İngi̇li̇zce Sinavi

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Boşlukları uygun kelimelerle dolduralım: (tanesi 2 puan)

1- Henry __________ 41 years old last year.

2- _________ horses are behind the high walls in their garden now.

3- There is _______ beautiful woman in front of the hotel.

4- Next week, there will _______ 11 students in this classroom.

5- The children __________ at school today.

6- John was _________ first in the bicycle race.

Boşlukları “parantezdeki kelimelerden seçerek” dolduralım: (tanesi 2 puan)

6- We are rich, we ___________ a lot of money.

(has / have / is / are / were)

7- Don’t eat _________! (us / you / are / me / that)

8- ________ bananas are yellow. (This / A / The / / Tomorrow)

9- ________ the eggs in the fridge? (There / Is / From / Today / Were)

10- There are four _________ in this box.

(milks / waters / moneys / lemons / sugars)

11- There is some _________ in my bag.

(money / lemon / egg / pencils / students)

Hikaye ile ilgili soruları cevaplayalım: (tanesi 4 puan)

There was a girl in our building. Her name was Mary. Her home was upstairs.
Mary was never happy. At the school, her friends were always with her.
Her friends were happy, but Mary was not. She was the daughter of a supermodel. Her mom was too
beautiful, but she was not a beautiful girl. She was 13 years old. Now, she is 30. She is happy now.

12- What was the name of the girl?

13- How old was Mary? How old is she now?

14- Where was Mary’s home?

15- Why wasn’t she happy?

16- Is she happy now?

17- Was her mother a teacher?

Cümleleri Türkçe’ye çevirelim: (tanesi 5 puan)

18- There will be a lot of rain tomorrow.

19- Bring the children to my garden for a picnic tomorrow!

20- Her daughter has three daughters.

21- Is the father of my father my father?

22- Your glasses were still on the table near the books two days ago.

23- After Deecember, this girl will be a very successful student.

Aşağıdaki kelimeleri doğru şekilde dizerek cümle haline getirelim: (tanesi 5 puan)

24- face / morning / your / every / wash

25- later / will / family / four / London / his / days / in / be

26- trees / birds / on / many / are / forest / the / the / in / there

27- pocket / you / now / money / do / your / ,,,,,,,, have some in?

28- that / brown / behind / big / is / rock / a / there / bear

Aşağıdakilerin bir cümle olup olmadığını işaretleyiniz: (tanesi 2 puan)

29- There some people in front of our house. (cümledir / cümle değildir)

30- Next summer, I will be with you again. (cümledir / cümle değildir)

31- Our sweet cat in the bedroom under the bed. (cümledir / cümle değildir)

32- Where were the students of this class on last Thursday? (cümledir / cümle değildir)

33- Catch them and kill them all! (cümledir / cümle değildir)

34- The door of their house always open to everyone. (cümledir / cümle değildir)

35- The teacher of our class never in his room at the school. (cümledir / cümle değildir)


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