containing by weight 99 percent or more lactose,
expressed as anhydrous lactose, calculated on the
dry matter.. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50%
1702.19.00 00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50%
1702.20 Maple sugar and maple syrup:
Blended syrups described in additional U.S. note 4
to chapter 17:
1702.20.22 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ............................................................. 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1702.30 Glucose and glucose syrup, not containing fructose or
containing in the dry state less than 20 percent by
weight of fructose:
Blended syrups described in additional U.S. note 4
to chapter 17:
1702.30.22 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 20%

1702.30.40 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.24 /kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 4.44 /kg
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

1702.40 Glucose and glucose syrup, containing in the dry state

at least 20 percent but less than 50 percent by weight
of fructose:
Blended syrups described in additional U.S. note 4
to chapter 17:
1702.40.22 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1702.40.40 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 5.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1702.50.00 00 Chemically pure fructose .......... ...........................................kg.............. 9.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50%
4.5% (MX)
1702.60 Other fructose and fructose syrup, containing in the dry
state more than 50 percent by weight of fructose:
Blended syrups described in additional U.S. note 4
to chapter 17:
1702.60.22 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 20%

1702.60.40 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1702.90 Other, including invert sugar:
Derived from sugar cane or sugar beets:
Containing soluble non-sugar solids (excluding
any foreign substances that may have been
added or developed in the product) equal to
6 percent or less by weight of the total soluble
1702.90.05 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ............ ............................................................. kg 3.66064 /kg Free
(A,CA,E*,IL, 6.581704 /kg
of total sugars J,MX) of total
1702.90.10 00 Described in additional U.S. note 5 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ............ ............................................................. kg 3.66064 /kg Free
(A,CA,E*,IL, 6.581704 /kg
of total sugars J,MX) of total
1702.90.35 00 Invert molasses . ...........................................liters ........ 0.354 /liter Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 1.84 /liter
kg J,MX)

1702.90.40 00 Other ... .... ............ ...........................................liters ........ 0.354 /liter Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 1.84 /liter
kg J,MX)
1702.90.52 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
Blended syrups described in additional U.S.
note 4 to chapter 17:
Articles containing over 65 percent by dry
weight of sugar described in additional U.S.
note 2 to chapter 17:
1702.90.90 00 Other ... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 5.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1703 Molasses resulting from the extraction or refining of sugar:
1703.10 Cane molasses:
1703.10.30 00 Imported for (a) the commercial extraction of sugar
or (b) human consumption .......................................liters 0.354 /liter Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 1.84 /liter

1703.10.50 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................liters 0.014 /kg of Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 0.074 /kg of
kg total total sugars MX) total
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

1703.90 Other:
1703.90.30 00 Imported for (a) the com mercial extraction of sugar
or (b) human consumption ......................................liters 0.354 /liter Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 1.84 /liter
1703.90.50 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................liters 0.014 /kg of Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 0.074 /kg of
kg total total sugars J,MX) total

1704 Sugar confectionery (including white chocolate), not con-

taining cocoa:
1704.10.00 00 Chewing gum, whether or not sugar -coated..............kg............. 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1704.90 Other:
Confections or sweetmeats ready for consumption:
1704.90.10 00 Candied nuts.... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 40%
1704.90.35 Other ... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
1704.90.52 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 12.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 12.2%
Dairy products described in additional U.S.
note 1 to chapter 4:
1704.90.54 00 Described in additional U.S. note 10 to
chapter 4 and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 12.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 12.2%
Articles containing over 10 percent by
dry weight of sugar described in
additional U.S. note 3 to chapter 17:
1704.90.74 00 Described in additional U.S. note 8
to this chapter and entered
pursuant to its provisions.....................kg.............. 12.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 12.2%
1704.90.90 00 Other... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 10.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 12.2%
1803 Cocoa paste, whether or not defatted:
1803.20.00 00 Wholly or partly defatted...... ............................................................. kg 0.24 /kg Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 6.64 /kg
1805.00.00 00 Cocoa powder, not containing added sugar or other
sweetening matter.... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 0.524 /kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 6.64 /kg

1806 Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa:

1806.10 Cocoa powder, containing added sugar or other
sweetening matter:
Containing 65 percent or more but less than 90
percent by dry weight of sugar:
1806.10.22 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 10% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
1806.10.34 00 Described in additional U.S. note 1 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ............ ............................................................. kg 10% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 20%
Containing 90 percent or more by dry weight of
1806.10.43 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 10% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

1806.10.65 00 Described in additional U.S. note 1 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ............ ............................................................. kg 10% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
1806.20 Other preparations in blocks, slabs or bars, weighing
more than 2 kg or in liquid, paste, powder, granular or
other bulk form in containers or immediate packings,
of a content exceeding 2 kg:
Containing butterfat or other milk solids
(excluding articles for consumption at retail
as candy or confection):
1806.20.22 00 Described in general note 15 of the
tariff schedule and entered pursuant to
its provisions ............................................................. kg 5% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 40%
Other, containing over 5.5 percent by
weight of butterfat:
1806.20.24 00 Described in additional U.S. note 2
to this chapter and entered
pursuant to its provisions ..............kg............. 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 40%
1806.20.34 00 Described in additional U.S. note 3
to this chapter and entered pur-
suant to its provisions ....................kg............. 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 40%

1806.20.50 00 Other ... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 4.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
1806.20.60 00 Confectioners' coatings and other products (except
confectionery) containing by weight not less than
6.8 percent non-fat solids of the cocoa bean nib
and not less than 15 percent of vegetable fats
other than cocoa butter . ...........................................kg............. 2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
1806 (con.) Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa
cocoa (con.):
1806.20 Other preparations in blocks, slabs or bars, weighing
(con.) more than 2 kg or in liquid, paste, powder, granular or
other bulk form in containers or immediate packings,
of a content exceeding 2 kg (con.):
Containing more than 65 percent by weight of
1806.20.67 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ............ ............................................................. kg 10% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
Articles containing over 10 percent by
dry weight of sugar described in
additional U.S. note 3 to chapter 17:
1806.20.75 00 Described in additional U.S. note 8
to chapter 17 and entered pursuant
to its provisions ...............................kg............. 10% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 20%

1806.20.78 00 Other.. ............ ...........................................kg............. 8.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%

1806.20.79 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Dairy products described in additional
U.S. note 1 to chapter 4:
1806.20.81 00 Described in additional U.S. note
10 to chapter 4 and entered
pursuant to its provisions.....................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
Other, low fat chocolate crumb
(excluding articles for consumption at
retail as candy or confection):
1806.20.85 00 Described in additional U.S. note 3
to this chapter and entered
pursuant to its provisions.....................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%

Articles containing over 10 percent

by dry weight of sugar described in
additional U.S. note 3 to chapter
1806.20.95 00 Described in additional U.S.
note 8 to chapter 17 and
entered pursuant to its
provisions .......................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%

1806.20.99 00 Other ........ ...........................................kg.............. 8.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%

3% (MX)
Other, in blocks, slabs or bars:
1806.31.00 Filled .. ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
1806.32 Not filled:
Preparations consisting wholly of ground cocoa
beans, with or without added cocoa fat,
flavoring or emulsifying agents, and containing
not more than 32 percent by weight of butterfat
or other milk solids and not more than 60
percent by weight of sugar:
Containing butterfat or other milk solids (ex-
cluding articles for consumption at retail as
candy or confection):
1806.32.01 00 Described in general note 15 of the
tariff schedule and entered pursuant to
its provisions .............................................................. kg 5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
Other, containing over 5.5 percent by
weight of butterfat:
1806.32.04 00 Described in additional U.S. note 2
to this chapter and entered
pursuant to its provisions ..............kg............. 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 40%
1806.32.14 00 Described in additional U.S. note 3
to this chapter and entered
pursuant to its provisions ..............kg............. 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 40%

1806.32.30 00 Other ... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 4.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
1806.32.55 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ............ ............................................................. kg 7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 40%
Other, dairy products described in
additional U.S. note 1 to chapter 4:
1806.32.60 00 Described in additional U.S. note 10 to
chapter 4 and entered pursuant to its
provisions ..... ............................................................. kg 7% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J) 40%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

1806.32.90 00 Other ... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%

1806.90 Other:
1806.90.01 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff schedule
and entered pursuant to its provisions .................kg............. 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
Dairy products described in additional U.S.
note 1 to chapter 4:
1806.90.05 00 Described in additional U.S. note 10 to
chapter 4 and entered pursuant to its
provisions ............ ............................................................. kg 3.5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J) 40%

Containing butterfat or other milk solids
(excluding articles for consumption at retail
as candy or confection):
Containing over 5.5 percent by weight
of butterfat:
1806.90.15 00 Described in additional U.S. note 2
to this chapter and entered
pursuant to its provisions ..............kg............. 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 40%

1806.90.25 00 Described in additional U.S. note 3
to this chapter and entered pur-
suant to its provisions ....................kg............. 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 40%

Articles containing over 10 percent by

dry weight of sugar described in
additional U.S. note 3 to chapter 17:
1806.90.55 00 Described in additional U.S. note 8
to chapter 17 and entered pursuant
to its provisions ...............................kg............. 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 40%

1806.90.90 Other.. ............ ............................................................. 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%


1901 Malt extract; food preparations of flour, meal, starch or

malt extract, not containing cocoa or containing less than
40 percent by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally
defatted basis, not elsewhere specified or included; food
preparations of goods of headings 0401 to 0404, not
containing cocoa or containing less than 5 percent by
weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, not
elsewhere specified or included:
1901.10 Preparations for infant use, put up for retail sale:
Containing over 10 percent by weight of milk solids:
1901.10.05 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 17.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Infant formula containing oligosaccharides:
1901.10.15 00 Described in additional U.S. note 2 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 17.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Dairy products described in additional
U.S. note 1 to chapter 4:
1901.10.35 00 Described in additional U.S.
note 10 to chapter 4 and entered
pursuant to its provisions.....................kg.............. 17.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
1901.10.45 00 Other... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 14.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
5.2% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

1901.10.55 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 17.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Infant formula containing oligosaccharides:
1901.10.60 00 Described in additional U.S. note 2 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 17.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Dairy products described in additional
U.S. note 1 to chapter 4:
1901.10.80 00 Described in additional U.S.
note 10 to chapter 4 and entered
pursuant to its provisions.....................kg.............. 17.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%

1901.10.95 00 Other... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 14.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%

5.2% (MX)
1901.20 Mixes and doughs for the preparation of bakers' wares
of heading 1905:
Containing over 25 percent by weight of butterfat,
not put up for retail sale:
1901.20.02 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 10% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
Dairy products described in additional U.S.
note 1 to chapter 4:
1901.20.05 00 Described in additional U.S. note 10 to
chapter 4 and entered pursuant to its
provisions ..... ............................................................. kg 10% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J) 20%

Mixes and doughs described in

additional U.S. note 1 to chapter 19:
1901.20.30 00 Described in additional U.S. note 3
to this chapter and entered
pursuant to its provisions ..............kg............. 10% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 20%

1901.20.40 00 Other.. ............ ...........................................kg............. 8.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%

1901.20.42 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 10% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
Dairy products described in additional U.S.
note 1 to chapter 4:
1901.20.45 00 Described in additional U.S. note 10 to
chapter 4 and entered pursuant to its
provisions ..... ............................................................. kg 10% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J) 20%

Mixes and doughs described in

additional U.S note 1 to chapter 19:
1901.20.65 00 Described in additional U.S. note 3
to this chapter and entered
pursuant to its provisions ..............kg............. 10% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 20%

1901.20.80 00 Other.. ............ ...........................................kg............. 8.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%

1901.90 Other:
Malt extract:
1901.90.10 00 Fluid .... ....... .... ............ ...........................................liters.......... 3.24/liter Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 264/liter
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

1901.90.20 00 Solid or condensed ......kg........................................9.6% ......... Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%

1901.90.28 00 Dry mixtures containing less than 31 percent by
weight of butterfat and consisting of not less than
17.5 percent by weight each of sodium caseinate,
butterfat, whey solids containing over 5.5 percent
by weight of butterfat, and dried whole milk, but not
containing dried milk, dried whey or dried buttermilk
any of which contain 5.5 percent or less by weight
of butterfat ..... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 0.374 /kg Free (A,CA,E,IL, 12.14 /kg
1901.90.32 00 Cajeta not made from cow's milk ....................................kg.............. 11.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
5.2% (MX)
Margarine cheese:
1901.90.33 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1901.90.34 00 Described in additional U.S. note 23 to chapter
4 and entered pursuant to its provisions..................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
Dairy products described in additional U.S.
note 1 to chapter 4:
Dairy preparations containing over 10
percent by weight of milk solids:
1901.90.38 00 Described in general note 15 of the
tariff schedule and entered pursuant to
its provisions.... ...........................................kg.............. 16% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1901.90.42 00 Described in additional U.S. note 10 to
chapter 4 and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 16% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%

1901.90.44 00 Described in general note 15 of the
tariff schedule and entered pursuant to
its provisions.... ...........................................kg.............. 16% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1901.90.46 00 Described in additional U.S. note 10 to
chapter 4 and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 16% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%

1901.90.48 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
Articles containing over 10 percent by
dry weight of sugar described in
additional U.S. note 3 to chapter 17:
1901.90.56 00 Described in additional U.S. note 8
to chapter 17 and entered
pursuant to its provisions.....................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%

1901.90.70 00 Containing over 5.5 percent by
weight of butterfat and not
packaged for retail sale........................kg.............. 10.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
4.8% (MX)

1901.90.90 Other ....... ............................................................. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 20%

3% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

1902 Pasta, whether or not cooked or stuffed (with meat or other

substances) or otherwise prepared, such as spaghetti,
macaroni, noodles, lasagna, gnocchi, ravioli, cannelloni;
couscous, whether or not prepared:
Uncooked pasta, not stuffed or otherwise prepared:
1902.11 Containing eggs:
1902.11.40 00 Other, including pasta packaged with sauce
preparations . ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1902.19 Other:
1902.19.40 00 Other, including pasta packaged with sauce
preparations . ............ ...........................................kg............. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1902.20.00 Stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise
prepared . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1902.30.00 Other pasta ... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1902.40.00 00 Couscous ...... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 6.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1903.00 Tapioca and substitutes therefor prepared from starch, in
the form of flakes, grains, pearls, siftings or in similar
1903.00.40 00 Other ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.84/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 3.34/kg
1904 Prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of
cereals or cereal products (for example, cornflakes);
cereals (other than corn (maize)) in grain form or in the
form of flakes or other worked grains (except flour and
meal), pre-cooked or otherwise prepared, not elsewhere
specified or included:
1904.10.00 Prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of
cereals or cereal products .. ............................................................. 1.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
1904.20 Prepared foods obtained from unroasted cereal flakes
or from mixtures of unroasted cereal flakes and
roasted cereal flakes or swelled cereals:
1904.20.10 00 In airtight containers and not containing apricots,
citrus fruits, peaches or pears .......................................kg.............. 5.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
2.1% (MX)

1904.20.90 00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 14.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
1904.90.00 Other ........ ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 14% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
1905 Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers' wares,
whether or not containing cocoa; communion wafers,
empty capsules of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use,
sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products:

1905.90.90 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 20%

2001 Vegetables, fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants,

prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid:
2001.10.00 00 Cucumbers including gherkins .....................................kg............. 9.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
2001.20.00 00 Onions ..... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 3.6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
2001.90 Other:
2001.90.10 00 In immediate containers holding more than
3.4 kg. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
2001.90.20 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
2.4% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2001.90.25 00 Artichokes ........... ............................................................. kg 10.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
2001.90.30 00 Beans .. .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 5.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
2001.90.33 00 Nopalitos . ............ ...........................................kg............. 7.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
2001.90.35 00 Pimientos (Capsicum anuum) .............................kg.............. 8.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 38.5%
2.8% (MX)

2001.90.39 00 Other ... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 9.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
2001.90.42 00 Chestnuts .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 4.9¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 55¢/kg
2001.90.45 00 Mangoes... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.5¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 33¢/kg
2001.90.50 00 Walnuts ..... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 7¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 33¢/kg
2001.90.60 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 14% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
5.2% (MX)
2002 Tomatoes prepared or preserved otherwise than by
vinegar or acetic acid:
2002.10.00 Tomatoes, whole or in pieces ...........................................12.5% ....... Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50%
4.4% (MX)
2002.90 Other:
2002.90.40 00 In powder ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 11.6% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 50%
3.4% (MX)

2002.90.80 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 11.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50%
3.4% (MX)
2003 Mushrooms and truffles, prepared or preserved otherwise
than by vinegar or acetic acid:
2003.10.00 Mushrooms ...... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 6¢/kg drained Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 22¢/kg on
weight + 8.5% J) drained
2.1¢/kg on weight +
drained weight 45%
+ 3% (MX)
2004 Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by
vinegar or acetic acid, frozen, other than products of
heading 2006:
2004.10 Potatoes:
2004.10.40 00 Yellow (Solano) potatoes ............................................................ kg 6.4% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
2004.10.80 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
2004.90 Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables:
2004.90.10 00 Antipasto ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
2004.90.80 00 Beans. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 2.1¢/kg on Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 6.6¢/kg on
entire contents MX)
of container contents of

2004.90.90 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 11.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
5.2% (MX)
2005 Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by
vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than products of
heading 2006:
2005.10.00 00 Homogenized vegetables.... ............................................................. kg 11.2% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2005.20.00 Potatoes .. ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2005.51.40 Other . ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.1¢/kg on Free (A,CA,E,IL,J,) 6.6¢/kg on
entire contents MX)
of container contents of
2005.59.00 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.5¢/kg on Free (A,CA,E,IL,J,) 6.6¢/kg on
entire contents MX)
of container contents of

2005.60.00 00 Asparagus ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 14.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
5.2% (MX)
2005.70 Olives:
In a saline solution:
Green in color:
Not pitted:
Ripe, in containers each holding less
than 13 kg, drained weight:
2005.70.02 In an aggregate quantity not to
exceed 730 metric tons entered in
any calendar year ............................................... 5.4¢/kg on Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 7.4¢/kg on
drained weight 1.6¢/kg on
drained drained
weight (MX) weight
In containers each holding more
than 8 kg, drained weight, certified
by the importer to be used for
repacking or sale as green olives:
2005.70.06 00 Described in additional U.S.
note 4 to this chapter and
entered pursuant to its
provisions ....................................kg............. 3.7¢/kg on Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 7.4¢/kg on
drained weight 1.1¢/kg on
drained drained
weight (MX) weight

2005.70.12 00 Other ....... ...........................................kg............. 3.7¢/kg on Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 7.4¢/kg on

drained weight 2.2¢/kg on
drained drained
weight (MX) weight
Pitted or stuffed:
Place packed:
Stuffed, in containers each holding
not more than 1 kg, drained
2005.70.16 00 In an aggregate quantity not to
exceed 2,700 metric tons in any
calendar year ...............................kg............. 5.4¢/kg on Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 10.8¢/kg on
drained weight 1.6¢/kg on
drained drained
weight (MX) weight

2005.70.23 00 Other ....... ...........................................kg............. 6.9¢/kg on Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 10.8¢/kg on

drained weight 3.2¢/kg on
drained drained
weight (MX) weight

2005.70.25 Other.. ............ ............................................................. 8.6¢/kg on Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 10.8¢/kg on

drained weight 3.2¢/kg on
drained drained
weight (MX) weight
In a saline solution (con.):
Not green in color:
2005.70.50 Not pitted.......... ............................................................. 9.3¢/kg on Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 11.6¢/kg on
drained weight J) drained
3.4¢/kg on drained weight
weight (MX)
2005.70.60 Other... ............ ............................................................. 10.1¢/kg on Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 11.9¢/kg on
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

drained weight J) drained

3.5¢/kg on drained weight
weight (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Other than canned:

2005.70.70 00 In airtight containers of glass or metal.........kg.............. 9.9¢/kg on Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 11.6¢/kg on
drained weight J) drained
3.4¢/kg on drained weight
weight (MX)

2005.70.75 00 Other.. ............ ...........................................kg............. 4.3¢/kg on Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 10¢/kg on

drained weight 1.5¢/kg on
drained drained
weight (MX) weight
Otherwise prepared or preserved:
Green, in containers each holding less than
13 kg, drained weight:
2005.70.91 00 In an aggregate quantity not to exceed
550 metric tons in any calendar year ...............kg.............. 5.5¢/kg on Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 11¢/kg on
drained weight J) drained
1.6¢/kg on drained weight
weight (MX)

2005.70.97 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 8.8¢/kg on Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 11¢/kg on
drained weight J) drained
3.3¢/kg on drained weight
weight (MX)
2005.80.00 00 Sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata)........................kg............. 5.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
2005.90 Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables:
2005.90.10 00 Carrots in airtight containers ...................................kg............. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
2005.90.20 00 Onions ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 4.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%

2005.90.30 00 Sauerkraut kg 4.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50%

Fruits of the genus Capsicum (peppers) or of the
genus Pimenta (e.g., allspice):
2005.90.50 Pimientos (Capsicum anuum)...................................................... 8.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 38.5%
2.8% (MX)
2005.90.55 Other . ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 14.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 35%
5.2% (MX)
2005.90.80 00 Artichokes. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 14.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
2005.90.85 00 Chickpeas (garbanzos).. ...........................................kg............. 0.8¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 4.4¢/kg on
on entire MX) entire
contents of contents of
container container

2005.90.97 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 11.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%

2006.00 Vegetables, fruit, nuts, fruit-peel and other parts of plants

preserved by sugar (drained, glacé or crystallized):
2006.00.20 00 Cherries..... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 9.9¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20.9¢/kg +
6.4% J,MX) 40%

2006.00.30 00 Ginger root ... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 2.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
2006.00.40 00 Pineapples ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Other, including mixtures:
2006.00.50 00 Mixtures .... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 16% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
2006.00.60 00 Citrus fruit; peel of citrus or other fruit.....................kg.............. 6¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 17.6¢/kg
2006.00.70 00 Other fruit and nuts .. ...........................................kg............. 8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
2006.00.90 00 Other . ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 16% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
2007 Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit or nut pureé and fruit
or nut pastes, being cooked preparations, whether or not
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

containing added sugar or other sweetening matter:

2007.10.00 00 Homogenized preparations ......kg........................................12% .......... Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
2007.91 Citrus fruit:
2007.91.10 00 Pastes and pureés ...... ...........................................kg.............. 11.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
5.2% (MX)

2007.91.40 00 Orange marmalade ... ...........................................kg............. 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%

2007.91.90 00 Other . ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 4.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
2007.99 Other:
2007.99.05 00 Lingonberry and raspberry .......................kg............. 1.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
2007.99.10 00 Strawberry kg............. 2.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
.................. MX)
2007.99.15 00 Currant and other berry .....................................kg.............. 1.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
2007.99.20 00 Apricot .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
2007.99.25 00 Cherry. .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 4.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20.9¢/kg +
MX) 40%

2007.99.35 00 Peach... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%


2007.99.40 00 Pineapple kg 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%

2007.99.45 00 Other ... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 5.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
Pastes and purees:
2007.99.48 00 Apple, quince and pear .................................kg............. 12% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
2007.99.50 Guava and mango ............................................................. 1.3% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
2007.99.55 00 Papaya .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 14% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
2007.99.60 00 Strawberry ............ ...........................................kg.............. 12% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
4.5% (MX)

2007.99.65 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
3.7% (MX)
Fruit jellies:
2007.99.70 00 Currant and berry... ...........................................kg.............. 1.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
2007.99.75 00 Other ... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
2008 Fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, otherwise
prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added
sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit, not elsewhere
specified or included:
Nuts, peanuts (ground-nuts) and other seeds, whether
or not mixed together:
2008.11 Peanuts (ground-nuts):
Blanched peanuts:
2008.11.22 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.6¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15¢/kg
2008.11.25 00 Described in additional U.S. note 2 to
chapter 12 and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.6¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15¢/kg
2008.11.42 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.6¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15¢/kg

2008.11.45 00 Described in additional U.S. note 2 to
chapter 12 and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.6¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15¢/kg
2008.19 Other, including mixtures:
2008.19.15 00 Coconuts .. .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
2008.19.20 00 Filberts ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 11.3¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 22¢/kg
2008.19.25 00 Pecans ...... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 9.9¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 22¢/kg
2008.19.30 Pignolia and pistachios .......................................................... 1¢/kg Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 11¢/kg
2008.19.40 00 Almonds...... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 32.6¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 40.8¢/kg
2008.19.50 00 Watermelon seeds ...... ...........................................kg.............. 6.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
Other, including mixtures:
2008.19.85 00 Mixtures..... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 22.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
2008.19.90 Other ... .... ............ ............................................................. 17.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
2008.20.00 Pineapples ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.35¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 4.4¢/kg
2008.30 Citrus fruit:
2008.30.10 00 Of oranges, mandarins (including tangerines
and satsumas), clementines, wilkings and
similar citrus hybrids ............................................................ kg 2¢/kg Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 17.6¢/kg
2008.30.20 00 Of lemons ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.2¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 17.6¢/kg
2008.30.30 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 11.3¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 17.6¢/kg
2008.30.35 00 Orange ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 11.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
5.2% (MX)

2008.30.37 00 Other . ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 6.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
2008.30.40 00 Oranges...... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.4¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 2.2¢/kg
0.6¢/kg (MX)
Mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas);
clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids:
Satsumas, in airtight containers:
2008.30.46 00 Other ........ ...........................................kg.............. 0.28¢/kg Free (A+,CA,IL, 2.2¢/kg
2008.30.48 00 Other.. ............ ...........................................kg............. 0.28¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL, 2.2¢/kg
Lemons (Citrus limon, Citrus limonum) and
limes (Citrus aurantifolia):
2008.30.60 00 Lemons ... ............ ...........................................kg............. 0.8¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 5.5¢/kg
2008.30.65 00 Limes .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 14% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
5.2% (MX)

2008.30.70 00 Grapefruit ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.1¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 3.3¢/kg
2008.30.80 00 Kumquats.... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.55¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 2.2¢/kg
2008.30.85 00 Citron .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 14% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
5.2% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2008.30.95 00 Other, including bergamots ...............................kg............. 14% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%

Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2008.40.00 Pears......... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 15.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
2008.50 Apricots:
2008.50.20 00 Pulp.... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 10% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
2008.50.40 00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 29.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
2008.60.00 Cherries..... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 6.9¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 21¢/kg +
4.5% J,MX) 40%
2008.70.00 Peaches .... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 17% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
4.5% (MX)
2008.80.00 00 Strawberries ... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 11.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
Other, including mixtures other than those of
subheading 2008.19:
2008.91.00 00 Palm hearts .... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 0.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
2008.92 Mixtures:
2008.92.10 In airtight containers and not containing
apricots, citrus fruits, peaches or pears.................................... 5.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
2.1% (MX)
2008.92.90 Other... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 14.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
2008.99 Other:
2008.99.05 00 Apples ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.9¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 5.5¢/kg
2008.99.10 00 Avocados ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 10.6¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 33¢/kg
3.9¢/kg (MX)
2008.99.13 00 Pulp ..... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
2008.99.15 00 Other ... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 0.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
2008.99.18 Blueberries ............ ............................................................. 2.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
2008.99.20 00 Other ... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 4.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
2008.99.23 00 Cashew apples, mameyes colorados,
sapodillas, soursops and sweetsops .............kg............. 1.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
2008.99.25 00 Dates .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 22.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
2008.99.28 00 Figs .... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 9.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
2008.99.29 00 Grapes ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
2008.99.30 00 Guavas ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. Free 35%
2008.99.35 00 Lychees and longans ............................................................. kg 7% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
2008.99.40 00 Mangoes... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.5¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 33¢/kg
2008.99.42 Nectarines .. .... ............ ............................................................. 16% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
6% (MX)
2008.99.45 00 Pulp ..... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 14% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
2008.99.50 00 Other ... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
2008.99.60 00 Plums (including prune plums and
sloes).. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 11.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
5.2% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2008.99.61 00 Soybeans .. .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%

2008.99.63 00 Sweet ginger ............ ...........................................kg............. 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
2008.99.65 00 Cassava (manioc) ..... ............................................................. kg 7.9% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
2008.99.80 00 Pulp ..... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 9.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
2008.99.90 Other ... .... ............ ............................................................. 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%

2009.30 Juice of any other single citrus fruit:

2009.30.10 Unfit for beverage purposes................................................ 1.8¢/kg Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 11¢/kg
2009.30.20 Other . ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.7¢/liter Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 18¢/liter
2009.40 Pineapple juice:
2009.40.20 00 Not concentrated, or having a degree of
concentration of not more than 3.5 degrees (as
determined before correction to the nearest
0.5 degree) ....... .... ............ ............................................................. liters 4.2¢/liter Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 18¢/liter
1.5¢/liter (MX)

2009.40.40 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1¢/liter Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 18¢/liter
2009.50.00 Tomato juice . ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.14¢/liter Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 4¢/liter
2009.60.00 Grape juice (including grape must) ......................................................... 4.4¢/liter Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 26¢/liter
1.9¢/liter (MX)
2009.80 Juice of any other single fruit or vegetable:
Fruit juice:
2009.80.40 00 Prune juice.. .... ............ ...........................................liters.......... 0.64¢/liter Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 18¢/liter
2009.80.60 Other ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.5¢/liter Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 18¢/liter
2009.80.80 Vegetable juice ... ............ ............................................................. 0.2¢/liter Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 4¢/liter
2009.90 Mixtures of juices:
2009.90.20 00 Vegetable ....... .... ............ ............................................................. liters 0.2¢/liter Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 4¢/liter
2009.90.40 00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................liters.......... 7.4¢/liter Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 18¢/liter
2.7¢/liter (MX)
2101 Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, tea or
maté and preparations with a basis of these products or
with a basis of coffee, tea or maté; roasted chicory and
other roasted coffee substitutes, and extracts, essences
and concentrates thereof:
Extracts, essences and concentrates of coffee, and
preparations with a basis of these extracts, essences
or concentrates or with a basis of coffee:
2101.12 Preparations with a basis of extracts, essences or
concentrates or with a basis of coffee:
2101.12.32 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 10% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
Articles containing over 10 percent by dry
weight of sugar described in additional U.S.
note 3 to chapter 17:
2101.12.54 00 Described in additional U.S. note 8 to
chapter 17 and entered pursuant to its
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

provisions ..... ............................................................. kg 10% Free

(A,CA,E,IL, 20%
............ ............................................................. J)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2101.12.90 00 Other ... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 8.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
....... .... ............ ............................................................. MX)

2101.20 Extracts, essences and concentrates, of tea or maté,

and preparations with a basis of these extracts, es-
sences or concentrates or with a basis of tea or maté:
2101.20.32 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 10% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
....... .... ............ ............................................................. J,MX)

2101.20.90 00 Other ... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 8.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 20%
....... .... ............ ............................................................. J,MX)
2101.30.00 00 Roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes
and extracts, essences and concentrates
thereof .... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.14/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 6.64/kg
...... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. J,MX)

2102 Yeasts (active or inactive); other single-cell

microorganisms, dead (but not including vaccines of
heading 3002); prepared baking powders:
2102.10.00 00 Active yeasts ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. MX)
2102.20 Inactive yeasts; other single-cell microorganisms,
2102.20.20 00 Yeasts (except dried brewers' yeast)....................kg............. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
............................................................. MX)
2102.20.60 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
...... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. MX)
2103 Sauces and preparations therefor; mixed condiments and
mixed seasonings; mustard flour and meal and prepared
2103.10.00 00 Soy sauce...... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35% ...... ..... ....... .... ............ .............................................................
2103.20 Tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces:
2103.20.20 00 Tomato ketchup . ............ ...........................................kg............. 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
.... ............ ............................................................. MX)
2103.20.40 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 11.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50%
...... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. J)
4% (MX)
2103.30 Mustard flour and meal and prepared mustard:
2103.30.40 00 Prepared mustard ......... ...........................................kg............. 2.84 /kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 224 /kg
2103.90 Other:
2103.90.40 00 Nonalcoholic preparations of yeast extract (other
than sauces) .. .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
....... .... ............ ............................................................. MX)
Mixed condiments and mixed seasonings:
Mixed condiments and mixed seasonings
described in additional U.S. note 3 to this
2103.90.72 00 Described in general note 15 of the
tariff schedule and entered pursuant to
its provisions .............................................................. kg 7.5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35% ...... .............................................................
2103.90.74 00 Described in additional U.S. note 4 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ..... ............................................................. kg 7.5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J) 35%

2103.90.80 00 Other ... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
....... .... ............ ............................................................. MX)
2103.90.90 Other . ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2104 Soups and broths and preparations therefor; homogenized

composite food preparations:
2104.10.00 Soups and broths and preparations therefor ............................ 3.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
............................................................. MX)
2104.20.00 00 Homogenized composite food preparations ..............kg............. 2.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
............................................................. MX)
2105.00 Ice cream and other edible ice, whether or not containing
Ice cream:
2105.00.05 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff schedule
and entered pursuant to its provisions ...........................kg.............. 20% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
............................................................. J,MX)
2105.00.10 00 Described in additional U.S. note 5 to this chapter
and entered pursuant to its provisions ...........................kg.............. 20% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
............................................................. J)
Dairy products described in additional U.S. note 1
to chapter 4:
2105.00.25 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 20% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
....... .... ............ ............................................................. J,MX)
2105.00.30 00 Described in additional U.S. note 10 to chapter
4 and entered pursuant to its provisions..................kg.............. 20% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
............................................................. J)

2105.00.50 00 Other kg 17% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%

2106 Food preparations not elsewhere specified or included:
2106.10.00 00 Protein concentrates and textured protein substances .kg............. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
............................................................. MX)
2106.90 Other:
Products derived from the dried milk, dried butter-
milk or dried whey of subheadings 0402.10,
0402.21.05, 0402.21.25, 0402.21.30, 0402.21.50,
0403.90.41, 0403.90.45, 0404.10.50 or
0404.10.90, which contain not over 5.5 percent by
weight of butterf at and which are mixed with other
ingredients including, but not limited to sugar, if
such mixtures contain over 16 percent milk solids
by weight, are capable of being further processed
or mixed with similar ingredients and are not
prepared for marketing to the retail consumer in
the identical form and package in which imported:
2106.90.03 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 2.94 /kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 12.14 /kg
2106.90.06 00 Described in additional U.S. note 10 to chapter
4 and entered pursuant to its provisions ........kg............. 2.94 /kg Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 12.14 /kg
Compound alcoholic preparations of an alcoholic
strength by volume exceeding 0.5 percent vol., of a
kind used for the manufacture of beverages:
2106.90.12 00 Containing not over 20 percent of alcohol by
weight ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 4.24 /kg + Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 444 /kg +
1.9% J,MX) 25%
2106.90.15 00 Containing over 20 percent but not over 50
percent of alcohol by weight..............................kg............. 8.44 /kg + Free (A,CA,E,IL, 884 /kg +
1.9% J,MX) 25%
2106.90.18 00 Containing over 50 percent of alcohol by
weight ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 174 /kg + Free
(A,CA,E,IL, $1.7 kg +
1.9% J,MX) 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Butter substitutes, whether in liquid or solid state,

containing over 15 percent by weight of butter or
other fats or oils derived from milk:
Containing over 10 percent by weight of milk
Butter substitutes containing over 45
percent by weight of butterfat:
2106.90.22 00 Described in general note 15 of the
tariff schedule and entered pursuant to
its provisions.... ...........................................kg.............. 15.44/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 314/kg
2106.90.24 00 Described in additional U.S. note 14 to
chapter 4 and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 15.44/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 314/kg

2106.90.28 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 13.14/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 314/kg
4.64/kg (MX)
Butter substitutes containing over 45
percent by weight of butterfat:
2106.90.32 00 Described in general note 15 of the
tariff schedule and entered pursuant to
its provisions.... ...........................................kg.............. 15.44/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 314/kg
2106.90.34 00 Described in additional U.S. note 14 to
chapter 4 and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ...........................................kg.............. 15.44/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 314/kg

2106.90.38 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 13.14/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 314/kg
4.64/kg (MX)
Syrups derived from cane or beet sugar, containing
added coloring but not added flavoring matter:
2106.90.42 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.66064 /kg Free (A,CA,E*,IL, 6.581704 /kg
of total sugars J,MX) of total
2106.90.44 00 Described in additional U.S. note 5 to chapter
17 and entered pursuant to its provisions ......kg............. 3.66064 /kg Free (A,CA,E*,IL, 6.581704 /kg
of total sugars J,MX) of total
Fruit or vegetable juices, fortified with vitamins or
2106.90.48 00 Orange juice.... ............ ...........................................liters.......... 7.854/liter Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 184/liter
See 9906.21.35-
9906.21.36 (MX)
2106.90.58 Of gelatin .. .... ............ ............................................................. 4.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
2106.90.62 00 Described in general note 15 of the
tariff schedule and entered pursuant to
its provisions.... ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
Other, dairy products described in
additional U.S. note 1 to chapter 4:
2106.90.64 00 Described in additional U.S. note
10 to chapter 4 and entered
pursuant to its provisions.....................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Articles containing over 10 percent

by dry weight of sugar described in
additional U.S. note 3 to
chapter 17:
2106.90.78 00 Described in additional U.S.
note 8 to chapter 17 and
entered pursuant to its
provisions .......................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%

2106.90.82 00 Other ....... ...........................................kg............. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%

2106.90.83 00 Described in general note 15 of the
tariff schedule and entered pursuant to
its provisions.... ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
Other, dairy products described in
additional U.S. note 1 to chapter 4:
2106.90.85 00 Described in additional U.S. note
10 to chapter 4 and entered
pursuant to its provisions.....................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%

Articles containing over 10 percent

by dry weight of sugar described in
additional U.S. note 3 to
chapter 17:
2106.90.95 00 Described in additional U.S.
note 8 to chapter 17 and
entered pursuant to its
provisions .......................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%

2106.90.99 Other ....... ............................................................. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%

2201 Waters, including natural or artificial mineral waters and
aerated waters, not containing added sugar or other
sweetening matter nor flavored; ice and snow:
2201.10.00 00 Mineral waters and aerated waters ..............................liters ........ 0.264 /liter Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 2.64 /liter
2202 Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters,
containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or
flavored, and other nonalcoholic beverages, not including
fruit or vegetable juices of heading 2009:
2202.10.00 Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters,
containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or
flavored ... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.24 /liter Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 44 /liter
2202.90 Other:
Milk-based drinks:
2202.90.10 00 Chocolate milk drink ......liters....................................17% .......... Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
2202.90.22 00 Described in general note 15 of the tariff
schedule and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................liters.......... 17.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
kg J,MX)
2202.90.24 00 Described in additional U.S. note 10 to
chapter 4 and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ...........................................liters 17.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
kg J)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Fruit or vegetable juices, fortified with vitamins or

Orange juice:
2202.90.30 00 Not made from a juice having a degree of
concentration of 1.5 or more (as
determined before correction to the nearest
0.5 degree) ............ ...........................................liters.......... 4.54/liter Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 184/liter
See 9906.22.04-
9906.22.05 (MX)

2202.90.35 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................liters.......... 7.854/liter Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 184/liter
4.94/liter (MX)

2202.90.90 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.24 /liter Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 44 /liter
2203.00.00 Beer made from malt .... ............ ............................................................. 0.44 /liter Free (A,CA,E,IL, 13.24 /liter
0.44 /liter (MX)
2204 Wine of fresh grapes, including fortified wines; grape must
other than that of heading 2009:
2204.10.00 Sparkling wine ..... .... ............ ............................................................. 19.84 /liter Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $1.59/liter
2204.21 In containers holding 2 liters or less:
2204.21.20 00 Effervescent wine........ ...........................................liters.......... 19.84/liter Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $1.59/liter
Of an alcoholic strength by volume not over
14 percent vol.:
2204.21.30 00 If entitled under regulations of the
United States Internal Revenue Service
to a type designation which includes
the name "Tokay" and if so designated
on the approved label .............................liters ........ 6.34 /liter Free (A,CA,E,IL, 334 /liter
2.94 /liter (MX)
2204.21.50 Other... ............ ............................................................. 6.34/liter Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 334/liter
2.94/liter (MX)

Of an alcoholic strength by volume over

14 percent vol.:
2204.21.60 00 If entitled under regulations of the
United States Internal Revenue Service
to a type designation which includes
the name "Marsala" and if so
designated on the approved label liters 5.34 /liter Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 334 /liter

2204.21.80 Other.. ............ ............................................................. 16.94 /liter Free (A,E,IL,J, 334 /liter

2204.29 Other:
In containers holding over 2 liters but not over
4 liters:
2204.29.20 Of an alcoholic strength by volume not over
14 percent vol ........ ............................................................. 8.44/liter Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 334/liter
2.94/liter (MX)
2204.29.40 00 Of an alcoholic strength by volume over
14 percent vol ........ ...........................................liters.......... 22.44/liter Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 334/liter
7.94/liter (MX)
In containers holding over 4 liters:
2204.29.60 00 Of an alcoholic strength by volume not over
14 percent vol. ...... ...........................................liters.......... 144/liter Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 334/liter
4.94/liter (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2204.29.80 00 Of an alcoholic strength by volume over

14 percent vol ........ ...........................................liters.......... 22.44/liter Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 334/liter
7.94/liter (MX)

2204.30.00 00 Other grape must.... .... ............ ...........................................liters.......... 4.44/liter + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 18.54/liter +
pf.liters + 31.44/pf. J,MX) $1.3 pf.
liter liter

2205 Vermouth and other wine of fresh grapes flavored with

plants or aromatic substances:
2205.10 In containers holding 2 liters or less:
2205.10.30 00 Vermouth ....... .... ............ ............................................................. liters 3.54 /liter Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 334 / liter
2205.10.60 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................liters ........ 4.24 /liter Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 334 / liter
2205.90 Other:
2205.90.20 00 In containers each holding over 2 liters but not
over 4 liters... ............ ...........................................liters ........ 3.54 /liter Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 334 /liter
2205.90.40 00 In containers each holding over 4 liters....................liters.......... 3.84/liter Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 334/liter
2205.90.60 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................liters ........ 4.24 /liter Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 334 /liter

2206.00 Other fermented beverages (for example, cider, perry,

mead); mixtures of fermented beverages and mixtures of
fermented beverages and non-alcoholic beverages, not
elsewhere specified or included:
2206.00.15 00 Cider, whether still or sparkling....................................liters ........ 0.44 /liter Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 1.34 /liter
2206.00.30 00 Prune wine ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................liters.......... 3.14/liter Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 18.54/
+ 22.14/pf. J,MX) liter +
liter on ethyl $1.3 pf.
alcohol content liter on

2206.00.45 00 Rice wine or sake..... ............ ............................................................. liters 34 /liter Free

(A,CA,E,IL,J, 334 /liter
2206.00.60 00 Effervescent wine . ............ ...........................................liters .......... 13.94/ liter Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $1.59/ liter
2206.00.90 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................liters ........ 4.24 /liter Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 334 /liter
2207 Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by
volume of 80 percent vol. or higher; ethyl alcohol and other
spirits, denatured, of any strength:
2207.10 Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by
volume of 80 percent vol. or higher:
2207.10.30 00 For beverage purposes. ...........................................pf.liters 18.94 /pf.liter
Free (A,CA,E,IL,J,) $1.3 pf.
MX) liter
2207.10.60 00 For nonbeverage purposes liters....................................2.5% ........ Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
0.9% (MX)
2207.20.00 00 Ethyl alcohol and other spirits, denatured, of any
strength..... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................liters.......... 1.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
0.9% (MX)

2208.40 Rum and tafia:

In containers each holding not over 4 liters:
2208.40.20 00 Valued not over $3 per proof liter ............................pf.liters 23.74/pf.liter Free (A+,CA,E, $1.3 pf.
IL) liter
11.14/pf. liter
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2208.40.40 00 Valued over $3 per proof liter ..................................pf.liters 134/pf.liter Free (A+,CA,E, $1.3 pf.
IL) liter
liter (MX)
In containers each holding over 4 liters:
2208.40.60 00 Valued not over 694 per proof liter ..........................pf.liters 23.74/pf.liter Free (A+,CA,E, $1.3 pf.
IL) liter
liter (MX)

2208.40.80 00 Valued over 694 per proof liter ................................pf.liters 134/pf.liter Free (A+,CA,E, $1.3 pf.
IL) liter
liter (MX)

2208.90.80 00 Other . ....... .... ............ ...........................................pf.liters 21.14 /pf.liter Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $4.0 pf.
MX) liter
2209.00.00 00 Vinegar and substitutes for vinegar obtained from acetic
acid..... ............ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................pf.liters 0.54 /pf.liter Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 2.14 /pf.liter
liters MX)

2302 Bran, sharps (middlings) and other residues, whether or

not in the form of pellets, derived from the sifting, milling or
other working of cereals or of leguminous plants:
2302.50.00 00 Of leguminous plants.... ............ ...........................................t................. 1.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%

2303 Residues of starch manufacture and similar residues,

beet-pulp, bagasse and other waste of sugar manufacture,
brewing or distilling dregs and waste, whether or not in the
form of pellets:
2303.10.00 Residues of starch manufacture and similar residues ........................... 1.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
2304.00.00 00 Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or
in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of
soybean oil ...... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.454/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.74/kg
2305.00.00 00 Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground
or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of
peanut (ground-nut) oil. ............ ...........................................kg............. 0.324 /kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 0.74 /kg

2306 Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or

in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of
vegetable fats or oils, other than those of heading 2304
or 2305:
2306.10.00 00 Of cotton seeds ...... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.564/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.74/kg
2306.20.00 00 Of linseed...... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 0.124 /kg Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 0.74 /kg
2306.30.00 00 Of sunflower seeds . ............ ...........................................kg............. 0.454 /kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 0.74 /kg
2306.40.00 00 Of rape or colza seeds ......... ...........................................kg............. 0.174 /kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 0.74 /kg
2306.50.00 00 Of coconut or copra . ............ ...........................................kg............. 0.454 /kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 0.74 /kg
2306.60.00 00 Of palm nuts or kernels ....... ...........................................kg............. 0.324 /kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 0.74 /kg
2306.70.00 00 Of corn (maize) germ ........... ............................................................. kg 0.324 /kg Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 0.74 /kg
2306.90.00 Other ........ ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.324 /kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 0.74 /kg
2308 Vegetable materials and vegetable waste, vegetable
residues and byproducts, whether or not in the form of
pellets, of a kind used in animal feeding, not elsewhere
specified or included:
2308.10.00 00 Acorns and horse-chestnuts.... ...........................................kg.............. 1.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2308.90 Other:
2308.90.50 00 Dehydrated marigolds ... ...........................................kg............. 1.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
2308.90.80 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
2309 Preparations of a kind used in animal feeding:
2309.90 Other:

Animal feeds containing milk or milk
Containing over 10 percent by weight of
milk solids:
2309.90.22 Described in general note 15 of the
tariff schedule and entered pursuant to
its provisions.... ............................................................. 7.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
2309.90.24 Described in additional U.S. note 2 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ............................................................. 7.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
2309.90.42 Described in general note 15 of the
tariff schedule and entered pursuant to
its provisions.... ............................................................. 7.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
2309.90.44 Described in additional U.S. note 2 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ............................................................. 7.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
2309.90.60 00 Animal feeds containing egg..............................kg.............. 1.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
2309.90.70 00 Preparations, with a basis of vitamin
B12, for supplementing animal feed .....kg............. 1.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
2309.90.95 00 Other... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%

2401 Unmanufactured tobacco (whether or not threshed or

similarly processed); tobacco refuse:
2401.10.61 To be used in products other than
cigarettes ......... ............................................................. 23.94/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 77.24/kg
8.44/kg (MX)
2401.10.63 Described in additional U.S. note 5
to this chapter and entered
pursuant to its provisions...................................... 23.94/kg Free (A+,E,J) 77.24/kg

2401.10.95 Other ... .... ............ ............................................................. 32.74 /kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 854 /kg
Not threshed or similarly processed:
2401.20.05 00 Leaf tobacco, the product of two or more
countries or dependencies, when mixed or
packed together............ ...........................................kg.............. $5.48/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $6.4 kg
$1.93 kg (MX)
2401.20.31 To be used in products other
than cigarettes .................................................. 40.94/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $1.2 kg
14.44/kg (MX)
2401.20.33 Described in additional U.S.
note 5 to this chapter and
entered pursuant to its
provisions ................................................... 40.94/kg Free (A+,E,J) $1.2 kg
2401.20.57 Other ....... ............................................................. 39.74 /kg Free (A*,CA,E,IL, $1.1 kg
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2401.20.83 To be used in products other than

cigarettes ......... ............................................................. 37.54/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $1.10/kg
13.24/kg (MX)
2401.20.85 Described in additional U.S. note 5
to this chapter and entered pur-
suant to its provisions ............................................ 37.54/kg Free (A+,E,J) $1.10/kg
2401.30 Tobacco refuse:
From cigar leaf:
Tobacco stems:
2401.30.25 Cut, ground or pulverized .............................................. 974/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $1.2 kg
36.34/kg (MX)
2401.30.27 Other .... .... ............ ............................................................. 28.44/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 77.24/kg
10.64/kg (MX)
2401.30 Tobacco refuse (con.):
Other (con.):
Described in additional U.S. note 5 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
Tobacco stems:

2401.30.35 Cut, ground or pulverized....................................... 974/kg Free (A+,E,J) $1.2 kg

2401.30.37 Other... ............ ............................................................. 28.44/kg Free (A+,E,J) 77.24/kg
2402 Cigars, cheroots, cigarillos and cigarettes, of tobacco or
of tobacco substitutes:
2402.10 Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos, containing tobacco:
2402.10.30 Each valued less than 154 ............................................................. $1.89/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $9.9 kg
4.7% J) + 25%
$1.26 kg +
3.1% (MX)
2402.10.60 00 Each valued 154 or over but less than 234 ....................thousands 574/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $9.9 kg
1.4% J) + 25%
37.84/kg +
0.9% (MX)

2402.10.80 00 Each valued 234 or over ...... ...........................................thous. 574 /kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, $9.9 kg
kg 1.4% J,MX) + 25%
2402.20 Cigarettes containing tobacco:
2402.20.10 00 Containing clove .... ............ ...........................................thous. 41.74 /kg + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $9.9 kg
kg 0.9% MX) + 25%
2402.20.80 00 Paper-wrapped ............ ........................................... thousands $1.0 kg + Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, $9.9 kg
kg 2.3% J) + 25%
70.24/kg +
1.5% (MX)

2402.20.90 00 Other . ....... .... ............ ...........................................thous. $1.50/kg + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $9.9 kg
kg 3.2% MX) + 25%

2402.90.00 00 Other ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................thousands $1.0 kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $9.9 kg
2.3% J) + 25%
70.24/kg +
1.5% (MX)
2403 Other manufactured tobacco and manufactured tobacco
substitutes; "homogenized" or "reconstituted" tobacco;
tobacco extracts and essences:
2403.10 Smoking tobacco, whether or not containing tobacco
substitutes in any proportion:
2403.10.20 Prepared for marketing to the ultimate consumer in
the identical form and package in which
imported ....... .... ............ ...........................................32.84/kg.... Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $1.2 kg
11.54/kg (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2403.10.30 To be used in products other than cigarettes ............................ 32.84/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $1.2 kg
11.54/kg (MX)
2403.10.60 Described in additional U.S. note 5 to this
chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions.. ............ ............................................................. 32.84/kg Free (A+,E,J) $1.2 kg
2403.91 "Homogenized" or "reconstituted" tobacco:
2403.91.20 00 Suitable for use as wrapper tobacco ...............kg............. 624 /kg Free (A*,CA,E,IL, $6.4 kg
2403.91.43 To be used in products other than
cigarettes .. ............ ............................................................. 19.94/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $1.10/kg
` 13.24/kg (MX)
2403.91.45 Described in additional U.S. note 5 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ............................................................. 19.94/kg Free (A+,E,J) $1.10/kg
2403 (con.) Other manufactured tobacco and manufactured tobacco
substitutes; "homogenized" or "reconstituted" tobacco;
tobacco extracts and essences (con.):
Other (con.):
2403.99 Other:
2403.99.20 Prepared for marketing to the ultimate
consumer in the identical form and package
in which imported ......... ............................................................. 24.74/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $1.2 kg
11.54/kg (MX)
2403.99.30 To be used in products other than
cigarettes .. ............ ............................................................. 24.74/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $1.2 kg
11.54/kg (MX)
2403.99.60 Described in additional U.S. note 5 to
this chapter and entered pursuant to its
provisions ........ ............................................................. 24.74/kg Free (A+,E,J) $1.2 kg

2511 Natural barium sulfate (barytes); natural barium carbonate

(witherite), whether or not calcined, other than barium oxide
of heading 2816:
2511.10 Natural barium sulfate (barytes):
2511.10.50 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................t ................ $1.2 t Free (A,CA,E,IL, $3.9 t
2515.12 Merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or
slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape:
2515.12.20 00 Travertine . .... ............ ...........................................t ................ 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
2515.20.00 00 Other calcareous monumental or building stone;
alabaster . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................t ................ 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
2516 Granite, porphyry, basalt, sandstone and other
monumental or building stone, whether or not roughly
trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks
or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape:
2516.12.00 Merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or
slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape .................... 2.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
2516.22.00 00 Merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or
slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape ..t ................ 3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50%
2516.90.00 Other monumental or building stone ............................................. 3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2518 Dolomite, whether or not calcined; dolomite roughly

trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks
or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape; ag-
glomerated dolomite (including tarred dolomite):
2518.20.00 00 Calcined dolomite .... ............ ............................................................. t 3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
2530.40.00 00 Natural micaceous iron oxides .......................................kg............. 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
2603.00.00 Copper ores and concentrates. ............................................................. 1.74 /kg on lead Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 8.84 /kg
content J,MX) on copper
content +
3.34 /kg
on lead
content +
3.74 /kg
on zinc

2607.00.00 Lead ores and concentrates ..... ............................................................. 1.14 /kg on lead Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 8.84 /kg
content J,MX) on copper
content +
3.34 /kg
on lead
content +
3.74 /kg
on zinc
2611.00.60 00 Concentrates ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 37.54 /kg on Free
(A,CA,E,IL, $1.10/kg on
W kg tungsten J,MX) tungsten
content content

2613 Molybdenum ores and concentrates:

2613.10.00 00 Roasted..... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 12.84/kg on Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $1.10/kg on
Mo kg molybdenum J,MX) molybdenum
content + content +
1.8% 15%

2613.90.00 00 Other ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 17.84/kg on Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 77.24/kg on
Mo kg molybdenum J,MX) molybdenum
content content
2616 Precious metal ores and concentrates:
2616.10.00 Silver ores and concentrates.... ............................................................. 0.84/kg on lead Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 8.84/kg
content J,MX) on copper
content +
on lead
content +
on zinc
2616.90.00 Other ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.74/kg on lead Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 8.84/kg
content J,MX) on copper
content +
on lead
content +
on zinc
2620 Ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron
or steel) containing metals or metal compounds:
Containing mainly zinc:
2620.19.60 Other . ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.74 /kg on Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 8.84 /kg on
copper MX) copper
content + content +
0.74 /kg 3.34 /kg
on lead on lead
content content +
3.74 /kg
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

on zinc
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2620.90 Other:
2620.90.20 00 Containing mainly tungsten......................................kg............. 17.64 /kg on Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $1.3 kg on
W kg tungsten MX) tungsten
content + content +
3.8% 40%
2707 Oils and other products of the distillation of high
temperature coal tar; similar products in which the weight
of the aromatic constituents exceeds that of the
nonaromatic constituents:
2707.60 Phenols:
2707.60.05 00 Containing more than 50 percent by weight of
hydroxybenzene ............ ...........................................kg............. 2.94 /kg + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 7.74 /kg +
12.5% MX) 29.5%
2707.60.10 00 Metacresol, orthocresol, paracresol and
metaparacresol, all the foregoing having a purity of
75 percent or more by weight..................................kg............. 0.94 /kg + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 15.44 /kg +
3% MX) 42.5%
2707.99.40 00 Carbazole having a purity of 65 percent or
more by weight......... ...........................................kg............. 0.94 /kg + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 15.44 /kg +
3% L,MX) 40%
2708 Pitch and pitch coke, obtained from coal tar or from other
mineral tars:

2709.00 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous

minerals, crude:
2709.00.10 00 Testing under 25 degrees A.P.I bbl.......................................5.254/bbl... Free (A+,CA,IL) 214/bbl
1.54/bbl (MX)

2709.00.20 00 Testing 25 degrees A.P.I. or more.........................................bbl............. 10.54/bbl Free (A+,CA,IL) 214/bbl

3.14/bbl (MX)

2710.00 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous

minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere
specified or included, containing by weight 70 percent or
more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous
minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the
Distillate and residual fuel oils (including blended
fuel oils):
2710.00.05 Testing under 25 degrees A.P.I........................................................ 5.254/bbl Free (A+,CA,IL) 214/bbl
1.54/bbl (MX)
Distillate and residual fuel oils (including blended
fuel oils) (con.):
2710.00.10 Testing 25 degrees A.P.I. or more .................................................... 10.54/bbl Free (A+,CA,IL) 214/bbl
3.14/bbl (MX)
2710.00.15 Motor fuel .. ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 52.54/bbl Free (A+,CA,IL) $1.0 bbl
15.74/bbl (MX)
2710.00.18 00 Motor fuel blending stock.......... ...........................................bbl............. 52.54/bbl Free (A+,CA,IL) $1.0 bbl
15.74/bbl (MX)
2710.00.20 00 Kerosene (except motor fuel or motor fuel blending
stock) ........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................bbl............. 10.54/bbl Free (A+,CA,IL) 214/bbl
3.14/bbl (MX)
2710.00.25 00 Naphthas (except motor fuel or motor fuel
blending stock) ....... .... ............ ...........................................bbl............. 10.54/bbl Free (A+,CA,IL) 214/bbl
3.14/bbl (MX)
Lubricating oils and greases, with or without additives:
2710.00.30 Oils ...... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 844/bbl Free (A+,CA,IL) $1.68/bbl
25.24/bbl (MX)
2710.00.35 00 Containing not over 10 percent by weight of
salts of fatty acids of animal (including marine
animal) or vegetable origin.................................kg............. 5.8% Free (A,CA,IL,MX) 20%

2710.00.40 00 Other . ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 1.34 /kg + Free (A,CA,IL,MX) 4.44 /kg +
5.7% 20%
2710.00.45 Mixtures of hydrocarbons not elsewhere specified
or included, which contain by weight not over
50 percent of any single hydrocarbon compound............................ 10.54/bbl Free (A+,CA,IL) 214/bbl
3.14/bbl (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2710.00.60 00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
liters J)
2.1% (MX)
2801 Fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine:
2801.30 Fluorine; bromine:
2801.30.10 00 Fluorine ... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2801.30.20 00 Bromine..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 37%
2804 Hydrogen, rare gases and other nonmetals:
2804.10.00 00 Hydrogen. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................thousand 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
m3 J,MX)
Rare gases:
2804.21.00 00 Argon. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................thousand 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
m3 J,MX)
2804.29.00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2804.30.00 00 Nitrogen... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................thousand 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
m3 J,MX)
2804.40.00 00 Oxygen..... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................thousand 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
m3 J,MX)
2804.69 Other:
2804.69.10 00 Containing by weight less than 99.99 percent
but not less than 99 percent of silicon.............kg............. 5.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 21%
Si kg J,MX)
2804.69.50 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 45%
Si kg J,MX)
2805 Alkali or alkaline-earth metals; rare-earth metals,
scandium and yttrium, whether or not intermixed or
interalloyed; mercury:
Alkali metals:
2805.11.00 00 Sodium ..... ....... .... ............kg........................................5.3% ......... Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
2805.19.00 00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
Alkaline-earth metals:
2805.21.00 00 Calcium...... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
2805.22 Strontium and barium:
2805.22.10 00 Strontium . .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2805.30.00 00 Rare-earth metals, scandium and yttrium, whether or
not intermixed or interalloyed..... .......................................... kg .............. 5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 31.3%
2805.40.00 00 Mercury ... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 1.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 5.7%



2806 Hydrogen chloride (Hydrochloric acid); chlorosulfuric acid:

2806.20.00 00 Chlorosulfuric acid ... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%

2810.00.00 00 Oxides of boron; boric acids ...... .......................................... .................. t 1.5% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 8.5%
2811 Other inorganic acids and other inorganic oxygen
compounds of nonmetals:
Other inorganic acids:
2811.19 Other:
2811.19.10 00 Arsenic acid .. ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 2.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 4.9%
2811.19.60 Other ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Other inorganic oxygen compounds of nonmetals:
2811.21.00 00 Carbon dioxide .... ..... ...... .......................................... t................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2811.22 Silicon dioxide:
2811.22.10 00 Synthetic silica gel.... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2811.23.00 00 Sulfur dioxide ...... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2811.29 Other:
2811.29.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%

2812 Halides and halide oxides of nonmetals:

2812.10 Chlorides and chloride oxides:
2812.10.50 Other ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2812.90.00 00 Other . ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2813 Sulfides of nonmetals; commercial phosphorus trisulfide:
2813.10.00 00 Carbon disulfide ....... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2813.90 Other:
2813.90.50 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%



2815 Sodium hydroxide (Caustic soda); potassium hydroxide

(Caustic potash); peroxides of sodium or potassium:
Sodium hydroxide (Caustic soda):
2815.30.00 00 Peroxides of sodium or potassium .............................. kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2816 Hydroxide and peroxide of magnesium; oxides, hydroxides
and peroxides, of strontium or barium:
2816.10.00 00 Hydroxide and peroxide of magnesium ....................... kg ............. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2816.20.00 00 Oxide, hydroxide and peroxide of strontium .............. kg ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2816.30.00 00 Oxide, hydroxide and peroxide of barium ................... kg ............. 2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 10.5%
2818 Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined;
aluminum oxide; aluminum hydroxide:
2818.10 Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined:
2818.10.20 00 In grains, or ground, pulverized or refined .......... kg ............. 1.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 4.1%
2819 Chromium oxides and hydroxides:
2819.10.00 00 Chromium trioxide ... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2819.90.00 00 Other . ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%

2820 Manganese oxides:

2820.10.00 00 Manganese dioxide .. ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2820.90.00 00 Other . ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2821 Iron oxides and hydroxides; earth colors containing
70 percent or more by weight of combined iron
evaluated as Fe 2O3:
2821.10.00 Iron oxides and hydroxides ...... .......................................... .................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2821.20.00 00 Earth colors... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 20%

2822.00.00 00 Cobalt oxides and hydroxides; commercial cobalt oxides................ kg 0.1% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 1.7%

2823.00.00 00 Titanium oxides.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
2824 Lead oxides; red lead and orange lead:
2824.10.00 00 Lead monoxide (litharge, massicot)............................. kg ............. 3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 12%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2824.20.00 00 Red lead and orange lead..... .......................................... kg ............. 3.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 12.5%
2824.90 Other:
2824.90.10 00 Lead suboxide (leady litharge)................................ kg ............. 9.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
2824.90.50 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
2825 Hydrazine and hydroxylamine and their inorganic salts;
other inorganic bases; other metal oxides, hydroxides and
2825.10.00 00 Hydrazine and hydroxylamine and their inorganic
salts ... ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2825.20.00 00 Lithium oxide and hydroxide .......................................... .................. kg 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2825.30.00 Vanadium oxides and hydroxides ....................................... .................. 9.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 40%
2825.50 Copper oxides and hydroxides:
2825.50.10 00 Cupric oxide ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 31%
2825.50.20 00 Cuprous oxide .... ..... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 5% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 39.5%
2825.50.30 00 Copper hydroxides .. ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 32.5%
2825.60.00 00 Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide ................. kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2825.70.00 00 Molybdenum oxides and hydroxides ........................... kg ............. 3.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 20.5%
2825.90 Other:
2825.90.10 00 Beryllium oxide and hydroxide ................................ kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2825.90.15 00 Niobium oxide ..... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2825.90.20 00 Tin oxides ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 4.2% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2825.90.30 00 Tungsten oxides..... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA ,E,IL, 45.5%
W kg J)
3% (MX)
2825.90.90 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%



2826 Fluorides; fluorosilicates, fluoroaluminates and other

complex fluorine salts:
2826.11 Of ammonium or of sodium:
2826.11.10 00 Of ammonium ..... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 3.1% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2826.11.50 00 Of sodium ...... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2826.19.00 Other ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 3.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2826.20.00 00 Fluorosilicates of sodium or of potassium ................. kg ............. 4.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 62.5%
2826.90.00 00 Other . ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2827 Chlorides, chloride oxides and chloride hydroxides;
bromides and bromide oxides; iodides and iodide oxides:
2827.10.00 00 Ammonium chloride ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 2.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 18%
Other chlorides:
2827.31.00 00 Of magnesium .... ..... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 1.5% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 5%
2827.33.00 00 Of iron ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2827.34.00 00 Of cobalt .. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2827.35.00 00 Of nickel .. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2827.36.00 00 Of zinc ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 1.6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 5%
2827.38.00 00 Of barium ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 28.5%
2827.39 Other:
2827.39.10 00 Of vanadium .. ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 9.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 40%
V kg J,MX)
2827.39.20 00 Of mercury .... ..... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 5.1% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 31.9%
2827.39.25 00 Of tin .. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2827.39.30 00 Of titanium ..... ..... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 4.9% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
2827.39.40 00 Of tungsten ..... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 45.5%
W kg J,MX)
2827.39.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Chloride oxides and chloride hydroxides:
2827.41.00 00 Of copper ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 32.5%
2827.49 Other:
2827.49.10 00 Of vanadium .. ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 9.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 40%
V kg J,MX)
2827.49.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Bromides and bromide oxides:
2827.59.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2827.60 Iodides and iodide oxides:
2827.60.20 00 Of potassium ....... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 2.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 7.5%
2827.60.50 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2828 Hypochlorites; commercial calcium hypochlorite; chlorites;
2828.10.00 00 Commercial calcium hypochlorite and other calcium
hypochlorites ........... ..... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 2.4% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2828.90.00 00 Other . ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%

2829 Chlorates and perchlorates; bromates and perbromates;

iodates and periodates:
2829.19.00 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2829.90 Other:
2829.90.40 00 Of potassium ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2829.90.60 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2830 Sulfides; polysulfides:
2830.10.00 00 Sodium sulfides........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2830.20 Zinc sulfide:

2830.20.20 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 2.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 11%
2830.30.00 00 Cadmium sulfide ...... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2830.90.00 00 Other . ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2831 Dithionites and sulfoxylates:

2831.10 Of sodium:
2831.10.50 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 10.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
2831.90.00 00 Other . ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 10.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 35%

2832 Sulfites; thiosulfates:

2832.10.00 00 Sodium sulfites......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 1.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 4.5%
2832.20.00 00 Other sulfites ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 3.1% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2832.30 Thiosulfates:
2832.30.10 00 Sodium thiosulfate ... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 1.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 4.5%
2832.30.50 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 4.5%
2833 Sulfates; alums; peroxosulfates (persulfates):
Sodium sulfates:
2833.11 Disodium sulfate:
2833.11.50 Other ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... 0.4%.......... Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 3.6%
Other sulfates:
2833.21.00 00 Of magnesium .... ..... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
2833.23.00 00 Of chromium ....... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2833.24.00 00 Of nickel .. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2833.25.00 00 Of copper ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 1.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 5%
Cu kg J,MX)
2833.26.00 00 Of zinc ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 1.6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 8%
2833.27.00 00 Of barium ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 0.6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 4.2%
2833.29 Other:
2833.29.10 00 Of cobalt......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 1.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 6.5%
2833.29.30 00 Of vanadium .. ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 9.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 40%
V kg J,MX)
2833.29.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
2833.30.00 00 Alums ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 1.6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2833.40 Peroxosulfates (persulfates):
2833.40.20 00 Of sodium ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2833.40.60 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%

2834 Nitrites; nitrates:

2834.10 Nitrites:
2834.10.10 00 Of sodium ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 5.5% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 54%
2834.10.50 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2834.22.00 00 Of bismuth ........... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
2834.29 Other:
2834.29.20 00 Of strontium .. ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2834.29.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 10%

2835 Phosphinates (hypophosphites), phosphonates (phos-

phites), phosphates and polyphosphates:
2835.10.00 00 Phosphinates (hypophosphites) and phosphonates
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

(phosphites). ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2835.22.00 00 Of mono- or disodium .... .......................................... kg ............. 1.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 6%
2835.23.00 00 Of trisodium ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 2.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 11.5%
2835.24.00 00 Of potassium ....... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2835.29.20 00 Of triammonium . ...... .......................................... kg ............. 1.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 8.5%
2835.29.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2835.31.00 00 Sodium triphosphate (Sodium tripolyphosphate).................. kg 1.4% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 6%
2835.39 Other:
2835.39.10 00 Of potassium ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2835.39.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2836 Carbonates; peroxocarbonates (percarbonates);
commercial ammonium carbonate containing ammonium
2836.10.00 00 Commercial ammonium carbonate and other
ammonium carbonates . ...... .......................................... kg ............. 1.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 16%
2836.20.00 00 Disodium carbonate . ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 1.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 8.5%
2836.40 Potassium carbonates:
2836.40.10 00 Dipotassium carbonate .. .......................................... kg ............. 1.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 6%
2836.40.20 00 Potassium hydrogencarbonate (Potassium
bicarbonate) ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 1.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 4.8%
2836.60.00 00 Barium carbonate ..... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 2.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 8.4%
2836.70.00 00 Lead carbonate ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 0.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 4.5%
2836.91.00 Lithium carbonates ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2836.92.00 00 Strontium carbonate ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2836.99 Other:
2836.99.10 00 Cobalt carbonates..... .......................................... kg ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
2836.99.20 00 Bismuth carbonate ... .......................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
2836.99.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%

2837 Cyanides, cyanide oxides and complex cyanides:

Cyanides and cyanide oxides:
2837.20 Complex cyanides:
2837.20.10 00 Potassium ferricyanide .. .......................................... kg ............. 1.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 5.1%
2837.20.50 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 1.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 8.5%

2838.00.00 00 Fulminates, cyanates and thiocyanates ............................. kg ............. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%

2839 Silicates; commercial alkali metal silicates:

Of sodium:
2839.11.00 00 Sodium metasilicates..... .......................................... .................. kg 1.1% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 3%
2839.19.00 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 1.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 3%
2839.20.00 00 Of potassium ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2839.90.00 00 Other . ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2840 Borates; peroxoborates (perborates):

Disodium tetraborate (refined borax):
2840.11.00 00 Anhydrous ........... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 0.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 1.2%
2840.19.00 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 0.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 0.4%
2840.20.00 00 Other borates ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2840.30.00 Peroxoborates (perborates) ..... .......................................... .................. 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%

2841 Salts of oxometallic or peroxometallic acids:

2841.10.00 00 Aluminates.... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2841.20.00 00 Chromates of zinc or of lead.......................................... .................. kg 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2841.30.00 00 Sodium dichromate .. ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 2.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 8.5%
2841.40.00 00 Potassium dichromate .. ...... .......................................... kg ............. 1.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 3.5%
2841.50.00 00 Other chromates and dichromates;
peroxochromates..... ..... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 3.1% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Manganites, manganates and permanganates:
2841.61.00 00 Potassium permanganate ........................................ kg ............. 5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 23%
2841.69.00 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 23%
2841.70 Molybdates:
2841.70.10 00 Of ammonium ..... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 29%
Mo kg J,MX)
2841.70.50 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Mo kg J,MX)
2841.80.00 Tungstates (wolframates) ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 49.5%
3% (MX)
2841.90 Other:
2841.90.10 00 Vanadates ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 7.8% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 40%
V kg J,MX)
2841.90.20 00 Ammonium perrhenate . .......................................... kg ............. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2841.90.30 00 Potassium stannate . ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2841.90.50 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%

2842 Other salts of inorganic acids or peroxoacids, excluding

2842.10.00 00 Double or complex silicates ......kg....................................... 3.7%.......... Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
2842.90.00 00 Other . ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%


2843 Colloidal precious metals; inorganic or organic compounds

of precious metals, whether or not chemically defined;
amalgams of precious metals:
2843.10.00 00 Colloidal precious metals .... ...... .......................................... g................ 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 65%
Silver compounds:
2843.21.00 00 Silver nitrate ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2843.29.00 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2843.30.00 00 Gold compounds ...... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2843.90.00 00 Other compounds; amalgams ....................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2844 Radioactive chemical elements and radioactive isotopes

(including the fissile or fertile chemical elements and
isotopes) and their compounds; mixtures and residues
containing these products:
2844.10 Natural uranium and its compounds; alloys,
dispersions (including cermets), ceramic products and
mixtures containing natural uranium or natural uranium
2844.10.10 00 Uranium metal..... ..... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 5% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
2844.10.50 00 Other ... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 45%

2844.30 Uranium depleted in U235 and its compounds;

thorium and its compounds; alloys, dispersions
(including cermets), ceramic products and mixtures
containing uranium depleted in U235, thorium, or
compounds of these products:
2844.30.10 00 Thorium compounds ...... .......................................... .................. kg 5.5% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
2844.30.50 Other ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%

2846 Compounds, inorganic or organic, of rare-earth metals,

of yttrium or of scandium, or of mixtures of these metals:
2846.10.00 00 Cerium compounds . ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
2846.90 Other:
2846.90.80 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%

2847.00.00 00 Hydrogen peroxide, whether or not solidified with urea.................. kg 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2848.00 Phosphides, whether or not chemically defined,
excluding ferrophosphorus:
2848.00.10 00 Of copper (phosphor copper), containing more than
15 percent by weight of phosphorus ........................... kg ............. 2.6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 32.5%
2849 Carbides, whether or not chemically defined:
2849.10.00 00 Of calcium...... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 1.8% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 10%
2849.20 Of silicon:
2849.20.20 00 In grains, or ground, pulverized or
refined..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 0.5% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 1.6%
2849.90 Other:
2849.90.10 00 Of boron .. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2849.90.20 00 Of chromium ....... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2849.90.30 00 Of tungsten ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 7.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 55.5%
W kg J,MX)
2849.90.50 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2850.00 Hydrides, nitrides, azides, silicides and borides, whether
or not chemically defined, other than compounds which
are also carbides of heading 2849:
2850.00.07 00 Of titanium..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
2850.00.10 00 Of tungsten...... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 45.5%
W kg J)
3% (MX)
2850.00.20 00 Of vanadium .. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 9.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 40%
V kg J,MX)
2850.00.50 00 Other . ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2851.00.00 Other inorganic compounds (including distilled or

conductivity water and water of similar purity); liquid air
(whether or not rare gases have been removed);
compressed air; amalgams, other than amalgams of
precious metals . ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 2.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%

2902 Cyclic hydrocarbons:

Cyclanes, cyclenes and cycloterpenes:
2902.11.00 00 Cyclohexane ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 0.8¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
5% J,MX) 40%
2902.60.00 00 Ethylbenzene ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 0.4¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
6.9% J) 55%
0.3¢/kg +
5.1% (MX)
2902.90.30 Alkylbenzenes and polyalkylbenzenes............................................. 0.4¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
6.9% J) 55%
0.3¢/kg +
5.1% (MX)
2902.90.40 00 Anthracene; and
1,4-Di-(2-methylstyryl)benzene ................................kg............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J) 68.5%
3.1% (MX)
2902.90.60 00 Biphenyl (Diphenyl), in flakes ...................................kg............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J) 68.5%
3.1% (MX)
2902.90.90 00 Other... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K) 68.5%
3.1% (MX)

2903 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons:

Saturated chlorinated derivatives of acyclic
2903.11.00 Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) and
chloroethane (Ethyl chloride) ..................................................... 11.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 125%
2903.12.00 00 Dichloromethane (Methylene chloride)..................kg............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2903.13.00 00 Chloroform (Trichloromethane)..............................kg............. 9.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 32%
2903.14.00 00 Carbon tetrachloride ...... ............................................................. kg 2.3% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 8.5%
2903.15.00 00 1,2-Dichloroethane (Ethylene dichloride) ...............kg............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 88%
2903.16.00 00 1,2-Dichloropropane (Propylene dichloride) and
dichlorobutanes . ............ ...........................................kg............. 5.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 33.3%
2903.19 Other:
2903.19.10 00 Hexachloroethane and tetrachloroethane .......kg............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2903.19.60 Other . ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 10.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 114.5%
Unsaturated chlorinated derivatives of acyclic
2903.21.00 00 Vinyl chloride (Chloroethylene)...............................kg............. 8.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 76%
2903.22.00 00 Trichloroethylene ........... ............................................................. kg 4.2% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
2903.23.00 00 Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene).............kg............. 3.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2903.29.00 00 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 10.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 114.5%
2903.30 Fluorinated, brominated or iodinated derivatives of
acyclic hydrocarbons:
2903.30.05 00 Ethylene dibromide ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 46.3%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

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Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2903.30.20 Other.. ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Halogenated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons
containing two or more different halogens:
2903.41.00 00 Trichlorofluoromethane ...........................................kg............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2903.42.00 00 Dichlorodifluoromethane ............................................................ kg 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2903.43.00 00 Trichlorotrifluoroethanes ........................................................... kg 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
ode J,MX)
2903.44.00 Dichlorotetrafluoroe thanes and
chloropentafluoroethane ............................................................ 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2903.45.00 00 Other derivatives perhalogenated only with fluorine
and chlorine ... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2903.46.00 00 Bromochlorodifluoromethane, bromotrifluoro-
methane and dibromotetrafluoroethanes.............kg............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
ode J,K,MX)
2903.47.00 00 Other perhalogenated derivatives ..........................kg............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2903.49 Other:
2903.49.90 Other . ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Halogenated derivatives of cyclanic, cyclenic or
cycloterpenic hydrocarbons:
2903.51.00 00 1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexachlorocyclohexane...........................kg............. 8.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 64.5%
2903.59 Other:
Derived in whole or in part from benzene or
other aromatic hydrocarbon:
2903.59.05 00 Dibromoethyldibromocyclohexane .....................kg.............. 5.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 64.5%
2903.59.10 00 Pesticides...... ............................................................. kg 8.3% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 64.5%
2903.59.15 00 Products described in additional
U.S. note 3 to section VI.......................kg.............. 8.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 53.5%
2903.59.20 00 Other ........ ...........................................kg.............. 1.5¢/kg + 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 53.5%
2903.59.30 00 Chlorinated, but not otherwise
halogenated......... ...........................................kg............. 10.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 114.5%
2903.59.40 00 1,3,5,7,9,11-Hexabromocyclodo-
decane ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2903.59.70 00 Other.. ............ ...........................................kg............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Halogenated derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons:
2903.61 Chlorobenzene, o-dichlorobenzene and
2903.61.10 00 Chlorobenzene ......... ...........................................kg............. 11.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 91.5%
2903.61.20 00 o-Dichlorobenzene ...... ...........................................kg.............. 9.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J) 84%
4.5% (MX)

2903.61.30 00 p-Dichlorobenzene ... ...........................................kg............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +

J,MX) 40.5%
2903.62.00 00 Hexachlorobenzene and DDT (1,1,1-Trichloro-2,2-
bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane) ...........................................kg.............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 71%
2903.69 Other:
2903.69.05 00 3-Bromo-α,α,α-trifluorotoluene;
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2-Chloro-5-bromo-α,α,α-trifluorotoluene; and
α-Chloro-3-methyltoluene ..................................kg............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 71%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2903.69.10 00 m-Dichlorobenzene;
1,1-Dichloro-2,2-bis(p-ethylphenyl)ethane; and
Trichlorobenzenes........ ...........................................kg.............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40.5%
2903.69.20 00 Benzyl chloride (α-Chlorotoluene); and
Benzotrichloride (α,α,α-Trichlorotoluene)................kg.............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 48%
2903.69.23 00 Pentabromoethylbenzene.........................................kg.............. Free 15.4¢/kg +
2903.69.27 00 Tribromocumene........... ...........................................kg.............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 71%
2903.69.30 00 Pesticides ............ ............................................................. kg 8.3% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 64.5%
2903.69.70 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K) 71%
2.7% (MX)
2904 Sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of
hydrocarbons, whether or not halogenated:
2904.10 Derivatives containing only sulfo groups, their salts
and ethyl esters:
2904.10.04 00 2-Anthracenesulfonic acid ........................................kg............. 8.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 51%
2904.10.08 00 Benzenesulfonyl chloride .........................................kg............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
9.7% J,MX) 51%
2904.10.10 00 m-Benzenedisulfonic acid, sodium salt;
1,5-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid; and
p-Toluenesulfonyl chloride.. ...........................................kg.............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,L,MX) 41.5%
2904.10.15 00 Mixtures of 1,3,6-naphthalenetrisulfonic acid and
1,3,7-naphthalenetrisulfonic acid....................................kg.............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
8.3% J,MX) 40%
2904.10.32 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI ...........................................kg.............. 8.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 51%
2904.10.37 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
9.7% J,L,MX) 51%
2904.10.50 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
2904.20 Derivatives containing only nitro or only nitroso groups:
2904.20.10 00 p-Nitrotoluene.... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J) 40%
2.1% (MX)
2904.20.15 00 p-Nitro-o-xylene .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,L,MX) 41.5%
2904.20.30 00 5-tert-Butyl-2,4,6-trinitro-m -xylene (Musk xylol) and
other artificial musks..... ............................................................. kg 5.5% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 57%
2904.20.35 00 Nitrated benzene, nitrated toluene (except
p-nitrotoluene), or nitrated naphthalene..........................kg.............. 1.2¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
8.3% J) 40%
0.8¢/kg +
3.7% (MX)
2904.20.40 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI ...........................................kg.............. 8.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 51%
2904.20.45 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
9.7% J,MX) 51%
2904.20.50 00 Other . ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30.5%
2904.90 Other:
2904.90.04 00 o-Nitrochlorobenzene; and
p-Nitrochlorobenzene ......................................... .................. kg 5.5% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 59%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2904.90.08 00 Other... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 59%
2904.90.15 00 4-Chloro-3-nitro-α,α,α-trifluorotoluene;
2-Chloro-5-nitro-α,α,α-trifluorotoluene; and
4-Chloro-3,5-dinitro-α,α,α-trifluorotoluene .......... kg ............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
9.7% J,K,MX) 51%
2904.90.20 00 Nitrotoluenesulfonic acids ... .......................................... kg .............. 7.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 74.5%
2904.90.30 00 1-Bromo-2-nitrobenzene;
1,2-Dichloro-4-nitrobenzene; and
o-Fluoronitrobenzene... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40%
2904.90.35 00 4,4'-Dinitrostilbene -2,2'-disulfonic acid .................. kg ............. 9.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J) 50%
4.5% (MX)
2904.90.40 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI .......................................... kg .............. 8.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 51%
2904.90.47 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
9.7% J,L,K,MX) 51%

2904.90.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%



2905 Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated

or nitrosated derivatives:
Saturated monohydric alcohols:
2905.11 Methanol (Methyl alcohol):

2905.11.20 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... liters ........ 10.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 46%
2905.12.00 Propan-1-ol (Propyl alcohol) and propan-2-ol
(Isopropyl alcohol) ... ...... .......................................... .................. 8.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 66%
2905.13.00 00 Butan-1-ol (n-Butyl alcohol)....................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50.5%
2905.14 Other butanols:

2905.14.50 Other ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50.5%
2905.15.00 00 Pentanol (Amyl alcohol) and isomers thereof............ kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 37.5%
2905.16.00 Octanol (Octyl alcohol) and isomers thereof .............. .................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2905.17.00 00 Dodecan-1-ol (Lauryl alcohol), hexadecan-1-ol
(Cetyl alcohol) and octadecan-1-ol (Stearyl
alcohol)...... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 5% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1.5% (MX)
2905.19.00 Other ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Unsaturated monohydric alcohols:
2905.22 Acyclic terpene alcohols:
2905.22.10 00 Geraniol.......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
2905.22.20 00 Isophytol ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2905.22.50 Other ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 4.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
2905.29 Other:
2905.29.10 00 Allyl alcohol ... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
2905.29.90 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2905.31.00 00 Ethylene glycol (Ethanediol) ..................................... kg ............. 8.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 63%
2905.32.00 00 Propylene glycol (Propane -1,2-diol)........................ kg ............. 7.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 51%
2905.39 Other:
2905.39.10 00 Butylene glycol ... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 7.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 51%
2905.39.20 00 Neopentyl glycol . ...... .......................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 54.5%
2905.39.90 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 54.5%
Other polyhydric alcohols:
2905.41.00 00 2-Ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)propane -1,3-diol
(Trimethylolpropane) ..... .......................................... .................. kg 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2905.42.00 00 Pentaerythritol .... ..... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2905.43.00 00 Mannitol... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50%
2905.44.00 00 D-glucitol (Sorbitol) .. ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50%
2905.45.00 00 Glycerol ... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 0.5¢/kg Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 4.4¢/kg
2905.49 Other:
2905.49.10 00 Triols and tetrols ...... .......................................... .................. kg 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Polyhydric alcohols derived from sugars:
2905.49.40 00 Other.. ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50%
2905.49.50 00 Other ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 54.5%
2905.50 Halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated
derivatives of acyclic alcohols:
2905.50.10 00 Derivatives of monohydric alcohols ....................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 39%
2905.50.30 00 Dibromoneopentylglycol .................................... kg ............. 4.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 54.5%
2905.50.60 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 54.5%
2906 Cyclic alcohols and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated
or nitrosated derivatives:
Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic:
2906.11.00 00 Menthol ... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 2.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 6.2%
2906.12.00 00 Cyclohexanol, methylcyclohexanols and
dimethylcyclohexanols . ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10% J,MX) 53.5%
2906.13 Sterols and inositols:
2906.13.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2906.14.00 00 Terpineols ........... ..... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 5.5% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
2906.19 Other:
2906.19.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
2906.21.00 00 Benzyl alcohol........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K) 40%
1.9% (MX)
2906.29 Other:
Odoriferous or flavoring compounds:
2906.29.10 00 Phenethyl alcohol .......................................... .................. kg 9.8% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 77%
2906.29.20 00 Other ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

J,MX) 58%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2906.29.60 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L,MX) 40%



2907 Phenols; phenol-alcohols:

2907.11.00 00 Phenol (Hydroxybenzene) and its salts ................. kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 44%
2907.12.00 00 Cresols and their salts .. .......................................... kg ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 48.3%
2907.13.00 00 Octylphenol, nonylphenol and their isomers;
salts thereof ........... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 7.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 80%
2907.15 Naphthols and their salts:
2907.15.10 00 α-Naphthol..... ..... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 11.3% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 73%
2907.15.60 00 Other... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 11.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 73%
2907.19 Other:
2907.19.10 00 Alkylcresols ..... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 40.5%

2907.19.20 00 Alkylphenols..... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 7.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K) 80%
3.3% (MX)

2907.19.40 00 Thymol ........... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
2907.19.80 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 44%
2907.21.00 00 Resorcinol and its salts ......kg....................................... 5.5% ......... Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40%
2907.22 Hydroquinone (Quinol) and its salts:
2907.22.10 00 Photographic grade .. .......................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 50%

2907.22.50 00 Other... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J) 44%
2.1% (MX)
2907.23.00 00 4,4'-Isopropylidenediphenol (Bisphenol A,
Diphenylolpropane) and its salts ............................ kg ............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
8.8% J) 44%
1.1¢/kg +
4.1% (MX)
2907.29 Other:
2907.29.10 00 Pyrogallic acid..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 1.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 2%
2907.29.25 00 tert-Butylhydroquinone ...................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 44%
2907.29.90 00 Other... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 44%
2907.30.00 00 Phenol-alcohols ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,L) 44%
2.1% (MX)
2908 Halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives
of phenols or phenol-alcohols:
2908.10 Derivatives containing only halogen substituents and
their salts:
2908.10.10 00 6-Chloro-m-cresol [OH=1];
m-Chlorophenol; and
Chlorothymol........... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 67.5%
2908.10.15 00 3-Hydroxy-α,α,α-trifluorotoluene ............................ kg ............. 8.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 62%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2908.10.20 00 Pentachlorophenol and its salts; and

2,4,5-Trichlorophenol and its salts ......................... kg ............. 7.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40%
2908.10.25 00 Tetrabromobisphenol A ......kg....................................... 0.6¢/kg + ... Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.1% J,MX) 62%
2908.10.35 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI ...... .......................................... kg .............. 8.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 62%
2908.10.60 00 Other... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 0.6¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.1% J,K,L,MX) 62%
2908.20 Derivatives containing only sulfo groups, their salts
and esters:
2908.20.04 00 2,5-Dihydroxybenzenesulfonic acid, potassium salt;
3,6-Dihydroxy-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid;
3,6-Dihydroxy-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid,
sodium salt;
4-Hydroxy-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid, sodium salt;
1-Naphthol-3,6-disulfonic acid; and
2-Naphthol-3,6-disulfonic acid and its salts ................... kg .............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,L,MX) 45.5%
2908.20.15 00 1,8-Dihydroxynaphthalene -3,6-disulfonic acid and
its disodium salt. ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 0.6¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.1% J,L,MX) 62%
2908.20.20 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI ...... .......................................... kg .............. 8.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L,MX) 62%
2908.20.60 00 Other... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 0.6¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.1% J,K,L,MX) 62%
2908.90 Other:
2908.90.04 00 p-Nitrophenol ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 51.5%
2908.90.08 00 Other... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 51.5%
Dinitro-o-cresol and 4-nitro-m-cresol:
2908.90.24 00 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol ... .......................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 45.5%
2908.90.28 00 Other... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 45.5%
2908.90.30 00 Dinitrobutylphenol and its salts .............................. kg ............. 8.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 48.5%
2908.90.40 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI ...... .......................................... kg .............. 8.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 62%
2908.90.50 00 Other... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 0.6¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.1% J,MX) 62%

2909 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, ether-alcohol-

phenols, alcohol peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone
peroxides (whether or not chemically defined), and their
halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives:
Acyclic ethers and their halogenated, sulfonated,
nitrated or nitrosated derivatives:
2909.11.00 00 Diethyl ether ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 4%
2909.19 Other:
Ethers of monohydric alcohols:
2909.19.14 00 Methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) ............. kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 37%
2909.19.18 00 Other ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 37%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Ethers of polyhydric alcohols:

2909.19.60 00 Other ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 54.5%
2909.20.00 00 Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic ethers and their
halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated
derivatives .... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2909.30 Aromatic ethers and their halogenated, sulfonated,
nitrated or nitrosated derivatives:
2909.30.05 00 5-Chloro-2-nitroanisole;
6-Chloro-3-nitro-p-dimethoxybenzene; and
Dimethyl diphenyl ether ......kg....................................... 5.5% ......... Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40%
2909.30.07 00 Decabromodiphenyl oxide; and
Octabromodiphenyl oxide.... .......................................... kg .............. 11.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 70.5%
2909.30.09 00 Bis-(tribromophenoxy)ethane;
Pentabromodiphenyl oxide; and
Tetradecabromodiphenoxybenzene .............................. kg .............. 8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K) 70.5%
6% (MX)
Odoriferous or flavoring compounds:
2909.30.10 00 6-tert-Butyl-3-methyl-2,4-dinitroanisole
(Musk ambrette) and other artificial
musks ..... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 57%
2909.30.20 00 Other ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 7.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 58%
2909.30.30 00 Pesticides...... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 48.5%
2909.30.40 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI .......................................... kg .............. 8.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 70.5%
2909.30.60 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 11.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K) 70.5%
6% (MX)
Ether-alcohols and their halogenated, sulfonated,
nitrated or nitrosated derivatives:
2909.41.00 00 2,2'-Oxydiethanol (Diethylene glycol, Digol)........... kg ............. 8.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 54.5%
2909.42.00 00 Monomethyl ethers of ethylene glycol or of
diethylene glycol ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 54.5%
2909.43.00 00 Monobutyl ethers of ethylene glycol or of
diethylene glycol ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 54.5%
2909.44.00 00 Other monoalkyl ethers of ethylene glycol or of
diethylene glycol ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 54.5%
2909.49 Other:
2909.49.10 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI..................................... kg .............. 8.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 70.5%
2909.49.15 00 Other... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 11.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 70.5%
2909.49.20 00 Glycerol ethers ... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%

2909.49.60 00 Other ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 54.5%
2909.50 Ether-phenols, ether-alcohol-phenols and their
halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated
2909.50.10 00 4-Ethylguaiacol ..... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2909.50.20 00 Guaiacol and its derivatives ..................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 79%
2909.50.40 Odoriferous or flavoring compounds .................... .................. 4.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
2909.50.45 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI .......................................... kg .............. 8.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K) 70.5%
4% (MX)
2909.50.50 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 11.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K) 70.5%
6% (MX)
2909.60 Alcohol peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone peroxides
and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or
nitrosated derivatives:
2909.60.10 00 Products described in additional U.S. note 3 to
section VI......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 8.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J) 70.5%
4% (MX)
2909.60.20 00 Other... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 11.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 70.5%

2909.60.50 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%

2910 Epoxides, epoxyalcohols, epoxyphenols and epoxyethers,

with a three-membered ring, and their halogenated,
sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives:
2910.10.00 00 Oxirane (Ethylene oxide) ...... .......................................... .................. kg 5.5% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 49%
2910.20.00 00 Methyloxirane (Propylene oxide) .................................. kg ............. 8.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 55%
2910.30.00 00 1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane (Epichlorohydrin)............ kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2910.90 Other:
2910.90.10 00 Butylene oxide .... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 46%
2910.90.20 00 Aromatic........... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 40%
2910.90.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 31%
2911.00 Acetals and hemiacetals, whether or not with other oxygen
function, and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or
nitrosated derivatives:
2911.00.50 00 Other . ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 5.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 36.5%


2912 Aldehydes, whether or not with other oxygen function;

cyclic polymers of aldehydes; paraformaldehyde:
Acyclic aldehydes without other oxygen function:
2912.11.00 00 Methanal (Formaldehyde)......................................... .................. kg 2.8% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 12.1%
2912.12.00 00 Ethanal (Acetaldehyde)... .......................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 71%
2912.13.00 00 Butanal (Butyraldehyde, normal isomer)............... kg ............. 11.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 61.5%
2912.19 Other:
Odoriferous or flavoring compounds:
2912.19.10 00 Citral......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
2912.19.20 00 Other ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2912.19.30 00 Glyoxal ..... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2912.19.40 00 Isobutanal ..... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 11.3% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 61.5%
2912.19.50 00 Other ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 37%
Cyclic aldehydes without other oxygen function:
2912.21.00 00 Benzaldehyde ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J) 45%
2.7% (MX)
2912.29 Other:
2912.29.10 00 Phenylacetaldehyde . .......................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40.5%
2912.29.60 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 7.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 58%
2912.30 Aldehyde-alcohols:
2912.30.10 00 Aromatic .... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 7.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 41%
2912.30.20 00 Hydroxycitronellal ..... .......................................... kg ............. 4.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
2912.30.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 5.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 37%
Aldehyde-ethers, aldehyde-phenols and aldehydes
with other oxygen function:
2912.41.00 00 Vanillin (4-Hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde)...... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 48%
2912.42.00 00 Ethylvanillin (3-Ethoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde).. kg ............. 9.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 80%
2912.49 Other:
2912.49.10 00 p-Anisaldehyde ... .......................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 36%
2912.49.25 00 Other ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 58%
2912.49.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
2912.50 Cyclic polymers of aldehydes:
2912.50.50 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 40%
2912.60.00 00 Paraformaldehyde .... ..... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 5.1% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 32.5%

2913.00 Halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives

of products of heading 2912:
2913.00.40 00 Other ... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 11.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,L,MX) 77.5%
2913.00.50 00 Other . ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 37%



2914 Ketones and quinones, w hether or not with other oxygen

function, and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated, or
nitrosated derivatives:
Acyclic ketones without other oxygen function:
2914.11 Acetone:
2914.11.10 00 Derived in whole or in part from cumene................. kg .............. 0.1¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.8% J) 60%
5.6% (MX)
2914.12.00 00 Butanone (Methyl ethyl ketone).............................. kg ............. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
2914.13.00 00 4-Methylpentan-2-one (Methyl isobutyl ketone).. kg ............. 4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
2914.19.00 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic ketones without

other oxygen function:
2914.21 Camphor:
2914.21.20 00 Synthetic ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 2.6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 11%
2914.22 Cyclohexanone and methylcyclohexanones:
2914.22.10 00 Cyclohexanone ... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 1¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
8.3% J,MX) 40%
2914.22.20 00 Methylcyclohexanones ....................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40%
2914.23.00 00 Ionones and methylionones .................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
2914.29 Other:
2914.29.10 00 Isophorone .... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
2914.29.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
Aromatic ketones without other oxygen function:
2914.31.00 00 Phenylacetone (Phenylpropan-2-one).................... kg ............. 8.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 58%
2914.39 Other:
2914.39.90 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 58%
2914.40 Ketone-alcohols and ketone-aldehydes:
2914.40.10 00 4-Hydroxy-4-methylpentan-2-one
(Diacetone alcohol)... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2914.40.20 00 1,2,3-Indantrione monohydrate
(Ninhydrin) .... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 7.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J) 42%
3.3% (MX)
2914.40.40 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 7.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K) 42%
3.3% (MX)
2914.40.90 00 Other ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
2914.50 Ketone-phenols and ketones with other oxygen
2914.50.30 00 Other... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 7.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 42%

2914.50.50 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
2914.69 Other:
2914.69.10 00 Photographic chemicals ..................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 50%
2914.69.20 00 Drugs .. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 45%
2914.69.90 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 7.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L,MX) 42%
2914.70 Halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated
2914.70.10 00 2,3-Dichloro-1,4-naphthoquinone;
1,8-Dihydroxy-4,5-dinitroanthraquinone; and
4-tert-Butyl-2,6-dim ethyl-3,5-
dinitroacetophenone (Musk ketone)
and other artificial musks ................................. kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L,MX) 52%
2914.70.40 00 Other... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 7.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L,MX) 42%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2914.70.90 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 20%



2915 Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids and their

anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their
halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives:
Formic acid, its salts and esters:
2915.11.00 00 Formic acid .......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 22.5%
2915.12.00 00 Salts of formic acid .. ...... .......................................... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 27.5%
2915.13 Esters of formic acid:
2915.13.10 00 Aromatic ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 58%
2915.13.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Acetic acid and its salts; acetic anhydride:
2915.21.00 00 Acetic acid............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 1.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 16%
2915.22.00 00 Sodium acetate ... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2915.23.00 00 Cobalt acetates ... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
2915.24.00 00 Acetic anhydride . ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 22%
2915.29 Other:
2915.29.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 2.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Esters of acetic acid:
2915.31.00 00 Ethyl acetate ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 20.5%
2915.32.00 00 Vinyl acetate ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 52%
2915.33.00 00 n-Butyl acetate .... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 9.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 40%
2915.34.00 00 Isobutyl acetate .. ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 9.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 40%
2915.35.00 00 2-Ethoxyethyl acetate (Ethylene glycol, monoethyl
ether acetate)...... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 54.5%
2915.39 Other:
Odoriferous or flavoring compounds:
2915.39.10 00 Benzyl acetate .......................................... kg ............. 12.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 104.5%
2915.39.20 00 Other.. ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 58%
2915.39.30 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI..................................... kg .............. 8.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 57%
2915.39.35 00 Other... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.5% J,K,MX) 57%
Odoriferous or flavoring compounds:
2915.39.40 00 Linalyl acetate .......................................... kg ............. 10.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
2915.39.45 Other ..... ..... ...... .......................................... .................. .8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
2915.39.47 00 Acetates of polyhydric alcohols or of
polyhydric alcohol ethers...................... kg ............. 8.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 54.5%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2915.39.90 00 Other ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2915.40 Mono-, di- or trichloroacetic acids, their salts and
2915.40.10 00 Chloroacetic acids .... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 1.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 17.5%
2915.40.20 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI .......................................... kg .............. 8.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 57%
2915.40.30 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.5% J,K,MX) 57%
2915.40.50 Other ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2915.50 Propionic acid, its salts and esters:
2915.50.10 00 Propionic acid...... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2915.50.20 00 Aromatic ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 58%
2915.50.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2915.60 Butyric acids, valeric acids, their salts and esters:
2915.60.10 00 Aromatic.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 58%
2915.60.50 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 2.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2915.70.00 Palmitic acid, stearic acid, their salts and esters............. .................. 5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 29.5%
2915.90 Other:
2915.90.10 Fatty acids of animal or vegetable origin............... .................. 5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
2915.90.14 00 Valproic acid . ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2915.90.18 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
2915.90.20 00 Aromatic ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 58%
2915.90.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2916 Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids, cyclic
monocarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides
and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or
nitrosated derivatives:
Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids, their
anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their
2916.11.00 00 Acrylic acid and its salts ..... .......................................... kg .............. 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1.2% (MX)
2916.12 Esters of acrylic acid:
2916.12.10 00 Aromatic ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 58%
2916.12.50 Other ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2916.13.00 00 Methacrylic acid and its salts ......................................... kg .............. 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
2916.14 Esters of methacrylic acid:
2916.14.20 Other ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2916.15 Oleic, linoleic or linolenic acids, their salts and
2916.15.10 00 Oleic, linoleic or linolenic acids................................. kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35.2%
2.6% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2916.15.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 27%
2916.19 Other:
2916.19.10 00 Potassium sorbate ... .......................................... kg ............. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2916.19.20 00 Sorbic acid..... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2916.19.30 00 Acids ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 24.4%
2916.19.50 00 Other ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2916.20 Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic monocarboxylic
acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides,
peroxyacids and their derivatives:

2916.20.50 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2916.31 Benzoic acid, its salts and esters:
Benzoic acid and its salts:
2916.31.15 Other ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40%
2916.31.20 00 Odoriferous or flavoring compounds ....... kg ............. 9.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 58%
2916.31.30 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K) 57%
4% (MX)
2916.31.50 00 Other... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.1% J,K) 57%
1.1¢/kg +
5.3% (MX)
2916.32 Benzoyl peroxide and benzoyl chloride:
2916.32.10 00 Benzoyl peroxide... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.1% J) 57%
1.1¢/kg +
5.3% (MX)
2916.32.20 00 Benzoyl chloride .... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J) 44%
2.3% (MX)
2916.34 Phenylacetic acid and its salts:
2916.34.10 00 Phenylacetic acid (α-Toluic acid)............................. kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40.5%
2916.34.15 00 Odoriferous or flavoring compounds ....... kg ............. 8.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 58%
2916.34.25 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 57%
2916.34.55 00 Other... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
7.2% J,MX) 57%
2916.35 Esters of phenylacetic acid:
2916.35.15 00 Odoriferous or flavoring compounds .............. kg ............. 8.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 58%
2916.35.25 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI .......................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 57%
2916.35.55 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
7.2% J,MX) 57%
2916.39 Other:
2916.39.03 00 Benzoic anhydride;
tert-Butyl peroxybenzoate;
p-Nitrobenzoyl chloride;
2-Nitro-m-toluic acid; and
3-Nitro-o-toluic acid ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40.5%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2916.39.06 00 Cinnamic acid...... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 1.5¢/kg + Free

(A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.1% J,MX) 57%
2916.39.08 00 4-Chloro-3-nitrobenzoic acid ............................. kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40.5%
2916.39.12 00 4-Chloro-3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid and its
esters............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 9.3% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 57%
2916.39.15 00 Ibuprofen....... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 47.5%
2916.39.16 00 4-Chlorobenzoic acid........................................... .................. kg 1.5¢/kg + Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.1% J,MX) 57%
2916.39.20 00 Odoriferous or flavoring compounds ....... kg ............. 8.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 58%
2916.39.45 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 57%
2916.39.75 00 Other... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.1% J,K,MX) 57%
2917 Polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides
and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or
nitrosated derivatives:
Acyclic polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides,
peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives:
2917.11.00 00 Oxalic acid, its salts and esters............................... kg ............. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 34.5%
2917.12 Adipic acid, its salts and esters:
2917.12.10 00 Adipic acid ....... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 0.1¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.8% J) 63%
5.9% (MX)
2917.12.20 00 Plasticizers ... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 0.1¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11% J,MX) 57%
2917.12.50 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J) 53.5%
4% (MX)
2917.13.00 Azelaic acid, sebacic acid, their salts and esters ...... .................. 4.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2917.14 Maleic anhydride:
2917.14.10 00 Derived in whole or in part from benzene or
other aromatic hydrocarbons ........................... kg ............. 0.9¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.1% J,MX) 50%
2917.14.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2917.19 Other:
2917.19.10 00 Ferrous fumarate ...... .......................................... .................. kg 6.5% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K) 45%
2% (MX)
Fumaric acid:
2917.19.15 00 Derived in whole or in part from aromatic
hydrocarbons ...... .......................................... .................. kg 11.9% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 87%
2917.19.17 00 Other ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Maleic acid;
Succinnic acid derived in whole or in part from
maleic anhydride or from cyclohexane;
Glutaric acid derived in whole or in part from
cyclopentanone; and
anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids
and other derivatives of adipic acid, of fumaric
acid derived in whole or in part from
aromatic hydrocarbons, of maleic acid, of
succinnic acid derived in whole or in part from
maleic anhydride or from cyclohexane or of
glutaric acid derived in whole or in part from
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

cyclopentanone, not elsewhere specified or

2917.19.20 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI .......................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L,MX) 53.5%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2917.19.23 00 Maleic acid ..... .......................................... kg ............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.6% J,K,MX) 53.5%
2917.19.27 00 Other... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.6% J,K) 53.5%
1.1¢/kg +
5% (MX)
2917.19.30 00 Ethylene brassylate .. .......................................... kg ............. 4.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
2917.19.40 00 Derived in whole or in part from aromatic
hydrocarbons.. ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
8.9% J,K,MX) 40%
2917.19.70 Other ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2917.20.00 00 Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic polycarboxylic
acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides,
peroxyacids and their derivatives ........................................ kg .............. 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1.2% (MX)
Aromatic polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides,
halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives:
2917.31.00 00 Dibutyl orthophthalates.. .......................................... kg ............. 0.1¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11% J,MX) 57%
2917.32.00 00 Dioctyl orthophthalates .. .......................................... kg ............. 0.1¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11% J,MX) 57%
2917.33.00 Dinonyl or didecyl orthophthalates ............................... 0.1¢/kg + .. Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11% J,MX) 57%
2917.34.00 00 Other esters of orthophthalic acid ......................... kg ............. 0.1¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11% J,K,MX) 57%
2917.35.00 00 Phthalic anhydride.... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 1¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
7.3% J,MX) 49%
2917.36.00 00 Terephthalic acid and its salts........................................ kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.1% J) 57%
1.1¢/kg +
5.3% (MX)
2917.37.00 00 Dimethyl terephthalate ... .......................................... kg ............. 1.2¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
9.1% J,MX) 42%
2917.39 Other:
2917.39.04 00 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid,
1,2-dianhydride (Trimellitic anhydride);
Phthalic acid; and
4-Sulfo-1,8-naphthalic anhydride ............................ kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 37%
2917.39.15 00 Isophthalic acid ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40%
2917.39.17 00 Tetrabromophthalic anhydride ................................. kg .............. 11.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 73%
2917.39.20 00 Plasticizers ... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 0.1¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11% J,MX) 57%
2917.39.30 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 73%
2917.39.70 00 Other... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 11.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,L,MX) 73%
2918 Carboxylic acids with additional oxygen function and their
anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their
halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives:
Carboxylic acids with alcohol function but without other
oxygen function, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides,
peroxyacids and their derivatives:
2918.11 Lactic acid, its salts and esters:
2918.11.10 00 Lactic acid...... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 5.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
2918.11.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2918.13 Salts and esters of tartaric acid:

2918.13.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2918.14.00 00 Citric acid ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 39.5%
2918.15 Salts and esters of citric acid:
2918.15.10 00 Sodium citrate .... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 42%
2918.15.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2918.16 Gluconic acid, its salts and esters:
2918.16.10 00 Gluconic acid. ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2918.16.50 Other ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2918.17 Phenylglycolic acid (Mandelic acid), its salts and
2918.17.50 00 Other... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 67.5%
2918.19 Other:
2918.19.10 00 Benzilic acid; and
Benzilic acid, methyl ester................................. kg .............. 5.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40%
2918.19.20 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI..................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L,MX) 57%
2918.19.30 00 Other... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.1% J,K,L,MX) 57%
2918.19.60 00 Malic acid. ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2918.19.90 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
Carboxylic acids with phenol function but without other
oxygen function, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides,
peroxyacids and their derivatives:
2918.21 Salicylic acid and its salts:
2918.21.10 00 Suitable for medicinal use ................................. kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 72%
2918.21.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.1% J) 57%
1.1¢/kg +
5.3% (MX)
2918.22 O-Acetylsalicylic acid, its salts and esters:
2918.22.10 00 O-Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) .......................... kg ............. 8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 82%
2918.22.50 00 Salts and esters of O-acetylsalicylic acid........ kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 47.5%
2918.23 Other esters of salicylic acid and their salts:
2918.23.10 00 Salol (Phenyl salicylate) suitable for medicinal
use ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 6.5% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 45%
2918.23.20 00 Odoriferous or flavoring compounds ....... kg ............. 8.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 58%
2918.23.30 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI..................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K) 57%
4% (MX)
2918.23.50 00 Other... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.1% J,K) 57%
1.1¢/kg +
5.3% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2918.29 Other:
2918.29.04 00 2,3-Cresotic acid;
2-Hydroxybenzoic acid, calcium salt;
1-Hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid;
2-Hydroxy-1-naphthoic acid;
1-Hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid, phenyl ester;
α-Resorcylic acid;
γ-Resorcylic acid; and
5-Sulfosalicylic acid...... .......................................... .................. kg 5.8% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,L) 40%
1.7% (MX)
2918.29.20 00 Gentisic acid; and
Hydroxycinnamic acid and its salts ......................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 48.5%
2918.29.22 00 p-Hydroxybenzoic acid ........................................ kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 48.5%
2918.29.25 00 3-Hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid ................................ kg ............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.1% J,L) 57%
1.1¢/kg +
5.3% (MX)
2918.29.30 00 Gallic acid....... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 2%
2918.29.65 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI .......................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L,MX) 57%
2918.29.75 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.1% J,K,L) 57%
1.1¢/kg +
5.3% (MX)
2918.30 Carboxylic acids with aldehyde or ketone function but
without other oxygen function, their anhydrides,
halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives:
2918.30.10 00 1-Formylphenylacetic acid, methyl ester ................. kg .............. 5.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40%
2918.30.25 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI .......................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 57%
2918.30.30 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.1% J,K,MX) 57%

2918.30.90 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2918.90 Other:
2918.90.05 00 p-Anisic acid;
phenyl)propionate; and
3-Phenoxybenzoic acid .......................................... kg .............. 5.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K) 40%
1.7% (MX)
2918.90.18 00 4-(4-Chloro-2-methylphenoxy)butyric
p-Chlorophenoxyacetic acid; and
acid.... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40.5%
2918.90.20 Other ..... ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 9.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 48.5%
2918.90.30 00 Drugs ....... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 47.5%
2918.90.35 00 Odoriferous or flavoring compounds ....... kg ............. 8.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 58%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2918.90.43 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI..................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K) 57%
4% (MX)
2918.90.47 00 Other... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.1% J,K) 57%
1.1¢/kg +
5.3% (MX)
2918.90.50 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%

2919.00 Phosphoric esters and their salts, including lacto-

phosphates; their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or
nitrosated derivatives:
2919.00.25 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 0.1¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11% J,MX) 57%
2919.00.30 00 Other ... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 43%
2919.00.50 Other ..... ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2920 Esters of other inorganic acids (excluding esters of
hydrogen halides) and their salts; their halogenated,
sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives:
2920.10 Thiophosphoric esters (phosphorothioates) and their
salts; their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or
nitrosated derivatives:
2920.10.10 00 O,O-Dimethyl-O-(4-nitro-m -tolyl)phosphoro-
thioate (Fenitrothion) .......................................... .................. kg 6.5% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 41%
2920.10.40 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 64.5%
2920.10.50 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2920.90 Other:
2920.90.10 00 Pesticide s...... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 64.5%
2920.90.20 00 Other... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 53%
2920.90.50 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%


2921 Amine-function compounds:

Acyclic monoamines and their derivatives; salts
2921.11.00 00 Methylamine, di- or trimethylamine and their salts ............... kg 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2921.12.00 00 Diethylamine and its salts ........................................ kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2921.19 Other:
2921.19.10 00 Mono- and triethylamines; mono-, di-, and tri-
(propyl- and butyl-)monoamines; salts of any
of the foregoing . ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%

2921.19.60 00 Other ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30.5%
Acyclic polyamines and their derivatives; salts thereof:
2921.21.00 00 Ethylenediamine and its salts .................................. kg ............. 5.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 39%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2921.22 Hexamethylenediamine and its salts:

2921.22.05 00 Hexamethylenediamine adipate (Nylon salt) .. kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 46%
2921.22.10 00 Derived in whole or in part from adipic
acid............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 11.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 66.5%
2921.22.50 00 Other ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30.5%
2921.29.00 Other ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30.5%
2921.30 Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic mono- or
polyamines, and their derivatives; salts thereof:
Derived in whole or in part from any aromatic
2921.30.10 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI .......................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K) 53.5%
4% (MX)
2921.30.30 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.6% J,K) 53.5%
1.1¢/kg +
5% (MX)
2921.30.50 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Aromatic monoamines and their derivatives; salts
2921.41 Aniline and its salts:
2921.41.10 00 Aniline . ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
9.3% J) 43.5%
1.1¢/kg +
4% (MX)
2921.41.20 00 Aniline salts ..... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.4% J) 60%
0.7¢/kg +
5.6% (MX)
2921.42 Aniline derivatives and their salts:
2921.42.10 00 N,N-Dimethylaniline ......kg....................................... 8.9%.......... Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J) 40%
3.7% (MX)
2921.42.15 00 N-Ethylaniline; and
N,N-Diethylaniline ...... .......................................... kg ............. 1¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.4% J) 60%
0.7¢/kg +
5.6% (MX)
2921.42.18 00 o-Aminobenzenesulfonic acid (Orthanilic acid);
6-Chlorometanilic acid;
N,N-Diethylmetanilic acid;
N,N-Diethylmetanilic acid, sodium salt;
N-Methylaniline; and
m-Nitroaniline.... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,L,MX) 39.5%
2921.42.21 00 Metanilic acid ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 1¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.4% J,L,MX) 60%
2921.42.22 00 Sulfanilic acid... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.4% J,MX) 60%
2921.42.23 00 3,4-Dichloroaniline..... .......................................... kg ............. 1¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.4% J,MX) 60%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2921.42.55 00 Fast color bases . .......................................... kg ............. 8.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 53%
2921.42.65 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI..................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L,MX) 60%
2921.42.90 00 Other... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.4% J,K,L) 60%
0.7¢/kg +
5.6% (MX)

2921 (con.) Amine-function compounds (con.):

Aromatic monoamines and their derivatives; salts
thereof (con.):
2921.43 Toluidines and their derivatives; salts thereof:
2921.43.08 00 4-Chloro-o-toluidine
and hydrochloride;
6-Chloro-2-toluidine-4-sulfonic acid;
4-Chloro-α,α,α-trifluoro-o- toluidine;
N-Ethyl-N-benzyl-m-toluidine; and
N-Ethyl-o-toluidine.. ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,L,MX) 39.5%
2921.43.15 00 α,α,α-Trifluoro-2,6-dinitro-N,N-dipropyl-p-
toluidine (Trifluralin) ...... .......................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J) 48.5%
4% (MX)
2921.43.19 00 α,α,α-Trifluoro-o-toluidine; and
α,α,α-Trifluoro-6-chloro-m -toluidine ............... kg ............. 1¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.4% J,L,MX) 60%
2921.43.40 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI .......................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K) 60%
4% (MX)
2921.43.80 Other ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 1¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.4% J) 60%
0.7¢/kg +
5.6% (MX)
2921.44 Diphenylamine and its derivatives; salts thereof:
2921.44.10 00 Nitrodiphenylamine ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J) 40%
2.1% (MX)
2921.44.20 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI .......................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J) 60%
4% (MX)
2921.44.70 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.4% J) 60%
0.7¢/kg +
5.6% (MX)
2921 (con.) Amine-function compounds (con.):
Aromatic monoamines and their derivatives; salts
thereof (con.):
2921.45 1-Naphthylamine (α-Naphthylamine),
2-Naphthylamine (β-Naphthylamine),
and their derivatives; salts thereof:
2921.45.10 00 7-Amino-1,3-naphthalenedisulfonic acid and
its salts;
5-Amino-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid and its
8-Amino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid and its
salts; and
N-Phenyl-2-naphthylamine....................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,L,MX) 48.5%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2921.45.20 00 3-Amino-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid;

4-Amino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid,
sodium salt;
5-Amino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid
(Laurent's acid);
8-Amino-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid and its
7-Amino-1,3,6-naphthalenetrisulfonic acid;
8-Anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid
(Phenyl Peri acid) and its salts;
N-Ethyl-1-naphthylamine.......................................... kg .............. 5.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,L,MX) 39.5%

2921.45.60 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI .......................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L,MX) 60%
2921.45.90 Other ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 1¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.4% J,K,L,MX) 60%
2921.49 Other:
2921.49.10 00 4-Amino-2-stilbenesulfonic acid and its salts;
2,4,6-Trimethylaniline (Mesidine);
2,5-Xylidine; and
3,4-Xylidine ..... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 48.5%
2921.49.32 00 Fast color bases . .......................................... kg ............. 8.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 53%
2921.49.37 00 Antidepressants, tranquilizers and
other psychotherapeutic agents................. kg .............. 10.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 149.5%
2921.49.43 00 Other... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 71.5%
2921.49.45 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI..................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 60%
2921.49.50 00 Other... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.4% J,K,L) 60%
0.7¢/kg +
5.6% (MX)
Aromatic polyamines and their derivatives; salts
2921.51 o-, m-, p-Phenylenediamine, diaminotoluenes, and
their derivatives; salts thereof:
2921.51.10 00 4-Amino-2-(N,N-diethylamino) toluene
Toluene-2,5-diamine; and
Toluene-2,5-diamine sulfate..................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,L,MX) 48.5%
2921.51.20 00 Photographic chemicals .............................. kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 50%
2921.51.30 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI..................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,L,MX) 60%
2921.51.50 00 Other... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.4% J,L,MX) 60%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2921.59 Other:
2921.59.08 00 5-Amino-2-(p-aminoanilino)benzenesulfonic
4,4'-Diamino-3-biphenylsulfonic acid
(3-Benzidinesulfonic acid);
3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine (o-Tolidine);
3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine hydrochloride;
diamine; and
4,4'-Methylenebis(2-chloroaniline)........................... kg .............. 5.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,L,MX) 39.5%
2921.59.20 00 4,4'-Diamino-2,2'-stilbenedisulfonic acid ......... kg ............. 8.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J) 80%
3.1% (MX)
2921.59.30 00 4,4'-Methylenedianiline .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40%
2921.59.40 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI .......................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L,MX) 60%
2921.59.80 Other ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 1¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.4% J,K,L) 60%
0.7¢/kg +
5.6% (MX)
2922 Oxygen-function amino-compounds:
Amino-alcohols, their ethers and esters, other than
those containing more than one kind of oxygen
function; salts thereof:
2922.11.00 00 Monoethanolamine and its salts ............................. kg ............. 8.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50.5%
2922.12.00 00 Diethanolamine and its salts .................................... kg ............. 8.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50.5%
2922.13.00 00 Triethanolamine and its salts .................................. kg ............. 8.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50.5%
2922.19 Other:
2922.19.18 00 Other... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 45%
2922.19.20 00 4,4'-Bis(dimethylamino)benzhydrol
(Michler's hydrol);
en-5'-ol (Dibenzcarbinol); and
propanediol ..... .......................................... kg .............. 5.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 39%
2922.19.60 00 Products described in additional
U.S. note 3 to section VI...................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 50%
2922.19.70 00 Other.. ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.1% J,K,L,MX) 50%
2922.19.95 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30.5%
Amino-naphthols and other amino-phenols, their ethers
and esters, other than those containing more than one
kind of oxygen function; salts thereof:
2922.21 Aminohydroxynaphthalenesulfonic acids and their
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2922.21.10 00 1-Amino-8-hydroxy-3,6-naphthalenedisulfonic
acid (Chicago acid);
acid, potassium salt;
acid, sodium salt;
acid, monosodium salt (H acid, monosodium
acid, potassium salt (H acid, monopotassium
4-Amino-3-hydroxy-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid;
6-Amino-1-naphthol-3-sulfonic acid and its
salts; and
8-Amino-1-naphthol-5-sulfonic acid and its
salts ... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,L,MX) 39%
2922.21.40 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI .......................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,L,MX) 50%
2922.21.50 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.1% J,L,MX) 50%
2922.22 Anisidines, dianisidines, phenetidines, and their
2922.22.10 00 o-Anisidine;
p-Anisidine; and
p-Phenetidine ... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,L,MX) 65%
2922.22.20 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI .......................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 50%
2922.22.50 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.1% J,L,MX) 50%
2922.29 Other:
2922.29.10 00 2-Amino-6-chloro-4-nitrophenol;
2-Amino-4-chlorophenol hydrochloride;
2-Amino-4-nitrophenol, sodium salt;
2-Hydroxy-5-nitrometanilic acid;
4-Methoxymetanilic acid;
6-Methoxymetanilic acid;
5-Methoxy-m-phenylenediamine sulfate;
6-(Methylamino)-1-naphthol-3-sulfonic acid;
7-(Methylamino)-1-naphthol-3-sulfonic acid;
2-Methyl-p-anisidine...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L,MX) 39%
2922.29.15 00 m-Diethylaminophenol;
3-Ethylamino-p-cresol; and
5-Methoxy-m-phenylenediamine.............................. kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,L,MX) 51%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2922.29.26 00 Fast color bases . .......................................... kg ............. 8.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,L,MX) 54.5%
2922.29.27 00 Drugs......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 71.5%
2922.29.29 00 Photographic chemicals .............................. kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,L,MX) 50%
2922.29.60 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI..................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L) 50%
4% (MX)
2922.29.80 Other..... ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.1% J,K,L,MX) 50%
2922.30 Amino-aldehydes, amino-ketones and amino-quinones,
other than those containing more than one kind of
oxygen function; salts thereof:
2922.30.10 00 2'-Aminoacetophenone;
4-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde; and
Iminodianthraquinone .... .......................................... kg .............. 5.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 39%
2922.30.14 00 2-Aminoanthraquinone ....................................... kg ............. 9.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 50%
2922.30.17 00 1-Aminoanthraquinone ....................................... kg ............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.1% J,L) 50%
1.1¢/kg +
4.6% (MX)
2922.30.25 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI .......................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 50%
2922.30.45 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.1% J,K,L) 50%
1.1¢/kg +
4.6% (MX)
2922.30.50 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30.5%
Amino-acids and their esters, other than those
containing more than one kind of oxygen function;
salts thereof:
2922.41.00 Lysine and its esters; salts thereof ............................. .................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2922.42 Glutamic acid and its salts:
2922.42.10 00 Monosodium glutamate kg....................................... 8.7%.......... Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
2922.42.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2922.43 Anthranilic acid and its salts:
2922.43.10 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI ...... .......................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 50%
2922.43.50 00 Other... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.1% J,K,MX) 50%
2922.49 Other:
2922.49.10 00 m-Aminobenzoic acid, technical;
p-Aminobenzoic acid;
3,5-Diaminobenzoic acid;
2-Ethylamino-5-sulfobenzoic acid;
3-(N-Ethylanilino)propionic acid, methyl
Methyl anthranilate; and
l-Phenylalanine ......kg....................................... 5.8% ......... Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 39%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2922.49.27 00 Drugs .. ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 45%
2922.49.30 00 Products described in additional
U.S. note 3 to section VI...................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 50%
2922.49.37 00 Other.. ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.1% J,K,L,MX) 50%
2922.49.40 Amino acids ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%

2922.49.80 00 Other.. ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2922.50 Amino-alcohol-phenols, amino-acid-phenols and
other amino-compounds with oxygen function:
2922.50.10 00 dl-3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)alanine;
dl-Phenylephrine base; and
Carbonic acid, methyl ester, diester with
2,2'-(m-tolylamino)diethanol (Toluidine
carbonate) ..... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 39%
2922.50.11 00 d(-)-p-Hydroxyphenylglycine and its salts ...... kg ............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.1% J,K,MX) 50%
2922.50.14 00 Cardiovascular drugs .......................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 65%
2922.50.17 00 Dermatological agents and local
anesthetics.......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 51.5%
2922.50.19 00 Guaiacol derivatives ........................ kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 79%
2922.50.25 00 Other.. ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 82%
2922.50.35 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI..................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K) 50%
4% (MX)
2922.50.40 00 Other... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.1% J,K,L) 50%
1.1¢/kg +
4.6% (MX)
2922.50.50 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30.5%
2923 Quaternary ammonium salts and hydroxides; lecithins and
other phosphoaminolipids:
2923.10.00 00 Choline and its salts ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2923.20 Lecithins and other phosphoaminolipids:
2923.20.20 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 33.4%
2923.90.00 00 Other . ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 36%

2924 Carboxyamide-function compounds; amide-function

compounds of carbonic acid:
2924.10 Acyclic amides (including acyclic carbamates) and their
derivatives; salts thereof:
2924.10.10 Amides ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2924.10.80 00 Other... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30.5%
Cyclic amides (including cyclic carbamates) and their
derivatives; salts thereof:
2924.21 Ureines and their derivatives; salts thereof:
2924.21.04 00 3-(p-Chlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea
(Monuron)...... .......................................... .................. kg 6.5% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40.5%
2924.21.16 00 Other.. ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 9.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 48.5%
2924.21.18 00 sym -Diethyldiphenylurea ...................... kg ............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.1% J,MX) 58%
2924.21.20 00 Products described in additional
U.S. note 3 to section VI...................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L,MX) 58%
2924.21.45 00 Other.. ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.1% J,K,L,MX) 58%
2924.21.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30.5%
2924.22.00 00 2-Acetamidobenzoic acid.... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.1% J) 58%
1.1¢/kg +
5.4% (MX)
2924.29 Other:
2924.29.05 00 Biligrafin acid;
3,5-Diacetamido-2,4,6-triiodobenzoic acid;
Metrizoic acid .. ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 34%
2924.29.10 00 Acetanilide;
N-Acetylsulfanilyl chloride;
Aspartame; and
bis(2-acetoxyethyl)aniline ........................... kg ............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.1% J,K,MX) 58%
2924.29.20 00 2-Acetamido-3-chloroanthraquinone;
2',4'-Acetoacetoxylidide; and
1-Amino-5-benzamidoanthraquinone................ kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 53%
2924.29.31 00 4-Acetamido-2-aminophenol;
N-Acetyl-2,6-xylidine (N-Acetyl-2,6-
p-Aminobenzoic acid isooctylamide;
4-Aminohippuric acid;
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Nitra acid amide (1-Amino-9,10-dihydro-N-
Phenacetin, technical; and
β-Resorcylamide.... .......................................... kg .............. 5.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 39.5%
Naphthol AS and derivatives:
2924.29.36 00 Other.. ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 9.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 60%
2924.29.41 00 3-Ethoxycarbonylaminophenyl-N-
Isopropyl-N-(3-chlorophenyl)car -
bamate (CIPC); and
carbamate (Asulam)....................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40.5%
2924.29.47 00 Other ...... .......................................... kg ............. 9.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 64.5%
2924.29.52 00 Fast color bases...................................... kg ............. 8.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,L,MX) 54.5%
2924.29.62 Other ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 47.5%
2924.29.65 00 5-Bromoacetyl-2-salicylamide ....... kg ............. 9.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 58%
2924.29.70 00 Products described in additional
U.S. note 3 to section VI................. kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L,MX) 58%
2924.29.75 Other ...... .......................................... .................. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.1% J,K,L,MX) 58%
2924.29.90 00 Other ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30.5%
2925 Carboxyimide-function compounds (including saccharin
and its salts) and imine-function compounds:
Imides and their derivatives; salts thereof:
2925.11.00 00 Saccharin and its salts kg 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 61%
2925.19 Other:
2925.19.10 00 Ethylenebistetrabromophthalimide..................... kg .............. 9.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 61%
2925.19.40 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 9.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L) 61%
4.5% (MX)

2925.19.90 00 Other ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2925.20 Imines and their derivatives; salts thereof:
2925.20.10 00 N'-(4-Chloro-o-tolyl)-N,N-dimethylformamidine;
Bunamidine hydrochloride; and
Pentamidine ..... ..... ......kg....................................... 6.5%.......... Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 41%
2925.20.20 00 Drugs ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 67.5%
2925.20.60 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 9.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 61%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2925.20.90 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%

2926 Nitrile-function compounds:

2926.10.00 00 Acrylonitrile .. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 56.5%
2926.90 Other:
2926.90.05 00 2-Amino-4-chlorobenzonitrile (5-Chloro-2-
p-Cyanophenyl acetate;
Phthalonitrile; and
Tetrachloro-3-cyanobenzoic acid,
methyl ester .... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 41%
2926.90.08 00 Benzonitrile ... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 41%
2926.90.12 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 41%
2926.90.14 00 p-Chlorobenzonitrile; and
Verapamil hydrochloride .................................... kg ............. 9.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 65.5%
2926.90.17 00 o-Chlorobenzonitrile .......................................... kg ............. 11.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 65.5%
2926.90.21 00 Fungicides ..... .......................................... .................. kg 8.3% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40%
2926.90.23 00 3,5-Dibromo-4-hydroxybenzonitrile
(Bromoxynil) ..................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40.5%
2926.90.25 00 Other ...... .......................................... kg ............. 9.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 48.5%
2926.90.30 00 Other.. ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 64.5%
2926.90.44 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L,MX) 65.5%
2926.90.47 00 Other... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 11.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L,MX) 65.5%

2927.00 Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds:

2927.00.06 00 p-Aminoazobenzenedisulfonic acid; and
Diazoaminobenzene (1,3-Diphenyltriazene)......................... kg .............. 5.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,L,MX) 40.5%
2927.00.15 00 1,1'-Azobisformamide ... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2927.00.25 00 Photographic chemicals .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 50%
2927.00.30 00 Fast color bases and fast color salts ..................... kg ............. 8.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 54.5%
2927.00.40 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI ...... .......................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L,MX) 63.5%
2927.00.50 00 Other... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 11.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L) 63.5%
5.9% (MX)

2928.00 Organic derivatives of hydrazine or of hydroxylamine:

2928.00.10 00 Methyl ethyl ketoxime ... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2928.00.25 00 Aromatic .... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L,MX) 43.5%
2928.00.30 00 Drugs . ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2928.00.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30.5%
2929 Compounds with other nitrogen function:
2929.10 Isocyanates:
2929.10.10 00 Toluenediisocyanates (unmixed) ................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J) 40%
2.1% (MX)
2929.10.15 00 Mixtures of 2,4- and 2,6-toluenediisocyanates..... kg ............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
9.3% J,MX) 43.5%
2929.10.20 00 Bitolylene diisocyanate (TODI);
o-Isocyanic acid, o-tolyl ester; and
Xylene diisocyanate..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40%
2929.10.30 00 3,4-Dichlorophenylisocyanate .................................. kg ............. 1.2¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.4% J,MX) 52%
2929.10.35 00 1,6-Hexamethylene diisocyanate................................... kg .............. 7.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 52%
2929.10.55 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI ...... .......................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 52%
2929.10.80 Other ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 1.2¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.4% J,MX) 52%
2929.90 Other:
2929.90.15 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI .......................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 52%
2929.90.20 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.2¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.4% J,K,MX) 52%
2929.90.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30.5%


2930 Organo-sulfur compounds:

2930.10.00 00 Dithiocarbonates (xanthates)......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2930.20 Thiocarbamates and dithiocarbamates:
2930.20.10 00 Pesticides...... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 9.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 48.5%
2930.20.20 Other ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 40.5%

2930.20.90 Other ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2930.30 Thiuram mono-, di- or tetrasulfides:
2930.30.60 00 Other .. ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2930.90 Other:
2930.90.10 00 Pesticides...... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 64.5%
2930.90.24 00 N-Cyclohexylthiophthalimide ...................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40.5%
2930.90.29 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L,MX) 40.5%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2930.90.30 00 Thiocyanates, thiurams and
isothiocyanates .. .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2930.90.44 00 Other.. ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30.5%

2930.90.49 Other ..... ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
2930.90.90 Other ..... ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2931.00 Other organo-inorganic compounds:
2931.00.10 00 4,4'-Diphenyl-bis-phosphonous acid,
di(2',2",4',4"-di-tert-butyl)phenyl ester ........................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
8.9% J,MX) 40%
2931.00.15 00 Sodium tetraphenylboron .... .......................................... kg .............. 5.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40%
2931.00.22 00 Drugs .. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 67.5%
2931.00.25 00 Pesticides...... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40%
2931.00.27 00 Organo-mercury compounds ............................ kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J) 40%
1.9% (MX)
2931.00.30 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI..................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K) 68.5%
4% (MX)
2931.00.60 00 Other... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 11% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K) 68.5%
5.3% (MX)
2931.00.90 Other ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2932 Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom(s) only:
Compounds containing an unfused furan ring (whether
or not hydrogenated) in the structure:
2932.11.00 00 Tetrahydrofuran . ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2932.13.00 00 Furfuryl alcohol and tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol ... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2932.19 Other:
2932.19.10 00 Aromatic........... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
2932.19.50 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2932.21.00 00 Coumarin, methylcoumarins and ethylcoumarins ................. kg 11.9% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 48%
2932.29 Other lactones:
2932.29.10 00 Pesticides ..... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 8.9% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 64.5%
2932.29.20 00 Drugs......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K) 53%
2.2% (MX)

2932.29.25 00 4-Hydroxycoumarin................................. kg ............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.4% J) 52%
1.1¢/kg +
4.8% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2932.29.30 00 Products described in additional
U.S. note 3 to section VI...................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K) 53.5%
4% (MX)
2932.29.45 00 Other.. ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.4% J,K) 52%
1.1¢/kg + 4.8% (MX)

2932.29.50 Other ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2932.91.00 00 Isosafrole .. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 52%
2932.92.00 00 1-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)propan-2-one.......................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 52%
2932.93.00 00 Piperonal (heliotropin)... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 4.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 45%
2932.94.00 00 Safrole ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. kg 6.5% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
2932.99 Other:
2932.99.08 00 2-Ethoxy-2,3-dihydro-3,3-dimethyl-5-
benzofuranylmethanesulfonate .......... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40.5%
2932.99.20 00 Other.. ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40%

2932.99.35 00 2-Hydroxy-3-dibenzofurancarboxylic acid....... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +

J,MX) 66.5%
2932.99.39 00 Benzointetrahydropyranyl ester; and
Xanthen-9-one ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 39.5%
2932.99.60 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI..................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 52%
2932.99.70 00 Other... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.4% J,K,L,MX) 52%
2932.99.90 00 Other ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%

2933 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s)

Compounds containing an unfused pyrazole ring
(whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure:
2933.11.00 00 Phenazone (Antipyrine) and its derivatives.......... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 49.5%
2933.19 Other:
Aromatic or modified aromatic:
2933.19.08 00 3-(5-Amino-3-methyl-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)-
benzenesulfonic acid;
yl)benzenesulfonic acid;
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2,4-Methylcarboxypyrazolic acid;
Methylphenylpyrazolone; and
Sulfinpyrazone ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L,MX) 39.5%
2933.19.23 00 Pesticides...... .......................................... .................. kg 9.3% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 48.5%
2933.19.30 Photographic chemicals .............................. .................. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 50%
2933.19.35 00 Drugs . ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 47.5%
2933.19.37 00 Products described in additional
U.S. note 3 to section VI...................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L,MX) 52%
2933.19.43 00 Other.. ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.4% J,K,L,MX) 52%
2933.19.45 00 Drugs ....... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2933.19.90 00 Other.. ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30.5%
Compounds containing an unfused imidazole ring
(whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure:
2933.21.00 00 Hydantoin and its derivatives................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 63%
2933.29 Other:
Aromatic or modified aromatic:
2933.29.10 00 2-Phenylimidazole... .......................................... kg .............. 5.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J) 39.5%
1.7% (MX)
2933.29.20 00 Drugs . ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 51%
2933.29.35 00 Products described in additional
U.S. note 3 to section VI...................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K) 52%
4% (MX)
2933.29.43 00 Other.. ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.4% J,K,MX) 52%
2933.29.45 00 Drugs ....... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2933.29.90 00 Other.. ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30.5%
Compounds containing an unfused pyridine ring
(whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure:
2933.32 Piperidine and its salts:
2933.32.10 00 Piperidine.......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.4% J,MX) 52%
2933.32.50 00 Other... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 52%
2933.39 Other:
2933.39.20 00 p-Chloro-2-benzylpyridine;
4-Chloro-1-methylpiperidine hydrochloride;
α-Phenylpyridylacetic acid, methyl ester;
Picolinic acid;
2-Pyridinecarboxaldehyde; and
2,5-Pyridinedicarboxylic acid................................... kg .............. 5.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 39.5%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2933.39.21 00 Fungicides ..... .......................................... kg ............. 8.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40%
2933.39.23 00 o-Paraquat dichloride ...................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40.5%
2933.39.25 00 Other ...... .......................................... kg ............. 9.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 48.5%
2933.39.27 00 Other.. ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 64.5%
2933.39.30 00 Antidepressants, tranquilizers and other
psychotherapeutic agents .......................... kg .............. 10.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 149.5%
2933.39.41 00 Other... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 65%
2933.39.61 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI..................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 52%
2933.39.91 00 Other... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.4% J,K,MX) 52%
2933.40 Compounds containing a quinoline or isoquinoline
ring-system (whether or not hydrogenated), not further
2933.40.08 00 4,7-Dichloroquinoline ...... .......................................... .................. kg 1.5¢/kg + Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.4% J,MX) 52%
2933.40.10 00 Ethoxyquin (1,2-Dihydro-6-ethoxy-2,2,4-
trimethylquinoline) .. ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 55%
2933.40.15 00 8-Methylquinoline and Isoquinoline................................. kg .............. 5.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 39.5%
2933.40.20 00 5-Chloro-7-iodo-8-quinolinol
Diiodohydroxyquin; and
Oxyquinoline sulfate.......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 46%
2933.40.26 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 67.5%
2933.40.30 00 Pesticides...... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40%
2933.40.60 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI .......................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L,MX) 52%
2933.40.70 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.4% J,K,L,MX) 52%
Compounds containing a pyrimidine ring (whether or
not hydrogenated) or piperazine ring in the structure:
2933.51 Malonylurea (Barbituric acid) and its derivatives;
salts thereof:
2933.51.90 00 Other... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 3.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50%
2933.59 Other:
Aromatic or modified aromatic:
2933.59.10 00 Herbicides ..... .......................................... .................. kg 9.3% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 48.5%
2933.59.15 00 Other.. ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 64.5%
2933.59.18 00 Other ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30.5%
Aromatic or modified aromatic:
2933.59.21 00 Antihistamines, including those
principally used as anti-nauseants ............. kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

J,K,MX) 82%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Anti-infective agents:
2933.59.22 00 Nicarbazin; and
Trimethoprim........................................ kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 46%
2933.59.36 00 Other.. ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 67.5%
2933.59.45 00 Antidepressants, tranquilizers and other
psychotherapeutic agents .......................... kg .............. 10.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K.MX) 149.5%

2933.59.53 00 Other... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 45%
2933.59.59 00 Other ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Aromatic or modified aromatic:
2933.59.70 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI..................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 52%
2933.59.80 00 Other... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.4% J,K,MX) 52%
2933.59.95 00 Other.. ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30.5%
Compounds containing an unfused triazine ring
(whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure:
2933.61.00 00 Melamine ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2933.71.00 00 6-Hexanelactam (ε-Caprolactam)............................. kg ............. 1.3¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
7.9% J,MX) 40%
2933.79 Other lactams:
Aromatic or modified aromatic:
2933.79.09 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 52%
2933.79.15 00 Other... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.4% J,K,MX) 52%
2933.79.20 00 N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone; and
2-Pyrrolidone ...... .......................................... kg ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2933.79.30 00 N-Vinyl-2-pyrrolidone, monomer ............... kg ............. 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 40%
2933.79.80 00 Other ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30.5%
2933.90 Other:
2933.90.06 00 α-Butyl-α-(4-chlorophenyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazole -1-
propanenitrile (Myclobutanil); and
1,2,4-triazole -1-propanenitrile
(Fenbuconazole) ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 64.5%
2933.90.13 00 6-Bromo-5-methyl-1H-imidazo[4,5-b]pyridine;
2,3-Dichloro-6-quinoxalinecarbonyl chloride;
1-Hydroxy-2-carbazolecarboxylic acid;
2-Hydroxy-3-carbazolecarboxylic acid;
2-Hydroxy-3-carbazolecarboxylic acid,
sodium salt;
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2,4-Methylpyrazolic acid;
2,3,5-Triphenyltetrazolium chloride;
dl-Tryptophan; and
Vinylcarbazole, monomer ........................................ kg .............. 5.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 39.5%
2933.90.14 00 5-Amino-4-chloro-α-phenyl-3-
pyridazinone . .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40.5%
2933.90.17 00 Insecticides ...................................... kg ............. 8.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 64.5%
2933.90.22 00 Other ...... .......................................... kg ............. 9.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,L,MX) 64.5%
2933.90.24 00 Photographic chemicals .............................. kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 50%
2933.90.26 00 Antihistamines.. .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 45%
Anti-infective agents:
2933.90.46 00 Other.. ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 67.5%
Cardiovascular drugs:
2933.90.53 00 Other.. ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 65%
Drugs primarily affecting the central
nervous system:
2933.90.55 Analgesics, antipyretics and
nonhormonal anti-inflammatory
agents ..... .......................................... .................. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 47.5%
Antidepressants, tranquilizers and
other psychotherapeutic agents:
2933.90.61 00 Other ... .......................................... kg .............. 10.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 149.5%
2933.90.65 00 Anticonvulsants, hypnotics and
sedatives .. .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 48.5%
2933.90.70 00 Other.. ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 58.5%
2933.90.75 00 Other... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 45%
2933.90.79 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI..................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L,MX) 52%
2933.90.82 Other ..... ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.4% J,K,L,MX) 52%
2933.90.85 00 3-Amino-1,2,4-triazole ......................................... .................. kg 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2933.90.87 00 Hexamethylenetetramine ................................... kg ............. 6.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 58%
2933.90.90 00 Drugs ....... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2933.90.97 00 Other ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30.5%

2934 Nucleic acids and their salts; other heterocyclic

2934.10 Compounds containing an unfused thiazole ring
(whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure:
Aromatic or modified aromatic:
2934.10.10 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI ...... .......................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 52%
2934.10.20 00 Other... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.4% J,K,MX) 52%
2934.10.90 00 Other.. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30.5%
2934.20 Compounds containing a benzothiazole ring-system
(whether or not hydrogenated), not further fused:
2934.20.05 00 N-tert-Butyl-2-benzothiazolesulfenamide ............. kg ............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.4% J,MX) 52%
2934.20.10 00 2,2'-Dithiobisbenzothiazole ...................................... kg ............. 9.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 57%
2934.20.15 00 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole; and
N-(Oxydiethylene)benzothiazole -2- sulfenamide . kg ............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.4% J,MX) 52%
2934.20.20 00 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole, sodium salt
(2-Benzothiazolethiol, sodium salt) ................................ kg .............. 0.4¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
8.9% J,MX) 40%
2934.20.30 00 2-Amino-6-methoxybenzothiazole;
3-Methylbenzothiazole-2-hydrazone; and
Primuline base........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 5.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,L,MX) 39.5%
2934.20.35 00 Pesticides...... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40%
2934.20.40 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI .......................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L,MX) 52%
2934.20.80 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.4% J,K,L,MX) 52%\
2934.30 Compounds containing a phenothiazine ring-system
(whether or not hydrogenated), not further fused:
2934.30.12 00 2-(Trifluoromethyl)phenothiazine ................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J) 45%
1.9% (MX)
2934.30.23 00 Antidepressants, tranquilizers and other
psychotherapeutic agents ................................ kg .............. 10.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K) 149.5%
4.9% (MX)
2934.30.27 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K) 45%
2.4% (MX)
2934.30.43 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI .......................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K) 52%
4% (MX)
2934.30.50 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.4% J,K) 52%
1.1¢/kg +
4.8% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2934.90 Other:
Aromatic or modified aromatic:
2934.90.05 00 5-Amino-3-phenyl-1,2,4-thiadiazole (3-Phenyl-
2-Hydroxybenzoxazole (Benzoxazolone);
1,9-Thianthrenedicarboxylic acid; and
Thioxanthene-9-one (Thioxanthone) ....................... kg .............. 5.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 39.5%
2934.90.06 00 7-Nitronaphth[1,2]oxadiazole-5-sulfonic acid
and its salts ..... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,L,MX) 66.5%
2934.90.08 00 2,5-Diphenyloxazole .. .......................................... kg ............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.4% J,MX) 52%
2934.90.11 00 2-tert-Butyl-4-(2,4-dichloro-5-
isopropoxy-phenyl)-∆ 2-1,3,4-
benzothiadiazin-4(3H)-one -2,2-
dioxide (Bentazon); and
phosphorodi thioate (Phosalone)....... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40.5%
2934.90.12 00 Fungicides......................................... kg ............. 8.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40%
2934.90.15 00 Herbicides ......................................... kg ............. 9.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 48.5%
2934.90.16 00 Insecticides ...................................... kg ............. 8.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 64.5%
2934.90.18 00 Other ...... .......................................... kg ............. 8.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 40%
2934.90.20 00 Photographic chemicals .............................. kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 50%
2934.90.30 00 Drugs ....... ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 45%
2934.90.39 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI..................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L,MX) 52%
2934.90.44 00 Other... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.4% J,K,MX) 52%
2934.90.47 00 Drugs . ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2934.90.90 00 Other ........ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30.5%
2935.00 Sulfonamides:
2935.00.05 00 4-Amino-6-chloro-m -benzenedisulfonamide ............. kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 41%
2935.00.10 00 2-Amino-N-ethylbenzenesulfonanilide;
Benzenesulfonyl hydrazide;
2,5-Dimethoxysulfanilanilide; and
Metanilamide .... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,L) 41%
2% (MX)
2935.00.15 00 o-Toluenesulfonamide .. ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J) 57.5%
2.2% (MX)
2935.00.20 00 Fast color bases and fast color salts ..................... kg ............. 8.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 54.5%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Anti-infective agents:
2935.00.32 00 Acetylsulfisoxazole;
Sulfacetamide, sodium; and
Sulfamethazine, sodium .............................. kg ............. 8.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 96%
2935.00.48 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 8.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K) 96%
3.2% (MX)
2935.00.60 00 Other... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K) 45%
2% (MX)
2935.00.75 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI ...... .......................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,L) 57.5%
4% (MX)
2935.00.95 00 Other... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11.1% J,K) 57.5%
1.1¢/kg +
5.4% (MX)

2938 Glycosides, natural or reproduced by synthesis, and their

salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives:
2938.10.00 00 Rutoside (Rutin) and its derivatives.............................. kg ............. 1.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 10%
2938.90.00 00 Other . ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50%


2940.00 Sugars, chemically pure, other than sucrose, lactose,

maltose, glucose and fructose; sugar ethers and sugar
esters, and their salts, other than products of
heading 2937, 2938 or 2939:
2940.00.60 00 Other . ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 5.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50%
2941.20 Streptomycins and their derivatives; salts thereof:
2941.20.10 00 Dihydrostreptomycin and its derivatives; salts
thereof..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. g 3.5% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
2942.00 Other organic compounds:
Aromatic or modified aromatic:
2942.00.05 00 Drugs .. ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 46%
2942.00.10 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI .......................................... kg .............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 46.5%
2942.00.35 00 Other ......... ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 10.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 46.5%
2942.00.50 00 Other . ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3201 Tanning extracts of vegetable origin; tannins and their

salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives:
3201.90 Other:
3201.90.10 00 Tannic acid, containing by weight 50 percent or
more of tannic acid........... ............................................................. kg 1.5% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 8%

3201.90.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15%

3202 Synthetic organic tanning substances; inorganic tanning

substances; tanning preparations, whether or not
containing natural tanning substances; enzymatic
preparations for pre-tanning:
3202.10 Synthetic organic tanning substances:
3202.10.10 00 Aromatic or modified aromatic...................................kg ............. 9.6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 48.5%
3202.10.50 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 41.5%
3202.90 Other:

3202.90.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%

3203.00 Coloring matter of vegetable or animal origin (including

dyeing extracts but excluding animal black), whether or not
chemically defined; preparations as specified in note 3 to
this chapter based on coloring matter of vegetable or
animal origin:

3203.00.80 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15%
3204 Synthetic organic coloring matter, whether or not
chemically defined; preparations as specified in note 3 to
this chapter based on synthetic organic coloring matter;
synthetic organic products of a kind used as fluorescent
brightening agents or as luminophores, whether or not
chemically defined:
Synthetic organic coloring matter and preparations
based thereon as specified in note 3 to this chapter:
3204.11 Disperse dyes and preparations based thereon:
3204.11.10 00 Disperse blue 19, 26, 26:1, 35, 55, 56, 58, 72,
73, 79, 83, 84, 93, 95, 122, 125, 126, 128,
148, 154, 165, 180, 183, 185, 200, 284, 285,
288, 289, 295, 296;
Disperse brown 19;
Disperse green 9;
Disperse orange 7, 13, 20, 31, 32, 42, 47, 48,
54, 56, 60, 63, 70, 80, 96, 127, 137, 139;
Disperse red 44, 46, 72, 73, 90, 93, 107, 118,
121, 122, 131, 133, 134, 51, 169, 184, 185,
202, 203, 224, 277, 278, 279, 282, 288,
303, 310;
Disperse violet 23, 33, 35, 48, 57, 63;
Disperse yellow 13, 44, 58, 63, 65, 82, 85, 91,
107, 119, 122, 124, 126, 139, 182, 183, 184,
202, 204;
Dyes containing, by weight--
12.7 percent Disperse Yellow 1,
32.3 percent Disperse Orange 1,
19.8 percent Disperse Blue 35, and
35.2 percent Disperse Blue 3;
Dyes containing, by weight--
39.0 percent Disperse Yellow 39,
28.0 percent Disperse Orange 25,
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

33.0 percent Disperse Violet 27;

Dyes containing, by weight--
89.4 percent Disperse Violet 27,
10.6 percent Disperse Green 9;
Dyes containing, by weight--
67.7 percent Disperse Blue 35,
14.2 percent Disperse Yellow 1, and
18.1 percent Disperse Orange 1;
Dyes containing, by weight--
74.3 percent Disperse Blue 285,
18.0 percent Disperse Brown 19, and
7.7 percent Disperse Yellow 126 ..............................kg.............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 52.5%
2.7% (MX)
3204.11.15 00 Disperse blue 30 ............ ...........................................kg.............. 9.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 51.9%
4.2% (MX)
3204.11.35 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI ...........................................kg.............. 9.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 63.5%
4.5% (MX)
3204.11.50 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 11.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 63.5%
6% (MX)
3204.12 Acid dyes, whether or not premetallized, and
preparations based thereon; mordant dyes and
preparations based thereon:

3204.12.17 00 Acid black 31, 50, 94, 129;

Acid blue 54, 127, 129, 143;
Acid brown 44, 46, 48, 58, 188, 189;
Acid green 40;
Acid red 130, 145, 174, 211;
Acid violet 31, 41, 48;
Acid yellow 2, 75;
Mordant black 8;
Mordant green 47; and
Mordant red 17, 27 ...... ...........................................kg.............. 9.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 51%
4.2% (MX)
3204.12.20 00 Acid black 61, 63, 76, 83, 117, 127, 131, 132,
139, 164, 170, 177, 183, 188, 194, 199, 211;
Acid blue 1, 47, 60, 61, 66, 72, 81, 82, 83, 90,
98, 102, 112, 123, 126, 127:1, 130, 133, 140,
142, 147, 151, 172, 175, 182, 185, 193, 204,
205, 208, 209, 221, 225, 229, 239, 242, 247,
250, 252, 254, 260, 261, 264, 266, 268, 280,
284, 288, 290, 296, 312, 317, 318;
Acid brown 10, 11, 12, 30, 33, 45, 50, 52, 68,
83, 85, 100, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 126,
127, 147, 158, 160, 161, 162, 163, 165, 180,
191, 224, 226, 227, 235, 237, 239, 248, 266,
267, 270, 276, 282, 283, 289, 290, 291, 298,
304, 311, 314, 315, 321, 322, 324, 325, 330,
331, 355, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 384;
Acid green 9, 26, 28, 41, 43, 60, 68, 70, 71,
73, 80, 82, 84, 89, 92, 93, 94, 108, 112;
Acid orange 3, 19, 28, 33, 43, 47, 61, 86, 89,
92, 94, 102, 107, 126, 135, 142, 144;
Acid red 37, 42, 48, 52, 57, 58, 92, 111, 118,
127, 131, 138, 143, 155, 161, 183, 199, 213,
215, 216, 226, 227, 228, 249, 252, 257, 259,
260, 261, 263, 274, 281, 282, 283, 301, 303,
310, 315, 330, 331, 332, 336, 347, 357, 359,
360, 361, 362, 380, 392, 394, 396;
Acid violet 9, 34, 36, 47, 66, 75, 80, 90, 103,
109, 111, 121;
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Acid yellow 7, 35, 64, 70, 72, 96, 98, 111, 127,
136, 155, 167, 183, 184, 194, 195, 199, 218,
221, 223, 227;
Copper phthalocyanine-3,3',4,4'-tetrasulfonic
C opper phthalocyanine-4,4',4'',4'’‘-tetrasulfonic
Dyes containing, by weight--
24.2 percent Acid Yellow 135,
21.7 percent Acid Orange 51, and
54.1 percent Acid Blue 113;
Dyes containing, by weight--
10.1 percent Acid Yellow 64,
11.6 percent Acid Orange 51,
26.3 percent Acid Blue 113,
50.5 percent Acid Black 172, and
1.5 percent Acid Green 25 ....................................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 53.4%
2.7% (MX)
3204.12.30 00 Mordant black 75;
Mordant blue 1;
Mordant brown 79; and
Mordant red 81, 84 ..... ............................................................. kg 6.5% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 50.5%
2.7% (MX)
3204.12.45 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI ............................................................ kg 9.9% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 72%
4.5% (MX)
3204.12.50 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 11.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 72%
6% (MX)
3204.13 Basic dyes and preparations based thereon:
3204.13.10 00 Basic black 7;
Basic blue 41, 45, 48, 55, 62, 66, 70, 71, 78,
80, 81, 120, 141;
Basic green 6, 8;
Basic orange 30, 35, 36, 37, 43, 44, 48;
Basic red 22, 23, 28, 29, 43, 44, 46, 58,
75, 100;
Basic violet 2, 22, 25, 37, 38; and
Basic yellow 19, 23, 24, 25, 39, 40, 45, 54, 56,
63, 70, 77... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 52.3%
2.7% (MX)
3204.13.20 00 Basic orange 22 and Basic red 13 ...............................kg.............. 9.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 51.5%
4.2% (MX)
3204.13.25 00 Basic blue 3; Basic red 14; and
Basic yellow 1, 11, 13.... ...........................................kg.............. 11.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 65.4%
6% (MX)
3204.13.60 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI ............................................................. kg 9.9% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 71.7%
4.5% (MX)
3204.13.80 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 11.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 71.7%
6% (MX)
3204.14 Direct dyes and preparations based thereon:
3204.14.10 00 Direct black 62, 91;
Direct blue 92, 106, 108, 109, 160, 172;
Direct brown 103, 115, 116;
Direct green 5, 29, 31; and
Direct orange 37............ ............................................................. kg 9.6% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 51.5%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

4.2% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3204.14.20 00 Direct black 51, 69, 112, 114, 118, 122;

Direct blue 74, 77, 85, 90, 156, 158, 158:1 ,
207, 211, 225, 244, 267;
Direct brown 97, 113, 157, 169, 170, 200,
212, 214;
Direct green 33, 59, 67, 68;
Direct orange 17, 60, 105, 106, 107, 118;
Direct red 9, 89, 92, 95, 111, 127, 173,
207, 221;
Direct violet 47, 93; and
Direct yellow 27, 39, 68, 93, 95, 96, 98, 109,
110, 133, 134.. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 54.7%
2.8% (MX)
3204.14.25 00 Direct blue 86; Direct red 83; and
Direct yellow 28 ............ ............................................................. kg 11.9% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 67.3%
6% (MX)
3204.14.30 00 Product s described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI ...........................................kg.............. 9.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 67.3%
4.5% (MX)
3204.14.50 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 11.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 67.3%
6% (MX)
3204.15 Vat dyes (including those usable in that state as
pigments) and preparations based thereon:
3204.15.10 00 Vat blue 1 (synthetic indigo),
"Colour Index No. 73000".........................................kg.............. 1.3¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 6.6¢/kg +
9.7% J) 29%
0.9¢/kg +
4.3% (MX)
3204.15.20 00 Vat brown 3;
Vat orange 2, 7; and
Vat violet 9, 13 ............ ...........................................kg.............. 11.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 64.5%
3204.15.30 00 Solubilized vat blue 5;
Solubilized vat orange 1;
Solubilized vat yellow 7, 45, 47;
Vat black 19, 30, 31;
Vat blue 5, 16, 19, 21, 66, 67;
Vat brown 33, 50, 57;
Vat green 28, 48;
Vat orange 5, 13;
Vat red 10, 15, 32, 41; and
Vat yellow 46 ... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 48.1%
3204.15.35 00 Solubilized vat orange 3;
Vat blue 2;
Vat red 44; and
Vat yellow 4, 20 ............ ............................................................. kg 9.6% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 52.3%
3204.15.40 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI ...........................................kg.............. 9.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 75.3%
3204.15.80 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 11.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 75.3%
3204.16 Reactive dyes and preparatio ns based thereon:
3204.16.10 00 Reactive black 1;
Reactive blue 1, 2, 4;
Reactive orange 1;
Reactive red 1, 2, 3, 5, 6; and
Reactive yellow 1 .......... ...........................................kg.............. 9.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50.8%
4.2% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3204.16.20 00 Dyes containing, by weight--

71.0 percent Reactive Yellow 85, and
29.0 percent Reactive Orange 13;
Dyes containing, by weight--
50.0 percent Reactive Red 120, and
50.0 percent Reactive Yellow 84;
Dyes containing, by weight--
50.0 percent Reactive Blue 74, and
50.0 percent Reactive Blue 63;
Dyes containing, by weight--
66.7 percent Reactive Orange 12, and
33.3 percent Reactive Red 32;
Dyes containing, by weight--
57.9 percent Reactive Blue 13, and
42.l percent Reactive Black 41;
Reactive black 4, 10, 13, 21, 23, 26, 34, 35, 41;
Reactive blue 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 18, 19, 21, 22,
23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43,
44, 50, 51, 52, 63, 65, 66, 67, 69, 73, 74, 75,
77, 78, 79, 82, 94, 99, 103, 104, 114, 116,
118, 136, 137, 139, 140, 156, 157, 160, 162,
163, 167, 170;
Reactive brown 2, 5, 7, 12, 16, 18, 19, 23, 26;
Reactive green 5, 6, 8, 12, 15, 16, 19;
Reactive orange 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 15, 20, 29, 33,
34, 35, 41, 42, 44, 45, 62, 64, 67, 68, 69, 70,
71, 82, 84, 89;
Reactive red 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 21,
24, 29, 30, 32, 40, 42, 44, 45, 49, 55, 56, 66,
78, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 99, 104, 116, 118,
119, 121, 122, 123, 124, 132, 134, 141, 151,
152, 159, 179;
Reactive violet 3, 6, 12, 23, 24; and
Reactive yellow 2, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 15, 25, 27,
29, 35, 37, 39, 41, 42, 52, 57, 58, 64, 81, 82,
85, 87, 110, 125, 135... ...........................................kg.............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 47.5%
2.4% (MX)
3204.16.30 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI ...........................................kg.............. 9.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 63.8%
4.5% (MX)
3204.16.50 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 11.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 63.8%
6% (MX)
3204.17 Pigments and preparations based thereon:
3204.17.04 Pigment black 1;
Pigment blue 16, 18;
Pigment brown 22, 23, 25, 32;
Pigment green 8;
Pigment orange 31, 34, 36, 51;
Pigment red 9, 14, 34, 48:3, 52, 68, 112, 139,
144, 146, 151, 166, 169,170, 171, 175, 176,
177, 180, 185, 188, 192, 199, 208, 209, 216,
220, 221;
Pigment violet 32; and
Pigment yellow 16, 24, 49, 62:1, 81, 93, 95,
97, 108, 109, 110, 113, 117, 127, 153....................................... 6.5% 1/ Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 46.8%
2.4% (MX)
3204.17.20 00 Copper phthalocyanine ([Phthalocyanato(2-)]-
copper), not ready for use as a pigment .....................kg.............. 10.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J) 67%
5.2% (MX)
3204.17.60 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI ............................................................. 9.9% 2/ Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 72%
4.5% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3204.17.90 Other .... .... ............ ............................................................. 11.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 72%
6% (MX)
3204.19 Other, including mixtures of coloring matter of t wo
or more of the subheadings 3204.11 to 3204.19:
Solvent dyes and preparations based thereon:

3204.19.11 00 Solvent black 2, 3, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35;

Solvent blue 45, 49, 51, 53, 56, 67, 97;
Solvent brown 1, 28, 42, 43, 44;
Solvent green 4, 5, 7, 19, 27, 28;
Solvent orange 45, 54, 59, 62, 63, 67;
Solvent red 7, 18, 19, 23, 27, 35, 89, 92,
100, 110, 118, 119, 124, 125, 127, 129,
130, 131, 132, 160, 162;
Solvent violet 2, 23, 24; and
Solvent yellow 1, 30, 32, 48, 64, 89, 93,
98, 160 .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 45.7%
2.4% (MX)
3204.19.20 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI ........................................................ 9.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 64.1%
4.5% (MX)
3204.19.25 Other ... ............ ............................................................. 11.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 64.1%
6% (MX)

3204.19.30 00 Sulfur black, "Colour Index Nos. 53185,
53190, and 53195" ...........................................kg.............. 1.3¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 6.6¢/kg +
9.5% J,MX) 28%

3204.19.35 00 Beta-carotene and other carotenoid

coloring matter .... ............................................................. kg 3.1% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3204.19.40 00 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI ......................................kg.............. 9.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50.5%
4.5% (MX)
3204.19.50 00 Other ... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 11.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50.5%
6% (MX)
3204.20 Synthetic organic products of a kind used as
fluorescent brightening agents:
3204.20.10 00 Fluorescent brightening agent 32 ..............................kg ............. 11.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 64.2%
6% (MX)
3204.20.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 44.1%
2.4% (MX)
3204.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 5.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50.8%
3205.00 Color lakes; preparations as specified in note 3 to this
chapter based on color lakes:

3205.00.15 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 9.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 72%
3205.00.40 Products described in additional U.S.
note 3 to section VI ............ ............................................................. 9.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 72%
4.5% (MX)
3205.00.50 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 11.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 72%
6% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3206 Other coloring matter; preparations as specified

in note 3 to this chapter, other than those of
heading 3203, 3204 or 3205; inorganic products
of a kind used as luminophores, whether or not
chemically defined:
Pigments and preparations based on titanium
3206.11.00 00 Containing 80 percent or more by weight of
titanium dioxide calculated on the dry weight.........kg ............. 6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
3206.19.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
3206.20.00 Pigments and preparations based on chromium
compounds ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3206.30.00 00 Pigments and preparations based on cadmium
compounds ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 3.1% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Other coloring matter and other preparations:
3206.41.00 00 Ultramarine and preparations based thereon...........kg ............. 1.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 7.5%
3206.42.00 00 Lithopone and other pigments and preparations
based on zinc sulfide ........ ...........................................kg ............. 2.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 11%
3206.43.00 00 Pigments and preparations based on
hexacyanoferrates (ferrocyanides and
ferricyanides).. .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 12%
3206.49 Other:
3206.49.10 00 Concentrated dispersions of pigments in
plastics materials ...... ............................................................. kg 5.9% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 45%
3206.49.20 00 Preparations based on iron oxides ..............................kg.............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
3206.49.30 00 Preparations based on zinc oxides .......................kg ............. 1.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 4.5%
3206.49.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3206.50.00 00 Inorganic products of a kind used as luminophores..................kg.............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 45.5%
3207 Prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers and prepared
colors, vitrifiable enamels and glazes, engobes (slips),
liquid lustres and similar preparations, of a kind used in
the ceramic, enamelling or glass industry; glass frit and
other glass, in the form of powder, granules or flakes:
3207.10.00 00 Prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers, prepared
colors and similar preparations .......................................................... kg 3.1% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3207.20.00 00 Vitrifiable enamels and glazes, engobes (slips) and
similar preparations.. ............ ............................................................. kg 4.9% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
3207.30.00 00 Liquid lustres and similar preparations ..........................kg ............. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3207.40 Glass frit and other glass, in the form of powder,
granules or flakes:
3207.40.10 00 Ground or pulverized....... ...........................................kg ............. 6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
3207.40.50 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 9.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 40%

3208 Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers)

based on synthetic polymers or chemically modified
natural polymers, dispersed or dissolved in a nonaqueous
medium; solutions as defined in note 4 to this chapter:
3208.10.00 00 Based on polyesters ... ............ ............................................................. liters 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
kg J,MX) 46%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3208.20.00 00 Based on acrylic or vinyl polymers ...................................liters ........ 3.6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
kg J,MX)
3208.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................liters ........ 3.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
kg J,MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3209 Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers)

based on synthetic polymers or chemically modified
natural polymers, dispersed or dissolved in an aqueous
3209.10.00 00 Based on acrylic or vinyl polymers ...................................liters ........ 5.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
kg J,MX)
3209.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................liters ........ 5.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
kg J,MX) 46%

3210.00.00 00 Other paints and varnishes (including enamels, lacquers

and distempers); prepared water pigments of a kind used
for finishing leather .. .... ............ ...........................................liters ........ 1.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
kg J,MX)

3211.00.00 00 Prepared driers ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 3.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
3212 Pigments (including metallic powders and flakes)
dispersed in nonaqueous media, in liquid or paste form,
of a kind used in the manufacture of paints (including
enamels); stamping foils; dyes and other coloring matter
put up in forms or packings for retail sale:
3212.10.00 00 Stamping foils ....... .... ............ ............................................................. m 2 4.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
3212.90.00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3213 Artists', students' or signboard painters' colors, modifying
tints, amusement colors and the like, in tablets, tubes,
jars, bottles, pans or in similar forms or packings:
3213.10.00 00 Colors in sets ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 6.5% on the Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 70% on the
entire set J,MX) entire set
3213.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................pcs. ........... 3.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 48.6%
3214 Glaziers' putty, grafting putty, resin cements, caulking
compounds and other mastics; painters' fillings;
nonrefractory surfacing preparations for facades, indoor
walls, floors, ceilings or the like:
3214.10.00 Glazier's putty, grafting putty, resin cements, caulking
compounds and other mastics; painters' fillings .............................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
3214.90 Other:
3214.90.50 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 8.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
3.3% (MX)
3215 Printing ink, writing or drawin g ink and other inks, whether
or not concentrated or solid:
Printing ink:
3215.11.00 Black .. ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 10%
3215.19.00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 10%
3215.90 Other:
3215.90.10 00 Drawing ink .... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15%
3215.90.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 10%

3301 Essential oils (terpeneless or not), including concretes and

absolutes; resinoids; extracted oleoresins; concentrates of
essential oils in fats, in fixed oils, in waxes or the like,
obtained by enfleurage or maceration; terpenic by -
products of the deterpenation of essential oils; aqueous
distillates and aqueous solutions of essential oils:
Essential oils of citrus fruit :
3301.12.00 00 Of orange ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3301.13.00 00 Of lemon ... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 3.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
3301.19 Other:
3301.19.10 00 Of grapefruit . ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Essential oils other than those of citrus

3301.24.00 00 Of peppermint (Mentha piperita)...............................kg ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3301.29 Other:
3301.29.10 00 Of eucalyptus ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15%
3301.29.20 00 Of orris...... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3301.90 Other:
3301.90.10 Extracted oleoresins ......... ............................................................. 3.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3302 Mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures
(including alcoholic solutions) with a basis of one or more
of these substances, of a kind used as raw materials in
industry; other preparations based on odoriferous
substances, of a kind used for the manufacture of
3302.10 Of a kind used in the food or drink industries:
Containing over 20 percent of alcohol by
Preparations requiring only the addition of
ethyl alcohol or water to produce a
beverage suitable for human consumption:
3302.10.40 00 Containing over 20 percent but not
over 50 percent of alcohol by weight.......kg ............. 8.4¢/kg Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 88¢/kg +
+ 1.9% 1/ J,MX) 1/ 25% 1/
3302.10.50 00 Containing over 50 percent of alcohol
by weight ........ ...........................................kg ............. 17¢/kg Free (A*,CA,E,IL, $1.76/kg +
+ 1.9% 1/ J,MX) 1/ 25% 1/
3307 Pre-shave, shavin g or after-shave preparations, personal
deodorants, bath preparations, depilatories and other
perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations, not elsewhere
specified or included; prepared room deodorizers, whether
or not perfumed or having disinfectant propert ies:
3307.10 Pre-shave, shaving or after-shave preparations:
3307.10.10 00 Not containing alcohol..... ............................................................. X 4.9% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 75%
3307.10.20 00 Containing alcohol .......... ............................................................. kg 4.9% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 81.7%
3307.20.00 00 Personal deodorants and antiperspirants ........................X............... 4.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 75%
3307.30 Perfumed bath salts and other bath preparations:
3307.30.10 00 Bath salts, whether or not perfumed .........................kg ............. 5.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 75%
3307.30.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 75%
Preparations for perfuming or deodorizing rooms,
including odoriferous preparations used during
religious rites:
3307.41.00 00 "Agarbatti" and other odoriferous preparations
which operate by burning.............................................................. X 2.4% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
3307.49.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 73.2%
3307.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 5.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 75%
3402 Organic surface-active agents (other than soap);
surface-active preparations, washing preparations
(including auxiliary washing preparations) and cleaning
preparations, whether or not containing soap, other than
those of heading 3401:
Organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up
for retail sale:
3402.11 Anionic:
Aromatic or modified aromatic:
3402.11.20 00 Linear alkylbenzene sulfonic acid and
linear alkylbenzene sulfonates .....................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 52.5%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3402.11.40 00 Other.... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +

J,MX) 52.5%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3402.11.50 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3402.12 Cationic:
3402.12.10 00 Aromatic or modified aromatic ............................kg ............. 4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 53.5%
3402.12.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 16.5¢/kg +
J,MX) 30%
3402.13 Nonionic:
3402.13.10 00 Aromatic or modified aromatic ............................kg ............. 4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 53.5%
3402.13.20 Fatty substances of animal
or vegetable origin............................................................. 4% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 16.5¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 30%
3402.13.50 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3402.19 Other:
3402.19.10 00 Aromatic or modified aromatic ............................kg ............. 4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 53.5%
3402.19.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3402.20 Preparations put up for retail sale:
3402.20.10 00 Containing any aromatic or modified aromatic
surface -active agent ......... ...........................................kg ............. 4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 53.5%
3402.90 Other:
3402.90.10 00 Synthetic detergents ........ ...........................................kg ............. 3.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 53.5%
3402.90.30 00 Containing any aromatic or modified aromatic
surface -active agent... ...........................................kg ............. 4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 44.5%
3402.90.50 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%

3403 Lubricating preparations (including cutting-oil preparations,

bolt or nut release preparations, antirust or anticorrosion
preparations and mold release preparations, based on
lubricants) and preparations of a kind used for the oil or
grease treatment of textile materials, leather, furskins or
other materials, but excluding preparations containing, as
basic constituents, 70 percent or more by weight of
petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals:
Containing petroleum oils or oils obtained from
bituminous minerals:
3403.11 Preparations for the treatment of textile materials,
leather, furskins or other materials:
Preparations for the treatment of textile
3403.11.20 00 Containing 50 percent or more by weight of
petroleum oils or of oils obtained from
bituminous minerals liters...................................................... 0.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.4%
3403.11.40 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 49.5%
3403.11.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3403.19 Other:
3403.19.10 00 Containing 50 percent or more by weight of
petroleum oils or of oils obtained from
bituminous minerals ...... ...........................................liters.......... 0.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.4%
3403.19.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 5.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
3403.91 Preparations for the treatment of textile materials,
leather, furskins or other materials:
3403.91.10 00 Preparations for the treatment of textile
materials ... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3403.91.50 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
3403.99.00 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
3404 Artificial waxes and prepared waxes:
3404.20.00 00 Of polyethylene glycol........... ............................................................. kg 7.4% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 54.5%

3501 Casein, caseinates and other casein derivatives; casein

3501.10 Casein:
3501.10.10 00 Milk protein concentrate . ...........................................kg ............. 0.37¢/kg Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 12¢/kg
3501.90 Other:
3501.90.20 00 Casein glues ... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
3501.90.60 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 0.37¢/kg Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 12.1¢/kg

3502 Albumins (including concentrates of two or more whey

proteins, containing by weight more than 80 percent whey
proteins, calculated on the dry matter), albuminates and
other albumin derivatives:
Egg albumin:
3502.11.00 00 Dried.... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 47.6¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 59.5¢/kg
3502.19.00 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 9.7¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 24.3¢/kg
3503.00 Gelatin (including gelatin in rectangular (including square)
sheets, whether or not surface-worked or colored) and
gelatin derivatives; isinglass; other glues of animal origin,
excluding casein glues of heading 3501:
3503.00.10 00 Fish glue .. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.2¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 17.6¢/kg +
1.5% J,MX) 25%
Inedible gelatin and animal glue:
3503.00.20 00 Valued under 88 cents per kg ...........................................kg.............. 1.2¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 5.5¢/kg +
3.2% J,MX) 20%
3503.00.40 00 Valued 88 cents or more per kg........................................kg.............. 2.8¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
3.8% J,MX) 20%
3503.00.55 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.8¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
3.8% J,MX) 20%

3504.00 Peptones and their derivatives; other protein substances

and their derivatives, not elsewhere specified or included;
hide powder, whether or not chromed:
3504.00.10 00 Protein isolate s ..... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 5% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
3504.00.50 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30.5%
3505 Dextrins and other modified starches (for example,
pregelatinized or esterified starches); glues based on
starches, or on de xtrins or other modified starches:
3505.10.00 Dextrins and other modified starches ................................................ 0.7¢/kg Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 6.6¢/kg
3505.20.00 00 Glues ........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.1¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 17.6¢/kg +
2.9% J,MX) 25%
3506 Prepared glues and other prepared adhesives, not
elsewhere specified or included; products suitable
for use as glues or adhesives, put up for retail sale as
glues or adhesives, not exceeding a net weight of 1 kg:
3506.10 Products suitable for use as glues or adhesives, put
up for retail sale as glues or adhesives, not exceeding
a net weight of 1 kg:
3506.10.10 00 Animal glue, including casein glue, but not
including fish glue.... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30.4%
2.1% (MX)
3506.10.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3506.91.00 00 Adhesives based on rubber or plastics (including
artificial resins)... ............ ............................................................. kg 2.1% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
3506.99.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 20%

3601.00.00 00 Propellant powders ...... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 6.5% Free

(A*,CA,E,IL, 60%
3603.00 Safety fuses; detonating fuses; percussion or detonating
caps; igniters; electric detonators:
3603.00.30 00 Safety fuses or detonating fuses ....................................... thousand 3% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 8.3%
m J,MX)
3603.00.60 00 Percussion caps ..... .... ............ ...........................................thousands 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
3603.00.90 00 Detonating caps, igniters or electric detonators .............No. ............ 0.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 0.3%

3604 Fireworks, signaling flares, rain rockets, fog signals and

other pyrotechnic articles:
3604.10.10 00 Display or special fireworks (Class 1.3G) .................kg ............. 2.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 12.5%
3604.10.90 Other (including Class 1.4G) ....................................................... 5.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 12.5%
3604.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 40%
3606 Ferrocerium and other pyrophoric alloys in all forms;
articles of combustible materials as specified in note 2
to this chapter:
3606.90 Other:
3606.90.30 00 Ferrocerium and other pyrophoric alloys .........................kg.............. 5.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 56.7%
3606.90.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3701 Photographic plates and film in the flat, sensitized,
unexposed, of any material other than paper, paperboard
or textiles; instant print film in the flat, sensitized,
unexposed, whether or not in packs:
3701.10.00 For X-ray .. ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3701.20.00 Instant print film .. .... ............ ............................................................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3701.30.00 00 Other plates and film, with any side exceeding
255 mm..... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. m 2 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%

3701.91.00 For color photography (polychrome)............................................ 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E, IL, 25%
3701.99 Other:
3701.99.30 00 Dry plates .. .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 4.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
3701.99.60 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3702 Photographic film in rolls, sensitized, unexposed, of any
material other than paper, paperboard or textiles; instant
print film in rolls, sensitized, unexposed:
3702.10.00 For X-ray .. ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3702.20.00 00 Instant print film .. .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Other film, without perforations, of a width not
exceeding 105 mm:
3702.31.00 00 For color photography (polychrome)..........................No. ............ 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3702.32.00 Other, with silver halide emulsion.............................................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
3702.39.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................m ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Other film, without perforations, of a width exceeding

105 mm:
3702.41.00 00 Of a width exceeding 610 mm and of a length
exceeding 200 m, for color photography
(polychrome)... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3702.42.00 00 Of a width exceeding 610 mm and of a length
exceeding 200 m, other than for color
photography .... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3702.43.00 00 Of a width exceeding 610 mm and of a length not
exceeding 200 m .. ............ ............................................................. m 2 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3702.44.00 Of a width exceeding 105 mm but not exceeding
610 mm .... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Other film, for color photography (polych rome):
3702.51.00 00 Of a width not exceeding 16 mm and of a length
not exceeding 14 m ........... ............................................................. No. 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
m2 J,MX)
3702.52.00 Of a width not exceeding 16 mm and of a length
exceeding 14 m .... ............ ............................................................. 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3702.53.00 Of a width exceeding 16 mm but not exceeding
35 mm and of a length not exceeding 30 m,
for slides .. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3702.54.00 Of a width exceeding 16 mm but not exceeding
35 mm and of a length n ot exceeding 30 m,
other than for slides......... ............................................................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3702.91.00 00 Of a width not exceeding 16 mm and of a length
not exceeding 14 m ........... ............................................................. No. 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3702.92.00 00 Of a width not exceeding 16 mm and of a length
exceeding 14 m .... ............ ............................................................. m 2 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3702.93.00 00 Of a width exceeding 16 mm but not exceeding
35 mm and of a length not exceeding 30 m ...............No. ............ 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3702.95.00 00 Of a width exceeding 35 mm.......................................m ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3703 Photographic paper, paperboard and textiles, sensitized,
3703.10 In rolls of a width exceeding 610 mm:
3703.10.30 Silver halide papers ......... ............................................................. 3.7% Fre e
(A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
3703.10.60 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
3703.20 Other, for color photography (polychrome):
3703.20.30 Silver halide papers ......... ............................................................. 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
3703.20.60 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
3703.90 Other:
3703.90.30 Silver halide papers ......... ............................................................. 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
3703.90.60 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 2.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
3706 Motion-picture film, exposed and developed, whether or
not incorporating sound track or consisting only of sound
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3706.10 Of a width of 35 mm or more:

3706.10.30 00 Sound recordings on motion-picture film suitable
for use in connection with motion-picture exhibits.m .............. 1.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 7%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3707 Chemical preparations for photographic uses (other than

varnishes, glues, adhesives and similar preparations);
unmixed products for photographic uses, put up in
measured portions or put up for retail sale in a form
ready for use:
3707.10.00 Sensitizing emulsions ........... ............................................................. 3% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
3707.90 Other:
Chemical preparations for photographic uses:
3707.90.32 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 50%
3707.90.60 00 Unmixed products for photographic uses, put up
in measured portions or put up for retail sale in a
form ready for use kg 1.5% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 4.5%

3801 Artificial graphite; colloidal or semi-colloidal graphite;

preparations based on graphite or other carbon in the
form of pastes, blocks, plates or other semimanufactures:
3801.10 Artificial graphite:
3801.10.10 00 Plates, rods, powder and other forms, wholly or
partly manufactured, for manufacturing into
brushes for electric generators, motors or other
machines or appliances ... ............................................................. kg 3.7% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
3801.30.00 00 Carbonaceous pastes for electrodes and similar
pastes for furnace linings ...... ............................................................. kg 4.9% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
3801.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%

3802 Activated carbon; activated natural mineral products;

animal black, including spent animal black:
3802.10.00 00 Activated carbon.... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
3802.90 Other:
3802.90.10 00 Bone black ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 5.8% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
3802.90.20 00 Activated clays and activated earths...........................kg ............. 2.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 0.6¢/kg +
J,MX) 30%
3802.90.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%

3804.00 Residual lyes from the manufacture of wood pulp, whether

or not concentrated, desugared or chemically treated,
including lignin sulfonates, but excluding tall oil of
heading 3803:
3804.00.50 00 Other ............ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 3.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%

3805 Gum, wood or sulfate turpentine and other terpenic oils

produced by the distillation or other treatment of
coniferous woods; crude dipentene; sulfite turpentine and
other crude para-cymene; pine oil contain ing alpha-
terpineol as the main constituent:
3805.10.00 00 Gum, wood or sulfate turpentine oils ..............................liters ........ 5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 5%
3805.90.00 00 Other ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 3.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%

3806 Rosin and resin acids, and derivatives thereof; rosin spirit
and rosin oils; run gums:
3806.10.00 Rosin and resin acids ............ ............................................................. 5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 5%
3806.20.00 00 Salts of rosin, of resin acids or of derivatives of rosin
or resin acids, other than salts of rosin adducts .............kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3806.30.00 00 Ester gums ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 6.5% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 57%
3806.90.00 00 Other ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 57%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3807.00.00 00 Wood tar; wood tar oils; wood creosote; wood naphtha;
vegetable pitch; brewers' pitch and similar preparations
based on rosin, resin acids or on vegetable pitch ..................kg ............. 0.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 0.2%
3808 Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides,
antisprouting products and plant-growth regulators,
disinfectants and similar products, put up in forms or
packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles
(for example, sulfur -treated bands, wicks and candles,
and flypapers):
3808.10 Insecticides:
3808.10.10 00 Fly ribbons (ribbon fly catchers).................................kg ............. 2.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
Containing any aromatic or modified aromatic
3808.10.25 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 31%
3808.10.30 00 Containing an inorganic substance ..............kg ............. 5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3808.10.50 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
3808.20 Fungicides:
Containing any aromatic or modified aromatic
3808.20.15 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 31%
Containing any fungicide which is a thioamide,
thiocarbamate, dithiocarbamate, thiuram or

3808.20.28 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3808.20.30 00 Containing an inorganic substance ..............kg ............. 5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3808.20.50 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
3808.30 Herbicides, antisprouting products and plant-growth
Containing any aromatic or modified aromatic
herbicide, antisprouting agent or plant-growth
3808.30.15 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 31%
3808.30.20 00 Containing an inorganic substance .....................kg ............. 5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3808.30.50 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
3808.40 Disinfectants:
3808.40.10 00 Containing any aromatic or modified aromatic
disinfectant ..... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 6.5% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 31%
3808.40.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3808.90 Other:
Containing any aromatic or modified aromatic
3808.90.08 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 31%
3808.90.70 00 Containing an inorganic substance ..............kg ............. 5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3808.90.95 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1.5% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3809 Finishing agents, dye carriers to accelerate the dyeing or

fixing of dyestuffs and other products and preparations
(for example, dressings and mordants), of a kind used in
the textile, paper, leather or like industries, not elsewhere
specified or included:
3809.10.00 00 With a basis of amylaceous substances ...........................kg ............. 2.2¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 17.6¢/kg +
3% J,MX) 25%
3809.91.00 00 Of a kind used in the textile or like industries .......kg ............. 6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3809.92 Of a kind used in the paper or like industries:
3809.92.10 00 Containing 5 percent or more by weight of one
or more aromatic or modified aromatic
substances .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 8.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
3809.92.50 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
3809.93 Of a kind used in the leather or like industries:
3809.93.10 00 Containing 5 percent or more by weight of one
or more aromatic or modified aromatic
substances .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 8.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
3.6% (MX)
3809.93.50 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1.8% (MX)

3810 Pickling preparations for metal surfaces; fluxes and other

auxiliary preparations for soldering, brazing or welding;
soldering, brazing or welding powders and pastes
consisting of metal and other materials; preparations of a
kind used as cores or coatings for welding electrodes or
3810.10.00 00 Pickling preparations for metal surfaces; soldering,
brazing or welding powders and pastes consisting of
metal and other materials ........... ............................................................. kg 5% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1.5% (MX)
3810.90 Other:
3810.90.10 00 Containing 5 percent or more by weight of one or
more aromatic or modified aromatic substances ...............kg.............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 3.7¢/kg +
9.3% J,MX) 60%

3810.90.50 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
3811 Antiknock preparations, oxidation inhibitors, gum
inhibitors, viscosity improvers, anti-corrosive preparations
and other prepared additives, for mineral oils (including
gasoline) or for other liquids used for the same purposes
as mineral oils:
Antiknock preparations:
3811.19.00 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 3.7¢/kg +
9.3% J) 60%
1.1¢/kg +
4% (MX)
Additives for lubricating oils:
3811.21.00 00 Containing petroleum oils or oils obtained from
bituminous minerals ............ ...........................................kg.............. 8.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
3.6% (MX)
3811.29.00 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
2.1% (MX)
3811.90.00 00 Other ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 3.7¢/kg +
9.3% J,MX) 60%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3812 Prepared rubber accelerators; compound plasticizers

for rubber or plastics, not elsewhere specified or
included; antioxidizing preparations and other compound
stabilizers for rubber or plastics:
3812.10 Prepared rubber accelerators:
3812.10.10 00 Containing any aromatic or modified aromatic
rubber accelerator ............ ............................................................. kg 1.5¢/kg + Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 3.7¢/kg +
9.3% J) 60%
1.1¢/kg +
4% (MX)
3812.10.50 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1.5% (MX)
3812.20 Compound plasticizers for rubber or plastics:
3812.20.10 00 Containing any aromatic or modified aromatic
plasticizer ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 0.1¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
11% J,MX) 57%
3812.20.50 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1.5% (MX)
3812.30 Antioxidizing preparations and other compound
stabilizers for rubber or plastics:
Containing any aromatic or modified aromatic
antioxidant or other stabilizer:
3812.30.20 00 Mixtures of N,N'-diaryl-p-phenylenediamines...kg ............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 3.7¢/kg +
9.3% J,MX) 60%
3812.30.60 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 3.7¢/kg +
9.3% 1/ J) 60%
1.1¢/kg +
4% (MX)

3812.30.90 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%

3813.00 Preparations and charges for fire extinguishers;
charged fire-extinguishing grenades:
3813.00.50 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 20%

3814.00 Organic composite solvents and thinners, not elsewhere

specified or included; prepared paint or varnish removers:
3814.00.10 00 Containing 5 percent or more but not more than
25 percent by weight of one or more aromatic or
modified aromatic substances ............................................................. kg 1.5¢/kg + Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 3.7¢/kg +
9.3% J,MX) 60%
3814.00.20 00 Containing more than 25 percent by weight of one or
more aromatic or modified aromatic substances ............kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 43.5%
3814.00.50 Other ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
3815 Reaction initiators, reaction accelerators and catalytic
preparations, not elsewhere specified or included:
Supported catalysts:
3815.90 Other:
Consisting wholly of inorganic substances:
3815.90.10 00 Of bismuth, of tungsten or of vanadium .............kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 40%
3815.90.20 00 Of mercury or of molybdenum.............................kg ............. 2.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 18%
3815.90.50 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%

3816.00.00 Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar

compositions, other than products of heading 3801 ................................ 3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3817 Mixed alkylbenzenes and mixed alkylnaphthalenes,

other than those of heading 2707 or 2902:
3817.10 Mixed alkylbenzenes:
3817.10.10 00 Mixed linear alkylbenzenes ...........................................kg.............. 0.4¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.8% J) 55%
0.3¢/kg +
5.1% (MX)
3817.10.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 0.4¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.8% J,MX) 55%
3817.20.00 00 Mixed alkylnaphthalenes............ ............................................................. kg 1.5¢/kg + Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 3.7¢/kg +
9.3% J,MX) 60%
3819.00.00 Hydraulic brake fluids and other prepared liquids for
hydraulic transmission, not containing or containing less
than 70 percent by weight of petroleum oils or oils
obtained from bituminous minerals ............................................................. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 3.7¢/kg +
9.3% J,MX) 60%
3820.00.00 00 Antifreezing preparations and prepared deicing fluids ....................kg.............. 8.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 63%
3.6% (MX)
3821.00.00 00 Prepared culture media for development of micro-
organisms.......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1.5% (MX)
3823 Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids; acid oils from
refining; industrial fatty alcohols:
Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids; acid oils from
3823.11.00 00 Stearic acid...... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 2.1¢/kg + Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 6.6¢/kg +
3.8% J,MX) 25%
3823.12.00 00 Oleic acid ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.1¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 6.6¢/kg +
3.2% J,MX) 20%
3823.13.00 Tall oil fatty acids... ............ ............................................................. 3.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
3823.19 Other:
3823.19.20 00 Derived from coconut, palm-kernel or
palm oil ..... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 2.3% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
3823.19.40 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 3.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
3823.70 Industrial fatty alcohols:
Derived from fatty substances of animal or
vegetable origin:
3823.70.20 00 Oleyl ... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 39.5%
3823.70.40 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
3823.70.60 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%

3824 Prepared binders for foundry molds or cores; chemical

products and preparations of the chemical or allied
industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural
products), not elsewhere specified or included; residual
products of the chemical or allied industries, not elsewhere
specified or included:
3824.10.00 00 Prepared binders for foundry molds or cores ...........................kg.............. 6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
3824.20.00 Naphthenic acids, their water-insoluble salts and their
esters ........ ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3824.30.00 00 Nonagglomerated metal carbides mixed together or
with metallic binders ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3824.40 Prepared additives for cements, mortars or concretes:
3824.40.10 00 Containing 5 percent or more by weight of one or
more aromatic or modified aromatic substances ...............kg.............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 3.7¢/kg +
9.3% J,MX) 60%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3824.40.50 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
3824.60.00 00 Sorbitol other than that of subheading 2905.44..............kg ............. 4.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50%
Mixtures containing perhalogenated derivatives of
acyclic hydrocarbons containing two or more different
3824.71.00 00 Containing acyclic hydrocarbons perhalogenated
only with fluorine and chlorine ........................................kg.............. 3.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
3824.79.00 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 3.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
3824.90 Other:
Cultured crystals (other than optical elements of
chapter 90), weighing not less than 2.5 g each:
3824.90.19 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50%
Mixtures containing 5 percent or more by
weight of one or more aromatic or modified
aromatic substances:

3824.90.22 00 Consisting of polymers of 1,2-dihydro-

2,2,4-trimethylquinoline averaging less than
5 monomer units.. ...........................................kg ............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
10.4% J,K,MX) 52%
3824.90.25 00 Aqueous mixtures of triphenyl sulfonium
chloride, diphenyl (4-phenylthio)phenyl
sulfonium chloride and (thiodi -4,1-
phenylene)bis(diphenyl sulfonium)
dichloride . ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 3.7¢/kg +
9.3% J,K,MX) 60%
3824.90.28 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.5¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 3.7¢/kg +
9.3% 1/ J,K,L,MX) 1/ 60% 1/
Mixtures of two or more inorganic compounds:
3824.90.31 00 Of bismuth ........... ............................................................. kg 6.5% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
3824.90.32 00 Of hydrosulfite compounds, of sulfoxylate
compounds, or of both .....................................kg ............. 10.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
3824.90.33 00 Of mercury ........... ............................................................. kg 4.2% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 26.3%
3824.90.34 00 Of molybdenum ... ...........................................kg ............. 2.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 18%
Mo kg v J,MX)
3824.90.35 00 Of tungsten ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 45.5%
W kg v J,MX)
3824.90.36 00 Of vanadium............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 40%

3824.90.40 Fatty substances of animal or vegetable origin

and mixtures thereof . ............................................................. 4.6% 1/ Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 16.5¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 30%
3824.90.45 00 Mixtures that are in whole or in part of
hydrocarbons derived in whole or in part
from petroleum, shale oil or natural gas...............kg.............. 6.5% 2/ Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25% 2/
J,K,MX) 2/
Mixtures of halogenated hydrocarbons:
3824.90.46 00 Chlorinated but not otherwise
halogenated.... ...........................................kg ............. 11.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 114.5%
3824.90.47 00 Other ... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 3.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%

3824.90.90 Other ... ............ ............................................................. 5% 3/ Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25% 1/

J,K,MX) 1/
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special


3901 Polymers of ethylene, in primary forms:

3901.10.00 Polyethylene having a specific gravity of less than
0.94 ........... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 8.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 43%
3901.20.00 00 Polyethylene having a specific gravity of 0.94 or
more ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 8.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 43%
3901.30 Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers:

3901.30.60 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 43.5%
3901.90 Other:
3901.90.55 00 Ethylene copolymers .. ...........................................kg ............. 8.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 43%
3901.90.90 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 2.2¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 33.5%

3902 Polymers of propylene or of other olefins, in primary forms:

3902.10.00 00 Polypropylene ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 8.9% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 33.5%
3902.20 Polyisobutylene:
3902.20.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 2.2¢/kg +
J,MX) 33.5%
3902.30.00 00 Propylene copolymers ............ ............................................................. kg 6.5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 2.2¢/kg +
J,MX) 33.5%
3902.90.00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 2.2¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 33.5%
3903 Polymers of styrene, in primary forms:
3903.11.00 00 Expandable ...... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 6.5% Free
(A,CA,E, IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 46%
3903.19.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 46%
3903.20.00 00 Styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN) copolymers .........................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 45.5%
3903.30.00 00 Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) copolymers .......kg ............. 6.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 47%
3903.90 Other:
3903.90.10 00 Methyl methacrylate -butadiene-styrene (MBS)
copolymers ...... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 6.5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 67.5%
3903.90.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 46%
3904 Polymers of vinyl chloride or of other halogenated olefins,
in primary forms:
3904.10.00 00 Polyvinyl chloride, not mixed with any other
substances...... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 7.9% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 43.5%
Other polyvinyl chloride:
3904.21.00 00 Nonplasticized .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 7.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 43.5%
3904.22.00 00 Plasticized....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 7.9% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 43.5%
3904.30 Vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copolymers:

3904.30.60 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 43.5%
3904.40.00 00 Other vinyl chloride copolymers ......................................kg ............. 5.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 43.5%
3904.50.00 00 Vinylidene chloride polymers ............................................................. kg 6.5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 2.2¢/kg +
J,MX) 33.5%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3904.61.00 00 Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) ..................................kg ............. 5.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 34.1%

3904.69 Other:
3904.69.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 2.2¢/kg +
J,MX) 33.5%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3904.90 Other:
3904.90.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 2.2¢/kg +
J,MX) 33.5%

3905 Polymers of vinyl acetate or of other vinyl esters, in

primary forms; other vinyl polymers in primary forms:
Polyvinyl acetate:
3905.12.00 00 In aqueous dispersion ...... ............................................................. kg 4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 37.5%
3905.19.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 37.5%
Vinyl acetate copolymers:
3905.21.00 00 In aqueous dispersion ...... ............................................................. kg 4% Free
(A,C A,E,IL, 37.5%
3905.29.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 37.5%
3905.30.00 00 Polyvinyl alcohols, whether or not containing
unhydrolyzed acetate groups ...........................................kg ............. 3.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 37.5%
3905.91 Copolymers:
3905.91.10 00 Containing by weight 50 percent or more of
derivatives of vinyl acetate ....................................kg ............. 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 37.5%
3905.91.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 43.5%
3905.99 Other:

3905.99.80 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 43.5%
3906 Acrylic polymers in primary forms:
3906.10.00 00 Polymethyl methacrylate ...... ...........................................kg ............. 6.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 37%
3906.90 Other:
3906.90.20 00 Plasti cs ...... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 6.3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 37%
3906.90.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%

3907 Polyacetals, other polyethers and epoxide resins, in

primary forms; polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyallyl
esters and other polyesters, in primary forms:
3907.10.00 00 Polyacetals..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 6.5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 2.2¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 33.5%
3907.20.00 00 Other polyethers .. .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 2.2¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 33.5%
3907.30.00 00 Epoxide resins ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 6.1% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 47%
3907.40.00 00 Polycarbonates ...... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 5.8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 45%
3907.50.00 00 Alkyd resins .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.2¢/kg + Free (A,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
7.5% J,MX) 45%
3907.60.00 Polyethylene terephthalate ... ............................................................. 1.2¢/kg + Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
7.5% J,K,MX) 45%
Other polyesters:
3907.91 Unsaturated:
Allyl resins:
3907.91.40 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 5.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 45%
3907.91.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 45%
3907.99.00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.2¢/kg + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
7.5% J,K,MX) 45%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3908 Polyamides in primary forms:

3908.10.00 00 Polyamide -6, -11, -12, -6,6, -6,9, -6,10 or -6,12 .................kg ............. 6.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 51.5%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3908.90 Other:
3908.90.70 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 2.2¢/kg +
J,MX) 33.5%

3909 Amino-resins, phenolic resins and polyur ethanes, in

primary forms:
3909.10.00 00 Urea resins; thiourea resins . ............................................................. kg 6.5% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 41.5%
3909.20.00 00 Melamine resins ... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 41.5%
3909.30.00 00 Other amino-resins... ............ ............................................................. kg 6.5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 41.5%
3909.40.00 00 Phenolic resins ..... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 6.5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 48%
3909.50 Polyurethanes:
3909.50.20 00 Cements .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 20%
3909.50.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 51.5%

3910.00.00 00 Silicones in primary forms .......... ............................................................. kg 3% Free

(A,CA,E,IL, 25%

3911 Petroleum resins, coumarone-indene resins, polyterpenes,

polysulfides, polysulfones and other products specified in
note 3 to this chapter, not elsewhere specified or included,
in primary forms:
3911.10.00 00 Petroleum resins, coumarone, indene or
coumarone-indene resins; polyterpenes .........................kg ............. 6.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 49%
3911.90 Other:
3911.90.25 00 Other . ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 49%
3911.90.45 00 Other . ............ ...........................................kg ............. 5.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 15.4¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 45%
3911.90.90 Other... .... ............ ............................................................. 6.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 2.2¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 33.5%
3912 Cellulose and its chemical derivatives, not elsewhere
specified or included, in primary forms:
Cellulose acetates:
3912.11.00 00 Nonplasticized .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 5.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 73.5%
3912.12.00 00 Plasticized....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 5.6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 73.5%
3912.20.00 00 Cellulose nitrates (including collodions) ..................................kg.............. 5.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 34.5%
Cellulose ethers:
3912.31.00 00 Carboxymethylcellulose and its salts........................kg ............. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 66%
3912.39.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 33.5%
3912.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 5.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 34.5%

3913 Natural polymers (for example, alginic acid) and modified

natural polymers (for example, hardened proteins,
chemical derivatives of natural rubber), not elsewhere
specified or included, in primary forms:
3913.10.00 00 Alginic acid, its salts and esters .......................................................... kg 4.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 25%
3913.90 Other:
3913.90.20 Polysaccharides and their derivatives.......................................... 5.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50%
3913.90.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 2.2¢/kg +
J,K,MX) 33.5%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3914.00 Ion-exchangers based on polymers of headings 3901

to 3913, in primary forms:
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Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3914.00.60 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 35%



3916 Monofilament of which any cross-sectional dimension

exceeds 1 mm, rods, sticks and profile shapes, whether
or not surface-worked but not otherwise worked,
of plastics:
3916.10.00 00 Of polymers of ethylene ........ ............................................................. kg 5.8% Free
(A,B,CA,E 35%
3916.20.00 Of polymers of vinyl chloride ............................................................. 5.8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 35%
3916.90 Of other plastics:
3916.90.10 00 Of acrylic polymers .......... ............................................................. kg 6.5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 40.6%
3916.90.20 00 Racket strings ............ ...........................................m .............. 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 30%
3916.90.30 00 Monofilament ......... ...........................................m............... 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50%
2.3% (MX)
3916.90.50 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 5.8% Free (A,B,CA,E, 35%

3917 Tubes, pipes and hoses and fittings therefor (for example,
joints, elbows, flanges), of plastics:
3917.10 Artificial guts (sausage casings) of hardened protein
or of cellulosic plastics materials:
3917.10.10 00 Of cellulosic plastics materials ..................................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 60%
3917.10.90 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 40%
Tubes, pipes and hoses, rigid:
3917.21.00 00 Of polymers of ethylene.. ............................................................. kg 3.1% Free
(A,B,C 2/,CA, 25%
3917.22.00 00 Of polymers of propylene.............................................................. kg 3.1% Free
(A,B,C 2/,CA 25%
3917.23.00 00 Of polymers of vinyl chloride .....................................kg ............. 3.1% Free (A,B,C 2/,CA, 25%
3917.29.00 Of other plastics .. ............ ............................................................. 3.1% Free
(A,B,C 2/,CA, 25%
Other tubes, pipes and hoses:
3917.31.00 00 Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, having a
minimum burst pressure of 27.6 MPa........................kg ............. 3.1% Free (A,B,C 2/,CA, 25%
3917.32 Other, not reinforced or otherwise combined with
other materials, without fittings:

3917.32.60 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.1% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
3917.33.00 00 O ther, not reinforced or otherwise combined with
other materials, with fittings......................................kg ............. 3.1% Free (A,B,C 2/,CA, 25%
0.9% (MX)
3917.39.00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.1% Free (A,B,C 1/,CA, 25%

3917.40.00 Fittings ..... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.3% Free
(A,B,C 1/,CA, 80%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3918 Floor coverings of plastics, whether or not self-adhesive,

in rolls or in the form of tiles; wall or ceiling coverings of
plastics, as defined in note 9 to this chapter:
3918.10 Of polymers of vinyl chloride:
Floor coverings:
3918.10.10 00 Vinyl tile ..... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 40%
3918.10.20 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................m ............. 5.3% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 40%
Wall or ceiling coverings:
With a backing of textile fibers:
With a backing of man-made fibers:
3918.10.31 Over 70 percent by weight of plastics ....................... 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
3918.10.32 Other ... ............ ............................................................. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E, IL, 84.5%
2.5% (MX)
3918.10.40 Other .... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 40%
1.5% (MX)
3918.10.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
3918.90 Of other plastics:
3918.90.10 00 Floor coverings..... ............ ............................................................. m 2 5.3% Free
(A,B,CA,E,IL, 40%
Wall or ceiling coverings:
With a backing of textile fibers:
3918.90.20 00 With a backing of man-made fibers .....................m 2 ............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 84.5%
2.5% (MX)
3918.90.30 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 5.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 40%
1.5% (MX)
3918.90.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
3919 Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, strip and other
flat shapes, of plastics, whether or not in rolls:
3919.10 In rolls of a width not exceeding 20 cm:
3919.10.10 Having a light-reflecting surface produced in whole
or in part by glass grains (ballotini) ............................................ 6.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 50%
3919.10.20 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 40%
3919.90 Other:
3919.90.10 00 Having a light-reflecting surface produced in whole
or in part by glass grains (ballotini) ..........................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 50%

3919.90.50 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 40%
3920 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of plastics,
noncellular and not reinforced, laminated, supported or
similarly combined with other materials:
3920.10.00 00 Of polymers of ethylene ........ ............................................................. kg 4.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 25%
3920.20.00 00 Of polymers of propylene ...... ............................................................. kg 4.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 25%
3920.30.00 00 Of polymers of styrene .......... ............................................................. kg 5.8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 35%
Of polymers of vinyl chloride:
3920.41.00 00 Rigid... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 5.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 35%
3920.42 Flexible:
3920.42.10 00 Made in imitation of patent leather ....................m 2 ............. 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
kg J,MX)
3920.42.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
Of acrylic polymers:
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Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3920.51 Of polymethyl methacrylate:

3920.51.10 00 Flexible...... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 25%
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Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3920.51.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 48.2%
3920.59 Other:
3920.59.10 00 Flexible...... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 25%
3920.59.80 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 51.7%
Of polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyallyl esters or
other polyesters:
3920.61.00 00 Of polycarbonates ............ ............................................................. kg 5.8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 35%
3920.62.00 00 Of polyethylene terephthalate ...................................kg ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
3920.63 Of unsaturated polyesters:
3920.63.10 00 Flexible...... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 4.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 25%
3920.63.20 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 5.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
3920.69.00 00 Of other polyesters .......... ............................................................. kg 4.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 25%
O f cellulose or its chemical derivatives:
3920.71.00 00 Of regenerated cellulose. ...........................................kg ............. 6.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 45%
3920.72.00 00 Of vulcanized fiber .......... ............................................................. kg 3.1% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 30%
3920.73.00 00 Of cellulose acetate ......... ............................................................. kg 2.9% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 30.5%
3920.79 Of other cellulose derivatives:
3920.79.10 00 Film, strip and sheets, not over 0.076 mm
in thickness ... ............ ............................................................. kg 6.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 45%
3920.79.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 28.5%
Of other plastics:
3920.91.00 00 Of polyvinyl butyral......... ...........................................kg ............. 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
3920.92.00 00 Of polyamides. .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
3920.93.00 00 Of amino-resins .. ............ ............................................................. kg 5.8% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
3920.94.00 00 Of phenolic resins............ ............................................................. kg 5.8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 35%
3920.99 Of other plastics:
Film, strip and sheets, all the foregoing which
are flexible:
3920.99.10 00 Over 0.152 mm in thickness, and not
in rolls..... ............ ............................................................. kg 6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 25%
3920.99.20 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
3920.99.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 5.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 35%
3921 Other plates, sh eets, film, foil and strip, of plastics:
3921.11.00 00 Of polymers of styrene .... ............................................................. kg 5.3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 80%
3921.12 Of polymers of vinyl chloride:
Combined with textile materials:
Products with textile components in which
man-made fibers predominate by weight
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Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

over any other single textile fiber:

3921.12.11 00 Over 70 percent by weight of plastics .....m 2 ............. 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
kg J,MX)
3921.12.19 Other... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.3% Free (A,B,CA,E, 40%

3921.12.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 50%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3921.13 Of polyurethanes:
Combined with textile materials:
Products with textile components in which
man-made fibers predominate by weight
over any other single textile fiber:
3921.13.11 00 Over 70 percent by weight of plastics .....m 2 ............. 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
kg J,MX)
3921.13.19 Other .... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.3% Free (A+,B,CA,E*, 40%
3921.13.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
3921.14.00 00 Of regenerated cellulose. ...........................................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 60%
3921.19.00 00 Of other plastics .. ............ ............................................................. kg 6.5% Free
(A,CA.E,IL, 50%
3921.90 Other:
Combined with textile materials and weighing not
more than 1.492 kg/m 2 :
Products with textile components in which
man-made fibers predominate by weight over
any other single textile fiber:
3921.90.11 00 Over 70 percent by weight of plastics ............m 2 ............. 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
kg J,MX)

3921.90.19 Other... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.3% Free (A+,B,CA, 40%
1.5% (MX)
Combined with textile materials and weighing
more than 1.492 kg/m 2 :
3921.90.21 00 Products with textile components in which
cotton predominates by weight over any other
single textile fiber .......... ...........................................m 2 ............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 40%
kg J*)
2.1% (MX)
3921.90.29 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.4% Free (A+,CA,E*, 40%
1.3% (MX)
3921.90.40 Flexible...... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.2% Free
(A,B1/,CA,E, 25%
3921.90.50 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.8% Free (A*,B1/,CA, 42.5%
3922 Baths, shower baths, washbasins, bidets, lavatory pans,
seats and covers, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary
ware, of plastics:
3922.10.00 00 Baths, shower baths and washbasins................................X............... 6.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 56%
3922.20.00 00 Lavatory seats and covers ...... ...........................................No. ............ 6.3% Free (A,B,CA,E, 56%
3922.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 6.3% Free (A,B,CA,E, 56%

3923 Articles for the conveyance or packing of goods,

of plast ics; stoppers, lids, caps and other closures,
of plastics:
3923.10.00 00 Boxes, cases, crates and similar articles..........................X............... 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 80%
Sacks and bags (including cones):
3923.21.00 Of polymers of ethylene.. ............................................................. 3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 80%
3923.29.00 00 Of other plastics .. ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 80%
3923.30.00 Carboys, bottles, flasks and similar articles ..................................... 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 80%
3923.40.00 Spools, cops, bobbins and similar supports........................................ 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 80%
3923.50.00 00 Stoppers, lids, caps and other closures.............................X............... 5.3% Free (A,B,CA,E, 80%
3923.90.00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3% Free (A*,CA,E, 80%
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Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3924 Tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and

toilet articles, of plastics:
3924.10 Tableware and kitchenware:
3924.10.10 00 Salt, pepper, mustard and ketchup dispensers and
similar dispensers ............ ............................................................. X 3.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 80%
3924.10.20 00 Plates, cups, saucers, soup bowls, cereal bowls,
sugar bowls, creamers, gravy boats, serving
dishes and platters ........... ............................................................. kg 6.5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 84.5%
3924.10.30 00 Trays... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 40%
3924.10.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 80%
3924.90 Other:
3924.90.10 Curtains and drapes, including panels and
valances; napkins, table covers, mats, scarves,
runners, doilies, centerpieces, antimacassars and
furniture slipcovers; and like furnishings.................................. 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
3924.90.20 00 Picture frames .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 80%
3924.90.55 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 80%

3925 Builders' ware of plastics, not elsewhere specified or

3925.10.00 00 Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers, of a
capacity exceeding 300 liters . ...........................................X............... 6.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 56%
3925.20.00 Doors, windows and their frames and thresholds for
doors ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 80%
3925.30 Shutters, blinds (including venetian blinds) and similar
articles and parts thereof:
3925.30.10 00 Blinds (including venetian blinds).............................No. ............ 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
3925.30.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 80%
3925.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 80%
3926 Other articles of plastics and articles of other materials of
headings 3901 to 3914:
3926.10.00 00 Office or school supplies ....... ...........................................X............... 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 80%
3926.20 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories
(including gloves):
Specially designed for use in sports:
3926.20.30 00 Other . ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
3926.20.40 Other .... .... ............ ............................................................. 9.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%

3926.20.90 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%

3926.30 Fittings for furniture, coachwork or the like:
3926.30.10 00 Handles and knobs ........... ............................................................. kg 6.5% Free
(A,B,CA,E, 57.5%
3926.30.50 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5.3% Free (A+,B,CA.E, 80%
3926.40.00 00 Statuettes and other ornamental articles........................X............... 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 80%
3926.90 Other:
3926.90.10 00 Buckets and pails ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 80%
3926.90.15 00 Nursing nipples and pacifiers .....................................gross......... 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

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Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3926.90.20 00 Ice bags; douche bags, enema bags, colostomy

bags, hot water bottles, and fittings therefor;
invalid and similar nursing cushions; crutch tips
and grips; dress shields; finger cots; pessaries;
prophylactics; sanitary belts; bulbs for syringes;
syringes (other than hypodermic syringes) and
fittings therefor, not in part of glass or metal ..........X............... 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
3926.90.25 00 Handles and knobs, not elsewhere specified or
included, of plastics .......... ............................................................. kg 6.5% Free
(A,B,CA,E, 57.5%
3926.90.30 00 Parts for yachts or pleasure boats of
heading 8903; parts of canoes, racing shells,
pneumatic craft and pleasure boats which are not
of a type designed to be principally used with
motors or sails .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 30%
Beads, bugles and spangles, not strung (except
temporarily) and not set; articles thereof, not
elsewhere specified or included:
3926.90.33 00 Handbags... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 6.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 60%
3926.90.35 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 6.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 60%
3926.90.40 00 Imitation gemstones ........ ...........................................X............... 2.8% Free (A,C A,E,IL, 20%
3926.90.45 Gaskets, washers and other seals................................................. 3.5% Free (A,B,C,CA, 25%
3926.90.50 00 Frames or mounts for photographic slides ................X............... 3.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 45%
Belting and belts, for machinery:
Containing textile fibers:
3926.90.55 00 V-belts... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5.1% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 30%
3926.90.56 00 With textile components in which
vegetable fibers predominate by weight
over any other textile fiber ......................kg ............. 5.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 30%
3926.90.57 00 With textile components in which
man-made fibers predominate by
weight over any other textile fiber..........kg ............. 6.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 74%
3926.90.59 00 Other ... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
0.7% (MX)
3926.90.60 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
3926.90.65 Spring type .. .... ............ ............................................................. 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 8.4%
3926.90.70 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................Gross........ 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 80%
3926.90.75 00 Pneumatic mattresses and other inflatable
articles, not elsewhere specified or included............X............... 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
3926.90.77 00 Waterbed mattresses and liners, and parts of the
foregoing ... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
0.7% (MX)
3926.90.83 00 Empty cartridges and cassettes for typewriter and
machine ribbons .. ............ ............................................................. X 5.3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 80%
3926.90.85 00 Fasteners, in clips suitable for use in a mechanical
attaching device .... ............ ...........................................X............... 8.3% Free (A+,CA,E, 60%
3.3% (MX)
3926.90.87 00 Flexible plastic document binders with tabs, rolled
or flat . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 80%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

1.5% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3926.90.98 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.3% Free (A,B,C,CA, 80%
4006 Other forms (for example, rods, tubes and profile shapes)
and articles (for example, discs and rings), of unvulcanized
4006.10.00 00 "Camel-back" strips for retreading rubber tires............kg ............. 2.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
4006.90 Other:
4006.90.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 80%
4008 Plates, sheets, strip, rods and profile shapes, of vulcanized
rubber other than hard rubber:
Of cellular rubber:
4008.11 Plates, sheets and strip:
4008.11.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 50%
4008.19 Other:
Of natural rubber:
4008.19.60 00 Profile shapes....... ...........................................kg ............. 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 50%
4008.19.80 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 50%
Of noncellular rubber:
4008.29 Other:
4008.29.20 00 Profile shapes ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.9% Free (A,B 1/,C 2/, 35%
4008.29.40 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.9% Free (A,B 1/,CA,E, 35%
4009 Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanized rubber other than
hard rubber, with or without their fittings (for example,
joints, elbows, flanges):
4009.10.00 00 Not reinforced or otherwise combined with other
materials, without fittings..... ............................................................. kg 2.5% Free
(A,B,CA,E, 25%
4009.20.00 00 Reinforced or otherwise combined only with metal,
without fittings ..... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 2.5% Free
(A,B,CA,E, 25%
4009.30.00 00 Reinforced or otherwise combined only with textile
materials, without fittings..... ............................................................. kg 2.5% Free
(A,B,CA.E, 25%
4009.40.00 00 Reinforced or otherwise combined with other
materials, without fittings..... ............................................................. kg 2.5% Free
(A,B,CA,E, 25%
4009.50.00 With fittings.. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.5% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 25%
4010 Conveyor or transmission belts or belting, of vulcanized
Conveyor belts and belting:
4010.11.00 00 Reinforced only with metal........................................................... kg 3.3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 25%
4010.12 Reinforced only with textile materials:
4010.12.10 00 With te xtile components in which vegetable
fibers predominate by weight over any other
single textile fiber ..... ............................................................. kg 4.1% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 30%
With textile components in which man-made
fibers predominate by weight over any other
single textile fiber:
4010.12.50 00 Of a width exceeding 20 cm ............................kg ............. 8% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 74%
4010.12.55 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 74%
4010.12.90 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.9% Free (A+,CA,E, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

0.7% (MX)
4010.13.00 00 Reinforced only with plastics ......................................kg ............. 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

4010.19 Other:
Combined with textile materials:
4010.19.10 00 With textile components in which vegetable
fibers predominate by weight over any
other single textile fiber.................................kg ............. 4.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 30%
With textile components in which
man-made fibers predominate by weight
over any other single textile fiber:
4010.19.50 00 Of a width exceeding 20 cm .....................kg ............. 8% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 74%
4010.19.55 00 Other . ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 74%
4010.19.80 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.9% Free (A+,CA,E, 25%
0.7% (MX)
4010.19.90 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
Transmission belts or belting:
4010.21 Endless transmission belts of trapezoidal cross
section (V-belts), whether or not grooved, of a
circumference exceeding 60 cm but not
exceeding 180 cm:
4010.21.30 00 Combined with textile materials.................................kg.............. 3.4% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 30%
4010.21.60 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
4010.22 Endless transmission belts of trapezoidal cross
section (V-belts), whether or not grooved, of a
circumference exceeding 180 cm but not
exceeding 240 cm:
4010.22.30 00 Combined with textile materials.................................kg.............. 3.4% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 30%
4010.22.60 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
4010.23 Endless synchronous belts of a circumference
exceeding 60 cm but not exceeding 150 cm:
Combined with textile materials:
4010.23.30 00 With textile components in which vegetable
fibers predominate by weight over any
other single textile fiber.................................kg ............. 4.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 30%
With textile components in which
man-made fibers predominate by weight
over any other single textile fiber:
4010.23.41 00 Of a width exceeding 20 cm .....................kg ............. 8% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 74%
4010.23.45 00 Other . ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 74%
4010.23.50 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.9% Free (A+,CA,E, 25%
0.7% (MX)
4010.23.90 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
4010.24 Endless synchronous belts of a circumference
exceeding 150 cm but not exceeding 198 cm:
Combined with textile materials:
4010.24.30 00 With textile components in which vegetable
fibers predominate by weight over any
other single textile fiber.................................kg ............. 4.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 30%
With textile components in which
man-made fibers predominate by weight
over any other single textile fiber:
4010.24.41 00 Of a width exceeding 20 cm .....................kg ............. 8% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 74%
4010.24.45 00 Other . ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 74%
4010.24.50 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
0.7% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

4010.24.90 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
4010.29 Other:
Of trapezoidal cross section (V-belts and
4010.29.10 00 Combined with textile materials ..........................kg.............. 3.4% Free (A+,B,CA,E 30%
4010.29.20 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
Combined with textile materials:
4010.29.30 00 With textile components in which
vegetable fibers predominate by weight
over any other single textile fiber...........kg ............. 4.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 30%
With textile components in which
man-made fibers predominate by
weight over any other single textile
4010.29.41 00 Of a width exceeding 20 cm ..............kg ............. 8% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 74%
4010.29.45 00 Oth e r....... ...........................................kg ............. 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 74%
4010.29.50 00 Other ... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
0.7% (MX)
4010.29.90 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%

4011 New pneumatic tires, of rubber:

4011.10 Of a kind used on motor cars (including station wagons
and racing cars):
4011.10.10 00 Radial. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 10%
4011.10.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 10%
4011.20 Of a kind used on buses or trucks:
4011.20.10 Radial. ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4% Free (A*,CA.E,IL, 10%
4011.20.50 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 10%
4011.99 Other:
4011.99.40 00 Radial .. .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 10%
4011.99.80 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 10%

4012 Retreaded or used pneumatic tires of rubber; solid or

cushion tires, interchangeable tire treads and tire flaps,
of rubber:
4012.10.40 Radial ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4% Free (A,C A,E,IL, 10%
4012.10.80 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 10%
4012.20 Used pneumatic tires:

4012.90 Other:
4012.90.45 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 35%
No. J,MX)
4012.90.90 00 O ther... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 80%
No. J,MX)

4013 Inner tubes, of rubber:

4013.10.00 Of a kind used on motor cars (including station wagons
and racing cars), buses or trucks ........................................................ 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

4013.90 Other:

4013.90.50 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%

4014 Hygienic or pharmaceutical articles (including nursing

nipples), of vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber, with
or without fittings of hard rubber:
4014.90 Other:
4014.90.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
4015 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories (including
gloves), for all purposes, of vulcanized rubber other than
hard rubber:
4015.19 Other:
4015.19.10 Seamless ... .... ............ ............................................................. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
4015.19.50 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................doz.prs. 14% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 75%
4015.90.00 Other ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4% Free (A+,CA.E,IL, 25%
1.5% (MX)
4016 Other articles of vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber:
4016.91.00 00 Floor coverings and mats . ...........................................X............... 2.7% Free (A,B,CA,E, 40%
4016.92.00 00 Erasers ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. X 4.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 35%
4016.93 Gaskets, washers and other seals:
4016.93.10 Of a kind used in the automotive goods of
chapter 87.. .... ............ ............................................................. 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E, 25%
4016.93.50 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.5% Free (A,C,CA,E, 25%
4016.94.00 00 Boat or dock fenders, whether or not inflatable.......X............... 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 80%
4016.95.00 00 Other inflatable articles . ............................................................. X 4.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 25%
4016.99 Other:
4016.99.03 00 Containers, with or without their closures, of a
kind used for the packing, transporting or
marketing of merchandise....................................X............... 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 80%
4016.99.05 00 Household articles not elsewhere specified or
included..... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 80%
4016.99.10 00 Handles and knobs ..... ............................................................. kg 3.3% Free
(A,B,CA,E, 57.5%
4016.99.15 00 Caps, lids, seals, stoppers and other
closures ..... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.7% Free (A,B,CA,E, 80%
4016.99.20 00 Toys for pets ... ............ ...........................................X............... 4.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 80%
Of natural rubber:
4016.99.55 00 Vibration control goods of a kind used
in the vehicles of headings 8701
through 8705 .. ...........................................X............... 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E, 80%
4016.99.60 Other . ............ ............................................................. 2.5% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 80%
4017.00.00 00 Hard rubber (for example, ebonite) in all form s, including
waste and scrap; articles of hard rubber.................................X............... 2.7% Free (A,B,C 1/,CA, 80%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

4104 Leather of bovine or equine animals, without hair on, other

than leather of heading 4108 or 4109:
4104.10 Whole bovine skin leather, of a unit surface area not
exceeding 28 square feet (2.6 m2 ):
4104.10.60 00 Not fancy .... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 2.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15%
1.1% (MX)

4104.10.80 00 Fancy .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 3.6% 1/ Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
1.6% (MX)
Other bovine leather and equine leather, pretanned,
tanned or retanned but not further prepared, whether
or not split:
4104.21.00 00 Bovine leather, vegetable pretanned .........................m 2 ............. 5% 1/ Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
4104.22.00 00 Bovine leather, otherwise pretanned.........................m 2 ............. 3.3% 1/ Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
4104.29 Other:
4104.29.30 Buffalo....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.4% 1/ Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
4104.29.50 Upper leather; sole leather .............................................. 5% 1/ Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
4104.29.90 Other... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.3% 1/ Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Other bovine leather and equine leather, parchment-
dressed or prepared after tanning:
4104.31 Full grains and full grain splits:
4104.31.20 00 Buffalo....... .... ............ ............................................................. m 2 2.5% 1/ Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
4104.31.40 00 Upholstery leather............................................................. m 2 2.8% 1/ Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
4104.31.50 Upper leather; sole leather .............................................. 3.3% 1/ Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
4104.31.60 Not fancy......... ............................................................. 5% 1/ Free (A*,E,CA,IL, 25%
4104.31.80 00 Fancy .. ............ ...........................................m ............. 2.4% 1/ Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
4104.39 Other:
4104.39.20 00 Buffalo....... .... ............ ............................................................. m 2 2.5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 25%
4104.39.40 00 Upholstery leather............................................................. m 2 2.8% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 20%
4104.39.50 Upper leather; sole leather .............................................. 5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
4104.39.60 Not fancy......... ............................................................. 5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
4104.39.80 00 Fancy .. ............ ...........................................m ............. 2.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
4105 Sheep or lamb skin leather, without wool on, other than
leather of heading 4108 or 4109:
Pretanned or retanned but not further prepared,
whether or not split:
4105.12.00 00 Otherwise pretanned ............ ............................................................. m 2 2% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
kg J,MX)
4105.19 Other:
4105.19.10 00 Wet blues..... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
4105.19.20 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................m ............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

4105.20 Parchment-dressed or prepared after tanning:

4105.20.30 Not fancy .. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
4105.20.60 00 Fancy .. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................m ............. 2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30%

4106 Goat or kidskin leather, without hair on, other than leather
of heading 4108 or 4109:
Pretanned, tanned or retanned but not further
prepared, whether or not split:
4106.12.00 00 Otherwise pretanned....... ...........................................m 2 ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
kg J,MX)
4106.19 Other:
4106.19.20 00 Wet blues .. .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 2.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
4106.19.30 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................m ............. 2.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
4106.20 Parchment-dressed or prepared after tanning:
4106.20.30 00 Not fancy.. ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 2.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
4106.20.60 00 Fancy .. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 2.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
4107 Leather of other animals, without hair on, other than leather
of heading 4108 or 4109:
4107.10 Of swine:
4107.10.20 00 Wet blues... ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
4107.10.30 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................m ............. 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
Of reptiles:
4107.21.00 00 Vegetable pretanned........ ...........................................m 2 ............. 5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
4107.29 Other:
4107.90 Of other animals:
4107.90.30 00 Not fancy .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 3.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
4107.90.60 00 Fancy .. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 1.6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30%

4108.00.00 00 Chamois (including combination chamois) leather .............m 2 ............. 3.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%

4109.00 Patent leather and patent laminated leather; metallized

4109.00.30 00 Patent leather .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 2.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15%
1% (MX)
Patent laminated leather; metallized
4109.00.40 00 Calf and kip ....... .... ............ ............................................................. m 2 3.6% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
1.6% (MX)

4109.00.70 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 1.6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
4201.00 Saddlery and harness for any animal (including traces,
leads, knee pads, muzzles, saddle cloths, saddle bags,
dog coats and the like), of any material:
4201.00.30 00 Dog leashes, collars, muzzles, harnesses and similar
dog equipment ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%

4201.00.60 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 15%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

4202 Trunks, suitcases, vanity cases, attache cases, briefcases,

school satchels, spectacle cases, bin ocular cases, camera
cases, musical instrument cases, gun cases, holsters and
similar containers; traveling bags, toiletry bags, knapsacks
and backpacks, handbags, shopping bags, wallets, purses,
map cases, cigarette cases, tobacco pouches, tool bags,
sports bags, bottle cases, jewelry boxes, powder cases,
cutlery cases and similar containers, of leather or of
composition leather, of sheeting of plastics, of textile
materials, of vulcanized fiber, or of paperboard, or wholly
or mainly covered with such materials or with paper (con.):
Handbags, whether or not with shoulder strap, including
those without handle:
4202.22 With outer surface of sheeting of plastic or of textile
With outer surface of textile materials:
Wholly or in part of braid:
4202.22.35 00 Of abaca.......... ...........................................No. ............ 8.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 90%
kg MX)

4202.29 Other:
Of materials (other than leather, composition
leather, sheeting of plastics, textile materials,
vulcanized fiber or paperboard) wholly or mainly
covered with paper:
4202.29.10 00 Of plastics ............ ...........................................No. ............ 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 80%
1.5% (MX)
4202.29.20 00 Of wood.... ............ ............................................................. No. 3.3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J) 33 3%
1.5% (MX)
Articles of a kind normally carried in the pocket or in the
4202.31 With outer surface of leather, of composition
leather or of patent leather:
4202.31.30 00 Of reptile leather....... ...........................................No. ............ 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%

4202.32 With outer surface of sheeting of plastic or of textile

With outer surface of sheeting of plastic:
4202.32.10 00 Of reinforced or laminated plastics ..............No. ............ 12.1¢/kg + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $1.10/kg +
kg 4.6% MX) 40%

4202.32.20 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 20% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
4202.39 Other:
Of material (other than leather, composition
leather, sheeting of plastics, textile materials,
vulcanized fiber or paperboard) wholly or mainly
covered with paper:
4202.39.10 00 Of plastics ............ ...........................................No. ............ 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 80%
kg MX)
4202.39.20 00 O f wood.... ............ ............................................................. No. 3.3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 33 3%
kg MX)
4202.39.90 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 20% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 45%
kg J,MX)
4202.92.50 00 Musical instrument cases .....................................No. ............ 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
4202.99 Other:
Of materials (other than leather, composition
leather, sheeting of plastics, textile materials,
vulcanized fiber or paperboard) wholly or mainly
covered with paper:
4202.99.10 00 Of plastics ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 80%
kg 1% (MX)
Of wood:
4202.99.20 00 Not lined with textile fabrics ...................No. ............ 4.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 33 3%
kg 2% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

4203 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, of leather or

of composition leather:
4203.10 Articles of apparel:
4203.10.20 00 Of reptile leather ............ ...........................................No. ............ 4.7% Free (A,CA,E,J,IL, 35%
Gloves, mittens and mitts:
4203.21 Specially designed for use in sports:
Baseball and softball gloves and mitts
(including batting gloves):
4203.21.20 00 Batting gloves....... ...........................................No. ............ 3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
Ski or snowmobile gloves, mittens and mitts:
4203.21.55 00 Cross-country ski gloves, mittens and
mitts .... .... ............ ...........................................prs. ........... 3.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
4203.21.60 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................prs. ........... 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
4203.21.80 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
4203.29 Other:
Gloves of horsehide or cowhide (except
calfskin) leather:
Wholly of leather:

4203.30.00 00 Belts and bandoliers with or without buckles.................X............... 2.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
4203.40 Other clothing accessories:
4203.40.30 00 Of reptile leather ............ ...........................................X............... 4.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
4204.00 Articles of leather or of composition leather of a kind used
in machinery or mechanical appliances or for other
technical uses:
4204.00.30 00 Belting leather cut or wholly or partly manufactured into
forms or shapes suitable for conversion into belting .....kg ............. 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 12.5%
4205.00 Other articles of leather or of composition leather:
4205.00.40 00 Straps and strops ... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 1.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
4205.00.60 00 Of reptile leather ............ ...........................................X............... 4.9% Free (A*,B,CA,E, 35%
4206 Articles of gut (other than silkworm gut), of goldbeater's
skin, of bladders or of tendons:
4206.10 Of catgut:
4206.10.30 00 If imported for use in the manufacture of sterile
surgical sutures ... ............ ............................................................. X 3.5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%

4206.10.90 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
4301 Raw furskins (including heads, tails, paws and other pieces
or cuttings, suitable for furriers' use), other than raw hides
and skins of heading 4101, 4102 or 4103:
4301.60 Of fox, whole, with or without head, tail or paws:
4301.60.30 00 Of silver, black or platinum fox (including those of
any fox which is a mutation, or type developed,
from silver, black or platinum foxes).........................No. ............ 5.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
4302 Tanned or dressed furskins (including heads, tails, paws
and other pieces or cut tings), unassembled, or assembled
(without the addition of other materials) other than those of
heading 4303:
Whole skins, with or without head, tail or paws, not
4302.11.00 Of mink ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 2.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
4302.12.00 00 Of rabbit or hare .. ..... ...... .......................................... No. ............ 2.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

4302.13.00 00 Of lamb, the following: Astrakhan, Broadtail,

Caracul, Persian and similar lamb, Indian, Chinese,
Mongolian or Tibetan lamb ........................................ No. ............ 2.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
4302.19 Other:
Of beaver, chinchilla, ermine, fisher, fitch, fox,
leopard, lynx, marten, nutria, ocelot, otter, pony,
racoon, sable or wolf:
4302.19.15 00 Of silver, black or platinum fox (including
those of any fox which is a mutation, or type
developed, from silver, black or platinum
foxes) ........ ..... ...... .......................................... No. ............ 5.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
4302.19.30 Not dyed ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 1.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
4302.19.45 Dyed ..... ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 2.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
4302.19.60 00 Not dyed ... ..... ...... .......................................... No. ............ 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
4302.19.75 00 Dyed.......... ..... ...... .......................................... No. ............ 1.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
4302.20 Heads, tails, paws and other pieces or cuttings, not
4302.20.30 00 Of beaver, Caracul or Persian lamb, chinchilla,
ermine, fisher, fitch, fox, Kolinsky, leopard, lynx,
marten, mink, nutria, ocelot, otter, pony, racoon,
sable or wolf ......... ..... ...... .......................................... X................ 2.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
4302.20.60 00 Not dyed.......... ..... ...... .......................................... X................ 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
4302.20.90 00 Dyed ... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... X................ 1.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 30%
4302.30.00 00 Whole skins and pieces or cuttings thereof,
assembled ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... X................ 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
4303 Articles of apparel, clothing accessories and other articles
of furskin:
4303.10.00 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories ......................... .................. 4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50%

4304.00.00 00 Artificial fur and articles thereof ...... .......................................... X ............... 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 74%

4401 Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots or in similar

forms; wood in chips or particles; sawdust and wood waste
and scrap, whether or not agglomerated in logs, briquettes,
pellets or similar forms:
4401.30 Sawdust and wood waste and scrap, whether or not
agglomerated in logs, briquettes, pellets or similar
4401.30.20 00 Artificial fire logs, composed of wax and sawdust,
with or without added materials.................................kg ............. 1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%

4404 Hoopwood; split poles; piles, pickets and stakes of wood,

pointed but not sawn lengthwise; wooden sticks, roughly
trimmed but not turned, bent or otherwise worked, suitable
for the manufacture of walking-sticks, umbrellas, tool
handles or the like; chipwood and the like:

4405.00.00 00 Wood wool (excelsior); wood flour ...........................................kg.............. 3.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 33 3%
1.5% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

4409 Wood (including strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not
assembled) continuously shaped (tongued, grooved, re-
bated, chamfered, V-jointed, beaded, molded, rounded or
the like) along any of its edges or faces, whether or not
planed, sanded or finger-jointed:
4409.10 Coniferous:
4409.10.65 00 Sanded, grooved, or otherwise advanced in
condition ..... .... ............ ...........................................m............... 4.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 33 3%
m3 J,MX)
4409.20 Nonconiferous:
condition ..... .... ............ ...........................................m............... 4.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 33 3%
4411 Fiberboard of wood or other ligneous materials, whether or
not bonded with resins or other organic substances:
Fiberboard of a density exceeding 0.8 g/cm3 :
4411.19.40 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................m 3 ............. 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
4411.29 Other:
Tongued, grooved or rabbetted continuously
along any of its edges and dedicated for use in
the construction of walls, ceilings or other parts
of buildings:
4411.29.20 00 Laminated boards bonded in whole or in
part, or impregnated, with synthetic
resins... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.9¢/kg + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 33¢/kg +
m3 1.5% MX) 25%

4411.29.90 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................m 3 ............. 3.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
4412 Plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood:
Plywood consisting solely of sheets of wood, each ply
not exceeding 6 mm in thickness:
4412.13 With at least one outer ply of tropical wood
specified in subheading note 1 to this chapter:
Not surface covered, or surface covered with a
clear or transparent material which does not
obscure the grain, texture or markings of the
face ply:
4412.13.25 With a face ply of Spanish cedar (Cedrela
spp.) or walnut (Juglans spp.)........................................... 8% Free (A*,CA,E, 40%
4412.13.40 With at least one outer ply of the
following tropical woods: Dark Red
Meranti, Light Red Meranti, White
Lauan, Sipo, Limba, Okoumé,
Obeche, Acajou d'Afrique, Sapelli,
Virola, Mahogany, Palissandre de
Para, Palissandre de Rio or
Palissandre de Rose .................................................... 8% Free (A*,CA,E, 40%
4412.13.50 Other . ............ ............................................................. 8% Free (A*,CA,E, 40%
4412.13.60 00 With at least one outer ply of the following
tropical woods: Dark Red Meranti, Light
Red Meranti, White Lauan, Sipo, Limba,
Okoumé, Obeche, Acajou d'Afrique,
Sapelli, Virola, Mahogany, Palissandre
de Para, Palissandre de Rio or
Palissandre de Rose.........................................m 3 ............. 8% Free (A*,CA,E, 40%
4412.13.90 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................m ............. 8% Free (A*,CA,E, 40%
4412.14 Other, with at least one outer ply of nonconiferous
Not surface covered, or surface covered with a
clear or transparent material which does not
obscure thegrain, texture or markings of the
face ply:
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

4412.14.25 With a face ply of Spanish cedar (Cedrela

spp.) or walnut (Juglans spp.)........................................... 5.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 40%
4412.14.30 Other... .... ............ ............................................................. 8% Free (A*,CA,E, 40%
4412.14.55 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 3 ............. 8% Free (A*,CA,E, 40%
4412.19 Other, with both outer plies of coniferous wood:
Not surface covered, or surface covered with a
clear or transparent material which does not
obscure the grain, texture or markings of the
face ply:
4412.19.30 00 With a face ply of European red pine (Pinus
silvestris) ............ ...........................................m 3 ............. 3.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
4412.19.40 Other... .... ............ ............................................................. 8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
4412.19.50 Other... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 40%
2.4% (MX)
4412.22.30 Other....... ............................................................. 8% Free (A*,CA,E, 40%
4412.22.40 00 Other . ............ ...........................................m ............. 8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 40%
4412.29 Other:
Not surface covered, or surface covered
with a clear or transparent material which
does not obscure the grain, texture or
markings of the face ply:
4412.29.35 Other . ............ ............................................................. 8% Free (A*,CA,E, 40%
4412.29.45 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................m 3 ............. 8% Free (A*,CA,E, 40%
Not surface covered, or surface cover-
ed with a clear or transp arent material
which does not obscure the grain,
texture or markings of the face ply:
4412.92.30 00 With a face ply of European red
pine (Pinus silvestris) .......................m 3 ............. 3.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
4412.92.40 00 Other....... ...........................................m ............. 8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
4412.92.50 00 Other . ............ ...........................................m 3 ............. 5.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 40%
4412.99.35 00 With a face ply of European red pine
(Pinus silvestris)........................................m 3 ............. 3.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
4412.99.45 00 Other . ............ ...........................................m ............. 8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
4412.99.55 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................m 3 ............. 5.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 40%
4413.00.00 00 Densified wood, in blocks, plates, strips or profile
shapes ............ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%

4414.00.00 00 Wooden frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors or

similar objects ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. No. 3.9% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 33 3%

4415 Packing cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings,

of wood; cable-drums, of wood; pallets, box-pallets and
other load boards, of wood; pallet collars of wood:
4415.10 Cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings;
4415.10.90 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 10.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 33 3%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes
Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty
Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

4415.20.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 10.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 33 3%

4416.00 Casks, barrels, vats, tubs and other coopers' products and
parts thereof, of wood, including staves:
4416.00.90 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 33 3%
4417.00 Tools, tool bodies, tool handles, broom or brush bodies
and handles, of wood; boot or shoe lasts and trees, of
4417.00.80 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 33 3%
4418 Builders' joinery and carpentry of wood, including cellular
wood panels and assembled parquet panels; shingles and
4418.10.00 00 Windows, French -windows and their frames ..................No. ............ 3.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 33 3%
4418.20 Doors and their frames and thresholds:
4418.20.40 00 French doors .... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 4.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 33 3%
4418.20.80 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 33 3%
4418.40.00 00 Formwork (shuttering) for concrete constructional
work .......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 33 3%
4418.90 Other:
4418.90.40 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 33 3%
4419.00 Tableware and kitchenware, of wood:
4419.00.40 00 Forks and spoons... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 33 3%
4419.00.80 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 33 3%

4420 Wood marquetry and inlaid wood; caskets and cases for
jewelry or cutlery and similar articles, of wood; statuettes
and other ornaments, of wood; wooden articles of furniture
not falling within chapter 94:
4420.10.00 00 Statuettes and other ornaments, of wood ........................X............... 3.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 33 3%
4420.90 Other:
Jewelry boxes, silverware chests, cigar and
cigarette boxes, microscope cases, tool or
utensil cases and similar boxes, cases and
chests, all the foregoing of wood:
4420.90.45 00 Not lined with textile fabrics ..........................No. ............ 4.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 33 3%

4420.90.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 33 3%

4421 Other articles of wood:

4421.10.00 00 Clothes hangers ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 33 3%
1.5% (MX)
4421.90 Other:
Wood dowel pins:
4421.90.20 00 Sanded, grooved or otherwise advanced in
condition ..... .... ............ ...........................................m............... 4.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 33 3%
Wood blinds, shutters, screens and shades, all the
foregoing with or without their hardware:
4421.90.30 00 Consisting of wooden frames in the center of
which are fixed louver boards or slats, with or
without their hardware ........................................................... X 10.7% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 33 3%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

4421.90.40 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 5.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50%
2.4% (MX) 1/
Toothpicks, skewers, candy sticks, ice cream
sticks, tongue depressors, drink mixers and similar
small wares:
4421.90.60 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 5.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 3, 3%
Clothesp ins:
4421.90.80 Spring-type .... ............ ............................................................. 6.5¢/gross Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20¢/gross
3¢/gross (MX)
4421.90.85 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................Gross ......... 4.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
2.2% (MX)

4421.90.98 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.3% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 33 3%

Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

4503 Articles of natural cork:

4503.90 Other:
4503.90.60 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 14% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
4601 Plaits and similar products of plaiting materials, whether or
not assembled into strips; plaiting materials, plaits and
similar products of plaiting materials, bound together in
parallel strands or woven, in sheet form, whether or not
being finished articles (for example, mats, matting,
4601.10.00 00 Plaits and similar products of plaiting materials,
whether or not assembled into strips ...............................X............... 2.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 80%
4601.20 Mats, matting and screens of vegetable materials:
4601.20.40 00 Of one or more of the materials bamboo, rattan
or willow.... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
4601.20.60 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
4601.20.90 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
4601.91 Of vegetable materials:
4601.91.20 00 Of one or more of the materials bamboo,
rattan, willow or wood ............................................................. X 6.6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%

4601.99.00 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%

4602 Basketwork, wickerwork and other articles, made directly

to shape from plaiting materials or made up from articles
of heading 4601; articles of loofah:
4602.10 Of vegetable materials:
4602.10.05 00 Fishing baskets or creels . ...........................................No. ............ 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
Other baskets and bags, whether or not lined:
Of bamboo:
4602.10.09 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 10% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
4602.10.12 00 Of willow... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 5.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
Of rattan or of palm leaf:
4602.10.16 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
4602.10.18 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 4.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
Luggage, handbags and flatgoods, whether or not
Of rattan or of palm leaf:
4602.10.23 00 Articles of a kind normally carried in the
pocket or in the handbag ................................No. ............ 9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50%
Of one or more of the materials bamboo,
rattan, willow or wood:
4602.10.45 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 6.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
4602.10.80 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
4602.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 80%
4802 Uncoated paper and paperboard, of a kind used for writing,
printing or other graphic purposes, and punch card stock
and punch tape paper, in rolls or sheets, other than paper
of heading 4801 or 4803; handmade paper and
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

4802.10.00 00 Handmade paper and paperboard .....................................kg ............. 1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 17.5%
4802.30 Carbonizing base paper:
4802.30.20 00 Weighing not over 15 g/m 2............................................................... .................. kg 1% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 38%
4802.30.40 00 Weighing over 15 g/m 2 ..... ............................................................. kg 0.8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30.5%
Other paper and paperboard, not containing fibers
obtained by a mechanical process or of which not
more than 10 percent by weight of the total fiber
content consists of such fibers:
4802.51 Weighing less than 40 g/m 2 :
4802.51.10 00 Writing paper ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 28%
4802.51.40 00 India and bible paper. ...........................................kg ............. 0.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 18%
4802.52 Weighing 40 g/m 2 or more but not more than
150 g/m 2 :
4802.52.10 00 Writing paper ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 28%
4802.52.15 00 Cover paper.... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
4802.52.20 00 Drawing paper ............ ............................................................. kg 0.6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 15.5%
4802.52.40 00 India and bible paper. ...........................................kg ............. 0.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 18%
4802.53 Weighing more than 150 g/m 2 :
4802.53.10 00 Writing paper ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 28%
4802.53.15 00 Cover paper.... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
4802.53.20 00 Drawing paper ............ ............................................................. kg 0.6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 15.5%
4802.53.90 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 24.5%
4802.60 Other paper and paperboard, of which more than
10 percent by weight of the total fiber content consists
of fibers obtained by a mechanical process:
4802.60.10 00 Writing paper and cover paper ...................................kg ............. 1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 28%
4802.60.20 00 Drawing paper. .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 0.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 15.5%
4803.00 Toilet or facial tissue stock, towel or napkin stock and
similar paper of a kind used for household or sanitary
purposes, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibers,
whether or not creped, crinkled, embossed, perforated,
surface-colored, surface decorated or printed, in rolls or
4803.00.20 00 Cellulose wadding .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 24%
4804 Uncoated kraft paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets,
other than that of heading 4802 or 4803:
Other kraft paper and paperboard weighing 150 g/m 2
or less:
4804.31 Unbleached:
Condenser paper:
4804.31.10 00 Weighing over 15 g/m 2 but not over
30 g/m 2 .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 0.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20.5%
4804.31.20 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
4804.31.60 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
4804.39 Other:
4804.39.20 00 Condenser paper........ ...........................................kg ............. 1.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
4804.39.60 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Other kraft paper and paperboard weighing more than

150 g/m 2 but less than 225 g/m 2 :
4804.41 Unbleached:
4804.41.40 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
4804.49.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
Other kraft paper and paperboard weighing 225 g/m 2
or more:
4804.59.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
4805 Other uncoated paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets,
not further worked or processed than as specified in note 2
to this chapter:
4805.10.00 00 Semich emical fluting paper (corrugating medium).......kg ............. 1.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
4805.30.00 00 Sulfite wrapping paper........... ............................................................. kg 1% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
4805.40.00 00 Filter paper and paperboard .. ...........................................kg ............. 1.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 11¢/kg +
MX) 15%
4805.60 Other paper and paperboard, weighing 150 g/m 2 or
4805.60.20 00 Condenser paper . ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
4805.60.50 00 Weighing not over 15 g/m 2 ....................................kg ............. 0.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
4805.60.90 Weighing over 30 g/m 2 ............................................................ 1.6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
4805.70 Other paper and paperboard, weighing more than
150 g/m 2 but less than 225 g/m 2 :
4805.70.20 00 Pressboard ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
4805.80 Other paper and paperboard, weighing 225 g/m 2 or
4805.80.20 00 Pressboard ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
4807 Composite paper and paperboard (made by sticking flat
layers of paper or paperboard together with an adhesive),
not surface-coated or impregnated, whether or not
internally reinforced, in rolls or sheets:
4807.90 Other:
4807.90.10 00 Straw paper and paperboard, whether or not
covered with paper other than straw paper ...............kg ............. 1.1% Free (A,CA,E, 30%
4807.90.20 00 Cloth -lined or reinforced paper...........................kg ............. 1% Free (A,CA,E, 22.5%
4808 Paper and paperboard, corrugated (with or without glued
flat surface sheets), creped, crinkled, embossed or
perforated, in rolls or sheets, other than paper of the kind
described in heading 4803:
4808.10.00 00 Corrugated paper and paperboard, whether or not
perforated ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
4808.90 Other:
4808.90.20 00 Creped or crinkled........... ............................................................. kg 1.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 36%
4808.90.40 00 Embossed ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 0.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 18.5%
4808.90.60 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
4809 Carbon paper, self-copy paper and other copying or
transfer papers (including coated or impregnated paper for
duplicator stencils or offset plates), whether or not printed,
in rolls or sheets:
4809.10 Carbon or similar copying papers:
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
4809.10.20 00 Weighing not over 15 g/m ............................................................ kg 1.1% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 38%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

4809.20 Self-copy paper:

4809.20.20 00 Writing paper . .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
4809.90 Other:
4809.90.20 00 Stereotype -matrix board and mat...............................kg ............. 2.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
Decalcomania paper:
4809.90.40 00 Simplex ..... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 1.1% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 15%
4809.90.80 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 0.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
4810 Paper and paperboard, coated on one or both sides with
kaolin (China clay) or other inorganic substances, with or
without a binder, and with no other coating, whether or not
surface-colored, surface-decorated or printed, in rolls or
Paper and paperboard of a kind used for writing,
printing or other graphic purposes, not containing
fibers obtained by a mechanical process or of which
not more than 10 percent by weight of the total fiber
content consists of such fibers:
4810.11 Weighing not more than 150 g/m 2 :
4810.11.20 Basic paper to be sensitized for use in
photography ... ............ ............................................................. 0.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 5%
4810.11.30 00 India or bible paper.... ...........................................kg ............. 0.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 24%
4810.11.90 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 37%
4810.12.00 00 Weighing more than 150 g/m ....................................kg ............. 1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 42%
Paper and paperboard of a kind used for writing,
printing or other graphic purposes, of which more than
10 percent by weight of the total fiber content consists
of fibers obtained by a mechanical process:
4810.21.00 00 Light-weight coated paper............................................................. kg 1% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 37%
4810.29.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 37%
4810.39 Other:
4810.39.40 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 0.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
Other paper and paperboard:
4810.91 Multi-ply:
4810.91.40 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 0.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
4810.99.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 0.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
4811 Paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs of
cellulose fibers, coated, impregnated, covered,
surface-colored, surface-decorated or printed, in rolls or
sheets, other than goods of the kind described in
heading 4803, 4809 or 4810:

Gummed or adhesive paper and paperboard:

4811.21.00 00 Pressure -sensitive ............ ............................................................. kg 2.3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
4811.31.40 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 42%
4811.39 Other:
4811.39.20 00 Printing paper ............ ............................................................. kg 1% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 37%
4811.40.00 00 Paper and paperboard, coated, impregnated or
covered with wax, paraffin, stearin, oil or glycerol ........kg ............. 1.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 17.5%
4811.90 Other paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs
of cellulose fibers:
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

4811.90.10 00 Handmade paper.. ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 27%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

4811.90.20 00 Wholly or partly covered with flock, gelatin,
metal or metal solutions..................................kg ............. 1.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 22.5%
4811.90.40 00 Weighing not over 15 g/m 2 ......................kg ............. 1.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%

4811.90.80 00 Weighing over 30 g/m 2 ..............................kg ............. 0.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 18.5%
4812.00.00 00 Filter blocks, slabs and plates, of paper pulp .........................kg ............. 1.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
4813 Cigarette paper, whether or not cut to size or in the form of
booklets or tubes:
4813.10.00 00 In the form of booklets or tubes.......................................................... kg 2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 60% 2/
MX) 1/
4813.20.00 00 In rolls of a width not exceeding 5 cm ..............................kg ............. 2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
4813.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
4815.00.00 00 Floor coverings on a base of paper or of paperboard,
whether or not cut to size ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
4816 Carbon paper, self-copy paper and other copying or
transfer papers (other than those of heading 4809),
duplicator stencils and offset plates, of paper, whether
or not put up in boxes:
4816.10.00 00 Carbon or similar copying papers ....................................kg ............. 1.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
4816.20.00 00 Self-copy paper...... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 1.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
4816.30.00 00 Duplicator stencils..... ............ ............................................................. kg 1.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
4816.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%

4817 Envelopes, letter cards, plain postcards and

correspondence cards, of paper or paperboard; boxes,
pouches, wallets and writing compendiums, of paper or
paperboard, containing an assortment of paper stationery:
4817.10.00 00 Envelopes . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................thousands 1.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
4817.20 Letter cards, plain postcards and correspondence
4817.20.20 00 Sheets of writing paper, with border gummed or
perforated, with or without inserts, prepared for use
as combination sheets and envelopes ........................kg ............. 2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
4817.20.40 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 33%
4817.30.00 00 Boxes, pouches, wallets and writing compendiums, of
paper or paperboard, containing an assortment of
paper stationery .... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
4818 Toilet paper and similar paper, cellulose wadding or webs
of cellulose fibers, of a kind used for household or sanitary
purposes, in rolls of a width not exceeding 36 cm, or cut to
size or shape; handkerchiefs, cleansing tissues, towels,
tablecloths, table napkins, diapers, tampons, bed sheets
and similar household, sanitary or hospital articles, articles
of apparel and clothing accessories, of paper pulp, paper,
cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers:
4818.10.00 00 Toilet paper.... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
4818.20.00 Handkerchiefs, cleansing or facial tissues and towels .................... 2.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
4818.30.00 00 Tablecloths and table napkins............................................................. kg 2.1% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

4818.40 Sanitary napkins and tampons, diapers and diaper

liners and similar sanitary articles:
4818.40.40 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
4818.50.00 00 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories ...................kg ............. 2.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 26.5%
4818.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%

4819 Cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers,

of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of
cellulose fibers; box files, letter trays and similar articles,
of paper or paperboard of a kin d used in offices, shops or
the like:
4819.10.00 Cartons, boxes and cases, of corrugated paper or
paperboard ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.1% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
4819.20.00 Folding cartons, boxes and cases, of non-corrugated
paper or paperboard... ............ ............................................................. 1.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
4819.30.00 Sacks and bags, having a base of a width of 40 cm or
more ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
4819.40.00 Other sacks and bags, including cones .............................................. 2.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
4819.50 Other packing containers, including record sleeves:
4819.50.20 00 Sanitary food and beverage containers ......................kg ............. 1.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
4819.50.30 00 Record sleeves .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.8¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 19.3¢/kg
4819.50.40 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
4819.60.00 00 Box files, letter trays, storage boxes and similar
articles, of a kind used in offices, shops or the like .......kg ............. 2.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
4820 Registers, account books, notebooks, order books, receipt
books, letter pads, memorandum pads, diaries and similar
articles, exercise books, blotting pads, binders (looseleaf
or other), folders, file covers, manifold business forms,
interleaved carbon sets and other articles of st ationery,
of paper or paperboard; albums for samples or for
collections and book covers (including cover boards and
book jackets) of paper or paperboard:
4820.10 Registers, account books, notebooks, order books,
receipt books, letter pads, memorandum pads, diaries
and similar articles:
4820.10.20 Diaries, notebooks and address books, bound;
memorandum pads, letter pads and similar
articles ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
4820.30.00 Binders (other than book covers), folders and fi le
covers ........ ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
4820.40.00 00 Manifold business forms and interleaved carbon sets ...kg ............. 2.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 26.5%
4820.50.00 00 Albums for samples or for collections..............................No. ............ 1.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
4820.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
4821 Paper and paperboard labels of all kinds, whether or not
4821.10 Printed:
4821.10.20 00 Printed in whole or in part by a lithographic
process ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 3.5¢/kg Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 88¢/kg
4821.10.40 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
4821.90 Other:
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

4821.90.20 00 Pressure -sensitive ............ ............................................................. kg 2.3% Free

(A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

4821.90.40 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
4822 Bobbins, spools, cops and similar supports of paper pulp,
paper or paperboard (whether or not perforated or
4822.10.00 00 Of a kind used for winding textile yarn ..........................kg ............. 1.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 43%
4822.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
4823 Other paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs of
cellulose fibers, cut to size or shape; other articles of paper
pulp, paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of
cellulose fibers:
Gummed or adhesive paper, in strips or rolls:
4823.11.00 00 Pressure -sensitive ............ ............................................................. kg 2.3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
4823.19.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
4823.20 Filter paper and paperboard:
4823.20.10 00 Paint filters and strainers ............................................................. kg 2.1% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
4823.20.90 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
4823.40.00 00 Rolls, sheets and dials, printed for self-recording
apparatus . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
Other paper and paperboard, of a kind used for writing,
printing or other graphic purposes:
4823.51.00 Printed, embossed or perforated................................................... 1.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
4823.59 Other:
4823.59.20 00 Basic paper to be sensitized for use in
photography ... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 0.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 5%
m2 MX)
4823.59.40 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
4823.60.00 Trays, dishes, plates, cups and the like, of paper or
paperboard ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.7% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
4823.90 Other:
4823.90.20 00 Of papier-mâché.. ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
4823.90.30 00 Cards, not punched, for punchcard machines,
whether or not in strips ........................................................... kg 1.6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
4823.90.40 00 Frames or mounts for photographic slides..........kg ............. 1.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
4823.90.50 00 Hand fans .. .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
No. MX)
Of coated paper or paperboard:
4823.90.60 00 Gaskets, washers and other seals............kg ............. 2.2% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 26.5%
4823.90.65 00 Other . ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 26.5%
4823.90.70 00 Of cellulose wadding.......................................kg ............. 1.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 19.5%
4823.90.80 00 Gaskets, washers and other seals............kg ............. 2.1% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 35%
4823.90.85 00 Other . ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
4901 Printed books, brochures, leaflets and similar prin ted
matter, whether or not in single sheets:
4902.90 Other:
4902.90.10 00 Newspaper supplements printed by a gravure
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

process ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. No. 0.7% Free

(A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

4905 Maps and hydrographic or similar charts of all kinds,

including atlases, wall maps, topographical plans and
globes, printed:
4905.10.00 00 Globes ...... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
4908 Transfers (decalcomanias):
4908.10.00 00 Transfers (decalcomanias), vitrifiable..............................kg ............. 5.3¢/kg + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 66¢/k, +
1.4% MX) 15%
4908.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.2¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 88¢/kg
4909.00 Printed or illustrated postcards; printed cards bearing
personal greetings, messages or announcements,
whether or not illustrated, with or without envelopes or
4909.00.20 00 Postcards .. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................thousands 1.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
4909.00.40 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
4910.00 Calendars of any kind, printed, including calendar blocks:
P rinted on paper or paperboard in whole or in part by
a lithographic process:
4910.00.40 00 Over 0.51 mm in thickness ........................................................... kg 1.8¢/kg Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 19¢/kg
4910.00.60 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
4911.91 Pictures, designs and photographs:
Lithographs on paper or paperboard:
4911.91.20 Not over 0.51 mm in thickness ........................... 5.3¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 66¢/kg
4911.91.40 Other . ............ ............................................................. 1.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
4911.99 Other:
4911.99.60 00 Printed on paper in whole or in part by a
lithographic process ........................................kg ............. 0.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 66¢/kg +
MX) 0.4%
4911.99.80 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%

5003 Silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable for reeling, yarn

waste and garnetted stock):

5003.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 50%

5004.00.00 00 Silk yarn (other than yarn spun from silk waste) not put up
for retail sale . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 40%
5006.00 Silk yarn and yarn spun from silk waste, put up for retail
sale; silkworm gut:
5006.00.10 00 Containing 85 percent or more by weight of silk or silk
waste ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 40%
5007 Woven fabrics of silk or of silk waste:
5007.10 Fabrics of noil silk:
5007.10.30 Containing 85 percent or more by weight of silk or
silk waste . ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 90%
5007.90 Other fabrics:
5007.90.30 Containing 85 percent or more by weight of silk or
silk waste . ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 90%
5102 Fine or coarse animal hair, not carded or combed:
5102.10 Fine animal hair:
Not processed in any manner beyond the
degreased or carbonized condition:
5102.10.60 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.4% Free (A,CA,E, IL, 6.9%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

5103 Waste of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair, including

yarn waste but excluding garnetted stock:
5103.10.00 00 Noils of wool or of fine animal hair .................................kg ............. 2.6¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL, 50.7¢/k g

5103.20.00 00 Other waste of wool or of fine animal hair.....................kg ............. 2.6¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL, 55.1¢/kg
5105 Wool and fine or coarse animal hair, carded or combed
(including combed wool in fragments):

5105.40.00 00 Coarse animal hair, carded or combed ............................kg ............. 1.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 20%
5108 Yarn of fine animal hair (carded or combed), not put up for
retail sale:

5110.00.00 00 Yarn of coarse animal hair or of horsehair (including gimp-

ed horsehair yarn), whether or not put up for retail sale ....kg ............. 1.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 20%

5113.00.00 00 Woven fabrics of coarse animal hair or of horsehair ...........m 2 ............. 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 40%
kg J,MX)
5208 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 85 percent or more by
weight of cotton, weighing not more than 200 g/m (con.):
5208.31 Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 g/m 2 :
5208.31.20 00 Certified hand-loomed fabrics .............................m 2 ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E, IL, 38.5%
kg J,MX)
5208.32 Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m 2 :
5208.32.10 00 Certified hand-loomed fabrics .............................m 2 ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E, IL, 38.5%
kg J ,MX)
Of yarns of different colors:
5208.41 Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 g/m 2 :
5208.41.20 00 Certified hand-loomed fabri cs .............................m 2 ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E, IL, 38.5%
kg J,MX)
5208.42 Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m 2 :
5208.42.10 00 Certified hand-loomed fabrics .............................m 2 ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E, IL, 38.5%
kg J,MX)
5208.51 Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 g/m 2 :
5208.51.20 00 Certified hand-loomed fabrics .............................m 2 ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E, IL, 38.5%
kg J,MX)
5208.52 Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m 2 :
5208.52.10 00 Certified hand-loomed fabrics .............................m 2 ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E, IL, 38.5%
kg J,MX)
5209 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 85 percent or more by
weight of cotton, weighing more than 200 g/m 2 :
5209.31 Plain weave:
5209.31.30 00 Certified hand-loomed fabrics .............................m 2 ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E, IL, 20.9%
kg J,MX)
Of yarns of different colors:
5209.41 Plain weave:
5209.41.30 00 Certified hand-loomed fabrics .............................m 2 ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E, IL, 20.9%
kg J,MX)
5209.51 Plain weave:
5209.51.30 00 Certified hand-loomed fabrics .............................m 2 ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E, IL, 20.9%
kg J,MX)
5301 Flax, raw or processed but not spun; flax tow and waste
(including yarn waste and garnetted stock):

Flax, broken, scutched, hackled or otherwise

processed, but not spun:
5301.21.00 00 Broken or scutched .......... ............................................................. kg 0.2¢/kg Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 3.3¢/kg

5306 Flax yarn:

5307 Yarn of jute or of other textile bast fibers of heading 5303:

5307.10.00 00 Single ....... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 0.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 15%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

5307.20.00 00 Multiple (folded) or cabled .... ............................................................. kg 1.2% Free

(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
5308 Yarn of other vegetable textile fibers; paper yarn:

5308.30.00 00 Paper yarn ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 3.7% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 35%
5310 Woven fabrics of jute or of other textile bast fibers of
heading 5303:

5310.90.00 00 Other ....... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 0.3% Free (A*,CA,E, IL, 11.5%
kg J,MX)

5311.00 Woven fabrics of other vegetable textile fibers; woven

fabrics of paper yarn:
5311.00.60 00 Of paper yarn ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 40%

5404 Synthetic monofilament of 67 decitex or more and of which

no cross-sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm; strip and the
like (for example, artificial straw) of synthetic textile
materials of an apparent width not exceeding 5 mm:
5404.10 Monofilament:
5404.10.10 00 Racket strings . .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.9% Free (A,CA,E, 30%
5404.10.40 00 Of polypropylene, not over 254 mm in length ....kg ............. 7.3% Free (A,CA,E, 50%

5404.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2% Free (A,CA,E, 45%
5405.00 Artificial monofilament of 67 decitex or more and of which
no cross-sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm; strip and the
like (for example, artificial straw) of artificial textile materials
of an apparent width not exceeding 5 mm:
5405.00.60 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.1% Free (A,CA,E, 45%
5607 Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, whether or not plaited
or braided and whether or not impregnated, coated,
covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics:
5607.10.00 00 Of jute or other textile bast fibers of heading 5303 .......kg ............. 1.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL, J, 20%
Of sisal or other textile fibers of the genus Agave:
5607.29.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, J, 40%
5607.30 Of abaca (Manila hemp or Musa textilis Nee) or other
hard (leaf) fibers:
5607.30.20 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL, J, 40%
Of polyethylene or polypropylene:
5607.41 Binder or baler twine:
5607.41.10 00 Of wide nonfibrillated strip..................................kg ............. 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL, J, 80%
5607.49 Other:
5607.49.10 00 Of wide nonfibrillated strip..................................kg ............. 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL, J, 80%
5608 Knotted netting of twine, cordage or rope; made up fishing
nets and other made up nets, of textile materials:
5608.90 Other:
Of cotton:
5608.90.23 00 Hammocks ............ ............................................................. kg 14.9% Free
(A,CA,E, IL, 90%

5608.90.30 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 7% Free (A,CA,E, IL, 90%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

5609.00 Articles of yarn, strip or the like of heading 5404 or 5405,

twine, cordage, rope or cables, not elsewhere specified or

5609.00.20 00 Of vegetable fibers, except cotton.....................................kg ............. 1.8% Free (A,CA,E, IL, 40%
5701 Carpets and other textile floor coverings, knotted, whether
or not made up:
5701.10 Of wool or fine animal hair:
In which the pile was hand-inserted or hand-knotted
during weaving or knitting, with over 50 percent by
weight of the pile being hair of the alpaca, guanaco,
huarizo, llama, misti, suri or any combination of
these hairs:
5701.10.13 00 Certified hand-loomed and folklore products ....m 2 ............. 1.6% Free (A*,CA,E, IL, 45%
kg J,MX)
5702 Carpets and other textile floor coverings, woven, not tufted
or flocked, whether or not made up, including "Kelem",
"Schumacks", "Karamanie" and similar hand-woven rugs:
5702.10 "Kelem", "Schumacks", "Karamanie" and similar hand-
woven rugs:
5702.10.10 00 Certified hand-loomed and folklore products ..........m 2 ............. 2% Free (A*,CA,E, IL, 45%
kg J,MX)

5702.20 Floor coverings of coconut fibers (coir):

5702.20.10 00 With pile . ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 8.6¢/m 2 Free (A*,CA,E, IL, $1.29/m 2
kg J,MX)

5702.49.15 00 Of jute ....... .... ............ ............................................................. m 2 1.4% Free

(A*,CA,E, IL, 35%
Other, not of pile construction, made up:
5702.91 Of wool or fine animal hair:
Woven, but not made on a power-driven loom:
5702.91.20 00 Certified hand-loomed and folklore
products.... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 2% Free (A*,CA,E, IL, 45%
kg J,MX)

5702.99.20 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E, IL, 40%
kg J,MX)
5703 Carpet s and other textile floor coverings,
tufted, whether or not made up:
5703.90.00 00 Of other textile materials ..... ............................................................. m 2 5.3% Free
(A*,B,CA,E, 60%
kg IL,J,MX)
5805.00 Hand-woven tapestries of the type Gobelins, Flanders,
Aubusson, Beauvais and the like, and needle-worked
tapestries (for example, petit point, cross stitch), whether
or not made up:
Of wool or fine animal hair:
5805.00.20 00 Certified hand-loomed and folklore products ....m 2 ............. 1.4% Free (A*,CA,E, IL, 64.5%
kg J,MX)
5903 Textile fabrics impregnated, coated, covered or laminated
with plastics, other than those of heading 5902:
5903.10 With polyvinyl chloride:
5903.10.10 00 Of cotton.. ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 40%
kg J,MX)
5903.10.20 Ove r 70 percent by weight of rubber or
plastics .... ............ ............................................................. 1.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
5903.20.20 00 Over 70 percent by weight of rubber or
plastics .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 1.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
kg J,MX)

5903.90 Other:
5903.90.10 00 Of cotton.. ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 40%
kg J,MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

5903.90.20 00 Over 70 percent by weight of rubber or
plastics .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 1.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
kg J,MX)

5904 Linoleum, whether or not cut to shape; floor coverings con-

sisting of a coating or covering applied on a textile backing,
whether or not cut to shape:
5904.91.00 00 With a base consisting of needleloom felt or non-
wovens...... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. m 2 2% Free
(A*,B,CA,E, 40%
kg IL,J,MX)
5904.92.00 00 With other textile base.... ............................................................. m 2% Free
(A*,B,CA,E, 40%
kg IL,J,MX)
5906 Rubberized textile fabrics, other than those of heading
5906.10.00 00 Adhesive tape of a width not exceeding 20 cm ................kg ............. 4.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 40%
5906.91 Knitted or crocheted:
Of man-made fibers:
5906.91.20 00 Over 70 percent by weight of rubber or
plastics .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 1.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
kg J,MX)

Of man-made fibers:
5906.99.20 00 Over 70 percent by weight of rubber or
plastics .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 1.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
kg J,MX)

5910.00 Transmission or conveyor belts or belting, of textile

material, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or
laminated with plastics, or reinforced with metal or other
5910.00.10 Of man-made fibers .. ............ ............................................................. 5.6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 74%
5911 Textile products and articles, for technical uses, specified
in note 7 to this chapter:
Textile fabrics and felts, endless or fitted with linking
devices, of a kind used in papermaking or similar
machines (for example, for pulp or asbestos-cement):
5911.40.00 00 Straining cloth of a kind used in oil presses or the like,
including that of human hair.............................................................. kg 10% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 81%

6116 Gloves, mittens and mitts, knitted or crocheted:

6116.10 Impregnated, coated or covered with plastics or
6116.10.08 00 Other gloves, mittens and mitts, all the foregoing
specially designed for use in sports, including ski
and snowmobile gloves, mittens and mitts................doz.pr. 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
kg J,MX)
6116.92.08 00 Other gloves, mittens and mitts, all the fore -
going specially designed for use in sports,
including ski and snowmobile gloves, mittens
and mitts ... .... ............ ...........................................doz.pr. 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 45%
kg J,MX)
6116.93.08 00 Other gloves, mittens and mitts, all the fore -
going specially designed for use in sports,
including ski and snowmobile gloves, mittens
and mitts ... .... ............ ...........................................doz.pr. 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 45%
kg J,MX)
6116.99.35 00 Other gloves, mittens and mitts, all the fore -
going specially designed for use in sports,
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

including ski and snowmobile gloves,

mittens and mitts. ...........................................doz.pr. 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 45%
kg J,MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

6117 Other made up clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted;

knitted or crocheted parts of garments or of clothing
6117.10 Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils and the like:
6117.10.40 00 Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or
silk waste ....... .... ............ ...........................................doz............ 4.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 90%
kg J,MX)

6117.80.85 00 Headbands, ponytail holders and similar
articles....... .... ............ ............................................................. doz. 15% Free
(A,CA,E*,IL, 90%
kg MX)

6204 Women's or girls' suits, ensembles, suit-type jackets,

blazers, dresses, skirts, divided skirts, trousers, bib and
brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear)

Suit-type jackets and blazers

6204.39 Of other textile materials:
6204.39.60 00 Containing 70 percent or more by weight of
silk or silk waste (735) ....................................doz............ 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 65%
kg J,MX)
6204.49 Of other textile materials:
6204.49.10 00 Containing 70 percent or more by weight of
silk or silk waste (736) ............................................................ doz. 7.1% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 65%
kg MX)
6210 Garments, made up of fabrics of heading 5602, 5603,
5903, 5906 or 5907:
6210.10 Of fabrics of heading 5602 or 5603:
6210.10.20 00 Of fabrics formed on a base of paper or covered or
lined with paper... ............ ............................................................. doz. 3.9% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 26.5%
kg J,MX)
6213 Handkerchiefs:
6213.10 Of silk or silk waste:
6213.10.10 00 Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or
` silk waste . ....... .... ............ ...........................................doz............ 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 60%
kg J,MX)

6214 Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils and the like:

6214.10 Of silk or silk waste:
6214.10.10 00 Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or
silk waste . ....... .... ............ ...........................................doz............ 1.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 65%
kg J,MX)

6216.00 Gloves, mittens and mitts:

Impregnated, coated or covered with plastics or
6216.00.08 00 Other gloves, mittens and mitts, all the foregoing
specially designed for use in sports, including ski
and snowmobile gloves, mittens and mitts................doz.pr. 2.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
kg J,MX)
6216.00.35 00 Other gloves, mittens and mitts, all the fore -
going specially designed for use in sports,
including ski and snowmobile gloves, mittens
and mitts ... .... ............ ...........................................doz.pr. 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 45%
kg J,MX)
6216.00.46 00 Other gloves, mittens and mitts, all the fore -
going specially designed for use in sports,
including ski and snowmobile gloves, mittens
and mitts ... .... ............ ...........................................doz.pr. 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 45%
kg J,MX)
6217 Other made up clothing accessories; parts of garments
or of clothing accessories, other than those of heading
6212 (con.):
6217.10 Accessories:
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

6217.10.85 00 Headbands, ponytail holders and similar
articles....... .... ............ ............................................................. doz. 15% Free
(A,CA,E*,IL, 90%
kg MX)
6302 Bed linen, table linen, toilet linen and kitchen linen:
6302.99 Of other textile materials:
6302.99.10 00 Containing 85 percent or more by weight of silk
or silk waste ... ............ ............................................................. No. 3.8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 90%
kg J,MX)
6304 Other furnishing articles, excluding those of heading 9404:
Other (con.):
6304.99 Not knitted or crocheted, of other textile materials:
Wall hangings of wool or fine animal hair:
6304.99.10 00 Certified hand-loomed and folklore
products.... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 5.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50%
kg J,MX)
Of vegetable fibers (except cotton):
6304.99.25 00 Wall hangings ...........................................of jute ...... kg 11.9% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 90%
6304.99.40 00 Certified hand-loomed and folklore pillow
covers of wool or fine animal hair.................kg ............. 5.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50%

6306 Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds; tents; sails for boats,

sailboards or landcraft; camping goods:
6306.22 Of synthetic fibers:
6306.22.10 00 Backpacking tents...... ............................................................. No. 1.9% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 90%
kg J,MX)
6306.31.00 00 Of synthetic fibers ........... ............................................................. kg 1.7% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 30%
6306.39.00 00 Of other textile materials ............................................................. kg 1.7% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 30%
Pneumatic mattresses:
6306.49.00 00 Of other textile materials ............................................................. kg 3.9% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 25%
6307.90 Other:
Surgical drapes:
6307.90.60 Of fabric formed on a base of paper or covered
or lined with paper..... ............................................................. 2.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 26.5%
6307.90.85 00 Wall banners, of man-made fibers .............................kg ............. 8.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 74%

6307.90.99 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 7% Free (A,B,CA,E, 40%

6405 Other footwear:
6405.90 Other:
6405.90.20 00 Disposable footwear, designed for one-time use ......prs. ........... 3.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
6406 Part s of footwear (including uppers whether or not
attached to soles other than outer soles); removable
insoles, heel cushions and similar articles; gaiters,
leggings and similar articles, and parts thereof:
6406.10 Uppers and parts thereof, other than stiffeners:
Formed uppers:
Of cotton:
6406.10.72 00 Uppers of which less than 50 percent
of the external surface area (including
any leather, rubber or plastics
accessories or reinforcements such as
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

those mentioned in note 4(a) to this

chapter) is textile materials.....................prs. ........... 11.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 62.9%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

6406.10.85 00 Uppers of which less than 50 percent
of the external surface area (including
any leather, rubber or plastics
accessories or reinforcements such as
those mentioned in note 4(a) to this
chapter) is textile materials.....................prs. ........... 6.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 78.5%
6406.20.00 00 Outer soles and heels, of rubber or plastics ....................X............... 2.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 80%
6406.91.00 00 Of wood.... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 33 1/3%
6406.99.30 Of rubber or plastics .. ............................................................. 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 80%

6501.00 Hat forms, hat bodies and hoods of felt, neither blocked
to shape nor with made brims; plateaux and manchons
(including slit manchons), of felt:
Of fur felt:
6501.00.60 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................doz............ 96¢/doz. + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, $16/doz. +
kg 1.4% J,MX) 25%

6502.00 Hat shapes, plaited or made by assembling strips of any

material, neither blocked to shape, nor with made brims,
not lined, nor trimmed:
Of vegetable fibers, of unspun fibrous vegetable
materials, of paper yarn or of any combination thereof:
6502.00.20 00 Sewed. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................doz............ 34¢/doz. + Free (A,CA,E,IL, $3/doz. +
kg 3.4% J,MX) 50%
Not sewed:
6502.00.40 00 Not bleached and not colored................................doz............ 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
kg J,MX)
6504.00 Hats and other headgear, plaited or made by assembling
strips of any material, whether or not lined or trimmed:
Of vegetable fibers, of unspun fibrous vegetable
materials, of paper yarn or of any combination thereof:
6504.00.30 00 Sewed. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................doz............ 6.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, $3/doz. +
kg J,MX) 50%

6504.00.60 00 Not sewed. ....... .... ............ ...........................................doz............ 97.2¢/doz. + Free (A,CA,E,IL, $3.50/doz.
kg 4.8% J,MX) + 50%

6505 Hats and other headgear, knitted or crocheted, or made

up from lace, felt or other textile fabric, in the piece (but
not in strips), whether or not lined or trimmed; hair-nets of
any material, whether or not lined or trimmed:
6505.10.00 00 Hair-nets.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 9.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 90%
6506 Other headgear, whether or not lined or trimmed:
6506.92.00 00 Of furskin ....... .... ............ ............................................................. doz. 3.3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
kg MX)
6506.99.00 00 Of other materials ........... ............................................................. doz. 8.5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 35%
kg J,MX)
6601 Umbrellas and sun umbrellas (including walking-stick
umbrellas, garden umbrellas and similar umbrellas):
6601.10.00 00 Garden or similar umbrellas ...........................................doz............ 6.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
6601.99.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................doz............ 8.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%

6602.00.00 00 Walking-sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and the

like ..... ............ ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. No. 4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 40%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

6603 Parts, trimmings and accessories of articles of

heading 6601 or 6602:
6603.10 Handles and knobs:
6603.10.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................doz............ 5.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
6603.20 Umbrella frames, including frames mounted on
shafts (sticks):

6603.20.90 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 12% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
6603.90 Other:
6603.90.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 5.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
6701.00 Skins and other parts of birds with their feathers or down,
feathers, parts of feathers, down and articles thereof
(other than goods of heading 0505 and worked quills
and scapes):
6701.00.30 00 Articles of feathers or down .. ............................................................. X 4.7% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 60%
6701.00.60 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 60%
6702 Artificial flowers, foliage and fruit and parts thereof;
articles made of artificial flowers, foliage or fruit:
6702.10 Of plastics:
6702.10.20 00 Assembled by binding with flexible materials such
as wire, paper, textile materials, or foil, or by
gluing or by similar methods......................................X............... 8.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 60%
6702.10.40 00 Other, including parts ..... ............................................................. X 3.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 80%
6702.90 Of other materials:
6702.90.10 00 Of feathers ...... .... ............ ............................................................. X 4.7% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 60%
6702.90.35 00 Of man-made fibers ... ............................................................. X 9% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 71.5%
6702.90.65 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 17% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 90%
6801.00.00 00 Setts, curbstones and flagstones, of natural stone
(except slate).. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................t ................ 2.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
6802 Worked monumental or building stone (except slate) and
articles thereof, other than goods of heading 6801; mosaic
cubes and the like, of natural stone (including slate),
whether or not on a backing; artificially colored granules,
chippings and powder, of natural stone (including slate):
6802.10.00 00 Tiles, cubes and similar articles, whether or not
rectangular (including square), the largest surface area
of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the
side of which is less than 7 cm; artificially colored
granules, chippings and powder.......................................................... X 4.8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
Other monumental or building stone and articles
thereof, simply cut or sawn, with a flat or even surface:
6802.21 Marble, travertine and alabaster:
6802.21.10 00 Travertine.. .... ............ ...........................................t ................ 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
6802.21.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................t ................ 1.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 13%
6802.22.00 00 Other calcareous stone.... ............................................................. t 4.9% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
6802.23.00 00 Granite .... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. t 3.7% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
6802.29.00 00 Other stone ..... .... ............ ............................................................. t 6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

6802.91 Marble, travertine and alabaster:
6802.91.05 00 Slabs .... .... ............ ...........................................t ................ 2.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 15%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

6802.91.15 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................t ................ 4.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
6802.91.20 00 Articles of subheading 6802.21.10 that
have been dressed or polished, but not
further worked..... ............................................................. t 4.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
6802.91.25 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................t ................ 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
6802.91.30 00 Alabaster... .... ............ ...........................................t ................ 4.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
6802.92.00 00 Other calcareous stone.... ............................................................. t 4.9% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
6802.93.00 Granite .... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.7% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
6802.99.00 Other stone ..... .... ............ ............................................................. 6.5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
6803.00 Worked slate and articles of slate or of agglomerated
6803.00.10 00 Roofing slate . ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
6804 Millstones, grindstones, grinding wheels and the like,
without frameworks, for grinding, sharpening, polishing,
trueing or cutting, hand sharpening or polishing stones,
and parts thereof, of natural stone, of agglomerated
natural or artificial abrasives, or of ceramics, with or
without parts of other materials:
Other millstones, grindstones, grinding wheels and the
6804.22 Of other agglomerated abrasives or of ceramics:
6804.22.10 00 Bonded with synthetic resins ...............................kg ............. 5¢/kg + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $1.10/kg +
2% MX) 40%
6806 Slag wool, rock wool and similar mineral wools;
exfoliated vermiculite, expanded clays, foamed slag and
similar expanded mineral materials; mixtures and articles
of heat -insulating, sound-insulating or sound-absorbing
mineral materials, other than those of heading 6811 or
6812, or of chapter 69:
6806.10.00 Slag wool, rock wool and similar mineral wools
(including intermixtures thereof), in bulk, sheets or
rolls .......... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
6807 Articles of asphalt or of similar material (for example,
petroleum bitumen or coal tar pitch):
6807.90.00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
6809.19.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
6810 Articles of cement, of concrete or of artificial stone,
whether or not reinforced:
Tiles, flagstones, bricks and similar articles:
6810.11.00 00 Building blocks and bricks............................................................ X 3.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
6810.19 Other:
Floor and wall tiles:
6810.19.12 00 Of stone agglomerated with binders other
than cement.......... ...........................................m 2 ............. 4.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
6810.19.14 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................m ............. 9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 55%
6810.19.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
6812.50 Clothing, clothing accessories, footwear
and headgear:
6812.50.10 00 Footwear .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 8.3% Free (CA,E,IL,J, 35%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

6814 Worked mica and articles of mica, including agglomerated

or reconstituted mica, whether or not on a support of
paper, paperboard or other materials:
6814.10.00 00 Plates, sheets and strips of agglomerated or
reconstituted mica, whether or not on a support ............kg ............. 2.7% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 40%
6814.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.6% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%

6905 Roofing tiles, chimney pots, cowls, chimney liners,

architectural ornaments and other ceramic constructional
6905.10.00 00 Roofing tiles .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 13.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 55%
6905.90.00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
6908 Glazed ceramic flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles;
glazed ceramic mosaic cubes and the like, whether or not
on a backing:
6908.10 Tiles, cubes and similar articles, whether or not
rectangular, the largest surface area of which is
capable of being enclosed in a square the side of
which is less than 7 cm:
6908.10.20 00 The largest surface area of which is less than
38.7 cm 2 ..... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 14% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 55%
6909 Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical
uses; ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a
kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar
articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of
Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other
technical uses:
6909.11 Of porcelain or china:
6909.11.40 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
6909.12.00 00 Articles having a hardness equivalent to 9 or more
on the Mohs scale ............ ...........................................X............... 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
6909.19 Other:
6909.19.50 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
6909.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
6910 Ceramic sinks, washbasins, washbasin pedestals, baths,
bidets, water closet bowls, flush tanks, urinals and similar
sanitary fixtures:
6910.10.00 Of porcelain or china ............ ............................................................. 5.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 60%
2.1% (MX)
6910.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 5.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 60%
6911 Tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and
toilet articles, of porcelain or china:
6911.10 Tableware and kitchenware:
6911.10.10 00 Hotel or restaurant ware and other ware not
household ware .... ............ ...........................................doz.pcs. 29% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 75%
10.5% (MX)
Of bone chinaware:
6911.10.15 00 Valued not over $31.50 per dozen pieces ......doz.pcs. 8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 75%
6911.10.25 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................doz.pcs. 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 75%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Available in specified sets:
6911.10.35 In any pattern for which the aggregate
value of the articles listed in additional
U.S. note 6(b) of this chapter is not
over $56........... ............................................................. 26% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 75%
6911.10.37 Aggregate value not over $200 ........................... 8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 75%
6911.10.38 Aggregate value over $200 .................................. 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 75%
6911.10.41 00 Steins with permanently attached
pewter lids, candy boxes, decanters,
punch bowls, pretzel dishes, tidbit
dishes, tiered servers, bonbon dishes,
egg cups, spoons and spoon rests,
oil and vinegar sets, tumblers and salt
and pepper shaker sets .............................doz.pcs. 6.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 70%
6911.10.45 00 Mugs and other steins...............................doz.pcs. 15.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 70%
6911.10.52 00 Cups valued over $8 but not over
$29 per dozen; saucers valued over
$5.25 but not over $18.75 per dozen;
soups, oatmeals and cereals valued
over $9.30 but not over $33 per dozen;
plates not over 22.9 cm in maximum
diameter and valued over $8.50 but not
over $31 per dozen; plates over 22.9
but not over 27.9 cm in maximum
diameter and valued over $11.50
but not over $41 per dozen; platters or
chop dishes valued over $40 but not
over $143 per dozen; sugars valued
over $23 but not over $85 per dozen;
creamers valued over $20 but not over
$75 per dozen; and beverage servers
valued over $50 but not over $180 per
dozen ... ............ ...........................................doz.pcs. 8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 75%
6911.10.58 00 Cups valued over $29 per dozen;
saucers valued over $18.75 per dozen;
soups, oatmeals and cereals valued
over $33 per dozen; plates not over
22.9 cm in maximum diameter and
valued over $31 per dozen; plates over
22.9 but not over 27.9 cm in maximum
diameter and valued over $41 per
dozen; sugars valued over $85 per
dozen; creamers valued over $75 per
dozen; and beverage servers valued
over $180 per dozen .....................................doz.pcs. 6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 75%
6911.10.60 00 Serviette rings ........................................... doz.pcs. 22.9% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 75%
6911.10.80 Other ... ............ ............................................................. 22.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 75%
6911.90.00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 70%
6912.00 Ceramic tableware, kitchenware, other household articles
and toilet articles, other than of porcelain or china:
Tableware and kitchenware:
6912.00.10 00 Of coarse-grained earthenware, or of coarse-
grained stoneware; of fine-grained earthenware,
whether or not decorated, having a reddish-colored
body and a lustrous glaze which, on teapots, may
be any color, but which, on other articles, must be
mottled, streaked or solidly colored brown to
black with metallic oxide or salt ................................doz.pcs. 0.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

6912.00.20 00 Hotel or restaurant ware and other ware not
household ware ............ ...........................................doz.pcs. 30.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 55%
10.5% (MX)
Available in specified sets:
6912.00.35 In any pattern for which the aggregate
value of the articles listed in additional
U.S. note 6(b) of this chapter is not
over $38........... ............................................................. 9.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 55%
6912.00.39 In any pattern for which the aggregate
value of the articles listed in additional
U.S. note 6(b) of this chapter is over
$38 .... ............ ............................................................. 4.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 55%
6912.00.41 00 Steins with permanently attached
pewter lids; candy boxes, decanters,
punch bowls, pretzel dishes, tidbit
dishes, tiered servers, bonbon dishes,
egg cups, spoons and spoon rests, oil
and vinegar sets, tu mblers and salt and
pepper shaker sets.....................................doz.pcs. 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 55%
6912.00.44 00 Mugs and other steins...............................doz.pcs. 10% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 55%
6912.00.45 00 Cups valued over $5.25 per dozen;
saucers valued over $3 per dozen;
soups, oatmeals and cereals valued
over $6 per dozen; plates not over
22.9 cm in maximum diameter and
valued over $6 per dozen; plates over
22.9 but not over 27.9 cm in
maximum diameter and valued over
$8.50 per dozen; platters or chop
dishes valued over $35 per dozen;
sugars valued over $21 per dozen;
creamers valued over $15 per dozen;
and beverage servers valued over
$42 per dozen ... doz......................................pcs. 4.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 55%
6912.00.46 00 Serviette rings ........................................... doz.pcs. 9.8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 55%
6912.00.48 Other . ............ ............................................................. 9.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 55%
6912.00.50 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50.5%
6913 Statuettes and other ornamental ceramic articles:
6913.10 Of porcelain or china:
6913.10.20 00 Of bone chinaware ..... ........................................... doz.pcs. 3.3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 70%
6913.90 Other:
6913.90.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 51.5%
6914 Other ceramic articles:
6914.10 Of porcelain or china:
6914.10.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
6914.90 Other:
6914.90.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 5.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
7001.00 Cullet and other waste and scrap of glass; glass in the
Glass in the mass:
7001.00.20 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7002 Glass in balls (other than microspheres of heading 7018),

rods or tubes, unworked:
7002.10 Balls:
7002.10.10 00 Not over 6 mm in diameter ...........................................kg.............. 3.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
7002.20 Rods:
7002.20.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 65%
7002.32.00 00 Of other glass having a linear coefficient of
expansion not exceeding 5 x 10 -6 per Kelvin within
a temperature range of 0? C t o 3 0 0 ? C......................kg ............. 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 65%
7002.39.00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 65%
7003 Cast glass and rolled glass, in sheets or profiles, whether
or not having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting
layer, but not otherwise worked:
Nonwired sheets:
7003.12.00 00 Colored throughout the mass (body tinted),
opacified, flashed or having an absorbent,
reflecting or non-reflecting layer ..............................m 2 ............. 1.4% 1/ Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 12%
7003.19.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................m ............. 1.3% 1/ Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 21%
7003.20.00 00 Wired sheets . ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 1.1% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 21%
7003.30.00 00 Profiles..... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. m 6.3% Free
(A,B,CA,E,IL, 60%
7004 Drawn glass and blown glass, in sheets, whether or not
having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer, but
not otherwise worked:
7004.20 Glass, colored throughout the mass (body tinted),
opacified, flashed or having an absorbent, reflecting or
non-reflecting layer:
7004.20.20 In rectangular shape .. ............................................................. 1¢/kg + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 6.2¢/kg +
1.6% MX) 5%
7004.20.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 7.2% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 60%
7004.90 Other glass:
In rectangular shape:
7004.90.25 Measuring over 2 but not over 3.5 mm in
thickness ... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.7¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 5.3¢/kg
7004.90.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................m ............. 5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 60%
7005 Float glass and surface ground or polished glass, in
sheets, whether or not having an absorbent, reflecting or
non-reflecting layer, but not otherwise worked:
7005.10 Nonwired glass, having an absorbent, reflecting or
non-reflecting layer:
7005.10.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 4.4% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 60%
Other nonwired glass:
7005.21 Colored throughout the mass (body tinted),
opacified, flashed or merely surface ground:
7005.21.10 Measuring less than 10 mm in thickness ...................................... 14.5¢/m 2 + Free (A+,B,CA,E, $2.13/m 2 +
0.4% IL,J) 5%
4.8¢/m 2 +
0.1% (MX)
7005.21.20 00 Measuring 10 mm or more in thickness .....................m 2 ............. 5.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 55%
1.8% (MX)
7005.29 Other:
Measuring less than 10 mm in thickness:
Measuring not over 0.65 m2 in area:
7005.29.08 Other ... ............ ............................................................. 18.7¢/m 2 Free (A+,B,CA,E, $1.35/m 2
6.2¢/m 2 (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
Measuring over 0.65 m in area:
7005.29.18 Other ... ............ ............................................................. 14.5¢/m 2 Free (A+,B,CA,E, $2.13/m 2
4.8¢/m 2 (MX)
7005.29.25 00 Measuring 10 mm or more in thickness .............m 2 ............. 4.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
7005.30.00 00 Wired glass.... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. m 2 29.1¢/m 2 Free
(A,B,CA,E,IL, $2.48/m 2
7006.00 Glass of heading 7003, 7004 or 7005, bent, edge -worked,
engraved, drilled, enameled or otherwise worked, but not
framed or fitted with other materials:
7006.00.10 00 Strips not over 15.2 cm in width, measuring over
2 mm in thickness, and having all longitudinal edges
ground or otherwise smoothed or processed ...................m 2 ............. 8.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 53%
7006.00.20 00 Glass, drawn or blown and not containing wire
netting and not surface ground or polished..............m 2 ............. 6.4% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 60%
7006.00.40 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.9% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 60%
7007 Safety glass, consisting of toughened (tempered) or
laminated glass:
Toughened (tempered) safety glass:
7007.11.00 Of size and shape suitable for incorporation in
vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels ........................................ 5.5% Free (A*,B,CA,E, 50%
7007.19.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
Laminated safety glass:
7007.21 Of size and shape suitable for incorporation in
vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels:
7007.21.10 Windshields ... ............ ............................................................. 4.9% Free
(A,B,C,CA,E, 60%
7007.21.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 4.9% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 60%
7007.29.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%

7008.00.00 00 Multiple-walled insulating units of glass ..............................No. ............ 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%

7009 Glass mirrors, whether or not framed, including rear-view

7009.10.00 00 Rear-view mirrors for vehicles............................................................ No. 3.9% Free
(A,B,CA,E,IL, 50%
7009.91 Unframed:
7009.91.10 00 Not over 929 cm 2 in reflecting area......................cm 2 ........... 7.8% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 50%
No. J,MX)

7009.91.50 00 Over 929 cm 2 in reflecting area ...........................cm 2 ........... 6.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
No. J,MX)
7009.92 Framed:
7009.92.10 00 Not over 929 cm 2 in reflecting area......................cm 2 ........... 7.8% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 50%
No. J,MX)

7009.92.50 00 Over 929 cm 2 in reflecting area ...........................cm 2 ........... 6.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
No. J,MX)
7010 Carboys, bottles, flasks, jars, pots, vials, ampoules and
other containers, of glass, of a kind used for the
conveyance or packing of goods; preserving jars of glass;
stoppers, lids and other closures, of glass:
7010.20 Stoppers, lids and other closures:
7010.20.20 00 Produced by automatic machine .......................................gross......... 2.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
7010.20.30 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................gross......... 5.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 75%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Other, of a capacity:
7010.91 Exceeding 1 liter:
Containers (with or without their closures) of a
kind used for the conveyance or packing of
perfume or other toilet preparations; other
containers if fitted with or designed for use with
ground glass stoppers:
7010.91.20 00 Produced by automatic machine ....................gross......... 2.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
7010.91.30 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................gross......... 5.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 75%
7010.92 Exceeding 0.33 liter but not exceeding 1 liter:
Containers (with or without their closures) of a
kind used for the conveyance or packing of
perfume or other toilet preparations; other
containers if fitted with or designed for use with
ground glass stoppers:
7010.92.20 00 Produced by automatic machine ....................gross......... 2.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
7010.92.30 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................gross......... 5.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 75%
7010.93 Exceeding 0.15 liter but not exceeding 0.33 liter:
Containers (with or without their closures) of a
kind used for the conveyance or packing of
perfume or other toilet preparations; other
containers if fitted with or designed for use with
ground glass stoppers:
7010.93.20 00 Produced by automatic machine ....................gross......... 2.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
7010.93.30 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................gross......... 5.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 75%
Containers (with or without their closures) of a
kind used for the conveyance or packing of
perfume or other toilet preparations; other
containers if fitted with or designed for use with
ground glass stoppers:
7010.94.20 00 Produced by automatic machine ....................gross......... 2.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
7010.94.30 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................gross......... 5.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 75%
7011 Glass envelopes (including bulbs and tubes), open, and
glass parts thereof, without fittings, for electric lamps,
cathode -ray tubes or the like:
7011.10 For electric lighting:
7011.10.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................hundreds 4.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 55%
7011.20 For cathode -ray tubes:
7011.20.10 00 Cones . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................hundreds 5.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 55%
7011.20.80 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................hundreds 5.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 55%
7011.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................hundreds 6.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 55%

7012.00.00 00 Glass inners for vacuum flasks or for other vacuum

vessels ............ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 6.6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 37.5¢ each
J,MX) + 45%
7013 Glassware of a kind used for table, kitchen, toilet, office,
indoor decoration or similar purposes (other than that of
heading 7010 or 7018):
7013.10 Of glass-ceramics:
7013.10.10 00 Kitchenware, non-glazed, greater than 75 percent
by volume crystalline, of lithium aluminosilicate,
having a linear coefficient of expansion not
exceeding 10 x 10 -7 per Kelvin within a temperature
range of 0?C to 300?C, transparent, haze-free,
exhibiting transmittances of infrared radiations in
excess of 75 percent at a wavelength of
2.5 microns when measured on a sample 3 mm
in thickness, and containing ß-quartz solid solution
as the predominant crystal ph ase...............................No. ............ 6.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 75%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7013.10.50 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 26% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 75%
13.8% (MX)
Drinking glasses, other than of glass-ceramics:
7013.21 Of lead crystal:
7013.21.10 00 Valued not over $1 each ...........................................No. ............ 17% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
10.6% (MX)
7013.21.20 00 Valued over $1 but not over $3 each..........................No. ............ 14% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
7.4% (MX)
7013.21.30 00 Valued over $3 but not over $5 each..........................No. ............ 7.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
5.6% (MX)
7013.21.50 00 Valued over $5 each ... ...........................................No. ............ 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
7013.29 Other:
7013.29.05 00 Pressed and toughened (specially tempered) ...............No. ............ 12.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50%
6.6% (MX)
7013.29.10 00 Valued not over $0.30 each .................................No. ............ 32.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
20.2% (MX) 1/
7013.29.20 00 Valued over $0.30 but not over $3 each ..............No. ............ 25.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
16% (MX) 1/
Valued over $3 each:
Cut or engraved:
7013.29.30 00 Valued over $3 but not over
$5 each ..... ............................................................. No. 11.3% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
8% (MX)

7013.29.40 00 Valued over $5 each ..............................No. ............ 5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%

7013.29.50 00 Valued over $3 but not over
$5 each ..... ............................................................. No. 10.5% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
8% (MX)

7013.29.60 00 Valued over $5 each ..............................No. ............ 5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%

Glassware of a kind used for table (other than drinking
glasses) or kitchen purposes other than that of glass-
7013.31 Of lead crystal:
7013.31.10 00 Valued not over $1 each ...........................................No. ............ 17% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
10.6% (MX)
7013.31.20 00 Valued over $1 but not over $3 each..........................No. ............ 14% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
7.4% (MX)
7013.31.30 00 Valued over $3 but not over $5 each ....................No. ............ 10.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 60%
5.6% (MX)
7013.31.50 00 Valued over $5 each ... ...........................................No. ............ 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
7013.32 Of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion
not exceeding 5 x 10-6 per Kelvin within a
temperature range of 0? C to 300?C:
7013.32.10 00 Pressed and toughened (specially tempered) ...............No. ............ 12.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50%
6.6% (MX)
7013.32.20 00 Valued not over $3 each ......................................No. ............ 25.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
16% (MX)
7013.32.30 00 Valued over $3 but not over $5 each ...................No. ............ 12.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7013.32.40 00 Valued over $5 each No. 7.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%

3.8% (MX)
7013.39 Other:
7013.39.10 00 Pressed and toughened (specially tempered) ...............No. ............ 12.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50%
6.6% (MX)
7013.39.20 00 Valued not over $3 each ......................................No. ............ 25.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
16% (MX)
Valued over $3 each:
Cut or engraved:
7013.39.30 00 Valued over $3 but not over
$5 each ..... ............................................................. No. 12.8% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
8% (MX)
7013.39.40 00 Valued over $5 each ..............................No. ............ 7.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
3.8% (MX)
7013.39.50 00 Valued over $3 but not over
$5 each ..... ............................................................. No. 15% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
8% (MX)
7013.39.60 00 Valued over $5 each ..............................No. ............ 7.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
3.8% (MX) 1/
Other glassware:
7013.91 Of lead crystal:
7013.91.10 00 Valued not over $1 each ...........................................No. ............ 20% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
10.6% (MX)
7013.91.20 00 Valued over $1 but not over $3 each..........................No. ............ 14% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
7.4% (MX)
7013.91.30 00 Valued over $3 but not over $5 each..........................No. ............ 10.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
5.6% (MX)
7013.91.50 00 Valued over $5 each ... ...........................................No. ............ 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
7013.99 Other:
7013.99.10 00 Glassware decorated with metal flecking, glass
pictorial scenes or glass thread- or ribbon-like
effects, any of the foregoing embedded or
introduced into the body of the glassware prior
to its solidification; millefiori glassware;
glassware colored prior to solidification, and
characterized by random distribution of
numerous bubbles, seeds or stones,
throughout the mass of the glass ................................No. ............ 17% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
10.6% (MX)
7013.99.20 00 Pressed and toughened (specially tempered) ...............No. ............ 12.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 50%
6.6% (MX)
7013.99.30 00 Smokers' articles; perfume bottles fitted
with ground glass stoppers .............................No. ............ 9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
7013.99.35 00 Votive -candle holders ......................................No. ............ 6.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 55%
7013.99.40 00 Valued not over $0.30 each...........................No. ............ 38% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
20.2% (MX) 1/
7013.99.50 00 Valued over $0.30 but not over
$3 each ............ ...........................................No. ............ 30% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
16% (MX) 1/
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Valued over $3 each:

Cut or engraved:
7013.99.60 00 Valued over $3 but not over
$5 each ...........................................No. ............ 15% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
8% (MX) 1/
7013.99.70 00 Valued over $5 each.........................No. ............ 7.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
3.8% (MX) 1/
7013.99.80 00 Valued over $3 but not over
$5 each ...........................................No. ............ 12.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
8% (MX) 1/
7013.99.90 00 Valued over $5 each.........................No. ............ 7.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
3.8% (MX) 1/
7014.00 Signaling glassware and optical elements of glass (other
than those of heading 7015), not optically worked:
Optical elements:
7014.00.10 00 Lens blanks (other than for spectacles).....................No. ............ 4.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
7014.00.20 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 50%
7014.00.30 00 Lenses and filters, and parts thereof .........................No. ............ 3.4% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 60%
7014.00.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.3% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 60%

7016 Paving blocks, slabs, bricks, squares, tiles and other

articles of pressed or molded glass, whether or not wired,
of a kind used for building or construction purposes; glass
cubes and other glass smallwares, whether or not on a
backing, for mosaics or similar decorative purposes;
leaded glass windows and the like; multicellular or foam
glass in blocks, panels, plates, shells or similar forms:
7016.10.00 00 Glass cubes and other glass smallwares, whether or
not on a backing, for mosaics or similar decorative
purposes ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
7016.90 Other:
7016.90.10 Paving blocks, slabs, bricks, squares, tiles and
other articles of pressed or molded glass .................................... 8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
7016.90.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%

7017 Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware,

whether or not graduated or calibr ated:
7017.10 Of fused quartz or other fused silica:
7017.10.30 00 Quartz reactor tubes and holders designed for
insertion into diffusion and oxidation furnaces for
production of semiconductor wafers ..........................X............... Free Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
7017.10.60 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
7017.20.00 00 Of other glass having a linear coefficient of expansion
not exceeding 5 x 10 -6 per Kelvin within a temperature
range of 0? C t o 3 0 0 ? C.......... ............................................................. X 6.7% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 85%
7017.90 Other:
7017.90.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 6.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 85%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7018 Glass beads, imitation pearls, imitation precious or

semiprecious stones and similar glass smallwares and
articles thereof other than imitation jewe lry; glass eyes
other than prosthetic articles; statuettes and other
ornaments of lamp-worked glass, other than imitation
jewelry; glass microspheres not exceeding 1 mm in
7018.10 Glass beads, imitation pearls, imitation precious or
semiprecious stones and similar glass smallwares:
7018.10.10 00 Imitation pearls and imitation pearl beads of all
shapes and colors, drilled or not drilled, but not
strung (except temporarily) and not set ....................X............... 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
7018.20.00 00 Glass microspheres not exceeding 1 mm in diameter...............kg.............. 5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
7018.90 Other:
7018.90.10 00 Glass eyes, except prosthetic articles ........................X............... 3.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 70%
7018.90.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 6.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
7019 Glass fibers (including glass wool) and articles thereof
(for example, yarn, woven fabrics):
Slivers, rovings, yarn and chopped strands:
7019.11.00 00 Chopped strands, of a length of not more than
50 mm ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
7019.12.00 Rovings .... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
7019.19 Other:
7019.19.30 00 Chopped strands, of a length more than
50 mm ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
7019.19.90 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E*,IL, 50%
Thin sheets (voiles), webs, mats, mattresses, boards
and similar nonwoven products:
7019.31.00 00 Mats.... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4.3% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 50%
7019.32.00 00 Thin sheets (voiles) .......... ............................................................. kg 4.3% Free
(A,B,CA,E,IL, 50%
7019.39 Other:
7019.39.10 Insulation products .... ............................................................. 4.9% Free
(A,B,CA,E,IL, 50%

7019.39.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4.9% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 50%
7019.90 Other:
7019.90.10 00 Woven ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
7019.90.50 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.3% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 50%
7020.00 Other articles of glass:
7020.00.30 00 Quartz reactor tubes and holders designed for
insertion into diffu sion and oxidation furnaces for
production of semiconductor wafers .................................X............... Free Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 55%
7020.00.60 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 55%
7103 Precious stones (other than diamonds) and semi-precious
stones, whether or not worked or graded but not strung,
mounted or set; ungraded precious stones (other than
diamonds) and semi-precious stones, temporarily strung
for convenience of transport:
7103.10 Unworked or simply sawn or roughly shaped:
7103.10.40 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................carat ......... 10.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7103.99 Other:
7103.99.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 10.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%

7104 Synthetic or reconstructed precious or semi-precious

stones, whether or not worked or graded but not strung,
mounted or set; ungraded synthetic or reconstructed
precious or semi-precious stones, temporarily strung for
convenience of transport:
7104.10.00 00 Piezo-electric quartz . ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
7104.20.00 00 Other, unworked or simply sawn or roughly shaped ................X............... 3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
7104.90 Other:
7104.90.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 6.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%



7106 Silver (including silver plated with gold or platinum), un-

wrought or in semimanufactured forms, or in powder form:
7106.91.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................g................ 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 65%
7106.92 Semimanufactured:
7106.92.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................g................ 3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 65%
7107.00.00 00 Base metals clad with silver, not further worked than semi-
manufactured. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................g................ 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
7108 Gold (including gold plated with platinum) unwrought or in
semimanufactured forms, or in powder form:
7108.12 Other unwrought forms:
7108.12.50 Other... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 65%
7108.13 Other semimanufactured forms:

7108.13.70 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................g................ 4.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 65%
7109.00.00 00 Base metals or silver, clad with gold, not
further worked than semimanufactured................................g................ 6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 65%

7111.00.00 00 Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further
worked than semimanufactured.. ............................................................. g 10% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 65%



7113 Articles of jewelry and parts thereof, of precious metal or

of metal clad with precious metal:
Of precious met al whether or not plated or clad with
precious metal:
7113.11 Of silver, whether or not plated or clad with other
precious metal:
7113.11.10 00 Rope, curb, cable, chain and similar articles
produced in continuous lengths, all the fore -
going, wh ether or not cut to specific lengths
and whether or not set with imitation pearls or
imitation gemstones, suitable for use in the
manufacture of articles provided for in this
heading...... .... ............ ............................................................. X 6.3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 80%
7113.11.20 00 Valued not over $18 per dozen pieces or
parts..... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 13.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 110%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7113.11.50 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 80%

7113.19 Of other precious metal, whether or not plated or
clad with precious metal:
7113.19.10 00 Rope, curb, cable, chain and similar articles
produced in continuous lengths, all the fore -
going, whether or not cut to specific lengths
and whether or not set with imitation pearls or
imitation gemstones, suitable for use in the
manufacture of articles provided for in this
heading...... .... ............ ............................................................. X 7% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 80%
Necklaces and neck chains, of gold:
7113.19.21 00 Rope ... ............ ...........................................X............... 5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 80%
7113.19.25 00 Mixed link ...... ............................................................. X 5.8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 80%
7113.19.29 00 Other . ............ ...........................................X............... 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 80%
7113.19.30 00 Clasps and parts thereof .................................X............... 5.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 80%
7113.19.50 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 5.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 80%
7113.20 Of base metal clad with precious metal:
7113.20.10 00 Rope, curb, cable, chain and similar articles pro-
duced in continuous lengths, all the foregoing,
whether or not cut to specific lengths and whether
or not set with imitation pearls or imitation gem-
stones, suitable for use in the manufacture of
articles provided for in this heading ..........................X............... 7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 80%
Necklaces and neck chains, clad with gold:
7113.20.21 00 Rope ..... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 5.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 80%
7113.20.25 00 Mixed link ............ ............................................................. X 5.8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 80%
7113.20.29 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 5.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 80%
7113.20.30 00 Clasps and parts thereof .......................................X............... 5.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 80%
7113.20.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 5.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 80%

7114 Articles of goldsmiths' or silversmiths' wares and parts

thereof, of precious metal or of metal clad with precious
Of precious metal whether or not plated or clad with
precious metal:
7114.11 Of silver, whether or not plated or clad with other
precious metal:
7114.11.10 00 Knives with silver handles ....................................No. ............ 2.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 16¢ each +
MX) 45%
7114.11.20 00 Forks with silver handles ......................................No. ............ 2.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 16¢ each +
MX) 45%
Spoons and ladles:
7114.11.30 00 With sterling silver handles ..........................No. ............ 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 65%
7114.11.40 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 65%
7114.11.45 00 Sets of the foregoing which include two or more
knives, forks, spoons or ladles ...................................pcs............. 3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 65%
Articles not elsewhere specified or included of
a type used for household, table or kitchen use;
toilet and sanitary wares; all the foregoing and
parts thereof, of silver:
7114.11.50 00 Sterling silver tableware ................................X............... 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 65%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7114.11.60 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 65%

7114.11.70 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 65%
7114.19.00 00 Of other precious metal whether or not plated or
clad with precious metal.. ...........................................X............... 7.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 65%
7114.20.00 Of base metal clad with preci ous metal............................................. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 65%
7115 Other articles of precious metal or of metal clad with
precious metal:
7115.10.00 00 Catalysts in the form of wire cloth or grill, of platinum ................. X 4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 65%
7115.90 Other:
7115.90.30 00 Of gold, including metal clad with gold..............X............... 3.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 110%
7115.90.40 00 Of silver, including metal clad with silver .........X............... 3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 65%
7115.90.60 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 65%
7116 Articles of natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-
precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed):
7116.10 Of natural or cultured pearls:
7116.10.10 00 Natural..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. X 3.3% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 80%
7116.10.25 00 Cultured.. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 5.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 110%
7116.20 Of precious or semiprecious stones (natural, synthetic
or reconstructed):
Articles of jewelry:
7116.20.05 00 Valued not over $40 per piece ...............................X............... 3.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 80%
7116.20.15 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 6.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 80%
Of semiprecious stones (except rock crystal):
7116.20.30 00 Graded semiprecious stones strung temp-
orarily for convenience of transport..............X............... 2.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
7116.20.35 00 Figurines of semiprecious stone ....................X............... 4.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
7116.20.40 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 10.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
7117 Imitation jewelry:
Of base metal, whether or not plated with precious
7117.11.00 00 Cuff links and studs ......... ............................................................. X 8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 110%
7117.19 Other:
Rope, curb, cable, chain and similar articles
produced in continuous lengths, all the fore-
going, whether or not cut to specific lengths
and whether or not set with imitation pearls or
imitation gemstones, suitable for use in the
manufacture of articles provided for in this
Valued not over 33 cents per meter:
7117.19.15 00 Other . ............ ...........................................X............... 8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 80%
7117.19.20 00 Valued over 33 cents per meter......................X............... 11% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 110%
7117.19.30 00 Religious articles of a purely devotional charac-
ter designed to be worn on apparel or carried
on or about or attached to the person ..................X............... 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
7117.19.90 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 11% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 110%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7117.90 Other:
Religious articles of a purely devotional character
designed to be worn on apparel or carried on or
about or attached to the person:
7117.90.20 00 Rosaries and chaplets ...........................................X............... 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
7117.90.30 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
Valued n ot over 20 cents per dozen pieces or
7117.90.55 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 7.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
Valued over 20 cents per dozen pieces or
7117.90.90 00 Other . ............ ...........................................X............... 11% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 110%



7202 Ferroalloys:
7202.11 Containing by weight more than 2 percent of
7202.11.10 00 Containing by weight more than 2 percent but
not more than 4 percent of carbon .......................kg ............. 1.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 6.5%
Mn kg 0.4% (MX)
7202.11.50 00 Containing by weight more than 4 percent of
carbon . ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 10.5%
Mn kg J)
0.4% (MX)
7202.19 Other:
7202.19.10 00 Containing by weight not more than 1 percent
of carbon.... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 22%
Mn kg MX)
7202.19.50 00 Containing by weight more than 1 percent but
not more than 2 percent of carbon .......................kg ............. 1.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 6.5%
Mn kg 0.4% (MX)
7202.21 Containing by weight more than 55 percent of
Containing by weight more than 55 percent but
not more than 80 percent of silicon:
7202.21.10 00 Containing by weight more than 3 percent
of calcium ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 11.5%
Si kg J,MX)

7202.21.50 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 11.5%
Si kg J,MX)
7202.21.75 00 Containing by weight more than 80 percent but
not more than 90 percent of silicon ..........................kg.............. 1.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 9%
Si kg J,MX)

7202.21.90 00 Containing by weight more than 90 percent of

silicon.. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 40%
Si kg J,MX)

7202.30.00 00 Ferrosilicon manganese......... ............................................................. kg 3.9% Free

(A*,CA,E,IL, 23%
Mn kg J,MX)
7202.41.00 00 Containing by weight more than 4 percent of
carbon ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 7.5%
Cr kg 0.5% (MX)
7202.49 Other:
7202.49.10 00 Containing by weight more than 3 percent of
carbon . ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 7.5%
Cr kg J)
0.5% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7202.49.50 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 30%
0.9% (MX)

7202.50.00 00 Ferrosilicon chromium .......... ............................................................. kg 10% Free

(A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
Cr kg J,MX)

7202.70.00 00 Ferromolybdenum .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 31.5%
Mo kg J,MX)

7202.80.00 00 Ferrotungsten and ferrosilicon tungsten.........................kg ............. 5.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
W kg MX)
7202.91.00 00 Ferrotitanium and ferrosilicon titanium ............................kg.............. 3.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%

7202.92.00 00 Ferrovanadium ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
V kg J)
1.2% (MX)

7202.93.00 00 Ferroniobium ..... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%

7202.99 Other:
7202.99.10 00 Ferrozirconium ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%

7202.99.50 Other... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 5% 1/ Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%



7206 Iron and nonalloy steel in ingots or other primary forms

(excluding iron of heading 7203):
7206.10.00 00 Ingots......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.2% (MX)
7207 Semifinished products of iron or nonalloy steel:
Containing by weight less than 0.25 percent of carbon:
7207.11.00 00 Of rectangular (including square) cross section, the
width measuring less than twice the thickness...................kg.............. 1.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.2% (MX)
7207.12.00 Other, of rectangular (other than square) cross
section ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.2% (MX)

7207.19.00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.2% (MX)
7207.20.00 Containing by weight 0.25 percent or more of carbon .............................. 1.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.2% (MX)
7208 Flat-rolled products of iron or nonalloy steel, of a width of
600 mm or more, hot-rolled, not clad, plated or coated:
7208.10 In coils, not further worked than hot-rolled, with patterns
in relief:
7208.10.15 00 Pickled ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,I, 0.4¢/kg +
J) 20%
1.5% (MX)
7208.10.30 00 Of a thickness of 4.75 mm or more ...........................kg.............. 2.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.8% (MX)

7208.10.60 00 Of a thickness of less than 4.75 mm ..........................kg.............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%

1.4% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Other, in coils, not further worked than hot-rolled,

7208.25 Of a thickness of 4.75 mm or more:
7208.25.30 00 Of high-strength steel .... ...........................................kg.............. 2.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.8% (MX)

7208.25.60 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.4¢/kg +

J) 20%
1.5% (MX)
7208.26.00 Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but less than
4.75 mm .... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.4¢/kg +
J) 20%
1.5% (MX)
7208.27.00 Of a thickness of less than 3 mm ....................................................... 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.4¢/kg +
J) 20%
1.5% (MX)
Other, in coils, not further worked than hot-rolled:
7208.36.00 Of a thickness exceeding 10 mm ........................................................ 2.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.8% (MX)
7208.37.00 Of a thickness of 4.75 mm or more but not exceed-
ing 10 mm . ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.8% (MX)
7208.38.00 Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but less than
4.75 mm .... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.4% (MX)
7208.39.00 Of a thickness of less than 3 mm ....................................................... 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.4% (MX)
7208.40 Not in coils, not further worked than hot-rolled, with
patterns in relief:
7208.40.30 Of a thickness of 4.75 mm or more ................................................... 2.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.8% (MX)
7208.40.60 Of a thickness of less than 4.75 mm .................................................. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.4% (MX)
Other, not in coils, not further worked than hot-rolled:
7208.51.00 Of a thickness exceeding 10 mm ........................................................ 2.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.8% (MX)
7208.52.00 00 Of a thickness of 4.75 mm or more but not exceed-
ing 10 mm . ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.8% (MX)
7208.53.00 00 Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but less than
4.75 mm .... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.4% (MX)

7208.54.00 00 Of a thickness of less than 3 mm .....................................kg.............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%

1.4% (MX)

7208.90.00 00 Other ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.5% (MX)
7209 Flat-rolled products of iron or nonalloy steel, of a width of
600 mm or more, cold-rolled (cold-reduced), not clad,
plated or coated:
In coils, not further worked than cold-rolled (cold-
7209.15.00 00 Of a thickness of 3 mm or more ......................................kg.............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.4¢/kg +
J) 20%
1.5% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7209.16.00 Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm but less than

3 mm ... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.4¢/kg +
J) 20%
1.5% (MX)
7209.17.00 Of a thickness of 0.5 mm or more but not exceed-
ing 1 mm ... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.4¢/kg +
J) 20%
1.5% (MX)
7209.18 Of a thickness of less than 0.5 mm:
7209.18.15 Of high-strength steel .... ............................................................. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.4¢/kg +
J) 20%
1.5% (MX)
7209.18.25 Of a thickness of less than 0.361 mm
(blackplate) ............ ............................................................. 1.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
0.9% (MX)

7209.18.60 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.4¢/kg +

J) 20%
1.5% (MX)
Not in coils, not further worked than cold-rolled (cold-
7209.25.00 00 Of a thickness of 3 mm or more ......................................kg.............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.4¢/kg +
J) 20%
1.5% (MX)
7209.26.00 00 Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm but less than
3 mm ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.4¢/kg +
J) 20%
1.5% (MX)
7209.27.00 00 Of a thickness of 0.5 mm or more but not
exceeding 1 mm .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.4¢/kg +
J) 20%
1.5% (MX)

7209.28.00 00 Of a thickness of less than 0.5 mm ..................................kg.............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.4¢/kg +

J) 20%
1.5% (MX)

7209.90.00 00 Other ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.4¢/kg +
J) 20%
1.5% (MX)
7210 Flat-rolled products of iron or nonalloy steel, of a width of
600 mm or more, clad, plated or coated:
Plated or coated with tin:
7210.11.00 00 Of a thickness of 0.5 mm or more ...................................kg.............. 1.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 6%
1% (MX)

7210.12.00 00 Of a thickness of less than 0.5 mm ..................................kg.............. 1.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 6%

1% (MX)
7210.20.00 00 Plated or coated with lead, including terne-plate.....................kg.............. 1.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 6%
1.2% (MX)

7210.30.00 Electrolytically plated or coated with zinc................................................ 2.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 21.5%
1.9% (MX)
Otherwise plated or coated with zinc:
7210.41.00 00 Corrugated ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 21.5%
1.9% (MX)

7210.49.00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 21.5%
1.9% (MX)
7210.50.00 00 Plated or coated with chromium oxides or with chrom-
ium and chromium oxides ........... ...........................................kg.............. 2.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 45%
1.7% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Plated or coated with alumin um:

7210.61.00 00 Plated or coated with aluminum -zinc alloys......................kg.............. 2.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 21.5%
1.9% (MX)

7210.69.00 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 21.5%
1.9% (MX)
7210.70 Painted, varnished or coated with plastics:
7210.70.30 00 Not coated or plated with metal and not clad ...................kg.............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.4¢/kg +
J) 20%
1.5% (MX)

7210.70.60 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 21.5%
1.9% (MX)
7210.90 Other:
7210.90.10 00 Clad..... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
1.9% (MX)
7210.90.60 00 Electrolytically coated or plated with base
metal ... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 45%
1.7% (MX)

7210.90.90 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 21.5%
1.9% (MX)
7211 Flat-rolled products of iron or nonalloy steel, of a width of
less than 600 mm, not clad, plated or coated:
Not further worked than hot-rolled:
7211.13.00 00 Universal mill plate ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.8% (MX)

7211.14.00 Other, of a thickness of 4.75 mm or more ......................................... 2.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.8% (MX)
7211.19 Other:
Of a width of less than 300 mm:
7211.19.15 00 Of high-strength steel..........................................kg.............. 2.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1.7% (MX)
7211.19.20 00 Of a thickness exceeding 1.25 mm ................kg.............. 2.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1.7% (MX)

7211.19.30 00 Other ... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%

1% (MX)
7211.19.45 00 Of high-strength steel..........................................kg.............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.4% (MX)
7211.19.60 00 Pickled ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.4¢/kg +
J) 20%
1.5% (MX)

7211.19.75 Other ... ............ ............................................................. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%

1.4% (MX)
Not further worked than cold-rolled (cold-reduced):
7211.23 Containing by weight less than 0.25 percent of
Of a width of less than 300 mm:
Of a thickness exceeding 1.25 mm:
7211.23.15 00 Of high-strength steel ...................................kg.............. 1.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7211.23.20 00 Other ... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%

1.7% (MX)
7211.23.30 00 Of a thickness exceeding
0.25 mm but not exceeding
1.25 mm .... ............ ............................................................. kg 1.4% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1% (MX)
7211.23.45 00 Of a thickness not exceeding
0.25 mm .... ............ ............................................................. kg 1% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
0.7% (MX)
7211.23.60 Other... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.4¢/kg +
J) 20%
1.5% (MX)
7211.29 Other:
Of a width of less than 300 mm:
7211.29.20 Of a thickness exceeding 0.25 mm ........................................ 1.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1% (MX)
7211.29.45 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
0.7% (MX)

7211.29.60 Other... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.4¢/kg +

J) 20%
1.5% (MX)
7211.90.00 00 Other ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.5% (MX)
7212 Flat-rolled products of iron or nonalloy steel, of a width of
less than 600 mm, clad, plated or coated:
7212.10.00 00 Plated or coated with tin ............ ............................................................. kg 1.4% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 6%
1% (MX)

7212.20.00 00 Electrolytically plated or coated with zinc..............................kg.............. 2.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 21.5%
1.9% (MX)
7212.30 Otherwise plated or coated with zinc:
Of a width of less than 300 mm:
7212.30.10 Of a thickness exceeding 0.25 mm or more ................................. 1.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1% (MX)
7212.30.30 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
0.7% (MX)

7212.30.50 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 21.5%
1.9% (MX)
7212.40 Painted, varnished or coated with plastics:
7212.40.10 00 Of a width of less than 300 mm .......................................kg.............. 1.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1% (MX)

7212.40.50 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.4¢/kg +
J) 20%
1.5% (MX)

7212.50.00 00 Otherwise plated or coated ...... ...........................................kg.............. 2.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 21.5%
1.9% (MX)

7212.60.00 00 Clad............ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
1.9% (MX)
7213 Bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils, of iron
or nonalloy steel:
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7213.10.00 00 Concrete reinforcing bars and rods..........................................kg.............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%

1.4% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7213.20.00 00 Other, of free-cutting steel ...... ...........................................kg.............. 0.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 5.5%
0.5% (MX)
7213.91 Of circular cross section measuring less than
14 mm in diameter:
7213.91.30 00 Not tempered, not treated and not partly
manufactured.... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 5.5%
0.5% (MX)
7213.91.45 00 Containing by weight 0.6 percent or more
of carbon.... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 5.5%
0.5% (MX)

7213.91.60 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 6%

0.6% (MX)

7213.99.00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 5.5%
0.5% (MX)
7214 Other bars and rods of iron or nonalloy steel, not further
worked than forged, hot-rolled, hot-drawn or hot-extruded,
but including those twisted after rolling:
7214.10.00 00 Forged ...... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.4% (MX)

7214.20.00 00 Concrete reinforcing bars and rods..........................................kg.............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%

1.4% (MX)

7214.30.00 00 Other, of free-cutting steel ...... ...........................................kg.............. 1.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.4% (MX)
7214.91.00 Of rectangular (other than square) cross-section................................. 1.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.4% (MX)
7214.99.00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.4% (MX)
7215 Other bars and rods of iron or nonalloy steel:
7215.10.00 00 Of free-cutting steel, not further worked than cold-
formed or cold-finished ............ ...........................................kg.............. 3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.3¢/kg +
J) 20%
2.2% (MX)
7215.50.00 Other, not further worked than cold-formed or cold-
finished ...... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.3¢/kg +
J) 20%
2.2% (MX)
7215.90 Other:
Plated or coated with metal:
7215.90.10 00 Not cold-formed............ ............................................................. kg 1.3% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 0.4¢/kg +
J) 20%
0.9% (MX)

7215.90.30 00 Cold-formed .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.3¢/kg +

J) 20%
2.2% (MX)

7215.90.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 0.3¢/kg +
MX) 20%
7216 Angles, shapes and sections of iron or nonalloy steel:
7216.10.00 U, I or H sections, not further worked than hot-rolled,
hot-drawn or extruded, of a height of less than
80 mm ...... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 2%
0.2% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

L or T sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-

drawn or extruded, of a height of less than 80 mm:
7216.21.00 00 L sections .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 2%
0.2% (MX)

7216.22.00 00 T sections.. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 2%

U, I or H sections, not further worked than hot-rolled,
hot-drawn or extruded, of a height of 80 mm or more:
7216.31.00 00 U sections.. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 2%
0.2% (MX)

7216.32.00 00 I sections (standard beams) ...........................................kg.............. 0.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 2%

0.2% (MX)

7216.33.00 H sections.. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 2%

0.2% (MX)
7216.40.00 L or T sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-
drawn or extruded, of a height of 80 mm or more..................................... 0.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 2%
0.2% (MX)
7216.50.00 00 Other angles, shapes and sections, not further worked
than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded...................................kg.............. 0.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 2%
0.2% (MX)
Angles, shapes and sections, not further worked than
cold-formed or cold-finished:
7216.61.00 00 Obtained from flat-rolled products ............................kg ............. 2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
7216.69.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
7216.91.00 00 Cold-formed or cold-finished from flat -rolled
products..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.3% (MX)

7216.99.00 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.3% (MX)
7217 Wire of iron or nonalloy steel:
7217.10 Not plated or coated, whether or not polished:
Containing by weight less than 0.25 percent of
Flat wire:
7217.10.10 00 Of a thickness not exceeding 0.25 mm ................kg.............. 1.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1.2% (MX)
7217.10.20 00 Of a thickness exceeding 0.25 mm but not
exceeding 1.25 mm ...........................................kg.............. 1.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
0.9% (MX)

7217.10.30 00 Of a thickness exceeding 1.25 mm.............................kg.............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%

1.5% (MX)
Round wire:
7217.10.40 With a diameter of less than 1.5 mm..................................... 2.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1.5% (MX)
7217.10.50 With a diameter of 1.5 mm or more...................................... 0.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 7%
0.4% (MX)
7217.10.60 00 Other wire ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1.6% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7217.10.70 00 Flat wire ...... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
0.9% (MX)
7217.10.80 Round wire... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1.5% (MX)
7217.10.90 00 Other wire ... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1.6% (MX)
7217.20 Plated or coated with zinc:
7217.20.15 00 Flat wire..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 26%
1.5% (MX)
Round wire:
7217.20.30 00 With a diameter of 1.5 mm or more and con-
taining by weight less than 0.25 percent of
carbon . ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 7%
0.4% (MX)

7217.20.45 Other... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1.5% (MX)
7217.20.60 00 Containing by weight less than 0.25 percent of
carbon . ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1.6% (MX)

7217.20.75 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 26%
1.5% (MX)
7217.30 Plated or coated with other base metals:
7217.30.15 Flat wire..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 26%
1.5% (MX)
Round wire:
7217.30.30 00 With a diameter of 1.5 mm or more and con-
taining by weight less than 0.25 percent of
carbon . ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 7%
0.4% (MX)

7217.30.45 Other... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1.5% (MX)
7217.30.60 00 Containing by weight less than 0.25 percent of
carbon . ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
1.6% (MX)

7217.30.75 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 26%
1.5% (MX)
7217.90 Other:
7217.90.10 00 Coated with plastics ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 2%
0.2% (MX)

7217.90.50 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
1.5% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special


7218 Stainless steel in ingots or other primary forms; semi-

finished products of stainless steel:
7218.10.00 00 Ingots and other primary forms ...........................................kg.............. 2.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
1.5% (MX)
7218.91.00 Of rectangular (other than square) cross-section................................. 2.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
1.5% (MX)
7218.99.00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
1.5% (MX)
7219 Flat-rolled products of stainless steel, of a width of 600 mm
or more:
Not further worked than hot-rolled, in coils:
7219.11.00 Of a thickness exceeding 10 mm ........................................................ 4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
7219.12.00 Of a thickness of 4.75 mm or more but not exceed-
ing 10 mm ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%

7219.13.00 Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but less than

4.75 mm .... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
7219.14.00 Of a thickness of less than 3 mm ....................................................... 4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
3% (MX)
Not further worked than hot-rolled, not in coils:
7219.21.00 Of a thickness exceeding 10 mm ........................................................ 3.8% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
7219.22.00 Of a thickness of 4.75 mm or more but not
exceeding 10 mm .... ............ ............................................................. 3.8% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 29%

7219.23.00 Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but less than

4.75 mm .... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
3% (MX)
7219.24.00 Of a thickness of less than 3 mm ....................................................... 4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
3% (MX)
Not further worked than cold-rolled (cold-reduced):
7219.31.00 Of a thickness of 4.75 mm or more ................................................... 4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
3% (MX)
7219.32.00 Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but less than
4.75 mm .... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
3% (MX)
7219.33.00 Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm but less than
3 mm ... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
3% (MX)
7219.34.00 Of a thickness of 0.5 mm or more but not exceed-
ing 1 mm ... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
3% (MX)
7219.35.00 Of a thickness of less than 0.5 mm .................................................... 4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
3% (MX)

7219.90.00 Other ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
1.7% (MX)
7220 Flat-rolled products of stainless steel, of a width of less
than 600 mm:
Not further worked than hot-rolled:
7220.11.00 00 Of a thickness of 4.75 mm or more .................................kg.............. 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7220.12 Of a thickness of less than 4.75 mm:

7220.12.10 00 Of a width of 300 mm or more ..................................kg.............. 4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
3% (MX)

7220.12.50 00 Of a width of less than 300 mm .................................kg.............. 4.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 34%
3.4% (MX)
7220.20 Not further worked than cold-rolled (cold-reduced):
7220.20.10 Of a width of 300 mm or more .......................................................... 4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
3% (MX)
Of a width of less than 300 mm:
7220.20.60 Of a thickness exceeding 1.25 mm............................................... 4.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 34%
3.4% (MX)
7220.20.70 Of a thickness exceeding 0.25 mm but not
exceeding 1.25 mm ...... ............................................................. 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 34%
3.1% (MX)
Of a thickness not exceeding 0.25 mm:
7220.20.80 00 Razor blade steel...... ...........................................kg.............. 2.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 34%
1.5% (MX)

7220.20.90 Other .... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 34%
2.4% (MX)
7220.90.00 Other ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 46%
1.7% (MX)
7221.00.00 Bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils, of
stainless steel .... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 11%
1.4% (MX)

7222 Other bars and rods of stainless steel; angles, shapes and
sections of stainless steel:
Bars and rods, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-
drawn or extruded:
7222.11.00 Of circular cross-section ...... ............................................................. 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
3.1% (MX)
7222.19.00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
3.1% (MX)
7222.20.00 Bars and rods, not further worked than cold-formed or
cold-finished..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
3.1% (MX)
7222.30.00 00 Other bars and rods .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
3.1% (MX)
7222.40 Angles, shapes and sections:
7222.40.30 Hot-rolled, not drilled, not punched and not other-
wise advanced..... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 10%
0.6% (MX)
7222.40.60 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 28%
1.5% (MX)
7223.00 Wire of stainless steel:
7223.00.10 Round wire ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 34%
7223.00.50 00 Flat wire..... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 34%

7223.00.90 00 Other ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 34%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special



7224 Other alloy steel in ingots or other primary forms; semi-

finished products of other alloy steel:
7224.10.00 Ingots and other primary forms ............................................................. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 28%
1.5% (MX)
7224.90.00 Other ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 28%
1.5% (MX)
7225 Flat-rolled products of other alloy steel, of a width of
600 mm or more:
Of silicon electrical steel:
7225.11.00 00 Grain-oriented.... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 28%
7225.19.00 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 28%
7225.20.00 00 Of high-speed steel .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 32%
7225.30 Other, not further worked than hot-rolled, in coils:
Of a thickness of 4.75 mm or more:
7225.30.10 00 Of tool steel (other than high -speed steel) .................kg.............. 3.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
2.8% (MX)

7225.30.30 Other... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 28%
1.1% (MX)
Of a thickness of less than 4.75 mm:
7225.30.50 Of tool steel (other than high -speed steel) ................................... 3.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
2.8% (MX)
7225.30.70 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 3.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 28%
2.8% (MX)
7225.40 Other, not further worked than hot-rolled, not in coils:
Of a thickness of 4.75 mm or more:
7225.40.10 Of tool steel (other than high -speed steel) ................................... 3.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
2.8% (MX)
7225.40.30 Other... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 28%
1.1% (MX)
Of a thickness of less than 4.75 mm:
7225.40.50 Of tool steel (other than high -speed steel) ................................... 3.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
2.8% (MX)
7225.40.70 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 3.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 28%
2.8% (MX)
7225.50 Other, not further worked than cold-rolled (cold-
7225.50.10 Of tool steel (other than high -speed steel) ......................................... 4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
3% (MX)
7225.50.60 00 Of a thickness of 4.75 mm or more ...........................kg.............. 2.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 28%
1.7% (MX)
Of a thickness of less than 4.75 mm:
7225.50.70 00 Heat-resisting steel ...........................................kg.............. 1.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
1.2% (MX)

7225.50.80 Other .... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 28%
1.2% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7225.91.00 00 Electrolytically plated or coated with zinc ................kg ............. 2.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 28%
7225.92.00 00 Otherwise plated or coated with zinc ........................kg ............. 2.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 28%
7225.99.00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 28%
7226 Flat-rolled products of other alloy steel, of a width of less
than 600 mm:
Of silicon electrical steel:
7226.11 Grain-oriented:
7226.11.10 00 Of a width of 300 mm or more ..................................kg.............. 2.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 28%
7226.11.90 Of a width of less than 300 mm ................................................... 2.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 33%
7226.19 Other:
7226.19.10 00 Of a width of 300 mm or more ..................................kg.............. 2.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 28%
7226.19.90 00 Of a width of less than 300 mm .................................kg.............. 2.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 33%
7226.20.00 00 Of high-speed steel .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 37%
7226.91 Not further worked than hot-rolled:
Of tool steel (other than high -speed steel):
7226.91.15 Of a width of 300 mm or more ....................................... 3.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
7226.91.25 Of a width of less than 300 mm ...................................... 4.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 34%
3.4% (MX)
7226.91.50 00 Of a thickness of 4.75 mm or more.....................kg.............. 1.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 28%
Of a thickness of less than 4.75 mm:
7226.91.70 00 Of a width of 300 mm or more .....................kg.............. 3.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 28%
2.8% (MX)

7226.91.80 00 Of a width of less than 300 mm ....................kg.............. 2.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 33%
1.8% (MX)
7226.92 Not further worked than cold-rolled (cold-reduced):
Of tool steel (other than high -speed steel):
7226.92.10 Of a width of 300 mm or more.............................................. 4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 29%
7226.92.30 Of a width of less than 300 mm............................................. 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 34%
7226.92.50 00 Of a width of 300 mm or more............................kg.............. 1.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 0.4¢/kg +
J,MX) 28%
Of a width of less than 300 mm:
7226.92.70 Of a thickness not exceeding
0.25 mm ........... ............................................................. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 33%
7226.92.80 Of a thickness exceeding 0.25 mm .................................. 2.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 33%
7226.93.00 00 Electrolytically plated or coated with zinc .......................kg.............. 2.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 33%
1.8% (MX)

7226.94.00 00 Otherwise plated or coated with zin c ................................kg.............. 2.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 33%
1.8% (MX)

7226.99.00 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 33%
1.8% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7227 Bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils, of

other alloy steel:
7227.10.00 00 Of high-speed steel .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 14%
1.5% (MX)

7227.20.00 00 Of silico-manganese steel ........... ............................................................. kg 1.8% Free

(A+,CA,E,IL, 10%
1.3% (MX)
7227.90 Other:
Of tool steel (other than high -speed steel):
7227.90.10 Not tempered, not treated, and not partly
manufactured.... ............ ............................................................. 0.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 12%
0.6% (MX)
7227.90.20 Other... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 11%
1.2% (MX)
7227.90.60 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 10%
1.3% (MX)
7228 Other bars and rods of other alloy steel; angles, shapes
and sections, of other alloy steel; hollow drill bars and rods,
of alloy or non-alloy steel:
7228.10.00 Bars and rods, of high-speed steel ............................................................. 4.6% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 32%
3.4% (MX)
7228.20 Bars and rods, of silico-manganese steel:
7228.20.10 00 Not cold-formed .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 28%
1.8% (MX)

7228.20.50 00 Cold-formed....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 3% Free

(A+,CA,E,IL, 28%
2.2% (MX)
7228.30 Other bars and rods, not further worked than hot-rolled,
hot-drawn or extruded:
Of tool steel (other than high -speed steel):
7228.30.20 00 Of ball-bearing steel ...... ...........................................kg.............. 2.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
1.8% (MX)

7228.30.60 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
3.1% (MX)

7228.30.80 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 28%
1.8% (MX)
7228.40.00 00 Other bars and rods, not further worked than forged...............kg.............. 2.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 28%
1.8% (MX)
7228.50 Other bars and rods, not further worked than cold-
formed or cold-finished:
7228.50.10 Of tool steel (other than high -speed steel) ......................................... 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
3.1% (MX)
7228.50.50 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 28%
2.2% (MX)
7228.60 Other bars and rods:
7228.60.10 Of tool steel (other than high -speed steel) ......................................... 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29%
3.1% (MX)
7228.60.60 00 Not cold-formed............ ............................................................. kg 2.4% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 28%
1.8% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7228.60.80 00 Cold-formed .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 28%

2.2% (MX)
7228.70 Angles, shapes and sections:
7228.70.30 Hot-rolled, not drilled, not punched and not other-
wise advanced..... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 10%
0.6% (MX)
7228.70.60 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 28%
1.5% (MX)

7228.80.00 00 Hollow drill bars and rods............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%

7229 Wire of other alloy steel:

7229.10.00 00 Of high-speed steel .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 37%

7229.20.00 00 Of silico-manganese steel ........... ............................................................. kg 3.6% Free

(A+,CA,E,IL, 33%
2.7% (MX)
7229.90 Other:
7229.90.10 00 Flat wire..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 33%
1.7% (MX)

7229.90.50 Round wire ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 33%
2.7% (MX)
7229.90.90 00 Other wire.. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 33%
1.8% (MX)
7301 Sheet piling of iron or steel, whether or not drilled, punched
or made from assembled elements; welded angles,
shapes and sections, of iron or steel:
7301.10.00 00 Sheet piling ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 2%
0.2% (MX)
7301.20 Angles, shapes and sections:
7301.20.10 00 Of iron or nonalloy steel...... ............................................................. kg 1.1% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
0.8% (MX)

7301.20.50 00 Of alloy steel ..... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 28%
1.1% (MX)
7302 Railway or tramway track construction material of iron or
steel, the following: rails, check-rails and rack rails, switch
blades, crossing frogs, point rods and other crossing
pieces, sleepers (cross-ties), fish-plates, chairs, chair
wedges, sole plates (base plates), rail clips, bedplates, ties
and other material specialized for jointing or fixing rails:
7302.10 Rails:
7302.10.10 Of iron or nonalloy steel...... ............................................................. 0.1% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 1%
7302.10.50 Of alloy steel ..... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 9%
1% (MX)
7302.20.00 00 Sleepers (cross-ties) .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 2%
0.2% (MX)

7302.40.00 00 Fish-plates and sole plates ...... ...........................................kg.............. 0.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 2%
0.2% (MX)

7302.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7304 Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, seamless, of iron (other

than cast iron) or steel:
7304.10 Line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines:
7304.10.10 Of iron or nonalloy steel...... ............................................................. 3.2% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
2.4% (MX)
7304.10.50 Of alloy steel ..... .... ............ ............................................................. 3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
2.2% (MX)
Casing, tubing and drill pipe, of a kind used in drilling for
oil or gas:
7304.21 Drill pipe:
7304.21.30 00 Of iron or nonalloy steel ............................................................. kg 3.2% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
2.4% (MX)

7304.21.60 Of alloy steel .... ............ ............................................................. 3% Free

(A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
2.2% (MX)
7304.29 Other:
Of iron or nonalloy steel:
7304.29.10 Threaded or coupled........................................................ 2.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.8% (MX)

7304.29.20 Other ... ............ ............................................................. 0.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 1%

0.1% (MX)
Of alloy steel:
7304.29.30 Threaded or coupled........................................................ 2.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 28%
1.8% (MX)
7304.29.40 Other ... ............ ............................................................. 1.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 8.5%
0.9% (MX)
7304.29.50 Of iron or nonalloy steel ....................................................... 3.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
2.4% (MX)
7304.29.60 Of alloy steel........... ............................................................. 3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
2.2% (MX)
Other, of circular cross section, of iron or nonalloy steel:
7304.31 Cold-drawn or cold-rolled (cold-reduced):
7304.31.30 00 Hollow bars .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 22%
1.8% (MX)

7304.31.60 Other... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.2% Free (A+,C 1/,CA, 25%
2.4% (MX)
7304.39.00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.2% Free (A+,C 1/,CA, 25%
2.4% (MX)
Other, of circular cross section, of stainless steel:
7304.41 Cold-drawn or cold-rolled (cold-reduced):
7304.41.30 Of an external diameter of less than 19 mm ................................ 3% Free (A+,C 1/,CA, 36%
7304.41.60 Other... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3% Free (A+,C 1/,CA, 36%
7304.49.00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3% Free (A+,C 1/,CA, 36%
Other, of circular cross section, of other alloy steel:
7304.51 Cold-drawn or cold-rolled (cold-reduced):
7304.51.10 00 Suitable for use in the manufacture of ball or
roller bearings... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 34%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7304.51.50 Other... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3% Free (A+,C,CA, 35%

2.2% (MX)
7304.59 Other:
7304.59.10 00 Suitable for use in the manufacture of ball or
roller bearings... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 34%
2% (MX)
7304.59.20 Suitable for use in boilers, superheaters,
heat exchangers, condensers, refining
furnaces and feedwater heaters............................................... 3% Free (A+,C,CA, 35%
2.2% (MX)

7304.59.60 00 Of heat -resisting steel ...................................kg.............. 3% Free (A+,C,CA, 36%
2.2% (MX)

7304.59.80 Other ... ............ ............................................................. 3% Free (A+,C,CA, 35%

2.2% (MX)
7304.90 Other:
Having a wall thickness of 4 mm or more:
7304.90.10 00 Of iron or nonalloy steel ............................................................. kg 0.2% Free
(A+,C,CA, 1%
0.1% (MX)

7304.90.30 00 Of alloy steel .... ............ ............................................................. kg 1.3% Free

(A+,C,CA, 8.5%
0.9% (MX)
Having a wall thickness of less than 4 mm:
7304.90.50 00 Of iron or nonalloy steel ............................................................. kg 3.2% Free
(A+,C,CA, 25%
2.4% (MX)

7304.90.70 00 Of alloy steel .... ............ ............................................................. kg 3% Free

(A+,C,CA, 35%
2.2% (MX)

7305 Other tubes and pipes (for example, welded, riveted or

similarly closed), having circular cross sections, the ex-
ternal diameter of which exceeds 406.4 mm, of iron or
Line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines:
7305.11 Longitudinally submerged arc welded:
7305.11.10 Of iron or nonalloy steel ............................................................. 0.8% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 5.5%
0.5% (MX)
7305.11.50 00 Of alloy steel .... ............ ............................................................. kg 2% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 10%
1.4% (MX)
7305.12 Other, longitudinally welded:
7305.12.10 Of iron or nonalloy steel ............................................................. 0.8% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 5.5%
0.5% (MX)
7305.12.50 00 Of alloy steel .... ............ ............................................................. kg 2% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 10%
1.4% (MX)
7305.19 Other:
7305.19.10 Of iron or nonalloy steel ............................................................. 0.8% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 5.5%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

0.5% (MX)
7305.19.50 00 Of alloy steel .... ............ ............................................................. kg 2% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 10%
1.4% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7305.20 Casing of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas:

Of iron or nonalloy steel:
7305.20.20 00 Threaded or coupled ...... ...........................................kg.............. 2.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.8% (MX)

7305.20.40 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 1%

0.1% (MX)
Of alloy steel:
7305.20.60 00 Threaded or coupled ...... ...........................................kg.............. 2.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 28%
1.8% (MX)

7305.20.80 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 8.5%
0.9% (MX)
Other, welded:
7305.31 Longitudinally welded:
7305.31.20 00 Tapered pipes and tubes of steel principally
used as parts of illuminating articles..................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
7305.31.40 00 Of iron or nonalloy steel .....................................kg.............. 0.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 5.5%
0.5% (MX)

7305.31.60 00 Of alloy steel........... ...........................................kg.............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 10%

1.4% (MX)
7305.39 Other:
7305.39.10 00 Of iron or nonalloy steel ............................................................. kg 0.8% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 5.5%
0.5% (MX)

7305.39.50 00 Of alloy steel .... ............ ............................................................. kg 2% Free

(A+,CA,E,IL, 10%
1.4% (MX)
7305.90 Other:
7305.90.10 00 Of iron or nonalloy steel...... ............................................................. kg 0.8% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 5.5%
0.5% (MX)

7305.90.50 00 Of alloy steel ..... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 10%
1.4% (MX)
7306 Other tubes, pipes and hollow profiles (for example, open
seamed or welded, riveted or similarly closed), of iron or
7306.10 Line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines:
7306.10.10 Of iron or nonalloy steel...... ............................................................. 0.8% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 5.5%
0.5% (MX)
7306.10.50 Of alloy steel ..... .... ............ ............................................................. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 10%
1.4% (MX)

7306.20 Casing and tubing of a kind used in drilling for oil or

Of iron or nonalloy steel:
7306.20.10 Threaded or coupled ............................................................. 2.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
1.8% (MX)
7306.20.20 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 0.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 1%
0.1% (MX)
Of alloy steel:
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7306.20.30 00 Threaded or coupled kg.......................................................... 2.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 28%

1.8% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7306.20.40 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 8.5%
0.9% (MX)
7306.20.60 Of iron or nonalloy steel ............................................................. 0.8% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 5.5%
0.5% (MX)
7306.20.80 Of alloy steel .... ............ ............................................................. 2% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 10%
1.4% (MX)
7306.30 Other, welded, of circular cross section, of iron or
nonalloy steel:
7306.30.10 00 Having a wall thickness of less than 1.65 mm ..................kg.............. 3.2% Free (A+,C 1/,CA, 25%
2.4% (MX)
Having a wall thickness of 1.65 mm or more:
7306.30.30 00 Tapered steel pipes and tubes principally used
as parts of illuminating articles...........................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%

7306.30.50 Other... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.8% Free (A+,C 1/,CA, 5.5%
0.5% (MX)
7306.40 Other, welded, of circular cross section, of stainless
7306.40.10 Having a wall thickness of less than 1.65 mm .................................... 3% Free (A+,C 1/,CA, 36%
2.2% (MX)

7306.40.50 Having a wall thickness of 1.65 mm or more ..................................... 2% Free (A+,C 1/,CA, 11%
1.5% (MX)

7306.50 Other, welded, of circular cross section, of other alloy

7306.50.10 00 Having a wall thickness of less than 1.65 mm ..................kg.............. 3% Free (A+,C 1/,CA, 35%
2.2% (MX)
Having a wall thickness of 1.65 mm or more:
7306.50.30 00 Tapered pipes and tubes of steel principally
used as parts of illuminating articles..................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%

7306.50.50 Other... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2% Free (A+,C 1/,CA, 10%
1.4% (MX)
7306.60 Other, welded, of noncircular cross section:
Having a wall thickness of 4 mm or more:
7306.60.10 00 Of iron or nonalloy steel ............................................................. kg 0.2% Free (A+,C
1/,CA, 1%
0.1% (MX)

7306.60.30 00 Of alloy steel .... ............ ............................................................. kg 1.8% Free (A+,C

1/,CA, 28%
1.3% (MX)
Having a wall thickness of less than 4 mm:
7306.60.50 00 Of iron or nonalloy steel ............................................................. kg 3.2% Free (A+,C
1/,CA, 25%
2.4% (MX)

7306.60.70 Of alloy steel .... ............ ............................................................. 3% Free (A+,C

1/,CA, 35%
2.2% (MX)
7306.90 Other:
7306.90.10 00 Of iron or nonalloy steel...... ............................................................. kg 0.8% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 5.5%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

0.5% (MX)

7306.90.50 00 Of alloy steel ..... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 10%
1.4% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7307 Tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows,

sleeves), of iron or steel:
Cast fittings:
7307.11.00 Of nonmalleable cast iron ............................................................ 4.8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
7307.19 Other:
7307.19.30 Ductile fittings ........... ............................................................. 5.6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
7307.19.90 Other... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 6.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 45%
1.8% (MX)
Other, of stainless steel:
7307.21 Flanges:
7307.21.10 00 Not mach ined, not tooled and not otherwise
processed after forging ............................................................ kg 3.3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 34%

7307.21.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 5.6% Free (A*,B,CA,E, 45%
7307.22 Threaded elbows, bends and sleeves:
7307.22.10 00 Sleeves (couplings) .... ............................................................. kg 2.5% Free
(A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%

7307.22.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.2% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%

7307.23.00 00 Butt welding fittings ........ ...........................................kg ............. 5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%

7307.29.00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
7307.91 Flanges:
Not machined, not tooled and not otherwise
processed after forging:
7307.91.10 00 Of iron or nonalloy steel ................................kg ............. 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%

7307.91.30 00 Of alloy steel (except stainless steel) ...........kg ............. 3.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 33%

7307.91.50 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.5% Free (A*,B,CA,E, 45%
7307.92 Threaded elbows, bends and sleeves:
7307.92.30 Sleeves (couplings) .... ............................................................. 2.5% Free
(A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
7307.92.90 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.2% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
7307.93 Butt welding fittings:
With an inside diameter of less than 360 mm:
7307.93.30 00 Of iron or nonalloy steel .....................................kg.............. 6.2% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 45%
1.8% (MX)

7307.93.60 00 Of alloy steel (except stainless steel) ...........kg ............. 5.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
7307.93.90 With an inside diameter of 360 mm or more ....................... 4.3% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
7307.99 Other:
Not machined, not tooled and not otherwise
processed after forging:
7307.99.10 00 Of iron or nonalloy steel ................................kg ............. 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
7307.99.30 00 Of alloy steel (except stainless steel) ...........kg ............. 3.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 33%
7307.99.50 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.3% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7308 Structures (excluding prefabricated buildings of heading

9406) and parts of structures (for example, bridges and
bridge sections, lock gates, towers, lattice masts, roofs,
roofing frameworks, doors and windows and their frames
and thresholds for doors, shutters, balustrades, pillars and
columns) of iron or steel; plates, rods, angles, shapes,
sections, tubes and the like, prepared for use in structures,
of iron or steel:
7308.10.00 00 Bridges and bridge sections... ............................................................. kg 2.3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%

7308.20.00 00 Towers and lattice masts ........ ...........................................kg ............. 2.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
7308.30 Doors, windows and their frames and thresholds for
7308.30.10 00 Of stainless steel. ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
7308.30.50 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
7308.40.00 00 Equipment for scaffolding, shuttering, propping or pit-
propping ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
7308.90 Other:
Columns, pillars, posts, beams, girders and similar
structural units:
7308.90.30 00 Not in part of alloy steel ............................................................. kg 1.1% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
0.8% (MX)

7308.90.60 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
1.1% (MX)

7308.90.70 00 Steel grating .. ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%

7308.90.95 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%

7312 Stranded wire, ropes, cables, plaited bands, slings and the
like, of iron or steel, not electrically insulated:
7312.10 Stranded wire, ropes and cables:
Stranded wire:
Of stainless steel:
7312.10.05 00 Fitted with fittings or made up into articles.kg ............. 2.3% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 45%

7312.10.10 Other... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%

7312.10.20 00 Fitted with fittings or made up into articles.kg ............. 2.3% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 45%

7312.10.30 Other .... .... ............ ............................................................. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%

1.4% (MX) 2/
Ropes, cables and cordage other than stranded
Of stainless steel:
7312.10.50 00 Fitted with fittings or made up into articles .........kg.............. 2.3% Free (A+,B,C,CA, 45%
1.7% (MX)

7312.10.60 Other .... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.8%/ Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 45%
1.3% (MX) 2/
7312.10.70 00 Fitted with fittings or made up into articles .........kg.............. 2.3% Free (A+,B,C,CA,, 45%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

1.7% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7312.10.80 00 Of brass plated wire ..................................kg ............. 1.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%

7312.10.90 Other ... ............ ............................................................. 1.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%

1.2% (MX) 2/
7312.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.3% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 45%
7314 Cloth (including endless bands), grill, netting and fencing,
of iron or steel wire; expanded metal of iron or steel:
Woven cloth:
7314.12 Endless bands for machinery, of stainless steel:
7314.12.10 00 With meshes not finer than 12 wires to the
lineal centimeter in warp or filling.....................m 2 ............. 2% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 35%
kg J,MX)
7314.12.20 00 With meshes finer than 12 but not finer than
36 wires to the lineal centimeter in warp or
filling. ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 2% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 50%
kg J,MX)
7314.12.60 00 Other . ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 75%
kg MX)
7314.12.90 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 2.9% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 60%
kg J,MX)
7314.13.00 00 Other endless bands for machinery...........................m 2 ............. 2% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 60%
kg J)
1.4% (MX)
7314.14 Other woven cloth, of stainless steel:
7314.14.10 00 With meshes n ot finer than 12 wires to the
lineal centimeter in warp or filling.....................m 2 ............. 2% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 35%
kg J,MX)
7314.14.20 00 With meshes finer than 12 but not finer than
36 wires to the lineal centimeter in warp or
filling. ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 2% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 50%
kg J,MX)
With meshes finer than 36 wires to the lineal
centimeter in warp or filling:
Fourdrinier wires, seamed or not seamed,
suitable for use in papermaking machines:
7314.14.60 00 Other . ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 75%
kg MX)

7314.14.90 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 2.9% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 60%
kg J,MX)

7314.19.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 2% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 60%
kg J)
1.4% (MX)
7314.20.00 00 Grill, netting and fencing, welded at the intersection,
of wire with a maximum cross-sectional dimension of
3 mm or more and having a mesh size of 100 cm 2 or
more ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
Other grill, netting and fencing, welded at the inter-
7314.31 Plated or coated with zinc:
7314.31.10 00 Wire fencing plated or coated with zinc, whether
or not covered with plastic material...........................kg.............. 0.1¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 1.1¢/kg
7314.31.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
7314.39.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%

Other grill, netting and fencing:

7314.41.00 Plated or coated with zinc .... ............................................................. 0.1¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 1.1¢/kg
7314.42.00 Coated with plastics ............ ............................................................. 0.1¢/kg Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 1.1¢/kg
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7314.49 Other:
7314.49.30 00 Not cut to shape .......... ...........................................kg ............. 2.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%

7314.49.60 00 Cut to shape ... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.9% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 35%

7314.50.00 00 Expanded metal ..... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 1.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
kg MX)
7315 Chain and parts thereof, of iron or steel:
Articulated link chain and parts thereof:
7315.89 Other:
With links of essentially round cross sections:
7315.89.10 00 Not over 8 mm in diameter.............................kg ............. 1.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 10%
7315.89.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.9% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%

7315.90.00 00 Other parts .... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 2.9% Free
(A*,B,CA,E, 45%
7317.00 Nails, tacks, drawing pins, corrugated nails, staples (other
than those of heading 8305) and similar articles, of iron or
steel, whether or not with heads of other material, but
excluding such articles with heads of copper:
7317.00.10 00 Thumb tacks .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 0.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 4%
Other, suitable for use in powder-actuated handtools:
7317.00.30 00 Threaded.. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
Of one piece construction:
7317.00.55 Made of round wire ...... ............................................................. 0.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 3.5%
0.1% (MX)
7317.00.65 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 5.5%
7317.00.75 00 Of two or more pieces ...... ............................................................. kg 0.9% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 8%
7318 Screws, bolts, nuts, coach screws, screw hooks, rivets,
cotters, cotter pins, washers (including spring washers) and
similar articles, of iron or steel:
Threaded articles:
7318.11.00 00 Coach screws...... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 12.5% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 25%
3.7% (MX)

7318.12.00 00 Other wood screws ........... ............................................................. kg 12.5% Free

(A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%

7318.13.00 Screw hooks and screw rings ........................................................ 5.7% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
7318.14 Self-tapping screws:
7318.14.10 Having shanks or threads with a diameter of
less than 6 mm ............ ............................................................. 6.2% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 45%
1.8% (MX)
7318.14.50 00 Having shanks or threads with a diameter of
6 mm or more .. ............ ...........................................kg.............. 8.6% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 45%
2.8% (MX)
7318.15 Other screws and bolts, whether or not with their
nuts or washers:
7318.15.60 Having shanks or threads with a diameter
of less than 6 mm. ............................................................. 6.2% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
1.8% (MX)
7318.15.80 Having shanks or threads with a diameter
of 6 mm or more ... ............................................................. 8.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

2.8% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7318.19.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 5.7% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
Non-threaded articles:
7318.21.00 Spring washers and other lock washers ...................................... 5.8% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 35%
7318.24.00 00 Cotters and cotter pins .... ............................................................. kg 3.8% Free
(A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%

7318.29.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.8% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%

7319 Sewing needles, knitting needles, bodkins, crochet hooks,

embroidery stilettos and similar articles for use in the hand,
of iron or steel; safety pins and other pins of iron or steel,
not elsewhere specified or included:
7319.20.00 Safety pins ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 35%
7319.30 Other pins:
7319.30.10 00 Dressmakers' or common pins....................................kg ............. 4.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
7319.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%

7320 Springs and leaves for springs, of iron or steel:

7320.10 Leaf springs and leaves therefor:
Suitable for motor vehicle suspension:
7320.10.30 00 To be used in motor vehicles having a G.V.W.
not e xeceeding 4 metric tons ................................kg ............. 3.2% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%

7320.10.60 Other... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.2% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 25%
7320.10.90 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.2% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
7320.20 Helical springs:
7320.20.10 00 Suitable for motor-vehicle suspension ......................kg ............. 3.2% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%

7320.20.50 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.9% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
7320.90 Other:
7320.90.50 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.9% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
7321 Stoves, ranges, grates, cookers (including those with sub-
sidiary boilers for central heating), barbecues, braziers,
gas rings, plate warmers and similar nonelectric domestic
appliances, and parts thereof, of iron or steel:
Cooking appliances and plate warmers:
7321.11 For gas fuel or for both gas and other fuels:
7321.11.10 Portable ..... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
Other appliances:
7321.81 For gas fuel or for both gas and other fuels:
7321.81.10 00 Portable ..... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
7321.82 For liquid fuel:
7321.82.10 00 Portable ..... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
7323.91 Of cast iron, not enameled:
7323.91.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
7323.93.00 Of stainless steel. ............ ............................................................. 2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
7323.94.00 Of iron (other than cast iron) or steel, enameled...................... 2.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 35.5%
0.8% (MX)
7323.99 Other:
Coated or plated with precious metal:
7323.99.30 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 8.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 65%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Not coated or plated with precious metal:

7323.99.70 00 Cookingware .. ...........................................No. ............ 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
kg MX)
7323.99.90 Other . ............ ............................................................. 3.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
7324 Sanitary ware and parts thereof, of iron or steel:
7324.10.00 00 Sinks and wash basins, of stainless steel ........................No. ............ 3.4% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 40%
7325.91.00 00 Grinding balls and similar articles for mills............kg ............. 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
7325.99 Other:
7325.99.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.9% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
7326 Other articles of iron or steel:
Forged or stamped, but not further worked:
7326.19.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.9% Free (A,B,C A,E,IL, 45%
7326.20.00 Articles of iron or steel wire . ............................................................. 3.9% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 45%
7326.90.60 00 Coated or plated with precious metal ...........X............... 8.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 65%
7326.90.85 Other... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.9% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%

7403 Refined copper and copper alloys, unwrought (other than

master alloys of heading 7405):
Refined copper:
7403.11.00 00 Cathodes and sections of cathodes .............................kg ............. 1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 6%
7403.12.00 00 Wire bars . ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 6%
7403.13.00 00 Billets ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 6%
7403.19.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 6%
Copper alloys:
7403.21.00 00 Copper-zinc base alloys (brass) ..................................kg ............. 1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 6%
7403.22.00 00 Copper-tin base alloys (bronze) .................................kg ............. 1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 6%
7403.23.00 00 Copper-nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel) or copper-
nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel silver) ...................kg ............. 1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 6%

7403.29.00 00 Other copper alloys.......... ............................................................. kg 1% Free

(A*,CA,E,IL, 6%
7407 Copper bars, rods and profiles:
7407.10 Of refined copper:
7407.10.15 00 Hollow profi les ........... ............................................................. kg 3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 48%

7407.10.30 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 48%

7407.10.50 Bars and rods .. .... ............ ............................................................. 1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 7%

Of copper alloys:
7407.21 Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass):
7407.21.15 00 Hollow profiles..... ............................................................. kg 2.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 17%
7407.21.30 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 17%
Bars and rods:
7407.21.50 00 Low fuming brazing rods ................................kg ............. 2.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 9%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7407.21.70 00 Having a rectangular cross section .........kg ............. 1.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 9%
7407.21.90 00 Other . ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 9%
7407.22 Of copper-nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel) or
copper-nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel silver):
7407.22.15 00 Hollow profiles..... ............................................................. kg 3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 48%

7407.22.30 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 48%


7407.22.50 00 Bars and rods . ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 48%
7407.29 Other:
7407.29.15 00 Hollow profiles..... ............................................................. kg 3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 48%

7407.29.30 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 48%


7407.29.50 00 Bars and rods . ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 9%
7408 Copper wire:
Of refined copper:
7408.11 Of which the maximum cross-sectional dimension
exceeds 6 mm:
7408.11.30 00 With a maximum cross-sectional dimension
over 9.5 mm.... ............ ............................................................. kg 1% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 7%
7408.11.60 00 With a maximum cross-sectional dimension
over 6 mm but not over 9.5 mm ............................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 28%

7408.19.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 28%
Of copper alloys:
7408.21.00 00 Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass)..............................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 28%
7408.22 Of copper-nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel) or
copper-nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel silver):
7408.22.10 00 Coated or plated with metal .................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 28%

7408.22.50 00 Not coated or plated with metal............................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 28%
7408.29 Other:
7408.29.10 00 Coated or plated with metal .................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 28%
7408.29.50 00 Not coated or plated with metal............................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 28%
7409 Copper plates, sheets and strip, of a thickness exceeding
0.15 mm:
Of refined copper:
7409.11 In coils:
7409.11.10 00 Of a thickness of 5 mm or more ...........................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 38%

7409.11.50 Of a thickness of less than 5 mm........................................... 1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 7.5%

7409.19 Other:
7409.19.10 00 Of a thickness of 5 mm or more ...........................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 48%
Of a thickness of less than 5 mm:
7409.19.50 00 Of a width of 500 mm or more .......................kg ............. 1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 7.5%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7409.19.90 00 Of a width of less than 500 mm .....................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 48%
Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass):
7409.21.00 In coils ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.9% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 9%
7409.29.00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 9%
Of copper-tin base alloys (bronze):
7409.31 In coils:
7409.31.10 00 Of a thickness of 5 mm or more ...........................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 49%
Of a thickness of less than 5 mm:
7409.31.50 00 Of a width of 500 mm or more .......................kg ............. 1.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 9%
7409.31.90 00 Of a width of less than 500 mm .....................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 49%
7409.39 Other:
7409.39.10 Of a thickness of 5 mm or more ............................................. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 49%
Of a thickness of less than 5 mm:
7409.39.50 00 Of a width of 500 mm or more .......................kg ............. 1.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 9%
7409.39.90 Of a width of less than 500 mm ....................................... 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 49%
7409.40.00 00 Of copper-nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel) or copper-
nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel silver) .........................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 48%
7409.90 Of other copper alloys:
7409.90.10 Of a thickness of 5 mm or more ................................................... 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 49%
Of a thickness of less than 5 mm:
7409.90.50 Of a width of 500 mm or more ................................................ 1.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 9%
7409.90.90 Of a width of less than 500 mm.............................................. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 49%
7410 Copper foil (whether or not printed or backed with paper,
paperboard, plastics or similar backing materials) of a
thickness (excluding any backing) not exceeding 0.15 mm:
Not backed:
7410.11.00 00 Of refined copper ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 6.5%
7410.12.00 Of copper alloys... ............ ............................................................. 1% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 6.5%
7410.21 Of refined copper:
7410.21.30 Copper clad laminates............................................................. 3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 80%
7410.21.60 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 6%
7410.22.00 00 Of copper alloys... ............ ............................................................. kg 1.5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 6%
7411 Copper tubes and pipes:
7411.10 Of refined copper:
7411.10.10 Seamless.. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 13%
7411.10.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 47%
Of copper alloys:
7411.21 Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass):
7411.21.10 00 Seamless ... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 10%
7411.21.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 49%
7411.22.00 00 Of copper-nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel) or
copper-nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel-silver) ..........kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 47%
7411.29 Other:
7411.29.10 00 Seamless ... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 10%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7411.29.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 49%
7412 Copper tube or pipe fittings (for example couplings, elbows,
7412.10.00 00 Of refined copper.. .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 46%

7412.20.00 Of copper alloys .... .... ............ ............................................................. 3% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 49%
7413.00 Stranded wire cables, plaited bands and the like, including
slings and similar articles, of copper, not electrically in -
Not fitted with fittings and not made up into articles:
7413.00.10 00 Stranded wire .. .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%

7413.00.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%

7413.00.90 00 Fitted with fittings or made up into articles....................kg ............. 3% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 45%
7414 Cloth (including endless bands), grill and netting, of copper
wire; expanded metal of copper:
7414.20 Cloth:
Fourdrinier wires, seamed or not seamed, suitable
for use in papermaking machines:
7414.20.60 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 75%
kg MX)

7414.20.90 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 43%
kg MX)

7414.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 43%

7415 Nails, tacks, drawing pins, staples (other than those of

heading 8305) and similar articles, of copper or of iron or
steel with heads of copper; screws, bolts, nuts, screw
hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter pins, washers (including spring
washers) and similar articles, of copper:
7415.10.00 00 Nails and tacks, drawing pins, staples and similar
articles ..... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 2.5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
Other articles, not threaded:
7415.21.00 00 Washers (including spring washers) .........................kg ............. 3% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%

7415.29.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,B,CA,E, IL, 45%
Other threaded articles:
7415.31.00 00 Screws for wood ... ............ ............................................................. kg 3% Free
(A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
7415.32 Other screws; bolts and nuts:
7415.32.10 00 Muntz or yellow metal bolts .................................kg ............. 1.4% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 7%
7415.32.50 00 Having shanks, threads or holes 6 mm or
more in diameter .......................................................... kg 3% Free
(A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
7415.32.90 00 Having shanks, threads or holes less than
6 mm in diameter ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%

7415.39.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
7416.00.00 00 Copper springs..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 3% Free
(A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7417.00.00 00 Cooking or heating apparatus of a kind used for domestic

purposes, non-electric and parts thereof, of copper ..............kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
7418 Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts
thereof, of copper; pot scourers and scouring or
polishing pads, gloves and the like, of copper; sanitary
ware and parts thereof, of copper:
Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts
thereof; pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads,
gloves and the like:
7418.11 Pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves
and the like:
7418.11.20 00 Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass) .......................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
7418.11.40 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
7418.19 Other:
7418.19.10 00 Coated or plated with precious metals ................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
7418.19.20 Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass) ................................... 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
7418.19.50 Other... .... ............ ............................................................. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
7418.20 Sanitary ware and parts thereof:
7418.20.10 00 Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass)..............................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%

7418.20.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
7419 Other articles of copper:
7419.10.00 00 Chain and parts thereof......... ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
7419.99 Other:
7419.99.30 00 Coated or plated with precious metal ...........kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 65%
7505 Nickel bars, rods, profiles and wire:
Bars, rods and profiles:
7505.11 Of nickel, not alloyed:
Bars and rods:
7505.11.10 00 Cold-formed ......... ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
7505.11.30 00 Not cold-formed.... ...........................................kg ............. 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
7505.11.50 00 Profiles ...... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
7505.12 Of nickel alloys:
Bars and rods:
7505.12.10 00 Cold-formed ......... ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
7505.12.30 00 Not cold-formed.... ...........................................kg ............. 2.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
7505.12.50 00 Profiles ...... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
7505.21 Of nickel, not alloyed:
7505.21.10 00 Cold-formed... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
7505.21.50 00 Not cold-formed.......... ...........................................kg ............. 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
7505.22 Of nickel alloys:
7505.22.10 00 Cold-formed... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
7505.22.50 00 Not cold-formed.......... ...........................................kg ............. 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
7506 Nickel plates, sheets, strip and foil:
7506.10 Of nickel, not alloyed:
Plates, sheets and strip:
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7506.10.10 00 Cold-formed... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E, IL,J, 35%

7506.10.30 00 Not cold-formed.......... ...........................................kg ............. 2.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
7506.10.45 00 Not exceeding 0.15 mm in thickness ...................kg ............. 2.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
7506.10.60 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
7506.20 Of nickel alloys:
Plates, sheets and strip:
7506.20.10 00 Cold-formed... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
7506.20.30 00 Not cold-formed.......... ...........................................kg ............. 2.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
7506.20.45 00 Not exceeding 0.15 mm in thickness ...................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
7506.20.60 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
7507 Nickel tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings (for example,
couplings, elbows, sleeves):
Tubes and pipes:
7507.11.00 00 Of nickel, not alloyed...... ............................................................. kg 2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
7507.12.00 00 Of nickel alloys ... ............ ............................................................. kg 2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
7507.20.00 00 Tube or pipe fittings .. ............ ............................................................. kg 3% Free
(A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
7508 Other articles of nickel:
7508.10.00 00 Cloth, grill and netting, of nickel wire ............................kg ............. 3% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
7508.90 Other:
7508.90.10 00 Stranded wire .. .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 35%

7508.90.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%

7601 Unwrought aluminum:

7601.10 Aluminum, not alloyed:
7601.10.30 00 Of uniform cross section throughout its length, the
least cross-sectional dimension of which is not
greater than 9.5 mm, in coils ............................................................. kg 2.6% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 18.5%
0.7% (MX)
7601.20 Aluminum alloys:
7601.20.30 00 Of uniform cross section throughout its length, the
least cross-sectional dimension of which is not
greater than 9.5 mm, in coils ............................................................. kg 2.6% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 18.5%
0.7% (MX)
7601.20.60 00 Containing 25 percent or more by weight of
silicon.. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2.1% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
0.6% (MX)
7603 Aluminum powders and flakes:
7603.10.00 00 Powders of non-lamellar structure ...................................kg ............. 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
7603.20.00 00 Powders of lamellar structure; flakes..............................kg ............. 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 11%
7604 Aluminum bars, rods and profiles:
7604.10 Of aluminum, not alloyed:
7604.10.10 00 Profiles .... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Bars and rods:

7604.10.30 Having a round cross section .................................................. 2.6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 11%
7604.10.50 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 13.5%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Of aluminum alloys:
7604.21.00 00 Hollow profiles .. .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 1.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 15.5%
0.4% (MX)
7604.29 Other:
7604.29.10 00 Other profiles ............ ...........................................kg ............. 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
Bars and rods:
7604.29.30 Having a round cross section............................................ 2.6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 11%
7604.29.50 Other... .... ............ ............................................................. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 13.5%
7605 Aluminum wire:
Of aluminum, not alloyed:
7605.11.00 Of which the maximum cross-sectional dimension
exceeds 7 mm .. .... ............ ............................................................. 2.6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 11%
7605.19.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
Of aluminum alloys:
7605.21.00 Of which the maximum cross-sectional dimension
exceeds 7 mm .. .... ............ ............................................................. 2.6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 11%
7605.29.00 00 O ther . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
7606 Aluminum plates, sheets and strip, of a thickness exceed-
ing 0.2 mm:
Rectangular (including square):
7606.11 Of aluminum, not alloyed:
7606.11.30 Not clad...... .... ............ ............................................................. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 13.5%
7606.11.60 00 Clad ... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 9.5%
7606.12 Of aluminum alloys:
7606.12.30 Not clad...... .... ............ ............................................................. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 13.5%
7606.12.60 00 Clad ... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
7606.91 Of aluminum, not alloyed:
7606.91.30 Not clad...... .... ............ ............................................................. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 13.5%
7606.91.60 Clad ... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 9.5%
7606.92 Of aluminum alloys:
7606.92.30 Not clad...... .... ............ ............................................................. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 13.5%
7606.92.60 Clad ... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 6.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
7607 Aluminum foil (whether or not printed, or backed with
paper, paperboard, plastics or similar backing materials) of
a thickness (excluding any backing) not exceeding 0.2 mm:
Not backed:
7607.11 Rolled but not further worked:
Of a thickness not exceeding 0.15 mm:
7607.11.30 00 Of a thickness not exceeding 0.01 mm .........kg ............. 5.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
7607.11.60 00 Of a thickness exceeding 0.01 mm ................kg ............. 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
7607.11.90 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 13.5%
7607.19 Other:
7607.19.10 00 Etched capacitor foil... ...........................................kg ............. 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
7607.19.30 00 Cut to shape, of a thickness not exceeding
0.15 mm.... ............ ............................................................. kg 5.7% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
7607.19.60 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 13.5%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7607.20 Backed:
7607.20.10 00 Covered or decorated with a characte r, design,
fancy effect or pattern ...... ............................................................. kg 3.7% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 22.5%

7608 Aluminum tubes and pipes:

7608.10.00 Of aluminum, not alloyed..... ............................................................. 5.7% Free (A,B,C
1/,CA, 45%
7608.20.00 Of aluminum alloys .. ............ ............................................................. 5.7% Free (A,B,C
1/,CA, 45%
7609.00.00 00 Aluminum tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings,
elbows, sleeves).... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 5.7% Free
(A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
7610 Aluminum structures (excluding prefabricated buildings of
heading 9406) and parts of structures (for example,
bridges and bridge-sections, towers, lattice masts, roofs,
roofing frameworks, doors and windows and their frames
and thresholds for doors, balustrades, pillars and columns);
aluminum plates, rods, profiles, tubes and the like, prepar-
ed for use in structures:
7610.10.00 Doors, windows and their frames and thresholds for
doors ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
7610.90.00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%

7611.00.00 Aluminum reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers, for

any material (other than compressed or liquefied gas), of a
capacity exceeding 300 liters, whether or not lined or heat
insulated, but not fitted with mechanical or thermal equip-
ment... ............ ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
7612 Aluminum casks, drums, cans, boxes and similar contain-
ers (including rigid or collapsible tubular containers), for any
material (other than compressed or liquefied gas), of a
capacity not exceeding 300 liters, whether or not lined or
heat insulated, but not fitted with mechanical or thermal
7612.10.00 00 Collapsible tubular containers ........................................................... No. 2.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
7612.90 Other:
7612.90.10 Of a capacity not exceeding 20 liters ........................................... 5.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%

7613.00.00 00 Aluminum containers for compressed or liquefied gas........No. ............ 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
7614 Stranded wire, cables, plaited bands and the like, including
slings and similar articles, of aluminum, not electrically
7614.10 With steel core:
7614.10.10 00 Not fitted with fittings and not made up into
articles ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 4.9% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
1.4% (MX)

7614.10.50 00 Fitted with fittings or made up into articles .............kg ............. 4.9% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 35%
7614.90 Other:
Not fitted with fittings and not made up into articles:
7614.90.20 00 Electrical conductors .. ...........................................kg ............. 4.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 35%

7614.90.40 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
1.4% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7614.90.50 00 Fitted with fittings or made up into articles .............kg ............. 5.7% Free (A*,B,CA,E, 45%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7615 Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts

thereof, of aluminum; pot scourers and scouring or
polishing pads, gloves and the like, of aluminum; sanitary
ware and parts thereof, of aluminum:
Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts
thereof; pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads,
gloves and the like:
7615.11.00 00 Pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves
and the like ..... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 3.1% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45.5%
7615.19 Other:
Cooking and kitchen ware:
Enameled or glazed or containing nonstick
interior finishes:
7615.19.10 00 Cast .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 45.5%
kg J,MX)

7615.19.30 00 Other . ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45.5%

kg MX)
Not enameled or glazed and not containing
nonstick interior finishes:
7615.19.50 00 Cast .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45.5%
kg MX)

7615.19.70 Other . ............ ............................................................. 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45.5%

7615.19.90 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45.5%
7615.20.00 00 Sanitary ware and parts thereof .......................................kg ............. 3.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45.5%
7616 Other articles of aluminum:
7616.10 Nails, tacks, staples (other than those of heading
8305), screws, bolts, nuts, screw hooks, rivets, cotters,
cotter pins, washers and similar articles:
7616.10.10 00 Nails, tacks and staples.... ............................................................. kg 5.7% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
7616.10.30 00 Rivets . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4.7% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
7616.10.50 00 Cotters and cotter pins .... ............................................................. kg 5.7% Free
(A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
7616.10.70 Having shanks, threads or holes over 6 mm in
diameter.... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
7616.10.90 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 6% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
7616.91.00 00 Cloth, grill, netting and fencing, of aluminum wire ................. kg 2.5% Free
(A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
7616.99 Other:
7616.99.50 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%

7801 Unwrought lead:

7801.10.00 00 Refined lead .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.5% on the Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 10%
value of the MX)
lead content
7801.91.00 00 Containing by weight antimony as the principal
other element . .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.5% on the Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 10%
Pb kg value of the MX)
lead content
7801.99 Other:
7801.99.30 00 Lead bullion... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.5% on the Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 10.5%
Pb kg value of the J,MX)
lead content

7801.99.90 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.5% on the Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 10%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

value of the MX)

lead content
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

7803.00.00 00 Lead bars, rods, profiles and wire .............................................................. kg 1.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
7804 Lead plates, sheets, strip and foil; lead powders and
Plates, sheets, strip and foil:
7804.11.00 00 Sheets, strip and foil of a thickness (excluding any
backing) not exceeding 0.2 mm ..................................kg ............. 2.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%

7804.19.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%

7805.00.00 00 Lead tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings (for example,
couplings, elbows, sleeves) ........... ............................................................. kg 2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%

7806.00.00 00 Other articles of l ead.. .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%

7901 Unwrought zinc:

Zinc, not alloyed:
7901.11.00 00 Containing by weight 99.99 percent or more of
zinc..... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 1.5% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 5%
7901.12 Containing by weight less than 99.99 percent of
7901.12.10 00 Casting-grade zinc ...... ...........................................kg.............. 3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 45%

7901.12.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 1.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 5%

7901.20.00 00 Zinc alloys ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 3% Free

(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
7903 Zinc dust, powders and flakes:
7903.10.00 00 Zinc dust .. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 0.7¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 3.9¢/kg
7903.90 Other:
7903.90.30 00 Powders .... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 0.5¢/kg Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 3.9¢/kg

7903.90.60 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%

7904.00.00 00 Zinc bars, rods, profiles and wire ...........................................kg ............. 4.2% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%

7905.00.00 00 Zinc plates, sheets, strip and foil. ...........................................kg ............. 2.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
7906.00.00 00 Zinc tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings (for example,
couplings, elbows, sleeves) ........... ............................................................. kg 3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
7907.00 Other articles of zinc:
7907.00.10 00 Articles of a type used for household, table or kitchen
use; toilet and sanitary wares; all the foregoing and
parts thereof of zinc .. ............ ............................................................. kg 3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%

7907.00.60 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8003.00.00 00 Tin bars, rods, profiles and wire .. ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8004.00.00 00 Tin plates, sheets and strip, of a thickness exceeding
0.2 mm ............ ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 2.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8005.00 Tin foil (whether or not printed or backed with paper, paper-
board, plastics or similar backing materials), of a thickness
(excluding any backing) not exceeding 0.2 mm; tin powders
and flakes:
8005.00.10 00 Foil............ ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8005.00.20 00 Powders and flakes .... ............ ............................................................. kg 2.8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8006.00.00 00 Tin tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings (for example,
couplings, elbows, sleeves) ........... ............................................................. kg 2.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8007.00 Other articles of tin:
8007.00.10 Articles not elsewhere specified or included of a type
used for household, table or kitchen use; toilet and
sanitary wares; all the foregoing not coated or plated
with precious metal ... ............ ............................................................. 2.1% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8007.00.50 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.8% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
8101 Tungsten (wolfram) and articles thereof, including waste
and scrap:
8101.10.00 00 Powders...... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 7% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 58%
W kg J,MX)
8101.91 Unwrought tungsten, including bars and rods
obtained simply by sintering; waste and scrap:
8101.91.10 00 Waste and scrap ......... ...........................................kg ............. 2.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
W kg MX)
8101.91.50 00 Unwrought... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
8101.92.00 00 Bars and rods, other than those obtained simply by
sintering, profiles, plates, sheets, strip and foil .................kg.............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
8101.93.00 00 Wire .... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
8101.99.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8102 Molybdenum and articles thereof, including waste and
8102.10.00 00 Powders...... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 9.14/kg on Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $1.10/kg on
Mo kg molybdenum J,MX) molybde-
content + num content
1.2% + 15%
8102.91 Unwrought molybdenum, including bars and rods
obtained simply by sintering; waste and scrap:
8102.91.10 00 Unwrought... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 13.94/kg on Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $1.10/kg on
Mo kg molybdenum J,MX) molybde-
content + num content
1.9% + 15%
8102.92 Bars and rods, other than those obtained simply by
sintering, profiles, plates, sheets, strip and foil:
8102.92.30 00 Bars and rods . ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
8102.92.60 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 6.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
8102.93.00 00 Wire ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
8102.99.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8103 Tantalum and articles thereof, including waste and scrap:
8103.10 Unwrought tantalum, including bars and rods obtained
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

simply by sintering; waste and scrap; powders:

8103.10.60 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8103.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8104 Magnesium and articles thereof, including waste and scrap:
Unwrought magnesium:
8104.11.00 00 Containing at least 99.8 percent by weight of
magnesium...... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 8% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 100%

8104.19.00 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 6.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60.5%
Mg kg J,MX)

8104.30.00 00 Raspings, turnings and granules, graded according to

size; powders.... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60.5%
Mg kg J,MX)

8104.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 14.84/kg on Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 884/kg on
Mg kg magnesium J,MX) magnesium
content + content +
3.5% 20%
8105 Cobalt mattes and other intermediate products of cobalt
metallurgy; cobalt and articles thereof, including waste and
8105.10 Cobalt mattes and other intermediate products of
cobalt metallurgy; unwrought cobalt; waste and scrap;
Unwrought cobalt:
8105.10.30 00 Alloys.. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 45%
8105.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8107 Cadmium and articles thereof, including waste and scrap:
8107.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8108 Titanium and articles thereof, including waste and scrap:
8108.10 Unwrought titanium; waste and scrap; powders:
8108.10.50 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 15% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
8108.90 Other:
8108.90.30 Articles of titanium.......... ............................................................. 5.5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8108.90.60 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 15% Free (A,C 1/,CA, 45%
8109 Zirconium and articles thereof, including waste and scrap:
8109.10 Unwrought zirconium; waste and scrap; powders:
8109.10.60 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
8109.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8111.00 Manganese and articles thereof, including waste and scrap:
8111.00.45 00 Unwrought manganese ...... ...........................................kg.............. 14% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%

8111.00.60 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8112 Beryllium, chromium, germanium, vanadium, gallium,
hafnium, indium, niobium (columbium), rhenium and
thallium, and articles of these metals, including waste and
8112.11 Unwrought; waste and scrap; powders:
8112.11.60 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 8.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
8112.19.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 5.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8112.20 Chromium:
8112.20.60 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8112.30 Germanium:
8112.30.60 00 Unwrought .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.6% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
8112.30.90 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8112.40 Vanadium:
8112.40.60 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
V kg J,MX)
8112.91 Unwrought; waste and scrap; powders:
8112.91.10 00 Gallium.... ............ ............................................................. kg 3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
8112.91.40 00 Niobium (columbium)..........................................kg.............. 4.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
8112.91.50 00 Rhenium .. ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
8112.91.60 00 Thallium .... ............ ............................................................. kg 4% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 25%
8112.99.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8113.00.00 00 Cermets and articles thereof, including waste and scrap ....kg ............. 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8201 Handtools of the following kinds and base metal parts
thereof: spades, shovels, mattocks, picks, hoes, forks and
rakes; axes, bill hooks and similar hewing tools; secateurs
and pruners of any kind; scythes, sickles, hay knives,
hedge shears, timber wedges and other tools of a kind
used in agriculture, horticulture or forestry:

8201.40 Axes, bill hooks and similar hewing tools, and parts
8201.40.60 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 6.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8201.50.00 00 Secateurs and similar one-handed pruners and shears
(including poultry shears), and parts thereof .................No. ............ 14 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 204 each +
2.8% MX) 45%
8201.60.00 00 Hedge shears, two-handed pruning shears and similar
two-handed shears, and parts thereof ..............................No. ............ 14 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 204 each +
2.8% MX) 45%
8201.90 Other handtools of a kind used in agriculture, horti-
culture or forestry, and parts thereof:
8201.90.30 00 Grass shears, and parts thereof ..................................No. ............ 24 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 204 each +
5.1% MX) 45%
8202 Handsaws, and metal parts thereof; blades for saws of all
kinds (including slitting, slotting or toothless saw blades),
and base metal parts thereof:
Circular saw blades (including slitting or slotting saw
blades), and parts thereof:
8202.40 Chain saw blades, and parts thereof:
8202.40.30 00 With cutting parts containing by weight over 0.2 per-
cent of chromium, molybdenum, or tungsten or
over 0.1 percent of vanadium ......................................X............... 7.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
8203 Files, rasps, pliers (including cutting pliers), pincers, tweez-
ers, metal cutting shears, pipe cutters, bolt cutters, perfor-
ating punches and similar handtools, and base metal part s
8203.20 Pliers (including cutting pliers), pincers, tweezers and
similar tools, and parts thereof:
8203.20.20 00 Tweezers .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
8203.20.40 00 Slip joint pliers . ............ ...........................................doz. ........... 12% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 60%
3.6% (MX)
8203.20.60 Other (except parts)... ............................................................. 124/doz. + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $1.20/doz.
5.5% MX) + 60%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8203.20.80 00 Parts... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8203.40 Pipe cutters, bolt cutters, perforating punches and
similar tools, and parts thereof:
8203.40.30 00 With cutting part containing by weight over 0.2 per-
cent of chromium, molybdenum, or tungsten or
over 0.1 percent of vanadium ......................................X............... 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%

8203.40.60 00 Other (including parts) ... ............................................................. X 3.3% Free

(A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
8204 Hand-operated spanners and wrenches (including torque
meter wrenches but not including tap wrenches); socket
wrenches, with or without handles, drives or extensions;
base metal parts thereof:
Hand-operated spanners and wrenches, and parts
8204.11.00 Nonadjustable, and parts thereof ................................................. 9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8204.12.00 00 Adjustable, and parts thereof......................................No. ............ 9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8204.20.00 00 Socket wrenches, with or without handles, drives and
extensions, and parts thereof ...........................................X............... 9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8205 Handtools (including glass cutters) not elsewhere specified
or included; blow torches and similar self-contained
torches; vises, clamps and the like, other than accessories
for and parts of machine tools; anvils; portable forges;
hand- or pedal-operated grinding wheels with frameworks;
base metal parts thereof:
8205.10.00 00 Drilling, threading or tapping tools, and parts thereof..X............... 6.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8205.20 Hammers and sledge hammers, and parts thereof:
8205.20.30 00 With heads not over 1.5 kg each .................................doz............ 6.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8205.30 Planes, chisels, gouges and similar cutting tools for
working wood, and parts thereof:
8205.30.30 00 With cutting part containing by weight over 0.2 per-
cent of chromium, molybdenum, or tungsten or
over 0.1 percent of vanadium ......................................X............... 5.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%

8205.30.60 00 Other (including parts) ... ............................................................. X 5% Free

(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8205.40.00 00 Screwdrivers, and parts thereof .......................................................... X 6.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
Other handtools (including glass cutters) and parts
8205.51 Household tools, and parts thereof:
Of iron or steel:
8205.51.30 Other (including parts)..................................................... 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8205.51.60 00 Of aluminum. ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.24/kg + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 194/kg +
5% MX) 40%

8205.51.75 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8205.59 Other:
8205.59.10 00 Pipe tools, and parts thereof .................................X............... 7.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
Of iron or steel:
8205.59.45 00 Caulking guns ...................................X............... 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8205.59.55 Other....... ............................................................. 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8205.59.70 00 Of aluminum . ...........................................kg ............. 1.54/kg + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 194/kg +
3.5% MX) 40%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8205.59.80 00 Other . ............ ...........................................X............... 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%

Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8205.60.00 00 Blow torches and similar self-contained torches, and

parts thereof .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8205.70.00 Vises, clamps and the like, and parts thereof ................................... 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8205.90.00 00 Sets of articles of two or more of the foregoing sub-
headings ..... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................pcs 1/ The rate of duty Free (A+,CA,E,IL, The rate of
applicable to J, MX) duty appli-
that article in cable to that
the set subject article in the
to the highest set subject
rate of duty to the high -
est rate of
8206.00.00 00 Tools of two or more of headings 8202 to 8205, put up in
sets for retail sale .... ....... .... ............ ...........................................pcs 1/ The rate of duty Free (A+,CA,E,IL, The rate of
applicable to J) duty appli-
that article in The rate of duty cable to that
the set subject applicable to the article in the
to the highest article in the set set subject
rate of duty subject to the to the high -
highest rate of est rate of
duty (MX) duty
8207 Interchangeable tools for handtools, whether or not power-
operated, or for machine-tools (for example, for pressing,
stamping, punching, tapping, threading, drilling, boring,
broaching, milling, turning or screwdriving), including dies
for drawing or extruding metal, and rock drilling or earth
boring tools; base metal parts thereof:
Rock drilling or earth boring tools, and parts thereof:
8207.13.00 00 With working part of cermets.....................................X............... 3.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
8207.19 Other, including parts:
8207.19.30 With cutting part containing by weight over
0.2 percent of chromium, molybdenum, or
tungsten or over 0.1 percent of vanadium ............................. 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
8207.19.60 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8207.20.00 Dies for drawing or extruding metal, and parts thereof .................. 3.9% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
8207.30 Tools for pressing, stamping or punching, and parts
8207.30.30 00 Suitable for cutting metal, and parts thereof ...........X............... 5.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
8207.30.60 Not suitable for cutting metal, and parts thereof ....................... 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8207.40 Tools for tapping or threading, and parts thereof:
8207.40.30 00 With cutting part containing by weight over
0.2 percent of chromium, molybdenum, or tungsten
or over 0.1 percent of vanadium..................................X............... 5.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
8207.40.60 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
8207.50 Tools for drilling, other than for rock drilling, and parts
8207.50.20 With cutting part containing by weight over
0.2 percent of chromium, molybdenum, or tungsten
or over 0.1 percent of vanadium.................................................... 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
8207.50.40 Suitable for cutting metal, and parts thereof ....................... 8.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
Not suitable for cutting metal, and parts thereof:
8207.50.60 00 For handtools, and parts thereof ....................X............... 5.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8207.50.80 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8207.60.00 Tools for boring or broaching, and parts thereof .............................. 4.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8207.70 Tools for milling, and parts thereof:

8207.70.30 With cutting part containing by weight over 0.2 per-
cent of chromium, m olybdenum, or tungsten or
over 0.1 percent of vanadium ........................................................ 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
8207.70.60 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8207.80 Tools for turning:
8207.80.30 00 With cutting part containing by weight over 0.2 per-
cent of chromium, molybdenum, or tungsten or
over 0.1 percent of vanadium ......................................X............... 4.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
8207.80.60 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8207.90 Other interchangeable tools, and parts thereof:
8207.90.15 00 Files and rasps, including rotary files and rasps,
and parts thereof . ............ ...........................................doz............ 1.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 15%
8207.90.30 Cutting tools with cutting part containing by
weight over 0.2 percent of chromium, molyb-
denum, or tungsten or over 0.1 percent of
vanadium... .... ............ ............................................................. 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
8207.90.45 00 Suitable for cutting metal, and parts
thereof. .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
Not suitable for cutting metal, and part s
8207.90.60 00 For handtools, and parts thereof..............X............... 4.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8207.90.75 Other . ............ ............................................................. 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8209.00.00 Plates, sticks, tips and the like for tools, unmounted, of
cermets ........... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.6% Free
8210.00.00 00 Hand-operated mechanical appliances, weighing 10 kg
or less, used in the preparation, conditioning or serving of
food or drink, and base metal parts thereof ...........................No. ............ 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8211 Knives with cutting blades, serrated or not (including prun -
ing knives), other than knives of heading 8208, and blades
and other base metal parts thereof:
8211.91 Table knives having fixed blades:
Knives with stainless steel handles:
With handles containing nickel or containing
over 10 percent by weight of manganese:
8211.91.50 Knives with rubber or plastic handles ................................... 0.74 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 84 each +
3.7% MX) 45%
8211.91.80 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.34 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 84 each +
4.9% MX) 45%
8211.92 Other knives having fixed blades:
With rubber or plastic handles:
8211.92.20 00 Kitchen and butcher knives............................No. ............ 0.84 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 84 each +
4.6% MX) 45%

8211.92.40 Other... .... ............ ............................................................. 14 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 84 each +

4.6% MX) 45%
8211.92.60 00 Hunting knives with wood handles ...............No. ............ 4.4% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 84 each +
J,MX) 45%

8211.92.90 Other... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.44 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 84 each +
6.1% MX) 45%

8211.93.00 Knives having other than fixed blades......................................... 34 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 354 each +
5.4% MX) 55%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8211.94 Blades:
8211.94.10 00 For knives having fixed blades .............................No. ............ 0.164 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 84 each +
2.2% MX) 45%

8211.94.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 14 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 114 each +
5.4% MX) 55%
8211.95 Handles of base metal:
8211.95.10 00 For table knives having fixed blades....................No. ............ 0.34 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 84 each +
4.9% MX) 45%

8211.95.50 00 For other knives having fixed blades ...................No. ............ 0.44 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 84 each +
6.1% MX) 45%

8211.95.90 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 34 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 354 each +
5.4% MX) 55%
8213.00 Scissors, tailors' shears and similar shears, and blades
and other base metal parts thereof:
8213.00.30 00 Valued not over $1.75/dozen.. ...........................................No. ............ 1.74 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 154 each +
4.3% MX) 45%
Valued over $1.75/dozen:
8213.00.60 00 Pinking shears, valued over $30/dozen......................No. ............ 84 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 204 each +
8% MX) 45%

8213.00.90 00 Other (including parts) ... ............................................................. No. 5.84 each + Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 204 each +
5.8% J) 45%
34 each + 3% (MX)
8214 Other articles of cutlery (for example, hair clippers,
butchers' or kitchen cleavers, chopping or mincing knives,
paper knives); manicure or pedicure sets and instruments
(including nail files); base metal parts thereof:
8214.10.00 00 Paper k nives, letter openers, erasing knives, pencil
sharpeners (nonmechanical) and blades and other
parts thereof .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 0.34 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 84 each +
4.2% MX) 45%
8214.20 Manicure or pedicure sets and instruments (including
nail files), and parts thereof:
8214.20.30 00 Cuticle or cornknives, cuticle pushers, nail files,
nailcleaners, nail nippers and clippers, all the fore -
going used for manicure or pedicure purposes, and
parts thereof.... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
Manicure and pedicure sets, and combinations
thereof, in leather cases or other containers of
types ordinarily sold therewith in retail sales:
8214.20.90 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8214.90 Other:
Cleavers and the like not elsewhere specified or
8214.90.30 00 Cleavers with their handles ........................................No. ............ 14 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 84 each +
4.9% J,MX) 45%

8214.90.60 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 0.24 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 84 each +
3.1% MX) 45%

8214.90.90 00 Other (including parts) ... ............................................................. No. 1.44 each + Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 204 each +
3.2% MX) 45%

8215 Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives,

butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware;
and base metal parts thereof :
8215.91 Plated with precious metal:
8215.91.60 00 Spoons and ladles ...... ...........................................No. ............ 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%

8215.91.90 00 Other (including parts) ........................................................... X 2.7% Free

(A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8215.99 Other:
With stainless steel handles:
With handles containing nickel or con-
taining over 10 percent by weight of

8215.99.20 00 With rubber or plastic handles ......................No. ............ 0.54 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 84 each +
3.2% MX) 45%
8215.99.24 00 Table forks (including table serving
forks) and barbecue forks with
wooden handles..................................No. ............ 0.34 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 84 each +
4.5% MX) 45%

Spoons and ladles:

With stainless steel handles:
8215.99.40 With base metal (except stainless steel) or
nonmetal handles ............................................................. 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8215.99.50 00 Other (including parts) ........................................................... X 5.3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%

8301 Padlocks and locks (key, combination or electrically

operated), of base metal; clasps and frames with clasps,
incorporating locks, of base metal; keys and parts of any
of the foregoing articles, of base metal:
8301.10 Padlocks:
Not of cylinder or pin tumbler construction:
8301.10.20 00 Not over 3.8 cm in width...........................................doz. ........... 2.3% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 39.5%
0.6% (MX)

8301.10.40 00 Over 3.8 cm but not over 6.4 cm in width ................doz. ........... 3.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 29.5%
1.1% (MX)

8301.10.50 00 Over 6.4 cm in width .. ...........................................doz............ 3.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 28.5%

Of cylinder or pin tumbler construction:
8301.10.60 00 Not over 3.8 cm in width ........................................doz............ 6.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 27%

8301.10.80 00 Over 3.8 cm but not over 6.4 cm in width .................doz. ........... 4.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 36%
1.4% (MX)

8301.10.90 00 Over 6.4 cm in width .. ...........................................doz............ 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 29.5%


8301.20.00 Locks of a kind used on motor vehicles ............................................. 5.7% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
8301.30.00 Locks of a kind used for furniture ...................................................... 5.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 45%
8301.40 Other locks:
8301.40.30 00 Luggage locks . .... ............ ...........................................doz............ 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8301.40.60 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8301.50.00 00 Clasps and frames with clasps, incorporating locks.......kg ............. 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8301.60.00 00 Parts ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.8% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
8301.70.00 00 Keys presented separately ..... ............................................................. kg 4.5% Free
(A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8302 Base metal mountings, fit tings and similar articles suitable
for furniture, doors, staircases, windows, blinds,
coachwork, saddlery, trunks, chests, caskets or the like;
base metal hat racks, hat -pegs, brackets and similar
fixtures; castors with mountings of base metal; automatic
door closers of base metal; and base metal parts thereof:
8302.10 Hinges, and parts thereof:
Of iron or steel, of aluminum or of zinc:
8302.10.30 00 Designed for motor vehicles .................................kg ............. 2% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
8302.10.60 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.5% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 45%
8302.10.90 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.4% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 45%
8302.20.00 00 Castors, and parts thereof ..... ............................................................. kg 5.7% Free
(A,C,CA,E,IL, 45%
8302.30 Other mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable
for motor vehicles; and parts thereof:
8302.30.30 Of iron or steel, of aluminum or of zinc..................................... 2% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
8302.30.60 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 3.5% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 45%
Other mountings, fittings and similar articles, and parts
8302.41 Suitable for buildings:
8302.41.30 00 Door closers (except automatic door closers),
and parts thereof ........ ...........................................kg ............. 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8302.41.60 Of iron or steel, of aluminum or of zinc ........................ 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8302.41.90 Other... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8302.42 Other, suitable for furniture:
8302.42.30 Of iron or steel, of aluminum or of zinc............................... 3.9% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 45%
8302.42.60 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.4% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 45%
8302.49 Other:
Harness and saddlery or riding-bridle hardware,
and parts thereof:
8302.49.20 00 Coated or plated with precious metal ...........kg ............. 7.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%

8302.49.60 Of iron or steel, of aluminum or of zinc ........................ 5.7% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 45%
8302.49.80 Other... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.5% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 45%
8302.60 Automatic door closers, and parts thereof:
8302.60.30 00 Automatic door closers .... ............................................................. kg 3.9% Free
(A,C,CA,E,IL, 45%
8302.60.90 00 Parts ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8303.00.00 00 Armored or reinforced safes, strong-boxes and doors and
safe deposit lockers for strong-rooms, cash or deed boxes
and the like, and parts thereof, of base metal .......................kg ............. 3.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8304.00.00 00 Desk-top filing or card-index cabinets, paper trays, paper
rests, pen trays, office -stamp stands and similar office or
desk equipment and parts thereof, of base metal, other
than office furniture of heading 9403.....................................kg ............. 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8305 Fittings for looseleaf binders or files, letter clips, letter
corners, paper clips, indexing tags and similar office
articles, and parts thereof, of base metal; staples in strips
(for example, for offices, upholstery, packaging), of base
8305.10.00 Fittings for looseleaf binders or files ................................................. 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8305.90 Other, including parts:

8305.90.60 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 5.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8306 Bells, gongs and the like, nonelectric, of base metal; stat -
uettes and other ornaments, of base metal; photograph,
picture or similar frames, of base metal; mirrors of base
metal; and base metal parts thereof:
8306.10.00 00 Bells, gongs and the like, and parts thereof....................kg ............. 5.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
Statuettes and other ornaments, and parts thereof:
8306.21.00 00 Plated with precious metal, and parts thereof ..........kg ............. 4.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 65%
8306.30.00 00 Photograph, picture or similar frames; mirrors; and
parts thereof .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8307 Flexible tubing of base metal, with or without fittings:
8307.10 Of iron or steel:
8307.10.30 00 With fittings ... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.8% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 30%

8307.10.60 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.8% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 30%
8307.90 Of other base metal:
8307.90.30 00 With fittings ... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.8% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 30%

8307.90.60 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3.8% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 30%
8308 Clasps, frames with clasps, buckles, buckle clasps, hooks,
eyes, eyelets and the like and parts thereof, of ba se metal,
of a kind used for clothing, footwear, awnings, handbags,
travel goods or other madeup articles; tubular or bifurcated
rivets of base metal; beads and spangles of base metal:
8308.10.00 00 Hooks, eyes and eyelets ......... ............................................................. kg 1.14/kg + Free
(A,CA,E, IL,J, 104/kg +
2.9% MX) 25%
8308.90 Other, including parts:
8308.90.60 00 Buckles and buckle clasps, and parts thereof ...........kg ............. 3.9% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
8308.90.90 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.7% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 65%
8309 Stoppers, caps and lids (including crown corks, screw caps
and pouring stoppers), capsules for bottles, threaded
bungs, bung covers, seals and other packing accessories,
and parts thereof, of base metal:

8309.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8401 Nuclear reactors; fuel elements (cartridges), non-irradiated,
for nuclear reactors; machinery and apparatus for isotopic
separation; parts thereof:
8401.10.00 00 Nuclear reactors .... .... ............ ...........................................t ................ 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8401.20.00 00 Machinery and apparatus for isotopic separation, and
parts thereof .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................t ................ 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%

8401.30.00 00 Fuel elements (cartridges), non-irradiated,

and parts thereof... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%

8401.40.00 00 Parts of nuclear reactors ........ ...........................................t ................ 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%

8402 Steam or other vapor generating boilers (other than central

heating hot water boilers capable also of producing low
pressure steam); super-heated water boilers; parts thereof:
Steam or other vapor generating boilers:
8402.11.00 00 Watertube boilers with a steam production
exceeding 45 t per hour ... ............................................................. t 5.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8402.12.00 00 Watertube boilers with a steam production not

exceeding 45 t per hour ... ............................................................. t 4.3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%

8402.19.00 00 Other vapor generating boilers, including hybrid

boilers ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................t ................ 5.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8402.20.00 00 Super-heated water boilers ... ............................................................. t 3.3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8402.90.00 Parts ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8404 Auxiliary plant for use with boilers of heading 8402 or 8403
(for example, economizers, super-heaters, soot removers,
gas recoverers); condensers for steam or other vapor
power units; parts thereof:
8404.10.00 Auxiliary plant for use with boilers of heading 8402 or
8403 .......... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8404.20.00 00 Condensers for steam or other vapor power units..........t ................ 5.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8404.90.00 00 Parts ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8406 Steam turbines and other vapor turbines, and parts thereof:
8406.10 Turbines for marine propulsion:
8406.10.10 00 Steam turbines .... ............ ............................................................. No. 6.7% Free
(A,CA,E, IL, 20%
Other turbines:
8406.81 Of an output exceeding 40 MW:
8406.81.10 Steam turbines ........... ............................................................. 6.7% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 20%
8406.82 Of an output not exceeding 40 MW:
8406.82.10 Steam turbines ........... ............................................................. 6.7% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 20%
8406.90 Parts:
Of steam turbines:
8406.90.20 00 Rotors, finished for final assembly......................No. ............ 6.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
8406.90.30 00 Rotors, not further advanced than cleaned or
machined for removal of fins, gates, sprues,
and risers, or to permit location in finishing
machinery . .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 6.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
8406.90.40 00 Blades, rotating or stationary...............................No. ............ 6.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
8406.90.45 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 6.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
8407 Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion
piston engines:

8407.33.60 Other... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 35%

8407.34 Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,000 cc:
Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2,000 cc:
To be installed in vehicles of subheading
8701.20, or heading 8702, 8703 or 8704:
8407.34.14 00 Used or rebuilt............................................................. No. 2.5% Free
(A,B,CA,E,IL, 35%
8407.34.18 00 Other . ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 35%
To be installed in vehicles of subheading
8701.20, or heading 8702, 8703 or 8704:
8407.34.44 00 Used or rebuilt............................................................. No. 2.5% Free
(A,B,CA,E,IL, 35%
8407.34.48 00 Other . ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 35%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8408 Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines

(diesel or semi-diesel engines):
8408.10.00 Marine propulsion engines ... ............................................................. 2.5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8408.20 Engines of a kind used for the propulsion of vehicles

of chapter 87:
8408.20.20 00 To be installed in vehicles of subheading 8701.20,
or heading 8702, 8703 or 8704.....................................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A*,B,CA,E, 35%
8408.20.90 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
8409 Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the engines
of heading 8407 or 8408:
8409.91.30 00 Aluminum cylinder heads ........................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 35%
kg J,MX)
8409.91.50 Other . ............ ............................................................. 2.5% Free (A*,B,CA,E, 35%
8409.91.92 For marine propulsion engines........................................ 2.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8409.91.99 Other... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
8409.99 Other:
8409.99.91 For vehicles of subheading 8701.20, or
heading 8702, 8703 or 8704............................................... 2.5% Free (A*,B,CA,E, 35%
8409.99.92 For marine propulsion engines........................................ 2.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8410 Hydraulic turbines, water wheels and regulators therefor;
parts thereof:
Hydraulic turbines and water wheels:
8410.11.00 00 Of a power not exceeding 1,000 kW...........................No. ............ 3.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 27.5%
8410.12.00 00 Of a power exceeding 1,000 kW but not
exceeding 10,000 kW ....... ...........................................No. ............ 3.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 27.5%
8410.13.00 00 Of a power exceeding 10,000 kW ...............................No. ............ 3.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 27.5%
8410.90.00 00 Parts, including regulators .... ............................................................. X 3.8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 27.5%
8411 Turbojets, turbopropellers and other gas turbines, and
parts thereof:
Other gas turbines:
8411.81 Of a power not exceeding 5,000 kW:
8411.81.80 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8411.82 Of a power exceeding 5,000 kW:
8411.82.80 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8411.99 Other:
8411.99.90 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.4% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 35%
8413 Pumps for liquids, whether or not fitted with a measuring
device; liquid elevators; part thereof:
Pumps fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring
8413.30 Fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal
combustion piston engines:
8413.30.10 00 Fuel-injection pumps for compression-ignition
engines .... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. No. 2.5% Free
(A*,B,C,CA, 35%
8413.30.90 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.5% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 35%
8413.91 Of pumps:
8413.91.10 00 Of fuel-injection pumps for
compression-ignition engines ..............................X............... 2.5% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 35%
8414 Air or vacuum pumps, air or other gas compressors and
fans; ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan,
whether or not fitted with filters; parts thereof:
8414.10.00 00 Vacuum pumps ...... .... ............ ............................................................. No. 2.5% Free
(A,B,C,CA,E, 35%
8414.20.00 00 Hand- or foot-operated air pumps .....................................No. ............ 3.7% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 35%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8414.30 Compressors of a kind used in refrigerating equipment

(including air conditioning):
8414.40.00 00 Air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis
for towing. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8414.51.00 Table, floor, wall, window, ceiling or roof fans,
with a self-contained electric motor of an output
not exceeding 125 W ........ ............................................................. 4.7% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 35%
8414.59 Other:
8414.59.30 00 Turbochargers and superchargers .................No. ............ 2.3% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 35%
8414.59.60 Other... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.3% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 35%
8414.80 Other, except parts:
8414.80.90 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.7% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 35%
8414.90 Parts:
8414.90.10 Of fans (including blowers) and ventilating or
recycling hoods .... ............ ............................................................. 4.7% Free
(A,B,C,CA,E, 35%
8415 Air conditioning machines, comprising a motor-driven fan
and elements for changing the temperature and humidity,
including those machines in which the humidity cannot be
separately regulated; parts thereof:
8415.20.00 00 Of a kind used for persons, in motor vehicles ................No. ............ 1.4% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 35%
Other, except parts:
8415.81.00 Incorporating a refrigerating unit and a valve for
reversal of the cooling/heat cycle ................................................. 1% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 35%
8415.82.00 Other, incorporating a refrigerating unit................................... 2.2% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 35%
8415.83.00 Not incorporating a refrigerating unit ........................................ 1.4% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 35%
8415.90 Parts:
8415.90.40 00 Chassis, chassis bases and outer cabinets.................No. ............ 1.4% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 35%
8415.90.80 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.4% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 35%
8417 Industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens, including
incinerators, nonelectric, and parts thereof:
8417.10.00 00 Furnaces and ovens for the roasting, melting or other
heat treatment of ores, pyrites or of metals ....................No. ............ 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8417.20.00 00 Bakery ovens, including biscuit ovens .............................No. ............ 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8417.80.00 00 Other, except parts .... ............ ............................................................. No. 3.9% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8417.90.00 00 Parts ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8418 Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing
equipment, electric or other; heat pumps, other than the
air conditioning machines of heading 8415; part s thereof:
8418.22.00 00 Absorption type, electrical ............................................................ No. 1% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8418.29.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 1.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8419 Machinery, plant or laboratory equipment, whether or not
electrically heated, for the treatment of materials by a
process involving a change of temperature such as
heating, cooking, roasting, distilling, rectifying, sterilizing,
pasteurizing, steaming, drying, evaporating, vaporizing,
condensing or cooling, other than machinery or plant of a
kind used for domestic purposes; instantaneous or
storage water heaters, nonelectric; parts thereof:
8419.50 Heat exchange units:
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8419.50.10 00 Brazed aluminum plate -fin heat exchangers ...........No. ............ 4.2% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 35%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8419.60 Machinery for liquefying air or other gases:

8419.60.10 00 Machinery containing brazed aluminum plate -fin
heat exchangers ... ............ ............................................................. No. 4.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL, 35%
Other machinery, plant or equipment:
8419.81 For making hot drinks or for cooking or heating
8419.81.10 00 Microwave ovens......... ...........................................No. ............ 4% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 35%
8419.89 Other:
8419.89.90 Other... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 35%
8419.90 Parts:
8419.90.80 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 35%
8420 Calendering or other rolling machines, other than for
metals or glass, and cylinders therefor; parts thereof:
8420.10 Calendering or other rolling machines:
8420.10.10 00 Textile calendering or rolling machines ...................No. ............ 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8420.91 Cylinders:
8420.91.10 00 For textile calendering or rolling machines.......No. ............ 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8420.99 Other:
8420.99.10 00 Of machines for processing textiles ....................X............... 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8421 Centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers; filtering or
purifying machinery and apparatus, for liquids or gases;
parts thereof:
Centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers:
8421.19.90 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 1.3% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 25%
Filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for
8421.23.00 00 Oil or fuel filters for internal combustion engines.X............... 2.5% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 35%
Filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for
8421.31.00 00 Intake air filters for internal combustion engines ..X............... 2.5% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 35%
8422 Dishwashing machines; machinery for cleaning or drying
bottles or other containers; machinery for filling, closing,
sealing or labeling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other
containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes
and similar containers; other packing or wrapping
machinery (including heat -shrink wrapping machinery);
machinery for aerating beverages; parts thereof:
Dishwashing machines:
8422.11.00 00 Of the household type ..... ............................................................. No. 2.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8423 Weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity
of 5 cg or better), including weight-operated counting or
checking machines; weighing machine weights of all kinds;
parts of weighing machinery:
8423.20.00 00 Scales for continuous weighing of goods on
conveyors . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8423.89.00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8423.90.00 Weighing machine weights of all kinds; parts of
weighing machinery.. ............ ............................................................. 2.8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8424 Mechanical appliances (whether or not hand operated)

for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders;
fire extinguishers, whether or not charged; spray guns and
similar appliances; steam or sand blasting machines and
similar jet projecting machines; parts thereof:
8424.20 Spray guns and similar appliances:
8424.20.10 00 Simple piston pump sprays and powder bellows .......X............... 2.9% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
Other appliances:
8424.81 Agricultural or horticultural:
8424.81.90 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8424.89.70 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.8% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 35%
8424.90 Parts:
8424.90.10 00 Of simple piston pump sprays and powder
bellows ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. X 2.9% Free
(A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
8438 Machinery, not specified or included elsewhere in this
chapter, for the industrial preparation or manufacture of
food or drink, other than machinery for the extractio n or
preparation of animal or fixed vegetable fats or oils;
parts thereof:
8438.40.00 00 Brewery machinery ... ............ ............................................................. No. 2.3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8438.50.00 Machinery for the preparation of meat or poultry ........................... 2.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8438.90 Parts:
8438.90.90 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8442 Machinery, apparatus and equipment (other than the
machine tools of headings 8456 to 8465), for
type-founding or typesetting, for preparing or making
printing blocks, plates, cylinders or other printing
components; printing type, blocks, plates, cylinders and
other printing components; blocks, plates, cylinders and
lithographic stones, prepared for printing purposes
(for example, planed, grained or polished); parts thereof:
8442.50.90 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
8443 Printing machinery, including ink-jet printing machines,
other than those of heading 8471; machines for uses
ancillary to printing; parts thereof:
Offset printing machinery:
8443.11 Reel-fed:
8443.11.10 00 Double-width newspaper printing presses ..........No. ............ 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 25%
8443.21.00 00 Reel-fed ... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
8443.30.00 00 Flexographic printing machinery .....................................No. ............ 2.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
8443.40.00 00 Gravure printing machinery . ...........................................No. ............ 2.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
Other printing machinery:
8443.51 Ink-jet printing machinery:
8443.51.10 00 Textile printing machinery...................................X............... 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 40%
8443.59 Other:
8443.59.10 00 Textile printing machinery...................................X............... 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 40%
8443.90 Parts:
8443.90.10 00 Of textile printing machinery ....................................X............... 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8445 Machines for preparing textile fibers; spinning, doubling or
twisting machines and other machinery for producing
textile yarns; textile reeling or winding (including weft
winding) machines and machines for preparing textile
yarns for use on the machines of heading 8446 or 8447:
Machines for preparing textile fibers:
8445.19.00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8445.40.00 00 Textile winding (including weft winding) or reeling

machines.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8445.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8446 Weaving machines (looms):
8446.21.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 40%
8446.30.50 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 40%
8447 Knitting machines, stitch-bonding machines and machines
for making gimped yarn, tulle, lace, embroidery,
trimmings, braid or net and machines for tufting:
Circular knitting machines:
8447.20.30 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 40%
8448 Auxiliary machinery for use wit h machines of
heading 8444, 8445, 8446 or 8447 (for example, dobbies,
Jacquards, automatic stop motions and shuttle changing
mechanisms); parts and accessories suitable for use
solely or principally with the machines of this heading or
of heading 8444, 8445, 8446 or 8447 (for example,
spindles and spindle flyers, card clothing, combs,
extruding nipples, shuttles, healds and heald-frames,
hosiery needles):
Auxiliary machinery for machines of heading 8444,
8445, 8446 or 8447:
8448.20.10 00 Of machines for extruding or drawing man-made
textile filaments .. ............ ............................................................. X 3.7% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8448.20.50 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
Parts and accessories of machines of heading 8445
or of their auxiliary machinery:
8448.31.00 00 Card clothing .. .... ............ ...........................................m 2 ............. 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8448.33.00 00 Spindles, spindle flyers, spinning rings and ring
travellers . ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8448.39 Other:
8448.39.50 00 Parts of winding or reeling machines .................X............... 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
Parts and accessories of weaving machines (looms)
or of their auxiliary machinery:
8448.41.00 00 Shuttles ... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8448.42.00 00 Reeds for looms, healds and heald-frames................X............... 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8449.00 Machinery for the manufacture or finishing of felt or
nonwovens in the piece or in shapes, including machinery
for making felt hats; blocks for making hats; parts thereof:
8449.00.10 00 Finishing machinery and parts thereof ...........................X............... 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8450 Household- or laundry-type washing machines, including
machines which both wash and dry; parts thereof:
Machines, each of a dry linen capacity not exceeding
10 kg:
8450.11.00 Fully automatic machines ............................................................. 1.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8450.12.00 00 Other machines with built-in centrifugal dryer......No. ............ 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8450.19.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 1.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8450.20.00 Machines, each of a dry linen capacity exceeding
10 kg ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8450.90 Parts:
8450.90.20 00 Tubs and tub assemblies .. ...........................................X............... 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8450.90.40 00 Furniture designed to receive the machines of

subheadings 8450.11 through 8450.20, inclusive ......X............... 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8450.90.60 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8451 Machinery (other than machines of heading 8450) for
washing, cleaning, wringing, drying, ironing, pressing
(including fusing presses), bleaching, dyeing, dressing,
finishing, coating or impregnating textile yarns, fabrics or
made up textile articles and machines for applying the
paste to the base fabric or other support used in the
manufacture of floor coverings such as linoleum;
machines for reeling, unreeling, folding, cutting or pinking
textile fabrics; parts thereof:
Drying machines:
8451.21.00 Each of a dry linen capacity not exceeding 10 kg ....................... 3.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8451.29.00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%

8451.40.00 00 Washing, bleaching or dyeing machines.........................No. ............ 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%

8451.80.00 00 Other machinery .. .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8451.90 Parts:
8451.90.30 00 Drying chambers for the drying machines of
subheading 8451.21 or 8451.29, and other parts
of drying machines incorporating drying chambers .................. X 3.5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8451.90.60 00 Furniture designed to receive the drying machines
of subheading 8451.21 or 8451.29 ...............................X............... 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8451.90.90 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8452 Sewing machines, other than book-sewing machines of
heading 8440; furniture, bases and covers specially
designed for sewing machines; sewing machine needles;
parts thereof:
8452.40.00 00 Furniture, bases and covers for sewing machines,
and parts thereof... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
8456 Machine tools for working any material by removal of
material, by laser or other light or photon beam, ultrasonic,
electro-discharge, electro-chemical, electron-beam,
ionic-beam or plasma arc processes:
8456.10 Operated by laser or other light or photon beam
8456.10.10 For working metal ............ ............................................................. 3.5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8456.10.80 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8456.20 Operated by ultrasonic processes:
8456.20.10 For working metal ............ ............................................................. 3.5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8456.20.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8456.30 Operated by electro-discharge processes:
8456.30.10 For working metal ............ ............................................................. 3.5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8456.30.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8456.99 Other:
For working metal:
8456.99.30 Other... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8456.99.90 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%

8457 Machining centers, unit construction machines (single

station) and multistation transfer machines, for working
8457.10.00 Machining centers .... ............ ............................................................. 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8457.20.00 Unit construction machines (single station)..................................... 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8457.30.00 Multistati on transfer machines .......................................................... 3.3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8458 Lathes (including turning centers) for removing metal:
Horizontal lathes:
8458.11.00 Numerically controlled.... ............................................................. 4.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8458.19.00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
Other lathes:
8458.91 Numerically controlled:
8458.91.10 Vertical turret lathes. ............................................................. 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8458.91.50 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8458.99 Other:
8458.99.10 Vertical turret lathes. ............................................................. 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8458.99.50 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8459 Machine tools (including way-type unit head machines) for
drilling, boring, milling, threading or tapping by removing
metal, other than lathes (including turning centers) of
heading 8458:
8459.10.00 00 Way-type unit head machines ............................................................ No. 3.3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
Other drilling machines:
8459.21.00 Numerically controlled.... ............................................................. 4.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8459.29.00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
Other boring-milling machines:
8459.31.00 Numerically controlled.... ............................................................. 4.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8459.39.00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8459.40.00 Other boring machines.......... ............................................................. 4.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
Milling machines, knee type:
8459.51.00 Numerically controlled.... ............................................................. 4.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8459.59.00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
Other milling machines:
8459.61.00 Numerically controlled.... ............................................................. 4.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8459.69.00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8459.70 Other threading or tapping machines:
8459.70.40 00 Numerically controlled.... ............................................................. No. 4.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8459.70.80 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8460 Machine tools for deburring, sharpening, grinding, honing,

lapping, polishing or otherwise finishing metal or cermets
by means of grinding stones, abrasives or polishing
products, other than gear cutting, gear grinding or gear
finishing machines of heading 8461:
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Flat-surface grinding machines, in which the

positioning in any one axis can be set up to an
accuracy of at least 0.01 mm:
8460.11.00 Numerically controlled.... ............................................................. 4.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8460.19.00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
Other grinding machines, in which the positioning in
any one axis can be set up to an accuracy of at least
0.01 mm:
8460.21.00 Numerically controlled.... ............................................................. 4.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8460.29.00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
Sharpening (tool or cutter grinding) machines:
8460.31.00 Numerically controlled.... ............................................................. 4.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8460.39.00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8460.40 Honing or lapping machines:
8460.40.40 Numerically controlled.... ............................................................. 4.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8460.40.80 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8460.90 Other:
8460.90.40 Numerically controlled.... ............................................................. 4.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8460.90.80 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8461 Machine tools for planing, shaping, slotting, broaching,
gear cutting, gear grinding or gear finishing, sawing,
cutting-off and other machine tools working by removing
metal or cermets, not elsewhere specified or included:
8461.10 Planing machines:
8461.10.40 Numerically controlled.... ............................................................. 4.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8461.10.80 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8461.20 Shaping or slotting machines:
8461.20.40 00 Numerically controlled.... ............................................................. No. 4.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8461.20.80 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8461.30 Broaching machines:
8461.30.40 Numerically controlled.... ............................................................. 4.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8461.30.80 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8461.40 Gear cutting, gear grinding or gear finishing machines:
8461.40.10 Gear cutting machines .... ............................................................. 5.8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8461.40.50 Gear grinding or finishing machines .......................................... 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8461.50 Sawing or cutting-off machines:
8461.50.40 Numerically controlled.... ............................................................. 4.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8461.50.80 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8461.90 Other:
8461.90.40 Numerically controlled.... ............................................................. 4.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8461.90.80 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8462 Machine tools (including presses) for working metal by
forging, hammering or die-stamping; machine tools
(including presses) for working metal by bending, folding,
straightening, flattening, shearing, punching or notching;
presses for working metal or metal carbides, not specified
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8462.10.00 Forging or die-stamping machines (including presses)

and hammers . ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
Bending, folding, straightening or flattening machines
(including presses):
8462.21 Numerically controlled:
8462.21.80 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8462.29 Other:
8462.29.80 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
Shearing machines (including presses), other than
combined punching and shearing machines:
8462.31.00 Numerically controlled.... ............................................................. 4.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8462.39.00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
Punching or notching machines (including presses),
including combined punching and shearing machines:
8462.41.00 Numerically controlled.... ............................................................. 4.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8462.49.00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8462.91 Hydraulic presses:
8462.91.40 Numerically controlled ........................................................... 4.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8462.91.80 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8462.99 Other:
8462.99.40 Numerically controlled ........................................................... 4.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8462.99.80 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8463 Other machine tools for working metal or cermets, without
removing material:
8463.10.00 Draw-benches for bars, tubes, profiles, wire or the like .................. 4.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8463.20.00 Thread rolling machines........ ............................................................. 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8463.30.00 Machines for working wire .... ............................................................. 4.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8463.90.00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8464 Machine tools for working stone, ceramics, concrete,
asbestos-cement or like mineral materials or for cold
working glass:
8464.20 Grinding or polishing machines:
8464.20.50 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 35%
8464.90 Other:
8464.90.90 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8465 Machine tools (including machines for nailing, stapling,
glueing or otherwise assembling) for working wood, cork,
bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials:
8465.10.00 Machines which can carry out different types of
machining operations without tool change between
such operations ..... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8465.91.00 Sawing machines. ............ ............................................................. 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8465.92.00 Planing, milling or molding (by cutting) machines................... 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8465.93.00 Grinding, sanding or polishing machines................................... 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%

8465.94.00 Bending or assembling machines ................................................ 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8465.95.00 Drilling or mortising machines.................................................... 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8465.96.00 Splitting, slicing or paring machines .......................................... 2.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8465.99 Other:
8465.99.80 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8466 Parts and accessories suitable for use solely or principally
with the machines of headings 8456 to 8465, including
work or tool holders, self-opening dieheads, dividing heads
and other special attachments for machine tools; tool
holders for any type of tool for working in the hand:
8466.10 Tool holders and self-opening dieheads:
8466.10.80 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8466.20 Work holders:
8466.20.10 For machine tools used in cutting gears ...................................... 4.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8466.20.80 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8466.30 Dividing heads and other special attachments for
machine tools:
8466.30.10 00 Dividing heads .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
Other special attachments:
8466.30.60 Machines.. ............ ............................................................. 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8466.30.80 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8466.92.50 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8466.93 For machines of headings 8456 to 8461:
Bed, base, table, head, tail, saddle, cradle,
cross slide, column, arm, saw arm, wheelhead,
tailstock, headstock, ram, frame, work-arbor
support, and C-frame cast ings, weldments or
8466.93.30 00 Of metalworking machine tools for
cutting gears .. ...........................................X............... 5.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%

8466.93.53 Other . ............ ............................................................. 4.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%


8466.93.75 00 Of metalworking machine tools for
cutting gears .. ...........................................X............... 5.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8466.93.95 Other . ............ ............................................................. 4.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8466.94 For machines of heading 8462 or 8463:
Cast-iron parts not advanced beyond cleaning,
and machined only for the removal of fins,
gates, sprues and risers or to permit location
in finishing machinery:
8466.94.65 Other . ............ ............................................................. 4.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8466.94.85 Other . ............ ............................................................. 4.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8467 Tools for working in the hand, pneumatic, hydraulic or
with self-contained nonelectric motor, and parts thereof:
8467.11 Rotary type (including combined
8467.11.10 Suitable for metal working..................................................... 4.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8467.19 Other:
8467.19.10 00 Suitable for metal working...................................No. ............ 4.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8468 Machinery and apparatus for soldering, brazing or
welding, whether or not capable of cutting, other
than those of heading 8515; gas-operated surface
tempering machines and appliances; parts thereof:
8468.10.00 00 Hand-held blow torches ......... ............................................................. No. 2.9% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8468.20 Other gas-operated machinery and apparatus:
8468.20.10 00 Hand-directed or -controlled.......................................No. ............ 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8468.80 Other machinery and apparatus:
8468.80.10 00 Hand-directed or -controlled.......................................No. ............ 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8468.90 Parts:
8468.90.10 00 Of hand-directed or -controlled
machinery and apparatus ...........................................X............... 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8472 Other office machines (for example, hectograph or stencil
duplicating machines, addressing machines, automatic
banknote dispensers, coin -sorting machines, coin -counting
or wrapping machines, pencil-sharpening machines,
perforating or stapling machines):
8472.10.00 00 Duplicating machines ............ ............................................................. No. 1.6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
8472.20.00 00 Addressing machines and address plate embossing
machines.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%

8472.30.00 00 Machines for sorting or folding mail or for inserting

mail in envelopes or bands, machines for opening,
closing or sealing mail and machines for affixing or
canceling postage stamps ...... ...........................................No. ............ 1.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%

8472.90 Other:
8472.90.40 00 Pencil sharpeners ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%

8472.90.95 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8473 Parts and accessories (other than covers, carrying cases
and the like) suitable for use solely or principally with
machines of headings 8469 to 8472:
8473.10 Parts and accessories of the machines of
heading 8469:
Of word processing machines:
8473.10.40 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8473.10.60 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8473.10.90 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8473.40 Parts and accessories of the machines of
heading 8472:
8473.40.95 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 1.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8477 Machinery for working rubber or plastics or for the
manufacture of products from these materials, not
specified or included elsewhere in this chapter;
parts thereof:
8477.10 Injection-molding machines:
8477.10.90 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8477.20.00 Extruders .. ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8477.30.00 00 Blow-molding machines ........ ............................................................. No. 3.1% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8477.40 Vacuum-molding machines and other thermoforming

8477.40.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
Other machinery for molding or otherwise forming:
8477.51.00 For molding or retreading pneumatic tires or for
molding or otherwise forming inner tubes ................................. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
8477.59 Other:

8477.59.80 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8477.80.00 00 Other machinery .. .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8477.90 Parts:
Base, bed, platen, clamp cylinder, ram, and
injection castings, weldments and fabrications:
8477.90.25 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
Barrel screws:
8477.90.45 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%

8477.90.65 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8477.90.85 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8479 Machines and mechanical appliances having individual
functions, not specified or included elsewhere in this
chapter; parts thereof:
8479.50.00 00 Industrial robots, not elsewhere specified or included..No. ............ 2.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8479.60.00 00 Evaporative air coolers ........... ............................................................. No. 2.8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8479.89 Other:
Electromechanical appliances with
self-contained electric motor:
8479.89.55 00 Trash compactors . ...........................................No. ............ 2.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
8479.89.65 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.8% Free (A,C 1/,CA,E, 40%

8479.89.97 Other... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.5% Free (A,B,C 2/,CA, 35%
8480 Molding boxes for metal foundry; mold bases; molding
patterns; molds for metal (other than ingot molds), metal
carbides, glass, mineral materials, rubber or plastics:
8480.10.00 00 Molding boxes for metal foundry......................................No. ............ 3.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8480.20.00 00 Mold bases ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. No. 3.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
8480.30.00 00 Molding patterns... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50%
Molds for metal or metal carbides:
8480.41.00 00 Injection or compression types ...................................No. ............ 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8480.49.00 00 Other types ..... .... ............ ............................................................. No. 3.1% Free
(A,CA,E, IL,J, 35%
8480.71 Injection or compression types:
8480.71.80 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8480.79 Other types:
8480.79.90 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8481 Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances, for pipes,
boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, including
pressure-reducing valves and thermostatically controlled
valves; parts thereof:
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8481.10.00 Pressure -reducing valves ....... ............................................................. 2% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 35%

8481.20.00 Valves for oleohydraulic or pneumatic
transmissions ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 35%
8481.30 Check valves:
8481.30.10 Of copper. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
8481.30.20 Of iron or steel .... ............ ............................................................. 5% Free
(A*,B,CA,E, 45%
8481.30.90 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
kg J,MX)
8481.40.00 00 Safety or relief valves ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 35%
kg J,MX)
8481.80 Other appliances:
Hand operated:
8481.80.10 Of copper... .... ............ ............................................................. 4% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 47%
8481.80.30 Of iron or steel........... ............................................................. 5.6% Free
(A*,B,CA,E, 45%
8481.80.50 Of other materials ..... ............................................................. 3% Free
(A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
8481.80.90 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2% Free (A*,B,CA,E, 35%
8481.90 Parts:
Of hand operated and check appliances:
8481.90.10 00 Of copper... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 3% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 47%
8481.90.30 00 Of iron or steel........... ............................................................. kg 5% Free
(A*,B,CA,E, 45%
8481.90.50 00 Of other materials ..... ............................................................. kg 3% Free
(A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
8482 Ball or roller bearings, and parts thereof:
8482.10 Ball bearings:
8482.10.10 Ball bearings with integral shafts ........................................................ 2.4% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 35%
1.2% (MX)
8482.10.50 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 9% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 67%
3.3% (MX)
8482.20.00 Tapered roller bearings, including cone and tapered
roller assemblies ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.8% Free
1.9% (MX)
8482.30.00 Spherical roller bearings....... ............................................................. 5.8% Free (A,B,CA,E, 67%
1.9% (MX)
8482.40.00 00 Needl e roller bearings ........... ............................................................. No. 5.8% Free
(A,B,CA,E, 67%
kg IL,J)
1.9% (MX)
8482.50.00 00 Other cylindrical roller bearings .....................................No. ............ 5.8% Free (A,B,CA,E, 67%
kg IL,J)
1.9% (MX)
8482.80.00 Other, including combined ball/roller bearings............................... 5.8% Free (A,B,CA,E, 67%
1.9% (MX)
8482.91.00 Balls, needles and rollers ...... ............................................................. 4.4% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 45%
1.4% (MX)
8482.99 Other:
Inner or outer rings or races:
8482.99.05 00 For ball bearings ...... ...........................................No. ............ 9.9% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 67%
kg IL,J)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

3.3% (MX)
8482.99.15 For tapered roller bearings ..................................................... 5.8% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 67%
1.9% (MX)
8482.99.25 Other .... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.8% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 67%
1.9% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8482.99.35 00 Parts of ball bearings (including parts of
ball bearings with integral shafts) .........................kg.............. 9.9% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 67%
3.3% (MX)
8482.99.45 00 Parts of tapered roller bearings ............................kg.............. 5.8% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 67%
1.9% (MX)
8482.99.65 Other .... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.8% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 67%
1.9% (MX)
8483 Transmission shafts (including camshafts and crankshafts)
and cranks; bearing housings, housed bearings and plain
shaft bearings; gears and gearing; ball or roller screws;
gear boxes and other speed changers, including torque
converters; flywheels and pulleys, including pulley blocks;
clutches and shaft couplings (including universal joints);
parts thereof:
8483.10 Transmission shafts (including camshafts and
crankshafts) and cranks:
Camshafts and crankshafts:
8483.10.10 Designed for use solely or principally with
spark -ignition internal combustion piston
engines or rotary engines ....................................................... 2.5% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 35%
8483.10.30 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.5% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 35%
8483.20 Housed bearings, incorporating ball or roller bearings:
8483.20.40 Flange, take-up, cartridge and hanger units............................... 4.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8483.20.80 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 45%
1.7% (MX)
8483.30 Bearing housings; plain shaft bearings:
8483.30.40 Flange, take-up, cartridge and hanger units............................... 4.5% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 45%
8483.30.80 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.5% Free (A+,C,CA,E, 45%
8483.40 Gears and gearing, other than toothed wheels, chain
sprockets and other transmission elements entered
separately; ball or roller screws; gear boxes and
other speed changers, including torque converters:
8483.40.50 Other... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.5% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 27.5%
8483.40.70 00 Other speed changers ............................................ No. 25¢ each + Free
(A,C,CA,E,IL, $4.50 each
3.9% J,MX) + 65%
8483.40.80 00 Ball or roller screws ......... ...........................................X............... 3.8% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 45%
8483.40.90 00 Gears and gearing, other than toothed wheels,
chain sprockets and other transmission elements
entered separately............ ............................................................. X 2.5% Free
(A,B,C,CA,E, 27.5%
8483.50 Flywheels and pulleys, including pulley blocks:
8483.50.40 00 Gray-iron awning or tackle pulleys, not over
6.4 cm in wheel diameter ...........................................X............... 5.7% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 45%
8483.50.60 00 Flywheels .. .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.8% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 45%
8483.50.90 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.8% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 45%
8483.60 Clutches and shaft couplings (including universal
8483.60.40 00 Clutches and universal joints.....................................X............... 2.8% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 45%
8483.60.80 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.8% Free (A+,B,C,CA, 45%
8483.90 Parts:
8483.90.10 Chain sprockets and parts thereof ............................................... 2.8% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 45%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Parts of bearing housings and plain shaft bearings:

8483.90.20 00 Parts of flange, take-up, cartridge and hanger
units... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4.5% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 45%
8483.90.30 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4.5% Free (A+,C,CA,E, 45%
8483.90.50 00 Parts of gearing, gear boxes and other speed
changers .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.5% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 27.5%
8483.90.70 00 Parts of articles of subheading 8483.20......................X............... 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 45%
8483.90.80 Other... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.8% Free (A+,B,C,CA, 45%
8484 Gaskets and similar joints of metal sheeting combined
with other material or of two or more layers of metal; sets
or assortments of gaskets and similar joints, dissimilar in
composition, put up in pouches, envelopes or similar
packings; mechanical seals:
8484.10.00 00 Gaskets and similar joints of metal sheeting combined
with other material or of two or more layers of metal...X............... 2.5% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 35%
8484.20.00 00 Mechanical seals... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.9% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
8484.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 35%

8485 Machinery parts, not containing electrical connectors,

insulators, coils, contacts or other electrical features, and
not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter:
8485.90.00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.9% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
8603 Self-propelled railway or tramway coaches, vans and
trucks, other than those of heading 8604:
8603.10.00 00 Powered from an external source of electricity ..............No. ............ 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8603.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8604.00.00 00 Railway or tramway maintenance or service vehicles,
whether or not self-propelled (for example, workshops,
cranes, ballast tampers, trackliners, testing coaches and
track inspection vehicles) ............ ...........................................X............... 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8605.00.00 00 Railway or tramway passenger coaches, not self-
propelled; luggage vans, post office coaches and other
special purpose railway or tramway coaches, not self-
propelled (excluding those of heading 8604) .........................No. ............ 15.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8606 Railway or tramway freight cars, not self-propelled:
8606.10.00 00 Tank cars and the like............ ............................................................. No. 15.6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8606.20.00 00 Insulated or refrigerated cars, other than those of
subheading 8606.10 ... ............ ............................................................. No. 15.6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8606.30.00 00 Self-discharging cars, other than those of
subheading 8606.10 or 8606.20............................................................ No. 15.6% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
8606.91.00 00 Covered and closed........... ............................................................. No. 15.6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8606.92.00 00 Open, with non-removable sides of a height
exceeding 60 cm ... ............ ............................................................. No. 15.6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%

8606.99.00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 15.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8607 Parts of railway or tramway locomotives or rolling stock:

Truck assemblies, axles and wheels, and parts
8607.12.00 00 Other truck assemblies X 3.6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8607.19 Other, including parts:
Axles and parts thereof:
8607.19.03 00 Axles.... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 0.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 3%

8607.19.06 00 Parts of axles .......... ...........................................kg.............. 0.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 3%

Wheels and parts thereof, and any of such
heels or parts imported with axles fitted in
8607.19.30 Parts of truck assemblies of vehicles of
heading 8605 or 8606 . ............................................................. 3.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8607.19.90 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.6% Free (A,CA,E, IL,J, 35%
Brakes and parts thereof:
8607.21 Air brakes and parts thereof:
8607.21.10 00 For vehicles of heading 8605 or 8606 ...................X............... 3.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8607.21.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8607.29 Other:
8607.29.10 00 For vehicles of heading 8605 or 8606 ...................X............... 3.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8607.29.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8607.30 Hooks and other coupling devices, buffers, and parts
8607.30.10 00 For vehicles of heading 8605 or 8606 .........................X............... 3.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8607.30.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8607.99 Other:
8607.99.10 00 For vehicles of heading 8605 or 8606,
except brake regulators .........................................X............... 2.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8607.99.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
8608.00.00 00 Railway or tramway track fixtures and fittings; mechanical
(including electro-mechanical) signaling, safety or traffic
control equipment for railways, tramways, roads, inland
waterways, parking facilities, port installations or airfields;
parts of the foregoing.. .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8701 Tractors (other than tractors of heading 8709):
8701.20.00 Road tractors for semi-trailers ............................................................. 4% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 25%
1.2% (MX)
8702 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons,
including the driver:
8702.10 With compression-ignition internal combustion piston
engine (diesel or semi-diesel):
8702.10.30 00 Designed for the transport of 16 or more persons,
including the driver ......... ............................................................. No. 2% Free
(A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
8702.10.60 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
8702.90 Other:
8702.90.30 00 Designed for the transport of 16 or more persons,
including the driver ......... ............................................................. No. 2% Free
(A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8702.90.60 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
8703 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed
for the transport of persons (other than those of
heading 8702), including station wagons and racing cars:
8703.10 Vehicles specially designed for traveling on snow;
golf carts and similar vehicles:
8703.10.10 00 Vehicles specially designed for traveling on snow .............No. ............ 2.5% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 10%
8703.10.50 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 10%
Other vehicles, with spark-ignition internal combustion
reciprocating piston engine:
8703.21.00 00 Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,000 cc .................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 10%
8703.22.00 00 Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,000 cc but not
exceeding 1,500 cc ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 10%
8703.23.00 Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,500 cc but not
exceeding 3,000 cc ............ ............................................................. 2.5% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 10%
8703.24.00 Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 3,000 cc.......................................... 2.5% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 10%
Other vehicles, with compression-ignition
internal combustion piston engine (diesel or
8703.31.00 00 Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,500 cc .................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 10%
8703.32.00 Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,500 cc but not
exceeding 2,500 cc ............ ............................................................. 2.5% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 10%
8703.33.00 Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2,500 cc.......................................... 2.5% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 10%
8703.90.00 00 Other ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 10%

8704 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods:

8704.21.00 00 G.V.W. not exceeding 5 metric tons.................................No. ............ 25% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 25%
8704.22 G.V.W. exceeding 5 metric tons but not
exceeding 20 metric tons:
8704.22.10 Cab chassis .... ............ ............................................................. 4% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 25%
1.2% (MX)
8704.22.50 Other... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 25% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 25%
See 9906.87.01-
9906.87.02 (MX)
8704.23.00 00 G.V.W. exceeding 20 metric tons.....................................No. ............ 25% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 25%
See 9906.87.01-
9906.87.02 (MX)
Other, with spark-ignition internal combustion piston
8704.31.00 G.V.W. not exceeding 5 metric tons................................................... 25% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 25%
8704.32.00 G.V.W. exceeding 5 metric tons......................................................... 25% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 25%
See 9906.87.01-
9906.87.02 (MX)
8704.90.00 00 Other ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 25% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 25%
See 9906.87.01-
9906.87.02 (MX)
8706.00 Chassis fitted with engines, for the motor vehicles of
headings 8701 to 8705:
For the vehicles of subheading 8701.20 or
heading 8702 or 8704:
8706.00.03 00 For the vehicles of subheading 8704.21 or
8704.31 ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. No. 4% Free
(A+,B,CA,E, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8706.00.05 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 25%
8706.00.15 For the vehicles of heading 8703.............................................................. 2.5% Free
(A+,B,CA,E, 10%
8706.00.25 00 For the vehicles of heading 8705............................................No. ............ 1.6% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 10%
For other vehicles:
8706.00.50 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 1.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 27.5%

8707 Bodies (including cabs), for the motor vehicles of

headings 8701 to 8705:
8707.10.00 For the vehicles of heading 8703.............................................................. 2.5% Free
(A+,B,CA,E, 10%
8707.90 Other:
8707.90.50 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 25%
8708 Parts and accessories of the motor vehicles of
headings 8701 to 8705:
8708.10 Bumpers and parts thereof:
8708.10.30 Bumpers .. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
8708.10.60 Parts of bumpers .. ............ ............................................................. 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
Other parts and accessories of bodies (including
8708.21.00 00 Safety seat belts... ............ ............................................................. kg 2.5% Free
(A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
8708.29 Other:
8708.29.10 00 Inflators and modules for airbags ........................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
8708.29.15 00 Door assemblies ......... ...........................................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
8708.29.20 00 Body stampings .......... ............................................................. No. 2.5% Free
(A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
8708.29.50 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
Brakes and servo-brakes and parts thereof:
8708.31 Mounted brake linings:
8708.31.50 00 For other vehicles....... ...........................................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
8708.39 Other:
8708.39.50 For other vehicles....... ............................................................. 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E, 25%
8708.40 Gear boxes:
8708.40.10 00 For the vehicles of subheading 8701.20 or
heading 8702 or 8704 ....... ...........................................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
8708.40.20 00 For the vehicles of heading 8703 ................................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
8708.40.50 00 For other vehicles ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 25%
8708.50 Drive axles with differential, whether or not provided
with other transmission components:
8708.50.50 00 For vehicles of heading 8703 .......................................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
kg J,MX)
8708.50.80 00 For other vehicles ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
kg J,MX)
8708.60 Non-driving axles and parts thereof:
For tractors (except road tractors):
8708.60.50 00 For vehicles of heading 8703 .......................................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
8708.60.80 For other vehicles ............ ............................................................. 2.5% Free (A*,B,CA,E, 25%
8708.70 Road wheels and parts and accessories thereof:
For other vehicles:
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8708.70.45 Road wheels ... ............ ............................................................. 2.5% Free

(A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8708.70.60 Parts and accessories ............................................................. 2.5% Free (A*,B,CA,E, 25%

8708.80 Suspension shock absorbers:
For other vehicles:
8708.80.30 00 McPherson struts ....... ...........................................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
8708.80.45 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
Other parts and accessories:
8708.91 Radiators:
8708.91.50 00 For other vehicles....... ...........................................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
8708.92 Mufflers and exhaust pipes:
8708.92.50 00 For other vehicles.......... ...........................................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 25%
8708.93 Clutches and parts thereof:
For other vehicles:
8708.93.60 00 Clutches... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
8708.93.75 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
8708.94 Steering wheels, steering columns and steering
8708.94.50 00 For other vehicles....... ...........................................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
8708.99 Other:
Parts of tractors suitable for agricultural use:
8708.99.55 00 Vibration control goods containing
rubber ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
8708.99.58 00 Double flanged wheel hub units
incorporating ball bearings......................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
kg J,MX)
8708.99.61 00 Airbags............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
8708.99.64 00 Half-shafts and drive shafts .....................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
8708.99.67 00 Other parts for power trains ....................No. ............ 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
8708.99.70 Parts for suspension systems ..................................... 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
8708.99.73 Parts for steering systems .......................................... 2.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 25%
8708.99.80 Other . ............ ............................................................. 2.5% Free (A*,B,CA,E, 25%
8711 Motorcycles (including mopeds) and cycles fitted with an
auxiliary motor, with or without side -cars; side-cars:
8711.40 With reciprocating internal combustion piston engine
of a cylinder capacity exceeding 500 cc but not
exceeding 800 cc:
8711.40.60 Exceeding 700 cc but not exceeding 800 cc .................................. 2.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 10%
8711.50.00 With reciprocating internal combustion piston engine
of a cylinder capacity exceeding 800 cc .............................................. 2.4% Free (A,CA,E, IL,J, 10%
8712.00 Bicycles and other cycles (including delivery tricycles),
not motorized:
8712.00.15 Bicycles having both wheels not exceeding 63.5 cm
in diameter ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 11% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
3.3% (MX)
Bicycles having both wheels exceeding 63.5 cm
in diameter:
8712.00.25 00 If weighing less than 16.3 kg complete without
accessories and not designed for use with tires
having a cross-sectional diameter exceeding
4.13 cm ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. No. 5.5% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
1.6% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8712.00.35 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 11% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
3.3% (MX)
8712.00.44 00 Bicycles having a front wheel exceeding 55 cm but
not exceeding 63.5 cm in diameter and a rear wheel
exceeding 63.5 cm in diameter, weighing less than
16.3 kg complete without accessories and not
designed for use with tires having a cross-sectional
diameter exceeding 4.13 cm, valued $200 or more
each ........... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 5.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
1.6% (MX)
8712.00.48 00 Other bicycles .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 11% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
4.5% (MX)
8712.00.50 00 Other cycles .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%

8714 Parts and accessories of vehicles of headings 8711 to

8714.91 Frames and forks, and parts thereof:
8714.91.20 00 Valued over $600 each .....................................No. ............ 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8714.91.30 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
1.4% (MX)
8714.91.50 00 Sets of steel tubing cut to exact length and
each set having the number of tubes needed
for the assembly (with other parts) into the
frame and fork of one bicycle ....................................kg.............. 6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
1.8% (MX)
8714.92 Wheel rims and spokes:
8714.92.10 00 Wheel rims .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
1.8% (MX)
8714.92.50 00 Spokes ....... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 10% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8714.93 Hubs, other than coaster braking hubs and hub
brakes, and free-wheel sprocket -wheels:
8714.93.28 00 Other ........ ...........................................No. ............ 3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
8714.93.35 00 Other ... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
3% (MX)
8714.94 Brakes, including coaster braking hubs and hub
brakes, and parts thereof:
8714.94.90 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg.............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
3% (MX)
8714.95.00 00 Saddles ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
3% (MX)
8714.96 Pedals and crank-gear, and parts thereof:
8714.96.10 00 Pedals and parts thereof .......................................... kg .............. 8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
3% (MX)
8714.96.90 00 Other crank-gear and parts thereof ........................... kg .............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
3% (MX)
8714.99 Other:

8714.99.80 00 Other ... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... kg .............. 10% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
3% (MX)
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

8715.00.00 Baby carriages (including strollers) and parts thereof ............... .................. 4.4% Free (A,C A,E,IL,J, 45%
8716 Trailers and semi-trailers; other vehicles, not mechanically
propelled; and parts thereof:
8716.80 Other vehicles:
8716.80.50 Other ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 3.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8716.90 Parts:
8716.90.30 00 C astors, other than those of heading 8302 ............... kg.............. 5.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8716.90.50 Other ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .......................................... .................. 3.1% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
8804.00.00 00 Parachutes (including dirigible parachutes and
paragliders) and rotochutes; parts thereof and
accessories thereto ...... .... ............ ............................................................. kg 3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
8903 Yachts and other vessels for pleasure or sports; row boats
and canoes:
8903.10.00 Inflatable . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
8903.91.00 Sailboats, with or without auxiliary motor ................................. 1.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8903.92.00 Motorboats, other than outboard motorboats.............................. 1.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8903.99 Other:
Row boats and canoes which are not of a type
designed to be principally used with motors or
8903.99.15 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
8903.99.20 Outboard motorboats. ............................................................. 1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
8903.99.90 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
9001 Optical fibers and optical fiber bundles; optical fiber cables
other than those of heading 8544; sheets and plates of
polarizing material; lenses (including contact lenses),
prisms, mirrors and other optical elements, of any
material, unmounted, other than such elements of glass
not optically worked:
9001.10.00 Optical fibers, optical fiber bundles and cables................................ 6.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 65%
9001.20.00 00 Sheets and plates of polarizing material.........................kg ............. 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
9001.30.00 00 Contact lenses....... .... ............ ............................................................. prs. 2% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 40%
9001.40.00 00 Spectacle lenses of glass ........ ............................................................. prs. 2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9001.50.00 00 Spectacle lenses of other materials..................................prs. ........... 2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9001.90 Other:
9001.90.40 00 Lenses ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 45%
9001.90.50 00 Prisms ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.8% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 65%
9001.90.60 00 Mirrors ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.8% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 45%
9001.90.80 00 Halftone screens designed for use in
engraving or photographic processes...................X............... 1.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
9001.90.90 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.9% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 85%
9002 Lenses, prisms, mirrors and other optical elements, of
any material, mounted, being parts of or fittings for
instruments or apparatus, other than such elements of
glass not optically worked; parts and accessories
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Objective lenses and parts and accessories thereof:

9002.11 For cameras, projectors or photographic
enlargers or reducers:
9002.11.40 00 Projection.. .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.45% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9002.11.90 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 45%
9002.19.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9002.20 Filters and parts and accessories thereof:
9002.20.40 00 Photographic... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
9002.20.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 65%
9002.90 Other:
9002.90.20 00 Prisms ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.8% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 65%
9002.90.40 00 Mirrors ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.8% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 45%
9002.90.70 00 Halftone screens designed for use in
engraving or photographic processes...................X............... 1.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
9002.90.95 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 65%

9003 Frames and mountings for spectacles, goggles or the

like, and parts thereof:
Frames and mountings:
9003.11.00 00 Of plastics ....... .... ............ ............................................................. Doz. 2.5% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
9003.90.00 00 Parts ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50%

9004 Spectacles, goggles and the like, corrective, protective

or other:
9004.10.00 00 Sunglasses ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. Doz. 2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9004.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................Doz........... 2.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 40%

9005 Binoculars, monoculars, other optical telescopes, and

mountings therefor; other astronomical instruments and
mountings therefor, but not including instruments for
radio-astronomy; parts and accessories thereof:
9005.80 Other instruments:
9005.80.40 Optical telescopes ............ ............................................................. 8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9005.80.60 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9005.90 Parts and accessories (including mountings):
9005.90.40 00 Incorporating goods of heading 9001 or 9002............X............... The rate Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, The rate
applicable MX) applicable
to the article to the
of which it of which it
is a part or is a part or
accessory accessory
9005.90.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... The rate Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, The rate
applicable MX) applicable
to the article to the
of which it of which it
is a part or is a part or
accessory accessory
9006 Photographic (other than cinematographic) cameras;
photographic flashlight apparatus and flashbulbs other
than discharge lamps of heading 8539; parts and
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

accessories thereof:
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

9006.40 Instant print cameras:

Other than fixed focus:
9006.40.60 00 Valued not over $10 each ......................................No. ............ 6.8% Free (A,CA,E, IL,J, 20%
9006.52 Other, for roll film of a width less than 35 mm:
Fixed focus:
Hand held:
9006.52.30 00 Other . ............ ...........................................No. ............ 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
Other than fixed focus:
9006.52.60 00 Valued not over $10 each ................................No. ............ 6.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
9006.59 Other:
9006.59.40 Fixed focus .... ............ ............................................................. 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
Other than fixed focus:
9006.59.60 00 Valued not over $10 each ................................No. ............ 6.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
Parts and accessories:
9006.91.00 00 For cameras ..... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 5.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
9006.99.00 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%

9007 Cinematographic cameras and projectors, whether or

not incorporating sound recording or reproducing
apparatus; part s and accessories thereof:
9007.20.40 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 4.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9007.20.80 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
Parts and accessories:
9007.91 For cameras:
9007.91.80 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9007.92.00 00 For projectors .. .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%

9008 Image projectors, other than cinematographic;

photographic (other than cinematographic) enlargers
and reducers; parts and accessories thereof:
9008.10.00 00 Slide projectors ..... .... ............ ............................................................. No. 7% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9008.20 Microfilm, microfiche or other microform readers,
whether or not capable of producing copies:
9008.20.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9008.30.00 00 Other image projectors .......... ............................................................. No. 4.6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9008.90 Parts and accessories:
9008.90.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
9009 Photocopying apparatus incorporating an optical system
or of the contact type and thermocopying apparatus;
parts and accessories thereof:
Electrostatic photocopying apparatus:
9009.12.00 00 Operating by reproducing the original image via
an intermediate onto the copy (indirect process) .....No. ............ 3.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 35%
Other photocopying apparatus:
9009.22.00 00 Of the contact type ........... ............................................................. No. 1.8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
9009.30.00 00 Thermocopying apparatus...... ............................................................. No. 1.8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

9010 Apparatus and equipment for photographic (including

cinematographic) laboratories (including apparatus for
the projection or drawing of circuit patterns on sensitized
semiconductor materials), not specified or included
elsewhere in this chapter; negatoscopes; projection
screens; parts and accessories thereof:
9010.10.00 00 Apparatus and equipment for automatically
developing photographic (including cinematographic)
film or paper in rolls or for automatically exposing
developed film to rolls of photographic paper.................X............... 2.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
9010.50 Other apparatus and equipment for photographic
(including cinematographic) laboratories;
Photographic film viewers, titlers, splicers and
editors, all the foregoing and combinations
Articles containing an optical lens or
designed to contain such a lens:
9010.50.30 00 Editors and combination editor-splicers,
for cinematographic film ................................X............... 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9010.50.40 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9010.60.00 00 Projection screens .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
9010.90 Parts and accessories:
9010.90.40 00 Of photographic film viewers, titlers, splicers,
editors or any combination of the foregoing.............X............... 3.4% Free (A,CA,E, IL,J, 45%
9010.90.90 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9011 Compound optical microscopes, including those for
photomicrography, cinemicrography or microprojection;
parts and accessories thereof:
9011.10 Stereoscopic microscopes:
9011.10.40 00 Provided with a means for photographing the
image . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
9011.10.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 7.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9011.20 Other microscopes, for photomicrography,
cinemicrography or microprojection:
9011.20.40 00 Provided with a means for photographing the
image . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
9011.20.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 7.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9011.80.00 00 Other microscope s..... ............ ............................................................. No. 6.4% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9011.90.00 00 Parts and accessories ............ ...........................................X............... 5.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%

9012 Microscopes other than optical microscopes; diffraction

apparatus; parts and accessories thereof:
9012.10.00 00 Microscopes other than optical microscopes;
diffraction apparatus . ............ ...........................................X............... 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9012.90.00 00 Parts and accessories ............ ...........................................X............... 4.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%

9013 Liquid crystal devices not constituting articles provided

for more specifically in other headings; lasers, other
than laser diodes; other optical appliances and
instruments, not specified or included elsewhere in this
chapter; parts and accessories thereof:
9013.10 Telescopic sights for fitting to arms; periscopes;
telescopes designed to form parts of machines,
appliances, instruments or apparatus of this chapter
or section XVI:
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

Telescopic sights for rifles:

9013.10.10 00 Not designed for use with infrared light.............No. ............ 14.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9013.10.30 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 1.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
9013.10.40 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9013.20.00 00 Lasers, other than laser diodes ........................................................... No. 3.1% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
9013.80 Other devices, appliances and instruments:
9013.80.20 00 Hand magnifiers, magnifying glasses, loupes,
thread counters and similar apparatus......................No. ............ 6.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9013.80.40 00 Door viewers (door eyes).. ...........................................No. ............ 5.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
9013.80.90 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9013.90 Parts and accessories:
9013.90.20 00 Of telescopic sights for rifles......................................X............... 16% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9013.90.90 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%

9014 Direction finding compasses; other navigational

instruments and appliances; parts and accessories
9014.10 Direction finding compasses:
9014.10.10 00 Optical instruments......... ............................................................. No. 4% Free
(A,C,CA,E,IL, 45%
9014.10.90 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.9% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 45%
9014.20 Instruments and appliances for aeronautical or
space navigation (other than compasses):
9014.20.20 00 Optical instruments and appliances ..........................No. ............ 2.8% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 45%
9014.20.40 00 Automatic pilots ......... ...........................................No. ............ 3.3% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 40%
9014.80 Other instruments and appliances:
9014.80.10 00 Optical instruments......... ............................................................. No. 2.8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9014.80.20 00 Ships' logs and depth -sounding apparatus..........No. ............ 3.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 70%
9015 Surveying (including photogrammetrical surveying),
hydrographic, oceanographic, hydrological,
meteorological or geophysical instruments and
appliances, excluding compasses; rangefinders; parts
and accessories thereof:
9015.10 Rangefinders:
9015.10.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9015.20 Theodolites and tachymeters:
9015.20.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9015.30 Levels:
9015.30.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9015.40 Photogrammetrical surveying instruments
and appliances:
9015.40.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9015.80 Other instruments and appliances:
9015.80.20 00 Optical instruments and appliances ..........................X............... 2.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

9015.90.00 Parts and accessories ............ ............................................................. The rate Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, The rate
applicable MX) applicable
to the article to the
of which it is of which it
a part or a part or
accessory accessory
9016.00 Balances of a sensitivity of a 5 cg or better, with or
without weights; parts and accessories thereof:
9016.00.20 00 Electrical balances and parts and accessories thereof....X............... 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9016.00.40 00 Jewelers' balances and parts and accessories
thereof ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. X 2.9% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9016.00.60 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9017 Drawing, marking-out or mathematical calculating
instruments (for example, drafting machines,
pantographs, protractors, drawing sets, slide rules, disc
calculators); instruments for measuring length, for use
in the hand (for example, measuring rods and tapes,
micrometers, calipers), not specified or included
elsewhere in this chapter; parts and accessories thereof:
9017.10 Drafting tables and machines, whether or not
9017.10.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9017.20 Other drawing, marking-out or mathematical
calculating instruments:
9017.20.40 00 Disc calculators, slide rules and other
mathematical calculating instruments .....................X............... 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9017.20.80 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9017.30 Micrometers, calipers and gauges:
9017.30.40 00 Micrometers and calipers ...........................................No. ............ 5.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9017.30.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9017.80.00 00 Other instruments .... ............ ............................................................. X 5.3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9017.90.00 Parts and accessories ............ ............................................................. The rate Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, The rate
applicable MX) applicable
to the article to the
of which it is of which it
a part or a part or
accessory accessory
9020.00 Other breathing appliances and gas masks, excluding
protective masks having neither mechanical parts nor
replaceable filters; parts and accessories thereof:
9020.00.60 00 Other breathing appliances and gas masks ....................X............... 2.5% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 35%
9020.00.90 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
9022 Apparatus based on the use of X-rays or of alpha, beta or
gamma radiations, whether or not for medical, surgical,
dental or veterinary uses, including radiography or
radiotherapy apparatus, X-ray tubes and other X-ray
generators, high tension generators, control panels and
desks, screens, examination or treatment tables, chairs
and the like; parts and accessories thereof:
Apparatus based on the use of X-rays, whether or
not for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary uses,
9022.29 For other uses:
9022.29.40 00 Smoke detectors, ionization type .........................No. ............ 1% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 35%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

9022.29.80 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 1.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
9022.30.00 00 X-ray tubes..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. No. 0.9% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

9022.90 Other, including parts and accessories:

9022.90.05 00 Radiation generator units ............................................................. X 0.8% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
9022.90.15 00 Radiation beam delivery units....................................X............... 1.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
9022.90.25 00 Other apparatus ......... ...........................................X............... 0.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
Parts and accessories:
9022.90.40 00 Of X-ray tubes ...... ............................................................. X 0.9% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
9022.90.60 00 Of apparatus based on the use of
X-rays . ............ ...........................................X............... 0.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
9022.90.70 00 Of smoke detectors, ionization type .......X............... 1% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 35%
9022.90.95 00 Other . ............ ...........................................X............... 1.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%

9024 Machines and appliances for testing the hardness,

strength, compressibility, elasticity or other mechanical
properties of materials (for example, metals, wood,
textiles, paper, plastics), and parts and accessories
9024.10.00 00 Machines and appliances for testing metals ...................X............... 1.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9024.80.00 00 Other machines and appliances ......................................................... X 1.7% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9024.90.00 Parts and accessories ............ ............................................................. 1.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9025 Hydrometers and similar floating instruments,
thermometers, pyrometers, barometers, hygrometers
and psychrometers, recording or not, and any
combination of these instruments; parts and
accessories thereof:
Thermometers and pyrometers, not combined with
other instruments:
9025.19 Other:
9025.19.40 00 Pyrometers ..... ............ ............................................................. No. 1.4% Free
(A,C,CA,E,IL, 45%
9025.19.80 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.8% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 40%
9025.80 Other instruments:
9025.80.10 00 Electrical.. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 1.7% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 40%
9025.80.15 00 Barometers, not combined with other
instruments ... ............ ............................................................. No. 1% Free
(A,C,CA,E,IL, 40%
9025.80.20 00 Hydrometers and similar floating instruments,
whether or not incorporating a thermometer,
non-recording ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.9% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 85%
9025.80.35 00 Hygrometers and psychrometers,
non-recording ............ ...........................................No. ............ 1.4% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 45%
9025.80.40 00 Thermographs, barographs, hygrographs
and other recording instruments .........................No. ............ 1% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 35%
9025.80.50 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 1.6% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 50%
9025.90.00 00 Parts and accessories ............ ...........................................X............... The rate Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, The rate
applicable J,MX) applicable
to the article to the
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

of which it is of which it
a part or a part or
accessory accessory
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

9027 Instruments and apparatus for physical or chemical

analysis (for example, polarimeters, refractometers,
spectrometers, gas or smoke analysis apparatus);
instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking
viscosity, porosity, expansion, surface tension or the like;
instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking
quantities of heat, sound or light (including exposure
meters); microtomes; parts and accessories thereof:
9027.10 Gas or smoke analysis apparatus:
9027.10.20 00 Electrical.. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 1.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9027.10.40 00 Optical instruments and apparatus .....................X............... 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
9027.10.60 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9027.30 Spectrometers, spectrophotometers and
spectrographs using optical radiations (ultraviolet,
visible, infrared):
9027.40.00 00 Exposure meters .... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 1.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 27.5%
9027.90 Microtomes; parts and accessories:
9027.90.20 00 Microtomes...... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
Parts and accessories:
9027.90.58 Other . ............ ............................................................. 1.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
Of optical instruments and
9027.90.68 00 Other . ............ ...........................................X............... 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
9027.90.88 00 Other . ............ ...........................................X............... 2.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9028 Gas, liquid or electricity supply or production meters,
including calibrating meters thereof; parts and
accessories thereof:
9028.10.00 00 Gas meters ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. No. 164 each + Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, $4.50 each
2.5% MX) + 65%
9028.20.00 00 Liquid meters ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 164 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $4.50 each
2.5% MX) + 65%
9028.30.00 00 Electricity meters .. .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 164 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $4.50 each
1.5% MX) + 65%
9028.90.00 Parts and accessories ............ ............................................................. 3.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 65%
9029 Revolution counters, production counters, taximeters,
odometers, pedometers and the like; speedometers and
tachometers, other than those of heading 9014 or 9015;
stroboscopes; parts and accessories thereof:
9029.10 Revolution counters, production counters, taximeters,
odometers, pedometers and the like:
9029.10.40 00 Taximeters ....... .... ............ ............................................................. No. 5.3% Free
(A,B,CA,E,IL, 85%
9029.20 Speedometers and tachometers; stroboscopes:
9029.20.20 00 Bicycle speedometers........... ...........................................No. ............ 6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 110%
9029.20.60 00 Stroboscopes.... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 164 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $4.50 each
2.5% MX) + 65%
9029.90 Parts and accessories:
9029.90.20 00 Of taximeters .. .... ............ ...........................................X............... 5.3% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 85%
9029.90.40 00 Of bicycle speedometers ...... ...........................................X............... 6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 110%
9029.90.60 00 Of stroboscopes.... ............ ............................................................. X 3.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 65%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

9030 Oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers and other instruments

and apparatus for measuring or checking electrical
quantities, excluding meters of heading 9028; instruments
and apparatus for measuring or detecting alpha, beta,
gamma, X-ray, cosmic or other ionizing radiations; parts
and accessories thereof:
9030.10.00 00 Instruments and apparatus for measuring or
detecting ionizing radiations ...........................................No. ............ 1.6% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 40%
9030.20.00 00 Cathode -ray oscilloscopes and cathode -ray
oscillographs . ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 1.7% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 40%
Other instruments and apparatus, for measuring
or checking voltage, current, resistance or power,
without a recording device:
9030.31.00 00 Multimeters .... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 1.7% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 40%
9030.39.00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.7% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 40%
9030.83.00 00 Other, with a recording device ...................................X............... 1.7% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 40%
9030.89.00 00 Oth e r . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 1.7% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 40%
9030.90 Parts and accessories:
For articles of subheading 9030.10:
9030.90.25 00 Printed circuit assemblies ....................................X............... 1.6% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 40%
9030.90.45 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 1.6% Free (A,C,C A,E,IL, 40%
Printed circuit assemblies:
9030.90.68 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 1.7% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 40%
9030.90.88 Other... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.7% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 40%
9031 Measuring or checking instruments, appliances and
machines, not specified or included elsewhere in this
chapter; profile projectors; parts and accessories thereof:
9031.10.00 00 Machines for balancing mechanical parts .......................X............... 1.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9031.20.00 00 Test benches .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 1.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9031.30.00 00 Profile projectors .. .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
Other optical instruments and appliances:
9031.49 Other:
9031.49.40 00 Coordinate -measuring machines ........................No. ............ 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
9031.49.90 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
9031.80 Other instruments, appliances and machines:
9031.80.80 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.7% 1/ Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 40%
9031.90 Parts and accessories:
9031.90.20 00 Of profile projectors ........ ...........................................X............... 2.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
Of other optical instruments and appliances,
other than test benches:
9031.90.45 00 Bases and frames for the
coordinate -measuring machines
of subheading 9031.49.40 ......................................X............... 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%

9031.90.58 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
9031.90.90 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.7% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 40%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

9032 Automatic regulating or controlling instruments and

apparatus; parts and accessories thereof:
9032.10.00 Thermostats ... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.7% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 40%
9032.20.00 00 Manostats. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 1.7% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 35%
Other instruments and apparatus:
9032.81.00 Hydraulic and pneumatic ............................................................. 1.6% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 35%
9032.89 Other:
Automatic voltage and voltage -current
9032.89.20 00 Designed for use in a 6, 12 or 24 V
system . .... ............ ...........................................X............... 1.1% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 25%
9032.89.40 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 1.7% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 35%
9032.89.60 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.7% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 40%
9032.90 Parts and accessories:
Of automatic voltage and voltage -current
9032.90.20 00 Designed for use in a 6, 12 or 24 V system..........X............... 1.1% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 25%
9032.90.40 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 1.7% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 35%
9032.90.60 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 1.7% Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 40%
9033.00.00 00 Parts and accessories (not specified or included
elsewhere in this chapter) for machines, appliances,
instruments or apparatus of chapter 90..................................X............... 4.4% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 40%
9101 Wrist watches, pocket watches and other watches,
including stop watches, with case of precious metal or of
metal clad with preci ous metal:
Wrist watches, electrically operated, whether or not
incorporating a stop watch facility:

9101.29.80 00 0ther... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 80%

9101.99 Other:
Having over 7 but not over 17 jewels in the
9101.99.40 With movement valued not over
$15 each ... ............ ........................................... 984 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $4.75 each
3% on the MX) + 45% on
case the case
9102 Wrist watches, pocket watches and other watches,
including stop watches, other than those of heading 9101:
Wrist watches, electrically operated, whether or not
incorporating a stop watch facility:
9102.91 Electrically operated:
9102.91.20 With opto-electronic display only........................ 3.9% on the Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
movement MX)
and case +
5.3% on the
9102.99 Other:
9102.99.20 Having no jewels or not over 7 jewels in the
movement.. .... ............ ........................................... 204 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $1.70 each
3% on the MX) + 45% on
case the case
Having over 7 but not over 17 jewels in the
9102.99.40 With movement valued not over $15 each .... 924 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $4.20 each
3% on the MX) + 45% on
case the case
9102.99.60 With movement valued over $15 each ........... $1.16 e ach + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $4.20 each
6% on the MX) + 45% on
case the case
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

9102.99.80 Having over 17 jewels in the movement.............. $2.19 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $10.95 each
6% on the MX) + 45% on
case the case

9103 Clocks with watch movements, excluding clocks of

heading 9104:
9103.10 Electrically operated:
9103.10.20 With opto-electronic display only ................................... 2.6% on the Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
movement J,MX)
and case +
3.6% on the
9103.10.40 Having no jewels or only one jewel in the
movement ... .... ............ ........................................... 244 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $1.50 each
4.5% on the J,MX) + 45% on
case + 3.5% the case +
on the 35% on the
battery battery
9103.10.80 Other... ....... .... ............ ........................................... 484 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $2.50 each
4.6% on the J,MX) + 45% on
case + 3.5% the case +
on the 35% on the
battery battery
9103.90.00 Other ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ........................................... 244 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $1.50 each
4.6% on the J,MX) + 45% on
case the case
9104.00 Instrument panel clocks and clocks of a similar type for
vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels:
With clock movements measuring over 50 mm in
width or diameter:
Valued not over $10 each:
9104.00.05 1/ With opto-electronic display only ............................. 2.6% on the Free (A+,B,C,CA, 35%
movement E,IL,J,MX)
and case
+ 3.5% on
the battery
9104.00.10 1/ Electric (including battery operated) .................... 204 each + Free (A+,B,C,CA, $3 each +
4.3% on the E,IL,J,MX) 65% on the
movement movement
and case and case
+ 3.5% on + 35% on
the battery the
9104.00.20 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 304 each + Free (A+,B,C,CA, $3 each +
6.4% E,IL,J,MX) 65%
Valued over $10 each:
9104.00.25 1/ With opto-electronic display only ............................. 3.9% on the Free (A+,B,C,CA, 35%
movement E,IL,J,MX)
and case
+ 5.3% on
the battery
9104.00.30 1/ Electric (including battery operated) .................... 304 each + Free (A+,B,C,CA, $4.50 each
4.3% on the E,IL,J,MX) + 65% on
movement on the
and case movement
+ 3.5% on and case +
the battery 35% on the
9104.00.40 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 304 each + Free (A+,B,C,CA, $4.50 each
4.3% E,IL,J,MX) + 65%
9104.00.45 With opto-electronic display only ................................... 2.6% on the Free (A+,B,C,CA, 35%
movement E,IL,J,MX)
and case
+ 3.5% on
the battery
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

9104.00.50 Electric (including battery operated) .......................... 204 each + Free (A+,B,C,CA, 754 each +
4.6% on the E,IL,J,MX) 45% on the
case + 3.5% case + 35%
on the on the
battery battery
9104.00.60 Other... ....... .... ............ ........................................... 194 each + Free (A+,B,C,CA, 754 each +
4.5% on E,IL,J,MX) 45% on the
the case case
9105 Other clocks:
Alarm clocks:
9105.11 Electrically operated:
9105.11.40 With opto-electronic display only ............................. 3.9% on the Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
movement J,MX)
and case
+ 5.3% on
the battery
9105.11.80 Other... ....... .... ............ ........................................... 304 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 754 each +
6.9% on J,MX) 45% on the
the case case + 35%
+ 5.3% on on the
the battery battery
9105.19 Other:
With movement measuring not over 50 mm
in width or diameter:
9105.19.10 Not constructed or designed to operate
for over 47 hours without rewinding ............. 304 each + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 754 each +
6.9% on J,MX) 45% on
the case the case
Constructed or designed to operate for
over 47 hours without rewinding:
9105.19.20 1/ Having no jewels or only one jewel ............... 604 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $1.75 each
6.9% on J,MX) + 45% on
the case the case
9105.19.30 1/ Having over one jewel................................... 434 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $2.25 each
2.84/jewel J,MX) + 154/jewel
over 7 + over 7
3.7% on + 60% on
the case the case
9105.19.40 00 Valued not over $5 each ..................................No. ............ 154 each + Free (A*,CA,E,IL, $1.50 each
6.4% J,MX) + 65%
9105.19.50 00 Valued over $5 each ...........................................No. ............ 234 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $4.50 each
3.2% J,MX) + 65%
Wall clocks:
9105.21 Electrically operated:
9105.21.40 With opto-electronic display only ............................. 3.9% on the Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
movement and J,MX)
case+ 5.3%
on the battery
9105.21.80 Other... ....... .... ............ ........................................... 304 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 754 each +
6.9% on the J,MX) 45% on the
case + 5.3% case + 35%
on the on the
battery battery
9105.29 Other:
With movement measuring not over 50 mm
in width or diameter:
9105.29.10 Not constructed or designed to operate
for over 47 hours without rewinding.................... 204 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 754 each +
4.6% on J,MX) 45% on
the case the case
Constructed or designed to operate for
over 47 hours without rewinding:
9105.29.20 Having no jewels or only one jewel ............... 404 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $1.75 each
4.6% on J,MX) + 45% on
the case the case
9105.29.30 Having over one jewel................................... 574 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $2.25 each
3.74/jewel J,MX) + 154/jewel
over 7 + over 7 +
4.9% on 60% on
the case the case
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

9105.29.40 00 Valued not over $5 each ......................................No. ............ 154 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $1.50 each
6.4% J,MX) + 65%
9105.29.50 00 Valued over $5 each ...........................................No. ............ 304 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $4.50 each
4.3% J,MX) + 65%
9105.91 Electrically operated:
9105.91.40 1/ With opto-electronic display only ............................. 3.9% on the Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
movement J,MX)
and case
+ 5.3% on
the battery
9105.91.80 1/ Other... ....... .... ............ ........................................... 304 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 754 each +
6.9% on the J,MX) 45% on the
case + 5.3% case + 35%
on the on the
battery battery
9105.99 Other:
9105.99.10 00 Standard marine chronometers having
spring-detent escapements ...................................No. ............ 174 each Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $4.50 each
Jwls. + 2.5% + MX) + 65% +
14/jewel 254/jewel
the case
9105.99.50 00 Valued not over $5 each ......................................No. ............ 7.54 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $1.50 each
3.2% J,MX) + 65%
9105.99.60 00 Valued over $5 each ...........................................No. ............ 234 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $4.50 each
3.2% J,MX) + 65%
9106 Time of day recording apparatus and apparatus for
measuring, recording or otherwise indicating intervals of
time, with clock or watch movement or with synchronous
motor (for example, time registers, time-recorders):
9106.10.00 00 Time registers; time-recorders ............................................................. No. 364 each + Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, $4.50 each
Jwls. 5.6% + J,MX) + 65% +
24/jewel 254/jewel
9106.20.00 00 Parking meters ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 364 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $4.50 each
Jwls. 5.6% + J,MX) + 65% +
24/jewel 254/jewel
9106.90 Other:
9106.90.40 00 Time locks valued over $10 each .................................No. ............ 364 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $4.50 each
Jwls. 5.6% + MX) + 65% +
24/jewel 254/jewel
Apparatus for measuring, recording, or
otherwise indicating intervals of time, with
clock or watch movements, battery powered:
9106.90.55 1/ With opto-electronic display only ................. 3.9% on the Free (A,CA,E,IL, $4.50 each
apparatus J,MX) + 65%
+ 5.3% on
the battery
9106.90.65 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 154 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL, $4.50 each
Jwls. 2.3% + J,MX) + 65% +
0.84/jewel 254/jewel
9106.90.75 00 Apparatus for measuring, recording or
otherwise indicating intervals of time, with
clock or watch movements, AC powered
and with opto-electronic display only ..................No. ............ 3.9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $4.50 each
J,MX) + 65%
9106.90.85 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 154 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $4.50 each
Jwls. 2.3% + J,MX) + 65% +
0.84/jewel 254/jewel
9107.00 Time switches with clock or watch movement or with
synchronous motor:
9107.00.40 Valued not over $5 each ......... ............................................................. 154 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $1.50 each
4% + MX) + 65% +
2.54/jewel 254/jewel
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

9107.00.80 00 Valued over $5 each .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 454 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $4.50 each
Jwls. 6.4% + J,MX) + 65% +
2.54/jewel 254/jewel
9109 Clock movements, complete and assembled:
Electrically operated:
9109.11 Of alarm clocks:
9109.11.10 With opto-electronic display only ............................. 3.9% on the Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 35%
movement J,MX)
+ 5.3% on
the battery
9109.11.20 Measuring not over 50 mm in
width or diameter .... ........................................... 304 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 754 each +
5.3% on the J,MX) 35% on the
battery battery
9109.11.40 Valued not over $5 each................................ 7.54 each Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $1.50 each
3.2% on the J,MX) + 65%
movement + on the
2.6% on the movement
battery + 35% on
the battery
9109.11.60 Valued over $5 each...................................... 224 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $4.50 each
3.2% on the J,MX) + 65%
movement + on the
2.6% on the movement
battery + 35% on
the battery
9109.19 Other:
9109.19.10 With opto-electronic display only ............................. 3.9% on the Free (A+,B,C,CA, 35%
movement E,IL,J,MX)
+ 5.3% on
the battery
9109.19.20 Measuring not over 50 mm in
width or diameter .... ........................................... 204 each + Free (A+,B,C,CA, 754 each +
3.5% on the E,IL,J,MX) 35% on the
battery battery
9109.19.40 Valued not over $5 each................................ 124 each + Free (A+,B,CA,E, $1.50 each
5.1% on the IL,J,MX) + 65%
movement on the
+ 4.2% on movement
the battery + 35% on
the battery
9109.19.60 1/ Valued over $5 each...................................... 304 each + Free (A+,B,CA,E, $4.50 each
4.3% on the IL,J,MX) + 65%
movement on the
+ 3.5% on movement
the battery + 35% on
the battery
9109.90 Other:
9109.90.20 00 Measuring not over 50 mm in width or diameter ..............No. ............ 204 each Free (A+,B,C,CA, 754 each
9109.90.40 00 Valued not over $5 each ...........................................No. ............ 154 each + Free (A+,B,CA,E, $1.50 each
6.4% IL,J,MX) + 65%
9109.90.60 00 Valued over $5 each ...... ...........................................No. ............ 304 each + Free (A+,B,CA,E, $4.50 each
4.3% IL,J,MX) + 65%
9110 Complete watch or clock movements, unassembled
or partly assembled (movement sets); incomplete watch
or clock movements, assembled; rough watch or clock
9110.90 Other:
9110.90.20 00 Complete movements, unassembled or partly
assembled (movement sets) ...........................................No. ............ The rate Free (A+,B,CA,E, The rate
applicable IL,J,MX) applicable
to the to the
complete, complete,
assembled assembled
movement movement
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

9110.90.40 00 Consisting of two or more pieces or parts
fastened or joined together ........................................No. ............ 4.3% + Free (A+,B,CA,E, 65% +
1.74/jewel IL,J,MX) 254/jewel
+ 0.24 for + 34 for
each other each other
piece or piece or
part, but part, but
if consisting if consisting
in part of a in part of a
plate or a set plate or a
of plates the set of plates
total duty the total
shall not duty shall
exceed the not exceed
duty for the duty for
the complete the
movement complete
9110.90.60 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4.2% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 65%
9111 Watch cases and parts thereof:
9111.10.00 00 Cases of precious metal or of metal clad with
precious metal ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 124 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 754 each +
4.8% J,MX) 45%

9111.20 Cases of base metal, whether or not gold- or

9111.20.20 00 Gold- or silver-plated ........... ...........................................No. ............ 74 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 404 each +
5.4% J,MX) 45%
9111.20.40 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.64 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 204 each +
7.6% J,MX) 45%
9111.80.00 00 Other cases ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.64 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 204 each +
7.6% J,MX) 45%
9111.90 Parts:
9111.90.40 00 Of precious metal or of metal clad with precious
metal ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 6.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 754 each +
J,MX) 45%
9111.90.50 00 Bezels, backs and centers ...........................................No. ............ 1.64 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 104 each +
6.8% J,MX) 45%
9111.90.70 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 6.4% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 45%

9112 Clock cases and cases of a similar type for other goods
of this chapter, and parts thereof:
9112.10.00 00 Cases of metal ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.5% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 45%
9112.80.00 00 Other cases.... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. No. 5.5% Free
(A,B,CA,E, 45%
9112.90.00 00 Parts ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 5.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%

9113 Watch straps, watch bands and watch bracelets, and

parts thereof:
9113.10.00 00 Of precious metal or of metal clad with precious
metal ........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4.5% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 80%
9113.20 Of base metal, whether or not gold- or silver-plated:
Straps, bands and bracelets:
9113.20.20 00 Valued not over $5 per dozen ...............................doz............ 11.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 110%
9113.20.60 00 Of watch bracelets, valued not over $12 per
dozen . ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 8.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 110%
9113.20.90 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 8.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 110%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

9113.90 Other:
9113.90.40 00 Of textile material .. ............ ...........................................X............... 7.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 78.5%
9113.90.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 1.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%

9114 Other clock or watch parts:

9114.10 Springs, including hairsprings:
9114.10.40 00 For watches ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 7.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 65%
9114.10.80 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 4.2% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 65%

9114.30 Dials:
9114.30.40 00 Not exceeding 50 mm in width.........................................No. ............ 0.44 each + Free (A+,B,CA,E, 54 each +
7.2% IL,J,MX) 45%
9114.30.80 00 Exceeding 50 mm in width ...........................................No. ............ 4.4% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 50%
9114.40 Plates and bridges:
9114.40.20 00 Watch movement bottom or pillar plates or their
equivalent .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 124 each Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 754 each
9114.40.40 00 Any plate, or set of plates, suitable for assembling
thereon a clock movement ...........................................No. ............ 104 each Free (A+,B,CA,E, 384 each
9114.40.60 00 For watches .... ............ ...........................................X............... 7.3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 65%
9114.40.80 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4.2% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 65%
9114.90 Other:
Assemblies and subassemblies for watch or clock
movements consisting of two or more pieces or
parts fastened or joined inseparably together:
9114.90.15 00 For watch movements ...........................................X............... 7.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 45%
9114.90.30 00 For clock movements.... ............................................................. X 6% + Free
(A+,B,CA,E, 65% +
2.34/jewel IL,J,MX) 254/jewel
+ 0.24 for + 34 for
each other each other
piece or piece or
part, but part, but
if consisting if consisting
in part in part of a
of a plate plate or a
or a set of set of
plates the plates the
total duty total duty
shall not shall not
exceed the exceed the
duty for duty for the
the complete complete
movement movement
9114.90.40 00 For watches .... ............ ...........................................X............... 8.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 65%
9114.90.50 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4.2% Free (A+,B,CA,E, 65%
9201 Pianos, including player pianos; harpsichords and other
keyboard stringed instruments:
9201.10.00 00 Upright pianos....... .... ............ ............................................................. No. 4.7% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9201.20.00 00 Grand pianos . ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 4.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9201.90.00 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

9202 Other string musical instruments (for example, guitars,

violins, harps):
9202.10.00 00 Played with a bow . .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 37.5%
9202.90 Other:
9202.90.20 00 Valued not over $100 each, excluding the value
of the case . .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 4.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9202.90.40 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 8.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9202.90.60 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 4.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%

9203.00 Keyboard pipe organs; harmoniums and similar keyboard

instruments with free metal reeds:
9203.00.80 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9204 Accordions and similar instruments; mouth organs:
9204.10 Accordions and similar instruments:
9204.10.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%

9205 Other wind musical instruments (for example, clarinets,

trumpets, bagpipes):
9205.10.00 Brass-wind instruments......... ............................................................. 2.9% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9205.90 Other:
Woodwind instruments:
9205.90.40 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9206.00 Percussion musical instruments (for example, drums,
xylophones, cymbals, castanets, maracas):
9206.00.20 00 Drums....... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 4.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9206.00.80 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9207 Musical instruments, the sound of which is produced, or
must be amplified, electrically (for example, organs, guitars,
9207.10.00 Keyboard instruments, other than accordions .................................. 5.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9207.90.00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9208 Music boxes, fairground organs, mechanical street organs,
mechanical singing birds, musical saws and other musical
instruments not falling within any other heading of this
chapter; decoy calls of all kinds; whistles, call horns and
other mouth-blown sound signaling instruments:
9208.10.00 00 Music boxes ... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9208.90.00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9209 Parts (for example, mechanisms for music boxes) and
accessories (for example, cards, discs and rolls for mech-
anical instruments) of musical instruments; metronomes,
tuning forks and pitch pipes of all kinds:
9209.91 Parts and accessories for pianos:
9209.91.80 00 Other... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 40%
9209.92 Parts and accessories for the musical instruments
of heading 9202:
9209.92.20 00 Mutes, collapsible musical instrument stands
and music holders for attachment to musical
instruments ... ............ ............................................................. X 3.9% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

9209.92.40 00 Tuning pins thousand 10¢/1,000 pins Free

(A,CA,E,IL,J, $1/1,000
+ 3.5% MX) pins + 35%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

9209.92.80 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9209.93 Parts and accessories for the musical instruments
of heading 9203:
9209.93.80 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9209.94 Parts and accessories for the musical instruments
of heading 9207:
9209.94.40 00 Collapsible musical instrument stands ..............X............... 5.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9209.94.80 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9209.99 Other:
9209.99.10 00 Mutes for musical instruments; pedals, dampers
and spurs for drums; pedals and holders for
cymbals; lyres and other music holders for
attachment to musical instruments; and collap-
sible stands for holding music or for holding
musical instruments.. ............................................................. X 5.7% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9209.99.80 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%

9301.00 Military weapons, other than revolvers, pistols and the arms
of heading 9307:
9301.00.30 Rifles ........ ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.7% on the Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 65%
value of the MX)
rifle + 20% on
the value of
the telescopic
sight, if any
9301.00.60 00 Shotguns .. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 65%

9302.00.00 00 Revolvers and pistols, other than those of heading 9303 or

9304 .... ............ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 14¢ each + 3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, $3.50 each
J,MX) + 55%
9303 Other firearms and similar devices which operate by the
firing of an explosive charge (for example, sporting shot-
guns and rifles, muzzle-loading firearms, Very pistols and
other devices designed to project only signal flares, pistols
and revolvers for firing blank ammunition, captive-bolt
humane killers, line-throwing guns):
9303.20.00 Other sporting, hunting or target-shooting shotguns,
including combination shotgun-rifles ............................................... 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 65%
9303.30 Other sporting, hunting or target -shooting rifles:
9303.30.40 Valued over $25 but not over $50 each ......................................... 3.8% on the Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 65%
value of the MX)
rifle + 10% on
the value of
the telescopic
sight, if any
9303.30.80 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.1% on the Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 65%
value of the MX)
rifle + 13% on
the value of
the telescopic
sight, if any
9303.90 Other:
9303.90.40 00 Pistols and revolvers designed to fire only blank
cartri dges or blank ammunition ................................No. ............ 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 105%
9304.00 Other arms (for example, spring, air or gas guns and
pistols, truncheons), excluding those of heading 9307:
Pistols, rifles and other guns which eject missiles by
release of compressed air or gas, or by the release of
a spring mechanism or rubber held under tension:
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

9304.00.20 00 Rifles.. ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 70%
9304.00.60 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 5.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9305 Parts and accessories of articles of headings 9301 to
9305.10 Of revolvers or pistols:
9305.10.20 00 Of heading 9302 .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 105%
9305.10.40 00 Of revolvers or pistols designed to fire only
blank cartridges or blank ammunition ...............X............... 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 105%
9305.29 Other:
Of rifles:
9305.29.40 00 Stocks. ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 69.5%
9305.90.50 00 Of articles of subheading 9304.00.20 or
9304.00.40 .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 70%
9305.90.60 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9307.00.00 00 Swords, cutlasses, bayonets, lances and similar arms and
parts thereof and scabbards and sheaths therefor.................X............... 2.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
9404 Mattress supports; articles of bedding and similar furnishing
(for example, mattresses, quilts, eiderdowns, cushions,
pouffes and pillows) fitted with springs or stuffed or internal-
ly fitted with any mat erial or of cellular rubber or plastics,
whether or not covered:
9404.21.00 00 Of cellular rubber or plastics, whether or not
covered..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. No. 3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9404.29 Of other materials:
9404.29.10 00 Of cotton .... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 40%
1.8% (MX)

9404.29.90 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%

9404.30 Sleeping bags:
9404.30.40 00 Containing 20 percent or more by weight of
feathers and/or down ........ ...........................................No. ............ 4.7% Free (A,C A,E,IL,J, 60%

9404.30.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 78.5%
9404.90 Other:
Pillows, cushions and similar furnishings:
9404.90.20 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9405 Lamps and lighting fittings including searchlights and spot-
lights and parts thereof, not elsewhere specified or includ-
ed; illuminated signs, illuminated nameplates and the like,
having a permanently fixed light source, and parts thereof
not elsewhere specified or included:
9405.10 Chandeliers and other electric ceiling or wall lighting
fittings, excluding those of a kind used for lighting public
open spaces or thoroughfares:
Of base metal:
9405.10.40 Of brass ..... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.9% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 45%
9405.10.60 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 7.6% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 45%
9405.10.80 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.9% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 35%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

9405.20 Electric table, desk, bedside or floor-standing lamps:

Of base metal:
9405.20.40 Of brass ..... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9405.20.60 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9405.20.80 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
9405.30.00 Lighting sets of a kind used for Christmas trees ............................. 8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 50%
9405.40 Other electric lamps and lighting fittings:
Of base metal:
9405.40.40 00 Of brass ..... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 4.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9405.40.60 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9405.40.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
9405.50 Non-electrical lamps and lighting fittings:
9405.50.20 00 Incandescent lamps designed to be operated by
propane or other gas, or by compressed air and
kerosene or gasoline........ ...........................................No. ............ 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9405.50.30 00 Of brass ..... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 5.7% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
9405.50.40 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9405.60 Illuminated signs, illuminated nameplates and the like:
Of base metal:
9405.60.20 00 Of brass ..... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 5.7% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 45%
9405.60.40 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 6% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 45%
9405.60.60 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 5.3% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 80%
9405.91 Of glass:
Globes and shades:
9405.91.10 00 Of lead crystal...... ............................................................. X 12% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 70%
9405.91.30 00 Other .... ............ ...........................................X............... 12% Free (A,CA,E,IL, 70%
7.4% (MX)

9405.91.40 00 Chimneys.. .... ............ ...........................................doz............ 7.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%

9405.91.60 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
9405.92.00 00 Of plastics ....... .... ............ ............................................................. X 3.7% Free
(A,C,CA,E,IL, 80%
9405.99 Other:
9405.99.20 00 Of brass ..... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.9% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 45%
9405.99.40 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 6% Free (A,C,CA,E,IL, 45%

9406.00 Prefabricated buildings:

9406.00.40 00 Of wood.... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 33 1/3%
kg MX)
9406.00.80 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9506 Articles and equipment for general physical exercise, gym-
nastics, athletics, other sports (including table-tennis) or
outdoor games, not specified or included elsewhere in this
chapter; swimming pools and wading pools; parts and
accessories thereof:
Snow-skis and other snow-ski equipment; parts and
accessories thereof:
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

9506.11 Skis and parts and accessories thereof, except ski

9506.11.40 Other skis . .... ............ ............................................................. 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 33 1/3%
9506.12 Ski bindings and parts and accessories thereof:
9506.12.80 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9506.19 Other:
9506.19.80 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
Golf clubs and other golf equipment; parts and access-
ories thereof:
9506.31.00 00 Golf clubs, complete ......... ...........................................No. ............ 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
9506.39.00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
9506.40.00 00 Articles and equipment for table-tennis, and parts and
accessori es thereof .... ............ ............................................................. X 5.1% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
Tennis, badminton or similar rackets, whether or not
strung; parts and accessories thereof:
9506.51 Lawn-tennis rackets, whether or not strung, and
parts and accessories thereof:
9506.51.20 00 Rackets, strung........... ............................................................. No. 5.3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
9506.51.40 00 Rackets, not strung .... ............................................................. No. 3.9% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
9506.51.60 00 Parts and accessories ...........................................X............... 3.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
9506.59 Other:
9506.59.40 Badminton rackets and parts and accessories
thereof ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 5.6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
9506.59.80 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
Balls, other than golf balls and table-tennis balls:
9506.62 Inflatable balls:
9506.62.80 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.8% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 30%
9506.69 Other:
9506.69.40 00 Noninflatable hollow balls not over 19 cm in
diameter.... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 5.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 70%
9506.69.60 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
9506.70 Ice skates and roller skates, including skating boots
with skates attached; parts and accessories thereof:
9506.70.40 00 Ice skates with footwear permanently attached .......prs. ........... 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
9506.91.00 Articles and equipment for general physical exer-
cise, gymnastics or athletics; parts and accessories
thereof ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.6% Free
(A*,CA,E,IL, 40%
9506.99 Other:
Badminton articles and equipment, except
rackets, and parts and accessories thereof:
9506.99.08 00 Nets of cotton......... ...........................................No. ............ 2.8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 30%
kg J,MX)
9506.99.12 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 5.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
9506.99.30 00 Lawn-tennis articles and equipment, except
balls and rackets, and parts and accessories
thereof ....... .... ............ ............................................................. X 3.1% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 30%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

9506.99.45 00 Other, including parts and accessories.........X............... 2.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9506.99.50 00 Snowshoes and parts and accessories
thereof ....... .... ............ ............................................................. X 2.6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 33 1/3%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

9506.99.55 00 Swimming pools and wading pools and parts

and accessories thereof ........................................................... X 5.3% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 80%
9506.99.60 Other. ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9507 Fishing rods, fish hooks and other line fishing tackle; fish
landing nets, butterfly nets and similar nets; decoy "birds"
(other than those of heading 9208 or 9705) and similar
hunting or shooting equipment; parts and accessories
9507.10.00 Fishing rods and parts and accessories thereof........................................... 6% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 55%
9507.20 Fish hooks, whether or not snelled:
9507.20.40 00 Snelled hooks . .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 55%
9507.20.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 4.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9507.30 Fishing reels and parts and accessories thereof:
Fishing reels:
9507.30.20 00 Valued not over $2.70 each .......................................No. ............ 9.2% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 55%
9507.30.40 00 Valued over $2.70 but not over $8.45 each................No. ............ 24¢ each Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 55%
9507.30.60 00 Valued over $8.45 each ............................................................ No. 3.9% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 55%
9507.30.80 00 Parts and accessories ...... ...........................................X............... 5.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 55%
9507.90 Other:
9507.90.20 00 Fishing line put up and packaged for retail sale ......X............... 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 65%
9507.90.40 00 Fishing casts or leaders ... ............................................................. doz. 5.6% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 55%
9507.90.60 00 Fish landing nets, butterfly nets and similar nets ...No. ............ 5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
Other, including parts and accessories:
9507.90.70 00 Artificial baits and flies.. ...........................................doz. ........... 9% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 55%
9507.90.80 00 Other, including parts and accessories ...............X............... 9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 55%
9601 Worked ivory, bone, tortoise-shell, horn, antlers, coral,
mother-of-pearl and other animal carving material, and
articles of these materials (including articles obtained by
9601.90 Other:
9601.90.40 00 Coral, cut but not set, and cameos, suitable for use
in jewelry ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 10%
9601.90.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%

9602.00 Worked vegetable or mineral carving material and articles

of these materials; molded or carved articles of wax, of
stearin, of natural gums or natural resins, of modeling
pastes, and other molded or carved articles, not elsewhere
specified or included; worked, unhardened gelatin (except
gelatin of heading 3503) and articles of unhardened gelatin:
9602.00.10 Worked unhardened gelatin and articles thereof ............................ 3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
9602.00.40 00 Molded or carved articles of wax .......................................X............... 1.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%
9602.00.50 00 Other........ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 20%

9603 Brooms, brushes (including brushes constituting parts of

machines, appliances or vehicles), hand-operated mechan-
ical floor sweepers, not motorized, mops and feather
dusters; prepared knots and tufts for broom or brush
making; paint pads and rollers; squeegees (other than
roller squeegees):
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

9603.10 Brooms and brushes, consisting of twigs or other vege -

table materials bound together, with or without handles:
Whiskbrooms, wholly or in part of broom corn:
Valued not over 964 each:
9603.10.05 00 In any calendar year prior to the entry, or
withdrawal from warehouse for consump-
tion, of 61,655 dozen whiskbrooms classifi-
able under subheadings 9603.10.05 to
9603.10.35, inclusive ..........................................No. ............ 8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
9603.10.15 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 54 each Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 124 each
9603.10.35 00 Valued over 964 each ...... ...........................................No. ............ 14% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 32%
Other brooms, wholly or in part of broom corn:
Valued not over 964 each:
9603.10.40 00 In any calendar year prior to the entry, or
withdrawal from warehouse for consump-
tion, of 121,478 dozen brooms classifiable
under subheadings 9603.10.40 to
9603.10.60, inclusive ..........................................No. ............ 8% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 20%
9603.10.50 00 Other .... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 324 each Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 324 each
9603.10.60 00 Valued over 964 each..... ...........................................No. ............ 32% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 32%
See 9906.96.01-
9906.96.02 (MX)

9603.10.90 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 10% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 25%
Toothbrushes, shaving brushes, hair brushes, nail
brushes, eyelash brushes and other toilet brushes for
use on the person, including such brushes constituting
parts of appliances:
9603.29 Other:
9603.29.40 Valued not over 404 each ........................................................ 0.24 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 14 each +
7% MX) 50%
9603.29.80 Valued over 404 each . ............................................................. 0.34 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 14 each +
3.6% MX) 50%
9603.30 Artists' brushes, writing brushes and similar brushes for
the application of cosmetics:
9603.30.20 00 Valued not over 54 each ... ...........................................No. ............ 2.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9603.40 Paint, distemper, varnish or similar brushes (other than
brushes of subheading 9603.30); paint pads and
9603.40.20 00 Paint rollers .... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 7.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
9603.40.40 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
9603.90 Other:
9603.90.80 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 2.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 50%
9604.00.00 00 Hand sieves and hand riddles ...... ...........................................X............... 4.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
9605.00.00 00 Travel sets for personal toilet, sewing or shoe or clothes
cleaning (other than manicure and pedicure sets of
heading 8214). ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 8.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9606 Buttons, press-fasteners, snap-fasteners and press-studs,
button molds and other parts of these articles; button
9606.10 Press-fasteners, snap-fasteners and press-studs and
parts thereof:
9606.10.40 00 Valued not over 204 per dozen pieces or parts..........X............... 3.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 60%
9606.10.80 00 Valued over 204 per dozen pieces or parts ................X............... 2.7% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 65%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

9606.21 Of plastics, not covered with textile material:
9606.21.40 00 Of acrylic resin, of polyester resin or of both
such resins .... ............ ...........................................gross......... 0.34/line/ Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 1.54/line/
gr.lines gross + 4.6% J,MX) gross + 25%

9606.21.60 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................gross......... 4.7% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 45%
9606.29 Other:
9606.29.20 00 Of acrylic resin, of polyester resin or of both
such resins, covered with textile material ..........gross......... 0.34/line/ Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 1.54/line/
gr.lines gross + 4.5% MX) gross + 25%
9606.29.40 00 Of pearl or shell .. ...........................................gross......... 0.184/line/ Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 1.754/line/
gr.lines gross + 2.5% MX) gross + 25%

9606.29.60 00 Other... .... ............ ...........................................gross......... 2.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%

9606.30 Button molds and other parts of buttons; button blanks:
9606.30.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9607 Slide fasteners and parts thereof:
Slide fasteners:
9607.11.00 00 Fitted with chain scoops of base metal.......................No. ............ 10% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 66%
9607.19.00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 13% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 66%
9607.20.00 Parts ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 11.5% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 66%
9608 Ball point pens; felt tipped and other porous-tipped pens
and markers; fountain pens, stylograph pens and other
pens; duplicating styli; propelling or sliding pencils (for ex-
ample, mechanical pencils); pen-holders, pencil-holders
and similar holders; parts (including caps and clips) of the
foregoing articles, other than those of heading 9609:
9608.10.00 00 Ball point pens ...... .... ............ ............................................................. No. 0.84 each + Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 64 each +
5.4% MX) 40%
9608.20.00 00 Felt tipped and other porous-tipped pens and
markers .... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................gross......... 4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 40%
Fountain pens, stylograph pens and other pens:
9608.31.00 00 India ink drawing pens.......... ...........................................No. ............ 0.44 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 64 each +
2.7% J,MX) 40%

9608.39.00 00 Other ... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 0.44 each + Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 64 each +
2.7% J,MX) 40%
9608.40 Propelling or sliding pencils (for example, mechanical
9608.40.40 00 With a mechanical action for extending, or for ex-
tending and retracting, the lead.................................gross......... 6.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 41.5%
9608.50.00 00 Sets of articles from two or more of the subheadings
9608.10, 9608.20, 9608.31, 9608.39 or 9608.40 ..................No. ............ The rate appli- Free (A+,CA,E,IL, The rate
cable to each J) applicable
article in the The rate appli- to each
absence of cable to each article
this subhead- article in the in the ab-
ing absence of this sence of
subheading (MX) this sub-
9608.60.00 00 Refills for ball point pens, comprising the ball point and
ink reservoir.. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 0.44 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 64 each +
2.7% MX) 40%
9608.99 Other:
9608.99.20 00 Refill cartridges ......... ...........................................No. ............ 0.44 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 64 each +
2.7% MX) 40%

9608.99.30 00 Balls for ball point pens ........................................thousand 204/thousand Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $2.50/thou-
+ 3.5% MX) sand + 40%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

9609 Pencils (other than those pencils of heading 9608), cray-

ons, pencil leads, pastels, drawing charcoals, writing or
drawing chalks and tailors' chalks:
9609.10.00 00 Pencils and crayons, with leads encased in a rigid
sheath ....... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................gross......... 144/gross + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J) 504/gross +
4.3% 4.24/gross + 30%
1.2% (MX)
9610.00.00 00 Slates and boards, with writing or drawing surfaces,
whether or not framed .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.5% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 33 1/3%
9611.00.00 00 Date, sealing or numbering stamps and the like, (i ncluding
devices for printing or embossing labels), designed for
operating in the hand; hand-operated composing sticks
and hand printing sets incorporating such composing
sticks .. ............ ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 2.7% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 80%

9612 Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared

for giving impressions, whether or not on spools or in cart -
ridges; ink pads, whether or not inked, with or without
9612.10 Ribbons:
9612.20.00 00 Ink pads ..... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.5% Free (A+,CA,E,IL, 40%
2.1% (MX)
9613 Cigarette lighters and other lighters, whether or not mech-
anical or electrical, and parts thereof other than flints and
9613.10.00 00 Pocket lighters, gas fueled, non-refillable ......................No. ............ 8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 110%
9613.20.00 00 Pocket lighters, gas fueled, refillable ..............................No. ............ 9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 110%
9613.30.00 Table lighters ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 4.8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 60%
9613.80 Other lighters:
9613.80.20 00 Electrical.. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.9% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 35%
9613.80.40 00 Of precious metal (except silver), of precious or
semiprecious stones or of such metal and such
stones. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No. ............ 3.6% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 80%
9613.80.60 00 Valued not over $5 pe r dozen pieces .............doz............ 8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 110%
9613.80.80 00 Valued over $5 per dozen pieces ....................doz............ 9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 110%
9613.90 Parts:
9613.90.40 00 Electrical.. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 3.9% Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 35%
9613.90.80 00 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 8% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 110%

9614 Smoking pipes (including pipe bowls) and cigar or cigarette

holders, and parts thereof:
9614.20 Pipes and pipe bowls:
Of wood or root:
9614.20.15 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................No ............. 0.44 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 54 each +
3.2% MX) 60%
9614.20.60 00 Pipes and bowls wholly of clay and pipes
with bowls wholly of clay. ...........................................No. ............ 3% Free (A*,CA,E,IL, 45%
9614.20.80 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.34 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 54 each +
3.2% MX) 60%
9614.90 Other:
9614.90.40 00 Of metal .. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 7.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 110%
9614.90.80 Other . ..... ....... .... ............ ............................................................. 0.54 each + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 54 each +
3% MX) 60%
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2000)
Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes

Heading/ Stat. Unit Rates of Duty

Subheading Suf - Article Description of 1
fix Quantity General Special

9615 Combs, hair-slides and the like; hairpins, curling pins,

curling grips, hair-curlers and the like, other than those of
heading 8516, and parts thereof:
Combs, hair-slides and the like:
9615.11 Of hard rubber or plastics:
9615.11.10 00 Valued not over $4.50 per gross .....................gross......... 14.44/gross + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $1.44/gross
2% MX) + 25%
Valued over $4.50 per gross:
9615.11.20 00 Of hard rubber...........................................gross......... 5.2% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 36%
9615.11.30 00 Other . ............ ...........................................gross......... 28.84/gross + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $2.88/gross
4.6% MX) + 35%
9615.11.40 00 Not set with imitation pearls or imitation
gemstones ............ ...........................................X............... 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 80%
9615.19 Other:
9615.19.20 00 Valued not over $4.50 per gross .....................gross......... 9.74/gross + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $1.44/gross
1.3% MX) + 25%

9615.19.40 00 Valued over $4.50 per gross ............................gross......... 28.84/gross + Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, $2.88/gross
4.6% MX) + 35%

9615.19.60 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 11% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 110%
9615.90 Other:
9615.90.20 00 Nonthermic, nonornamental devices for curling the
hair..... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 8.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 45%
9615.90.30 00 Hair pins.. ....... .... ............ ...........................................kg ............. 5.1% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35%
9615.90.40 00 Of rubber or plastics, not set with imitation
pearls or imitation gemstones..............................X............... 5.3% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 80%
9615.90.60 00 Other. ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 11% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 110%

9616 Scent sprayers and similar toilet sprayers, and mounts and
heads therefor; powder puffs and pads for the application
of cosmetics or toilet preparations:
9616.20.00 00 Powder puffs and pads for the application of cosmetics
or toilet preparations .... ............ ............................................................. kg 4.3% Free
(A+,CA,E,IL, 78.5%

9617.00 Vacuum flasks and other vacuum vessels, complete with

cases; parts thereof other than glass inners:
9617.00.10 00 Having a capacity not exceeding 1 liter.....................No. ............ 7.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 55.5%
9617.00.30 00 Having a capacity exceeding 1 liter but not exceed-
ing 2 liters ....... .... ............ ............................................................. No. 6.9% Free
(A,CA,E,IL,J, 52%
9617.00.40 00 Having a capacity exceeding 2 liters ..........................No. ............ 6.9% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 51%
9617.00.60 00 Parts ......... ..... ....... .... ............ ...........................................X............... 7.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 55%
9618.00.00 00 Tailors' dummies and other mannequins; automatons and
other animated displays used for shopwindow dressing.......X............... 4.4% Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 56%

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