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Plaintiff: ____________________________________

and Civil Action File No.: __________________________

Defendant: __________________________________

NOTICE OF FILING PETITION FOR ___________________________________

[Write in name of Petition.]

To ____________________________ [Write in Defendant’s name.]:

Pursuant to an Order for Publication signed by the Honorable ________________________ [Enter name of judge
signing the Order for Service by Publication.] on ______________________________ [Enter date judge signed Order for
Publication.], you are hereby notified that a Petition for ____________________________ [Enter name of Petition.] has
been filed in the Superior Court of Cobb County, Georgia, Case No. ________________________, on __________________
[Enter date Petition was filed.] a Petition which seeks to ______________________________________________________
[Enter purpose of Petition, i.e., obtain a divorce, change minor child’s name from _____ to _____, etc.].
Generally, the Petition alleges that _________________________________________________________________
[Input basic allegations of Petition, i.e., Plaintiff is seeking a divorce from you, Plaintiff is seeking to change minor child’s
name from _____ to_____, etc.].
You may obtain a copy of this Petition from the Clerk of Superior Court of Cobb County, located at 32 Waddell
Street, Marietta, Georgia, 30090 or (770) 528-1300.
After you review the Petition, you must file your written answer and objections to the Petition with the Clerk of
Superior Court. You must also serve a copy of your answer upon the Plaintiff, whose address is as follows: ______________
Your answer must be made within sixty (60) days of the date of the Order for Service by Publication.

Signed this _________________ day of ________________________________________.

[day] [month] [year]

CLERK, Superior Court of Cobb County
Prepared and Presented by:
[Sign.] Plaintiff, Pro se
Plaintiff’s Name (print or type): _______________________
Plaintiff’s Address: ________________________________
Plaintiff’s Telephone Number: _______________________

“Notice of Publication” Page 1 of 1
Provided by the Superior Court of Cobb County. rev 1. 05/2008

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