Ped 3150 PLC

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Name: Daniel Niles

Date Title Presenter/ Description Key Takeaways

September Ontario Ministry of Zoom call with the -how to navigate the
19th, 2023 Curriculum Education ministry of curriculum website
Website Guide Education -search tools
discussing the -understanding updates
Ontario curriculum -multiple resources
website and how available through the
to navigate it site

September Resources for Caring Society Presented a -Spirit Bears helps kids
19th, 2023 Reconciliation (CRX 140) PowerPoint feel confident when
presentation about learning
reconciliation and -spirit bear was
resources available designed to remind
through the Caring adults in courtroom
Society and that this is about kids.
provided an - only 12/94 calls to
overview of action have been
historical events completed
and important -Jordan Principle:
figures. ensures that First
Nations children
receive access to
services they need,
when they need them
- Shannon’s dream to
make her school and
other cleaner and safer,
protesting in Ottawa
-guiding principles of
reconciliation: self-
determination, holistic
approach, culture and
language, structural
interventions, and non-
September Building Comprehensive Complete several -12 determinants of
23rd, 2023 Healthy School School Health modules on health; most are social/
Communities Hub (Online comprehensive economical.
Online Course certification) school health -education determines
-dimensions to well-
-major relationship
between health and
-social capital and the
quality of relationships
are major factors in
schools well being
-health information
leads to health
education leads to
health promotion
-CSH framework has 4
components: social and
physical environment,
teaching and learning,
partnerships and
services, and policy
September OCT Members of the OCT overview; -regulatory body for
26th, 2023 Presentation OCT procedures ad teaching profession
polices -self regulated (12
members; 6 teachers, 6
appointed by the
-ability to search
teachers and find their
qualifications and
education to date
-complaint protocol
-teachers are held to a
high standard (public
or private place)
September Math and PED 3152 Travel around -notice how much math
28th, 2023 Science Trek Enhancing Ottawa (around and science are all
(field trip) Mathematics uOttawa campus around us (outside the
and Science area), completing classroom)
math and science -complete the questions
related questions provided to each group
to relate the -understand that
classroom learning can occur
concepts to real outside the classroom
world examples -be able to create our
own questions using
real world situations
October Your Nonfungible Expressing the -Spoke about using
3rd, 2023 Irreplaceable teachers importance of technology in the
Value in a (NFTs) teachers as critical classroom and how to
Time of Digital Dr. Michelle irreplaceable properly implement it
Disruption Schira human actors at a in the classroom.
Hagerman time significant Spoke about playing
(CRX 150) social, the line of being too
environmental, much in the digital
economic, and space or not enough.
digital disruption Remember kids are
growing in a digital
-Does this technology
enable students to solve
meaningful problems
or overcome barriers to
-Does the tech support
social inclusion,
collaboration and/or
participation in
digitally mediated
activities of cultural
significance to the
student.( some students
aren't included because
of lack of access to
technology. Using
technology could be
used to include
students who lack this
in their home lives.
-Does the tech support
playful engagement
-Does the tech enable
students to create and
to be creative ( able to
tell their own stories
through multimedia)
Show what they
understand and can do
as well as promote self
-Does the technology
encourage movement
-Does the tech support
foundational digital
literacies practices,
skills and dispositions

October Unlocking Acuta Brining STEM to -What is actua: remove

3rd, 2023 Youth Potential youth and barriers to stem want
through STEM teachers; the focus Canada to be a leader
of the presentation in inclusive stem.
will be on the -Look to support
Acuta’s National educators in access to
Programs and the stem
strategies used to -They run a national
get youth excited indigenous youth in
about STEM stem
-35,000 first nations
inuit and metis
-Actua is registered to
help offer credits for
highschool students,
-Bring in stem
activities that relate to
the culture especially
for indigenous
-Helps to engage
indigenous youth. It is
built on a foundation of
indigenous knowledge
and helps bring first
nations into stem and
looks to improve the
graduation rate.
(INSTEM program)
-Also work with
marginalized groups
with this.
-Stem selfies is a good
tool to get to know
students. Have them
say their name,
pronounce things about
their community and
some skills they have.
Allows them to
articulate their ideas
and understanding of
what they know.
How to get student
1.)Make connections
( real world
problems, local
2.)Incorporate diverse
3.)If possible,
opportunities with
tech/virtual play
4.)Use hands on
challenges a.)
engineering design
-Speak about failure
and why it is so
important for growth in
carriers inside and
outside of stem.
-Technology skills for
stem trying to get more
women into stem. Drop
off of girls wanting to
go into coding trying to
curve that early
-Activity series have
grades 1-4 as well as a
different one from
grades 5-7 looks at
essential topics around
technology and how to
educate while keeping
kids safe.
-They also host events
that discuss ideas such
as Inclusion, diversity,
equity and access in
October Boundary CRX 140 OSSTF group -Boundaries exist for
17th, 2023 issues for us professionals as we
teachers have a position of
power over them.
-The student must be
supported at all times
in a professional
manner which is
characterized as caring,
respectful and
appropriately distant
-Do not drive students
as you are liable for
what happens in the car
-it is your
responsibility to call
children's aid.
If someone says they
are going to self-harm
you must deliver the
person to a medical
-Just spoke about
boundaries and
October Tour of Ashbury Tour and insight -History of school
17th, 2023 Ashbury College: John on the operations -tour of the main
College Richardson and of an independent facilities and buildings
Andrew Young school -inside experience of
the junior classes
-the amount of various
resources available
-job opportunities
November Ending Anti- Mathieu from ETFO Action on -Described his life and
14th, 2023 Black Racism ETFO Anti-black racism his work to get with the
union looking to help
end racism within
-Expectations lean into
the discomfort
-Being non racist is not
enough, you must help
with the movement.
-Taught about
segregation in Ontario
we had segregated
schools in Canada until
1983 last one in nova
scotia closed
-Microaggressions- no
longer called this
because it diminishes
the impact it has
-Connect the
curriculum to
marginalized groups in
order for these groups
to feel seen on a daily

November Teacher- David Smith Why they matter

14th, 2023 Student and how to make -Interpersonal
Relationship those relationships dynamics determines
work level of respect
between parties
-Tone of dialogue is a
big part of building
healthy relationships
-Students respond
better to positive
-Physical environment
can help facilitate
healthy relationships
-Human connection is a
fundamental theme
-Sensitivity and
atonement in
relationships strongly
influence relationships
-Time, patience, work,
and commitment can
help create positive
bonds with struggling
-Not all relationships
have attachment
January 9th, OER (Open CRX-140 Understanding -Resources available
2024 Education OER for teachers
Resources) -OER are materials
used for teaching in
many formats,
including videos,
books, songs, other.
The resources reside in
the public domain and
have been released
with a licence.
-materials can be
reused, repurposed,
altered and shared
with/ by others.
January Safe Schools at Marnie What is a safe -providing student’s a
16th, 2024 the OCDSB Patterson school? classroom that acts as a
Simard 227 safe place; all begins
with the teacher
-teachers must take
care of themselves
-behaviour is
-gett away from
punitive consequences
-restorative practices
are the best (circle
There are safe school
polices and procedures
members must abide by
-protocols with
children’s aid
-be curious and not
-connections before
- work on the why and
all it takes is one caring
January Supporting PD meeting This was a PD -Schools shouldn’t
17th, 2024 English provided form meeting label students as
Language OCSB English language
Learners @ St. John learners instead they
XXIII should use the term
Multilingual Learners
-was provided a
template and outline
for oral, reading and
writing and what each
step each student
should be at according
to the guide.
-looked at other
technologies we can
use in the classroom to
assist these students
-equity and inclusion
among for these
January Consent in the OPHEA How to create a -there are fundamental
23rd, 2024 classroom Zoom safe place in the principles in health and
classroom physical education
-consent: the voluntary
agreement of the
complaint to engage in
the sexual activity in
-voluntary, sober,
euthanistic, never
-sexual violence
Canadians stats 1:3
women, 1:6 boys, 1:5
trans individuals
-recognizing bystander
effect and the power of
speaking up
-assault usually
happens by someone
they know
-DON’T- allow victim
blaming to go
unchallenged, focus
solely on the aw, act
like everything is up
for debate, assume its
us vs them, focus on
stories that end
-DO- create a space for
conversation, focus on
practical tools, speak of
it as an issue of ethics
and morals, have a
support system in
January Hearing our CRX 140 Panel of Educators -we cannot teach what
30th, 2024 students we do not know
-education is about
serving a community
-understand the power
of accessibility and
how it acts as a barrier
to teachers (social
-know who is in your
class, know your
-sometimes you may
have to get
February Human Rights Virtual Promoting Human -Numerical data can
6th, 2024 and Equity Stepahnie Rights in reveal patterns of
Fernandes and Education disproportionality and
Nada Aoudeh disparity
-efforts towards de
streaming have been
made by ministry
-the code provides for
equality and freedom
from discrimination in:
goods, services, and
facilities, housing,
contracts, employment,
and unions and
February Mental health Ministry of Highlights existing -positive state of
20th, 2024 and well being education culturally relevant flourishing and balance
Sandy responsive -pay attention to:
approaches and healthy body/mind,
resources from the meaningful learning
ministry’s student experiences, sense of
mental health belonging, safety.
implementation -supportive
partner, school relationships, positive
mental health sense of self
Ontario -70% of mental health
and addiction issues
begin in childhood/
teen years.
-educators roll is
promotion and
-pause and reflect
-understand the
intersection between
equity, mental health
and well-being

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