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Republic of the Philippines

Central Philippines State University

Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies








Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies



Information technology at the present time is vast and progressive. It is being

integrated to almost most of our daily activities. Computer Laboratories of the school

are a typical place where workstations, the interconnecting network, and other devices

are exposed continuously to several threats (Daniel B. Zapanta Jr, 2020).With this

reality, many ideas and improvements are designed and developed to make computer

technology attainable and flexible. People of all ages must be prepared and equipped

with all the basic skills and knowledge to make individuals competent and literate in

the information age. However, it is very much exposed to several threats and

vulnerabilities when it comes to the information that was kept in several workstations

inside the laboratory (Talirongan H. & Talirongan F.J., 2021)


In the Laboratory students frequently utilize computers to finish their projects

and conduct research. Also a variety of activities, including socializing with other

students and instructors, takes place here. Sadly, a lot of the issue that students get

into when utilizing a computer in the laboratory are brought on by lack of good
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

instructions and manuals. The challenges in the computer laboratory include losing

objects, manual process for assigning a computer number to each student and trouble

identifying each student for their respective desktop computer assign. This problem

would affect the students and instructors that would lead to miscommunication

between the students and instructor and waste of time to do the manual method and

with this problems the researcher conducts this project called “Computer Laboratory

Monitoring System using Vision System”

The project entitled Computer Laboratory Monitoring System using Vision System is

a project that will able to automate the monitoring in computer laboratories.

Using Face recognition. The Information Technology Department can monitor the

devices inside the laboratories by tracking the user registered in the system. The said

project will monitor and record the usage of students in computer laboratories where

students automate identify their information, attendance and computer number by

using face recognition and the data of the students will be stored in real-time database.

The benefits of this project is to insure all the things inside the laboratories

and can directly identify the students who responsible and use the computer and can

easily give the respective area or number of a computer they will use. This would help

both students and instructors to lessen the time by doing manual process and maintain

the control learning management system around laboratory.

Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

Project Context

The Researchers proposed the study to create Computer Laboratory

Monitoring System using Vision System is a project that aims to develop an automate

system for monitoring the activities inside a computer laboratory. The system will use

a vision system or face recognition, such as a camera or webcam, to automate

recognize students who enter the laboratory, automate attendance and automate giving

of computer number.

The proposed system will benefit both instructor and students to lessen the

time to manually checking of assigning of respective computer to each students. The

researchers conducted this project to change the manual process that computer

laboratory have to automate process. Manual processes can be often time consuming,

error-prone and require a lot of human intervention and by automating processes, the

researchers aim to reduce the workload on individuals and minimize the potential for

human error and this system will be implemented in all computer laboratory in IT

Department. The project development will be conducted with the help of interviewing

the respective person who knows all the information in Computer Laboratory,

Students and also the Instructors. The researcher and the time of 2 months and wittthe
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

help the and determination of researcher this project will be start and finish in enough


Purpose and Description

The purpose of the “Computer Laboratory Monitoring System using Vision

System” is to provide attendance report of daily, weekly, monthly, and for the

semester and the system will also generate number for each students once registered

to the system.

This study indicate that making an interactive system for student and instructor will

help them to lessen the time for manually recording and monitor.

The researchers proposed this project to establish Computer Laboratory

Monitoring System using Vision System to help the following.

Computer Laboratory Maintenance People. It will their work easier of

monitoring the usage of computer of the student.

Student. It will have a fair usage in the computer laboratory. Each student

will be given a time allotment for the whole semester.

School Administration. It will provide the school administration reports of

the laboratories in IT Department.

Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies


The general objectives of this study is to develop a system that would handle

the Computer Laboratory Monitoring System using Vision System at Central

Philippines States University-Moises Padilla Campus. A system that would lessen the

unmannered use of computers, time consuming of giving computer number, get rid

using computers if not in a schedule.

This Project specifically, aims to:

1. To monitor laboratories equipments.

2. To place a face recognition reader for time attendance.

3. To assign computer unit to the student by the system.

4. To generate report, daily, weekly, monthly and per semester.

5. To register students information that will;

a. View student

b. Edit student
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

Scope and Limitations

The proposed study entitled Computer Laboratory Monitoring System using

Vision System for CPSU Moises Padilla scope is to develop a system that can help

both students and instructor to access computers without wasting of time and can

identify directly which computer would student allow to use.

The CSS can view and check the student’s information in database, the

instructor can identify students who are present and using the laboratory and the

students can automatically log-on to the computer using face recognition without

manually recording it.

This system is limited to the students and CCS of CPSU Moises Padilla

college use only; only instructors can use the server side of system and only the

students can use the client-side of system. The instructors can only check and view

the database where the student information are in and identify the student’s computer

Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

Definition of Terms

For the clarification and the better understanding of the terms being used in

this project, the following definition hereby provided.

Adobe Photoshop. Is a software that is extensively used for faster image

editing, graphic design and digital art. It makes use of layering to allow for depth and

flexibility in the design and editing process, as well as provide powerful editing tools,

that when combined are capable of just about anything.

CMake. Is an open source, cross-platform family of tools design to build, test

and package software. CMake is used to control the software compilation process

using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files, and generate

native make files and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of

your choice.

CVZone. This is a Computer vision package that makes it’s easy to run image

processing and AI functions. At the core it uses Open-CV and Mediapipe libraries.
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

Dlib. Is a general purpose cross-platform software library written in the

programing language C++. Its design is heavily influenced by ideas from design by

contract and component-based software engineering. Thus it is, first and foremost, a

set of independent software components.

Firebase. The Fire-base Real-time Database is a cloud-hosted database. Data

is stored as JSON and synchronized in real-time to every connected client. When you

build cross-platforms, Android, and JavaScript SDKs, all your clients share one Real-

time Database instance and automatically receive updates with the newest data.

Firebase Admin. Enables access to Firebase services from privileged

environments (such as servers or cloud) in Python. Currently this SDK provides

Firebase custom authentication support.

Open- CV. Is a library of programming functions mainly for real-time

computer vision. Originally developed by intel, it was later supported by Willow

Garage, then Itseez. The library is cross-platform and licensed as free and open-source

software under Apache License 2.

PyCharm. Is an integrated development environment (IDE) used for

programming in Python. It provides code analysis, a graphical debugger, an integrated

Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

unit tester, integration with version control system, and support web development

with Django. PyCharm is developed by the Czech company JetBrains.

Python. Python is a popular high-level programming language used for a wide

range of tasks such as web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence,

scientific computing, and more. It was first released in 1991 by Guido van Rossum

and has since then become one of the most widely-used programming languages in

the world due to its simplicity, readability, and versatility.

Webcam. Is a small digital video camera directly or indirectly connected to a

computer network. Webcam come with software that needs to be installed on the

computer to help users record video on or stream it from the web. Webcam are

capable of taking pictures as well as high-definition videos, although the videos,

although the video quality can be lower compared to other camera models. Webcam

are also known as Web cameras.

Wheel. Is a circular component that is intended to rotate on an axle bearing.

The wheel is one of the key components of the wheel and axle which is one of the six

simple machine.
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies



This chapter aims to present review of related literature and studies taken from

many different sources such as journalist and regulations.

Foreign and Local Literature

Foreign Literature

Development of a Computer Laboratory Monitoring System using Face

(Edosomwan R.S., 2019)

According to the study of R.S Edosomwon, et al., (2019), the development of

a computer laboratory monitoring system that uses face recognition technology to

monitor the entry and exit of a students in a computer laboratory. The system uses a

camera to capture the image of the student’s face and compares it to the database of

registered students to verify their identity. The system operates by scanning the faces
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

of individuals entering and exiting the computer lab. The software analyzes the data,

compares it to the database of authorized users, and determines whether or not the

individual is authorized to enter the lab. If the system recognizes the individual as

authorized, the access control device grants access, and the individual is allowed to

enter the lab. If not, access is denied, and an alert is generated for the security

personnel. Once inside the computer lab, the system continues to monitor the

activities of the individuals in the lab. The cameras capture images of the individuals,

which are analyzed by the face recognition algorithm. The software can be

programmed to track the movements of individuals within the lab and generate alerts

if any suspicious activity is detected. The software can also log the time and date of

each access attempt and activity within the lab. The system can be further customized

to include additional security features such as two-factor authentication, password

protection, or biometric identification, such as fingerprint or iris recognition. It can

also be integrated with other security systems, such as fire alarms or CCTV cameras,

to provide a comprehensive security solution for the computer lab. The

implementation of such a system requires expertise in computer networking, access

control devices, and software development. The system can be developed by a team

of professionals with complementary skills in these areas, including computer

scientists, software engineers, and security experts. In summary, a Development

Computer Laboratory Monitoring System using Face Recognition is a security system

that provides secure access to computer labs in educational institutions, enhances the
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

security and monitoring of the lab, protects the privacy and security of the data stored

in the lab, and ensures that the lab is used only for its intended purposes.

Design and Implementation of a Computer Laboratory Monitoring System

Based on Facial Recognition
(Y. Chen., 2018)

According to the study of Y. Chen (2018), in this study, the authors developed

a computer lab management system based on face recognition technology. The system

was designed to manage the usage of computers in a lab, track student attendance, and

ensure the security of the facility. The system uses face recognition technology to

identify students and allow them to access the computers in the lab. The attendance of

students is automatically recorded when they enter and the system can generate

reports on attendance, usage, and security. The system uses facial recognition

technology to identify and authenticate students and staff members who are

authorized to access the computer lab. The system also monitors the activities of

individuals within the lab and generates alerts for security personnel in case of any

security breaches. The system consists of hardware and software components. The

hardware components include camera placed at strategic locations within the

computer lab to capture images of individuals entering and exiting the lab, and a

central server that manages access control and monitoring. The software components
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

include a facial recognition algorithm, a database of authorized users, and software

that controls the access control devices, logs access attempts, and generates alerts for

security personnel in case of any security breaches. The system operates by scanning

the faces of individuals attempting to enter the computer lab. The facial recognition

algorithm analyzes the data, compares it to the database of authorized users, and

determines whether or not the individual is authorized to enter the lab. If the system

recognizes the individual as authorized, the access control device grants access, and

the individual is allowed to enter the lab. If not, access is denied, and an alert is

generated for the security personnel. Once inside the computer lab, the system

continues to monitor the activities of the individuals in the lab. The cameras capture

images of the individuals, which are analyzed by the facial recognition algorithm. The

software can be programmed to track the movements of individuals within the lab and

generate alerts if any suspicious activity is detected. The software can also log the

time and date of each access attempt and activity within the lab the Design and

Implementation of a Computer Laboratory Monitoring System Based on Facial

Recognition is a security system that provides secure access to computer labs in

educational institutions, enhances the monitoring of the lab, protects the privacy and

security of the data stored in the lab, and ensures that the lab is used only for its

intended purposes.

Campus Computerized Control and Monitoring System

(Macdonald S., 2020)
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

Based to the study of Macdonald Scott, (2020), Building automation systems

(BAS) or digital control system have been used in all building types throughout the

last few decades to control and monitor mechanical and electrical equipment such as

heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. BAS are also important tools to

troubleshoot issues related to HVAC systems, ensure that building comfort levels are

maintained, and minimize energy consumption. When properly designed, maintained

and operated, a BAS will deliver stable control, closed circuit television. To fully

capture the comprehensive application of this campus system, it will be referred to as

an energy management and control system.

Students Attendance System in Classroom using Face Recognition Technique

(Samuel L., 2017)

According to the study of S. Lukas (2017), A student attendance system in a

classroom using face recognition technique involves the use of computer vision

technology to automatically capture images of students' The system operates by

scanning the faces of individuals attempting to enter the computer lab. The facial

recognition algorithm analyzes the data, compares it to the database of authorized

users, and determines whether or not the individual is authorized to enter the lab. If

the system recognizes the individual as authorized, the access control device grants

access, and the individual is allowed to enter the lab. If not, access is denied, and an
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

alert is generated for lab management. Once inside the computer lab, the system can

be programmed to track the movements of individuals within the lab and generate

reports for lab management. The software can log the time and date of each access

attempt and activity within the lab, which can be used to analyze lab usage patterns

and optimize lab management. The system can also generate alerts if any suspicious

activity is detected. The system can be customized to include additional features such

as attendance tracking, usage monitoring, or scheduling software. It can also be

integrated with other security systems, such as fire alarms or CCTV cameras, to

provide a comprehensive security solution for the computer lab. Facial Recognition-

based System for Computer Lab Management is a security system that provides

secure access to computer labs in educational institutions, enhances the management

of the lab, protects the privacy and security of the data stored in the lab, and ensures

that the lab is used only for its intended purposes faces and match them with their

registered faces in a database. This is done by setting up a camera in the classroom,

which is connected to a computer with face recognition software installed. When

students arrive in the classroom, they stand in front of the camera, and their faces are

captured by the camera. The face recognition software then compares the captured

images with the registered images in the database, and if there is a match, the

attendance of the student is marked as present. The face recognition technology used

in this system works by analyzing specific facial features, such as the distance

between the eyes, the shape of the nose, and the contours of the face. These features

are then compared to the registered faces in the database, and a match is made based
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

on the level of similarity. The advantage of using a student attendance system in the

classroom using face recognition technique is that it saves time and reduces errors

associated with manual attendance taking. It also provides accurate attendance records

and allows teachers to easily monitor attendance patterns of students. Additionally,

this technology can also help to enhance security and safety in the classroom by

detecting and alerting teachers of any unauthorized persons in the classroom.

A Smart Attendance System for University Computer Laboratories Using Facial

(Nguyen T.H.,2021)

According to the study of T.H. Nguyen (2021), this study proposes a smart

attendance system for university computer laboratories using facial recognition

technology. The system automatically captures the image of the student and identifies

their identity, which is then used for attendance management. The system is design to

improve the accuracy of attendance records, reduce the workload of teachers, and

enhance the security of the laboratory. When a student enters the laboratory, the

camera captures their face, and the facial recognition software compares it with the

images of registered students in a database. If the software recognizes the face, it

records the student's attendance. The system also generates reports of attendance

records for each laboratory session, which can be accessed by teachers and

administrators. The use of this system can significantly reduce the time and effort

required to take attendance manually, as well as minimize errors and discrepancies.

Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

Additionally, it can provide real-time attendance records and help to monitor the

attendance patterns of students.

A Facial Recognition- based System for Computer Lab Management

(Prasad S., 2019)

According to the study of S. Prasad (2019), this study presents a facial

recognition-based system for computer lab management. The system is designed to

manage computer lab usage and monitor student attendance. It also ensures the

security of the facility by restricting unauthorized access. The system uses facial

recognition technology to identify students and grant access to the lab. The attendance

of students is automatically recorded and the system can generate reports on usage

and security. The system operates by scanning the faces of individuals attempting to

enter the computer lab. The facial recognition algorithm analyzes the data, compares

it to the database of authorized users, and determines whether or not the individual is

authorized to enter the lab. If the system recognizes the individual as authorized, the

access control device grants access, and the individual is allowed to enter the lab. If

not, access is denied, and an alert is generated for lab management. Once inside the

computer lab, the system can be programmed to track the movements of individuals

within the lab and generate reports for laboratory management. The software can log

the time and date of each access attempt and activity within the lab, which can be

used to analyze laboratory usage patterns and optimize laboratory management. The

system can also generate alerts if any suspicious activity is detected. The system can

be customized to include additional features such as attendance tracking, usage

Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

monitoring, or scheduling software. It can also be integrated with other security

systems, such as fire alarms or CCTV cameras, to provide a comprehensive security

solution for the computer laboratory. Facial Recognition-based System for Computer

Laboratory Management is a security system that provides secure access to computer

labs in educational institutions, enhances the management of the laboratory, protects

the privacy and security of the data stored in the laboratory, and ensures that the lab is

used only for its intended purposes.

Supervisory Control System Based on Multi- Agents Techniques for a Smarter

Computer Laboratory
(M. Hussein, 2020)

M. Hussein's work (2020) states that this paper offers a control and

monitoring system for a computer laboratory utilizing an Arduino Uno coupled to

sensors to access and operate devices using a computer application. Essentially,

LabVIEW's Vision Assistant and data capture tool are used to automate lab

procedures. The suggested system consists of four agents, the first of which uses face

recognition to regulate access. The agent is made up of two key components: door

control and real-time face recognition. Real-time face detection is accomplished using

OpenCV libraries, while real-time face identification and sending of a security

warning message to the supervisor are accomplished using the PCA technique. A

hardware device that opens doors automatically. In order to connect a computer with

an electrical door, a hardware circuit was created. The foundation of this agent is
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

LabVIEW's data gathering tool and Visual Assistant. Second, when smoke or flame is

detected, an Arduino Uno microcontroller is used as the transmitter part to operate the

sensor nodes, provide alarms, and send SMS messages to the supervisor. A third tool

for tracking student attendance is an audio processing tool. Students' identities are

confirmed by voiceprint using the DTW algorithm, which compares the speaker's

voice signal to voice signals that have already been saved in the database and uses

MFCC to extract the speaker voice signal's key properties. Fourth, incorporating the

electrical consumption reduction agent inside.

Computer Lab Access Control System Using Face Recognition

(S. M. T. Iqbal., 2018)

According to the study of S.M.T. Iqbal (2018). In this day and age, with the

advent of technology and advanced automation systems, it has become essential for

educational institutions to enhance the security and control of their facilities. As such, this

study suggests a computer lab access control system which uses face recognition

technology. This system is designed to not only provide secure access to the lab but also

automate attendance management and ensure the security of the facility. In this study, the

author discuss in detail the various aspects of this system and how it can benefit

educational institutions. Facial recognition technology is a biometric technology used

to unlock devices, access secure facilities, and make payments. Facial recognition

technology can be used to control access to the computer lab, preventing unauthorized
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

access and data theft. Automating attendance management with facial recognition

technology, saving time and reducing errors. The proposed computer lab access

control system uses facial recognition technology to ensure only authorized

individuals are allowed access, preventing malicious activity and theft of equipment.

Face Recognition Using Eigenfaces

(Matthew A., 2019)

The study by Matthew A. et al., (2019) states that this study presents a method

for the detection and identification of human faces and describes a functional, near-

real-time face recognition system that tracks a subject's head before identifying them

by comparing facial features to those of well-known people. Since faces are typically

upright, this method approaches face identification as a two-dimensional recognition

problem, taking advantage of the fact that only a limited number of 2-D characteristic

view can adequately characterize a face. Projections of known face pictures are made

onto a feature space that best encodes their variation. The "eigenfaces," or

eigenvectors of the set of faces, characterize the face; they may not always correlate

to individual characteristics like the eyes, ears, and noses. The system enables the

acquisition of unsupervised facial recognition skills.

Attendance Monitoring System using Face Recognition

(Devendra P., 2017)
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

Authentication is a significant problem in system control in computer-based

communication, according to D. Peshave (2017). Human face recognition is a crucial

area of biometric verification that has found widespread usage in a variety of fields,

including network security, human-computer interface, door control systems and

video monitor systems. The Personal Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm is used in

this work to develop a way for the Student's Attendance System that will connect with

facial recognition technology. Based on the person's facial recognition, the attendance

will be recorded. The class will be photographed as a group, and faces will be

recognized and segmented from the photograph. After segmenting the faces, a

database of all the class members is created and compared to the segmented faces. A

GSM module will be used to send an SMS message to absentees. The system will

automatically keep track of each student's attendance in the classroom, and it will give

the faculty the tools to readily access the information of the students by keeping a log

of when each student clocks in and out.

Local Literature

NFC Based Attendance Monitoring with Facial Authorization

(Santa Ana M., 2020)

According to M. Santa Ana (2020) study, New Field Technology, which is

based on a wireless communication interface that has been in use for a while, provides

a number of benefits. A smart system for school and college attendance utilizing NFC
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

is an automated method that is inexpensive and can give system accuracy and

security. Attendance is required for both. Every classroom will have a reader device,

and students and staff can sign in by simply touching their Android phones to the

NFC reader device. Quick Response Code is also used by this system to keep an eye

on Central Philippines State University's Moises Padilla Campus's students,

instructors, and staff.

A Smart Classroom Management System Based on Face Recognition

(Zhang X., 2018)

According to the study of Zhang X. et al., (2018), is a study that proposes a

smart classroom management system that uses face recognition technology to identify

students and track their attendance in a classroom setting. The system is developed to

improve the efficiency of classroom management and reduce the workload of

teachers. The system works by using cameras installed in the classroom to capture

images of the students' faces. These images are then processed and analyzed using

face recognition algorithms to identify the students. The system is able to accurately

identify the students even in varying lighting conditions or when they are wearing

masks. The study also discusses the benefits of using such a system, including

improved attendance tracking, reduction in manual attendance taking, and increased

security in the classroom. Additionally, the system can generate reports on attendance
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

and student behavior, which can be useful for teachers in assessing the effectiveness

of their teaching methods.

Access Control and Monitoring; A System for Computer Laboratory

(Talirongan H., 2021)

According to the study of H. Talirongan et al. (2021), The system “Access

Control and Monitoring System for Computer Laboratory is a Security System|” that

allows only authorized persons to access computer labs in educational institutions

such as universities, colleges, and high schools. The system ensures that only students

and staff members who have been granted access can enter the computer lab, while

unauthorized persons are denied entry. The system consists of hardware and software

components. The hardware components include cameras placed at the entrance of the

lab, a central server that manages access to the lab, and access control devices such as

Keypad’s, biometric sensors or RFID card readers. The software components include

a database of authorized users and software that controls the access control devices,

logs access attempts and generates alerts for security personnel in case of any security

breaches. The system operates by scanning the faces or ID cards of individuals

attempting to access the computer lab. The software analyzes the data, compares it to

the database of authorized users, and determines whether or not the individual is

authorized to enter the lab. If the system recognizes the individual as authorized, the

access control device grants access, and the individual is allowed to enter the lab. If
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

not, access is denied, and an alert is generated for the security personnel. The system

can be further customized to include additional security features such as two-factor

authentication, password protection, or biometric identification, such as fingerprint or

iris recognition. The software can also be programmed to log the time and date of

each access attempt, providing a record of who has accessed the lab and when. The

implementation of such a system requires expertise in computer networking, access

control devices, and software development. The system can be developed by a team

of professionals with complementary skills in these areas, including computer

scientists, software engineers, and security experts. In summary, the Access Control

and Monitoring system for Computer Laboratory is a security system that provides

secure access to computer labs in educational institutions, ensuring that only

authorized persons can enter the lab, while unauthorized persons are denied entry. The

system enhances the security of computer labs, protects the privacy and security of the

data stored in the labs, and ensures that the labs are used only for their intended


IT Center Attendance Monitoring System using Face Recognition

(Dultiao J., 2019)

According to the study of Jay Ar L. Dultiao et al. (2019), this paper describes the

development of a student attendance system in a university IT Center based on Face

Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

Recognition technology. The spurt of technologies to improve education services

delivery has been rampant, but some institutions fail to embrace this and prefer to live

with the traditions. The attendance monitoring system in some universities and

schools is still done manually. Thus, this study proposed an Attendance Monitoring

System using Face Recognition aimed at managing students attendance recording and

ensuring easy monitoring of attendance in an IT Center. It is expected that upon

deployment of the system, faculty will benefit as students' attendance can be

efficiently monitored; thus, the quality of teaching and performance of students may

be improved. The students, faculty, and staff of Quirino State University can

access the internet for online research using IT Center. Through the help of the IT

Center, the students’ needs can be catered through furnishing them vast amount of

learning resources and online instructions which are available in the IT center. With

the high number of users, the facilitator finds it difficult to manage and monitor their

attendance. As a solution to the existing problem, the researchers designed the IT

Center Attendance Monitoring System using Face Recognition to monitor the

frequency of clients using the facility by simply tapping their face in face recognition.

Implementation Face Recognition Attendance Monitoring System for Lab

Surveillance with Hash Encryption
(Hamami F., 2020)
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

According to the study of F. Hamami, et al. (2020), Face recognition (FR) is

becoming popular to identify people. In fact, using the FR scheme, surveillance tasks

can be built by recognizing people from their faces. This paper presents the

implementation of face recognition as a biometric method for smart attendance as

well as we also proposed the integrated scheme from capturing data from edge

devices (CCTVs), streaming data to the dedicated server, then presenting the real-time

data through android mobile devices. In this scheme, we proposed to employ deep

learning algorithms based on the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Through the

CCTV data streaming, faces are captured and matched with the database. Therefore, it

is considered as their logging attendance. Furthermore, it is marked and stored into

the database. This system prototype is developed by big data technology to tackle this

complexity of data. The recognized faces can be monitored in real time monitoring.

Eventually, real time reports are delivered through the web and android device with

API after the data transmission is secured with hash encryption.

Real-time Implementation of Face Recognition System

(Neel Ramakant Borkar and Sonia Kuwelkar., 2017)

According to the study of N.R. Borkar and S. Kuwelkar (2017), Face

Recognition is the ability to detect and recognize a person by their facial

characteristics. Face is a multidimensional and hence requires a lot of mathematical

computations. Face recognition system is very essential and important for providing
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College of Computer Studies

security, mug shot matching, law enforcement applications, user verification, user

access control, etc and is mostly used for recognition for various applications. These

all applications require an efficient Face recognition system. There are many methods

that are already proposed and have low recognition capability, high false alarm rate.

Hence the major task of the research is to develop face recognition system with

improved accuracy and improved recognition time of and face recognition system.

This paper proposes a hybrid face recognition algorithm by combining two face

recognition techniques by integrating (PCA) principle Component Analysis, (LDA)

Linear Discriminant Analysis. Jacobi method is used to compute Eigenvector that are

necessary for PCA and LDA algorithms. Face Recognition system will be

implemented on Embeded system based Raspberry pi 3 board.

Extraordinary Face Recognition Performance in Laboratory and Online Testing

(Petersen,LaraAylin and Leue Anja,2021)

According to the study of L.A Petersen and L. Anja, used to examine

exceptional facial recognition skills (super-recognizers [SR]). We have not yet looked

into whether the CFMT+'s lab and online presentations affect how the test performs.

In addition, we wanted to look into the psychometric characteristics of the Glasgow

face matching test and the CFMT+ (GFMT-S). Depending on the presentation style,

we report item difficulties, Cronbach's Alpha, and T norms for the CFMT+ and
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GFMT-S. We examined how presentation mode, age, and gender affected variances in

CFMT+ and GFMT-S performance. The findings revealed that individuals who

presented online, were female, and were between the ages of 26 and 35 performed

much higher on the CFMT+ test. With the GFMTS, only online participants

demonstrated noticeably higher test performance. In general, we explore the

moderating impacts of participants' motivation for online assessments, the

requirement of differential standards (for example, for personnel choices), and the use

of T norms.

A Review of Supercomputer Performance Monitoring Systems

(Vladimir V., 2021)

High Performance Computing is currently one of the developing disciplines in

computer science and its applications, according to the study Vladimir V. (2021).

Supercomputers, which are top HPC facilities, provide excellent options for modeling

various processes, enabling the development of more and better goods without the

need for large-scale tests. Supercomputers and the applications that run on them are

currently exceedingly complicated, making them difficult to operate effectively. The

instruments that aid in understanding the effectiveness of supercomputer applications

and general supercomputer functioning are called performance monitoring systems. In

this paper, we provide an overview of existing performance monitoring systems

designed for or used on supercomputers. These systems gather data on what occurs on

a supercomputer (performance data, performance metrics), and they present them in a

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College of Computer Studies

way allowing to draw conclusions about performance issues in programs running on

the supercomputer. In this paper, we compare performance monitoring tools that have

been previously described in the literature, discuss issues that arise when monitoring

massively parallel computing (HPC) systems, and present our predictions for the

future of HPC monitoring tools.

Enhancing Security in Computer Laboratory using Face Recognition and

Intrusion Detection System
(O.A. Ogunwale and O.A. Adeyemo., 2020)

According to the study of O.A Ogunwale and O.A. Adeyemo (2020), the

system is designed to identify users through face recognition, and prevent

unauthorized access. In addition, it includes an intrusion detection system that

monitors the laboratory for any suspicious activity or intrusion attempts. The

combination of face recognition and intrusion detection technology is meant to

provide a higher level of security for computer laboratories. The paper details the

design and implementation of the system, as well as the results of testing and

evaluation. Overall, the system is found to be effective and efficient, with a low false

acceptance rate. It is also designed to be easy to use and cost-effective, making is a

practical solution for improving security in computer laboratories.

Design and Implementation of a Computer Laboratory Monitoring System using

Face Recognition and Multimodal Biometric Authentication
(Tomas, John Paul., 2018)
Republic of the Philippines
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College of Computer Studies

According to the study of J. P. Tomas (2019), the paper “Design and

Implementation of a Computer Laboratory Monitoring System using Face

Recognition and Multimodal Biometric Authentication” proposes a computer

laboratory monitoring system that utilizes multiple biometric authentication methods,

including face recognition, to improve security and reduce the risk of unauthorized

access to the laboratory. The system combines face recognition with other biometric

authentication methods, such as fingerprint identification and iris recognition, to

enhance accuracy and reduce false positives. The system design to be user-friendly

and easily accessible, with a simple and intuitive interface that allows users to easily

sign in and out of the laboratory. The author have implemented the system using a

combination of hardware and software, including a Raspberry Pi, a camera module,

and various open-source libraries. Overall, the proposed system represents a

significant step forward in laboratory access control and provides a scalable solution

that can be easily adapted to different environments and user needs

Foreign and Local System

Foreign System

An Improved Face Recognition Algorithm and its Application in Attendance

Management System
(Serign Modou Bah and Fang Ming., 2020)
Republic of the Philippines
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Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

The work by R. Snehal, A. Shinde, H. Karode, and Dr. S. R. Suralkar (2017) is

referenced in this publication, which examines IOT-based environmental monitoring

systems. The major goal of the proposed system is to use the internet to give

environmental information at remote locations. The suggested method offers a

practical and uncomplicated answer for applications involving ambient and

environmental monitoring. The system simulates the monitoring of environmental and

ambient parameters using Internet-connected, low-power wireless sensors that

transmit their measurements to a centralized server. Finally, data stored on the base

station from across the globe may be remotely viewed from any device connected to

the Internet. The creation of a cyber-physical system that keeps track of ambient

conditions or environmental conditions in distant locations. The end result allows for

the logging of measurements from various locations across the world as well as the

visualization and analysis of the obtained data from any device connected to the

Internet. This work encapsulates the entire solution, a cyber physical system,

beginning at the physical level with sensors and the communication protocol, and

ending at the cyber level with data management and storage. By offering a clearly

defined architecture that makes the transfer of data from sensors with various

measurement capabilities easier and boosts supervisory efficiency, it solves the issue

of system integration and interoperability.

Real-Time Face Recognition System with Self- Learning

(Jia-Ying Lui, 2017)
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Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

According to the study of Jia- Ying Lui (2017), Face recognition has matured

over the recent years, it is widely used in access control system, immigration control

system even lecture attendance system. Traditional face recognition system needs to

build a database in advance. When large company wants to build a face recognition

system, they usually pay a huge effort on building the database. In this paper, they

propose a real-time face recognition system with auto-learning via access card. The

system can detect and track face real-time from the existing camera. System can build

database automatically without any user operation and update database automatically

for self-learning.

A Multi-modal Computer Laboratory Monitoring System using Face

Recognition and Voice Recognition
(Johan Kumar., 2018)

According to the study of J. Kumar (2018), The “A Multi-modal Computer

Laboratory Monitoring System using Face Recognition and Voice Recognition” is a

research paper that proposes a system for monitoring computer laboratories using

multiple modalities of biometric authentication, including face recognition and voice

recognition. The system aims to increase security and accuracy in monitoring

computer laboratories by using multiple biometric factors to accurately identify users.

The proposed system uses a combination of face recognition and voice recognition to

accurately identify users and monitor their activities. The system consists of a

database of authorized users’ faces and voiceprints, which is used to verify the
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College of Computer Studies

identity of users accessing the laboratory. The system also includes a monitoring

component that racks users’ activities in real-time, including the application they use

and the websites they visit. Any suspicious activity is flagged and logged for further

investigation. Overall, this paper presents an innovative approach to improving the

security and accuracy of monitoring computer laboratories using multiple modalities

of biometric authentication. The system could potentially be implemented in various

educational institutions and other organizations where computer laboratory access

needs to be carefully monitored and controlled.

Secure Computer Laboratory Monitoring System using Face Recognition and

Biometric Authentication
(T. Nguyen., 2017)

According to the study of T. Nguyen (2017), The “Secure Computer

Laboratory Monitoring System using Face Recognition and Biometric

Authentication” is a research paper that proposes a system for monitoring computer

laboratories using biometric authentication and face recognition technology. The

system aims to increase security and accountability in computer laboratories by

accurately identifying users and monitoring their activities. The proposed system uses

a combination of face recognition and biometric authentication to accurately identify

users and monitor their activities. The system consists of a database of authorized

users’ faces and biometric information, which is used to verify the identity to users

accessing the laboratory. The system also includes a monitoring component that
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College of Computer Studies

tracks users’ activities in real-time, including the applications they use and the

websites they visit. Any suspicious activity is flagged and logged for further

investigation. Overall, this paper presents a promising approach to improving the

security and accountability of computer laboratories using biometric authentication

and face recognition technology. The system could potentially be implemented in

various educational institutions and other organization where computer laboratory

access needs to be carefully monitored and controlled.

Development of Academic Attendance Monitoring System Using Facial

(Tabassam N., 2019)

According to the study of T. Nawaz, et al. (2019), in this paper they propose a

system that automates the whole process of taking attendance and maintaining its

records in an academic institute. Managing people is a difficult task for most of the

organizations, and maintaining the attendance record is an important factor in people

management. When considering academic institutes, taking the attendance of students

on daily basis and maintaining the records is a major task. Manually taking the

attendance and maintaining it for a long time adds to the difficulty of this task as well

as wastes a lot of time. For this reason an efficient system is designed. This system

takes attendance electronically with the help of a facial sensor and all the records are

saved on a computer server. Facial sensors and LCD screens are placed at the
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entrance of each room. In order to mark the attendance, student has to place his/her

face on the facial sensor. On identification student’s attendance record is updated in

the database and he/she is notified through LCD screen. No need of all the stationary

material and special personal for keeping the records. Furthermore an automated

system replaces the manual system.

Face Recognition Scheme for Surveillance System and Computer Laboratory

Security Access
(I. Fushshilat and Y. Yogasmana., 2020)

According to the study of I. Fushshilat & Y. Yogasmana (2020), this paper

proposes to design a modern surveillance system and laboratory access using digital

technology, through the concept of the Face Recognition which is becoming one of

the trending topics in the development of world technology nowadays. FR makes

several electronic devices such as actuators, biometric sensors, RFID Reader, servers,

and IP cameras are connected to an Internet network. Thus, those devices can be

accessed anytime anywhere outside laboratory. identification of visitors are using

RFID cards or biometrics sign such as fingerprints or faces that have been recognized

by the system and every time visitors come to laboratory, they are recorded directly

into the server automatically, IP camera allows displaying in real-time condition of

the Laboratory, The system is utilizing the indoor sound system as a device for

conducting teleconferences and appealing for information to visitors to the laboratory

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College of Computer Studies

remotely via the internet, all of these are very useful for establishing a better security

and surveillance system and facilitating work of laboratory administrators.

Face Recognition Security System using LabView

(Sudha Rani K, T.C. Sarma and K. Satya Prasad., 2018)

According to the study of R.K. Sudha, T.C. Sarma and K. S. Prasad (2018),

LabVIEW is a graphical programming environment that is widely used in various

engineering fields, including security systems. In the case of a face recognition office

security system, LabVIEW can be used to create a program that captures images of

people entering the office, processes those images to detect faces, and compares those

faces to a database of authorized personnel. The program can be created using a

combination of LabVIEW's built-in vision and image processing tools, as well as

custom code blocks created using LabVIEW's programming language, G. To create

the program, the first step is to set up the hardware, including cameras or other image

capture devices. Then, the LabVIEW program can be created to capture and process

images from the cameras. This can be done using the built-in vision tools, which

include features such as face detection and recognition. The program can also include

a database of authorized personnel, which can be used to compare the faces detected

in the images to the authorized personnel. If a match is found, the person is allowed to

enter the office. If not, access is denied. The program can be further customized to

include additional security features, such as requiring a password or other

authentication methods in addition to face recognition. The author of such a system

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could be a security expert or an engineer with experience in developing LabVIEW

applications for security systems. It is also possible that a team of professionals with

complementary skills in security, software development, and LabVIEW programming

may work together to develop such a system.

Face Recognition in Security and Surveillance Camera System

(Malach T., 2018)

The improvement of face recognition performance in surveillance CCTV

systems and access control systems is the focus of Malach Tobià's (2018) study. This

objective is accomplished by face template optimization, a cutting-edge strategy for

improving recognition performance. The production of templates is optimized,

producing templates with improved recognition performance. The following are some

partial goals that must be met in order to complete the face recognition performance

analysis and its optimization via optimal template construction. The first involves

creating a representative face database that will enable face recognition results in

CCTV and access control systems that are reliable and trustworthy. The second goal

is to develop a method for statistically valid results comparison that allows us to draw

pertinent conclusions. The third step is the creation and optimization of the template.

The obtained findings demonstrate that template improvement improves recognition

performance in the aforementioned difficult applications by 4-8%, and in some cases

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College of Computer Studies

even 15%. Hence, facial recognition in these applications is made possible thanks to

optimization of template development.

An Efficient Computer Laboratory Monitoring System using Face Recognition

and Wireless Sensor Networks
(O.J. Adewumi and O. Adeyemo., 2020)

According to the study of O.J. Adewumi and O. Adeyemo (2020), the paper

“An Efficient Computer Laboratory Monitoring System using Face Recognition and

Wireless Sensor Networks” proposes a computer laboratory monitoring system that

uses face recognition technology and wireless sensor networks (WSNs) to track the

movement of people in lab and detect any authorized access. The authors suggest the

combination of face recognition technology and WSNs can enhance the accuracy of

the monitoring system and reduce the response time to security breaches. The

proposed system consists of two main components the face recognition module and

the WSN module. The face recognition module is responsible for capturing images of

people entering the lab and comparing them with a pre-existing database of authorized

faces. The WSN module, on the other hand, uses a network of sensors to track the

movement of people in the lab and detect any unauthorized access. The authors

implement the system using Raspberry Pi, and Open-CV for the face recognition

module, and Zigbee- based WSNs for the WSN module. They test the system on a

dataset of faces captured from a real-world computer lab and show that the system can

accurately detect authorized and unauthorized access. Overall, this paper an

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innovative approach to computer laboratory monitoring using face recognition

technology and wireless sensor networks, which could improve the security of

computer labs and reduce the response time to security breaches.

A Real-time Face Recognition System based on the improved LBPH Algorithm

(XueMei Z., 2017)

According to the study of Xue Mei Zhao, (2017), The Local Binary Pattern

Histogram (LBPH) algorithm is a simple solution on face recognition problem, which

can recognize both front face and side face. However, the recognition rate of LBPH

algorithm under the conditions of illumination diversification, expression variation

and attitude deflection is decreased. To solve this problem, a modified LBPH

algorithm based on pixel neighborhood gray median (MLBPH) is proposed. The gray

value of the pixel is replaced by the median value of its neighborhood sampling value,

and then the feature value is extracted by the sub blocks and the statistical histogram

is established to form the MLBPH feature dictionary, which is used to recognize the

human face identity compared with test image. Experiments are carried on FERET

standard face database and the creation of new face database, and the results show

that MLBPH algorithm is superior to LBPH algorithm in recognition rate.

Face Recognition Accuracy of Forensic Examiners, Super recognizers, and Face

Recognition Algorithms
(Jonathon P., 2018)
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College of Computer Studies

Jonathon Phillips (2018) found that forensic facial examiners, facial reviewers,

and super-recognizers were more accurate than fingerprint examiners and students on

a challenging face identification test. Four deep convolutional neural networks

(DCNNs) identified faces within the range of human accuracy, with the most recent

DCNN scoring above the median. Crowd-sourcing methods helped to stabilize

performance, boosting the scores of lower-performing individuals and decreasing

variability. Collaboration between humans and machines offers tangible benefits to

face identification accuracy in important applications, providing an evidence-based

road map for achieving the most accurate face identification possible.

Local System

A Secured Smart Automation System for Computer Labs in Engineering

Colleges using Face Recognition
(Rincy Merlin M., 2019)

According to the study of R. M. Mathew (2019), a secured smart automation

system for computer labs in engineering colleges using face recognition is a

computer-based security system that ensures authorized access to computer labs in

engineering colleges. This system is designed to enhance the security of computer

labs while making the process of accessing the labs more efficient and convenient.

The system uses a face recognition algorithm to identify students and staff members
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College of Computer Studies

who are authorized to access the computer labs. The face recognition algorithm is

designed to recognize the unique facial features of each individual and grant access

only to authorized personnel. This eliminates the need for physical access cards or

keys, which can be lost or stolen. The system consists of a central computer that

controls access to the computer lab. The central computer is connected to a network

of cameras placed at the entrance of the computer lab. The cameras capture images of

individuals entering the lab, and the face recognition algorithm analyzes these images

to identify the individual. If the system recognizes the individual as an authorized

user, access is granted, and the individual is allowed to enter the lab. If the system

does not recognize the individual, access is denied, and an alert is sent to the security

personnel. The system can also be programmed to log the time and date of each

access attempt, providing a record of who has accessed the lab and when. The system

can be customized to include additional security features, such as biometric

identification, password protection, or two-factor authentication. It can also be

integrated with other security systems, such as fire alarms or CCTV cameras, to

provide a comprehensive security solution for the computer lab. The implementation

of such a system requires expertise in computer vision, image processing, and

software development. The system can be developed by a team of professionals with

complementary skills in these areas, including computer scientists, software

engineers, and security experts. The system can also be customized to meet the

specific needs of individual engineering colleges and can be scaled up to

accommodate larger computer labs or multiple locations.

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Crop Simulation models as tools in Computer Laboratory and Classroom based

(Robin B. Matthews, 2018)

According to the study of Robin B. Matthews (2018), crop simulation models

(CSMs) are mathematical, computer-based representation of crop growth and

interaction with the environment. They play an important role in scientific research

and resources management, and have been used to help students understand, observe,

and experiment with crop system. At the start of a new decade, it is timely that an

assessment of these experiences in education is made. This paper synthesizes the

positive and negative experiences in education to provide guidelines for using CSMs

in computer laboratories and the classroom. Peer-reviewed literature, electronic

media, personal experience and communications, and student perceptions were used

to access CSMs impact in education.

A Computer Lab Monitoring System Based on Face Recognition and Image

(Lin Zhang and Xiaolong Li., 2020)

According to the study of Lin Zhang and Xiaolong Li (2020), "A Computer

Lab Monitoring System Based on Face Recognition and Image Processing" is a

research paper that proposes a system for monitoring computer laboratories using face

recognition and image processing techniques. The system is designed to improve

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Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

security and track attendance in computer labs. The proposed system uses a camera to

capture images of individuals entering and leaving the lab. These images are then

processed using image processing techniques to extract facial features, such as the

eyes, nose, and mouth. The extracted features are then compared against a database of

authorized users using face recognition technology to identify users. The system also

includes features for attendance tracking, which involves using the captured images to

identify who has entered and exited the lab. The system is designed to send

notifications to laboratory administrators when unauthorized individuals are detected

in the lab. The paper discusses the implementation of the proposed system, including

the hardware and software requirements, and provides experimental results

demonstrating the effectiveness of the system. The results show that the system is able

to accurately identify users and track attendance in real-time. Overall, the proposed

system offers a practical solution for monitoring computer labs using advanced face

recognition and image processing techniques. By improving security and attendance

tracking, the system can help to ensure a safe and secure learning environment for

students and staff.

Computer Laboratory Security System using Face Recognition and Motion

(H. F. Yildirim and O. B. Yildiz., 2020)
According to the study of H. F. Yildirim and O. B. Yildiz (2020), he paper

"Computer Laboratory Security System using Face Recognition and Motion

Detection" proposes a computer laboratory security system that uses face recognition
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College of Computer Studies

and motion detection technologies to provide enhanced security. The system is

designed to automatically detect and recognize the faces of registered users and detect

any suspicious movements in the laboratory. The system consists of three main

components: the face recognition module, the motion detection module, and the

security control module. The face recognition module captures an image of the user's

face using a camera and compares it to the registered user's face in the database. The

motion detection module uses a combination of sensors and computer vision

techniques to detect any suspicious movements in the laboratory. The security control

module analyzes the data from both modules and decides whether to grant or deny

access to the lab. If the system detects a suspicious movement, such as an

unauthorized person entering the lab or someone attempting to steal equipment, it

sends an alert to the administrator and triggers an alarm. The system logs the entry

and exit times of each user and any suspicious events that occur in the laboratory. The

proposed system provides a high level of security by combining face recognition and

motion detection technologies. The system is fast and efficient in identifying

registered users and can detect and respond to any suspicious activities in real-time.

The system is also scalable and can be easily integrated into existing security systems.

A Computer Lab Security System Using Face Recognition and RFID

(N. N. Nweke and O. E. Agilo., 2020)

According to the study of N.N. Nweke and O.E. Agilo (2020), the paper "A

Computer Lab Security System Using Face Recognition and RFID" proposes a
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College of Computer Studies

computer lab security system that combines face recognition and radio-frequency

identification (RFID) technologies to provide secure access control. The system is

designed to authenticate and grant access to users only if their face matches the

registered user's face and they have a valid RFID tag. The system consists of two

main components: the face recognition module and the RFID module. The face

recognition module captures an image of the user's face using a camera and compares

it to the registered user's face in the database. The system uses a deep learning-based

face recognition algorithm for accurate and reliable identification of users. The RFID

module reads the user's RFID tag and verifies that it is valid and belongs to the

registered user both the face recognition and RFID authentication succeed, the system

grants access to the user to the computer lab. The system logs the entry and exit times

of each user, and alerts the administrator if an unauthorized access attempt is made.

The proposed system provides a high level of security by combining two

authentication methods, making it difficult for unauthorized individuals to gain access

to the lab. The system is also convenient for registered users since they only need to

present their face and RFID tag for access. The use of face recognition technology

ensures that the system is fast, accurate, and efficient in identifying registered users.

Supervisory Control System Based on Multi-Agents Techniques for a Smart

Computer Laboratory
(A. E. E. EAlfi, et al., 2020)
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College of Computer Studies

According to the study of A.E.E. EAlfi, A.E. Amin, M. Hussein and A.A.

Atta (2020), this paper provides a control and monitoring system for a computer lab

with the aid of Arduino Uno connected to sensors to access and control equipment

and devices using a computer application. It basically focuses on Laboratory

automation using the data acquisition tool and Vision Assistant of LabVIEW. The

proposed system consists of four agents; the first is an access control agent using

human face recognition. The agent composes of two main parts: real-time face

recognition and door control. Open-CV libraries are used for real time face detection

and the PCA algorithm is used for real time face recognition and also sending a

security alert message to the supervisor. In order to open the door automatically, a

hardware circuit was designed to connect a computer with an electrical door. This

agent is based on using the data acquisition tool and Vision Assistant of LabVIEW.

Second, fire and smoke detection agent, Arduino Uno is used as the microcontroller at

the transmitter part to control the sensor nodes and give alerts and send an SMS

message to the supervisor when smoke and flame are detected. Third an audio

processing agent for recording student’s attendance. The identity of a student is

verified by voiceprint by using the DTW algorithm, by comparing the voice signal of

the speaker with pre-stored voice signals in the database and extracting the main

features of the speaker voice signal using MFCC. Fourth, rationalizing electrical

consumption agent is implemented by embedding the electrical appliances such as

lights, air-conditioners, fans, and projectors in the laboratory with sensors for

reducing the energy consumption. The proposed system was tested based on actual
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data sensed by sensors and the results showed that the proposed system works with

high efficiency.

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The Central Philippines State University- Moises Padilla Campus have a

Computer Laboratory used by IT student is using a manual process when logging-
in inside the Computer Laboratory to identify who enters and exit in the computer
laboratory. The Admin cannot monitor the in and out of person in the laboratory,
by this there is a tendency that any time any person can enter inside the laboratory
without any valid purpose why they enter the premises.
A computer laboratory usage policy defines when how and by whom
laboratory resources can be used. Its positive effect is that it creates a clear
situation by defining possibilities and boundaries. Elements of this rules collection
are stated in the policies and procedure manual. Providing the system in the CSS
laboratories will lighten the security and monitoring of activities inside the
The role of the user is to provide data for attendance logs-in order to access
the laboratory resources. Attendance logs are based on the information given by
the face recognition data. The system will checked if the students is currently
enrolled in computer laboratory, if enrolled the system will checked the schedule
of the student if it coincides with the time of laboratory. Once it is authentication
as a registration. Unregistered user information such as ID number will be denied
by the system if the student is not enrolled or not yet on the scheduled time of the
class the student was still allowed to seat in and use the resources inside the
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Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies


The figure shows the structured organizational chart of Central Philippines

State University- Moises Padilla Campus staff

Campus Administration


CCS Admin




Figure 1. Functional Chart

Administrator. It is responsible for overseeing the delivery of all campus

programming, as well as operational and administrative functions and services for

the campus. College administration maintain, develop, coordinate, and oversee the

various programs in public and private colleges and Universities.

Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

Faculty. Faculties are a group of teacher’s who impart education to the student’s in

school or college. Staff indicates the entire group of people, employed by the

organization. Comprising one subject area or a group of related subjects areas,

possibly also delimited by level.

Students. Involve and interact with students and teachers, participate in classroom

discussions, and act in a receptive manner.

Staff. Means all employees of the system other than faculty, academic staff,

personnel directly involve in teaching students, whose employment is a necessary

part of their training, student assistants and students as a whole class, in small

groups, or in one-to-one teaching. Academic staffs include personnel whose primary

assignment is instruction, research or public services, holding an academic rank with

such titles as professor, associate professor, assistant professor, instructor, lecturer,

or the equivalent of any of these academic rank.

Manual Workflow
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Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

This figure shows the manual process of students when logging-in and out in

the Computer Laboratory.

Prepare ID



Log date

Figure 2. Manual Workflow

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Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

Proposed System Workflow

Figure 3. Proposed System Workflow

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Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies



This chapter was developed and accomplished based on the gathered

information during the actual conduct of survey to the student and faculties in IT

Department of Central Philippines State University of Moises Padilla Campus. The

respondent of this proposed project are the students, faculties and future researcher

who wants to continue the capstone project entitled Computer Laboratory Monitoring

System using Vision System.

The researchers created this system to improve and living the school CCS

Laboratory an automated attendance and assigning of computer number after they

graduate. This will help improve the process of the CCS Laboratory upon entering the

premises. The proponents developed this system on February 2023, by first

conducting an interview to the respondents. On April 2024, the

The researchers developed the proposed project to enhance the manual

checking of attendance and assigning computer number in CSS Laboratory in the

Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

Central Philippines State of Moises Padilla Campus. The proponents utilized the

following software: Pycharm, Python and MySQL work bench as the platform for

developing the system. The study has analyzed the institutional and technical settings

where in projects are conceptualized, developed, implemented and operated. The idea

is to understand how these setting have contributed to a project’s success of failure.


Figure 4. AGILE Model

Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

During the Requirements Gathering the researchers used PIECES

Evaluation format and surveyed the 5 respondents, 1 Program Head of IT Department

and 4 students of BSIT who used the CCS Laboratory of Central Philippines State

University of Moises Padilla Campus.

Designing. In this phase, the researcher method, interview responses were

analyzed, synthesized and coded according to theme.

Build. It is in this stage that the researchers started coding the system.

Pycharm, Python and Xampp Control Panel.

Integration and Testing. Integration and testing is connected with the

architectural design stage. Integration tests are accomplished to test the existence and

transmission of the components within the system.

Deployment. The proposed system is fully functional and is ready to deploy

to the live environment.

Maintenance. Corrective, adaptive and perfective maintenance is carried out

indefinitely to improve, update and enhance the final product.

Through the survey the respondent rated the software using the Likert Scale

through the PIECES Evaluation Questionnaire.

Table 1. Likert’s Rating Scale for System Evaluation.

Rating Mean Verbal Description
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

5 4.21-5.00 Strongly Agree

4 3.21-4.20 Agree
3 2.61-3.40 Undecided
2 1.81-2.60 Disagree
1 1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree

Requirements Specification

The respondents of this study are not currently fully aware of benefit of

technology, so the proponents would like to present a fully functional and

computerized system in terms of speed and accuracy.

Table 2. PIECES Evaluation Framework

Response Time
Lots of time are consumed during manual checking of
attendance and assigning of computer number.
Lack of necessary Information
Lacking of information recorded in checking attendance.
Current marketing can be improved
Face Recognition are used to improved business and
marketing strategy.
The registered information and face of the individual are
Effort Required for tasks is excessive
Face Recognition are efficient in reducing time and to
checking the attendance.
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

The system is not coordinated with other system

The Face Recognition is an easy and reliable to use.

Cause and Effect Analysis

Based on the results of the PIECES Evaluation Framework of the present

system, the proponent gathered the data that resulted in the cause and effect of the

problem that encounter. Cause refers to the source of the problem and outcome if the

problem are not immediately resolved. The objectives are the target of the proponent

to solve the problem. System Constraints are the limitation to be implemented

together with the objective.

Table 3. Cause and Effect Analysis



C- Because of To create a fully

The proposed
manual process of functional system is
Response Time taking attendance system and timeavailable only to
and assigning saving system CCS Laboratory
computer number. upon in Central
E- It consumes a monitoring. Philippines
lot of time. State University
of Moises
Padilla Campus
C- Because of To secure the Only the
Lack of necessary manual process. information of necessary
Information E- There are the students information are
tendency that lack who used the encoded in
of information of CCS Laboratory student
the students will of Central registration.
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

recorded. Philippines
State University
Economy of Moises
Padilla Campus.
C- Manual To create a Only CCS
Expensive process of system that will Admin can
monitoring took a save time to monitor if who
lot of time. write down their enters the
E- Delay’s Occur attendance and premises.
upon taking to assign
attendance and computer unit
computer unit number in vocal
number assigning. way.
C- Attendance To create a Only the
Lack of Security can be fake. system that will authorized
and Control E- Even the help to secure person can
person is out or the monitoring accessed their
absent still they of every face
can take students. recognition.
attendance thru
their friends.
C-Manually To create a Computer
Effort required for writing their system that will Laboratory
task excessive information. lessen and Monitoring
E- Requires a lot fasten the System using
of time. monitoring Vision System
process of is for attendance
everyone. and generate
number purpose
C- It requires a To create a The system is
Time Consuming patience and time. system that will applicable only
E- It causes class fasten the taking to the students.
to delay. of attendance
and computer
unit number
assigning and
lessen the time.
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

Gantt Chart

Presented in Figure 4 is the visual view of the task or timeline of activities

done by the researchers during the development phase of this capstone project.
2023 2023

PARTICULAR January February March April

Week Week Week Week
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Consultation with
Title Defensse

Developing the
System and
Consultation with
Chapter 1

Project Context

Purpose and

Definition of Terms

Chapter 2
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

Foreign and Local

Literature Systems
Chapter 3
Organizational chart


2023 2024


Week Week Week Week
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Chapter 4

PIECES Evaluation
Cause and Effect
Design of Software
Hierarchical Input-
Manual, Proposed
Flow Chart
Data Flow Diagram
Development and
Chapter 5
Conclusions, and
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies


Figure 6. Gantt Chart of the Development Phase of the Computer Laboratory

Monitoring System Using Vision System

Functional Requirements

Functional Requirements the intended behavior of the system. This behavior

may express as services, task or function that the system is required to perform,
functional requirement define what the system is supposed to do and developed
system manages and processes the data using the required database.

Interface Requirements

 The student must register their Department, Course, School Year, Semester,
Name, Student ID, Student Number, Division, Address, Gender, Phone
Number, Birthdate, Email, Teacher and take picture.
 Train Dataset of students and face recognition that generate computer number.
 Automate the monitoring system.

Business Ruirements

 To ensure the system works well, it has to support the following business
 Evaluate the students on how to manage the system.

Regulatory/Compliance Requirements
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

 The CCS Admin of Central Philippines State University- Moises Padilla

Campus can only have the access to the device.

Security Requirements

 Personal Information of the respondent are not displayed publicly.

 Monitoring of every student in CCS Laboratory are secured.

 Generates reports to be used by the school for management purposes.

Non- Functional Requirements

None functional requirements of a system specify the performance, reliability,

availability, and maintainability of a system.


 To face recognition is used to identify the students and protect the information

of every individual.

 Every student’s must take a picture to enable to recognize in face recognition.


 The face recognition scanner scan face that has been registered in the system.
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

 The system records time in, time out, generate computer unit number and
attendance of the student rendered inside the CCS Laboratory.


 The system can register all the students who will enter and use the CCS
 The face recognition scanner can only scan or identify registered faces in the
system in one by one.
 The system is available at CCS Laboratory of Central Philippines State
University- Moises Padilla Campus.
 The system can only be manage by the CCS Admin of CSS of Moises Padilla


 The system can be used anytime for checking attendance with minimal or no
errors in terms of its functionality.
 The system is free from errors and can process the checking of attendance
 The system can maintain an acceptable level of performance over a long
period of time.


 All date that is imported into the database is secured.

Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

 Recovery Process- When data is stored in the database, recovery begins to


 Recovery time scale- It merely takes hours to restore the system.

 Back up frequency- how the device data and codes are saved in the computer.


 The system is applicable to every student who will use the CCS Laboratory of

Central Philippines State University of Moises Padilla Campus.


 The system is capable of storing student’s attendance details for maintenance


 The system can be easily configured or arranged to address the needs of the


 The system is capable of changing or modifying the process included in

checking the attendance.

Design of the System

The student registration page requires the admin to encode the following

Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

 Information – (Department, Course, School Year, Semester, Student Number,

Name, Address, Division, Email, Student ID, Gender, Phone number,

Birthdate and Subject Teacher and take photo sample).

 Action- The admin can either edit, delete, reset and update the information.

Face recognition scanner requires the students to scan their face. The scanner

will be using webcam to have clear camera to scan the registered face of the students

to automatically generate and display selected information and computer unit number

and to record their attendance, time in and out. The attendance panel serves as the

class record of the registered students.

Hierarchical Input-Process-Output

HIPO model (hierarchical input process output model) is a system analysis

design aid and documentation technique from 1970s, used to represent the modules of

a system as a hierarchy and documenting each module.

The figure below shows the structure of the “Computer Laboratory Monitoring

System using Vision System” and the inputs and outputs of each process are listed.
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

Figure 6. Hierarchical Input-Process-Output


This diagram depicts how the data entered into the system will indicate the

Information of the Students, Photo sample of students, Generate computer unit

number in face recognition and attendance of the students. It is how the system

“Computer Laboratory Monitoring System using Vision System” works, from input to



Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

 Student
 Train Dataset
 Face Recognition
 Take Photo

Figure 7. Shows the Input- Process-Output of the System.

Manual Flow Chart

This figure shows the manual process of students when logging-in and out in

the Computer Laboratory.

Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

Figure 8. Manual Flow Chart

Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

Proposed Flow Chart

A flow is a visual representation of the sequence of steps and decision needed

to perform a process. In the figure below shows procedures of the CCS Admin for

utilizing the Computer Laboratory Monitoring System using V

Figure 9. Proposed Flow Chart

Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

Current Data Flow Diagram

A Data Flow Diagram is a graphical representation of the data flow.

Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 10. Current Data Flow

Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

An Entity-relationship Diagram showing the relationship between student

information and attendance and reports information.

Development and Testing

Figure 11. Entity Relationship Diagram
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

The researchers created the suggested method to improve the Computer

Laboratory Monitoring System using Vision System. The researchers used the

following software to make the system: Pycharm and MySQL Workbench.

The proponents were charge of locating appropriate references in order for the

system to work properly. During the testing, the researcher use the system to evaluate

its performance.

The researchers devised a strategy to convert Computer Laboratory

Monitoring System using Vision System from manual checking of attendance and

assigning computer unit number to computerized monitoring system using Vision

System or Face Recognition, Testing performance under various workloads.

Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies


This chapter present the capstone projects findings, conclusions, and

recommendations. It presents the results of the overall performance and the ratings of

the system after the evaluations. The respondents would give comments, suggestions

and feedback about the system. Before the evaluation, the researcher explain to the

respondent the function of the proposed system in order for them to rate the developed

capstone project.


A research project main outcomes are suggested, divulged , or implied. This

usually refers to the total number of outcomes rather than the respondent’s opinion or


The capstone project is assessed in order to collect data and information from

respondents in order to enhance and address the developed systems potential flaws.

The researchers polled the 1 st year students from Central Philippines State

University Moises Padilla Campus. The developed capstone project was rated on a

likert scale by the proponents.

Table 4. Liker’s Rating Scale for Software Evaluation.

Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies


5 4.21-5.00 Strongly Agree
4 3.41-4.20 Agree
3 2.61-3.40 Undecided
2 1.81-2.60 Disagree
1 1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree

The formula for LSM

X= 5 * fi + 4 * fi + 3 * fi + 2 * fi + 1 * fi

Where: x= weighed mean

Fi = frequency of the 1st score

N = Total number of the respondent

End user and IT (Information Technology) experts analysed and evaluated the

effectiveness, efficiency, and usability of the Computer Laboratory Monitoring

System Using Vision System for Central Philippines State University Moises Padilla


Data Representation
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

Table 5. Response of the End-User and IT Experts on PIECES Software Evaluation

in terms of Performance throughout and response time.


5 4.21-5.00 Strongly Agree
4 3.41-4.20 Agree
3 2.61-3.40 Undecided
2 1.81-2.60 Disagree
1 1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree

Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

Table 6. Responses of the End-Users and IT experts on PIECES Software

Evaluation in terms of Information Input, Output and Data Storing.


5 4.21-5.00 Strongly Agree
4 3.41-4.20 Agree
3 2.61-3.40 Undecided
2 1.81-2.60 Disagree
1 1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree

Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

Table 7. Responses of the End-User and IT Experts on PIECES Software

Evaluation in terms of Economic Costs.


5 4.21-5.00 Strongly Agree
4 3.41-4.20 Agree
3 2.61-3.40 Undecided
2 1.81-2.60 Disagree
1 1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree

Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies


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College of Computer Studies

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Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies




Address : Brgy.Guinpana-an, Moises Padilla,

Negros Occidental

Date of Birth :

Place of Birth :

Civil Status :

Mother :

Father :

Sibling :


Education School Last Attended Year Graduated

Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Moises Padilla Campus
Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental
College of Computer Studies

Elementary :

Secondary :

K-12 :

College :

Course :

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