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Genmds are +ierbs that act like nouns. They are fu oed
by adding ’-ing’ to verbs. For example: swim -= a\imming a»
heve+be can be FolfoyJed fry either a gerund or an infinitive @ + verb}: For example: "I like / love '’ hate swimming.” Or ”I

h i ofbzn go oo the beech on weekends. i like

. Z Robert has a red spcrts cer. Ne enjo'/s skate

They eIway• Pat at ra-la ura
hunt drive
nts. A Mary likes TV, but the doesn0 have a ozIe'7ision. wash dance
N i bought a new bicycle last wek i love cook surf
watch read
ther4s a great book store neerby. ski
7. Thomas enjoys \¥ith lots of different colcrz.

& Richard I iYes near e mountain, so he often goes in fish run

the winrer.
e i dislike because i alvmys fail do+vn on the i:e.

W Last summer, Jenny tried vñth her new surfboard

IL k'ty brother I ikes seamcd, so he If kes

di rt\ dishe.

U Sam doesn’t li Ye to kill animals, sc he never goes

heeuse i’ m not a gcod dancer.

w Fm sorry, but i ceiYt go with you. i hurr my foot.

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