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P. Sanchez St. Sta. Mesa, Manila, Philippines



In Partial Fulfillment to the Requirements for the

Subject Research and Statistics

Submitted by:

Bejosano, Kelvin
Cañete, Helbert
Dinio, Karl
Dunque, Mark Darren
Gabriel, Matthew Andrei
Lagazo, Von Ace Stephen
Murillo, Elli Adrian
Mercado, Kyle Joseph Lawrence
Pelaez, Jerome
Puddunan, Haya Sent May
Tabios, Levi Kane
Veloso, Mark John

January 2022


This thesis entitled “An Assessment on the Degree of Compliance in the Education
Quality Standards for the STI-NAMEI Bachelor of Science in Marine
Engineering“ prepared and summitted by Lagazo, Von Ace Stephen, Mercado, Kyle
Joseph Lawrence, Puddunan, Haya Sent,May, Veloso, Mark John, Cañete, Helbert,
Dinio, Karl, Tabios, Levi Kane, Murillo, Elli Adrian, Pelaez, Jerome,Bejosano,
Kelvin, Dunque, Mark Darren, Gabriel,and Matthew Andrei in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for BS MARE 3A has been examined and recommended for final

Fegenius Rosas
Research Teacher/Adviser

Approval Sheet
Approved by the PANEL OF EXAMINERS on FINAL DEFENSE with a grade of

Dr. Vergil Gapac


Dr. Jean Paul Alamillo PhD Engr. Alexander S. Rafal, Ph.D.,

Board Member Board Member


The researchers would like to express their deepest appreciation and gratitude
for the kind support and help of some individuals. This research paper would not be
possible and completed without their guidance and persistence in helping the

First and foremost, the researchers would like to thank Professor/Research

adviser Fegenius Rosas for his guidance, shared knowledge, and time and effort in
enhancing this research paper. His support is highly appreciated.

Second, the researchers would like to accord a very special word of thanks to
all the participants and respondents who helped to answer the guide questions and
fill up the survey questionnaire. Their valuable responses helped the researchers gather
all the necessary data within a short period.

To the statistician, Mr. Dhuff Ortiz, for his service and knowledge in helping
the researchers find the right tools necessary to be used in this study and in helping in
completing the whole chapter 4.

To Ms. Rose Ann M. Sore, for being the research grammarian and for giving
the researchers a long patience to read their research carefully and check its grammar.

The researchers also extend their sincere gratitude to their beloved family for
their guidance, endless motivation, and financial support that help the researchers to
finish this research paper

And last but not the least, the Almighty God for the wisdom and strength that
help to make this research paper possible and finish successfully.


This thesis aims to determine the degree of compliance in the educational

quality standards of STI-NAMEI for the course of Bachelor of Science in Marine
Engineering. It has been observed that having a substandard level of quality would be
a problem for the students and would result in a lack of knowledge and low levels of
competency. The study's inputs will come from a range of sources, including course
experts who participated in the study and cadets who attended or graduated from STI-
NAMEI, as well as course specialists who are presently teaching at STI-NAMEI. The
positive result in this part constitutes a major positive key finding in this study. It is
with less hesitation to infer that the program has been compliant with the parameters
because all of the respondents were included, and majority have observed that these are
being implemented.

This raised awareness with regards to the problems in STI-NAMEI’s quality

standard, which urged us to develop such a study in order to document this for the

This study provides recommendations and proposals concerning the quality standard of
STI-NAMEI for BSMARE cadets, school, and faculty, which may benefit as there will
be improvement in our quality standard.

Keywords: Quality Standard, Marine Engineering cadets, school, substandard, degree

and compliance.



Title Page………………………………………………......................................……..1




Table of Contents…….……………………………….......……….....................……..5

List of Matrices............................................................................................................10

List of Tables.……....…………………………………….………….....................….11

CHAPTER 1………………………………………………………………………...13


Background of the Study………………………...………………….……………..13

Statement of the Problem………………....…………………………………….....13

Conceptual Framework (I.P.O. Method)………………………………...….……..14

Significance of the Study………………………....……………………………….15


Scope and Delimitations…………………...………………………………….…...16

Definition of Terms…………...…………………………………………….……..17

CHAPTER 2…..………………………….………………………………….……...20


Quality Education…………………..………………………………………….......20

Quality Assessment……………………………...………………...……..………..21

Advantages of Good Educational Quality……………………………..………..…21

Roles of the Commission on Higher Education Towards Quality Education…......21

Practical in Laboratory and Simulators……………………………..………..……22

Assessment and Learning……………………………..……………………..…….23

Importance of Educational Assessment in a Maritime Institution……....………...23

Internal Auditing…………………………..……………………..………………..24

Onboard Training Program………………………………………………………..25

DNV – Maritime…………………………………………………………………..25


Advantage on Simulator for Marine Engineering Students……………………….26


CHAPTER 3………………………………………………………………………...29


Research Design……………………………….……...…………………………...29

Participants of the Study…………………………………………………………..29

Sampling Scheme………………………………………………………………….30


Data Gathering Procedure……………………………………....…………………32

Statistical Treatment……………………………………………………………….33

CHAPTER 4……………………………………………....………………………...35


PRESCRIBED BY THE CMO…………….......…………………………………….35

Matrix (Quali)

II. QUANTITATIVE PART………………………………………………………51

Table (Quanti)

A. Assessment of Quality Standard per Area (as assessed by course specialists nd

students, and graduates)……………………………………………………………...52




EXAMINATION & ASSESSMENT…………………....……………………...54

SHIPBOARD TRAINING……………………………………………………...55




RESEARCH AND EXTENSION………………………………………………60

QUALITY STSTEM……………………………………………………………61

ADMISSION AND RETENTION………………………....…………………...62

CHAPTER 5………………………………………………………………………...63


Summary of Findings……………………………………………………………...63

Other Findings……………………………………………………………………..63





APPENDIX 1…………………………………………………………....………...65

VALIDATION LETTER………………………………………………………….65

APPENDIX 2……………………………………………………………………...69

RESEARCH INSTRUMENTS……………………………………………………69

QUALITATIVE GUIDE QUESTIONS……………………….......…………...69



APPENDIX 3……………………………………………………………………...83



AUTHORITY TO OPERATE……………………....………………………….83

PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS……………………………………………….83


THE DEGREE………………………......…………………………………………...89


FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT……………………………………………...99

RESEARCH AND EXTENSION……………………………………………..101

ADMISSION AND RETENTION………………….....………………………102

APPENDIX 4…………………………………………………………………….104


RESEARCH TIMELINE………………………………………………………...123

FINANCIAL STATEMENT……………………………………....……………..125


ADVISER’S CERTIFICATION………………………………………………126





RESEARCHER’S PROFILE……………………………............………………….143




(MATRIX 1.) An institution that offers a Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering

has an excellent educational quality when………….............…....................………..35

(MATRIX 2.) The difference of STI NAMEI from other Maritime Schools…….....37

(MATRIX 3.) Capability of STI-NAMEI to provide the required subjects by CMO

No.67 series of 2017 section 13 for BS Marine Engineering………………......……39

(MATRIX 4.) The qualifications of the General Education Faculty members of STI-
NAMEI as required by CMO No.67 series of 2017 Section 24…………..….......….40

(MATRIX 5.) The qualifications of the Maritime Education Faculty members of STI-
NAMEI as required by CMO No.67 series of 2017 Section 24…….………........….41

(MATRIX 6.) The capability of STI NAMEI to provide the adequate facilities and
laboratories as required by CMO No.67 series of 2017 section 29 and CMO No.67
Series of 2017 Section 32.2….....................................................................................43

(MATRIX 7.) The capability of STI NAMEI to provide the required classroom
specifications by CMO No.67 series of 2017 Section 31…………...…………....…45

(MATRIX 8.) The strengths or weaknesses (need further improvement, despite of

already meeting the standard) in the assessment of ISO 9001:2015 and the plan to get
more certifications......................................................................................................46

(MATRIX 9.) Comparing STI-NAMEI to international maritime schools and it is on

par with other maritime institutions in terms of………….....…………….......…….48

(MATRIX 10.) Suggestions/Recommendations they want to say in this




TABLE 1 Respondent Profile.…………………………....………….……………...51

TABLE 2 Combined Assessments of course specialists, graduates, and students to the

major quality areas from the CMO 67 for the MarE program…..…………………..52

TABLE 3 Combined Assessments of course specialists, graduates, and students

regarding the program’s compliance to the curricular requirements prescribed by
CMO 67 s. 2017…………….......................………………………………………...53

TABLE 4 Combined Assessments of course specialists, graduates, and students

regarding the program’s compliance to the examination and assessment requirements
prescribed by CMO 67.....…...……………………………………………………...55

TABLE 5 Combined Assessments of course specialists, graduates, and students

regarding the program’s compliance to the shipboard training requirements prescribed
by CMO 67 s. 2017…………….……………............……………………………...56

TABLE 6 Combined Assessments of course specialists, graduates, and students

regarding the program’s compliance to the teaching methods and media delivery
requirements prescribed by CMO 67 s. 2017.….........……………………………..57

TABLE 7 Combined Assessments of course specialists, graduates, and students

regarding the program’s compliance to the instructors, assessors and support staff
requirements prescribed by CMO 67 s. 2017………............……………………...58

TABLE 8 Combined Assessments of course specialists, graduates, and students

regarding the program’s compliance to facilities and training equipment requirements
prescribed by CMO 67 s. 2017……………….….………………………………...59

TABLE 9 Combined Assessments of course specialists, graduates, and students

regarding the program’s compliance to research and extension requirements
prescribed by CMO 67 s. 2017…………………......……………………………...60

TABLE 10Combined Assessments of course specialists, graduates, and students

regarding the program’s compliance to quality system requirements prescribed by
CMO 67 s.2017……………………….....................................……………………61

TABLE 11 Combined Assessments of course specialists, graduates, and students
regarding the program’s compliance to admission and retention requirements
prescribed by CMO 67 s. 2017……………………………..……………………...62



Background of the Study

The researchers focused much of their attention in determining the educational

quality standards of Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering at STI-NAMEI by
setting different criteria that would assess the level of educational quality being applied
in the said course with the aim of improving the educational aspects that falls below the
standard educational quality.

The problem of having a sub-standard level of educational quality would be a

problem for the students as it would result into lack of knowledge and low-level
competency. The Researchers believe that the findings of this study will suggest that
STI-NAMEI admits Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering students who have
been properly assessed and who adhere to the standards.

This research would benefit both the students and the institution of STI-NAMEI
as it intends to provide the best opportunities for all students to achieve their full
potential and act to address instances of disadvantage which restrict educational

Thus, this research would also increase the level of competency of Marine
Engineering students in STI-NAMEI.

1.1 Statement of the problem

This study aims to answer the following questions towards the Assessment of
Education Quality Standards for the STI-NAMEI Bachelor of Science in Marine
Engineering. Specifically, this study seeks to answer the sub-questions:

SOP1: What are the requirements regarding the degree of compliance of the
policy standards and guidelines?

A. CHED Memorandum Order (CMO)

B. ISO Certification

SOP2: How does the following parties assess in their own perspectives, the quality
standards of the Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering?

A. Course Experts
B. Course Specialists
C. Course Graduates

SOP3: What is the standard degree of compliance being applied in the Bachelor
of Science in Marine Engineering of STI-NAMEI?

SOP4: What can be recommended to improve the quality standards in Bachelor

of Science in Marine Engineering program?

1.2 Conceptual Framework (I.P.O. Method)

Process Output

Course Policy Gathering of Data Degree of Compliance

standards and in the Education
guidelines Quality Standards for
Questionnaire the STI-NAMEI
Bachelor of Science in
Marine Engineering Marine Engineering
Course Experts Interviews

Marine Engineering Data Analysis

Course Specialist and
eighty-seven (87)
respondents including
Course Graduates,
Completed Academic
Requirements (CAR),
Alumni who are
OBT, and the Pioneer
students of STI-

The framework to be utilized in this study seeks to assess the Educational

Quality Standard of BS Marine Engineering in the Philippines.

Figure 1 describes the conceptual framework of the study wherein the input is
consisting of Marine Engineer Course experts, Marine Engineer course Specialist and
Students/Alumni. On the other side, the process being used is through gathering data,

questionnaire, interviews, and data analysis. The output is the Educational Quality
Standards for taking Marine Engineering Course. The researchers want to find out the
Educational Quality Standards for Marine Engineering in STI-NAMEI. The table
shows how the researchers investigated, surveyed, and solved their thesis statement.

Significance of the Study

This research will be conducted to determine the educational quality criteria for
STl-NAMEI's Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering program. This research is
also made with the aim to provide crucial information and knowledge regarding to the
chosen topic from the respondents, recent studies or thesis, and related sites needed
for the expected importance to the beneficiary below. The results of the study will help
the school to evaluate the quality of education. This research will be conducted to
determine the educational quality criteria for STl-NAMEI's Bachelor of Science in
Marine Engineering program. Also, the results of the study will help the school to
evaluate the quality of education.

Benefiting this study are the following various beneficiaries:

The STI NAMEI and Administration

This study determines whether a school meets the requirements for pursuing a
Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering degree.

This research will also assist the administration in determining what measures
are necessary to assist teachers or professors in providing a high-quality education that
meets industry standards. This study could also serve as a foundation for improving
school advancement programs.


The Commissions on Higher Education may use this research as a reference for
determining the level of competency that a Maritime Institution should have.

The students

This research will assist students in determining whether or not the school is
providing them with a high-quality education. This study also aids students in
developing an interest in the Marine Engineering program

The aspiring BS Marine Engineering students

It assists students in gaining an understanding of what degree or level of

education they should have in order to take this course.

The Professors

Professors will benefit greatly from this research since they will gain a better
understanding of the educational standards they are providing to their students. As a
result, they will be able to alter and improve their teachings in order to deliver a better

Future Researchers

Future scholars will benefit greatly from this because it will serve as a guide for
them when they conduct study connected to or on this topic.

1.3 Assumption
1. The research study is anchored on the assumption that respondents will be
truthful in their responses to the questionnaires, and that the data acquired by
the researchers will be valid and dependable for correlation. Furthermore, the
research study is seen to be timely relevant to the respondents, resulting in an
output that provides a foundation of information to the question.

2. As the purpose for conducting this study, it is assumed that the institution of
STI-NAMEI will produce an output indicating that it has complied with all key
provisions and performed to the requisite standard in providing a Marine
Engineer course.
1.4 Scope and Delimitations

This study will cover the degree of compliance in the education quality
standards being administered by the institution of STI-NAMEI’s Bachelor of Science
in Marine Engineering. The primary subjects of this study are course experts,
specialists, and graduates. The participants of the study will be limited to two (2)
experts, two (2) specialists, and eighty-seven (87) respondents including graduates,
Completed Academic Requirements (CAR), alumni who are currently undergoing
OBT, and the pioneer students of STI-NAMEI that has met the standards set by the

Moreover, the course experts and specialists will be selected by referring to their
years of teaching experience, number of years onboard, highest educational attainment,
and age. While there will be eighty-seven (87) respondents of the study from STI-
NAMEI which are graduates, Completed Academic Requirements (CAR), alumni who
are currently undergoing OBT, and the pioneer students of STI-NAMEI that has met
the standards set by the researchers.

1.5 Definition of Terms

Administer - manage and responsible for the running of (a business, organization, etc.).

Amendment - is a formal or official change made to a law, contract, constitution, or

other legal document. It is based on the verb to amend, which means to change for
better. Amendments can add, remove, or update parts of these agreements.

Assessment - the evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or ability of someone

or something.

Authentic - real or genuine not copied or false.

Auxiliary – providing supplementary or additional help and support.

CHED Memorandum Order – is an order given by the Commissions on Higher

Education to promote relevant and quality higher education, ensuring access to quality
higher education, and guaranteeing and protecting academic freedom for continuing
intellectual growth, advancement of learning and research, development of responsible
and effective leadership, education of high-level professionals, and enrichment of
historical and cultural heritages.

Cognitive - relating to, or involving conscious mental activities (such as thinking,

understanding, learning, and remembering).

Curriculum - the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college.

Embedded - enclosed closely in or as if in a matrix: set firmly into a mass or material.

Experts - a person who has a comprehensive and authoritative knowledge of or skill in

a particular area.

Forefront - the leading or most important position or place.

GEN. ED - a school curriculum in which the subjects are correlated to a central theme
Innovation - the act or process of introducing new ideas, devices, or methods.

ISO Certification - is a seal of approval from a third-party body that a company runs
to one of the international standards developed and published by the International
Organization for Standardization.

MARINA - The Maritime Industry Authority (Filipino: Pangasiwaan sa Industriyang),

known by the acronym MARINA, is an agency of the Philippine government under
the Department of Transportation responsible for integrating the development, promotion and
regulation of the maritime industry in the Philippines.

Marine Engineering - is a field of engineering concerned with the design and operation
of mechanical equipment for seagoing vessels, ports, and harbor installations. A marine
engineer's primary responsibility is to design, construct, and repair vehicles and
structures that are utilized on or near water. Ships, aircraft carriers, submarines,
sailboats, tankers, and other vessels fall under this category. The ship's internal system,
which includes the propulsion, electrical, refrigeration, and steering systems, is the
responsibility of marine engineers.

OBT (On Board Training) – Onboarding programs are designed to acclimate

individuals who are newly hired or transferred from within to new positions. They are
typically administered by an organization’s training and/or human resources

Oxyacetylene - of or denoting welding or cutting techniques using a very hot flame

produced by mixing acetylene and oxygen.

Pedagogies - the method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or

theoretical concept.

Quality - the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind;
the degree of excellence of something.

Redundancies - the state of being not or no longer needed or useful.

Sampling – is a process used in statistical analysis in which a predetermined number

of observations are taken from a larger population.

Scheme - a systematic or organized configuration.

Simulation - the imitative representation of the functioning of one system or process
by means of the functioning of another.

Simulator - a machine with a similar set of controls designed to provide a realistic

imitation of the operation of a vehicle, aircraft, or other complex system, used for
training purposes.

Socioeconomic - relating to or concerned with the interaction of social and economic


Specialist - a person who concentrates primarily on a particular subject or activity, a

person highly skilled in a specific and restricted field.

Spontaneous - done or said in a natural and often sudden way and without a lot of
thought or planning.

Systematic – done or acting according to a fixed plan or system; methodical.

Tautologies - the saying of the same thing twice in different words, generally
considered to be a fault of style.

Triangulation - is a method used to increase the credibility and validity of research




This chapter discusses important literature and studies that the researchers
considered while determining the significance of the current research. It also includes
a summary of the art in order to fully comprehend the research and gain a better
understanding of the study.

Quality of Education

Educational Quality (EQ) is defined by Adams (1993) as the conceptual

confusion over the idea of educational quality comes through clearly in education
literature. Redundancies and tautologies abound. The definitions offered frequently are
on the order of "good quality programs are those which produce good results" or "high
quality schooling is associated with excellence," and thus are of little value for purposes
of planning or evaluation.

In addition, according to Joni (2009) a quality education can be seen in relation

to the world of work. Improving the quality of education cannot be separated from the
learning process. Irianto (2011) said that the learning process is highly dependent of
teaching staff, equipment and learning resources. By this, it can be said that a quality
education emphasizes each student's social, emotional, mental, physical, and cognitive
development, independent of gender, color, ethnicity, socioeconomic background, or
geographic location. It not only prepares the youngster for testing, but also for life.

Educational quality assessment is vital for a maritime school to ensure that they
are following the mandatory guidelines in teaching the specified course, as evidenced
by the aforementioned relevant literature and studies.

Education is the most important advantage you can gain in order to survive in
this society; it is also the most powerful weapon we have to alter the world and
illuminate ourselves. This is because a good education equips one with the capacity to
read things correctly and apply the gathered info to various scenarios. Learning
resources, technology, program enrollment, modules completed, lecturing
methodology, attachments, qualifications, co-curricular activities, performance awards,

and students' and lecturers' perspectives in the institution's operating management, as
well as their opinions and appraisals toward education, are all aspects of quality
education (Hammond, 2013).

Moreover, education is one in all the fundamental wants for human

development and to flee from impoverishment according to Sivakumar & Sarvalingam
(2010), it is necessary for national development and a prosperous society.

Quality Assessment

Quality, together of the key indicators of a successful education establishment,

is viewed here as variety of characteristics of an academic service, that lead to the
required skills and experience gained by university graduates. during this respect, the
standard of academic services is that the major concern of the market, that is outlined
by aggressiveness of educational institution and is summarized within the style of
academic rankings. Once activity quality, client satisfaction with academic services is
the core component, as institutions depend upon their shoppers, and that they ought to
take into consideration their wants and interests, fulfill their needs and take a look at to
exceed their expectations. the foremost vital areas of shopper watching, want to study
satisfaction and quality assessment, dwell process the indications connected with
external shoppers (school-leavers, parents, employers); activity the standard of the
teaching process; process the indications reflective students’ progress.

Advantages of good Educational Quality

Through various teaching, studying, and learning procedures, education is the

most effective way of obtaining skills and knowledge. To have a beneficial impact, the
newly learned knowledge must be correctly used. Providing children with a high-
quality education can assist them in comprehending what they have learnt in school. If
they fail to do so, they may give up on their dreams. This is a problem that could have
an impact on their future professions. “Education is the key to unlock the Golden door
of Freedom” (George Washington Carver).

Roles of the Commission on Higher Education Towards Quality Education

Education is viewed as a critical component of the country's economic success.

The Commission on Higher Education's (CHED) legal mandate outlines its

responsibility in supporting high-quality education. As a government organization
tasked with ensuring that quality education is delivered by schools of higher learning
in order to achieve national development goals and improve the Philippines' economic
situation, CHED was given sufficient authority to carry out its dual regulatory and
developmental tasks.

Due to the expansion of both public and private HEIs, the country's educational
system has become increasingly difficult over time, requiring the government to devote
more attention to its educational system's quality through specialized management and
monitoring operations (Fielden, 2008). CHED is in charge of specialized management
and monitoring efforts in the Philippines.

Practical in Laboratory and Simulators

The objectives of Maritime Education and Training are to develop appropriate

and effective human competencies, optimize training, and achieve recognized standards
(STCW 95). The challenge in ensuring comparable standards among marine schools,
particularly in underdeveloped nations, is due to the financial constraints they face.

The maritime industry has embraced full automation to carry out some severe
operations in response to a dearth of certified seafarers. These improvements have
lowered the number of duties on board and, as a result, the number of crew members,
but they have increased the amount of technology and the required to handle it.
Technology, on the other hand, has altered the curriculum of seamen and the abilities
that must be acquired. The absence of practical seagoing experience is cited as a
primary cause of fatalities and a training flaw. Rather than sending the apprentice on a
ship, which is exceedingly expensive and difficult to manage if the school does not have
a training vessel, the practice can be compensated by using simulators. This will prepare
him for the surroundings as well as the role he will play on board. Unfortunately,
acquiring, maintaining, and operating laboratories, simulators, and training ships is too
expensive. Maritime Education and Training institutes must find a means to ensure
academic knowledge and practical experience in order to prepare their students for their
future employment.

Assessment and Learning

Assessment is defined by Haris and Hodges (1995) as process of gathering data

to better understand the strengths and weaknesses. They also emphasized that
assessment plays an important role in the process of learning and motivation moreover,
assessment tasks determine how students will approach the learning task and what study
behaviors they will use. Assessment then becomes a lens for understanding student
learning, identifying invisible barriers, and helps to improve teaching approaches. It is
further reinforced by (Huba & Freed, 2000) assessment is the process of gathering and
discussing data from a variety of sources in order to gain a comprehensive
understanding of what students know, understand, and can do with that knowledge as
a result of their educational experiences; it culminates when assessment results are used
to improve subsequent learning

According to Heritage (2009), no single method of gathering evidence is necessarily

superior to others; however, decisions should be made that are appropriate for the
purpose, aligned with learning objectives, embed the concepts and skills that are the
focus of the lesson, and provide sufficient detail for action. Teachers use systematic
ways to extract evidence at critical moments in lessons by using on-going interactions,
assignments, or curriculum-embedded examinations. Use of science notebooks, end-
of-section questions, or mathematical representations produced during a class cycle are
just a few examples. Teachers prepare questions in advance for scheduled exchanges.
They either plan student talks in advance of the lesson to provoke student thinking
during instruction, or they structure student discussions to acquire insights into student
thinking during the discussion. The instructor may expect spontaneous assessment, but
it is unplanned and occurs throughout the course of the class to provide proof of student

Importance of Educational Assessment in a Maritime Institution

The STCW 1978 convention as amended, spell out the requirement for training
and educating seafarers and these regulations are binding to seafarers, maritime training
institutions, ship owners and governments All parties that have signed the agreement
must guarantee that their maritime training institutes follow the STCW criteria in order
to improve seafarer competency. The STCW 2010 changed the emphasis away from
simple information and toward actual skills and competency

The primary objectives of an institution assessment are to make a determination
about a school's efficacy. Assessing or reviewing a school's educational system on a
regular basis can help to identify future problems as well as improve the quality of
education they provide. Updating to the present situation is also critical; students must
adapt to environmental changes that may have an impact on their future, as we are living
in the most technologically advanced era yet. As a response to the needs of professional
education, society, particularly in the maritime and shipping industries, academic
institutions must provide updated curriculum, modern facilities and equipment,
efficient student services, responsive organization and administration, and educators
must possess effective teaching techniques and strategies to ensure and maximize
student learning. Additionally, Reyes (2013) emphasized that the aim of education is to
create teaching and learning environment that would bring about desired changes in
learners such as making them more knowledgeable, skillful, or acquired positive
attitudes and values. Instruction is one of the key issues of academic institutions in
terms of how to get it given to students in a good manner and how it can truly define
their quality and reputation. Teachers are always at the forefront of the university's most
vital and critical services. Keeping them up to date on the newest instructional
innovations and pedagogies would improve the learning environment in the classroom.
Morales (2014) emphasized the integration of technology in the curriculum and
instruction which would bring about significant student achievement leading to deep
understanding of concepts for probable positive impact on student learning and

According to Bartusevičiene (2014), the process of studies consists of different

elements, such as teaching, learning, assessment, etc., there are no doubts that
assessment process goes along with learning process and influences it. Assessment of
students’ achievements in higher education didactics is considered as a problematic part
of study process, in maritime studies this problem exists as well.

Internal Auditing

Similar to the counterparts in trade, schools and universities face increasing

demand for responsibility (Chamberlain et al., 1993). Students, for instance, demand a
powerful institutional commitment to quality teaching; politicians and oversight
agencies wish assurances that academic establishments are contributive to some

definition of public sensible economic development, moreover as compliant with laws
associated procedural regulations; donors and grant suppliers enkindle proof that their
contributions and investments are well spent in terms of their own agendas and
priorities; and alumni wish an assurance that the name of their school is being advanced
so the worth of their degree continues to grow (Kearns, 1998). the interior auditing
operate as a part of the company governance structure, plays an more and more
necessary role in observation the interior system of the corporate and its monetary
reportage systems (Khas, 1999). The demand permanently company governance
currently equally applies to establishments of upper education moreover because the
company sector. consequently, university management should offer equal attention to
the processes and governance mechanisms of their establishments (Balderston, 1974).
Internal auditing was known together of the key participants to market sensible
governance within the company sector (Ali Abdul Kadir, 2000); therefore, the
management of establishments of upper education ought to notice the importance of the
interior audit operate in their establishments.

On Board Training Program

In the production of Filipino seafarers, maritime institutions play a vital role in

facing the task of upgrading their training programs responsive to the rapid
technological changes in this era of automation with complex sophisticated equipment
on board ship in order to maintain the competitiveness of the Filipino seamen in the
world market. The Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping (STCW ‘78)
Convention of International Maritime Organization as amended in 2010, requires each
maritime institution to establish quality standards for education, training and
assessment program to be applied both in managerial and operational levels of activity
taking into account how it is managed, organized, undertaken and evaluated in order
that the identified goals and objectives are achieved.

DNV — Maritime

It was a classification, verification, risk-management, training and technical

advisory to the maritime industry on safety, enhanced performance, fuel efficiency, etc.
As a classification society, DNV sets standards for ships and offshore structures, known
as Class Rules. They comprise safety, reliability and environmental requirements that
vessels and other offshore mobile structures in international waters must comply with.

DNV is authorized by 130 maritime administrations to perform certification or
verification on their behalf. DNV GL is an accredited certification body. They certify
the compliance of companies according to a third-party standard, such as ISO 9001
(quality management system) or ISO 14001 (environmental management system). In
the maritime business area, it classifies, verifies, risk-manages, trains and advises the
maritime industry on safety, enhanced performance, fuel efficiency, etc. As a
classification society, DNV GL sets standards for ships and offshore structures – known
as Class Rules. They comprise safety, reliability and environmental requirements that
vessels and other offshore mobile structures in international waters must comply with.
DNV GL is authorized by 130 maritime administrations to perform certification or
verification on their behalf.


Among the key contributors to the aforementioned are knowledge and

education. Poverty reduction, long-term development, and economic prosperity are all
part of the curriculum that is increasingly seen as a cornerstone of educational reforms
aimed at enhancing student accomplishment a high-quality learning experience By
addressing problems such as what, why, when, and how students should learn, the
curriculum represents a purposeful and methodical selection of knowledge, skills, and
values that defines the way teaching, learning, and evaluation processes are organized.
A good curriculum's main goal is to make it possible for everyone to participate in a
fair and inclusive manner. Students to acquire and develop the information, skills, and
values, as well as the accompanying to be able to live a life that is meaningful and
fruitful How well students learn and how well they communicate with one another are
important measures of curricular success. Students can effectively apply what they've
learned to their personal, social, physical, cognitive, and moral development. The
International Bureau of Education (IBE) is tasked with assisting in the development of
countries around the world. It has a long and successful history of producing high-
quality curricula in UNESCO's member states. Doing so has a long-standing tradition
With the help of the IBE, countries are able to improve their curricula. It is a wide goal
of assisting young people in acquiring and enhancing their knowledge, skills, and
values. It will assist them in achieving their goals.

Advantage On Simulator for Marine Engineering Students

The reason to appreciate the use of a simulator for laboratory classes is its
potential - hard to deny because of the didactic goal. It means the simulation of the
real, correct running of the machinery and ER systems in the changeable conditions of
the ship operation. The second, unique advantage of the simulator is the possibility of

malfunction introduction to their regular running, as long as to bring about a serious
damage. There is a possibility to introduce various malfunction or interferences in the
operation of the ER on the owned simulator. That exclusive feature of the simulator
allows the trainee student get to know different kinds of damage and breakdowns in
the ER. By means of learning about the reasons of the malfunction which led to the
particular faulty situation in the ER, the trainee gains the important knowledge how to
act on a real object in order to minimize the risk of disorder at work. In order to get
the positive mark, students are required to pass the consecutive blocks in a few steps.
Having completed the task, student’s simulation is recorded and malfunction or
alarms found during the training are discussed by the instructor. To get the final
positive score, students must obtain positive results of all particular steps and carry
out the simulation from the syllabus correctly, in due time, giving the explanation of
the performance. The use of the simulator as a tool for training staff connected is a
key issue, due to practical application of acquired skills. Practice on the most
corresponding to reality object with the possibility of supplying scenarios based on
used at work procedures, tools and probable emergency situations allows the trainees
to perform technological operations safely and learn from their mistakes without any
influence on reality. Software simulators make the training process for ER crews
easier and faster as a result of learning by one’s mistakes, without the cost of
damaging or destruction of a real device. That plays an important role in the process
of acquiring proper maintenance skills for a future ER operator.

Researchers aim to determine ways to train humans to be reliable assets for an

organization. On the other hand, researchers hope to evaluate a given technology to see
how operators can and will perform. In the case of simulators, a training method may
be developed to help operators to adopt technologies, particularly regarding safety
issues. We mainly focus on recent simulator based studies in the maritime sectors,
although there are plenty of studies concerned with simulator use in other sectors.
Maritime simulators, in this manner, are a means for the instructors in the training
center to put students in realistic situations. The aim of using a simulator is to train
operators to use the standard display whenever possible. In this vein, maritime
academia accepts the phenomenon that, through evaluation of human performance in
simulators, it is possible to improve operators’ skills. Industry could also benefit from
such a research paradigm to increase business values, including reducing the cost for
board training and increasing the quality of recruiting.


The standards and quality education that have been placed on schools for
Bachelor of Science and Marine Engineering have resulted in higher results. Graduates

will be able to apply the skills and knowledge they obtained in school to their future
relevant jobs. Soft skills, quality graduates, skilled instructors with sufficient training
facilities, as well as socioeconomic and external circumstances, all influenced the
employability of marine graduates, according to Kabir (2014).

Scientific data on the importance of educational assessment in a maritime

institution is essential. Bacay, et. al. (n/a), conducted a descriptive correlation about the
relationship of Marine Engineering students in Electro Technology course and their
attitudes towards the subject itself, the instructor’s methods of teaching and the learning
environment. The results showed that one-third of the participants has averaged rating
performance in Electro Technology 1 while good performance in Electro Technology
2; students have high positive attitude towards the subject itself more than the
instructors’ methods of teaching and the learning environment. Positive correlation has
been also concluded between the final grades in Electro Technology and the attitude
towards the subject and the teachers’ method of teaching.

On the other hand, Maringa’s (2015) study that deficient maritime instruction
methods are employed in the MET institutions of the two countries and that seafarers
are not able to effectively apply knowledge acquired from their education and training
in their lines of work. The findings of the study also revealed that several challenges
impede the attainment of quality MET in Africa. Hence, suggesting that it has
implications for the development of the maritime potentials of Africa as a whole.

Meanwhile, Galicia’s (2021), study found out that marine transportation

students excel academically in a highly acceptable manner. They consistently
outperform in authentic assessments on professional courses. There is a significant
relationship between the authentic assessment results and the academic performance on
professional courses, a manifestation that the level of difficulty of the authentic
assessment is the same as academic performance on professional courses. Also,
scientific evidence is essential to provide evidence on the importance and significance
of educational assessment in a maritime institution (Bacay, et. al., n/a; Maringa, 2015;
Galicia, 2021



. This chapter discusses the entire process and the essential procedures used by
the researchers in conducting the study. This includes the research design used,
population frame and sampling scheme, description of the respondents, the instrument
to be used, data gathering procedure, and statistical treatment of data. This institutional
research uses mixed type of research as well as triangulation method. The quantitative
method used to gather information from the respondents including course graduates,
including Course Graduates, Completed Academic Requirements (CAR), Alumni who
are Currently/Undergoing OBT, and the Pioneer students of STI-NAMEI and course
specialist. The qualitative method focused on gathering information using questionnaire
to STI-NAMEI’s maritime dean, STI-NAMEI’s Mar-E department head, also to the
course specialist from other school. Lastly, the researchers used the triangulation
method to increase the credibility and validity of research findings

Research Design

This institutional research employed the descriptive method as it aimed to

describe a situational area of marine engineers from STI-NAMEI. It also made use of
the common descriptive research tool, a questionnaire, in gathering data. According to
Kalla (2018), this design is a tool use to determine the two variables by studying the
increase or decrease in one variable that corresponds to specific changes in another
variable. This research also used the qualitative method where the researchers gathered
the data from the Maritime Dean and Marine Engineering Head Department through
the structured interview. The researchers constructed an open-ended question in order
to know the perceptions of interviewee to the standards of Marine Engineering course
in STI-NAMEI. This Research aims to know if STI-NAMEI meets the standard of
CHED and Marina for Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering.

Participants of the Study

The study opted to utilize a purposive sampling. According to Wilkinson

(2015), this sampling procedure is used to include some of the members of the
population that has met the criteria and it is mostly used when the numbers of
respondents investigated are relatively small. With this, purposive sampling is used to

the released standard of CHED for marine engineering cadets, a released qualification
from STI-NAMEI signed by the dean or from the Mar-E department head and eighty-
seven (87) respondents who study or studied from STI-NAMEI including two (2)
course specialist who are currently teaching in STI-NAMEI. Only those who are
enrolled, authorized or graduate and currently working/teaching from schools were

The researchers choose the maritime dean and marine engineering department
head as the two (2) participants for qualitative, because they meet the criteria to be
labelled as a course expert and the can provide a quality/acceptable response to our
prepared guide questions. Also, they meet the required years of experience and have a
higher degree besides their bachelor’s degree.

Also, for the quantitative, the researchers choose the eighty-seven (87)
respondents including graduates, Completed Academic Requirements (CAR), alumni
who are currently undergoing OBT, and the Pioneer students of STI-NAMEI for
quantitative, because they have the qualifications of the released standard of CHED for
marine engineering. They completed the academic requirements and on-board training,
as well as earning a bachelor’s degree.

Sampling Scheme

The researchers used the convenience sampling method. Convenience Sampling

is a method in which there is easy access to the people, and it is used if there are no data
regarding the population of a certain workplace. (Glen, 2015) Using this method of
sampling, the researchers were able to identify 87 respondents and two (2) course
specialists as interview participants. The respondents and participants were chosen by
the researchers because they met the CHED and STI-NAMEI criteria or standards. The
researcher explained the purpose of the study, their rights and that participation was
voluntary. The respondents then signed a written consent form. According to Polit and
Beck (2006: 262) as well as Burns and Grove (2001:375), convenience sampling uses
readily available respondents in a study. This sampling method should be used with
caution as the respondents may be atypical and introduce bias into the study. To prevent
bias, only respondents who met the inclusion criteria were selected.


An interview was prepared to determine whether STI-NAMEI meets the CHED

requirements for the marine engineering course. The purpose of the guiding questions
is to obtain basic information about the participants. The guide questions are divided
into two sections:

The first section of the guide questions is focused in gathering the basic
information about the participants. This includes age, course in college, highest degree
attained, graduate school, years onboard, years in teaching and subject taught in college.

The second part is an open-ended question about the released standard of CHED
for the maritime schools in the Philippines and participants opinion and

To validate the guide questions, the researcher presented the guide questions to
the adviser for critiquing and recommendations. The guide question was asked to the
participants are questions to the selected person that labelled as course specialist which
comprise of their age, course and years of experience onboard and in teaching. To
incorporate for the improvement of the interview, the result and suggestion were noted.

A survey questionnaire was formulated to define if STI-NAMEI meets the given

standard of CHED for the marine engineering course. The questionnaire is focused on
gathering the basic information about the respondents. The questionnaire is divided into
two sections:

The first section of the questionnaire is focused in gathering the basic

information about the respondents. This includes name, classification if they are a
student/alumnus of STI-NAMEI or faculty member/course specialist, years of teaching
experience if an instructor, year of graduated, year of academic requirement completion
if Completed Academic Requirements (CAR) students, and students currently
undergoing OBT, and lastly, expected year of graduation if students are undergoing

The second part is a checklist of the released standard of CHED or CMO-67 for
the maritime schools in the Philippines.

To validate the test, the researchers presented the questionnaire to the adviser
and statistician for critiquing and recommendations. The questionnaires were given to
the respondents are questions to know the if the following key areas are existing or
implemented to STI-NAMEI. To incorporate for the improvement of the test, the result
and suggestion were noted.

Data Gathering Procedure

In the data gathering procedure for qualitative, the researchers first asked the
research adviser to allow us to conduct the online interview to the selected Marine
Engineering Course Experts in STI-NAMEI. If the research adviser approved the
request, the researchers will administer the interview to the participants. The
researchers will consult the schedule of the interview to the participants and conduct
the interview and check the interview answers afterwards.

The researchers made them aware that there were no right or incorrect answers
to these questions. That it was merely a research exercise, and that their responses
would be kept totally confidential. In order to guarantee that they responded to the guide
questions freely, honestly, and truly.

In the data gathering procedure for quantitative, the researchers first asked the
research adviser and statistician to allow us to conduct the online survey and distribute
survey questionnaire to the selected Marine Engineering Course specialists in STI-
NAMEI and Marine Engineering course graduates, Completed Academic
Requirements (CAR), currently undergoing OBT, and last is the pioneer students of
STI-NAMEI. If the research adviser approved the request, the researchers will
administer the test to the respondents. The researchers will be the one to distribute,
assist, collect, and check the survey afterwards. The questionnaire will be accomplished
separately by the respondent.

In order to ensure getting honest responses, the respondents are made aware that
there are no right or wrong answers to the questions. Data gathered will only be used
for research purposes and their responses would be kept strictly confidential.

Statistical Treatment

Gathered data were treated statistically using statistical tools given below:

1. Frequency Distribution

The researchers use the frequency table to show the number of data values in
several non-overlapping classes. A frequency table will be used to the respondent’s
profile, such as student/alumni (Completed Academic Requirements, Currently
Undergoing OBT, Graduate, Pre-CAR) and faculty member/course specialist (faculty
member of BS Mar-E) to plot the exact number of responses.

2. Percentage

A percentage is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. It is often

denoted using the percent sign “%,” To determine the percentage, the formula is to
divide the value by the total value and then multiply it to 100. The researchers use it in
determining the percentage of the data concerning the profile of the respondents, such
as Student/Alumni (Completed Academic Requirements, Currently Undergoing OBT,
Graduate, Pre-CAR) and Faculty Member/Course Specialist (Faculty Member of BS

This formula is used to calculate the Percentage:

%= 100

% = Percent

f = Frequency/Value

N = Number of cases/Total Value

3. Weighted Mean

According to Keni and Vaidya (2021), weighted mean is a statistical method

that calculates the average by multiplying the weights with their respective mean and
taking its sum. Also, it is an average in which weights are assigned allocated to
individual values to determine each observation's relative importance. A weighted

mean will be used to get the exact average in the likert scale type of questionnaire in
this study.

This formula is used to calculate the Weighted Mean Formula:


X = Weighted Average

f = Frequency

X = Raw score

N = Number of respondents





Course Experts An institution that offers a Bachelor of Science in Marine

Engineering has an excellent educational quality when…
Dr. Sep Cabangon “Ahh okay, first of all, there are a lot of ahh answer to your
question, number one of course is the maritime faculty. If you
do not have a maritime faculty with experience, you cannot
have a good institution…”

“Number two is ahh, the equipment and laboratories of the

institution, if the institution has no ahh complete laboratories
or outdated laboratories, laboratory, or simulator, you do not
have a good institution…”

“And lastly, the most important of all is the ahh management

concern regarding the maritime. If the management, you
follow or agree with your maritime requirement. Then you will
have a good institution for maritime, so that is number

“Number one a management support, number two the quality

of equipment, and number three experienced faculty of

Dr.Alexander Rafal “An institution can have an excellent medium of instruction sa

kanilang mga institution is first, as what I’m saying before you
got to follow the 3 E’S…”

“First you must Educate, then yung Engineer or your courses
or subjects and then the most important is the 3rd E’S. The
third E that is the Enforcement of all this…”

“There must be good and qualified instructors there must be

functioning equipment, relevant to what we are teaching or
what do you want what is program of this course and there
should be hands on simulation…”

“That is why you want to pursue limited face to face here. So

that at least before you graduate you can hand on different
simulators which is for our course not like the other course
there must be hands on or skill formation because our job will
be onboard, it’s not just a job that should be a skill

“Without the proper implementation we cannot do this kung

hindi natin hahayaan kung wala tayong standard. Yung, we can
say pwede na yan? Di po pwede, dapat pwedeng pwede. That’s

Dr. Sep Cabangon summarizes his answer with three important points. (1) a
management support which means that the institution together with the higher
management are involved in complying with all of the requirements. (2) the quality of
equipment, this refers to the completeness and up-to-date laboratories or simulators.
and (3) experienced maritime faculty members, which have undergone thorough
screening and background checks before they are allowed to teach.

Dr. Alexander Rafal summarizes his answers with a more practical conclusion.
He emphasized the three E’s which are (1) Educate to have good and qualified
instructors, (2) Engineer means the program of the course or the arrangement or how
the courses were programmed and are strategically planned. (3) Enforcement which

means that the equipment and the instructors must work together hand-in-hand or in
one word we can say the implementation or the actual doing of things.

To summarize, in order to say that an institution has an excellent educational

quality in BS Marine Engineering course you there are three basic factors to fulfill,
these are: Qualified instructors, Good Equipment and Good Implementation of the
program. According to (UNESCO. 1998), quality in higher education is
multidimensional concept, which should embrace all its functions, activities, teaching
and academic programs, research and scholarship, staffing, students, building, facilities,
equipment, services to the community and the academic environment.

Course Experts The difference of STI NAMEI from other Maritime

Dr. Sep Cabangon “I will consider first the STI-Namei, number one, ahh I
think as of ahh 2019 or 2020 we have the latest
Kongsberg simulator, which other institution, they have,
as I said yung sa atin dito this is a brand new and at the
same time ahh latest version of the engine and deck
simulator, that is the one factor…”

“Number two, you are 3rd year now, isn't it? You
encounter during your 1st year you are only 20 in a
classroom. That is one of the advantages of the STI, so
we make sure that the student will learn a lot, so, we
decided that in one classroom maximum of 20. As per
the CHED the maximum requirement in one classroom
is about 40 to 45, as ahh you can see if there is a lot of
student in one classroom, you know it already what will
happen, so in 2019 we decided that only a maximum of
20, so that the faculty and the student can concentrate on
their studying, and as you can see, if you are less in the
classroom, you will ahh understand what is the faculty

saying and ahh of course you will get all the time on your
ahh recitation or assignment…”

“Another one, as you can see our building, this is a brand

new building open only on 2019 by February, so you see
the ahh amenities here, that is the most important, and of
course all the maritime faculty is ahh selected as per their
experience for ahh sea time the same time rank, kaya
kung mapapansin ninyo most of your faculty, is almost
seagoing and ahh yung iba sumasakay ng barko yung
naging faculty niyo ng 1st year I think already involved
today and some faculty naman nag-join nung ahh last
year bumalik ngayon and then sasakay na naman barko,
that is ahh better kase kahit papano, our faculty are
upgrading, their experience kase nagjo-join sila ng barko
and they can relay it to the student, that's it!...”
Dr. Alexander Rafal “Very much different we have the state-of-the-art
simulators; we have all the equipment but these needed
for our course. All we have to do is mag enroll tayo
scheme formation, I don’t think yung mga instructor
natin is not far with them. Maybe we are not far with
them because we are better than them…”

“I have a full trust na there are no instructor her not

qualified to teach except those who are a very lazy to
teach. And after one semester we found out that they are
very lazy. We are not renewing their contract and you
can see yung mga department head dyan at tsaka ano we
are monitoring maski nagtuturo sila sa klase pumapasok
ang maski online yan. To make it sure that they are
delivering the course…”

“I can say with the finality that the all the instructor share
are not accepting any from the students just to pass
because when you pass you deserve to pass...”

Dr. Sep Cabangon summarizes his answer by giving the advantages of STI-
NAMEI compared to other maritime school in terms of (1) qualified and experienced
instructors, (2) Brand-new facilities and laboratories (3) Lastly, he assured that STI-
NAMEI complied to the CHED-Marina requirements.

Dr. Alexander Rafal summarizes his answer by emphasizing the “state-of-the-

art” simulators of STI-NAMEI and instructors that are qualified to teach with the aim
to maximize the student’s potential.

To summarize, according to them, STI-NAMEI differs from other maritime

school in terms of (1) qualification of instructors, (2) facilities and laboratories that are
“new”, (3) compliance with the CHED-MARINA requirements.

Course Experts Capability of STI-NAMEI to provide the required

subjects by CMO No.67 series of 2017 section 13 for
BS Marine Engineering.
Dr. Sep Cabangon “Of course, yes! Ibig sabihin kaya nating gampanan yung
nakalagay na nasa CHED memorandum…”

Dr. Alexander Rafal “Absolutely, all you have to do is to enroll…”

“We have the boiler being assisted by the simulators if

they don’t want no simulators, we have the boiler for
PPD we have diesel engine, may simulator-based din
tayo scenario…”

“PPS, ICHEM meron tayo dyan, Machine Shop. Our
Machine Shop we have new about 6 new Lathe

“We have an auxiliary machinery; we have new a newly

order the cooler and whatever so hindi na nga magkasya
sa auxiliary machinery yung mga nakadisplay dun. So,
absolutely we can offer…”

Dr. Sep Cabangon answered in a very simple but reassuring way. He simply
said that STI-NAMEI can “Of course” offer BS Marine Engineering given the facilities
and laboratories together with the qualified instructors STI-NAMEI has.

Dr. Alexander Rafal emphasized the capability of the school to provide the
subjects by enumerating the laboratories and facilities that STI-NAMEI can offer which
are required by CHED-Marina.

To summarize, STI-NAMEI has the capability to offer all the subjects required
by CHED-MARINA for the course of Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering.

Course Experts The qualifications of the General Education Faculty

members of STI-NAMEI as required by CMO No.67
series of 2017 Section 24…
Dr. Sep Cabangon “As per CHED MARINA Memorandum general,
education faculty must have masteral degree. Kaya lahat
ng faculty na nagtuturo sa inyo ng ahh,.for example
understanding the world, research and whatsoever, of
course professional yon, and at the same time not only
professional they must have, they are undertaking their
masteral degree, hindi pe-pwede yung ahh for example,
uhm teacher ka lang, wala kang masteral, hindi pwede sa

maritime yon, so that's why Im always ahh checking that
one, to be a faculty of STI…”

“I am the one ahh screening, interviewing and at the

same time getting the faculty in the maritime institution,
kaya yung mga faculty ng GEN.ED ang mga nagha-hire
niyan o nag-iinterview niyan ay mga STI ahh mga head,
but of course tinitingnan ko rin kung qualified nga sila,
so the answer to your question is yes, they are a
professional, certainly not only professional, but they
must also have a undergoing the masteral degree…”

Dr. Alexander Rafal “Yeah! Doctor Sep and I are always looking at there to
one part and we are pushing them ahh! They should be
LET passer for teachers and for other. They should be
licensed teacher or licensed engineer with master’s
degree, that is the requirement…”

Dr. Sep Cabangon emphasized that all the faculty of General Education of STI-
NAMEI are not only professionals, but they also have master’s degree or at least
undergoing graduate school.

Dr. Alexander Rafal summarizes the qualifications of the STI-NAMEI faculty,

and he assured that him and Course Expert A are working collaboratively on checking
if the other faculty members are indeed qualified.

To summarize, both of them assured that STI-NAMEI General Education faculty are
qualified in terms of the CHED-MARINA requirement.

Course Experts The qualifications of the Maritime Education Faculty

members of STI-NAMEI as required by CMO No.67
series of 2017 Section 24…

Dr. Sep Cabangon “All the maritime faculty is ahh selected as per their
experience for ahh sea time the same time rank, kaya
kung mapapansin ninyo most of your faculty, is almost
seagoing and ahh yung iba sumasakay ng barko yung
naging faculty niyo ng 1st year I think already involved
today and some faculty naman nag-join nung ahh last
year bumalik ngayon and then sasakay na naman barko,
that is ahh better kase kahit papano, our faculty are
upgrading, their experience kase nagjo-join sila ng barko
and they can relay it to the student, that's it!...”
Dr. Alexander Rafal “For the maritime instructors they should have atleast
IMO 6.09, IMO 312 and preferable with 6.10. If we don’t
have 6.10, you cannot teach in the simulator that is one
of the requirements and preferable you have masterals

“So, competence rise a qualification rise we are strict on

that specially now I’m requesting for an instructor
because nandito sumasakay and we do not discourage the
instructors specially the ones not to go back to sea
because that is one of refresher to go back to sea to being
ano! Atleast they finished one contract. So, that is the
hard part of that one because every semester you can see
new faces because they are refreshing themselves
onboard upgrading their license…”

Dr. Sep Cabangon answered that the maritime faculty of STI-NAMEI has
sufficient experience as seagoing personnel. He also mentioned that some of the faculty
members are upgrading their license by joining onboard a ship once again which would
result to their improved knowledge and better teachings once they’ve come back as an

Dr. Alexander Rafal enumerated the requirements for a maritime faculty. He
firmly said that the STI-NAMEI is strict on checking the qualifications of their faculty
and they encourage each member to upgrade their license or at least join onboard again
to refresh their knowledge and understanding when it comes to being a marine engineer.

To summarize, STI-NAMEI has qualified faculty members that are eager to

improve their proficiency in marine engineering.

Course Experts The capability of STI NAMEI to provide the

adequate facilities and laboratories as required by
CMO No.67 series of 2017 section 29 and CMO No.67
Series of 2017 Section 32.2…
Dr. Sep Cabangon “I'm not quite familiar with the engine kase ano, because
I'm ahh on MT, but dun kase sa simulator sa engine,
meron dun pwede namang gawin din, for example yung
ahh, may nabanggit sakin si Course Expert B eh, I'm not
familiar, so merong some portion of the equipment dito
na pwedeng gawin dun sa simulator…”

“Bumili kami ng ahh seven brand new lathe machine, at

tsaka marami pa kaming pinagbibili na gamit dun. So
slowly pinapalitan natin yung luma…”
Dr. Alexander Rafal “We have the boiler being assisted by the simulators if
they want no simulators, we have the boiler for PPD we
have diesel engine, may simulator-based din tayo
scenario. For PAS GT I don’t think other instituition
have these PAS GT a program in their simulator we have
that besides the simulator…”

“PPS, ICHEM meron tayo dyan, Machine Shop. Our

Machine Shop we have new about 6 new Lathe Machine,
I don’t know if we have seen that. The old one is finished
is just other side, but we have new simulators and

oxyacetylene, we have new a hose with install but the arc
welding we are changing the rod holder but, for the
auxiliary you can see it for yourself. We have an
auxiliary machinery; we have new a newly order the
cooler and whatever so hindi na nga magkasya sa
auxiliary machinery yung mga nakadisplay dun…”

“We have a latest version of Kongsberg, that is 2021

model. A latest in the Philippines if not in the whole
Philippines at nasa atin latest na simulator course. Lalo
yung dati nating engine room simulator pinalitan na yun
naging touch screen na yung mga nasa harapan yung
mga walk through, touch screen na yun …”

Dr. Sep Cabangon clarified that he is not familiar when it comes to Marine
Engineering laboratories because he handles Marine Transportation, but he also said
that STI-NAMEI has new machineries (lathe machines) to be used by marine
engineering students, and that some equipment can also be practiced through the use of

Dr. Alexander Rafal enumerated all the laboratories and facilities that STI-
NAMEI can offer, he also mentioned that some of the old equipment are being replaced
by new ones. Lastly, he mentioned that the simulator of STI-NAMEI has the “latest
version of Kongsberg” which means it has updated features.

To summarize, STI-NAMEI has the laboratories and facilities required to offer

BS Marine Engineering. Moreover, the school has the capability to update their
equipment to further maximize their student’s learning. The physical asset and facilities
environment give educational institutions their appropriate shape and atmosphere for
teaching and learning. Okorie and Uche (2004) physical assets and the facilities
environment also portray the quality of the institutions.

Course Experts The capability of STI NAMEI to provide the required
classroom specifications by CMO No.67 series of
2017 Section 31…
Dr. Sep Cabangon “Ahhh, Yong sinasabi mong per square meter na
nakalagay sa Ched Memo. Ang nakalagay don yong
square capacity ng classroom sobra-sobra yong
measurement ng classroom natin dito sa requirements ng
Ched. Kong mapapanasin ninyo noong nag 20/20 kayo
sobrang luwag ninyo kasi nga ang unang classroom ng
STI ay exceeded doon sa requirements ng Ched...”
Dr. Alexander Rafal “Actually sobra-sobra tayo, you can see that...”

“Our institution or our building is high tech na design for

ah fully air-conditioned classroom and you can see that,
that is world class already because ah may malaki tayong
TV sa loob, ah smart TV with white board marker na
pwede mong eh diretcho na rin, kung pwede nga hindi
na mag dala ng laptop yung instructor…”

“However, since fully design for the new generation na

fully ano, na fully air conditioned. We are a little bit
having adjustment, on the Ched requirements for limited
face to face because they want a ventilation and
exchange na may exhaust. Now that is what of problem
kung paano, baka mag install nalang ng humidifier
because they want ventilation para lumabas ang hangin.
Eh air conditioned, paano gagawa nyan? Yun lang ang
problema pag high tech yung inyong classroom…”

Dr. Sep Cabangon clarified the requirement given by CHED-Marina and

assured that the classrooms in STI-NAMEI have “more than” the required features.

Dr. Alexander Rafal also said that the classrooms in STI-NAMEI are over the
qualifications. He also added that the whole building is “high tech” because of its “fully-
airconditioned” classrooms with Smart TV. Lastly, to improve the ventilation inside
the classrooms, they are planning to add more humidifiers.

To summarize, classrooms in STI-NAMEI complies fully with the requirements of

CHED-Marina and they are equipped with high-tech features which could help the
students and the teachers in their learning and delivery.

Course Experts The strengths or weaknesses (need further

improvement, despite of already meeting the
standard) in the assessment of ISO 9001:2015 and the
plan to get more certifications…
Dr. Sep Cabangon “Ahhh, yes, we are ISO certified. Take note, mas mabuti
ulitin ko sa inyo ang ISO, ha. We are certified by the
DNV they are a certifying body ang ISO. We choose the
DNV. Ahhh!! because DNV is a Norwegian Company
and at the same time our Kongsberg is a Norwegian
made and at the same time ang partner ng STI na OSM
is also a Norwegian owner. Kaya at least kinuha natin
yong DNV and ahhh and if i'm not wrong DNV is the
most expensive accrediting body ahhh compared to
other. I will not mention nalang kong magkano. But of
course, even though we are DNV, so we are not yet 100
percent ahhh perfect. Kasi nga we just only started by
2020. So, between until we just accredited by the DNV
there's only 2021. For there are many things na we are
adjusting but ahh we have last August 2&3 the first audit
of the DNV after one-year ummm the highest is 5 and we
got I think 3.5 or 4…”

Dr. Alexander Rafal “Actually, marami pa eh kasi maski sabi ko nga kung
andyan lahat ang mga modern equipment na nandito,
hindi natin maeevaluate yan unless nandyan ang

studyante because the feedback will be coming from the
“Since ah quality accredited tayo ng DNV, standard yan
ng international standard ah na checheck na rin ng
quality ano yan kung ano pa ang kulang makikita naman
mag aadjust kami and also, during the ched-marina audit
which is being done annually yung mga deficiency na
yan na checheck na rin so once na na check ng ched
marina auditors yan at chaka yung quality auditors
inaadjust namin…”

“Katulad nyan yung ating automation doon eh medyo isa

sa pinakalumang galing pa sa old NAMEI mag aadjust
kami yung mga na outdated ng mga ano but pwede pa
naman eh update lang, eh updating yun eh, eh aadjust
nila so far yung ECDIS natin latest version yun yung
GMDSS latest na rin yun lang mga automation and a lot
sa engineering marami ng na upgrade doon ang dami ng
nga drill, drill press dun eh aah nag order pa ako ng

“Actually, we don’t need more certification, kasi DNV

certified kana that is enough yung quality

“I don’t think we need another certification mga ano

nalang ciguro mga membership and association, katulad
ng PAMI Philippine Association of Maritime institution
we are a member of that Philippine Association of
Maritime institution at iba pa…”

Dr. Sep Cabangon proudly emphasized that STI-NAMEI has chosen DNV
which is a certifying body of ISO. This kind of certifying company accredited STI-
NAMEI that it is competent enough and has a strength in terms of accreditation.
Dr. Alexander Rafal answered this in 2 sections. In the first section, he
explained about how STI-NAMEI prepared when the audit is coming and also how they
adjusted to challenges found during the audit. He also mentioned that STI-NAMEI does
not need another certification because they are DNV certified. Instead of another
certification, it is better for the institution to have professional memberships and

To summarize, both told that STI-NAMEI is accredited/certified by DNV and

with this, STI-NAMEI has a strength in terms of quality.

Course Experts Comparing STI-NAMEI to international maritime

schools and it is on par with other maritime
institutions in terms of…
Dr. Sep Cabangon “I think ahh sa ibang school ahh sabi ko nga sayo DNV
is the most expensive ahhh!! accrediting body. So yong
ibang school they are accredited pero hindi DNV, so you
get the point? I do not want hmm sinasabi ko lang sayo I
think DNV is double the prize of the other accrediting
Dr. Alexander Rafal “World class naman ang facilities natin ah, world class
ang instructor…”

“Ang nag tuturo naman ay is qualified marine engineers,

chief engineer mga ganun mga galing sa on board ay

“Ahh depende naman kasi eh! Depende kasi sa

institution kung anong certification ng quality ang gusto
nya. Kung gusto nya ng TUV, TUV sya eh tayo we
elected for DNV because most of the maritime school

are DNV certified katulad ng PMMA (DNV) yan ang

Dr. Sep Cabangon answered that STI-NAMEI was accredited by the most
expensive accrediting body and that is the DNV, though other schools are accredited
but not with DNV. Basically, they want to say that STI-NAMEI is internationally
competitive in terms of accreditations/certifications

Dr. Alexander Rafal proudly stated that STI-NAMEI has world class facilities
and instructors. As for the instructors, they are qualified marine engineers and chief
engineers that freshly came onboard. Additionally, he said that getting certificate
depends on the institution. As for STI-NAMEI they choose DNV because most of
schools are DNV certified.

To summarize, both are certain that STI-NAMEI is on par with other maritime
schools because STI-NAMEI has qualified instructors and is DNV certified. Which
would clearly mean that STI-NAMEI is internationally competent and has good quality
of education.

Course Experts Suggestions/Recommendations they want to say in this

Dr. Sep Cabangon “First, you have a maritime faculty already sharing their
knowledge to you at the most important…”

“Number 2, we have equipment, latest equipment

unfortunately due to COVID hindi nyo na encounter

“Number 3, even though we are doing the synchronous or

asynchronous as you can see, we are maintaining the
discipline. I’m always imploring you dapat kahit online
yan we are still wearing your uniform, or you have proper

“As of now study, study, read, read wala naman siguro
masama kong madadagdagan ang knowledge ninyo diba?
So ang masasabi ko lang sainyo I hope you will beacame
a good future officer thats all...”

Dr. Alexander Rafal “Actually, kung sa estudyante, we need more enrollment

kasi nga etong (pandemic) buti nga nag increase itong
first year ano? Dumami ng kaunti kasi nag advertise na
kami sa online…”

“Since you are the 3rd year, gusto ko maging active yung
makinista Legionnaire fellowships kasi nga eh, that is one
way of saying that we are existing…”

Dr. Sep Cabangon summarizes his answer by giving three (3) important points
that STI-NAMEI is offering. (1) Good faculty, he stated that the faculty members in the
school can share their knowledge with the students clearly. (2) Good facilities and
laboratories, the school has the latest equipment which could maximize the learnings
of every student. Lastly (3), discipline, even though the school is undergoing online
classes, he still wanted to maintain the discipline of the students by wearing the proper
uniform and having proper haircut. Moreover, he wished us good luck and reminded us
that knowledge is very important.

Dr. Alexander Rafal stated that the school needs more students. Also, if
possible, he wants the Makinista Legionnaire Society (a Marine Engineering
association) to be active as it may act as the voice to all Marine Engineering students.

In summary, their suggestions and recommendations aim to maximize the

potential each student possess. They also want the school to have disciplined and
knowledgeable students.


Frequency Percentage

Student/Alumni 85 97.70%

• Completed Academic 12 13.79%

• Currently Undergoing 8 9.20%
• Graduate 21 24.14%

• Pre CAR 44 50.57%

Faculty member/course specialist 2 2.30%

• Faculty Member (MarE) 2 2.30%

Grand Total 87 100.00%

TABLE 1: Respondent Profile

Due to time constraints, unavailability of some of the respondents, and limited returns,
the researchers come up with a total of 87 respondents. Also, since lecture subjects were only
being offered this school year, the institution has decided not to engage faculty members in the
MarE program specializing in laboratory subjects this school year. Thus, only two faculty
members were surveyed in this study. For students undergoing OBT, only 8 were surveyed
because of connectivity problems that are eminent in every ships.

It can be inferred from the table that majority of the respondents came from graduates
and students currently finishing their academic requirements (PreCAR). These groups have
filled in the numbers of this study because it is convenient for the researchers to monitor and
follow up their form accomplishments as they are previous classmates/batchmates of some of
their irregular students.

A. Assessment of Quality Standard per Area (as assessed by course specialists
and students, and graduates)


A. Curriculum 4.16 Good

B. Examination & Assessment System 4.14 Good

C. Shipboard Training 4.12 Good

D. Teaching Methods and Media of Delivery 4.10 Good

E. Instructors, Assessors, and Support Staff 4.22 Good

F. Facilities and Training Equipment 4.24 Good

G. Research and Extension 4.02 Good

H. Quality System (for course specialists only) 3.50 Good

I. Admission and Retention 3.99 Good

Overall Mean 4.12 Good

TABLE 2: Combined Assessments of course specialists, graduates, and students to the major
quality areas from the CMO 67 for the MarE program.

Majority of the areas received a good remark, this indicates that the respondents
perceived that the program is performing well in these areas. It can also be inferred that the
program is relatively stable in complying with the requirements and standards across areas
because means garnered among areas possess little/ insignificant differences. However, it might
be noticed that for quality system only 3.50 was garnered, which can explain the low number
of respondents who are qualified to assess this area. The researchers had decided to include
only course specialists to assess this area because there are many technical matters in the area
of quality system, and these might not be known to a student. Also, the researchers are also
aware of their limitations in providing reliable information about quality system because this
also involves training in various areas such as ISO, auditing, management, etc.

LEGEND: Only asked to course specialists.


1. The program uses an instructional approach that is 4.30 Adequately Observed

2. The program allows the students to be familiarized 4.31 Adequately Observed
firsthand with the responsibilities of an OIC EW.
3. The course hours for lab and lecture are effectively 4.34 Adequately Observed
determined (importance for lab hours is considered)
4. The program provides the student adequate 4.29 Adequately Observed
assistance to avail basic training from accredited
5. The program exceeded the prescribed curriculum in 4.27 Adequately Observed
terms of the subject being offered by STCW and
OVERALL MEAN 4.30 Adequately Observed

B. Assessment of Quality Standard per Area (as assessed by course specialists

and students, and graduates)

TABLE 3: Combined Assessments of course specialists, graduates, and students regarding the
program’s compliance to the curricular requirements prescribed by CMO 67 s. 2017

Majority of the parameters received a mean rating range from 4.27-4.40, this suggests
that majority of the parameters are adequately observed. If this would be interpreted, it can be
inferred from this data that in terms of curricular requirements, the program is compliant, and
the policy is implemented, and resources are being used frequently.

This finding supports the statements of the two course experts interviewed in this study.
They said that they can absolutely offer a quality Marine Engineering program to any
prospective students. In their exact words they said that:

“Of course, yes! Ibig sabihin kaya nating gampanan yung nakalagay na nasa CHED

“We have the boiler being assisted by the simulators if they don’t want no simulators,
we have the boiler for PPD we have diesel engine, may simulator-based din tayo

“PPS, ICHEM meron tayo dyan, Machine Shop. Our Machine Shop we have new about
6 new Lathe Machine...”

“We have an auxiliary machinery; we have new a newly order the cooler and whatever
so hindi na nga magkasya sa auxiliary machinery yung mga nakadisplay dun. So,
absolutely we can offer…”

Aside from that, it should be noted that all respondents have participated in this part of
the survey. No exclusions from the researchers were implemented in this part. Therefore, the
positive result in this part constitutes a major positive key finding in this study. It is with less
hesitation to infer that the program has been compliant with these basic parameters because all
of the respondents were included, and majority have observed that these are being implemented.



1. The program has an effective and implementable 4.33 Adequately

system and structure of assessment including Observed
appeals and remediation that will ensure the
achievement of outcomes to comply with STCW
2. Faculty biases are effectively managed in oral, 4.19 Adequately
written, and demonstrative assessments. Observed
3. Assessors invited have effectively applied the 4.29 Adequately
tenets of their training in assessing students. Observed
4. Records of assessments were properly managed 4.37 Adequately
in the OBT office. Observed
5. The conduct of assessments effectively complies 4.29 Adequately
with the standard operating procedures. Observed
6. Performance criteria were effectively explained 4.30 Adequately
to students during assessments. Observed
7. No provisional, conditional, or temporary final 4.20 Adequately
grade for any curricular or component course Observed
are given to a student

8. The institution is consistent with its academic 4.25 Adequately
policies, giving the student a final grade that Observed
does not earn any academic credit nor indicates
failure such as "NC" for "No Credit" or "NG"
for "No Grade". Such a grade is permanent and
cannot be subsequently changed.
Overall Mean 4.28 Adequately

TABLE 4: Combined Assessments of course specialists, graduates, and students regarding the
program’s compliance to the examination and assessment requirements prescribed by CMO
67 s. 2017

Majority of the parameters received a mean rating range from 4.19-4.33, this suggests
that majority of the parameters are adequately observed. If this would be interpreted, it can be
inferred from this data that in terms of examination and assessment requirements, the program
is compliant, and the policy is implemented, and resources are being used frequently.

However, it should be noted that there are items that are not surveyed to some
respondents. For number 3, only graduates were allowed to answer this item because the other
groups have not experienced or witness this yet. For number 4, pre-CAR students were not
allowed to answer this, because they have no experience yet to coordinate with the OBT office.
For number 5, only course specialists were allowed to answer this one because operating
procedures are not available for students and alumni. With these reasons, the researchers have
decided to exclude these statements to improve the correctness of the answers that they will
gather in this study. Nonetheless, it should not be taken that these findings possess a major
limitation, the researchers just wanted a truthful and honest answers from their respondents.

1. The program has provided the necessary orientation 4.49 Adequately Observed
to all students who have completed their academic
2. The students have a secured slot available for OBT. 4.21 Adequately Observed

3. Health and accident insurance was offered to all 4.35 Adequately Observed
students undergoing OBT.
4. Students are adequately monitored during the 4.40 Adequately Observed
course of their OBT.
5. OBT office is sufficient for its operations. 4.40 Adequately Observed

6. The resources needed by the students are given/ 4.37 Adequately Observed
communicated by the OBT office.
Overall Mean 4.37 Adequately Observed
TABLE 5: Combined Assessments of course specialists, graduates, and students regarding the
program’s compliance to the shipboard training requirements prescribed by CMO 67 s. 2017

Majority of the parameters received a mean rating range from 4.35-4.49, this suggests
that majority of the parameters are adequately observed. If this would be interpreted, it can be
inferred from this data that in terms of shipboard training requirements, the program is
compliant, and the policy is implemented, and resources are being used frequently. However,
it can be observed that number 2 has the least rating among the parameters. This finding can be
explained by the high volume of CAR students who are waiting hardly for their slots because
of the pandemic. Nonetheless, the score in this parameter still falls at par with others.

However, it should be noted that there are items that are not surveyed to some
respondents. For number 4, currently undergoing OBT, pre-CAR, CAR students were not
allowed to answer because they still lack the experience to properly assess this item.
Moreover, pre-CAR students were not allowed to answer all the statements in this section
because they are not involved yet in the OBT office.



1. All topics are in accordance with the 4.39 Adequately Observed

approved syllabus.
2. The mode of instruction is in accordance 4.30 Adequately Observed
with the methods required in the syllabus
/ I.G.
3. During practical and lab exercises, 4.41 Adequately Observed
briefing and debriefing are conducted

4. During practical and lab exercises, 4.41 Adequately Observed
proper monitoring and supervision of
student’s activities are undertaken
Overall Mean 4.38 Adequately Observed

TABLE 6: Combined Assessments of course specialists, graduates, and students regarding the
program’s compliance to the teaching methods and media delivery requirements prescribed
by CMO 67 s. 2017

Majority of the parameters received a mean rating range from 4.30-4.41, this suggests
that majority of the parameters are adequately observed. If this would be interpreted, it can be
inferred from this data that in terms of teaching methods and media delivery, the program is
compliant, and the policy is implemented, and resources are being used frequently. If the ratings
of the parameters are ranked, it can be seen that number 2 has the least rating among the rest.
However, this is not significant enough because all mean ratings fall under the same descriptor.
According to (Valledor, 2019) the retention policy is such policy which is intended for the
discipline, hard work and determination training for students with the help of the much
availability of professors and facilities that will reflect the improved high standards and
betterment of a university.

Aside from that, it should be noted that all respondents have participated in this part of
the survey. No exclusions from the researchers were implemented in this part. Therefore, the
positive result in this part constitutes a major positive key finding in this study. It is with less
hesitation to infer that the program has been compliant with these basic parameters because all
of the respondents were included, and majority have observed that these are being implemented.



1. The instructors are qualified and have 4.44 Adequately Observed

demonstrated expertise in their assigned subjects.
2. The management (e.g., dean, program 4.36 Adequately Observed
head, etc.) are qualified and have
demonstrated expertise in their roles.
Overall Mean 4.40 Adequately Observed

TABLE 7: Combined Assessments of course specialists, graduates, and students regarding the
program’s compliance to the instructors, assessors and support staff requirements prescribed
by CMO 67 s. 2017

Majority of the parameters received a mean rating range from 4.36 - 4.44, this suggests
that majority of the parameters are adequately observed. If this would be interpreted, it can be
inferred from this data that in terms of instructors, assessors, and support staff qualifications,
the program is compliant, and the policy is implemented.

This finding supports the qualitative results of this study, it was mentioned that almost
all of the instructors have a master’s degree even for general education subjects. In their exact
words, the course experts said that:

“As per CHED MARINA Memorandum general, education faculty must have masteral
degree. Kaya lahat ng faculty na nagtuturo sa inyo ng ahh,.for example understanding
the world, research and whatsoever, of course professional yon, and at the same time
not only professional they must have, they are undertaking their masteral degree, hindi
pe-pwede yung ahh for example, uhm teacher ka lang, wala kang masteral, hindi pwede
sa maritime yon, so that's why I’m always ahh checking that one, to be a faculty of
For technical instructors, the course experts also said that NAMEI employs veteran and
highly trained seafarers under the MT and MarE dept. In their exact words they said that:

“All the maritime faculty is ahh selected as per their experience for ahh sea time the
same time rank, kaya kung mapapansin ninyo most of your faculty, is almost seagoing
and ahh yung iba sumasakay ng barko yung naging faculty niyo ng 1st year I think
already involved today and some faculty naman nag-join nung ahh last year bumalik
ngayon and then sasakay na naman barko, that is ahh better kase kahit papano, our
faculty are upgrading, their experience kase nagjo-join sila ng barko and they can relay
it to the student, that's it!...”

“For the maritime instructors they should have atleast IMO 6.09, IMO 312 and
preferable with 6.10. If we don’t have 6.10, you cannot teach in the simulator that is
one of the requirements and preferable you have masterals degree…”

Aside from that, it should be noted that all respondents have participated in this part of
the survey. No exclusions from the researchers were implemented in this part. Therefore, the

positive result in this part constitutes a major positive key finding in this study. It is with less
hesitation to infer that the program has been compliant with these basic parameters because all
of the respondents were included, and majority have observed that these are being implemented.



1. The institution has a fire escape, fire alarm 4.57 Strictly Observed
systems, and a security force.
2. The classrooms are well lighted and well 4.51 Strictly Observed
3. The classrooms contain the necessary 4.55 Strictly Observed
equipment and furniture such as chairs,
podiums, and whiteboards.
4. The laboratory has adequate space for 4.56 Strictly Observed
machineries and students.
Overall Mean 4.55 Strictly Observed

TABLE 8: Combined Assessments of course specialists, graduates, and students regarding the
program’s compliance to facilities and training equipment requirements prescribed by CMO
67 s. 2017

Majority of the parameters received a mean rating range from 4.51 - 4.57, this suggests
that majority of the parameters are strictly observed. If this would be interpreted, it can be
inferred from this data that in terms of facilities and equipment, the program is fully compliant,
and the policy is implemented across all levels. If this section is compared to other areas, this
area has the highest rating because the institution has been very new in the field of maritime.
Almost all of the facilities and equipment are still in pristine condition and are regularly
maintained. These were also told by the course experts during the interview. In their exact
words, they have said that:

“We have a latest version of Kongsberg, that is 2021 model. A latest in the Philippines
if not in the whole Philippines at nasa atin latest na simulator course. Lalo yung dati
nating engine room simulator pinalitan na yun naging touch screen na yung mga nasa
harapan yung mga walk through, touch screen na yun …”

“PPS, ICHEM meron tayo dyan, Machine Shop. Our Machine Shop we have new about
6 new Lathe Machine, I don’t know if we have seen that. The old one is finished is just

other side, but we have new simulators and oxyacetylene, we have new a hose with
install but the arc welding we are changing the rod holder but, for the auxiliary you can
see it for yourself. We have an auxiliary machinery; we have new a newly order the
cooler and whatever so hindi na nga magkasya sa auxiliary machinery yung mga
nakadisplay dun…”

“Our institution or our building is high tech na design for ah fully air-conditioned
classroom and you can see that, that is world class already because ah may malaki
tayong TV sa loob, ah smart TV with white board marker na pwede mong eh diretcho
na rin, kung pwede nga hindi na mag dala ng laptop yung instructor…”

Aside from that, it should be noted that all respondents have participated in this part of
the survey. No exclusions from the researchers were implemented in this part. Therefore, the
positive result in this part constitutes a major positive key finding in this study. It is with less
hesitation to infer that the program has been compliant with these basic parameters because all
of the respondents were included, and majority have observed that these are being implemented.



1. Students are given ample opportunities to 4.34 Adequately Observed

conduct and apply research in their subjects.

2. Students are given opportunities to 4.26 Adequately Observed

participate in the CSR programs of the

Overall Mean 4.30 Adequately Observed

TABLE 9: Combined Assessments of course specialists, graduates, and students regarding the
program’s compliance to research and extension requirements prescribed by CMO 67 s. 2017

Majority of the parameters received a mean rating range from 4.26-4.34, this suggests
that majority of the parameters are adequately observed. If this would be interpreted, it can be
inferred from this data that in terms of research and extension requirements, the program is
compliant, and the policy is implemented, and resources are being used frequently.

Aside from that, it should be noted that all respondents have participated in this part of
the survey. No exclusions from the researchers were implemented in this part. Therefore, the
positive result in this part constitutes a major positive key finding in this study. We can infer
that the program has been compliant with these basic parameters because all of the respondents
were included, and majority have observed that these are being implemented.


1. The mission, vision, and objectives of NAMEI 4.36 Adequately Observed

are known to all.
TABLE 10: Combined Assessments of course specialists, graduates, and students regarding
the program’s compliance to quality system requirements prescribed by CMO 67 s. 2017

This parameter received a mean rating of 4.36, this suggests that the parameter is
adequately observed. If this would be interpreted, it can be inferred from this data that in terms
of quality system requirements, the program is compliant, and the policy is implemented, and
resources are being used frequently. Even during the pandemic, the mission, vision, and
objectives of NAMEI were being communicated across online platforms.

Though this single parameter was not mentioned by the course experts, they have
implied that NAMEI has an efficient quality system. In their exact words, they said that:

“Since ah quality accredited tayo ng DNV, standard yan ng international standard ah

na checheck na rin ng quality ano yan kung ano pa ang kulang makikita naman mag
aadjust kami and also, during the ched-marina audit which is being done annually yung
mga deficiency na yan na checheck na rin so once na na check ng ched marina auditors
yan at chaka yung quality auditors inaadjust namin…”

“Ahhh, yes, we are an ISO certified. Take note masbuti ulitin ko sa inyo ang ISO ha,
we are certified by the DNV they are a certifying body ang ISO. We choose the DNV.
Ahhh!! because DNV is a Norwegian Company and at the same time our Kongsberg is
a Norwegian made and at the same time ang partner ng STI na OSM is also a Norwegian
owner. Kaya at least kinuha natin yong DNV and ahhh and if i'm not wrong DNV is the
most expensive accrediting body ahhh compared to other. I will not mention nalang
kong magkano. But of course, even though we are DNV, so we are not yet 100 percent
ahhh perfect. Kasi nga we just only started by 2020. So, between until we just accredited

by the DNV there's only 2021. For there are many things na we are adjusting but ahh
we have last August 2&3 the first audit of the DNV after one-year ummm the highest
is 5 and we got I think 3.5 or 4…”


1. Required academic qualifications of students 4.19 Adequately Observed
were stressed before enrollment.
2. The consequence of noncompliance to the 4.49 Adequately Observed
prescribed academic are known to enrolled
3. The tests (IQ Test, Personality Test, Aptitude 4.42 Adequately Observed
test, Medical) before admission ensures that
students are fit for MarE.
4. Retention policies are known to all students. 4.42 Adequately Observed
Overall Mean 4.38 Adequately Observed
TABLE 11: Combined Assessments of course specialists, graduates, and students regarding
the program’s compliance to admission and retention requirements prescribed by CMO 67 s.

Majority of the parameters received a mean rating range from 4.19-4.49, this suggests
that majority of the parameters are adequately observed. If this would be interpreted, it can be
inferred from this data that in terms of admission and retention requirements, the program is
compliant, and the policy is implemented, and resources are being used frequently. However,
it can be seen that number 1 receives the least mean rating among the rest. Nonetheless, the
mean rating in this parameter also fall on the same descriptor.

Aside from that, it should be noted that all respondents have participated in this part of
the survey. No exclusions from the researchers were implemented in this part. Therefore, the
positive result in this part constitutes a major positive key finding in this study. It is with less
hesitation to infer that the program has been compliant with these basic parameters because all
of the respondents were included, and majority have observed that these are being implemented.



Summary of findings:

1. Course experts believe that NAMEI has excellent compliance with the major
provisions of the CMO. They also believe that NAMEI is not only at par with
other maritime institutions but also beyond them as reflected by its compliance
practices, screening practices of faculty members, and state-of-the-art facilities
that NAMEI currently own. They also said that they ensure student learning by
complying above with the basic requirements unlike with other maritime
2. The qualitative findings obtained from the course experts to other stakeholders
(e.g., faculty members, students, graduates). It can be seen from Table 2 that
there is minimal inconsistency when it comes to the statements of course experts
and the actual assessment of the stakeholders. Though the majority of the areas
received a "good remark", the qualitative statements from the course experts
suggest that the institution performs above the requirements which should
indicate an "excellent" remark.
3. In terms of curriculum, examination & assessments, shipboard training,
teaching methods and media of delivery, instructors, research & extension,
quality system, and admission/ retention requirements, the program is compliant
and has resources to implement it.
4. In terms of facilities and training equipment, the institution is fully compliant
because this is the only area where the institution has received the highest
remark, “strictly observed”. Moreover, the statements of the course experts
agreed with this finding. They have told the researchers that the institution has
the capability to run a Marine Engineering program because it has the necessary
and state-of-the-art machinery and laboratories to offer a practical learning
experience among its students. Aside from that, the institution is trying its best
to continually upgrade old equipment and classrooms.

Other Findings

1. Although all areas received an “adequately observed” remark, there are

parameters that are considered to be the least among the rest (but still fall on the

“adequately observed” interval). Although these findings are insignificant, these
can be a good aid in planning improvements in the institution. These are the
a. The program exceeded the prescribed curriculum in terms of the subject
being offered by STCW and CHED-MARINA.
b. Faculty biases are effectively managed in oral, written, and
demonstrative assessments
c. The students have a secured slot available for OBT.
d. The mode of instruction is in accordance with the methods required in
the syllabus / I.G.
e. The classrooms are well lighted and well ventilated.


The institution has been compliant with all the major provisions of the CMO 67
s. 2017. In terms of facilities and equipment, the institution has performed above the
required standards because of the state-of-the-art facilities housed in NAMEI and good
maintenance procedures that are being practiced regularly. Although inconsistencies
were observed in the overall assessment and the qualitative statements, it was
demonstrated that there are parameters where the institution performs beyond the


Although no major weaknesses were identified in this study, it is recommended

for the institution to examine and at least improve the compliance to these factors:

1. Additional subject offerings for students

2. Faculty bias
3. Slot for OBT
4. Alignment of activities/instruction to the syllabus
5. Lighting and ventilation of classrooms

Since the study has not covered how these areas can be improved, it is also
recommended for future researchers to focus their research on these factors.



December 06, 2021

Mr. Fegenius Rosas

STI-NAMEI Professor for Research

Dear Sir. Fegenius Rosas

We, the BS MARE 3A group 3 of the STI-NAMEI College Sta. Mesa is currently
conducting our research entitled "An Assessment of Education Quality Standards
for the STI-NAMEI Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering."

The Statement of the Problem is attached for your review.

We would appreciate hearing your suggestions and comments on how to enhance the
instrument. We hope that you will consider our plea and respond positively. It is
wonderful to hear such great feedback.

Thank you and God bless.

Respectfully yours,

Researchers of group 3
BS in marine engineering

Mr. Fegenius Rosas

Research Adviser

Name of Validator: Mr. Fegenius Rosas

Degree: Master in Communication

Position: Assistant Associate Professor

Number of Years in Teaching: N/A

Directions: Please check whether the research questions are acceptable, revisable,
or unacceptable by checking the appropriate box. If there are any changes that
need to be made for the development of our research instrument, please make a
note of it.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer the following questions towards the Assessment of
Education Quality Standards for the STI-NAMEI Bachelor of Science in Marine
Engineering. Specifically, this study seeks to answer the sub-questions:

SOP1: What are the requirements regarding the degree of compliance of the
policy standards and guidelines?

A. CHED Memorandum Order (CMO)

B. ISO Certification

SOP2: How does the following parties assess in their own perspectives, the quality
standards of the Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering?

A. Course Experts

B. Course Specialists

C. Course Graduates

SOP3: What is the standard degree of compliance being applied in the Bachelor
of Science in Marine Engineering of STI-NAMEI?

SOP4: What can be recommended to improve the quality standards in Bachelor

of Science in Marine Engineering program?

December 10, 2021

Mr. Dhuff Mattheus V Ortiz

Former STI Research Coordinator

Dear Sir Dhuff Mattheus Ortiz,

We, the BS MARE 3A group 3 of the STI-NAMEI College Sta. Mesa is currently conducting
our research entitled "An Assessment of Education Quality Standards for the STI-NAMEI
Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering."

The Statement of the Problem is attached for your review.

We would appreciate hearing your suggestions and comments on how to enhance the
instrument. We hope that you will consider our plea and respond positively. It is wonderful to
hear such great feedback.

Thank you and God bless.

Respectfully yours,

Researchers of group 3
BS in Marine Engineering

Mr. Dhuff MattheusV. Ortiz, RPm

Research Statistician

Name of Validator: Mr. Dhuff Mattheus V. Ortiz

Degree: ____________________________________________

Position: ____________________________________________

Number of Years in Teaching: ________________

Directions: Please check whether the research questions are acceptable, revisable, or
unacceptable by checking the appropriate box. If there are any changes that need to be
made for the development of our research instrument, please make a note of it.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer the following questions towards the Assessment of
Education Quality Standards for the STI-NAMEI Bachelor of Science in Marine
Engineering. Specifically, this study seeks to answer the sub-questions:

SOP1: What are the requirements regarding the degree of compliance of the
policy standards and guidelines?

A. CHED Memorandum Order (CMO)

B. ISO Certification

SOP2: How does the following parties assess in their own perspectives, the quality
standards of the Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering?

A. Course Experts

B. Course Specialists

C. Course Graduates

SOP3: What is the standard degree of compliance being applied in the Bachelor
of Science in Marine Engineering of STI-NAMEI?

SOP4: What can be recommended to improve the quality standards in Bachelor

of Science in Marine Engineering program?




Dear respondents,

We, the STI-NAMEI Sta. Mesa 3rd year BS Marine Engineering students, is working
on research entitled “An Assessment of Education Quality Standards for the STI-
NAMEI Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering”.

In concordance with this, we humbly urge that you participate in the study by
responding to the following guide questions, as you have been chosen as a participant.
Please answer the questions completely, honestly, and objectively. The vital
information you submit will be kept private.

Thank you very much for helping the researchers achieve their objective of making this
study a success.

Respectfully yours,

Lagazo, Von Ace Stephen

Mercado, Kyle Joseph Lawrence
Puddunan, Haya Sent May
Veloso, Mark John
Cañete, Helbert
Dinio, Karl
Tabios, Levi Kane
Murillo, Elli Adrian
Pelaez, Jerome
Bejosano, Kelvin
Dunque, Mark Darren
Gabriel, Matthew Andrei

Interview Questions

1. When can you say that an institution that offers a Bachelor of Science in Marine
Engineering has an excellent educational quality?
2. How do you differentiate STI NAMEI from other Maritime Schools?
3. According to CHED Memorandum No.67 series of 2017 Section 13, a student of
BS Marine Engineering must take 27 professional courses such as:
a) Machine Shop 1,2 &3
b) Electro 1,2&3
c) Aux Mach 1&2
d) Power Plant Diesel
e) Propulsion Ancillary Systems & Marine Gas turbine
f) Power Plant Steam
g) Auto 1&2
h) Maintenance and Repair
i) Engine Watchkeeping
j) Naval Architecture
k) Engineering Materials
l) Mechanics and Hydromechanics
m) Software applications and network system used in seagoing ships
n) Marine environment
o) Maritime Law
p) Management 1&2

Is STI-NAMEI capable of providing the BS Marine Engineering students their required

courses mentioned above?

4. The CHED Memorandum no.67 Series of 2017 Section 24 specified that the
members of the faculty teaching General Education Courses for BS Marine
Engineering that they should be a holder of professional license requiring at least a
bachelor’s degree to be qualified to teach. Is STI-NAMEI upholding to this
5. The CHED Memorandum no.67 Series of 2017 Section 24 specified that the
members of the faculty teaching Professional Courses for BS Marine Engineering
that they should be a holder of relevant academic degree, experiences, and

credentials such as: 12 months as OIC-EW on seagoing ship powered main
propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more. Is STI-NAMEI
upholding to this requirement?
6. The CHED Memorandum no.67 Series of 2017 Section 29.2 specified the
facilities and laboratory equipment needed in order for a maritime school to offer
BS Marine Engineering course such as:
a) Drawing Table
b) Lathe Machine
c) Electric Arc Welding Machine
d) Gas Welding
e) Diesel Engine
f) Steam Plant
g) Refrigeration
h) Pumps/Compressors/Separators
i) Test Instruments
j) Training Kit/Module
k) Main Switchboard
l) Process Control Simulator
m) Personal Protective Equipment
Does STI-NAMEI have the adequate facilities and laboratory equipment for BS
Marine Engineering Course?
7. The CHED Memorandum no.67 Series of 2017 Section 31 specified that a
classroom shall have a minimum of 1.2 square meters per student and must be well
lighted along with good ventilation. Does STI-NAMEI have the sufficient
requirement for a classroom?
8. The CHED Memorandum no.67 Series of 2017 Section 32.2 specified that BS
Marine Engineering Program must have:
a) Engine Simulator
b) Machinery Room that can house the marine engine, refrigeration,
electrical equipment etc.
c) Machine Shop

Does STI-NAMEI have the aforementioned facilities?

9. According to an article posted by STI, it mentioned that STI-NAMEI is ISO
9001:2015 certified. What are the strengths or weaknesses (need further
improvement, despite of already meeting the standard) in the assessment?
10. What are the current certifications that STI-NAMEI possess, and what are the plans
to get more certifications?
11. Do you think STI-NAMEI is on par with other maritime institutions in terms of
12. Comparing STI NAMEI from other international schools, what do you think are the
strengths and opportunities to improve for the program? (Challenges)
13. Are there any other observations or suggestions/recommendations (general) that
you want to say in this interview? (Recommendation)


Dear respondents,

We, the STI-NAMEI Sta. Mesa 3rd year BS Marine Engineering students, is working
on research entitled “An Assessment of Education Quality Standards for the STI-
NAMEI Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering”.

In concordance with this, we humbly urge that you participate in the study by
responding to the survey questionnaire, as you have been chosen as a participant. Please
answer the form completely, honestly, and objectively.

In accordance with RA10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012, all personal and/or
sensitive information solicited and disclose from this questionnaire shall be only used
for the study alone. Rest assured that your responses in the instrument will be kept
confidential. Thank you very much for helping the researchers achieve their objective
of making this study a success.

Respectfully yours,

Lagazo, Von Ace Stephen

Mercado, Kyle Joseph Lawrence
Puddunan, Haya Sent May
Veloso, Mark John
Cañete, Helbert
Dinio, Karl
Tabios, Levi Kane
Murillo, Elli Adrian
Pelaez, Jerome
Bejosano, Kelvin
Dunque, Mark Darren
Gabriel, Matthew Andrei

Survey Questionnaire

Name: _____________________________________

o Student
o Faculty member/course specialist

Student Classification if student

o Completed Academic Requirements
o Currently Undergoing OBT
o Graduate

Years of Teaching (in years – if teacher): ____

Year of graduation (for graduates only): _____
Year of academic requirement completion (For CAR students and students
currently undergoing OBT): ____
Expected year of gradation (for students undergoing OBT only):____

Directions: Read the statements carefully and put a checkmark on your desired
response in each statement/area. Answer as truthfully as possible.

In your own opinion, assess the quality standards being implemented in the
following areas:
KEY AREAS 5- 4-Good 3-Average 2- 1-
Excellen Poor Very
t poor
A. Curriculum
B. Examination &
Assessment System
C. Shipboard Training
D. Teaching Methods and
Media of Delivery
E. Instructors, Assessors, and
Support Staff

F. Facilities and Training
G. Research and Extension
H. Quality System (for course
specialists only)
I. Admission and Retention

Please see the end of this survey for the key to interpretation for more details.

Degree of Compliance per Area

CURRICULUM 5- 4 3- 2- 1-
Strictly Adequately Sometimes Hardly Never
Observ Observed observed observed observed
1. The program uses an
instructional approach
that is learner-
2. The program allows
the students to be
familiarized firsthand
with the
responsibilities of an
3. The course hours for
lab and lecture are
effectively determined
(importance for lab
hours is considered)
4. The program provides
the student adequate
assistance to avail

basic training from
accredited providers.
5. The program
exceeded the
prescribed curriculum
in terms of the subject
being offered by
EXAMINATION & 5- 4- 3- 2- 1-
ASSESSMENT Strictly Adequately Sometimes Hardly Never
Observ Observed observed observed observed
1. The program has an
effective and
implementable system
and structure of
assessment including
appeals and
remediation that will
ensure the
achievement of
outcomes to comply
with STCW standards
2. Faculty biases are
effectively managed
in oral, written, and
3. Assessors invited have
effectively applied the
tenets of their training
in assessing students.

4. Records of
assessments were
properly managed in
the OBT office.
5. The conduct of
effectively complies
with the standard
operating procedures.
6. Performance criteria
were effectively
explained to students
during assessments.
7. No provisional,
conditional, or
temporary final grade
for any curricular or
component course are
given to a student
8. The institution is
consistent with its
academic policies,
giving the student a
final grade that does
not earn any academic
credit nor indicates
failure such as "NC"
for "No Credit" or
"NG" for "No Grade".
Such a grade is
permanent and cannot
be subsequently

SHIPBOARD 5- 4- 3- 2- 1-
TRAINING Strictly Adequately Sometimes Hardly Never
Observ Observed observed observed observed
1. The program has
provided the
necessary orientation
to all students who
have completed their
2. The students have a
secured slot available
for OBT.
3. Health and accident
insurance was offered
to all students
undergoing OBT.
4. Students are
monitored during the
course of their OBT.
5. OBT office is
sufficient for its
6. The resources needed
by the students are
given/ communicated
by the OBT office.
TEACHING 5- 4- 3- 2- 1-
METHODS AND Strictly Adequately Sometimes Hardly Never
MEDIA OF Observ Observed observed observed observed

1. All topics are in
accordance with the
approved syllabus.
2. The mode of
instruction is in
accordance with the
methods required in
the syllabus / I.G.
3. During practical and
lab exercises, briefing
and debriefing are
4. During practical and
lab exercises, proper
monitoring and
supervision of
student’s activities are
INSTRUCTORS, 5- 4- 3- 2- 1-
ASSESSORS Strictly Adequately Sometimes Hardly Never
AND SUPPORT Observ Observed observed observed observed
1. The instructors are
qualified and have
expertise in their
assigned subjects.
2. The management
(e.g., dean, program
head, etc.) are
qualified and have

expertise in their
FACILITIES AND 5- 4- 3- 2- 1-
TRAINING Strictly Adequately Sometimes Hardly Never
EQUIPMENT Observ Observed observed observed observed
1. The institution has a
fire escape, fire alarm
systems, and a
security force.
2. The classrooms are
well lighted and well
3. The classrooms
contain the necessary
equipment and
furniture such as
chairs, podiums, and
4. The laboratory has
adequate space for
machineries and
RESEARCH AND 5- 4- 3- 2- 1-
EXTENSION Strictly Adequately Sometimes Hardly Never
Observ Observed observed observed observed
1. Students are given
ample opportunities to
conduct and apply
research in their

2. Students are given
opportunities to
participate in the CSR
programs of the
QUALITY 5- 4- 3- 2- 1-
STANDARDS Strictly Adequately Sometimes Hardly Never
SYSTEM Observ Observed observed observed observed
1. The mission, vision,
and objectives of
NAMEI are known to
ADMISSION AND 5- 4- 3- 2- 1-
RETENTION Strictly Adequately Sometimes Hardly Never
Observ Observed observed observed observed
1. Required academic
qualifications of
students were stressed
before enrollment.
2. The consequence of
noncompliance to the
prescribed academic
are known to enrolled
3. The tests (IQ Test,
Personality Test,
Aptitude test,
Medical) before
admission ensures that
students are fit for

4. Retention policies are
known to all students.


Mean value Descriptive Rating Interpretation

4.5-5.00 Strictly Observed Fully compliant and the
policy is strictly
implemented/ resources are
available and are being
used very frequently.
3.50-4.49 Adequately Observed Compliant and the policy is
implemented/ resources are
available and are being
used frequently
2.50-3.49 Sometimes Observed Neither compliant nor not
compliant and the policy is
implemented/resources are
sometimes available.
1.50-2.49 Hardly Observed Not compliant with the
requirement and the policy
is rarely implemented/
resources are not available.
1.00-1.49 Never Observed Fully not compliant with
the requirement and the
policy. Never
implemented/ resources are
not available.





Section 3. Government Recognition

Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering (BSMarE) programs shall only be

operated by a Higher Education Institution (HEI), whether public or private, after
compliance with the pertinent CHED and STCW requirements as stipulated under
this PSG and after the proper authority, pursuant to Sections 54, 56 and 57 of the
Manual of Regulations for Private Higher Education of 2008 (MORPHE) has been
granted by CHED.


Section 6. Program Description

The Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering is a higher education degree program

that covers competences defined under PQF level 6 and Table A-Ill/l and some
elements of Table A-Ill/2 of the STCW code indicated in Section 11, 11.2 and other
national and international requirements.

6.1 Degree Name

The program title of the approved education and training for Marine Engineer
Officers shall be Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering (BSMarE).
Consequently, a student who completed such approved education and training and
who has complied with all the requirements for graduation thereof shall be conferred
with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering (BSMarE).

6.2 Nature of the Field of Study

The Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering deals with the study of marine
propulsion system and its auxiliaries, its operation and maintenance as well as
controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at the operational
level of marine engineering. This program also deals with electrical, electronics and
control engineering.

6.3 Program Educational Objectives

The general program educational objective is to produce competent merchant marine

officers and qualified to pursue a professional career or advanced studies in related
maritime field of specialization.

Further, institution/s may expound the PEOs and POs with reference to their Vision,
Mission, Goals and Objectives.

The BSMarE program aims to produce competent merchant marine engineering

officers on seagoing ships of 750kW propulsion power or more and qualified to
pursue a professional career or advanced studies in related maritime field of

6.4 Specific Professions / Careers / Occupations for Graduates

A Graduate of BSMarE program may find careers in, among others:

a) Merchant Marine profession

b) Maritime Industry

1) Ship building and repair

2) Ship operations and management

3) Port operations and management

4) Ship surveying and inspection 5) Offshore industry

c) Maritime Education and Training

d) Industrial and Commercial Establishment

e) Government i.e.

1) Philippine Navy

2) Philippine Coast Guard

3) Maritime Industry Authority

6.5 Allied Fields

The following shall be considered as allied to the BSMarE program for purposes of
determining the qualifications of faculty:

a) Marine Transportation

b) Mechanical Engineering

c) Electrical Engineering

d) Chemical Engineering

e) Electronics Engineering

f) Industrial Engineering

g) Instrumentation and Control Engineering

h) Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

i) Law

j) Medicine and Nursing (Emergency First Aid and Medical First Aid)

Section 7. Program Outcomes

The minimum standards for the BSMarE programs are expressed in the following
minimum set of learning outcomes:

7.1 Common to all programs in all types of schools

Graduates of BSMarE should be able to:

a) engage in lifelong learning and understanding of the need to keep abreast of

the developments in Maritime practice. (PQF level 6 descriptor);

b) communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino;

c) work independently and in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams. (PQF

level 6 descriptor);

d) act in recognition and practice of professional, social, and ethical

accountability and responsibility; and

e) preserve and promote "Filipino historical and cultural heritage" (RA 7722)

7.2 Common to the BSMarE Programs

Graduates of BSMarE should be able to:

a) apply knowledge in mathematics, science and technology in solving problems
related to the profession and the workplace; b) evaluate the impact and implications
of various contemporary issues in the global and social context of the profession;

c) engage in lifelong learning and keep abreast with developments in the field of
specialization and/or profession;

d) use appropriate techniques, skills and modern tools in the practice of the
profession in order to remain globally competitive; and

e) conduct research using appropriate research methodologies.

7.3 Specific to the Discipline


A graduate of BSMarE shall be able to demonstrate the ability to perform the

competence, at the operational level under Table A-Ill/l and some elements of Table
A-Ill/2 of the STCW Code.

7.4 Common to a horizontal type as defined in CMO No. 46, S. 2012

Graduates of BSMarE are expected to be able to demonstrate:

a) for Professional Institutions: a service orientation in one's profession.

b) for Colleges: an ability to participate in various types of employment,

development activities, and public discourses particularly in response to the needs of
the community one serves.

c) for Universities: an ability to participate in the generation of new knowledge

or in research and development projects.

Graduates of State Universities and Colleges must, in addition, have the competencies
to support "national, regional and local development plans." (RA 7722).

A private HEI, at its option, may adopt mission-related program outcomes that are not
included in the minimum set.

Section 8. Sample Performance Indicators

Performance Indicators are specific, measurable statements identifying the

performance(s) required to meet the outcome; confirmable through evidence.

MHEls may refer to the STCW 78 as amended Table as a guide in developing the
performance indicators to be achieved by the students as per school's program

Program Outcomes Performance Indicator

Perform Marine Maintain a safe engineering watch

Engineering at the
Operate main and ancillary machinery and
operational level
associated control systems

Operate fuel, lubrication, balance and other

pumping systems and
associated control systems
Apply electrical, electronic Operate electrical, electronic and control
and control engineering at the systems.
operational level
Perform maintenance and repair Use of appropriate hand tools and machine
at the operational level tools and measuring instruments for
fabrication and repair onboard.

Maintain and repair of shipboard machinery
and equipment.

Control the operation of the ship Comply with pollution prevention

and care for persons on board at requirements.
operational level
Maintain seaworthiness of the ship.

Prevent, control and fight fires onboard.



Section 9. Standards of Competence

Every student who has satisfactorily completed the BSMarE Program shall have
acquired the standard of competence specified under the following:

a) Regulation 111/1, paragraph 2 [.2] up to [.5 only BT];

b) Part of Regulation 111/2 Paragraph 2.2 as can be found in the Curriculum

Section 10. Assessment of Competence

Every student who has satisfactorily completed the BSMarE shall be assessed under
the following standard of competence:
a) Section A-Ill/l; and
b) Part of Section A-Ill/2.

Section 11. Conferment of Degree

The issuance of a diploma for a BSMarE degree requires:

a) Completion of academic course requirement and other institutional standards, if
b) Completion of the required seagoing service per existing CHED Memorandum
Order on shipboard training; and
c) Completion of the basic training.


Section 12. Curriculum Description

Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering Program

The BSMarE program shall consist of a minimum total of 179 credit units. The
program consists of the general education component following CMO No. 20,
Series of 2013 the General Education Curriculum: Holistic Understandings,
Intellectual and Civic

Competencies, professional courses, shipboard training, Physical Education (PE)

and the National Service Training Program (NSTP).

Section 13. Curriculum Outline and Content

Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering program

The outline and content of the curriculum of maritime higher education

institutions (MHEls) shall be based on the mapping in Curriculum Mapping of
courses and hours against the prescribed competence, knowledge, understanding
and proficiency for the different functions outlined in Table A-Ill/l. The course
mapping includes part of management level course for marine engineering
officers as stated in Table

Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering program

Sample Curriculum for the Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering Program

No. of Total Prereq /
Courses Units per
Courses Units Coreq

a) Core Courses 8 3 24

NGEC 1 - Understanding the Self

NGEC 2-Readings in Philippine history

NGEC 3 - The Contemporary World

NGEC 4 - Mathematics in the Modern
NGEC 5 - Purposive communication
NGEC 6 - Art Appreciation

NGEC 7 - Science, Technology, and

NGEC 8 — Ethics
b) Elective 3 3 9

*** NGEC 9 - Math, Science, &

*** NGEC 10 - Social Sciences &
NGEC 11 -Arts and Humanities

c) Mandated Course/s 7 17

Rizal - The Life and Works of Dr. Jose 1

3 3
Physical Education PE 1, 2, 3, 4 4 2 8
National Service Training Program 2
3 6
NSTP 1 and 2

No. of Total Prereq /
Courses Units per
Courses Units Coreq

* Mach 1 - Hand and Measuring Tools 2 (1-4)

* Mach 2 - Machining Tools Co-

2 (1-4) reqMach

* Mach 3 - Gas & Electric Welding 2(1-4) Mach 1
E Mat
** Electro 1 - Basic Electricity 4 (3-3)

* Electro 2 — Basic Electronics 3 (2-3) Electro 1

Electro 3 - Marine Electricity & Electro 1
5 (3-6)
Electrical Maintenance
Aux Mach 1 - Auxiliary Machinery 1 Thermo
6 (5-3)
Aux Mach 2 - Auxiliary Machine 2 5 4-3 AuxMach
PPD - Power Plant Diesel 5 4-3 Thermo
PASGT — Propulsion Ancillary Systems & AuxMach
3 (2-3)
Gas Turbine 1
PPS - Power Plant Steam Mech
6 (5-3) IChem
Auto 1
** Auto 1 - Basic Control Engineering Electro 2
4 (3-3)
Auto 2 — Marine Automation 4 (3-3) Auto 1
Maint — Maintenance and Repair Aux
3 (2-3) PPD
Mach 3
EWK 1 — Engine Watchkeeping AuxMach

3 (3-0)

EWK 2 - Engine Watchkeeping with EWK 1
1 (0-3)
Resource Management M mt2
** Nav Arch - Naval Architecture for Co-req
2 (2-0)
Marine Engineering Mech
* E Mat - Engineering Materials 4 (4-0)

** Thermo — Thermodynamics 4 (3-3)

Draw - Maritime Drawing and Diagrams 1 (0-3)

IChem - Industrial Chemistry and

3 (2-3)
** Mech - Mechanics and 3 (3-0)
Safety — Basic Training
No Credit
(in accordance to Section 14 — Safety
** ICT — Software Applications and
Network 2 (1 -3)
S stem used in Sea oin Shi s
Mar Env — Protection of the Marine
3 (3-0)
* Mar Law - Maritime Law 4 (4-0)

Section 25. Assessments and Assessors

Equivalent Prereq
No. of Total
Courses Units per /
Courses Units
Course Coreq
* Mgmt 1— Leadership and 3 (3-0)
* Mgmt 2 - Integrated Management
2 (2-0)
S stems

SUMMARY OF UNITS Total number of Units

General Education Courses 50
Professional Courses 89
Shipboard Training 40

MHEls shall institute a system and structure of assessment including appeals and
remediation that will ensure the achievement of outcomes to comply with STCW
standards that will remove faculty bias in the development of summative
assessment (written, oral and demonstration of skills).

In addition, MHEls shall ensure that students must pass any of the following prior to
conferment of the BSMT or BSMarE degree:
a) Comprehensive Examination

b) Validation Examination

c) Exit Examination

The MHEIS shall designate assessor/s with the following qualifications:

1 have an appropriate level of knowledge and understanding of the

competence to be assessed

2 be qualified for the task for which the assessment is being made 3 have
undergone training in:

a) "Training Course for Instructors" (IMO Model Course 6.09)
b) "Assessment, Examination and Certification of Seafarers" (IMO
Model Course 3.12); and
c) "Train the Simulator Trainer and Assessor Course" (IMO Model
Course 6.10), or an approved training course for Simulator
Instructors and Assessors by the Philippines' STOW Administration
for those assessing competence using simulators;
4 gained practical experience (e.g. teaching for at least one semester in
the related subject or as assistant to an experienced assessor for at
least one semester)
5 gained practical assessment experience on the particular type of
simulator under the supervision and to the satisfaction of an
experienced assessor for assessments involving the use of simulators.

The following tasks shall be performed by the designated assessor/s:

1 spearhead the design, development and enhancement of assessment

2 Ensure reliability and validity of assessment tools; and

3 Monitor the administration of examination/assessment.

Section 16. Shipboard Training

The Policies, Standards and Guidelines governing the seagoing service

requirement for the Conferment of the Degree in Bachelor of Science in
Marine Transportation and Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering
Programs shall follow the existing CHED Memorandum Order relative

Section 21. Organization

A distinct and separate College of Maritime Education shall be

established for the operation of maritime programs. There shall be

established department for every maritime program under the College of
Maritime Education.

The College of Maritime Education shall be managed by a full-time Dean.

The Dean may serve as concurrent department chair where appropriate.
The Dean must be full-time in order to effectively carry out his/her
functions and responsibilities as a dean.

Section 22. Dean

The Dean shall have the following qualifications:

Professional Qualifications Academic Qualifications

Level Supervisory Degree Trainings
Experience Teaching
Ca acit
and any
24 months as
Master's degree 6.09 &
*Management *management 2 years None
to be completed 3.12
level officer
within three
12 months as BSMT/BSMarE
6.09 &
*Management *management 3 years 1 year and any
level officer Master's degree
6.09 &
*Management *24 months 5 years 2 years and any
as OC Master's degree
6.09 &
*36 months 5 years 3 years and any
as OC Master's degree

Section 23. Department Chair/Head

The Marine Engineering Department under the College of Maritime Education shall

be administered by a Department Chair/Head who shall have the following

Professional Qualifications Academic Qualifications

Supervisory Degree Trainings
Experience Teaching
Level Capacity
*Management 12 months as 3 years None BSMarE 6.09 &
*management 3.12
level officer
*Management 24 months as 4 years 1 year BSMarE 6.09 &
and any 3.12

Section 24. Faculty

24.1 Faculty members teaching General Education Courses shall be holders of

appropriate master's degree in his/her field of specialization. However, in specific
fields where there is dearth of holders of Master's degree, a holder of professional
license requiring at least a bachelor's degree may be qualified to teach.

24.2 Faculty members teaching Professional Courses shall be holders of relevant

academic degree, experiences and credentials as follows:
Minimum Professional Academic
Qualifications Qualifications
Level Seagoing Experience Degree Trainings
Teaching y

12 months as *OIC-NW BSMT
*QC-NW on seagoing ship over 500 n/a n/a 6.09
12 months as **OIC-EW
on seagoing ship powered
by main propulsion n/a n/a 6.09
machinery of 750 kW
propulsion power or more

24.3 Allied faculty members teaching courses which fall under the category of
professional as enumerated under Section 6.5 of this CMO shall be holders of the

a) Appropriate Bachelor's degree in such allied fields;

b) Valid certificate of registration and/or PRC license of his/her profession and

Certificate of Completion of the "Training Course for Instructors" (IMO
Model Course 6.09)

24.4 Faculty members teaching courses involving the use of simulators, in

addition to the requirements in the preceding paragraph shall:

a) Be holders of a Certificate of Completion of the "Train the Simulator

Trainer and Assessor Course" (IMO Model Course 6.10), or an approved
training course for Simulator Instructors and Assessors by the Philippines'
STCW Administration;
b) Have gained practical operational experience on the particular type of
simulators being used. This requirement may be satisfied through a
planned in-house training of the maritime higher education institution or
the transfer of technology training by the simulator supplier.

24.5 Management Level Courses/topics

The management level courses/topics as per curriculum mapping shall be taught by

management level officers.

24.6 Teaching Load

The Dean, Department Chair/Head and Shipboard Training Officer may be

allowed to handle a maximum teaching load of not more than 18 hours a week
provided that their primary duties and responsibilities are not neglected.

A full-time faculty may be allowed a maximum teaching load of 30 contact hours

per week. However, a faculty member with a documented very satisfactory
teaching performance may be allowed to handle additional six (6) hours per

24.7 There shall be faculty manual containing information and policies on:

a) Hiring, retention, promotion and separation;

b) Functions and responsibilities;

c) Ranking system;

d) Evaluation;

e) Salary rates;
f) Faculty benefits; and

g) Code of conduct/ethics.

24.8 Faculty Development

MHEls shall develop and implement a system of faculty development for

professional advancement of the faculty members


Section 30. Institutional Sites and Buildings

30.1 An MHEI shall own its institutional sites and buildings to conform with
CHED standards, fire and building code and city/provincial ordinances. The
institutional sites and buildings shall be equipped with adequate equipment, safety
measures and procedures but not limited to the following:
a) Fire escape

b) Fire alarm systems
c) Campus security force

30.2 Site/Building/Room Requirements shall include the following:

a) Institutional site/lot

b) Athletic field and/or gymnasium

c) Administrative Offices (General or Executive Office, Registrar,

Accounting, National Service Training Program (NSTP),
Guidance/Placement office)

d) Medical and dental clinic

e) Toilets

f) Canteen/cafeteria

g) Faculty room
h) Student lounge

i) Library room
j) Laboratory room

k) Tool room

l) Shipboard Training Office

m) Research and Extension Office

n) Adequate facilities for swimming or MOA with service providers

Section 31. Classroom

The standard classroom shall be a minimum of 1.2 square meters per student.
Classrooms must be well-lighted and well-ventilated. They should contain the
necessary equipment and furniture such as chairs, instructor's podium, and
black/white boards.

Section 32. Laboratory

Laboratory rooms shall allow space appropriate to the size of the equipment and
the number of students. It should be well-ventilated and well-lighted, contain the
specific laboratory equipment and, where appropriate, adequate water supply is
provided. The following laboratory rooms shall be made available:

32.2 For BSMarE program

a) Engine Simulator

b) Machinery Room that can house the marine engine, refrigeration, electrical
equipment, etc.
c) Machine shop

32.3 Laboratory Equipment

As a general policy, all laboratory equipment except those stipulated in Section

14.1 shall be owned by the institution and located within the institutional site.
There shall be sufficient number of equipment, machinery, apparatus, supplies,
tools and other materials, accessories and consumables contained in Annex D of
this CMO.

"Sufficient and appropriate" means that the number of such teaching aids and
equipment shall be proportionate and adequate to the number of students enrolled
in a particular course so as to ensure their sufficient exposure to the equipment and
attainment of the required outcomes.

The institution shall provide the necessary audiovisual room and facilities with
appropriate equipment in support of the teachinglearning process such as video,
sound system, multi-media projectors, and others.


Section 33. Organization

MHEls are expected to fulfill the three-fold functions of higher education

institutions—teaching, research and extension. To carry out these functions, they
shall designate a coordinator for research and extension.

Section 34. Research

The faculty of MHEls shall pursue research that reflects scholarship of

application, integration, teaching, or, in exceptional instances, scholarship of

The faculty shall provide opportunities for all students to integrate research into
required projects and activities (e.g. formulation of a navigation plan; formulation
of a plan for the management of a marine environment, among others).

Section 35. Extension Services

Every MHEI shall have extension services relevant to the maritime industry. The
following must be observed:

a) Annual extension services program

b) Annual extension services budget

c) Tracer study program

d) Linkages to community
e) Appropriate impact studies (effectiveness of the extension programs)
f)Proper documentation of all extension activities must be maintained


Every MHEI shall establish a guidance system that will monitor the progress
of the student's scholastic performance and personality development. Maritime
institutions shall adhere to the following admission and retention criteria:

Section 36. Student general admission requirements:

1) Academic Qualifications:

a) Senior High School graduate

b) Students who graduated in High School on or before June 2016. However,
to ensure college readiness of the students enrolling under the new higher
education curricula, the admitting MHEls may require bridging program
for the general education component. (CMO No. 10, S. 2017)
c) First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth year college students under the old
higher education curricula who stopped schooling and intend to re-enroll
by June 2018. (CMO No. 10, S. 2017)

2) Admission test

a) IQ Test

b) Personality Test

c) Math, Science and English Aptitude Test

3) Physical and medical fitness Test

Meet the requirements under Regulation 1/9, Section A-1/9 of the

STCW Code:
a) have the physical capability, taking into account paragraph 5 below,
to fulfil all the requirements of the basic training as required by
section A-VI/I , paragraph 2;
b) demonstrate adequate hearing and speech to communicate
effectively and detect any audible alarms;
c) have no medical condition, disorder or impairment that will prevent
the effective and safe conduct of their routine and emergency duties
on board during the validity period of the medical certificate;
d) are not suffering from any medical condition likely to be aggravated
by service at sea or to render the seafarer unfit for such service or to
endanger the health and safety of other persons on board; and
e) are not taking any medication that has side effects that will impair
judgment, balance, or any other requirements for effective and safe
performance of routine and emergency duties on board.



“Dr. Sep Cabangon Interview Transcription”

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Highest degree attained niyo po ano po?

Dr. Sep Cabangon: Ano pakiulit?

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Highest degree attained niyo po, masterals po or ano...

Dr. Sep Cabangon: Doctoral.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Doctoral in ano sir?

Dr. Sep Cabangon: Maritime, ma... education.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Ilan taon po kayo sir onboard?

Dr. Sep Cabangon: Ano? ano? pakiulit.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Ilan taon po kayo onboard sir?

Dr. Sep Cabangon: Uhm, 15 years!

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Wow!

Dr. Sep Cabangon: One five.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Ilan taon na po kayo nagtuturo sir?

Dr. Sep Cabangon: Uhh... since twenty... lagay mo na lang 10 years.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: 10 years, okay sir.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Ahh, ano-anong subjects din po tinuturo niyo sa college?

Dr. Sep Cabangon: I'm teaching in ahh... maritime college for the ahh maritime
program, I'm teaching ahh (can't understand 00:55).

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Okay...

Dr. Sep Cabangon: Ahh... voyage planning, maritime law...

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Wow!

Dr. Sep Cabangon: And ahh leadership.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Okay sir...

Dr. Sep Cabangon: The same time, I'm teaching also in ahh masteral and ahh doctoral
ahh degree ahh subject.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Wow! Okay sir ahh thank you po! Ahh, start na, start na po
tayo sa interview sir.

Dr. Sep Cabangon: Sige...

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Okay sir uhhm, first question po namin sir ano, when can
you say an institution that offers the Bachelor of Science in marine engineering has an
excellent educational quality?

Dr. Sep Cabangon: So ahh pakiulit dahan-dahan.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Okay sir ahh, when can you say, that an institution, (choppy
01:4 ) has an excellent educational quality?

Dr. Sep Cabangon: (Clarifying) Your question is when the institution...

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Ahh... When is an institution uhhm considered as an, edu,
excellent educational quality, sir?

Dr. Sep Cabangon: Ahh, okay! So, first of all, there are a lot of ahh answer to your
question. Number one of course is the maritime faculty. If you do not have ahh maritime
faculty with experience and license in a good maritime faculty, you cannot have a ahh
good ahh institution. So that is on the side of the faculty. Number two is ahh, the
equipment or laboratories of the institution, if the institution has no ahh complete
laboratories or outdated laboratories, laboratory, or simulator, you do not have a good
institution, and lastly the most important of all is the ahh... management concern
regarding the maritime (can't understand 3:04). If the management, you follow or agree
with your maritime requirement, then you will have a goof institution for maritime, so
that is three. Number one a management support, number two the quality of ahh
equipment, and number three experience faculty of maritime.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Aye sir! Thank you, sir! Ganda ng sagot (giggles). Uhmm
sir next question namin sir ano po... how do you differentiate STI-NAMEI from other
maritime school s?

Dr. Sep Cabangon: How do I consid...ahh... consider STI-NAMEI to other school.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Aye sir.

Dr. Sep Cabangon: So, before I answer that, I will give you first ahh brief background
ahh how come STI have a maritime. So number one, ahh you all know that ahh STI is
ahh computer ahh institution before, so, and then ahh, they acquire the NAMEI, so you
know it already the NAMEI, the naval architect in Mandaluyong, they acquired it last
2019, so when they acquired this ahh NAMEI by the STI, the focus of ahh STI is to
have the desired to provide relevant education world class opportunities for the student
all over the country. So, in-award nila yung NAMEI para ang STI magkaroon ng

So now going back to your ahh question, I will consider first the STI-NAMEI, number
1, ahh I think as of ahh 2019 or 2020 we have the latest Kongsberg simulator, which
other institution, they have, as I've said yung sa atin dito is a brand new and at the same
time ahh latest version of engine and ahh deck simulator, that is the one factor. Number
two, you are 3rd year now, isn't it?

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Aye sir.

Dr. Sep Cabangon: You encounter during your 1st year, have you noticed during your
1st year you are only twenty in a classroom?

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Aye sir, yes sir.

Dr. Sep Cabangon: Yeah, that is one of the advantages of the STI, so we make sure
that the student will learn a lot, so, we decided that in one classroom maximum of
twenty. As per CHED the maximum requirement in one classroom is about 40 to 45, as
ahh you can see if there is a lot of student in one classroom, you know it already what
will happen, so in 2019 we decided that only a maximum of twenty, so that the faculty
and the student can concentrate on their studying, and as you can see, if you are less in
the classroom, you will ahh understand what is the faculty saying and ahh of course you
will get all the time to have make your ahh recitation or assignment. So that is the ahh

other advantages of the ahh STI or NAMEI in other maritime, so, baka ma-confuse
kayo, we call it STI-NAMEI kase nga ahh the NAMEI was bought by STI, kaya
sometimes we call it STI-NAMEI or NAMEI, kase yung NAMEI sa Mandaluyong
totally close na since ahh 2019. And another one, as you can see our building, this is a
brand new building ahh they open only on 2019 by February, so you see the ahh
amenities here, that is the ahh most important, and of course all the ahh maritime faculty
is ahh selected as per their experience for ahh sea time and at the same time the rank,
kaya kung mapapansin ninyo ahh most of your ahh faculty, is almost sea going and ahh
yung iba sumakay ng barko, yung naging faculty niyo ng first year I think already
involved today and some faculty naman nag-join nung ahh last year bumalik ngayon
and then sasakay na naman barko, that is ahh better kase kahit papano they ahh the, our
faculty are upgrading, their experience kase nagjo-join sila ng barko and they can relay
it to the student, that's it!

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Aye sir, thank you sir! Thank you po, ahh next question
namin sir ano po ahh... base po kase sa CHED MARINA memorandum number 67
series of 2017...

Dr. Sep Cabangon: Uhuh...

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Uhhm, a student of BS marine engineering must take 27
professional courses, such as, aux.mach, power plant diesel, machine shop, and etc. sir,
uhhm, do you think STI-NAMEI is capable of providing those courses?

Dr. Sep Cabangon: Ahh may ahh correction ano, uhhm maybe you're confuse (Von
Ace Stephen Lagazo: aye sir) that is not a courses (Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: aye
sir), that is a subject, so yung mga binanggit mo na aux.mach (Von Ace Stephen
Lagazo: aye sir) is part of your subject in marine engineering, Am I right? (Von Ace
Stephen Lagazo: yes sir) and for the CHED (Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: aye sir, aye
sir) ahh yung CHED ginawa nila yan that is for all maritime institution, hindi lang yan
sa STI so ibug sabihin that is the maximum level of the subject for the institution (Von
Ace Stephen Lagazo: opo) to covered (Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: yes sir), so back to
your question, of course yes! (Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: aye po) so ibig sabihin kaya
nating gampanan yung nakalagay dun sa CHED memorandum.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Okay sir, thank you sir! So ahh, 4th question namin sir, ahh
nabanggit niyo po kanina na yung profe... professional teachers namin yung mga marine

engineering prof. namin, sumasampa sila sir diba? What about sir yung Gen.Ed courses
namin sir? Ahh (unclear word 09:33) bachelor’s degree na qualified to teach sila samin

Dr. Sep Cabangon: Ahh dahan-dahan putol-putol yung pasok mo ahh slow lang.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Ay! Okay sir, sorry sir. Uhmm sir yung question ko po ahh,
yung Gen.Ed courses professors namin sir, may bachelor’s degree po ba sila para, na
nagsasabing (choppy 09:51) na qualified to teach sila samin?

Dr. Sep Cabangon: Ahh putol-putol ang pasok mo...(Von Ace Stephen Lagazo:
putol-putol sir?) Ahh ang pagkakaintindi (Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: ay sorry sir) ko,
you’re asking the general education faculty, yun ba?

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Aye sir! Yes sir, yes po, yung qualification nila sir.

Dr. Sep Cabangon: As per CHED MARINA memorandum, general education faculty
must have masteral degree. Kaya lahat ng faculty na nagtuturo sa inyo ng ahh, (Von
Ace Stephen Lagazo: wow) for example understanding the world, research and
whatsoever, of course professional yan, and at the same time not only professional they
must have or they are undertaking their masteral degree, hindi pe-pweding yung ahh
for example, uhhm teacher ka lang, wala kang masteral, hindi pwede sa maritime yun,
so that's why I'm always ahh checking that one, to be a faculty of STI kase ahh dalawa
kase yan ano para magkaroon kayo ng idea, GE faculty is handled by the STI, and for
maritime faculty, I am the one ahh screening, interviewing, and at the same time getting
the faculty because I'm in a maritime profession.

Kaya yung mga faculty ng mga Gen.Ed ang mga nagha-hire niyan o mag e-interview
niyan ay mga STI ahh mga head, but of course tinitingnan ko rin kung qualified nga
sila, so the question to your answer, yes, they are a professional, and certainly not only
professional, they must have, or undergoing masteral degree.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Aye sir! Thank you sir, ahh... next question namin sir ahh
nabanggit niyo kanina sir na yung simulator namin is updated, up to date brand new,
ahh sir, what about yung other facilities such as diesel engine, ref...steam plant, tapos

drawing table, lathe machine, meron po bang adequate facilities yung STI-NAMEI sir,
para dun?

Dr. Sep Cabangon: Uhmm, I'm not quite familiar with the engine kase ano, ahh
because (Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: aye sir) I'm ahh on MT, but dun kase, dun kase sa
simulator sa engine, meron dun pwede namang gawin din, for example yung ahh, ahh
may nabanggit saken si Dr. Rafal eh, I'm not familiar, so merong some portion of the
ahh equipment dito na pwedeng gawin dun sa simulator. So sabi ko nga, before, the
NAMEI started 1947 ano, yung old NAMEI, so yung equipment nila nung binili ng STI
lahat ng equipment nila, of course sama dito lahat, pero karamihan dun syempre ahh
old model na, kaya kung mapapansin ninyo, kung nakapasok kayo last year, I do not
know kung nakapasok pa kayo, bumili kami ng ahh 7 brand new lathe machine, at tsaka
marami pa kaming pinagbibiling gamit dun. So slowly pinapalitan natin yung luma,
pero meron kaseng mga as on mentioned niga hindi nga ako pamilyar sa engineering,
merong mga scenario na pweding gawin dun sa engine simulator, but of course slowly
STI is replacing ahh the old ahh equipment. (Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: waiting to

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Ahh okay sir thank you po. Ahh seventh question namin
sir nabanggit nyo din po kanina na yong magdecide kayo na 20 students per classroom.
Sir ahh nakalagay din po kasi sa Ched Memorandum na yong classroom kasi is
minimum of 1.2 square meters per student and most (choppy speech 13:47) indicating
that type if classroom.

Dr. Sep Cabangon: Ahh yong sinasabi mong (Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Putol-putol
po ba sir?) per uhhm nakalagay sa Ched Memo. Ang nakalagay (Von Ace Stephen
Lagazo: Hello) don yong square (Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Opo) capacity ng
classroom sobra-sobra yong measurement (Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Opo yes sir)
natin dito sa requirements ng Ched. (Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Oho okay aye sir.)
Kong mapapanasin ninyo noong nag 20/20 kayo sobrang luwag ninyo (Von Ace
Stephen Lagazo: Opo) kasi nga ang unang classroom ng STI ay exceeded doon sa
requirements ng Ched.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Ahh okay sir. So next question namin sir ahh nakita po kasi
namin na ISO certified tong STI-NAMEI sir. Umm what are the strength or weaknesses

that needs further improvement despite of already meeting the standard and of the
assessment sir?

Dr. Sep Cabangon: Ahh, Yes we are an ISO. Take note mas mabuti ulitin ko sa inyo
ang ISO hah. We are (Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Aye sir.) certified by the DNV. (Von
Ace Stephen Lagazo: Aye sir yes po DNV.) certifying body ang ISO. We choose the
DNV. Ahh because DNV is a Norwegian Company and at the same time our Kongsberg
is a Norwegian made and at the same time ang partner ng STI na OSM is also a
Norwegian ahh owners. Kaya at least kinuha natin yong DNV and ahh and if I’m not
wrong DNV is the most expensive accrediting body ahhh compare to other. I will not
mention nalang kong magkano. But of course even though we are DNV so we are not
yet 100 percent ahh perfect. Kasi nga we just only started by 2020. So between until
we just accredited by the DNV there's only 2021. For there are many things na we are
adjusting but ahh we have last August 2&3 the first audit of the DNV after one year
ummm the highest is 5 and we got I think 3.5 or 4.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: (choppy speech 16:01) sir nakalagay nabanggit nyo po na
DNV certified tayo. Ummm do you think sir na on par naman tayo sa ibang maritime
school ahhh when it comes to accreditation sir?

Dr. Sep Cabangon: Paki ulit.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Okay sir sorry sir naglalag. Ahh nabanggit nyo sir na DNV
certified tayo diba po? Ahh tanong kolang sir kong on par po ba tayo sa ibang maritime

Dr. Sep Cabangon: Ano?

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: When it terms to accreditation sir

Dr. Sep Cabangon: Ano on par?

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: On par sir, on par po. Yes sir kong ikocompare po tayo sa
ibang school.

Dr. Sep Cabangon: I think (Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: When it comes to
accreditation.) uhhm sa ibang school ahh sabi ko nga sayo DNV is the most expensive
ahh accrediting body. So yong ibang school they are accredited pero hindi DNV (Von
Ace Stephen Lagazo: Ohhh) so you get the point? (Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Yes

sir yes sir.) I do not want (Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Yes sir) ahh sinasabi ko lang
sayo I think (Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: I got it sir.) DNV is double the prize of the
other accrediting body.

(Pwede din ito ang sagot sa 12 dahil it will also compare to other school but

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Wow, okay sir thank you sir. Ahh last question na sir umm
meron po ba kayong (Dr. Sep Cabangon: ano).

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Last question na sir.

Dr. Sep Cabangon: Dami kong pinaghandaan tapos last? Ohh sige.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Hehehe last question na sir. Meron po ba kayong
suggestions or recommendations na gusto nyo sabihin dito sa interview na to?

Dr. Sep Cabangon: Ahhh First of all thank you for the interview and ahh ang masasabi
ko lang sainyo you are the first batch of the STI-NAMEI. Unfortunately ngalang
nagkaroon ng COVID hindi natin naituloy yong trend natin noong 2019 and ahhh one
year from now or less than a year from now you will be completed your ahhh completed
academic requirements and maybe 2022 or 2023 you are boarding a vessel. So as off
now being a student and cadet of course maraming students and cadets na alam natin
na typical student life. But as I've said when you are here especially during the ahhh
orientation on the gym if you attended there very noisy ang student diba? (Von Ace
Stephen Lagazo: Aye sir) so ahh I hope after completion of your ahhh academic year.
You will be joining the vessel you will now realize what we are doing during the 2019.
Because as a seafarer, as an officer you are very lucky now. Why? First, you have a
maritime faculty already sharing their knowledge to you at the most important. Number
2 we have equipment, latest equipment unfortunately due to COVID hindi nyo na
encounter yan. And number 3 even though we are doing the synchronous or
asynchronous as you can see we are maintaining the discipline. I always imploring you
dapat kahit online yan we are still wearing your uniform or you have proper haircut.
For other students binabaliwala yan, so okay lang yun masasabi ko lang sainyo you are
fortunate officer someday somehow yong iba sainyo magiging officer magiging
kapitan(captain) or Chief Engineer and some of your classmate naman magiging rating
lang. You will realize kong ano ang sinasabi namin and like what I'm saying

magkaibigan kayong dalawa pag nagapply kayo sa company isa lang ang kaylangan at
pano ang pagkakaibigan ninyo? Sino ang tatanggapin ang kailangan masasabi ko lang
sainyo study harder and be smart always. Until you search an officer that is the time for
you to relax. And as of now study, study, read, read wala naman siguro masama kong
madadagdagan ang knowledge ninyo diba? So ang masasabi ko lang sainyo I hope you
will become a good future officer that’s all.

“Dr. Alexander Rafal Interview Transcription”

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Okay sir, good morning po ah, so, yung interview questions
namin sir based to sa CHED Memorandom Order No.67. So, okay sir ahm, first
question namin is, ah when can you say that an institution that offers a Bachelor of
Science in Marine Engineering has an excellent educational quality.

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Sandali ah, Wala akong kopya nang, based yan sa CMO 67?
Sandali ah.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Yung ibang correction sir, itong first two ah, own questions
namin to sir.

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Aha, Anong tanong? Anong tanong?

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Gusto mo sir sharescreen po ako? Para makita mo sir.

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Ano? Ano?

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Magsharescreen ako sir, para makita nyo yung tanong.

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Aaah, wag mo munang irecord para maganda ang sagutan natin,
mamaya muna irecord.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: (laughs) Okay sir, dismissed muna yung record.

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Ahm, para… wala tayong praktes, baka pumangit yung bigay

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: (laughs)

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Okay sige pakibigay mo yung, ah.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Ayan sir, yung first question po. Ito.

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Ahmm, (read the Q#1/ 3:21) ano to ah, medyo ahhh,

generalization to ah, (continue read Q#1/ 3:39) okay ano answer natin dito,

tagalog/english ano?

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Kayo bahala sir, any...any po.

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Okay, ah, record muna.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Okay sir, record na.

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Ulitin mo.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Okay, tanggalin ko to sir. Tapos, okay.

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Okay. Okay.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Okay sige sir game.

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Ulit.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Sir, okay, so, our first question sir is when can you say that
an institution that offers a Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering has an excellent
educational quality?

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Ah, your question is ahh, sweeping generalization. However, it
all depends on the school because, ah, in my own personal belief, ah, ang institution
can have an excellent ah, medium of instruction sa kanila at sa kanilang mga institution,
is. First, as what I’m saying before you got to follow the 3’S. First, you must educate,
then yung engineer, when say you engineer, you engineer, or your ah, courses or
subjects, and then the most important is the 3’S. The third E that is the inforcement of
all this. Ahhh, what Im saying is if oil boils down, we have all the regulation, we have
all the good courses, we have a... However, the instructor is not so good, or the
equipment may be good, the one who be teaching is not so good. Let's put it on the
reverse cycle. The instructor is very good but the equipment is ah, lucking, or defective,
or malfunctioning. How can the students learn that is the same situation onboard? It
goes hand in hand. There must be good and qualified instructors. There must be
functioning equipment ah, relevant to what we are ah, teaching or (what do you want)

what is the ah, program of this course and there should be hands on simulation? That is
why we are ah...ano (what do you call that) you want to pursue this limited face-to-face
here. (that) So that, atleast before you graduate, you can hands-on different simulators,
which is ah, for our course, not like the other course, there must be hands on or skill
formation, because our job will be onboard. It's not just a job that should be a skill
formation. Unlike the other course, pwedeng online online lang siguro baka
gromaduate, but dito syempre, not graduate without those laboratories. Ah, ganyan
nalang ang nangyayari because of this pandemic. We are limited to that, but we are
pursuing to have limited face-to-face. In our school premises, sa ating institution, we
don’t have problem with equipments. We have all the laboratories there. We don’t have
problems with the instructors. However, at this point in time, syempre mahirap
maghanap kase come in go ang mga instructors, syempre sino nga na bang magtyatyaga
na halos, wala naman maituro na dahil we are lucking laboratories, and then it oil boils
down papanong gagawin natin kung sakaling magkaroon tayo ng limited face-to-face
ngayon? Depende. So, depende lahat yan sa instituition. Sabi ko nga yung 3’S:
education, engineering including retrofitting of facilities and implementation. Without
the proper implementation we cannot do this kung hindi natin hahayaan kung wala
tayong standard. Yung, we can say pwede na yan? Di po pwede, dapat pwedeng pwede.
That’s all.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Sir thank you sir, ahm...sir ah, maraming maritime school
sa Pilipinas. So

second question namin is how you differentiate STI NAMEI from other Maritime

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Very much different. We have the state of the arts simulators.
We have all the equipments but these needed for our course. All we have to do is mag
enroll tayo, scheme formation. I don’t think yung mga instructor natin is not at far with
them. May be we are not at far in them because we are better than them.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Uhu..(laughs) okay sir.

Dr. Alexander Rafal: (Continue) And you can say that during the evaluation, honestly,
we have the evaluation after all the courses, and I don’t know ano pinaglalagay nyo ron,
but ah, I have a full trust na, (there is) there are no instructor her not qualified to teach,
except those who are a very lazy to teach? and after one semester, we found out that

they are very dazy. We are not a renewing their contract, and you can see yung mga
department head dyan, at tsaka ano we are monitoring maski nagtuturo sila sa klase
pumapasok (ang isang mga) maski online yan. To make it sure that they are delivering
the course. That’s all.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Okay sir, thank you sir, ahm, according to the…(stop)

Dr. Alexander Rafal: (Additional answer) hindi, may iaadd pa, may iadd, I don’t know
sa ating

skwelahan, siguro, I dont know if there are some. I don’t want to mention, you know

what I mean, but her I can say with the finality that the all the instructor share are not
accepting any from the students just to pass, because when you pass you deserve to
pass. Thank you.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Okay sir, thank you sir. Ganda ng sagot ah (laughs). Sir
next question namin is ano according to the CHED Memorandom Order No.67, a
student of BS

Marine Engineering must take 27 professional courses such us: Machine Shop, Aux

Mach, Power Plant Diesel etc. ahm, Sir sa tingin nyo ba sir kaya iprovide ng
STI/NAMEI yung required na courses para sa BS Marine Engineering?

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Absolutely. All you have to do is to enroll. What laboratory is
lucking as per you enumerating? I don’t think we don’t have all those requirements for
PPE’s. We have the boiler ah, ah, being ah, assessted by the simulators. If they don’t
want no simulators, we have the boiler for PPD. We have diesel engine, may simulator-
based din tayo, scenario. For PAS GT, I don’t think another institution have these PAS
GT a program in their simulator. We have that besides the simulator. I personally
requesting that, because before we only see two of both chargers, but now we have the
PAS GT. Other institution do not have in there ano, program, lalo sa simulator, and
then ano pa? PPS, ICHEM meron tayo dyan, Machine Shop. Our machine shop, we
have new ahh6 new lathe machines. I don’t know if we have seen that. The old one is
finished, is just on other side, but we have new simulators and oxy acetylene. We have
new a hose with install, but the arc welding, we are changing (the ano) the rod holder,
but for the auxiliary, you can see it for yourself. We have a auxiliary machineries, we

have (new a) newly order the coolers and whatever, so hindi na nga magkasya sa
auxiliary machinery yung mga nakadisplay dun. So, absolutely we can offer. Thank

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Okay sir, thank you sir. Ahm, sir (Question #4) about dun
sa qualifications ng faculty members nabanggit nyo kanina na lahat sila qualified
naman. So, that is mean na yung GEN ED courses na teachers ay may bachelor’s
degree, tama sir?

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Yeah, Dr. Sef and myself are always looking at there to one part
and we are pushing them, ahh. (There should be) They should be left passer for teachers
and for other. They should be license teacher or license engineer with masterals degree,
that is the requirement. Now, for the maritime instructors they should have atleast IMO
6.09, IMO 312 and, preferable, with 6.10. If we don’t have 6.10, you cannot teach in
the simulator. That is one of the requirements and, preferable you have masterals degree
also, which is ah, now we are starting for maritime ano. But alam mo naman ang
maritime ano, tinatamad mag masteral yan, although that is not.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: (laughs)

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Continue… I don’t know that is part of the requirements. You

seldom see just like as with Dr. Cabangon. He Doctoral Degree in maritime, but they
are already starting (to make up) to take up masterals degree because ah, they were left
alone in the dark if they will do that in the future. Oh, so, competence rise, a

qualifications rise ah, we strict on that, especially now I’m requesting for a instructors
because nandito sumasakay, and we do not discourage the instructors, especially the
ones not to go back to sea, because that is one of refresher to go back to sea to being
ano(stop). At least they finished one contract. So, that is the hard part of that one,
because every semester you can see new phases because they are refreshing themselves
onboard, (and ah, ano ba yun, what do you call that) upgrading their license.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Okay sir, thank you sir. Aaah, Sir ah according to din po
sa, CHED Memorandum order number 67, ahhh yung classroom sir dapat 1.2 (square
millimeter) square meters and must be well lighted with good ventilation. Yung STI-
NAMEI po ba sir, na kakapagprovide ng ganung klasing classroom?

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Actually, sobra-sobra tayo, you can see that!

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Yes sir.

Dr. Alexander Rafal: But, ah now a days, vaah... ang naging problema natin dyan
ngayun. Because we are applying for limited face to face is our institution or our
building is high tech na design for ah fully air-conditioned classroom, and you can see
that, that is world class already, because aah… may malaki tayong TV sa loob, aah
smart TV, with white board marker na pwede mong eh diretcho na rin, hindi na nga
kung pwede nga hindi na mag dala ng laptop yung instructor. Now, other maritime
institution cannot afford that one, However, since fully design for the new generation
na fully ano… na fully air-conditioned ah We are a little bit having adjustments, on
the CHED requirements for limited face to face. Because they want ah ventilation and
exchange na may exhaust Now, that is what of problem, kung paano? baka mag install
nalang ng humidifier because they want, ventilation lalabas ang hangin. Eh air
conditioned, paano gagawa nyan? Yun lang ang problema pag high tech yung inyong
classroom, and aah you can just visit other maritime institution and look at their
classroom if they at par with our classroom, you can see it for yourself, Malayo

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Malayo ba sir?

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Malayo,

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Okay sir, ahumm

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Because, sa simulator lang we have a latest version of

Kongsberg, that is 2021 model.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Opo

Dr. Alexander Rafal: A (latest in the Philippines if not in the whole Philippines) at
nasa atin latest na simulator course, Lalo yung dati nating engine room simulator,
pinalitan na yun naging touch screen na yung mga nasa harapan yung mga walk
through, touch screen na yun, kaya lang hindi pa magamit kasi… ginagamit ng mga
ano aah nag o ojt mga bagong baba, for Assessment.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Okay sir, aah next question na tayo sir? Huuhuhu…

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Gaano ba karaming Question yan? huhuhu…

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Aah, (apat 17:09) lima pa sir.

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Ah sige sige, sige sige.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Lima pa.

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Sige sige sige sige.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Aah, sir, ah base kasi sa research namin sir, nakita namin
na si

STI-NAMEI ay ISO 9001: 2015 certified. So, what are the strengths and weaknesses

that the STI-NAMEI have aahh, na pwede pa eh improve despite already

meeting the standard in the assessment sir?

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Actually, marami pa eh, kasi maski sabi ko nga kung andiyan
lahat ang mga modern equipment na nandito, hindi natin ma… maeevaluate yan unless
nandiyan ang estudyante. Because, the feedback will be coming from the students, ang
nakikita ko lang dito yung mga scenario medyo… sa mga OJTing bagong baba
especially kung sumakay sila not international vessel at inter island sila medyo
nahihirapan ng kaunti yung mga nag papaassist na galing sa inter island kasi nga, alam
mo naman sa inter island, they lack some equipment or machineries on board na
compared to international. But, they can still catch up, kasi kasama sa ano yun… sa
assistment yun doon. (Question #6) So, since ah quality accredited tayo ng DNV,
standard yan ng international standard aah… na checheck na rin ng quality ano yan
kung ano pa ang kulang, makikita naman, mag aadjust kami and Also, during the
CHED-Marina audit, which is being done annually, yung mga.. yung mga deficiencys
na yan na checheck na rin. So, once na na check ng CHED-Marina auditors yan at chaka
yung quality auditors, inaadjust namin. Katulad nyan, yung ating automation doon eh
medyo, isa sa pinakalumang galing pa sa NAMEI, mag aadjust kami, yung mga na
outdated ng mga ano but, pwede pa naman eh ah… eh ah update lang, eh updating yun
eh, eh aadjust nila so far yong natin latest version yun, yong GMDSS latest na rin yun,
yun lang mga automation, a lot sa engineering marami ng na upgrade doon, ang dami
ng nga aah drill, drill press dun eh, aah nag order pa ako ng anim. But still, when we
are talking of equipment, you are talking of big money.

Especially, one lathe machine is almost 800,000 close to 1,000,000 depende sa iyung
model, So, aadjust ka ng aadjust but its just to compone with the requirment, oh! katulad
nyan yung ating diesel Engine eh mana rin natin sa NAMEI. But still, It can still
compone, unless sabihin na ng CHED-Marina, oh luma na yan palitan na natin but,
pwede pa naman, pwede pa naman yun kasi… operational lang eh pa pakita mo eh, still
the same engine, and that will be aah complimented by the simulators ups stairs, kasi
parehas na mag lalaban yun eh, what is the deficiency ng (simulators 20:24) ay ng.. ng
real life aah equipment can be augmented by the, simulators ups stairs in 10th floor yun
ang panalo. Katulad ng synchronization, natin, eh medyo papaayos ko pa yung manual
synchronization dun, na ewan ko ilang dekada na yatang ano hindi pinagawa. But,
meron tayong (simulae 20:49) aah.. synchronization ng generator doon sa simulator, so
ma aano yun, ma.. pwede mong ituro doon.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Opo sir.

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Yun ang kinaganda roon, pwede mo pag palitin yung dalawa,
pwede mong pag aah.. eh compliment bawat isa.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Okay sir, thank you sir, thank you po.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Aah, sir ah… ang na search kasi namin, ISO certified yong
NAMEI, diba?

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Yes.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: And CHED-Marina certified.

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Oo.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Aah, ano pa ba yong other certifications na meron ang
NAMEI, and ano pa yung plano nila, ano pa yong plano ng NAMEI para makakuha ng
mas madaming certifications?

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Actually, we don’t need more certification, kasi DNV certified
ka na, that is enough yung quality certification. Actually, yung iba nga institution dyan
wala namang quality certification and that is international standard in BNV ISO two
thousand seventeen (two thousand seventeen… two thousand ano ah.. STANDARD.

Because, before two thousand eight standard yan, nag approach sa two thousand fifteen,
so kung ano pa ang certification? a a a a… Syempre, accredited ka ng marin, a

otherwise you cannot operate, so meron tayo noon. So yung iba, yung iba ano nalang
eh, depende nalang sa qualification ng instructors, kaya tulad nyan Dr. Cabangon and
myself are accredited ah ano ah appointed… face to face auditor ng CHED, nag inspect
kami ng mga maritime institution kung pwede na sila mag face to face, ako sa marine
engineering si Dr. Cabangon sa deck. So that, cannot be accredited, without my
approval and may inspection kami, we were appointed by CHED, aah isa pa lang naman
yung nabibisita namin, banda sa Quezon City yung.. ano bato? carlos lantin, so na
approved namin yun, pwede na sila mag offer ng limited face to face. Itong eskwelahan
nga natin ay mag aapply pa lang, kasi depende yan sa mga safety protocols, okay naman
yun, so additional certification, ah… as long as accredited by marina, CHED-Marina
and have a quality system. I don’t think we don’t, we need another certification, mga
ano nalang siguro mga membership and association, katulad ng PAMI Philippine
Association of Maritime institution we are a member of that, Philippine Association of
Maritime institution at chaka yong iba pa. Okay?

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Sir ano, does it mean ba na… on par tayo sa ibang school
with regards to certification sir, kasi dun tayo diba sir?

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Oo.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Tama sir?

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Hindi, ahh depende naman kasi eh! Depende kasi sa institution
kung anong certification ng quality ang gusto nya, kung gusto nya ng TUV, tuv sya, eh
tayo, we… we elected for ano, for BNV because most of the maritime schools are BNV
certified, katulad ng PMMA, BNV yan, ang MAAP, BNV yong mga astig na mga
eskwelahan. Kung na saan sila doon tayo papasok, yung iba kasi PUV, yung iba, di ko
laman kung ano pangalan nung iba eh, ayaw ko nalang mag salita!

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Hehehehe

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Okay sir, ahh… sir ah sa tingin nyo ba ah kahit sa
international schools, pwede natin eh compare yong STI-NAMEI?

Dr. Alexander Rafal: What do you mean eh compare, sa maritime ano?

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Aah.. yes sir, sa BsMarine Engineering sir.

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Eh world class naman ang facilities natin ah, world class ang
instructor, Ano'ng gusto nila? Yun nga lang ang problema come and go ang instructor.
Buti nalang, may mga permaninteng naiiwan kung lahat yan ay umaalis, may problema
tayo taon-taon but, as long na nandito kami at nandito ako at may isang natitirang
instructor dyan at wala pang face to face pwede pa yan but, ang magiging problema
natin pag nag ka meron na ng normal face to face, back to normal we need more
instructors. Sa ngayun pwede pa yan kasi online eh, ang nag tuturo naman ay is
qualified marine engineers, chief engineer mga ganun mga galing sa on board ay yun.
But, sa totoo sa susunod ay medyo ano alanganin tayo dyan pag nag face to face na
kailangan mag request ng mas maaga ng instructor.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Okay sir.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: So, last question na sir, so..ah may suggestions po ba kayo
or recommendations na sabihin sa interview na to?

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Actually, ah.. kung sa estudyante, we need more enrollment kasi
nga itong.. buti nga nag increase itong first year, ano? Dumami ng kaunti, kasi nag
advertist na kami sa online na nag salita na kami ni Dr. Sep na we are offering this
course dumami, unlike nung last year nung nag pahinga ako ng one sem, one section
lang yung first year, eh di twenty lang ang first year, twenty. Because, na apektuhan
siguro ng pandemic kaya ayaw mag enroll At least ngayun two section na, mga eighty
na siguro yun, and then kayo and that is why I am, since you are the 3rd year, I’m ah..
gusto kong maging active yung ano… yung makinista Legionnaires, ano ba yun?

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Fellowship sir, fellowship.

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Fellowship, kasi nga eh that is one way of saying that we are
existing and then nung nag karoon ng election is ganito lang, sila-sila lang wala tayong
representative. So, kaya nga since kayo ang senior na year, pakisabi kay Mr, tungcol na
eh submit na yung mga membership dun kay Mr.Tuazon. para naka recoginize tayo,
kasi pag hindi tayo recognize eh wala, makikita nila watak-watak ang engineering.
Kaya nga inumpisahan ko nakita ko, aba, wala man lang asosasyon dito ng ano… hindi
pepwede yung ganun, one voice to be heard in marine engineering huh, oo sabihin nyo
kay tungcul yan, yan lang pwede kung eh ano dyan, para…

actually, napatunayan na natin na we are the debaters champion, diba?

Dr. Rafal: Ano yung pinagmamalaki nila, diba?

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Aye sir.

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Diba Interviewer?

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Aye sir.

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Diba? Akala nila uhhm but, look and then nag laban uli, sila

round ng Naval architecture at tsaka deck, nanalo naman yung deck, eh... etong si

agilion masyadong, masyadong mareklamo eh, prinangka ko na nga eh.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Lumaban pa uli sir, sa second, kalaban yung deck?

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Hindi na tayo lumaban, kasi sabi ko hindi na kami lalaban kasi

ang defending champion, mag laban kayo ng naval and then labanan nyo kami,
hehehehe, oh diba?

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Aye sir.

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Oh diba, Ah Okay any more question?

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Ah sir, that concludes our interview na po

Dr. Alexander Rafal: Okay, thank you very much.

Von Ace Stephen Lagazo: Sir thank you very much din po sa pag ano ng time sir,
thank you po, thank you po.



27 started thinking of a research topic


28 searching for review of related literature

1 started doing chapter 1

4 continuation doing chapter 1

15 finalizing chapter1

18 consultation of chapter 1

19 revision of chapter1
22 started doing chapter 2

24 finalizing chapter2

25 consultation of chapter 2
26 Revision and additional Related Literature of chapter2
1 started doing chapter 3

7 finalizing chapter3

8 consultation of chapter 3
9 revision of chapter3

15 Another consultation for chapter 3


16 Revision of chapter 3

15 revision of survey questionnaire

22 Finalizing Chapter 3

29 Checking of chapter 1 to 3

30 Revision of whole chapter 1 to 3

1 Making Guide Questions and Questionnaire

5 Finalizing Guide Questions and Questionnaire

6 Revise Guide Questions and Questionnaire

11 Consultation for Guide Questions and Questionnaire

12 Started gathering data to our respondents and participants

16 Checking whole research paper

15 Done with the interview and data gathering


16 Starting thematic analysis and give data to our statistician

20 Done with chapter 4 and started chapter 5

21 Done with chapter 5

22 Finalizing chapter 1 to 5 and studying the paper

23 Postponed defense

28 Pre-defense before the final defense next year

29 Applying all the recommendation.

30 Polishing of papers

3 Adding related literature for our data.

5 Paper submitted to grammarian

6 Collecting certifications and curriculum vitae to our adviser, statistician,


and grammarian

10 Collecting curriculum vitae of the researcher

11 Editing the format of research paper

17 Final defense


Service Expenses

Statistician 6,000

Grammarian 2,000

Total: 8,000



This is to certify that the research entitled, “AN ASSESSMENT ON THE

prepared and submitted by Von Ace Stephen Lagazo, Kyle Joseph Lawrence Mercado,
Haya Sent May Puddunan, Mark John Veloso, Helbert Cañete, Karl Dinio, Levi Kane
Tabios, Elli Adrian Murillo, Jerome Pelaez, Kelvin Bejosano, Mark Darren Dunque,
and Matthew Andrei Gabriel in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Science in Marine
Engineering has been guided by the undersigned

Mr. Fegenius Rosas

Research Adviser


This is to certify that the research entitled, “AN ASSESSMENT ON THE

prepared and submitted by Von Ace Stephen Lagazo, Kyle Joseph Lawrence Mercado,
Haya Sent May Puddunan, Mark John Veloso, Helbert Cañete, Karl Dinio, Levi Kane
Tabios, Elli Adrian Murillo, Jerome Pelaez, Kelvin Bejosano, Mark Darren Dunque,
and Matthew Andrei Gabriel in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Science in Marine
Engineering has been statistically reviewed by the undersigned.

Mr. Dhuff Mattheus V Ortiz, RPm

Research Statistician


This is to certify that the research entitled, “AN ASSESSMENT ON THE

ENGINEERING” prepared and submitted by Von Ace Stephen Lagazo, Kyle Joseph
Lawrence Mercado, Haya Sent May Puddunan, Mark John Veloso, Helbert Cañete,
Karl Dinio, Levi Kane Tabios, Elli Adrian Murillo, Jerome Pelaez, Kelvin Bejosano,
Mark Darren Dunque, and Matthew Andrei Gabriel in partial fulfillment of Bachelor
of Science in Marine Engineering has been grammatically reviewed by the undersigned.

Ms. Rose Ann M. Sore, LPT



#30 San Perfecto St.
San Juan City, Philippines
0917 727 4363

OBJECTIVES • To join an organization where I can use my expertise in the field of


• To practice my expertise in teaching while communicating with both students and

colleagues by promoting a lively and energetic attitude in teaching and
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EDUCATION • Master in Communication

Polytechnic University of the Philippines Sta. Mesa,
June 2013 — May 2016

• Bachelor in Broadcast Communication Polytechnic

University of the Philippines Sta. Mesa, Manila
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COMPUTER • Microsoft Productivity Tools: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, FrontPage, Publisher,
SKILLS Outlook, OneNote, Sway
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FIELD • 3 years teaching experience in public senior high school

EXPERIENCE o Subjects Taught
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▪ Oral Communication
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▪ Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions
JOB Buting Senior High School
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ICT Marketing
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March 10, 2008 — January 15, 2009
• Knowledge and Capability in learning different systems and
• Promotes Multi-tasking and Fast Resolutions

REFERENCES Dominic Bequilo Quality
Coordinator Sykes
Philippines 09162599718

Mike Lim Business

Man 09052047078

Cerina V. Galoy
Master Teacher I
Buting Senior High School


I am a licensed psychometrician and a practicing researcher looking for a full-
time/part-time job that would utilize the skills, knowledge, and abilities I acquired in
work and school.

Civil Status : Single
Birthdate : April 19, 1997
Birthplace : Manila
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Language Spoken : English and Filipino

PRC Board Exam : October 2017 Licensure Exam for Psychometricians

2018-Present : Master's Degree- Master of Psychology major in Clinical
Psychology-(36 units earned)
Polytechnic University of the Philippines Sta Mesa, Manila

College Degree-Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila Intramuros, Manila
Dean’s lister

STI College– Sta. Mesa formerly NAMEI Polytechnic Institute
Research & Extension Coordinator
February 2020- October 2021

Asian Institute of Maritime Studies- Research & Development Office

Research Associate
May 2018- January 2020

University of Santo Tomas- Research Center for Social Sciences and Education
Research Assistant
November 2017- April 2018

St John of God Polyclinic and Special Education Center

Special Education Intern
January 2017-March 2017

Department of Labor and Employment (HRDS)

Human Resource Intern
November 2016- December 2016


• Proficient in various psychological concepts, principles, and theories
• Proficient in Statistics and the use of statistical tools (Descriptive Statistics,
ANOVA, Regression, Factor Analysis
• Has expertise in research project evaluation
• Has skill in facilitation and formulation of extension and outreach related
• Knowledgeable in complying with the requirements of CHED and other
educational accreditation agencies
• Proficient in ISO 9001:2015 concepts and principles

• Skilled in policy formulation, monitoring, and review of compliance/
• Excellent in doing research, problem-solving, analysis, and data gathering
• Knowledgeable in administration and interpretation of basic psychological
• Knowledgeable in constructing tests such as achievement, aptitude, and
personality tests
• Technical skill in validating tests and instrumentation for research
• Excellent skill in doing Psychological reports
• Familiar with the fundamental ethical guidelines mandated by the PAP and
• Proficient in MS Office Tools, photo and video editing software, and PC
• Excellent organization and planning skills
• Excellent communication skills in English (written and oral)


STI College– Sta. Mesa formerly NAMEI Polytechnic Institute STI-NAMEI Research


Asian Institute of Maritime Studies (AIMS)

School of Business Management Research Journal- Benchmark Volume no.4


Asian Institute of Maritime Studies (AIMS)

School of Business Management Research Journal- Benchmark Volume no.3


Asian Institute of Maritime Studies (AIMS)

School of maritime Affairs Research Journal- Helm and Rudder Volume no.1


Asian Institute of Maritime Studies (AIMS)

Institutional Action Research- Evaluation of AIMS Social Media Marketing



University of Santo Tomas (UST)

PEAC Project: Effect of Motivational factors and Occupational Stress to Organizational

Commitment, Work Engagement and Job Satisfaction of Public and Private Secondary
School Teachers

Research Assistant


August 15, 2021 Psychological Report: A Guide to Report Writing in Professional

Psychology Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Zoom Application

August 14, 2021

Mind Matters: Mental Health Policies in the Workplace - Polytechnic University of the

Zoom Application

March 18, 2021 ISO 9001:2015 Awareness Seminar – Speaker STI - Sta. Mesa
MS Teams Application

October 4, 2020

Budgeting and Scheduling Projects

University of California, Irvine (sponsored by DOST-CARAGA) Coursera-Online

October 3, 2020

Initiating and Planning Projects

University of California, Irvine (sponsored by DOST-CARAGA) Coursera-Online

September 29, 2020

Psychological First Aid

John Hopkins University (sponsored by DOST-CARAGA) Coursera-Online

September 29, 2020

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in Google Sheets

Coursera Project Network (sponsored by DOST-CARAGA) Coursera-Online

September 26, 2020

Statistical Forecasting Techniques in Google Sheets Coursera Project Network

(sponsored by DOST-CARAGA) Coursera-Online

September 26, 2020

Calculating Descriptive Statistics in R

Coursera Project Network (sponsored by DOST-CARAGA) Coursera-Online

September 25, 2020

Essential Excel Skills for Data Presentation and Analysis Development Academy of
the Philippines- DOST-SPARTA Program Coursebank (Online)

September 24, 2020

Using Google Forms to Analyze User Research Data Coursera Project Network
(sponsored by DOST-CARAGA) Coursera-Online

August 1-30 2020

Getting Grounded on Data Analytics

Development Academy of the Philippines- DOST-SPARTA Program Coursebank


March 2-3, 2020

ISO 9001:2015 Foundation Course

Det Norske Veritas - Germanischer Lloyd (DNV-GL) Norwegian Training Center –


MOA Complex, Pasay City

July 18, 2019

Data Privacy Act (DPA) 2012 Compliance Echo-Seminar & Workshop per randum

Asian Institute of Maritime Studies Libertad, Pasay City

May 18,2019

Research Colloquium in Counseling 2019 University of the Philippines-Diliman

Diliman, Quezon City

March 16, 2019

Self-Care: Its Essence and Implications in the Psychological Practice Polytechnic

University of the Philippines

Sta Mesa, Manila

February 15, 2019

Collaboration towards a Culture of Research (Seminar-Workshop) Asian Institute of

Maritime Studies

Libertad, Pasay City

January 13, 2019

Magister Servus: Data Analysis and Management in Qualitative and Quantitative

Research University of the Philippines-Diliman

Diliman, Quezon City

Nov 22, 2017

MaxQDA Training: Research Enhancement Competency Learning Seminar

University of Santo Tomas

España, Manila

March 18, 2017

NeoPsyche5 Let’s Get The Job Done: Millenials at Work

Colegio de San Juan de Letran Intramuros, Manila

February 26, 2017

Criminal Profiling, Separation & Annulment Investigation of Pathological Liars

La Consolacion College Mendiola, Manila

February 16, 2017

Financial Literary Workshop: My Money and Me

Justo Albert Auditorium Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila Intramuros, Manila

February 4, 2016

Rotaract PLM 2016 Annual Youth Leadership Seminar Bukod Tanging Bulwagan

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila Intramuros, Manila

March 12, 2015

Digging the Indispensable Gold, Mine your real worth Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng

Intramuros, Manila

March 5, 2015

#TechyMe: Technology Meets Employees Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

Intramuros, Manila

March 19, 2015

Stop, Look, and Listen: Labor Code 101 Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
Intramuros, Manila

March 16, 2015

IGNITIUS LEDEN: Your Vessel to Unlimited Potentials Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng


Intramuros, Manila

February 26, 2015

Motivation: In and Out A Guide for Innovation and Efficiency Pamantasan ng

Lungsod ng Maynila

Intramuros, Manila

September 7, 2014

Stress Management ConsunjiBahay Ng Alumni

University of the Philippines-Diliman, Quezon City

References are available upon request

Licensed Professional
Compassionate Senior High School Teacher with 2 years of
CONTACT English instruction experience. Focused on student
engagement and academic progress.
Senior High School Teacher
Phase 2 Block 11 Lot 8 Apricot St. La Mizpah Ville Academy | Aug 2021 - present
Micara Estates Tanza, Cavite

Fostered positive and pleasant classroom culture

while maintaining learning development goals.
Proofreading and Editing
Senior High School Teacher
Grammar Principles Universidad de Manila | Aug 2019 - present
Literature Analysis
Evaluated students' academic and social growth, kept
Lesson Planning
appropriate records and prepared progress reports to
Classroom Management gauge performance.
Group and Individual Instruction
Online English Teacher
Freelancer | April 2019 - present

Mrs. Penny Rose H. Quiton Worked with Chinese students between ages 8 and 20
School Principal on grammar, pronunciation and sentence
La Mizpah Ville Academy construction.
Dr. Antonio A. Tarinting
Master of Arts in Educational Management
University Vice President
Pacific Intercontinental College | Dec 2021 - present
Universidad de Manila
+639499988262 150 Hours TESOL Certification
TESOL Coach Master Inc. | Nov 2021
Dr. Alistair Selorio
Bachelor of Arts in Secondary Education Major in
Dean, College of Education English 142
Universidad de Manila
Universidad De Manila | Jun 2015 - Apr 2021

Lagazo, Von Ace Stephen M.
Blk2 7 L38 Cityland, Pulong Buhangin
Sta. Maria, Bulacan
Contact no.: (0919) 258-1641

To secure a challenging position in a reputable organization to expand my
learnings, knowledge, and skills.


2017 – 2019 STI College Sta. Maria

Senior High School
Information Technology in Mobile App & Web

2013 - 2017 Nuestra Señora Del Carmen Institute

Junior High School


● Intermediate knowledge on the programming languages Java and C#

● Create basic webpage function and design using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

● Literate in using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel

● Can understand and speak the English language fluentl


Adruino Seminar and Workshop Certificate of Participation

October 30, 2018


FATHER’S NAME: Mr. Earl D. Lagazo

MOTHER’S NAME: Mrs. Ellaine Grace M. Lagazo
AGE: 20 years old
LANGUAGE DIALECT: English and Filipino


Denmark Mendoza Nathaniel Panganiban Alfie Benito

I.T. Dean, Instructor Instructor
Instructor, STI College Sta. Maria STI College Sta.
STI College Sta. Maria 09171642270 09774767391

Mercado, Kyle Joseph Lawrence F.
52 Chico St. Blk 37. Welfare Ville Compound
Addition Hill Mandaluyong City
Contact no.: (0949) 805-2977

To secure employment with a reputable company, where I can utilize my skills
and maritime knowledge background to the maximum.


2016 – 2018 Highway Hills Integrated School

Senior High School
Accountancy and Business Management

2012 - 2015 Andres Bonifacio Integrated School

Junior High School


● Active listening
● Team Leadership
● Literate in using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel
● Can understand and speak the English language fluently
● Basic knowledge about computer


FATHER’S NAME: Mr. Zosimo Mercado Jr.
MOTHER’S NAME: Mrs. Erlinda Mercado
AGE: 21 years old
PLACE OF BIRTH: Mandaluyong City
LANGUAGE DIALECT: English and Filipino


Senior High Teacher, Highway Hills Integrated School
Calbayog St. Mandaluyong City

Senior High Teacher, Highway Hills Integrated School
Calbayog St. Mandaluyong City


Senior High Teacher, Highway Hills Integrated School
Calbayog St. Mandaluyong City

8B A.Reyes St. Brgy. Salapan San Juan City

Mobile number: 09478274926




Senior High School Stella Maris School

2017-2019 Araw Bituin, Lubang, Occidental,

Junior High School Stella Maris School

2013-2017 Araw Bituin, Lubang, Occidental, Mindoro

Elementary School Tagbac Elementary School

2006-2013 Tagbac, Lubang, Occidental, Mindoro

• Playing outdoor sports (basketball, volleyball, table tennis, badminton)
• Watching anime
• Playing online games

Age : 20
Birthday : March 01, 2001
Religion : Catholic
Nationality : Filipino

Status : Single

Mrs. Lilian Insigne

Tangal, Lubang, Occidental, Mindoro

Mrs. Rowena T. Tejoso

Tagbac, Lubang, Occidental, Mindoro

Ms. Teresa Garay

Tagbac, Lubang, Occidental, Mindoro

Elli Adrian L. Murillo
Dalisay 2 Poblacion Bansud, Oriental Mindoro

Mobile Number: 0912836607



Senior High School Bansud Institute Inc.

2017-2019 Poblacion, Bansud, Oriental Mindoro

Junior High School Bansud Institute Inc.

2013-2017 Poblacion, Bansud, Oriental Mindoro

Elementary School Bansud Central Elementary School

2006-2013 Poblacion, Bansud, Oriental Mindoro

• Playing Basketball
• Playing Bmx Bike
• Playing Guitar
• Pet Kepper
Age : 20
Birthday : June 12, 2001
Religion : Catholic
Nationality : Filipino

Status : Single


Reference are available upon request

Dunque, Mark Darren N.
Blk.36 Addition Hills Mandaluyong City

Mobile number: 09125415714




Senior High School I-Link College of Science and Technology

2017-2019 Poblacion.8 Midsayap North Cotabato

Junior High School Elpidio Singco Elementary School

2013-2017 Upper Kiwanan Midsayap North

Elementary School Elpidio Singco Elementary School

2006-2013 Upper Kiwanan Midsayap North Cotabato

• Video Game
• Watching Movies

Age : 21
Birthday : March 20, 2000
Religion : Catholic
Nationality : Filipino

Status : Single


Reference are available upon request.

Matthew Andrei C. Gabriel
476 San Rafael St. Plainview, Mandaluyong City

Mobile number: 09477911796



Senior High School St. Louis College,

2016-2018 San Fernando City, La Union

Junior High School La Union National High School,

2012-2016 San Fernando City, La Union

Elementary School Poro San Agustin Elementary School

2006-2012 San Fernando City, La Union
• Cooking
• Reading
• Playing sports

Age : 22
Birthday : December 4, 1999
Religion : Catholic
Nationality : Filipino

Status : Single


Reference is available upon request.

Brgy. Paratong, Sinait, Ilocos Sur

Mobile number: 09455037836



Senior High School Sinait National High School

2017-2019 Brgy. Ricudo, Sinait, Ilocos Sur 2733

Junior High School Sinait National High School

2013-2017 Brgy. Ricudo, Sinait, Ilocos Sur 2733

Elementary School Sinait West Central Elementary School

• Basketball
• Playing Volleyball
• Playing chess

Age : 21
Birthday : July 16, 2000
Religion : Catholic
Nationality : Filipino

Status : Single


Mrs. Jasmin Pascua – Balneg

Instructor, Sinait National High School
Brgy. Ricudo, Sinait, Ilocos Sur 2733

Dinio, Karl M.
1725 4th Street Punta Sta. Ana Manila
Contact no.: 0945-2764-336



2019 – Present STI College Sta. Mesa – Formerly

Shaw Bacheclor of Science in
Marine Transporatation Tertiary

2013 - 2019 Aliaga Nationa High Scholl

Secondary Graduate

2007 – 2013 Don Benigno Cariedo

• Good Human Relation
• Good written and oral communication skills
• Basic computer knowledge; MS Word, Excel, and Power Point
• Can work efficiently under different circumstances


FATHER’S NAME: Mr. Benedicto

Emily Dinio AGE: 20 years old

PLACE OF BIRTH: Zaragoza Neeva
Ecija NATIONALITY: Filipino
LANGUAGE DIALECT: English and Filipino

Blk 08, Samagta, San Juan, Taytay,
Mobile number: 09369256143
Senior High School ACLC College of Taytay
2017-2019 Monteverde , San Juan, Taytay, Rizal

Junior High School Manuel I. Santos Memorial National High School

2013-2017 Sitio Lambak , San Juan Taytay, Rizal
Elementary School Anabu II Elementary School
2006-2013 Imus, Cavite

• Playing Basketball
• Playing online games
• Listening to music
Age : 20
Birthday : March 01, 2001
Religion : Catholic
Nationality : Filipino

Status : Single

Ms. Joy Sapinoso Mr. John Villaraza
Adviser, MISMNHS Teacher
Taytay, Rizal MISMNHS

Mr. Marc

Mobile Number: 09363293652


Senior High School Maddela Comprehensive High School ( Humanities

in Social Sciences)
2017-2019 Poblacion Norte, Maddela, Quirino

Junior High School Maddela Comprehensive High School

2013-2017 Poblacion Norte, Maddela, Quirino

Elementary School Maddela North Central School

2006-2013 Poblacion Norte, Maddela, Quirino
Age : 21
Birthday : April 24, 2000
Religion : Born Again
Nationality : Filipino

Status : Single


Reference are available upon request


Unit 514 Dalisay Bliss, Avocado Street, Lupang Pari,

San Miguel, Pasig City

Mobile number 09214977135


Senior High School

2016-2018 Southern Leyte State University-CBM, San Juan

Junior High School

2012-2016 San Juan National High School

Elementary School
2005-2012 Pong-oy Elementary School
• Playing Rubik's Cube
• Watching Movies
• Cooking


Age : 23
Birthday : July 29, 1998
Religion : Catholic
Nationality : Filipino

Status : Single


Reference are available upon request

202 Dream Ville Ligid Tipas Taguig City
Mobile number 09617588432


Senior High School

2017-2019 Tipas National High School
F.Manalo, Palingon - Tipas, Taguig, 1630 Metro Manila

Junior High School

2013-2017 Tipas National High School
63, 1638 F Manalo, Taguig, Metro Manila

Elementary School
2006-2013 Tipas Elementary School
63, 1638 F Manalo, Taguig, Metro Manila

• Playing Basketball
• Choir Member
• Playing Board Games
• Biking
Age : 21
Birthday : May 09, 2000
Religion : Baptist Christian
Nationality : Filipino
Status : Single


Principal Adviser (Grade 12 Senior High)
Tipas National High School Tipas National High School
63, 1638 F.Manalo, Taguig, Metro Manila



Ergun Demirel and Dinçer Bayer (July 2016) “A STUDY ON THE ASSESSMENT OF

Cerya, Efni (2016) The Private Cost IN Education AS a Determinant Factor of The
Academic Quality: a Case Study Of States High School in Urban Area of West
Sumatera Province. In: Proceeding International Conference Local wisdom for Re-
Thinking Global Solutions, 21-23 September 2016, Padang.

Thangeda, Arundhathi; Baratiseng, Bakisanani; Mompati, Thatoyamodimo

“Education for Sustainability: Quality Education Is a Necessity in Modern Day. How
Far Do the Educational Institutions Facilitate Quality Education?” Journal of
Education and Practice, v7 n2 p9-17 2016.


Cecilia F. Malolos and Tereso S. Tullao, Jr. “ROLE OF THE COMMISSION ON

EDUCATION QUALITY EDUCATION” Working Paper series 2018-01-046


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