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1. The nurse helps the health care hour.

What is the priority nursing

provider perform a thoracentesis at the action?
bedside. In which position does the
nurse place the client to facilitate needs A. Clamp the chest tube immediately
insertion and promote comfort? B. Increase oxygen to 6 L via nasal
A. Fetal position lying unaffected side C. Medicate client for pain and
with knees drawn to the abdomen and document the findings
hands clasped around them D. Notify the health care provider
B. Lying on the affected side with head immediately
of the bed elevated to 30-45 degrees
C. Prone with head turned to the 5. The nurse removes personal
affected side and arms over the head, protective equipment after completing
supported by a pillow a wound dressing change for a client in
D. Upright leaning forward over the airborne transmission based
bedside table, with arms supported on precautions. Which PPE should the
pillows nurse remove first?

2. A school nurse observe a 3-year-old A. Face shield/ goggles

begin to choke and turn while eating B. Gloves
lunch. What should be the nurse's initial C. Gown
action? D. Mask/ respirator

A. Abdominal thrusts 6. A client with latent tuberculosis has

B. Back blows and chest thrusts been taking oral isoniazid (INH) 300 mg
C. Blind sweep of the child's mouth daily for 2 months. The client tells the
D. Call 911 for an ambulance nurse that for the past week she has
had numbness, burning sensation, and
3. A school nurse observe a 3-year-old tinging in her hands and feet. Additional
begin to choke and turn while eating intake of which of the following would
lunch. What should be the nurse's initial most likely have prevented this?
A. Folic acid
A. Abdominal thrusts B. Vitamin B6
B. Back blows and chest thrusts C. Vitamin B12
C. Blind sweep of the child's mouth D. Vitamin D
D. Call 911 for an ambulance
7. A client with active pulmonary
4. The nurse is assessing a client an tuberculosis is prescribed 4-drug
hour a left lung lobectomy. The client is therapy with ethambutol. The
awake alert, and oriented, and reports community health nurse instructs the
pain of 6 on a 0-10 scale. Pulse oximetry client to notify the health care provider
is 92% on 4L oxygen via nasal cannula. immediately, if which adverse effect
The chest tube is set to continuous associated with ethambutol occurs?
water seal suction at -20 cm H2o. The
collection changer has accumulated 320 A. Blurred vision
mL of frank red drainage in the last B. Dark-colored urine
C. Difficulty hearing B.Have the client sit in an upright
D. Yellow skin position with the neck hyperextended
C. Partially or fully deflated the cuff
8. A client had a thoracotomy 2 days D. Provide a modified diet of pureed
ago to remove a lung mass and has a foods
right chest tube attached to negative
suction. Immediately after turning the 11. When caring for a patient with
client to the left side to assess the lungs, acute bronchitis, which of the following
the nurse observes a rush of would the nurse prioritize?
approximately 125 mL of dark bloody
drainage into the drainage tubing and A. auscultating lung sounds.
collection chamber. What is the B. encouraging fluid restriction.
appropriate nursing action? Check on C. administering antibiotic therapy.
the exhibit for additional information. D. teaching the patient to avoid cough
A. Document and continue to monitor
chest drainage 12. Which of the following would be
B. Immediately clamp the chest tube appropriate nursing intervention for a
C. Notify the health care provider patient with pneumonia with the
D. Request repeat hematocrit and nursing diagnosis of ineffective airway
hemoglobin levels clearance related to thick secretions
and fatigue?
9. The client with malignant left pleural
effusion undergoes a thoracentesis and A. perform postural drainage every
900 mL of excess pleural fluid is hour. B. provide analgesics as ordered
removed. Which of these to promote patient comfort.
manifestations, if noted on the post- C. administer 02 as prescribed to
procedure assessment, should the maintain optimal oxygen levels.
nurse report to the health care provider D. teach the patient how to cough
immediately? effectively to bring secretions to the
A. Asymmetrical chest expansion and
decreased breath sounds on the left 13. A patient with TB has been admitted
B. Blood pressure 100/65 mmH (mean to the hospital and is placed in an
arterial pressure 71 mmHg) airborne infection isolation room. What
C. Client complains of 6/10 pain at the should the patient be taught (select all
needle insertion site that apply)?
D. Respiratory rate 24/min pulse
oximetry 94% on oxygen 2 L/min A. Expect routine TST to evaluate
10. A client with a tracheostomy is alert B. Visitors will not be allowed while in
and oriented and able to tolerate oral airborne isolation.
intake. Which action would be C. Take all medications for full length
appropriate to reduce the client's risk of of time to prevent multidrug-resistant
aspiration preumonia? TB.

A. Fully inflate the cuff before feeding

D. Wear a standard isolation mask if B. check all connections for a leak in the
leaving the airborne infection isolation system.
room. C. lower the drainage collector further
E. Maintain precautions in airborne from the chest.
infection isolation room by coughing D. clamp the tubing at progressively
into a paper tissue. distal points away from the patient until
the tidaling stops.
14. When caring for a patient with a
lung abscess, what is the nurse's priority 18. What is the appropriate nursing
intervention? intervention for a patient post
A. Postural drainage
B. Antibiotic administration A. monitoring chest tube drainage and
C. Obtaining a sputum specimen functioning.
D. Patient teaching regarding home care B. positioning the patient on the
unaffected side or back.
15. The emergency department nurse is C. doing range-of-motion exercises on
caring for patients exposed to a chlorine the affected upper limb.
leak from a local factory. Which of the D. auscultating frequently for lung
following would the nurse closely sounds on the affected side.
monitor with these patients?
19. What is the priority nursing
A. pulmonary edema. intervention for a patient who has just
B. anaphylactic shock. undergone a chemical pleurodesis for
C. respiratory alkalosis. recurrent pleural effusion?
D. acute tubular necrosis.
A. administering ordered analgesia.
16. Which of the following signs and B. monitoring chest tube drainage.
symptoms will the nurse identifies a flail C. sending pleural fluid for laboratory
chest in a trauma patient? analysis.
D. monitoring the patient's level of
A. multiple rib fractures are determined consciousness.
by x-ray.
B. a tracheal deviation to the unaffected 20. When planning care for a patient at
side is present. risk for pulmonary embolism. Which of
C. paradoxical chest movement occurs the following would the nurse
during respiration. prioritize?
D. there is decreased movement of the
involved chest wall. A. maintaining the patient on bed rest.
B. using sequential compression
17. The nurse notes tidaling of the devices.
water level in the tube submerged in C. encouraging the patient to cough and
the water-seal chamber in a patient deep breathe.
with closed chest tube drainage. What D. teaching the patient how to use the
should the nurse do? incentive spirometer.

A. continue to monitor the patient.

21.Which statements) describe(s) the 24.Which of the following activities
management of a patient following lung would be a plan of care for the patient
transplantation (select all that apply)? with COPD? (select all that apply)

A. The lung is biopsied using a A. exercise such as walking.

transtracheal method. B. high flow rate of 02 administration.
B. High doses of oxygen are C. low-dose chronic oral corticosteroid
administered around the clock. therapy.
C. The use of a home spirometer will D. use of peak flow meter to monitor
help to monitor lung function. the progression of COPD.
D. Immunosuppressant therapy usually E. breathing exercises such as pursed-
involves a three-drug regimen. lip breathing that focus on exhalation.
E. Most patients experience an acute
rejection episode in the first 3 days 25.Which of the following are effects of
cigarette smoking on the respiratory
22.A patient is concerned that he may system?
have asthma. Of the symptoms that he
relates to the nurse, which ones suggest A. hypertrophy of capillaries causing
asthma or risk factors for asthma (select hemoptysis.
all that apply)? B. hyperplasia of goblet cells and
increased production of mucus.
A. Allergic rhinitis C. increased proliferation of cilia and
B. Prolonged inhalation decreased clearance of mucus.
C. History of skin allergies D. proliferation of alveolar
D. Cough, especially at night macrophages to decrease the risk for
E. Gastric reflux or heartburn infection.

26.What is the major advantage of

23.In evaluating an asthmatic patient's
Venturi mask?
knowledge of self care, which of the
following statement would the nurse
A. deliver up to 80% 02.
recognizes that additional instruction?
B. provide continuous 100% humidity.
C. deliver a precise concentration of 02.
A. "I use my corticosteroid inhaler
D. be used while a patient eats and
when I feel short of breath."
B. "I get a flu shot every year and see
my health care provider if I have an
upper respiratory tract infection."
27. Which guideline would be a part of
C. "I use my inhaler before I visit my
teaching patients how to use a
aunt who has a cat, but I only visit for a
metered-dose inhaler (MDI)?
few minutes because of my allergies."
D. "I walk 30 minutes every day but
A. After activating the MDI, breathe in
sometimes I have to use my
as quickly as you can.
bronchodilator inhaler before walking
B. Estimate the amount of remaining
to prevent me from getting short of
medicine in the MDI by floating the
canister in water.
C. Disassemble the plastic canister from
the inhaler and rinse both pieces under 31.A patient with allergic rhinitis reports
running water every week. severe nasal congestion; sneezing; and
D. To determine how long the canister watery, itchy eyes and nose at various
will last, divide the total number of times of the year. Which of the
puffs in the canister by the puffs following statement of the nurse would
needed per day. teach the patient to control these
28. Which treatments in CF would the
nurse expect to implement in the A. avoid all intranasal sprays and oral
management plan of patients with CF antihistamines.
(select all that apply)? B. limit the usage of nasal decongestant
spray to 10 days.
A. Sperm banking C.use oral decongestants at bedtime to
B. IV corticosteroids on a chronic basis prevent symptoms during the night.
C. Airway clearance techniques (e.g., D.keep a diary of when the allergic
Acapella) reaction occurs and what precipitates
D. GoLYTELY given PRN for severe it.
E. Inhaled tobramycin to combat 32.Which of the following is the best
Pseudomonas infection method for determining the risk of
aspiration in a patient with a
29. A patient who has bronchiectasis tracheostomy?
asks the nurse, "What conditions would
warrant a call to the clinic?' A. consult a speech therapist for
swallowing assessment.
A. Blood clots in the sputum B. have the patient drink plain water
B. Sticky sputum on a hot day and assess for coughing.
C. Increased shortness of breath after C. assess for change of sputum color 48
eating a large meal hours after patient drinks small amount
D. Production of large amounts of of blue dye.
sputum on a daily basis D.suction above the cuff after the
patient eats or drinks to determine
30. A patient was seen in the clinic for presence of food in trachea.
an episode of epistaxis, which was
controlled by placement of anterior 33.Which nursing action would be of
nasal packing. During discharge highest priority when suctioning a
teaching, which of the following patient with a tracheostomy?
statement would the nurse instructs the
patient? A. Auscultating lung sounds after
suctioning is complete
A. use aspirin for pain relief. B. Providing a means of communication
B. remove the packing later that day. for the patient during the procedure
C.skip the next dose of antihypertensive C. Assessing the patient's oxygenation
medication. saturation before, during, and after
D. avoid vigorous nose blowing and suctioning
strenuous activity.
D. Administering pain and/or procedure assessment should the nurse
antianxiety medication 30 minutes report to the health care provider
before suctioning immediately?

34.While in the recovery room, a A. Asymmetrical chest expansion and

patient with a total laryngectomy is decreased breath sounds on the left
suctioned and has bloody mucus with B. Blood pressure 100/65 mmH (mean
some clots. Which nursing interventions arterial pressure 17 mmHg)
would apply? C. Client complains of 6/10 pain at the
needle insertion site
A. Notify the physician immediately. D. Respiratory rate 24/min pulse
B. Place the patient in the prone oximetry 94% on oxygen 2 L/min
position to facilitate drainage.
C.Instill 3 mL of normal saline into the 37.A client with active pulmonary
tracheostomy tube to loosen secretions. tuberculosis is prescribed 4-drug
D. Continue your assessment of the therapy with ethambutol. The
patient, including 02 saturation, community health nurse instructs the
respiratory rate, and breath sounds. client to notify the health care provider
immediately if which adverse effect
35.The nurse is preparing to suction associated with ethambutol occurs?
secretions from the airway of an
unconscious client whose lungs are A. Foggy vision
mechanically ventilated with an B. Dark-colored urine
endotracheal tube. Place the steps for C. Difficulty hearing
suctioning the endotracheal tube in the D. Pricking sensation in fingers
correct order. All options must be used
38.The nurse caring for a client with left
1. Advance catheter into the trachea lobar preumonia responds to an alarm
2. Evaluate client tolerance and from the continuous pulse oximeter.
document The client is short of breath with an
3. Gently rotate the catheter while oxygen saturation of 78%. After
suctioning applying oxygen, the nurse should place
4. Hyperoxygenate the lungs the client in which position to improve
5. Perform hand hygiene and don gloves oxygenation?
6. Suction the oropharynx and perform
oral care A. Left lateral
B. Right lateral
A. 564132 C. Supine
B. 123456 D. Trendelenburg
C. 561234
D. 162453 39.The nurse is teaching a 9-year-old
child with asthma how to use a metered
36.The client with malignant left pleural dose inhaler. Place the instructions in
effusion undergoes a thoracentesis and the appropriate order. All option must
900 mL of excess pleural fluid is be used.
removed. Which of these
manifestations, if noted on the post- 1. Exhale completely
2. Deliver one putt of medication into C. Heparin will keep the current clot
spacer from getting bigger and help prevent
3. Place lips tightly around the mouth new clots from forming
piece D. I'm sorry, this is something that your
4. Rinse mouth with water health care provider can answer better
5. Shake MDI and attach it to spacer upon arriving
6. Take a slow deep breath and hold for
10 seconds 42.The nurse prepares to care for a
client being admitted with a confirmed
A. 123456 diagnosis of middle east respiratory
B.513264 syndrome. Which personal protective
C.531264 equipment will the nurse use when
D.512346 providing care to the client?

40.The nurse performs tracheostomy A. Gloves and gown

care for a client with a disposable inner B. Gloves and mask
cannula and tracheostomy dressing. C. Gown and N95 respirator
Place the steps in the correct order. All D. Gown gloves, N95 respirator, and
options must be used eye protection

1. Gather supplies and position client 43.The nurse assesses a child who has
2. Don mask, goggles and clean gloves been treated for an acute asthma
3. Remove soiled dressing exacerbation. Which client assessment
4. Don sterile gloves, remove old is the best indicator that treatment has
disposable cannula and replace with a been effective?
new one
5. Clean around stoma with sterile A. Episodes of spasmodic coughing have
water or saline, dry and replace sterile decreased
gauze pad B. No wheezes are audible on chest
A. 41532 C. Oxygen saturation has increased
B. B. 41523 from 88-93%
C. 45215 D. Peak expiratory flow rate has
D. 12345 dropped from 212L/min to 127L/min

41.A client with deep vein thrombosis is 44.A client with asthma was recently
receiving a continuous infusion of prescribed fluticasone/salmeterol. After
unfractionated heparin. The client asks the client has received instructions
the nurse what the heparin is for. How about this medication, which statement
should the nurse respond? would require further teaching by the
A. Heparin is a blood thinner that will
help to dissolve the clot in your leg A. After taking this medication, I will
B. Heparin will help stabilize the clot in rinse my mouth with water
your leg and prevent it from breaking B. At the first sign of an asthma attack,
off and traveling to your lungs I will take this medication
C. I have been smoking for 12 years, but
I just quit a month ago
D. I received the pneumococcal vaccine
about a month ago

45.The nurse caring for a client with

tuberculosis transport the client to the
radiology department for a chest x-ray.
The nurse ensures that the client uses
which personal protective equipment
when out of the negative pressure

A. Isolation gown, surgical mask,

goggles and gloves
B. Isolation gown and surgical mask
C. N95 respiratory mask
D. Surgical mask

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