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Detailed Lesson PLAN

Biology (University of the Visayas)

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Lesson Title: Creative Writing Grade: 11/12

Prerequisite: 21st Century Literature from the

Semester: 1st Semester
Philippines and the World
Subject Description: The course aims to develop practical and creative skills in reading and writing;
introduce students to the fundamental techniques of writing fiction, poetry, and drama; and discuss the
use of such techniques by well-known authors in a variety of genres. Each class will be devoted to the
examination of techniques and to the workshop of students’ drafts toward the enrichment of their
manuscripts. Students learn how to combine inspiration and revision, and to develop a sense of form.
At the end of the lesson, 95% of the students will be able to:
a. Identity literary devices in a short story;
b. Appreciate literary devices by differentiating each characteristics; and
c. Compose short stories using literary devices.
A. Content: Techniques and Literary Devices
a. Content Standard: Fiction as a genre and are able to analyze its elements and techniques.
b. Performance Standard: Produce at least one striking scene for a short story.
c. Learning Competency: Write a short scene applying the various elements, techniques,
and literary devices.
B. Learning Resources
a. References
 Retrieved March 12,2022 from
 Retrieved March 12,2022 from
 Retrieved March 12,2022 from
b. Materials
 Pair of Scissors
 ¼ Illustration board
 Tape
 Marker
 Strips of paper
1. Prayer
(The teacher will assign student to lead the
prayer) (Everybody will stand up and the assigned students
T: Everybody please stand-up for the prayer. will go to the front and start the prayer.)

2. Greeting S: Good morning Maam, good morning Classmates!

T: Good Morning everyone? Mabuhay!
T: You may now take your seat. S: Thank you Maam!
3. Checking of Attendance
(The student will also help identify who are the
T: Who are the absent today? absent for the day.)
(The teacher will refer to her seat plan and
check whose seats are empty.)

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4. Classroom Management (The students will pick all the garbage under and
(The teacher will set the classroom mood by around their chair and will sit properly.)
instructing them to pick all the trashes they
can see around and to arrange their chairs

5. Review of Previous Discussion (A students will raise his/her hand)

T: Before we move on with our new topic,
who can help us remember what is our
discussion was all about last meeting? S: the topic that we have discussed last time was all
about the “Elements of writing fiction”.
T: okay! Mr. Dela Cruz please stand up and
help us remember.
( other students will raise their hands)
T: Very good Mr. Dela Cruz! Now, who can
enumerate what are the elements of S: the elements of fiction are Character, plot, POV,
fiction? theme, irony, conflict, and setting.

( the teacher will point her hand to the ( the student will now sit down)
students and giving them the approval to
T: okay, good job! Ms. Ramos. You may now S: Yeheey! We are excited maam!
take your seat.
T: So now let us go on with our new activity.

6. Motivation (The students will now go to their respective groups

(The teacher will divide the class into three, and will form a circle to help each other to arrange
and each group are given 1 set of different the jumbled letters.)
jumbled letters. They are task to arrange the
letters and post it in the board. The first (The students will now post their output the board)
group to get the correct word will receive a
winning token. The jumbled words are
Figurative Language, Literary Techniques and S: Woo! We made it!
Literary Devices.)

T: Alright, I think we have a winner.

Congratulations group 2 for winning our first S: Yes maam!
activity today!
T: Stay where you are and Let us move on
with our new lesson.
“Word Math” (the students will now answer the word problem and
The teacher will show to the student a series afterwards someone from one of the groups will raise
of word problem that should be guessed by the their board)
students through adding and subtracting
words. With the same group, they are to write S: Maam, we are done!
their answers in the ¼ illustration board. The (students will now show their answer)
first group to guess the correct answer will be
given another winning token/points.

T: Okay, show everyone what you got there.

T: Very good! That is correct!

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(the teacher will now ask the students to go

back in their proper seats)

(students will reveal his/her answer)

S: Thank you maam!
(The teacher will ask series of questions
base on the activity that they have done
(students will go back to their seats)
T: How did you fine the activity?
T: What did you do in order to come with
the correct answer right away?
T: Okay, so base on the answers that you
have solved, what did you observed?
S: It is very challenging maam!
T: So, what do you think will be relevance
S: We did teamwork and we tried to comprehend and
of these words to our new topic?
examine the word properly and thoroughly.
T: Yes, Correct! Our topic for today is about
S: Some of the words are familiar to us maam but
Techniques and Literary Devices,
some are new.
specifically the figurative languages.
S: We think our topic for today will be about
Figurative Language.
(the teacher will now read the lesson
objectives to the students)



Literary Devices- refers to the typical structures used by writers in their works to convey his or her
message(s) in a simple manner to his or her readers. When employed properly, the
different literary devices help readers to appreciate, interpret and analyze a literary

Literary Devices have two aspects.

They can be treated as either Literary Elements or Literary Techniques. It will be convenient to
define them separately.
• Literary Elements have an inherent existence in literary piece and are extensively employed by
writers to develop a literary piece. E.g., plot, setting, narrative structure, characters, mood, theme,
moral etc. Writers simply cannot create his desired work without including Literary Elements in a
thoroughly professional manner.
• Literary Techniques, on the contrary, are structures usually a word/s or phrases in literary texts that
writers employ to achieve not merely artistic ends but also readers a greater understanding and
appreciation of their literary works. Examples are metaphor, simile, alliteration, hyperbole, allegory,
Here are some of the examples of Literary Devices.
 Imagery - It is the use of figurative language to create visual representations of actions, objects,
and ideas in our mind in such a way that they appeal to our physical senses.
For example:
The room was dark and gloomy. -The words “dark” and “gloomy” are visual images.
The river was roaring in the mountains. – The word “roaring” appeals to our sense of hearing.

 Simile and Metaphor -The comparison of one thing to another that does not use the terms “like”
or “as”. In the other hand, a comparison of two things through the use of the words like or as.
For example:
Simile Metaphor
 The boy was as brave as a lion in the jungle.  The warrior has a heart of stone.
 The assistant was as busy as a bee when she  Love is a battlefield.
was preparing the podium for the  Her hair was silk.
presidential address.
Symbolism- The use of specific objects or images to represent abstract ideas. A symbol must
be something tangible or visible, while the idea it symbolizes must be something abstract or

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For Example:

rainbow–symbolizes hope and promise.

red rose–symbolizes love and romance

four-leaf clover–symbolizes good luck or fortune.

Dove- Symbolize peace and purity.

Flashback - is a literary device wherein the author depicts the occurrence of specific events
to the reader, which have taken place before the present time the narration is following, or
events that have happened before the events that are currently unfolding in the story.
For Example:

Forrest Gump, where Forrest tells his life story to random people who sit with him on the bench.

Titanic is told in a flashback from the perspective of elderly Rose.

The Notebook is told in a flashback as Noah reads their story to dementia patient, Allie, from her
own journal.

Foreshadowing - occurs in a literary text when the author gives clues and hints about what is
to come in the story. Foreshadowing can occur due to the characters' words or thoughts, or it
can occur because of the action of the story. Foreshadowing helps to create suspense in the
For Example:

Some of the most famous examples of foreshadowing in literature can be found in Shakespeare’s
works. Romeo and Juliet are brimming with lines that foreshadow future events in the play. For example, in
the famous balcony scene, Romeo expresses that he would not mind being caught by Juliet’s guards, stating

life were better ended by their hate, /than death prorogued, wanting of thy love

In simple terms, Romeo would rather die than live his life without Juliet’s love. His words foreshadow
Romeo and Juliet’s suicides, and the family conflict that precedes their deaths .

 Motif -is an idea, object, or concept that repeats itself throughout a text. sounds and visual
descriptors can also encapsulate a motif, as they continue to reappear throughout a story. A
popular one is the green light used by F. Scott Fitzgerald in The Great Gatsby.
For Example:

 Hearing the phrase, "Some things in life never change" repeated throughout a story

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(to push a character to make a big change)

 Watching a streetlamp flicker, but only on Friday nights
(to reinforce a central character's loneliness on Friday nights)
 Hearing the sound of a dog collar once, twice, maybe three times throughout a story
(to emphasize a character's sorrow over the loss of her faithful companion)

4. Application
With the same group, the students are task to evaluate and identify literary devices used in the
story “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen.
T: Write you evaluation in a one whole
sheet of paper and cite lines in the story
which has literary devices. S: None ma’am.
T: Questions?
IV. Evaluation
The students are task to compose their own short story adhering the elements and techniques of
literary devices.

V. Agreement
Write in a ½ crosswise sheet of paper the Elements of Drama.

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