Arte Mortis

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ed young (Order #28764263)

Arte Mortis
A design guide for
necrocrafts and
Writing: Barnes Lloyd-Jenkins Art: Duc Pham

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ed young (Order #28764263)
Introduction & Mechanics

A necrocraft is a medley of undead body

parts and corpses grafted together with
dark magic to create a single animated
undead creature with abilities based on its T here are few things as frustrating when
playing a necromancer as being unable to
component pieces and the surgical and create your own creatures, to build and design on
necromantic talents of its creator. the spot rather than working to what already
Necrocrafts are better suited for brute force than exists; whenever we read about most powerful
delicate manipulation, and most creators build necromancers or liches in most settings, they
larger hulks rather than smaller, more agile (and often have their own unique calling card, some
fragile) necrocrafts. Though necrocrafts can be of special undead that they researched and designed.
virtually any size and can be made up of undead But there has never been such an option for player
bodies or parts of any size, a typical Medium characters to produce their own monsters, or to
specimen is 7 feet tall and weighs 250 pounds. improve existing ones without improvising or
The details of the ritual to create a necrocraft vary relying on the GM to build every new creature
greatly, and depend on the particular undead you want to use.
parts used and the intended size of the resulting The Necrocraft represents a unique chance, for
creature. DMs and players alike to explore their creativity
The final anatomy of the creation largely depends with the dead, this supplement is built to expand
on the master's artistry, creativity, and personal on the design rules for Necrocraft, giving more
preferences-as well as any specific goals it has in chance for inventive combinations and designs
mind for the creature. For example, a without being forced to rely on rule of thumb for
Necrocraft's "teeth" could actually be dozens of answers.
clawed ghoul talons, or its eyes and mouth might
be located in its chest rather than in a distinct

ed young (Order #28764263)
Unholy places and Desecrate
CREATING A NECROCRAFT Certain effects and spells such as Desecrate allow

necromancers to increase the number of HD of undead they
can create in a single casting and with the new creation
n order to create a necrocraft, a spellcaster
rules taking days, not minutes, budding creature creators
must use at least five undead creatures (or their may be wondering how this effects Necrocraft design.
corpses), all of which must be under the creator's To put it simply, they can effect the ritual, but performing
control, helpless, or slain. such a feat is outside the ability of most necromancers. A
A larger undead or corpse can be used in place of constant desecrate effect much be placed over the corpses
two that are one size smaller. The creator must for the entire duration of the ritual, if this is successfully
achieved then the necromancer can create Necrocraft of
stitch, glue, or otherwise bind the parts together double his HD and four times his HD during a single ritual.
in the desired configuration, then cast animate However there is a price to this, as the ritual quadruples the
dead and make whole to complete the EHD of the creature for the purposes of signs and area it
construction (the material component cost of effects. An necromantic ritual of such a scale will not only
animate dead is 50 gp per Hit Die of the final attract heroes and saviours who will intervene to try and stop
the deeds of the crafter, but may even attract the notice of
necrocraft). outsiders and other far larger players.
The creator can't create a necrocraft with more Hit Such things however are for your GM to decide.
Dice than her caster level. As with animate dead,
the necrocraft is under the creator's control when
created. Note that creating a necrocraft requires Time
casting a spell with the evil descriptor. Building a necrocraft is a long and difficult ritual,
taking a number of days equal to its effective hit
To expand on the above rules the following dice, plus twice its hit dice. If the EHD equals the
modifications have been made, each size increase HD, then the time taken is equal to the HD alone.
between medium doubles the value of the corpse For example HD 3, EHD 7 creature would
(Medium: 1, Large: 2, Huge: 4, Gargantuan: 8, take 13 days to complete. 6 days for its HD
Colossal: 16), the minimum number of corpses is plus 7 days for the additional EHD.
no longer five and the ritual has been revised as Ritual
shown below. Each day spent on the creation of a Necrocraft
requires 8 hours dedicated work in a quite area as
Stitch and sew: Necrocrafting well as the casting of an animate dead spell, as
well as any additional spells required and often
such rituals can be easily discovered by anyone
Creating a necrocraft takes time, effort and with a knowledge of necromancy, by the changes
corpses. Rules will be given in plain text, it causes to the area around it.
examples will be shown in bold.
The exact nature of these problems is up to the
Hit Dice and Effective Hit Dice. GM, but creating large necrocraft creatures can be
When designing a necrocraft there are two devastating for the lands around and could easily
different limits to its design, the effective hit dice bring danger to the necromancers door if they
(EHD) and the actual hit dice (HD), the actual hit aren't careful; all effects effect a half mile radius
dice is the number of hit dice it has and is used per 10 EHD. Any necrocraft below 10 EHD does
for the purposes of animation, you cannot create a not require a ritual powerful, or enough
necrocraft with higher HD than your caster level, necromancy, to create such problems and is not
as noted above. The effective hit dice counts subject to any of the detection rules.
against all other things, you use the effective HD To recognize what is going on takes a Knowledge
when calculating how many creatures you can (Religion) roll of DC 30-EHD of the Necrocraft
animate at once, how much it costs to control the while within the area the ritual is effecting. If the
creature with any of your spells or control undead roll succeeds by 10 or more, the character can
feats and of course, the resources taken to build it. narrow down the area that the ritual is taking
When building a Necrocraft, every point spent place in towards the necromancers hide away.
beyond the base construction points gives it an The ritual can also be detected using detect evil as
additional EHD. if the area were an evil outsider of HD equal to
the HD of the necrocraft being created.

ed young (Order #28764263)
For some examples of possible effects, any
necrocraft with a EHD over 15 may cause minor In the original design of the necrocraft the
problems to the area around it, milk spoiling too construction points were limited by size, this
soon, small or weak animals turning sick, plants removed a lot of options, from small spy
coming down with blight and other small but creatures, to specialist beasts designed for a
supernatural problems, any with an EHD over 25 single purpose.
can cause major problems, from a small chance of
To avoid this a new limit has been included, for
those who have recently died rising
every additional construction point beyond the
spontaneously as lesser undead to a penalty to
starting number, the player must pay an additional
healing magic in the area, any with an EHD over
HD worth of their control/animate limit, an EHD,
40 are not simply easily recognized, they are a
in order to maintain control over the creature,
blight on the land surrounding them, the dead rise
these construction points above and beyond the
in droves, the land is cursed with a constant
limit given by standard also cost an additional
desecrate effect (Which does not give a bonus to
cost of 250 gp per construction point, to represent
the ritual itself) for the duration of the ritual and
time, research and equipment required to find a
at the climax of the ritual, all life within
way to enhance the body beyond what it would
EHD*100 meters must make a will save DC
usually be able to do.
equal to the HD (Not the EHD) of the creature, or
die. These however are just guidelines and every Weaknesses can be used to lower the cost of a
ritual should be unique. Necrocraft's additional points in time, gold and
control HD, however they can never be used to
For an example of this; a necromancer decides
lower the extra CP to more than half their true
to create a HD 13, EHD 30 Necrocraft, using
value (Example: If you have spend an additional
the corpses of old blue dragons that he has
10 CP, weaknesses can only lower this to 5 CP)
found while uncovering a blue dragon
graveyard deep in the desert. To finish his Weaknesses can never be used to lower the
creation, he must spend 56 days (13+13+30) effective HD of a creature below its base HD.
constantly working on it, spend a total of 4900 Any Necrocraft can only have a number of
gold pieces (See across) and bring together a additional CP equal to triple its HD. These do not
total of 261 bodies using the easy method count as HD for the purposes of animation, only
(Each ancient blue dragon counting as 8 for the purposes of controlling. However each CP
bodies brings the number down to a total of above the base requires a number of corpses, if
about 33 dragon skeletons), the area is effected these corpses require a special ability (Paralysis,
by a constant blight, as old mummies rise from for example requires ghoul corpses) then the
their tombs, dark clouds boil overhead and the Necromancer must be able to cover the total
sands surrounding the area slowly turn black number of bodies required for the ability, in this
as obsidian. Paladins in nearby towns will case the HD of the creature is considered to count
easily recognize the foul touch of necromancy, as additional bodies, each HD counting as a full
with the DC 0 roll, come to investigate and put corpse.
a stop to his desecration of the dragon Example: If animating a HD 5 Necrocraft with
graveyard. an effective HD of 9, a 5th level caster can
If the creator is building undead with a HD lower animate it, but he counts it as a 9 HD creature
than his animate limit, then he can work on when controlling it, it also costs him 1250 gp to
several necrocraft at the same time during the build the creature, 250 for 5 HD at 50 gp, then
same sitting and during the same ritual. an additional 1000 for 4 EHD on top of that.
If this is the case then the EHD for the ritual, for The necromancer also wishes to give the corpse
working out what effect it has on the surrounding the paralysis ability, which costs 2 CP, as he is
area is equal to the EHD of the most powerful creating a 9 HD creature, this would require 3
necrocraft being produced, plus half the EHD of ghoul corpses (2 CP, each requiring 3 bodies
the second most powerful. worth of HD.)

ed young (Order #28764263)
Additional information

Necrocrafts gain 4 skill points per HD, the A table has been included on the next page to
following are class skills for Necrocrafts: help build quick Necrocrafts by HD, including
Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist, Fly, Intimidate, their base statistics, size and construction points,
Perception, Stealth, Survival, Swim. as well as the number of undead required to build
them on two tracks; for groups that move about
They do not gain feats unless granted an more frequently we suggest the easy track. For
intelligence score, or taking abilities which allow groups that are more focused around a base or
them to take these things. have some way to collect bodies quickly, we
recommend the complex number.
The only exception to this is the Toughness and
Multiattack feats, which Necrocrafts gain for free. All necrocrafts have a base CR, for every 6
All Necrocrafts begin with the statline of 12+1/2 construction points spent beyond their base value
HD Charisma, 10 Wisdom and Strength and the Necrocraft gains +1 to its CR.
Dexterity based on size on the table below.
Necrocrafts also gain all the statistical bonuses
their size gives them and advancements at the
usual 4HD.

ed young (Order #28764263)
ed young (Order #28764263)
Undead by HD
One of the largest problems with being a necromancer in D20 is having to work out the statistics for your minions on the fly, this can bring the game to
a complete halt if you are casting animate dead during combat and frustrate everyone.
This page is a quick table to give you reference for producing undead minions on the spot without need to calculate their actual scores, take the original
stat block of the creature you have animated, compare its HD to the HD in the table below, switch its BAB for the one above, use its AC as it was
before hand, with any bonuses for the type of undead you are creating, add any bonuses you create yourself from feats and use this stat block rather
than checking everything in detail
After all, if they survive and become important, you can always wait until after the session to fill them out fully.

ed young (Order #28764263)
Blade Fists (Ex, 1 CP):
While many necrocrafts are built with combat in
mind, some are designed for other purposes. Up to two of the necrocraft's claw attacks are
Abilities can range from additional weapons to replaced with sharpened bones or metal blades.
special abilities, but all require construction These attacks deal an extra 1d4 points of bleed
points. Below is a list of sample abilities that damage in addition to the original damage. This
could be given to necrocrafts. ability can be selected multiple times, applying it
to more attacks.
To keep things simple; the DC of all necrocraft
saves is DC 10+1/2 HD+Charisma Modifier.
Lesser Abilities
Bone Armor (Ex, 1 CP):
Lesser abilities are the most basic and often the
most universally useful abilities, it takes very Fortified with extra bone (perhaps including
little effort, for a necromancer to sew a spare set bones fused to its outer surface like armor), the
of claws onto a hulking corpse, giving him more necrocraft increases its natural armor bonus by
room to move onto different areas and more of 2. This ability can be selected up to once per 3
the body to redesign around more difficult HD.
Cannibalize (Ex, 1-3 CP):
Extra Attack (Ex, 2-6 CP): If the necrocraft is left near the corpse of a
The Necrocraft gains an additional natural attack. Medium or larger creature with discernible
This ability can be selected once per two HD of anatomy, it eats the corpse or tears off parts to
the Necrocraft. For each additional attack bought repair its own substance. An undead creature
with this ability beyond 2, the cost increases by consumed in this fashion heals the necrocraft 5
1. For the first two attacks costing 2 CP each, the hit points plus 5 hit points per size category
next two 3 CP each, the next two 4 CP each and above Medium, multiplied by ¼ HD; recently
so on, up to the limit. So a total of 5 extra attacks deceased bodies restore an equal amount,
would cost 14 CP. however any other creature only restores half of
Extra attacks can be ranged, usually having a this (rounded down). Feeding takes an amount of
range increment of 60 feet, ranged attacks cost time based on the points spend; any interruption
an additional 1 CP per attack. (such as combat) requires it to start a gain.
The Necrocraft can also choose to consume the
corpse and save it for a later time, allowing it to
carry the corpse around inside it; it can carry up
to half its HD in corpses and when it wishes to
Additional Movement (Ex, 1 CP): consume one, it must take twice the time taken
The necrocraft gains a new mode of movement to eat a corpse, one full feeding time to remove
(burrow, climb or swim) at a speed equal to its it from its body (Provokes attack of
base speed. opportunity), a second full feeding time to
devour it properly.
Time taken:
All-Around Vision (Ex, 2 CP): 1 CP: 10 minutes
The necrocraft has an additional head or extra 2 CP: 1 minute
eyes grafted at various points around its body. 3 CP: 1 Round
The necrocraft gains all-around vision.

ed young (Order #28764263)
Constrict (Ex, 1 CP): Faster (Ex, 1 CP):
The necrocraft's claw attacks gain the constrict The necrocraft's base, burrow, climb, fly, or swim
ability. It must have grab before this ability can speed increases by 10 ft. If one speed is based
be selected. off another, then increasing one will not increase
the other.

Disease (Su, 1-5 CP): Grab (Ex, 1 CP):

One of the necrocraft's natural attacks is grafted The necrocraft gains the grab ability with its
with blighted, rotting flesh, exposing a creature natural attacks.
it hits to foul diseases. DC to save is 10+1/2
HD+Cha Modifier. ***
You must have samples of the disease, in order
to choose this ability, usually in the form of
infected corpses. Metal Armour (Ex, 2 CP):
Metal plates are bolted to or fused with the
necrocraft, serving as armor and granting it a +4
1 CP: Filth Fever armour bonus to AC.
2 CP: Bubonic Plague
3 CP: Zombie Rot ***
4 CP: Ghoul Fever
5 CP: Mummy Rot Mostly Skeletons (Ex, 1 CP):
Most of the necrocraft's parts come from undead
*** skeletons. The necrocraft gains DR
5/bludgeoning and resist cold 5. This ability
Extra Legs (Ex, 1 CP): can't be added to a necrocraft with any other
The necrocraft gains two more legs, increasing its mostly ability.
base speed in a single movement form by 5 feet This ability requires the corpses of skeletons.
and increasing its CMD against overrun and trip
attempts by 2. The creature also counts as 4 ***
legged for carrying purposes. This ability can be
selected multiple times. Mostly Zombies (Ex, 1 CP):
Most of the necrocraft's parts come from zombies.
*** The necrocraft gains D R 5/slashing and 5
additional hit points. This ability can't be added
Iron Banding (Ex, 1 CP): to a necrocraft with any other mostly ability.
By using muscles from larger creatures you bulk This ability requires the corpses of zombies.
up your creation. The necrocraft's Strength
increases by 2 but its Dexterity decreases by 2. ***
This ability can be selected multiple times, so Trample (Ex, 2 CP):
long as the creatures Dexterity is not reduced to The necrocraft gains the trample universal
0. monster ability as a special attack.

ed young (Order #28764263)
Paralysis (Su, 2 CP): Terrifying leap (Ex, 2-5 CP):
Up to three of necrocraft's natural attacks gain the The necrocraft has legs designed for long
paralysis ability (1d4+1 rounds, fortitude powerful jumps. This ability grants a +10 bonus
negates, elves are immune to this effect). This to all Acrobatics (Jump) checks, and all jumping
graft requires the body of at least 1 ghoul. For an distances are doubled. The creature is also
additional Construction Point, the paralysis considered to have DR equal to double its HD,
ability can affect elves. for falling damage. The bonus can be increased
This ability requires the corpses of ghouls, by +10 for each extra CP spent beyond the first 2
ghasts or other creatures with paralysis abilities. to a maximum of +40 for 5 CP.

*** ***

Rotting Flesh (Ex, 2+ CP):

Two of the necrocraft's natural attacks are
poisonous. Poison: injury; save Fort DC 10+1/2
HD+Cha; Damage below)
Base damage (2 CP): frequency 1/round for 2
rounds; effect 1d3 Constitution damage, cure 1
Increase damage by 1d3 : 2 CP
Increase number of saves requred by 1: 1 CP
Increase number of rounds by 2: 2 CP
Reach Attacks (Ex, 1 CP): Change damage type: 2 CP
Up to two of the necrocraft's natural attacks
increase their natural reach by 5 feet. This ability ***
can be selected multiple times, either to increase Berserk (Ex, 2):
the range of the same attacks up to 10 ft When in combat this Necrocraft can be driven
maximum, or to increase separate attacks. into a terrible, deathless fury.
Going berserk is a free action that can be used
when the Necrocraft takes damage equal to its
HD in a single turn the necrocraft gains +6
Rending Claws (Ex, 2 CP): Strength, DR 5/-, -6 to AC and can remain
standing up to -10 hit points, rather than being
The necrocraft gains the rend ability, activating
destroyed at 0.
when both claws hit and dealing additional
This rage lasts for a total of 2+Charisma
damage equal to the damage dice for one claw
Modifier rounds per day, after which the creature
plus 1-1/2 times the necrocraft's Strength bonus.
is staggered for the next hour.
This ability can also be purchased for any other
matching pair of natural primary weapons.


Stench (Ex, 2 CP):

The necrocraft has the stench ability (10-foot
radius, Fort DC 10+1/2 HD+Cha negates,
sickened for 1d4+Necrocraft HD minutes).
This ability requires the corpses of ghasts or
other foul creatures.

ed young (Order #28764263)
Verminous Host (Ex, 2 CP): Unnatural Hatred (Ex 1 CP)
The necrocraft body swarms with creeping The Necrocraft's body remembers its death in
vermin. As a standard action the host may direct some small way and hates its enemy for that.
the vermin within it to attack a single target. Upon creation pick a favoured enemy type, the
This acts as the summon swarm spell at caster Necrocraft gains +2 attack and damage against
level equal to its HD, the swarm appears within this type of opponent.
the same space as the host. The swarm can If a single enemy is chosen by name (For
choose to return to the host as a full round example, the Necrocraft contains the body of a
action if in the same space as it. If the swarm is victim of a serial killer, and the killer is chosen as
destroyed then this power cannot be used for 2d4 the enemy) then the bonus increases to +4 attack
days as the vermin within reproduce and regain and damage. This ability can be taken multiple
their strength. times at GM discretion, each time beyond the first
This feat can be taken multiple times, each however, the creature takes a negative modifier
costing an extra 2 CP (4 for the second buy, 6 for equal to half its bonus, on attacks against all other
the third, so on) and giving an additional swarm creatures (Example; a Necrocraft specifically
built to hunt down orcs, that gains a +10 bonus
against orcs, would take -5 to attack and damage
*** on all other creatures)

Self-Destruct (Su, 1 CP): ***

The necrocraft can choose to destroy itself as a
full round action that provokes an attack of
opportunity. Bones call to bones (Su 2 CP):
When it does so, it explodes, doing 1d4 damage Built to hunt down spare parts for its master, this
per HD within a 5+5 per 4 HD foot radius. necrocraft can detect corpses, or bones, at a
Those within the blast can make a reflex save distance of 20+10 per HD feet.
(DC 10+1/2 HD+Cha modifier) for half damage,
the type of damage varies from undead to ***
undead, if this damage destroys more undead in
the area it can cause a chain reaction.
If the undead is destroyed by any other means, Malign Aura (Su 2 CP)
then it does not detonate. The unnatural aura of this Necrocraft makes it
uncomfortable to be around.
Upon entering within 5 foot per HD of this
*** living creatures must make a will save or take a -
1+1 per 4 HD to attack and damage.
Life sense (Su 2 CP):
The Necrocraft gains the Life Sense universal ***
monster ability.
Increase Ability Score (Ex 2+ CP):
*** The Necrocraft gains a +2 to a single ability
score, this ability can be bought multiple times,
Loping Gait (Ex 2 CP): up to 1/4 the creatures HD in any one statistic, a
When travelling over long distances this HD 12 Necrocraft can increase its ability score
Necrocraft is particularly well built. by 6 for example, by taking the increase ability
When moving overland as a whole day action, score ability 3 times.
this creature doubles its effective running speed. This ability cannot give the Necrocraft an
intelligence score or a Constitution score.

ed young (Order #28764263)
Extra Strength (Ex 2+ CP)
The Necrocraft ripples with extra muscle, giving
a +2 to Strength. This ability can be taken on top
of Increase ability score and Iron banding and
can only be taken once per size category above
Vicious Trick (Ex 2 CP) ***
With jangling chains or bullish horns this creature
gains +2 to a single combat manoeuvre and no
longer takes attacks of opportunity from it.
This ability can be taken multiple times, either to
give separate combat manoeuvre increases, or to
add a maximum of +10 to a single combat
For every 2 times this ability is selected, treat a
success as if it were 5 points higher for the
purposes of the effect.
Smaller (Ex, 1 CP)
Greater Abilities
This Necrocraft is smaller than it would usually Greater abilities are more focused abilities that
be for its HD, this ability can be taken up to 3 can give necrocrafts a serious edge in battle, or
times to reduce the creature by 3 size categories. some other advantage. They are often used as
part of more specialist creatures.
Flight (Ex, 4 CP):
Hulking (Ex 2 CP)
The necrocraft gains a fly speed [clumsy] at a
This Necrocraft is larger than most built with speed equal to its base speed. The Necrocraft
similar materials. takes a permanent, untyped -2 to AC due to the
Increase the Necrocraft by 1 size category, it vast areas of exposed skin that wings require.
does not gain any additional hit points, HD,
Strength or benefits outside of the ones granted ***
by size modifiers. Pounce (Ex, 4 CP):
This ability can be taken once, increasing the The Necrocraft gains the pounce universal
creature by a single size category. monster ability.
Spider Climb (Su, 3 CP):
This ability allows the creature to scale surfaces
as if it were under the effect of the Spider Climb
spell. Granting a Necrocraft this ability requires
casting Spider climb on it during its creation
Elemental taint (Ex, 3 CP):
The necrocraft is imbued at creation with the
power of a single element.
The necrocraft gains resistance 10 to its element
of choice up to four of its attacks do an
additional 1d6 damage of the same type
The Necrocraft however also gains vulnerability
to the opposite element and can take no other
her element focused abilities outside of its

ed young (Order #28764263)
Maddening Whispering (Su, 4 CP): Swallow Whole (Su, 3 CP):
A constant whispering fills the air around this With a cavernous maw the Necrocraft can
creature whistling through its many mouths. swallow a grappled enemy whole.
Anyone who spends more than a minute within It can only consume enemies of its own size or
10 feet per HD of this creature must make a will smaller and can contain one enemy of equal size
save or begin to be slowly driven mad, taking or two of a size smaller, four of the next smaller
1d2 Wisdom drain each time it fails. size, so on at any one time.
Multiple creatures with this ability do not stack. Each round the swallowed victim takes 1d4+1
However they can create a cacophony, reducing per HD crushing damage plus 1d4+1 per 3 HD
the time between rolls by 1 round per creature acid damage and otherwise acts as the swallow
within radius. whole universal creature ability.
This ability can be taken multiple times, each Necrocrafts that regain hp by consuming
time increasing the drain by 1d2. creatures, such as through the cannibalize ability,
automatically gain hp as if they had fulfilled
*** whatever requirements they need if a creature
dies while swallowed.

Blood Drain (Su 4 CP):

The Necrocraft can suck blood from a grappled
opponent with long, vampiric fangs if the
Necrocraft establishes or maintains a pin, it Assume Form (Su, 4 CP):
drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution The Necrocraft can take the form of a single
damage. The Necrocraft heals 5 hit points or creature up to 1 size category smaller or larger
gains 5 temporary hit points for 1 hour (up to a than it, it gains a +10 on all disguise checks to
maximum number of temporary hit points equal appear to be that creature. For all other purposes,
to its full normal hit points) each round it drains this ability functions as alter self, save that the
blood. creature does not adjust its ability scores.
This ability requires the corpses of vampires or This ability can be seen through with the detect
other creatures that can drain blood. undead spell; and does not give the Necrocraft
the intelligence to maintain the disguise if left
*** alone; it does however give it some vague
memories of its past life and can fake the
semblance of life.
Scent (Ex, 3 CP) A Necrocraft in the skin of a farmer for example,
With sensitive tendrils, wet noses or other sensory would be able to tend to his crops, harvest them
organs, the Necrocraft gains the Scent universal and take them to market, but would not know
monster ability. why it was doing this or how to improve its
The creation of a necrocraft with this ability
requires the skin of the creature it would turn
into (Only one skin required regardless of size).
Flaying Touch (Su, 4 CP):
With long, razor sharp claws, this Necrocraft can ***
tear the skin from its victims.
Choosing up to 2 natural slashing attacks the
Necrocraft has, when the Necrocraft deals Energy Drain (Su 4 CP)
critical damage, it tears a piece of the victims Up to two of the Necrocrafts natural attacks
skin off and can plaster it to its own body. inflict a single negative level, Will negates.
The Necrocraft gains fast healing equal to the This ability requires the corpses of creatures
HD of the victim, for HD of victim rounds. with energy drain attacks.

ed young (Order #28764263)
Neverending chase (Su, 3-6 CP) Elemental Aura (Su 4 CP)
A Necrocraft with this ability can always remain This Necrocraft glows, crackles, hisses or
within a specific range of a target, no matter how smoulders with elemental energy
fast or long that target may travel. Any creature within a 5 per HD foot radius of
The Necrocraft can only have a single target at a the Necrocraft must make a fortitude save or
time, but can choose to change that target as a 1 take 1 per HD damage of the type chosen per
minute action so long as its new target remains round, success ignores the damage for that
within sight. round.
If the target moves beyond the maximum range The necrocraft may suppress this aura as a swift
limit then the creature moves at the same speed action once per turn.
the target is escaping at and will remain at the This ability can be taken twice, if taken a second
limit of the range. When the creature stops it can time, the aura gains a special ability based upon
choose to move towards the Necrocraft if it the type of damage it does.
knows the creatures location, or continue its
search for its target within the area if not. The Fire: Damage increases from 1 to 2 per HD, any
Necrocraft instinctively knows when it reaches unattended objects within the area may be set on
the edge of the hunting range and so can slowly fire as a standard action by the necrocraft
begin to work out where its target is hiding,
either by brute force if it is non-sentient,
tracking if it has a scent or other hunting ability, Acid: All unattended objects in the area
or cunning if it has an intelligence score. automatically take the damage per round,
ignoring hardness. As a standard action the
Necrocraft can focus its energy on an attended
3: 6 miles object within the area and make a ranged sunder
4: 2 miles attempt. This provokes an attack of opportunity.
5: 1000 ft
6: 500 ft Cold: If the target fails 2 saves in a row, they
become fatigued, if they fail 3 saves in a row,
*** they become exhausted and may suffer from
Dread Gaze (Su 4 CP)
With horrific baleful eyes the Necrocraft can turn Electric: Sparking and crackling, the range of the
even the most stalwart of heroes electric damage increases to 1.5 times the radius,
Anyone meeting its eyes must make a Will save rounded down to the nearest 5.
or be effected by fear for 1d4+1 rounds.
This ability can be taken three times; ***
For 4 points the ability causes the shaken effect
For 8 points the ability causes the frightened Black Bile (Ex, 4 CP)
effect The internal rot of this Necrocraft oozes from its
For 12 points the ability causes the panicked body, constantly regenerating as it bubbles and
effect. drools forth, a constant slime of pestilence.
If the target passes a save they are immune to As a standard action the Necrocraft can vomit
the effect from this Necrocraft for 24 hours. forth a wad of foul darkness this is a ranged
The effect is a mind-affecting feat effect. attack with a range of 15 feet, if hit the creature
must make a fortitude save or be nauseated for
1+1 per 5 HD rounds.
This ability can only be used every 1d4+1 rounds.

ed young (Order #28764263)
Deathless (Ex, 6-7 CP):
Necromantic Arts The necrocraft contains a small fragment of its
original spirit, tainted by the negative energy
plane. This allows the body to reconstruct itself
Other abilities pale in comparison to those of the quickly after being damaged. When reduced to 0
true necromantic arts, though high in cost and hp, the body reforms in HD minutes.
requiring entire creatures built around them, there Creatures with this ability always have a specific
are few who could claim that they are not worth weakness to a single source or damage type
the price. which must be chosen at creation. This can be an
energy (Example: Fire), a specific type of
Create Spawn (Ex, 3+ CP): material (Example: Cold Iron) or for an extra
The necrocraft has been given the horrific power CP, an alignment (Example: Lawful Good) or
to create unlife of its own. Magic weapon requirement equal to 1 per 4 HD.
Choose an undead creature ranging from 1 to 10 Keep in mind that deathless necrocrafts are not
HD (Templates counting as 4 times their CR immune to turning, commanding, rebuking.
score), upon slaying any creature, that could This ability must be bought multiple times at
become this type of undead, the creature will higher levels, the cost must be added again for
rise again as the undead chosen at a set time every 4 HD of the creature.
during the next 24 hours (usually dusk or Example: For a 7 HD Necrocraft to become
midnight). This ability costs 3 CP per HD of the deathless, it must pay 12 CP, for a 20 HD
spawn type. Necrocraft to become deathless to a specific
This ability can be chosen twice, effectively alignment or +5 weapons it must pay 35 CP
paying double cost. If this is done then the ***
spawn rises instead in 1d4 per HD of spawn Animal Cunning (Ex, 2-20 CP):
turns. This Necrocraft has been given a spark of savage
Any spawn produced are not under the control of cunning by its creator, it gains a number of feats
the necrocraft, nor its creator. based on HD and is considered to have an
This ability requires the corpses of the creature intelligence score of 4.
that would be spawned. This does not grant it the power to resist you
that would usually come with an INT score.
This ability costs a number of CP equal to
double the number of feats the Necrocraft gains.

ed young (Order #28764263)
Disfiguring attack (Ex, 5 CP): If 3 or more damage is done, then only the flesh
of sentient creatures will cure it for that day. If at
One of the Necrocraft's natural weapons cause any time the target loses 6 or more Charisma to
horrific, permanent damage on a critical hit. the disease, then only fresh, still warm or living
When the Necrocraft makes a successful critical sentient creature flesh will suffice
hit with its chosen natural weapon the opponent If the victim does not consume the amount
must make a reflex save. required, 2lb for medium, double for every size
If the target succeeds then the attack acts as a category above, half for every size category
normal critical hit. below, for 2 or more days in a row, then they
If the target fails the attack tears off part of the must make a will save (DC 10+damage taken so
victims body, causing an amount of bleeding far) or go begin to starve as if they had not eaten
damage equal to the damage rolled and at all.
removing that limb. The exact effects of the loss If they are killed by starvation, then the target
are up to the GM to decide, as is which limb is rises from the grave as a ghoul.
lost, however the limb can only be restored This curse can be removed by Heal, remove
through a regeneration spell or equally powerful curse or any more powerful spell, the caster
magic. must make a caster level check equal to the
This ability can severely impact the game as original save DC to remove it.
such it is recommended that the DM decide on a For 2 times the cost; this ability can be an aura
case by case basis if this ability is appropriate effect that 5 ft per HD, for 4 times the cost, it
for use in game. can cover 10 ft per HD, for double the base cost,
the disease can hit automatically, causing its
*** effect each round that the creature is hit or
remains within the aura.
Devour ability (Su, 6 CP)
Upon creation choose one ability score that the ***
Necrocraft can enhance.
Each time the Necrocraft devours a victim with a Silent Butcher (Sp, 8 CP):
higher ability score than itself it gains one point Built for silent murder and assassination, this
of that ability, two if the difference is 8 or Necrocraft gains sneak attack damage on all its
greater, (Maximum 1/2 of its HD), including all attacks, as if a rogue of half its HD.
the benefits of the higher score. The creature also ignores all penalties to stealth
The victim must be eaten within 1 minute per due to size and may take 10 on stealth checks.
HD of death This bonus decreases at a rate of 1,
every 1+1 per 4 HD, days.
Unholy Aura (Su 8 CP)
Impart Hunger (Su, 6 CP) This Necrocraft is touched by dark forces during
its creation, it is constantly surrounded by a 10
One of the Necrocraft's natural attacks inflicts a foot per HD Desecration effect, cure spells
horrific supernatural curse. within this area cure half their damage rounded
On being hit the target makes a will save (DC down after their effect has been rolled.
10+1/2 HD+Cha modifier), if it fails then it is
struck by the Hunger, curse. Once per day the
creature at midnight the creature takes 1d4
Charisma damage, to a maximum of half their
charisma (Example; a charisma 18 character can
only be reduced to charisma 9), this damage can
only be prevented by eating raw meat.

ed young (Order #28764263)
Deathly Temptation (Su 6 CP): This ability can be taken up to twice the second
This Necrocraft has the ability to lure in victims time it is gained the creature begins to feed on
to feed upon. the souls and bodies of those it slays, when
The Victim must be within close (25+5 per HD within the presence of healthy life, it gains a fast
feet) for the Necrocraft to mark it. Upon healing equal to its HD, for each point of
marking the victim is allowed a will save to constitution it drains, it also gains a number of
resist, if passed then the Necrocraft cannot temporary hitpoints equal to half its HD, but
attempt to mark them again for 24 hours. loses them each day at noon, damage is taken
Once a victim is chosen, the Necrocraft can from these hitpoints first.
draw them in as a full round action, the victim
must be within 100 per HD of Necrocraft feet, ***
and may make a will save (DC 10+1/2 HD+Cha
modifier) , if the victim succeeds then it is Necrotic Touch (Su, 5 CP)
immune to the ability for 24 hours and may
make another save of the same DC to realize it This Necrocraft can easily support its fellow
has been marked in such a way. undead. It can deal 1d6 negative energy either as
If the victim fails then it is drawn towards the part of one of its natural attacks, or as part of a
Necrocraft at their normal speed, as if under a touch attack.
Suggestion. This damage heals undead and can bolster
Once the victim reaches the Necrocraft, it may undead around it providing healing and extra,
make another save, this time at a +4 bonus, if temporary hit points to a maximum of its own
they fail this one then the victim remains utterly HD to each target. These temporary hitpoints
still as long as the Necrocraft continues to use its disappear when the target is in sunlight.
concentration action, regardless of what the This ability can be taken multiple times. Each
Necrocraft does to them or where it leads them. time it is taken, increase the damage as if it were
On a success, the Victim regains control of its a weapon one size category larger.
The mark may be removed by remove curse, or ***
similar more powerful effects.
Command Lesser Undead (Su 6 CP)
*** Bolstered with its masters energies, this
Necrocraft can command undead with lower
Necrotic Aura (Su 14 CP): Charisma than itself as if it were a cleric of equal
There are few things that are as anathema to life HD.
as this Necrocraft as it constantly drains the If it can create spawn then these spawn will
world around it of life, plants wither and die, remain under its command as minions and will
water is tainted and goes foul, milk spoils and obey it as commanded.
life itself is drained of energy. Creating undead with this ability can be very
Every round anything living spends within 5 risky though it may possibly increase the amount
foot per HD of a Necrocraft with this ability it of undead a necromancer can command, if the
must make a fortitude save (DC 10+1/2 necrocraft is turned or destroyed, then the
HD+Cha modifier) or take 1 Constitution undead under its command do not revert back to
damage. If the creature passes this save then it the necromancer who commanded it; and in fact
ignores the effect for 1d4 rounds. become uncontrollable by any means for 1 hour
Those reduced to 0 or less Constitution are per HD of the Necrocraft.
killed; and if the creature has a spawn ability Worse, if the Necrocraft is commanded or
may rise and follow in the wake of shrivelled control of it taken by another, all the undead
ashen wasteland it leaves behind. under its command are turned with it.

ed young (Order #28764263)
ability to try and throw off its Masters control
Death shroud (Ex 5 CP) over it that all intelligence undead are entitled to.
The Necrocraft is surrounded by a constant aura However the creature starts life indifferent to its
of decay and rot, any creature that comes within owner and with only the vaguest of personalities,
5 foot per HD must make a fortitude save DC it will develop over time however and may
10+1/2 HD+Cha Modifier or be effected by the become a danger to its owner if treated badly.
Contagion spell
The Necrocraft can focus its pestilence into a
cone twice the length of its aura as a standard Weaknesses
action. For every 5 the target fails the save by,
they must roll the immediate damage done by Elemental Vulnerability (Ex, -1 CP) :
the disease inflicted again.
If reduced to 0 in an ability score they dissolve Pick one of the following energy types: acid,
into pus and disease on the spot. cold, electricity, or fire.
If the target passes their save then they cannot be The Necrocraft has vulnerability to the chosen
effected by this aura for 24 hours. energy type.

*** ***

Rune Forged (Su 4+ CP) Positive Energy Vulnerability (Ex -2 CP)

By tattooing powerful runes into the necrocrafts All Positive energy damage done to the
flesh, the creator can imbue his creature with Necrocraft automatically does double damage.
simple magic. All will saves against positive energy effects are
The necrocraft gains the ability to cast a spell automatically failed.
once a day, each spell level costs 4 CP, a first
level spell would cost 4 CP, a 5th level spell ***
would cost 20 CP, a 9th level spell would cost 36
CP. This spell is cast as a spell like ability.
This ability can be taken multiple times, either
buying additional uses of a single spell, or Ressurection Vulnerability (Ex -2 CP)
buying different spells. Each spell taken places a A raise dead spell cast on this Necrocraft can
rune on the creatures skin; anyone with destroy it (Will negates).
knowledge arcana can roll to recognize the rune Using the spell in this way does not require a
and discover what the spell is, at DC 10+Spell material component.
This ability requires the corpses of creatures ***
who could cast the spell.
Vulnerable to Sunlight (Ex -2-6 CP)
This Necrocraft takes 1 point of Charisma
damage after every set period of time they are
Evil Intelligence (Ex, 6+ CP) exposed to sunlight. This damage heals at a rate
This ability is one of the riskier powers a of 1 point per day spent in total darkness.
necromancer can grant its Necrocraft, true -2: Every hour
sentience and free will. -3: Every 30 minutes
The Necrocraft gains an intelligence score of 6,
-4: Every 10 minutes
with all the benefits this provides.
Every 2 additional construction points put into -5: Every minute
this ability gives a +1 intelligence score, to a -6: Every Round
maximum of 6+The creatures HD.
This ability also gives the creature the 1/day

ed young (Order #28764263)
Sunlight Powerlessness (Ex -2 CP) Lame (Ex -1 CP)
This Necrocraft is powerless in natural sunlight Choose a single form of movement the creature
(this does not include light created by effects has, reduce the speed of this form by 10 feet.
such as a daylight spell). If caught in natural If any additional forms of movement were based
sunlight it cannot attack and is staggered. off the first form, they are unaffected.


Shambling (Ex -4 CP)

This Necrocraft can only perform a single move
action or standard action each round. The
Necrocraft can move up to its speed and attack
in the same round as a charge action.


Rotting (Ex -2-4 CP)

The corpses this Necrocraft is built from continue
to decay either slowly of quickly.
Once in a set time period the creature loses a
single HD, representing the shucking of flesh
from its animated bones.
When it reaches 0 HD, it can no longer sustain
itself and falls apart.

This rot can be slowed with a gentle repose or

similar spell.
Frequencies are listed below
-2: 2 weeks
-3: 1 week
-4: 1 day


Combat inefficient (Ex -2 CP)

This creature was not originally built for combat,
it has a BAB based on the 1/2 BAB track.


Immobile (Ex -4 CP)

This Necrocraft has a move speed of 0ft
No other forms of movement can be taken with
this ability.

ed young (Order #28764263)
Examples: Bestiary
CP (Base/Spent/Difference)1/3/2
This Bestiary will include examples of quick and
easy statistics blocks for use in combat, as well 1 Grab
as samples of possible Necrocraft combinations -1 Lame
and ideas, as well as their HD cost (And any 1 Smaller
additional costs or requirements) 1 Disease (Filth Fever)
Please note all corpse requirements are based on
the easy table
Effective HD: 2
*** Cost: 300 GP
Flesh Tome Time Taken: 4 days
HD 1 CR 0.5 Bodies: 2 cadavers
Size: Tiny
Init: +2 Description: A last line of defence of privacy, the
Sense: Darkvision 60ft Flesh Tome takes the form of a skin-bound
AC: 16 Touch: 14 Flat Footed: 14 book, necromancers often use these to keep their
hp: 6 (1d8+2) research safe; and to remind them of minor
Fort: +1 Ref: +2 Will: +2 details they might otherwise consider
unimportant. Some more long minded undead
Speed: 20 ft craft such tomes as familiars and minions,
Melee: 2 Claw-2 (1d3-4) Grab, Filth Fever (DC 11) imbuing them with intelligence and subtle but
Str: 2 Dex: 14 powerful magic to control the minds of men; so
if they were to ever fall, their Flesh Tome could
Wis: 10 Cha: 12
bring about their return.
BAB: 0 CMB: -6 CMD: 4
Important Skills: Any 4 Knowledge skills at +1

ed young (Order #28764263)
Crawling Wings
CP (Base/Spent/Difference)4/14/10
HD 4 CR 4 4 Wings
Size: Large 2 Hulking
Init: +0 2 Faster (Fly)
Sense: Darkvision 60ft 2 Faster (Fly)
AC: 12 Touch: 7 Flat Footed: 12 2 Loping Gait
hp:30 (4d8+12) 1 Grab
Fort: +3 Ref: +1 Will: +5 1 Constrict
Speed: 30 ft 50 ft Fly (Clumsy)
Melee: 2 Claws +2 (1d6) Effective HD: 14
Special Attacks: Grab +4, Constrict (1d6) Cost: 2700 GP
Str: 11 Dex: 10 Time Taken: 22 days
Wis: 10 Cha: 14 Bodies: 24 cadavers
BAB: 3
CMB: 4 CMD:14 Description: Built from the wings of giant bats
Important Skills: Fly-1 and the hands of dead men, crawling wings are
often used by necromancers for long distance
travel. Though little use in combat they are well
suited to this purpose, the long, firm claws of
their body gripping the shoulders and encasing
the body in a way that would remain in the
nightmares of anyone unused to the feeling for
months. Larger versions are said to exist,
including the infamous Naglfar, as large as a
ship and made entirely from the hands of dead

ed young (Order #28764263)
Effective HD: 11
HD 7 CR 5 Additional Requirements 2 Large MWK Whips :
Graft Weapon Spell
Size: Large
Cost: 1350 GP plus an additional 608 GP for
Init: -1 whips
Sense: Darkvision 60ft Time Taken: 25 days
AC: 16 Touch: 8 Flat Footed: 16 Bodies: 22 cadavers
hp: 52 (7d8+21)
Fort: +3 Ref: +1 Will: +5 Description: The Lasher is a horrific guardian,
Speed: 30 ft, Climb 30ft intended to subdue trespassers, drag them to
Melee: 2 Bone Whip +8 (1d6+6; Subdual) confinement and leave them at its masters
Reach 25ft pleasure, with its long muscular tentacles (Each
Special Attacks: Drag + 14 (+5 on success taking the place of 2 claws and counted as a 2-
handed weapon) it can drag would be heroes into
effect) the darkness from its hiding place on the roof of
Str: 19 Dex: 8 a cavern; or be sent out into the world to gather
Wis: 10 Cha: 15 test subjects.
BAB: +5
CMB: 10 CMD: 19
Important Skills: Stealth +2

CP (Base/Spent/Difference) 3/7/4
2 Improved Drag
2 Improved Drag
1 Natural Attack
1 Natural Attack
1 Additional Movement (Climb)

ed young (Order #28764263)
CP (Base/Spent/Difference) 10/65/55
34 Additional Claws
Necromantic Horror 14 Necrotic Aura (DC28)
2 Trample
HD 20 CR 19 1 Iron Banding
Size: Colossal 12 Spawn Ghoul (1d4/HD rounds)
Init: -1 2 Metal Armor
Sense: Darkvision 60ft
Effective HD: 75
AC: 21 Touch: 0 Flat Footed: 21
Cost: 14750 GP
hp: 270 (20d8+180)
Time Taken: 115 days
Fort: +12 Ref: +6 Will: +5
Bodies: 585 cadavers.
Speed: 30 ft
Melee: 11 Claws +24 (2d8+17) Special Description: A shambling thing of twisted limbs
Attacks: Necrotic Aura (DC 26) and rotting flesh with no discernible anatomy,
Str: 44 Dex: 9 the Necromantic Horror is no less than an
ancient battlefield brought to mocking unlife,
Wis: 10 Cha: 27
soldiers from all sides stitched and melded
BAB: +15 together, by a powerful necromancer, constantly
CMB: 40 CMD: 50 wreathed in a bloody mist, it drags itself along
on the arms of long dead soldiers.

ed young (Order #28764263)
Chittering scrambler
Effective HD: 1
HD 1 Cost: 50 GP
Size: Small Time Taken: 1 day
Init: +1 Bodies: 1
Sense: Darkvision 60ft
AC: 14 Touch: 12 Flat Footed: 13 Description: Where other Necrocrafts are used in
direct combat, the Chittering scrambler is more
hp: 6 (1d8+2) aimed at ambush and desperate on the spot
Fort: + 1 Ref: + 1 Will: + 2 actions; made from knuckle bones and tendons,
Speed: 30 ft the Chittering scrambler is often made en masse,
Melee: 2 Claws -1 (1d3-2) to swarm and either delay an enemy, or destroy
Special Attacks: Self Destruct: 1d4 negative themselves as one in an attempt to overcome the
energy (5 ft radius DC 11 Reflex Half) victim in waves of skittering body parts.
Str: 6 Dex: 12
Wis: 10 Cha: 12
BAB: 0
CMB: -3 CMD: 7
Skills: Climb +5
CP (Base/Spent/Difference) 1 / 1 / 0
1 Self Destruct

ed young (Order #28764263)
Feats Fell-ice Touch
Your own experiences with the chill of death seep
through into each creature you create.

Prerequisite: Dead man’s Journeyman, Longdead,

Dead man’s Journeyman must have been brought to below 0 HP or 0 in an
Using bolts, screws, tendons and other solutions, ability score and spent more than 24 hours
you have found various ways to bolster the between life and death.
ability of your undead.
Benefit: Each corporeal undead you raise or create with
Each undead you raise or create with any any necromancy spell causes 1d4+HD cold
necromancy spell gains a +2 enhancement bonus damage to all creatures within 5ft, if the undead
to Strength and +1 hp per HD. They also gain has more than 5HD, increase the aura by 5 feet
a single weapon focus and proficiency in one for every 5HD it has (5ft for <5HD, 10ft for 5-9,
armour of your choice at creation. 15ft 10-14, ect), a fortitude save can be made
*** (DC 10+1/2 HD+Cha mod of undead) for half
damage. This is an ongoing effect which
Deathless will damages all living creatures within the radius,
Your iron grip upon the souls of those under your but can be suppressed with a swift action every
command or crafted by your hand has grown turn.
unnaturally strong.
Prerequisite: Dead man’s Journeyman
Benefit Ruinous destruction
Each undead you raise or create with any
necromancy spell gains +2 Channel resistance, Undead you raise or create almost glow black
+1 per 5 levels, to a maximum of +8 at 20th with negative energy, when destroyed your
enemies risk damaging themselves in the
Prerequisite: Dead man’s Journeyman, 1 other
Longdead Necromancy feat
The undead you create house old souls, long gone Benefit
from this world, who hunger for the lifeforce of Each undead you raise or create with any
the living above all else, tearing into their flesh necromancy spell releases a burst of negative
with deathless desperation. energy upon its destruction, dealing 1d4 points
of damage plus an additional 1d4 points per 2
Benefit HD to every creature within a 10+5 per 4 HD-
Each corporeal undead you raise or create with foot radius burst (Reflex DC 10 + 1/2 HD +
any necromancy spell deals an extra 1d4 points Charisma Modifier, half). This damage comes
of damage (Of the same kind as the weapon) per from negative energy, and heals undead
4 HD with its natural weapons. creatures.

ed young (Order #28764263)
Perfect Preservation Quick and the Dead
Hard, leathery patches and iron staples hold By tightening muscles and shaving off excess
together bodies that should have fallen apart bone, the undead you craft are far quicker than
long ago, you are well versed in keeping your they were during life.
minions intact.
Prerequisite Dead man’s Journeyman.
Prerequisite Dead man’s Journeyman. Benefit
Benefit Each undead you raise or create with any
Every undead you raise or create with any necromancy spell gains a +2 bonus on
necromancy spell gains a +2 natural armor Dexterity checks and a 10 foot increase to its
bonus to Armor Class with an additional +1 per base speed.
4 levels. ***

Indomitable Army
Destroying undead you have built is a terrible
Master of the Dead task for your enemies, the creatures that go
Your very presence drives the dead into a terrible under your knife and spell are far sturdier than
frenzy, damaging and destroying all in their they would ever have been in life.
Prerequisite: Dead man’s Journeyman, perfect
Prerequisite: Deathless Will. preservation, and any other 2 necromantic feats.
Benefit Benefit
Whenever undead you control are within Every undead you animate with Animate Dead
60+5/Level feet of you, they are physically has an additional number of hit dice equal to
inspired by your necromantic aura, and gain a +2 your CHA modifier, on creation you can choose
enhancement bonus on their attack rolls and how many of these hit dice to use; these extra hit
saving throws. dice count against your limit for controlling
Undying Loyalty
Those who would control the creatures under Cadaver Virtuoso
your command must first content with your own There's a horrific art to your undead, where others
terrible willpower. look upon them and see monstrous fangs and
gnarled claws, you see hours of fine work and
Benefit beautiful craftsmanship.
Whenever undead you control are within 60 feet
of you, may add your will bonus to any Prerequisite Dead man’s Journeyman, any other
channelling resistance rolls made. three necromantic feats, able to cast create
All undead you create using animate dead
increase their natural attack dice as if one size
larger than they are.

ed young (Order #28764263)
Endless Horde Undead Specialist
There are few necromancers who have taken the At the cost of greater knowledge you choose a
art of undeath as far as you, but you have single type of undead to specialize in.
manages to wrestle the secrets of another such
savant from his cold, dead hands and for it, Prequisite: Caster level 4th
gained such a power over undeath that it will be Benefit
marked in the books of history. You may choose a single creature from the
create undead spell list that can be created by a
Prerequisite: Dead man’s Journeyman, Harden character 10 levels higher than your own (e.g. at
Flesh, Indominable Army, any other 3 1st, an 11th level caster creature) and create this
necromantic abilities. Must complete an creature using the animate dead spell, however
appropriate quest to gain such ancient powerful you can no longer create any other creatures on
necromantic abilities (At least CR 14) the list by any other means or cast the create
undead spell.
Benefit You can still create other creatures using the
You can now control 4+Charisma Mod undead animate dead spell (Skeletons and Zombies)
per HD through animate dead at any given time, This ability may be retrained, with GM approval
if you have the Command Undead feat then you and a quest of appropriate CR for your level.
may also add your Charisma modifier to it for ***
the purposes of controlling undead.
If you do not have the Command Undead Feat Undead Specialist, Greater
then you gain it.
Your monomaniacal obsession with a single type
of undead has driven you to breakthroughs in
their creation.

Prequisite: Undead Specialist, any other 2

necromantic feats
Any undead of your specialist type gain the
advanced template and 1 construction point per
caster level however you can no longer make
any other kind or control other types of undead.

ed young (Order #28764263)
Deathless Bond
Your power over death is so great that you can
chain your followers to you and refuse them the During an attack on the castle of a powerful lord,
release of death on a whim. a level 8 necromancer loses 3 powerful minions,
Skitterrat, a rat skeleton he uses for scouting
Prequisite: Caster level 8th (HD 1 rat skeleton), Two-axe, a Skeletal
bodyguard (HD 8 Skeleton) and Ivan, the
ghostly remains of a priest who once challenged
You permanently lose 1 hp per HD upon gaining
him (HD 12 ghost). He takes 1d4, 8d4 and 12d4
this feat.
You may choose to bind up to damage, as well as temporarily losing 12
(2*HD)+Charisma Modifier worth of undead to hitpoints.
your soul and deny them eternal rest. Upon Within 1d4 rounds, Skitterat returns, emerging
being brought to 0 hp instead of being destroyed from the chaos of the battlefiend unharmed and
forever the undead is destroyed for a certain time ready to continue his work.
period (Worked out on the table below), upon its Within 8d8 hours (8 hours-2.5 days) Two-axe
destruction you take 1d4*HD of the undead pulls itself from the ruins of the castle. However
damage and are fatigued until it returns and the spirit of Ivan remains lost for 12d4 days,
for its HD days after that, if it had a number of doubled because he cannot normally create
hit dice higher than your level, you also lose a ghosts, it will be anywhere from 24 days, to 3
number of hitpoints equal to its HD, which months, before she reforms at his side. The
cannot heal until it returns. necromancer will be fatigued and cannot heal
These undead can never be truly put to rest so those 12 lost hitpoints until his return.
long as you live; you can lower the amount of ***
time it takes for them to return by sacrificing hit
points (Which do not have to be your own); Necrocraft Artisan
each time you sacrifice a total number of hit There are few crafters of undead flesh with ability
points equal to twice the creatures HD, half the such as yours, where others carve in stone,
time taken for it to return. If the creature is not mould clay or stitch in fabric, bone, muscle and
one the player could create on a day to day basis flesh are your canvas and magic is your tool.
(Created using desecrate, a scroll, commanded
or similar) then the time is doubled. Prerequisites: Caster level 5th
When they return, the undead reforms within
your proximity. Benefit:
This feat can only be applied to undead you All undead you create gain 1 construction point,
have controlled for at least 1 day per HD. plus an additional 1 for every 5 levels past 5th
Changing the undead this feat applies to can be you gain (Max 4 at 20th). To use these points
done through a ritual, taking 1 day per HD of you must be able to work on the undead for 1
the undead you are binding to the feat, plus an hour per point, in a lab without interruption,
additional 2000 GP per HD. You do not have to similar to crafting magic items. Each point costs
choose all the undead you are going to control 250 GP per hit dice to imbue into the creature
through this feat when you take it and the Special: Double the number of construction
number of HD you can control increases with points gained for Necrocrafts.
your level.

ed young (Order #28764263)
Spells Dead Eyes

School necromancy; Level: Sor/Wiz 2, Clr 2

Whispered Command Components V,S,M (Eyeball)
Casting Time 1 action
School transmutation; Level cleric 0, Range Touch
sorcerer/wizard 0 Target One Undead
Casting Time 1 standard action Duration 10 minutes / level
Components V, S, F (A knuckle bone from the Saving Throw None
creature you wish to contact) Spell Resistance No
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) By removing one of their eyes and inserting it
Targets one creature/level into the creature (Not necessarily in the eye
Duration 10 min./level socket), the caster merges his vision with that of
Saving Throw none his creation, however the caster himself takes a -
4 to all attacks, -10ft to movement and all
Spell Resistance no
enemies have a 20% miss chance, created by the
You can touch the animating energy of the confusion seeing through the one eye in his
creatures you have given undeath to, head, and the one the spell was cast upon,
commanding them from a distance. Those possibly miles away, creates.
nearby can hear these deathly quiet susurrus
By casting this spell, the necromancer becomes
with a DC 25 Perception check. So long as the
able to see and hear through the "eyes" and
undead are somewhere within the radius given
"ears" of a controlled undead creature he has
then they will receive the message and act upon
animated or raised. Any increased senses, such
it. Magical silence, 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of
as dark vision or detection spells, work at half
common metal (or a thin sheet of lead), or 3 feet
range through the undead.
of wood or dirt blocks the spell. The message
does not have to travel in a straight line. It can The Caster may cast this spell twice, and send
circumvent a barrier if there is an open path each eye off with a different creature; however
between you and the subject, and the path's this is a distorting and nauseating experience
entire length lies within the spells range. The that leaves the caster utterly vulnerable, for
undead will react to this message as if it were combat purposes the character is considered
your vocal command. To speak a message, you blinded and staggered, unless one of the eyes
must mouth the words and whisper. remains within visual range of him.
Only two such sensory links may be mainted at
such time unless the caster has more than two
Dead eyes operates at a range of up to one mile
per 2 levels after being cast.

ed young (Order #28764263)
thus increasing its combat ability. The creature
Preserve Bodypart now does damage equal to the weapon it has
been grafted, only single handed weapons can be
used, except in the case of bite, stinger, gore or
School necromancy; Level cleric 1, two single handed attacks (Such as two claws or
sorcerer/wizard 1 two talons), which can be replaced by two
Casting Time 1 standard action handed weapons. Weapons must be appropriatly
Components V, S, M/DF (A pickle jar) sized for the creature they are being grafted to.
Range touch This process can be very expensive, costing the
price of the weapon to be grafted, which must be
Target up to 1lb of offal or body parts per 2 at least master-work, and an additional HD of
levels. creature squared*100 GP. The Masterwork
Duration instantaneous bonus of the weapon is lost during the casting
Saving Throw Will negates (object) and not granted to the undead, however in the
Spell Resistance yes (object) case of magic weapons any bonuses or special
abilities remain.
You preserve parts of a creatures body in such a
If both hands are replaced with weapons then the
way that they never again decay.
undead can no longer pick up or manipulate
Though this does not extend the time limit in
objects (the exception being gauntlets or similar
cases such as the casting of raise dead, unlike
hand weapons) but treats both as if they were the
gentle repose, the body part shrivels and
primary weapons they have replaced.
becomes leathery and becomes similar to well
If replacing a secondary weapon, the weapon
cured leather, no longer rotting or decaying. The
replacement acts as a secondary weapon.
parts remain in a condition to use as material
components in spells.
These body parts can be brought back to a fleshy ***
consistency with a casting of any healing spell
that heals points equal to double their weight (2
hp for 1 lb of flesh).
Offalous Incarnation
Any undead created from these parts is subject
to a vulnerability to positive energy, taking 50% School necromancy [evil]; Level cleric 5,
more damage from such spells. sorcerer/wizard 6
Casting Time 1 round
*** Components V, S, M (Corpses)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Fuse Weapon Target Pile of bodies
Duration instantaneous
School necromancy; Level Sor/Wiz 4 Saving Throw none
Components V,S,M Spell Resistance no
Casting Time 1 hour per creature. Over the course of a round, several corpses in the
Range Touch surrounding area are dragged together, melting
and melding into a necrocraft.
Target One or more undead touched. The size of the beast depends on the number of
Duration Instantaneous corpses that are dragged in, when cast every
Saving Throw None corpse within a 10 foot radius circle is pulled
Spell Resistance No into the creature, giving it a HD equal to the
total number of bodies merged (Larger bodies
This spell attaches weapons to the body of an
counting at additional ones as mentioned in the
undead creature.
Necrocraft construction) to a maximum of
The necromancer grafts a weapon directly onto
double the caster level of the spell. As a swift
the body of an undead creature, this replaces the
action the creature can then grab and consume
hand and forearm of the creature with a weapon,

ed young (Order #28764263)
any body that was within a 30 foot radius of the However the 'speech' can only be heard by the
initial casting, increasing in size and power. Any undead, if the body lacks a tongue.
corpses created after the initial casting, inside This spell acts in a similar way to the Magic Jar
the area or out, can be reduced to a viscous pulp spell, and can be stopped or dispelled in any way
and consumed, gaining temporary hitpoints the magic jar spell can.
equal to double the HD of the creature consumed This spell can also be cast on others, however it
(To a maximum of double its HD in temporary is a longer ritual, taking 1 hour per HD of the
hitpoints). The beast gains no bonuses to any of undead creature, and 250 gp per HD of both the
its abilities from any feats or spells the caster undead and the creature being cast upon
has. The beast begins life with full hitpoints for (Example: HD 4 skeleton, HD 8 human would
its HD; however it can never be healed by any cost a total of 3000 gp)
means and it loses 1 HD per minute, as bodies The spell itself lasts 1 day/level however once
and excess organs slough off its being; a gentle activated that time is reduced to 1 hour/level or
repose or other preserving spell can halt this rot until you , at the end of which the creature must
for a number of minutes equal to the caster level. make a will save with its own will modifier (DC
The offalbeast is not under the direct command based on your own caster level), or crumble into
of the caster, going berserk from the first dust. If the creature is destroyed at any point
moments of its desecrated and unnatural while the spell is in place then the caster
existence. However it will act in his best immediately takes wisdom damage equal to half
interests and attack his enemies; feeding on their the HD of the creature destroyed, which heals at
bodies and growing in power, outside of those its a rate of 1 point per day automatically.
creator directly commands it not to attack, it will This spell only works on undead creatures with
rampage, consuming and destroying everything no intelligence score, unless they are either
in its path until destroyed. willing or helpless for the duration of the
casting. If they are unwilling then they can make
*** a will save at the moment of casting, and another
when the spell is activated.

Grim Proxy ***

School necromancy; Level Sor/Wiz 5, Clr 4

Last Waltz
Components V,S,M (Golden symbol worth
100*HD gold pieces)
Casting Time 1 hour School necromancy; Level Sor/Wiz 7, Clr 6
Range Touch Components V,S,M (Skull of HD 10 or greater
creature, filled with 500 gp of precious gems and
Target One Undead incense)
Duration Special, see below Casting Time 1 hour
Saving Throw Special, see below Range Caster
Spell Resistance Special, see below Area All undead within 30+5/level ft
By hammering an arcane symbol into the skull of Duration 1 minute/level
one of your minions, you can use it as a
commander within your armies. Saving Throw Will Negates (Harmless)
The undead gains a spiritual link to you, as a Spell Resistance Yes (Harmless)
standard action you can move your spirit into its The caster infuses the dead that surround him
body, so long as you are on the same plane, with the destructive fury of the damned and
allowing you to command your troops through begin to twitch and twist as they are imbued
the body, however while in this state you are with negative energy.
very vulnerable and considered helpless. All undead within the area gain a bonus equal to
If the creature cannot speak, then it is considered 1/2 caster level (Max +10) to attack, damage,
to be able to do so for the duration of the spell. channelling resistance and gain a number of

ed young (Order #28764263)
temporary hitpoints equal to four times their hit at which point the target may make a will save
dice. to try and resist the ritual, if it succeeds then the
All undead within the area who are not under the damage remains, but it breaks free of control and
casters control must make a channelling save, or may instantly take a surprise round against the
come under his control for the duration of the caster either to escape, or enact revenge if no
spell. All undead who come under the influence precautions have been taken by the caster, if it
of this spell treat the caster and 1 person per fails the save then the target becomes chained to
caster level within 30 feet of him as friendly, but the caster permanently without effecting the
otherwise will rampage and destroy everything casters control HD from other sources.
in their path. The caster can increase his effective caster level
When the allotted time is over, all undead for this spell by increasing the value of the
effected by the spell that are instantly destroyed Components, each additional 500*HD of target
without a save, their bones crumbling into dust, spent on incense, ritual papers, negative energy
flesh disintegrating into dust and can never be infused blood, or other necromantic focuses
reanimated by any means short of divine increases the DC by +1 (2000*HD = Normal
intervention or a wish. DC, 2500*HD =DC+1, 3000*HD=DC+2, ect) If
the target is ever destroyed, the caster must make
*** a will save (DC 10+HD of target) or take
Charisma damage equal to the HD of the
creature destroyed, each day the caster may
Eternal Bondage make a save (DC 15+HD of target-1 per day
since destruction) to remove a point of damage,
School necromancy; Level Sor/Wiz 9, Clr 8 if brought below 0 Charisma the casters soul
spends the time until it returns to 1 charisma
Components V,S,M (Obsidian shards and somewhere between life and death.
adamantine nails worth 2000*HD of target gold If the caster is ever destroyed the target must
pieces) make a will save (DC 10+HD of Caster) or be
Casting Time 10 minutes per HD of creature destroyed outright. If the target survives and the
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) caster ever returns to life, the magic remains.
Target One Undead The target may take no action, direct or indirect,
to try and remove the magic influence on it.
Duration Immediate
Only a Mage's Disjunction or similarly powerful
Saving Throw Will negates. magic can hope to free the bound undead.
Spell Resistance Yes

Using the most powerful of necromantic

commands, the caster forever bind a powerful
intelligent undead to your will, removing its will
The undead must be under the command of the
caster when they begin the spell, if any point the
ritual is disrupted or the caster distracted, the
undead automatically gains a will save to try and
break free. The ritual does not contain the
creature or restrain it in any way and most wise
necromancers make other arrangements to hold
them in place in case their control fails.
Though this ritual varies from necromancer to
necromancer, the most common version involves
adamantine nails which have been imbued with
positive energy, used to break the targets will, at
the end of the ritual the necromancer drives the
shards and nails into the undeads skull if exposed
or otherwise driving them into the body at vital
locations, doing damage equal to the targets HD

ed young (Order #28764263)
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ed young (Order #28764263)

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