107 1 Fin Exam

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107-1 執行資訊系統 期末考

一、解釋名詞 (30%, 每小題 3 分)
1. Public key infrastructure (PKI)
2. Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS)
3. Fuzzy logic
4. Spoofing
5. Customer lifetime value
6. Information asymmetry
7. Long tail marketing
8. Analytical CRM
9. Location-based services
10. Tacit knowledge

二、選擇題 (30%, 每小題 2 分)

A1) An independent computer program that copies itself from one computer to
another over a network is called a:
A) worm.
B) Trojan horse.
C) bug.
D) pest.

C2) Hackers create a botnet by:

A) infecting Web search bots with malware.
B) using Web search bots to infect other computers.
C) causing other people's computers to become "zombie" PCs following a master
D) infecting corporate servers with "zombie" Trojan horses that allow undetected
access through a back door.

B3) Tricking employees to reveal their passwords by pretending to be a legitimate

member of a company is called:
A) sniffing.
B) social engineering.
C) phishing.
D) pharming.

A4) A firewall allows the organization to:

A) enforce a security policy on data exchanged between its network and the Internet.
B) check the accuracy of all transactions between its network and the Internet.
C) create an enterprise system on the Internet.
D) check the content of all incoming and outgoing e-mail messages.

D5) The business value of an effective supply-chain management system includes all
of the following except:
A) faster time to market.
B) cost reduction.
C) supply matched to demand.
D) increased inventory levels.

C6) Which of the following would not be considered a contact point?

A) E-mail
B) Web site
C) Intranet
D) Retail store

A7) A supply chain driven by actual customer orders or purchases follows a

________ model.
A) pull-based model
B) build-to-stock
C) push-based
D) replenishment-driven

D8) Selling the same goods to different targeted groups at different prices is called:
A) cost customization.
B) cost optimization.
C) price gouging.
D) price discrimination.

A9) eBay is an example of:

A) C2C e-commerce.
B) B2B e-commerce.
C) B2C e-commerce.
D) M-commerce.

C10) Digital goods are goods that are:

A) produced digitally.
B) sold over digital networks.
C) delivered digitally.
D) used with digital equipment.

B11) Market creators:

A) save users money and time by processing online sales transactions.
B) provide a digital environment where buyers and sellers can establish prices for
C) create revenue by providing digital content over the Web.
D) sell physical products directly to consumers or individual businesses.

B12) Which of the following BI functionalities would you use to assess how
customers would respond to a price change in your product?
A) Parameterized reports
B) Predictive analytics
C) Ad hoc queries
D) Production reports

B13) You are the CEO of a national shoe store and want to add three new stores.
Which of the following tools will best help you find the most potentially
profitable new locations?
A) Pivot tables
B) Intelligent agent
D) Location analytics

D14) GDSS are designed to:

A) allow meeting attendees to share their thoughts in real time with their peers.
B) manage knowledge using a global perspective.
C) enable collaboration among geographically dispersed participants.
D) implement structured methods for organizing and evaluate`on ideas.

C15) Genetic algorithms:

A) represent knowledge as groups of characteristics.
B) are software programs that work in the background to carry out specific,
repetitive tasks.
C) develop solutions to particular problems using techniques such as mutation,
crossover, and selection.
D) "learn" patterns from large quantities of data by sifting through data.

三、簡答題(40%, 每小題5 分)

1. (a) Depicts contemporary security challenges and vulnerabilities (5%)

 固定 IP 地址易受到駭客攻擊
 未加密語音通話的資訊可能被竊用
 網路信息可能會被攔截和濫用
(b) List and explain the types of malicious software (5%)
 Computer Virus
 Worms

 Trojan Horses
 Spyware/Adware
 Rootkit

2. (a) List business value of enterprise systems (5%)

1. 提高運營效率

(b) Compare operational and analytical CRM (5%)

Operational CRM--支持傳統處理日常操作的內容,包含許多直接與客戶打交
Analytical CRM--支持與後台相關的操作的內容,包括更具戰略意義的分析。

3. (a) List five digital market effects (5%)

 Changed the way companies conduct business
 Information asymmetry reduced
 Menu costs, search and transaction costs reduced
 Dynamic pricing enabled
 Switching costs
 Delayed gratification
 Disintermediation

(b) Describe the characteristics of digital goods (5%)

• Goods that can be delivered over a digital network
• Cost of producing first unit is almost entire cost of product
• Costs of delivery over the Internet very low
• Marketing costs remain the same; pricing highly variable
• Industries with digital goods are undergoing revolutionary changes
(publishers, record labels, etc.)

4. (a) List the intelligent techniques for enhancing decision making (5%)
 Machine learning
 Neural networks
 Genetic algorithms
(b) Depict the balanced scorecard framework (5%)

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