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ME460 Renewable Energy Resources

Course Instructor

Engr. Muhammad Irfan

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering & Technology, SUIT
Hydel Power
Types of Hydro Turbines
Reaction, Impulse, Mixed Flow
Axial for Low Head (3-33 meters)
Radial or Combined Flow

Kaplan – Variable pitch blades – High efficiency at off load


Francis – radial, mixed flow – 5-500 meter heads – poor at off

load conditions

Pelton Wheel – Impulse turbine > 50 meter head – high

efficiency over wide range

Fixed Bladed Propeller ~ High efficiency at design conditions

Poor at low flow rates
Three Gorges Dam – Yangtze River - China
Installed capacity 22.5 GW - 32 Main Turbines of 700 MW
Capacity factor 0.45
Height 181 m
Length 2,335 m
Crest width 40 m
Base width 115 m
Spillway capacity 16,000 m3/s
Reservoir Capacity 39.3 km3

Catchment Area 1,000,000 km2

Surface area 1,045 km2
Normal elevation 175 m
Reservoir length 600 km
Max. reservoir width 1.1 km
Pelton Wheel – Impulse Turbine
Francis – Reaction Turbine
Working of Francis Turbine
Kaplan – Reaction Turbine
Po = ρQgH (Watts)
Rain fall > 40 cm/y desired
Ha = Ht - Hf
Q = ⌠ u dA
u ≈ 0.8 us (for rectangular cross section)
Pelton Wheel
F = 2ρQj (uj – uc) Force experienced by the
Pj = F uc = 2ρQj (uj – uc) uc Power transferred to one cup

Maximum for uc/ uj = 0.5

Hence Pj = ρ Qj uj 2 /2 100% efficiency
Uj 2 = 2g Ha Bernoulli’s Principle

Pm = ηm ρ Qj (2gHa) / 2 = ηm ρ (a uj) (2gHa ) /2

= ηm ρ a (2gHa)3/2 / 2 Power from one nozzle
= ηm ρ a n (2gHa)3/2 / 2 for n nozzles
2≤n≤ 4
Angular Velocity and Turbine Size
Since uc = Rω R = 0.5 uj / ω
R = 0.5 (2gHa )1/2 /ω
Radius of the nozzle
r2 = Pm / (ηmρnπ(gHa)3/2(2)1/2)
Hence r / R = 0.68 (ηmn) -1/2 δ
Where δ = Pm 1/2 ω/[ ρ 1/2 (gHa ) ]
5/4 Shape Number
Peak Efficiencies of Various Turbines w.r.t.
Shape Number
Banki Turbine – Cross flow
η = 0.9, δ = 0.11
Hence ω1 = δ ρ 1/2 (gHa )5/4 / Pm 1/2

= 0.11 x (1000)1/2 (9.8 x 81)5/4 / (160000)1/2

= 36 Rad/s
Further, R = uj / 2ω = (2gHa)1/2 / 2ω = 40 / 2ω = 0.55 m
Similarly, ω2 = 1.1 Rad/s, R = 4.5 m
Therefore, Pelton wheels rotate slowly with low heads –
Suitable only with low heads and small flows
World Hydro Electricity Generation (Twh/year)
Hydro Power Capacity by Region
Hydraulic Ramp Pump
Social & Environmental Aspects
v Multiple applications – Water storage, fishing,
recreation, bird sanctuaries, river flow control, flood
v Debt burden – high capital investment, public
displacement, destruction of eco-systems, loss of
historical and cultural heritage, inequitable sharing of
costs and benefits
v Small reservoirs and Run-of-River projects
considered having less environmental impacts – China
having large numbers
Currently Installed Hydel Power Capacity in Pakistan
S. Power Installed
No Station Capacity
1. Tarbela 3,578
2. Ghazi 1,450
3. Mangla 1,000
4. Warsak 243
5. Chashma 184
6. Khan 72
7. Duber 130
8. Allai 121
9. Others 178
Total 6,956
Near completion hydel power projects in Pakistan

S. Power Capaci Expect

No. Station ty ed
(MW) Compl
1. Jinnah 96 Dec.
Hydropow 2012
2. Gomal 17.4 Feb.
Zam Dam 2013
3. Golen-Gol 106 Feb.
4. Neelum 969 Oct.
Jhelum 2015
Total 1188.4
S. Project River Water Power
Identified No. Storage Capacity
(MAF) (MW)
whose 1. Diamer Basha Indus 8.1 4500
Feasibility 2. Kurram-Tangi Kurram 1.2 84
Study is 3. Tarbela-4th Indus 1410
Complete Extetnsion
4. Munda Swat 1.3 740
5. Kohala Jhelum RoR* 1100
6. Bunji Indus RoR* 7100
7. Dasu Indus 1.15 4320
8. Lower Spat Gah Indus RoR* 496
9. Lower Palas Indus RoR* 665
10. Mahl Jhelum RoR* 600

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