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Program: Project Management

Course: Project Implementation and Closure
Semester Mini-Research on
Implementation of construction projects using Oracle primavera P6
software: the case Ayat share company projects

Section: A

Group member name ID

1.Alemtideg Alemayehu MAPM(2)012/13B
2.Jerusalem Birhanu MAPM(2)037/15
3.Natnael Bekele MAPM(2)140/15
4.Henok Belete MAPM(2)124/15

Submitted to: Dr. Meseret

December, 2023
Chapter one .............................................................................................................................. 1
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background of the study................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem .............................................................................................. 2
1.3 Objectives of the study .................................................................................................. 2
1.4 Research Question ......................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Significance of the Study ............................................................................................... 3
1.6 Scope of the study ......................................................................................................... 5
1.7 Organization of the study............................................................................................... 5
Chapter Two ............................................................................................................................. 6
Review of Related Literatures ................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Theoretical Literature Review ........................................................................................ 6
2.2 Conceptual Framework .................................................................................................. 9
Chapter Three..........................................................................................................................10
Research Methods ..................................................................................................................10
3.1 Research Approach .......................................................................................................10
3.2 Case Study Selection ....................................................................................................10
3.3 Research Design ...........................................................................................................12
3.4 Target Population ..........................................................................................................13
3.5 Sampling and Sampling Technique .............................................................................14
Chapter Four ...........................................................................................................................15
Data Analysis and Presentation .............................................................................................15
4.1 Methods of Project Planning ........................................................................................15
4.1.1 Gantt chart ...............................................................................................................15
4.1.2 Network scheduling method ..................................................................................15
4.1.3 Scheduling...............................................................................................................16
4.1.4 Resources................................................................................................................16
4.2 Project Data Analysis ....................................................................................................19
4.2.1 Project Planning and Scheduling...........................................................................19
4.3 Project Scheduling ........................................................................................................20

CHAPTER FIVE........................................................................................................................26
Conclusions and Recommendations.....................................................................................26
5.1 Conclusions ...................................................................................................................26
5.2 Recommendations ........................................................................................................26
REFERENCES .........................................................................................................................28

List of Figure
Figure 4.1 Organization Breakdown structure (OBS) of Ayat Share Company ..................19
Figure 4.2 Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) of the 2B+G+16 project .............................20
Figure 4.3 Global calander of the schedule ...............................................................................21
Figure 4.4 defining the activities of the WBS .............................................................................22
Figure 4.5 Assigning resources of the project ...........................................................................22
Figure 4.6 completed Activity schedule of first page ..................................................................24
Figure 4.7 completed Activity schedule of second page ............................................................25

Chapter one


1.1 Background of the study

Construction projects carry immense significance due to their wide-ranging impact on
society, the economy, and the built environment. Construction projects are crucial for
the development and maintenance of critical infrastructure, including roads, bridges,
airports, and utilities. Enhancing infrastructure improves connectivity, facilitates
transportation, and supports economic activities. The project consumes several
resources in its life to achieve the desired goal. Increase of cost due to delay in time is
associated with resources. For large construction projects with a large budget; it
becomes very difficult for the project team to complete tasks in time. It is therefore very
important to have a tool in the hands of the project team that can be used to monitor
project activities. Primavera Project Planner P6, the Oracle software, is an incredible
asset owned by the Venture Group. The product helps in the efficient organization,
planning, and control of activities. Construction workers in India are reluctant to use the
organizational and business planning processes used around the world and currently
serve as a benchmark for the timely completion of tasks. The survey includes
discussions/presentations on Primavera P6, an accessible business organization, and
planning device. The nature of the planning established by the product requires regular
details and why the product improves the business is largely overlooked by customers
in India.
Time management is crucial for effective project management. Issues such as rework
activities, changes in job specifications without direct notification, work overload, and
unreasonable time constraints can negatively impact time management. Poor time
management can lead to delays and, ultimately, increased costs. Planning and
scheduling are the recommended methods to address these challenges. They empower
project managers to complete projects within the designated timeframes, thereby
achieving the project's objectives and goals.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
Efficient project management plays a vital role in the effective implementation of
construction projects. Over the past few years, the adoption of project management
software has become essential in order to optimize workflows, improve teamwork, and
guarantee the timely and cost-effective completion of projects. Primavera software,
well-known for its strong project management features, has become increasingly
popular within the construction sector..

The cost of a project is often a critical factor that can contribute to delays or incomplete
outcomes. Insufficient planning in construction projects can result in significant
financial losses for the company, potentially leading to project delays. Particularly in the
case of multi-story building construction projects, which require substantial investment
and time, careful cost planning is necessary. Construction companies should anticipate
future material prices and account for potential increases that may arise. Additionally,
uncontrolled resource usage at the construction site can also lead to profit losses. If a
construction company fails to effectively manage resource consumption, it can result in
excessive spending that deviates from the planned costs. Ultimately, this can result in
substantial financial losses and a diminished profit for the company upon project
The timing and scheduling of a project are significant factors that can result in project
delays or incompletions. Construction companies face considerable challenges in
effectively planning and managing project timelines, as inadequate time planning can
lead to profit losses. Prior to commencing a project, all construction companies
typically establish a schedule, but some may struggle to adhere to the allocated time
constraints, resulting in project delays. Moreover, certain companies may overlook the
environmental factors when creating their schedules. It is crucial to consider the
environmental impact during the planning phase, as any negative effects can lead to
project delays and financial losses. Therefore, conducting a comprehensive study on
schedule development for a project is essential.

1.3 Objectives of the study

The objective of this project is

1) To identify the construction sequence for building construction Ayat Share Company
projects built around CMC
2) to recognize the scheduling techniques applied during the development of planning
and scheduling procedures.

3) to create schedules by utilizing Primavera project planning software..
4) to utilize Primavera P6 V8.3 software to create schedules and plans for the
construction of structures of Ayat Share Company projects

1.4 Research Question

The basic research question which we need to outline is how does the implementation
of Primavera software impact the overall efficiency and success of construction
projects? The following questions are answered after our paper.
1.How does the use of Primavera software impact project scheduling to ensure timely
completion of construction projects?
2.How does Primavera software contribute to cost management and assist in
controlling budgets in construction projects?

1.5 Significance of the Study

The Significance of the Study in the context of "Implementation of Construction
Projects Using Primavera Software" outlines the importance and potential impact of the
research. It helps justify the need for the study and articulates how the findings could
contribute to the existing knowledge in the field.
Advancing Project Management Knowledge:

This study contributes to the progressive field of project management by conducting a

thorough examination of Primavera software's implementation in construction projects.
By delving into the intricacies of this widely utilized project management tool, the
research adds valuable insights to the existing knowledge base.

Informing Project Managers and Practitioners:

Project managers and practitioners in the construction field consistently seek effective
tools to enhance project efficiency and success. The research findings serve as a
valuable resource, providing practical insights and recommendations for the
implementation of Primavera software in diverse construction contexts.

Identifying Challenges and Solutions:

The study addresses the current gap in literature by comprehensively exploring the
challenges associated with implementing Primavera software in construction projects.

Understanding these challenges is crucial for developing effective strategies and
solutions to optimize the software's performance in real-world scenarios.

Quantifying Impact on Project Performance:

By quantifying the impact of Primavera software on key project parameters such as

scheduling, cost management, and overall success, the research offers empirical
evidence to support or refine existing perceptions. This empirical foundation is
essential for evidence-based decision-making in the construction industry.

Guiding Decision-Making and Investments:

Stakeholders, including construction companies, investors, and policymakers, often

base their decisions on the effectiveness of project management tools. The research
findings can guide decision-makers in selecting, implementing, and optimizing the use
of Primavera software, potentially influencing strategic investments in technology.

Contributing to Sustainable Construction Practices:

As the construction industry increasingly emphasizes sustainability, understanding how

Primavera software contributes to environmentally conscious construction practices
becomes significant. The research may shed light on the software's role in promoting
sustainable project management approaches.

Enabling Continuous Improvement:

The insights provided by the study regarding the benefits and drawbacks of Primavera
software contribute to fostering a culture of continuous improvement within the
construction industry. By identifying areas for enhancement, the research supports
ongoing efforts to refine and optimize project management practices.

In conclusion, this research on the implementation of construction projects using

Primavera software holds both academic and practical value for project managers,
industry professionals, and stakeholders involved in construction projects. The findings
have the potential to shape the future of project management practices in the
construction sector.

1.6 Scope of the study
The scope of the study outlines the boundaries and parameters within which the
research will be conducted. It defines the specific aspects of the implementation of
construction projects using Primavera software that the study will focus on.
It is important to note that this study does not aim to comprehensively cover all
software solutions used in construction project management but specifically
concentrates on the implementation of Primavera software. The scope is designed to
ensure a focused and detailed analysis of the chosen subject matter.
This scope provides a clear outline of the boundaries and parameters that will guide the
research on the implementation of construction projects using Primavera software.
Adjustments can be made based on the specific goals and constraints of your study.

1.7 Organization of the study

The organization of the study refers to the structure and arrangement of the research
paper. It provides a roadmap for readers, guiding them through the various sections and
chapters of the study. we have compiled the document with good coherence for the title
of "Implementation of Construction Projects Using Primavera Software" for Ayat Share

Chapter Two

Review of Related Literatures

2.1 Theoretical Literature Review

since the construction industry is vast and complex it needs serious planning and
scheduling that many scholars and professional engineers have written so much
article and journals relating to construction project management with the aid of
advanced software programs specially oracle primavera P6 software.The
following are the previous research reviews based on Effective Scheduling and
Control of Construction Project Using Primavera P6.
Bhosekar and Subramani et al. (2012) stated that Earn Value Analysis (EVA) has
unique features that benefit clients, consultants and contractors involved in the
project. From the comparison of result of Microsoft Project and Primavera P6
they found that the final result gives almost 99.5% accuracy.
Matthew J. Liberatore et al. (2001) This study affirms that professionals in the
construction industry extensively utilize project management (PM) software. Most
construction respondents prefer the software package Primavera, in contrast to the
broader respondents who predominantly use Microsoft Project. The construction
professionals employ PM software for Customer Relation Management, Virtual Design
and Construction, and Financial Management. The project's complexity plays a crucial
role in their decision to use or not use PM software. The findings suggest that
construction professionals employing more analytical techniques tend to opt for the
comprehensive Primavera package, while those using fewer techniques favor the
simpler Microsoft Project. Noteworthy results pertain to technique usage and the types
of information entered and updated in projects. Critical path analysis, resource
scheduling, and earned value analysis are heavily used by construction respondents for
planning and control. Regarding project information, over half of construction
respondents who input specific PM data also update that information. The number of
activities in a project and the use of software across all active projects emerge as key
factors influencing the adoption of specific analytical techniques and the entry/update
of information in the software.
Kyong Ju Kim et al. (2016) conducted a study focusing on enhancing the efficiency of
initial scheduling by creating a database of various scheduling models and automating
the initial schedule preparation process. The developed system allows even novice

schedule engineers to formulate an initial schedule plan by referencing a standard
schedule and project database. This approach aids in organizing technical information
on schedule management for future use. The system's automation minimizes the time
required for initial schedule preparation, aligning with tight deadlines mandated by
Korean law. The system generates activities and logic networks automatically using a
standard schedule and project database. Activities are linked to a proper CBS for
automatic quantity calculations. The study introduced a code system for work
classification, calendar types, and activities essential for initial scheduling, resulting in a
field-friendly system that automates activity generation and quantity calculation. The
system is designed to integrate with Primavera commercial schedule management
software, enhancing overall schedule management efficiency. Comparative analysis
between existing and automated methods for initial scheduling revealed that activity
generation, logic network connection, and quantity calculation were the most time-
consuming tasks.

Ming-Fung Francis Siu et al. (2016) evaluated budget sufficiency and resource
utilization for resource-constrained project schedules using a practical scheduling
approach (Primavera P6) and the resource supply-demand matching problem (RSDMP)
optimization approach. The study demonstrated that both approaches can produce
project schedules subject to constant or periodic resource supply limits. However,
RSDMP outperformed Primavera P6 in terms of higher budget sufficiency and resource
utilization. The research emphasized that RSDMP offers better performance, allowing
more contingency to be reserved in the control budget against unexpected works. The
optimized schedules showed improved resource utilization, resulting in the shift of the
Primavera P6 schedule to add to the contingency.

Abuzar Aftab Shaikh et al. (2016) examined Schedule Variance (SV) and Cost
Performance Index (CPI) using Primavera P6. The negative SV indicated that the project
was behind the planned schedule by 17.80%, while the positive CV and CV% values
suggested that the project was under budget. The CPI of 1.03 indicated that the project
was within budget. The study revealed a delay of 3.026 months in project completion,
and adjustments, such as increasing labor and timely material provision, were
suggested to bring the project back on schedule. Primavera P6 was recognized as an
effective tool for tracking project progress, managing costs associated with progress,
and avoiding delays.

Mrs. Sangeetha H M et al. (2017) worked on a residential building project and

concluded that planning is a crucial function. The project, as per the planned schedule,
showed a delay of around four months, with Schedule Variance indicating a delay and

Cost Variance suggesting the project was over budget. The Schedule Performance
Index (SPI) was less than 1, indicating the project was behind schedule, while the Cost
Performance Index (CPI) was equal to 1, suggesting the project was within the budget.
The study underscored the importance of planning in project management.

Chiranjeevi D. S. et al. (2017) emphasized the significance of Earned Value

Management (EVM) in program evaluation. The project, tracked at the third interval,
showed a schedule performance of 98% and cost performance of 88%. The cost
variance indicated cost overruns, and the project needed to perform at 1.02% speed of
planned value to complete on schedule.

S. M. B. Jaswanth et al. (2018) approved the effectiveness of Primavera software in

schedule control techniques, highlighting its ability to reduce project duration. The study
identified defects in planning and scheduling processes and demonstrated that
Primavera software, being user-friendly, optimizes schedules compared to the originally
planned schedule.

Suvarna P. et al. (2018) studied a construction project and used Earned Value Analysis
to measure time and cost performance. The study enabled the analysis of various
parameters related to project progress, indicating 90% completion of piling work and
100% completion of girder reinforcement. Schedule and Cost Variances, along with CPI
and SPI, were indicated through Earned Value Analysis.

Puli Pooja et al. (2018) obtained satisfactory results from Primavera P6 software,
providing helpful guidelines for project managers and site engineers. Positive Cost
Variance indicated that the project was under budget, while negative Schedule Variance
suggested a project delay. The study highlighted the usefulness of Earned Value
Management in guiding project work.

Shah Harsh et al. (2018) emphasized the value of Earned Value Management (EVM) in
real-time project tracking, offering insights into schedule and cost performance. EVM
was seen as a useful tool for managing risks in construction projects.

Diana M. Franco-Duran et al. (2019) discussed the importance of project management

software, particularly Primavera P6 and Microsoft Project, in planning and controlling
projects. They pointed out limitations in these software packages related to resource
supply-demand issues and recommended the incorporation of Resource-Constrained
Scheduling (RCS) techniques. The study indicated that both Primavera P6 and MS

Project create phantom floats in resource-constrained schedules, affecting the
identification of the critical path and the anticipation of delays.

2.2 Conceptual Framework

Construction project management (CPM) involves overseeing, regulating, and
supervising construction processes, whether it be for a single project or an entire
construction management company. Regardless of the scale, CPM aids in project
planning during the pre-construction phase, monitoring deliverables throughout
construction, evaluating project delivery, and concluding the initiative. Given the
complexity of the construction industry with numerous elements and stakeholders,
CPM fosters cross-team clarity, enhancing efficiency and teamwork. It ensures that
construction projects adhere to deadlines and have well-defined deliverables at the
project life cycle's conclusion. While construction-specific needs exist, many aspects of
the project life cycle align with general project management. Effective CPM is
instrumental in minimizing delays, enhancing efficiency, ensuring quality control,
promoting safety, fostering a team-oriented culture, averting disputes, and providing
solutions. Furthermore, it aids in keeping projects on track, managing resources
efficiently, facilitating clear communication, saving time and money, improving work
quality, and supporting informed business decisions. In essence, CPM is indispensable
for the success of every construction project, managing industry complexity,
maintaining project alignment, and ensuring timely, budget-compliant, and high-quality
project delivery.

Utilizing project management software like Primavera P6 streamlines project planning,

scheduling, and control. Primavera P6, a widely used project, program, and portfolio
management tool in various industries, including construction, manufacturing, energy,
and IT, is designed for large-scale, sophisticated projects. It accommodates unlimited
resources and target plans, aiding project managers in planning and scheduling projects
globally, prioritizing and executing projects, tracking real-time progress, identifying
potential issues, and taking corrective action. The software facilitates effective
resource management by allocating resources based on availability, skill set, and
project requirements. Additionally, it serves as a centralized platform for collaboration,
communication, and document sharing among team members and stakeholders.
Primavera P6 enables project managers to optimize performance, reduce risk, and
enhance project outcomes by offering a comprehensive solution for project planning,
scheduling, and control.


Chapter Three

Research Methods

3.1 Research Approach

This research encompasses project planning and scheduling using oracle
primavera P6 software for the projects of Ayat Share Company which is built
around the CMC area in Addis Ababa.
The initial stage of the employed approach involves collecting information on
relevant subjects and arranging them appropriately to finalize the literature
review. The literature review encompasses titles that are generally recognized,
generating corresponding technical questions that need to be addressed. Once
the literature review, based on secondary data obtained, is completed, the
collection and organization of primary data from the site commence. Through
the analysis method, the investigation and discussion are carried out, supporting
the subsequent topics of conclusion and recommendations.

3.2 Case Study Selection

Ayat Share Company stands out as a pioneer in the real estate industry, particularly in
the realm of residential house construction. Through a groundbreaking and highly
effective combination of Real Estate Development, Real Estate Construction, and Real
Estate Finance, Ayat has established a significant lead over its competitors. Having
taken risks in the early years within the relatively unknown realty market and persevered
through over two decades of challenges, it is no surprise that Ayat takes pride not only
in being a trailblazer in the real estate industry but also in the extensive experience it
has gained.

As a fully Ethiopian-owned and managed company, Ayat has brought pride to tens of
hundreds of Ethiopians and Ethiopian diasporas, both domestically and internationally,
by enabling them to become homeowners in their native country. The company
envisions providing shelter to thousands more in the years to come. Over the past
years, Ayat has successfully delivered over 7,000 residential homes, 1,000 commercial
outlets, and has created employment opportunities for over 15,000 Ethiopians.

The Developer takes pleasure in offering luxurious new apartments to potential
homeowners and establishing communities in highly desirable locations in Addis Ababa.
With a wide range of designs and styles to choose from, including hundreds of villas,
residential apartments, malls, and numerous business outlets, customers have more
choices than they could have ever imagined. All buildings bearing the Ayat® touch are
meticulously designed, constructed, and equipped with a diverse range of needs and
preferences in mind. Ayat is renowned not only for building homes but also for creating
a remarkably fulfilling community for its homebuyers, an occurrence that is rare by any
Currently Ayat Share Company is constructing a huge luxury apartment village around
CMC which is composed of high rising buildings. We decided to plan and schedule this
complex projects with primavera P6 software using the project. We selected one typical
2B+G+16 apartment building to schedule with P6 software.

Figure 3.1 Ayat Share Company ongoing project

3.3 Research Design

Research design is the general plan of how the study will be going in answering
research questions. The basic research questions described in the first chapter
of this study are generally related with the implementation construction projects
using primavera software. The objectives were then drawn from these research
questions. So, the research was then designed in alignment with getting the
objectives achieved. The research employed case study research design.
The analysis performed for this study can be summarized as:

▪ Literature review of different books, master’s thesis, web sites of similar cases
and sample project reports;
▪ Analysis of the records data of projects;
▪ reviewing the of the contract documents signed with subcontractors and the
Ayat Share Company
▪ Interviewing relevant personnel of project managers ,contract administrators
,resident engineers, site engineers and responsible stakeholders of construction
projects; and
▪ Finally, qualitative analysis of the data was done.

3.4 Target Population

The focus group for this study is narrowed down to the local community residing
near the case study site, as well as the employees of Ayat Share company. This
selection is made because the primary reasons for the abandonment of the site
are directly linked to these specific target groups.
The decision to limit the target population of the study to the nearby community
and Ayat Share company employees is based on the direct connection between
these groups and the abandonment of the case study site. By focusing on these
specific targets, the study aims to gain a deeper understanding of the factors and
dynamics that have led to the site's abandonment.

The nearby community is selected as a target population because they are

directly impacted by the presence of the abandoned site. This community may
have firsthand knowledge and experiences related to the site, its history, and the
reasons behind its abandonment. By including their perspectives, the study can
uncover valuable insights into the social, economic, or environmental factors that
contributed to the site's current state.

Additionally, Ayat Share company employees are included as a target population

because they are associated with the site through their employment. These
employees may have insights into the company's decision-making processes,
operational challenges, or any specific events or circumstances that led to the
abandonment. Their perspectives can provide valuable information about the
internal dynamics of the company and shed light on the factors that influenced
the site's abandonment from an organizational standpoint.

By focusing on these specific target groups, the study aims to gather
comprehensive and diverse perspectives on the abandonment of the case study
site. This approach allows for a deeper analysis of the underlying factors and
provides a more nuanced understanding of the site's history, contributing to the
development of effective strategies for addressing the abandonment and
preventing similar situations in the future.

3.5 Sampling and Sampling Technique

Sampling is a process in statistics and research that involves selecting a
subset of individuals, elements, or data points from a larger population. The
purpose of sampling is to gather representative information about the
population of interest without having to collect data from every single

Sampling techniques are methods used to select samples from a

population. The choice of sampling technique depends on various factors,
such as the nature of the population, the research objectives, available
resources, and the desired level of precision.
The sampling technique we used is Random Sampling in which the
individual or element in the population has an equal chance of being
selected. It ensures that the sample is representative of the population and
reduces bias. We randomly selected Ayat Share company employees and
interviewed about conventional planning and scheduling methods.

Chapter Four

Data Analysis and Presentation

4.1 Methods of Project Planning

Primavera P6 is a powerful tool for project planning and control. Here are some
methods that can be used to plan a project using Primavera P6.

4.1.1 Gantt chart

The business organization technique known as the strategy was created by Henry Gantt
and Fredric Tailor and can be considered a logical approach. This method utilizes
horizontal bars to represent the duration of provisioning services and organizes task
names into distinct sections arranged vertically.
Each company has a pole placed in front of it, and the graph displays the start date,
duration of the exhibition time, and end date of the races. The advantages of utilizing
Gantt charts are as follows: Firstly, Gantt charts are widely accepted and commonly
used due to their simplicity and ease of layout, making them easily understandable for
anyone without complex assumptions or estimates. They are particularly useful for
individuals who may not have a specific background in project management. For
instance, clients and senior managers may find it easier to manage a development
project by referring to a bar chart rather than a complex organizational diagram. Despite
the emergence of the Critical Path Method (CPM) and the advent of advanced computer
technology, Gantt charts have not become obsolete or less significant. Instead, they
have evolved to provide alternative support, making them even more relevant and well-
known in various work contexts.

4.1.2 Network scheduling method

CPM (Critical Path Method), which is one of the key planning strategies employed in
development, utilizes a mathematical representation of a flowchart to depict the
sequence and priority of activities. CPM is a time-oriented approach that relies on
essential data such as task duration and interdependencies. The activities are
represented as nodes in the flowchart, and the arrows between them indicate the

required resources for each action. CPM assumes that resources are unlimited. While
the advent of software development has reduced the need for manual organization, the
documentation of organizational processes still provides a straightforward overview of
the project timeline and resource allocation.

The Network Scheduling Method, which is a component of CPM, offers several

advantages over traditional bar charts. Firstly, network diagrams provide a visual
representation of the logical relationships among activities, offering a clearer
understanding of the project flow. Additionally, network diagrams are better suited for
depicting complex and large-scale projects compared to bar charts. Finally, network
diagrams enable the estimation and calculation of project completion dates or other
milestones based on mathematical calculations derived from the CPM.wqdsd

Overall, CPM and its associated Network Scheduling Method have become established
practices within the development industry since their emergence in the mid-1960s,
allowing for efficient planning and scheduling of projects.

4.1.3 Scheduling
In project management, a timetable is a record that lists the project's accomplishments,
tasks, and expected outcomes, typically with predetermined start and end dates.
Timetables are commonly used in the planning and project portfolio management
phases of project management. The components of a timetable closely align with the
work breakdown structure (WBS), tasks, schedule, and duration.

4.1.4 Resources
Required resources refer to the equipment and tools necessary to accomplish a specific
task. No task or activity can be carried out without human resources, equipment,
materials, and the utilization of various resources. The required resources for a project
are categorized into three groups: renewable resources, non-renewable resources, and
resources with dual constraints. Additionally, semi-renewable resources have also been
proposed. The execution of each task relies on the allocation of the necessary
resources. If the available resources are sufficient and do not cause any delays in
executing concurrent tasks that require specific resources, then there is no need to
adjust the project timeline. However, this ideal situation does not always occur.
Therefore, the manner and timing of resource allocation become crucial factors to
The steps involved in scheduling and resource allocation for station work are as

1.Creating an ideal schedule: The first step is to gather available data for the project and
then create an optimal schedule. In Primavera, the following steps can be followed.

2.Enterprise Project Structure (EPS): Establish the structure of the company executing
the project, including its branches. This is known as the Enterprise Project Structure.

3.Organizational breakdown structure (OBS): After creating the EPS, develop the
Organizational Breakdown Structure, which reflects the hierarchy of individuals
responsible for the project within the enterprise.

4.Calendar: Set up a standard 6-day workweek calendar with necessary holidays and a
one-hour break in the afternoon. Work will be carried out on these days.

5.Create a new project: A project is a collection of activities and associated information

that form a plan for delivering a product or service. Create the project within the
respective division of the EPS and assign personnel from the OBS to it. The project can
have planned start and finish dates and can be assigned a global, resource, or project

6.Work breakdown structure (WBS): Develop a hierarchical breakdown of the work that
needs to be completed to finish the project. Each project has its own WBS hierarchy,
starting at the top level WBS element, which corresponds to the EPS nodes or the
project itself. More detailed WBS levels, activities, or both can be included within each
WBS element.

7.Define activities: Activities are the fundamental work elements of a project and form
the lowest level of the WBS. Each activity has characteristics such as an activity ID,
name, start and finish dates, activity calendar, type, codes, constraints, expenses,
successor and predecessor relationships, resources, and roles.

8.Relationship between activities: Establish connections between activities to form a

network. This is done by assigning preceding and succeeding activities that have
significant relationships with each other. There are four types of relationships: finish-to-
start (FS), finish-to-finish (FF), start-to-start (SS), and start-to-finish (SF).

9.Determining activity duration: Enter the planned duration for each activity in the
original duration field during the work planning phase. The actual duration can be
entered only for completed activities.

10.Activity dates: Primavera provides various types of activity dates, including actual
start, actual finish, planned start, and planned finish.

11. Activity cost: The activity cost is the total sum of all the expenses incurred for the
12.Establishing baselines: A baseline plan is a complete replica of the original schedule
and serves as a reference point against which a project's performance is measured.

13.Updating the schedule: If the project is progressing according to the plan, it is only
necessary to estimate the progress. However, if the project deviates from the plan, with
activities starting out of sequence and actual resource usage exceeding the planned
usage, individual updates should be made for activities and resources. Most projects
have some activities that progress as planned while others don't, so a combination of
updating methods is typically used.

14.Tracking: Monitoring a project's progress involves using different layouts, such as

labor costs, project cost, resource forecasting, resource allocation unit-wise, and cost-
wise, with the help of a tracking window.

15.Earned value: Earned value is a technique that measures project performance based
on both cost and schedule. It compares the budgeted cost of the work to the actual
cost incurred.

16.Claim digger: The claim digger is a tool for schedule analysis that allows a company
to generate a report comparing selected data fields in a revised project to the
corresponding baseline.

17.Project thresholds: Project thresholds are parameters assigned to WBS elements

and are used to monitor projects and identify issues.

18.Project issues: Project issues refer to problems within a schedule that need to be
addressed before the project can be completed. These issues can arise either from the
predefined thresholds or be identified manually.

4.2 Project Data Analysis
This project data analysis is done for the 2B+G+16 apartment building in which the
whole bill of quantities (BOQ) data is taken from the contract agreement signed with
Ayat Share Company and subcontractors.

4.2.1 Project Planning and Scheduling

Once the organization is created, the activity details are captured in the bar chart. The
same information is also displayed in the PERT view. This view presents the activity
details, including the activity name, duration, start and completion dates, and additional
information in the data section. After inputting the initial activities with their respective
start and end dates, one can track them throughout the project using the data section of
the Primavera screen.

Figure 4.1 Organization Breakdown structure (OBS) of Ayat Share Company

4.3 Project Scheduling

To plan the tasks, the project is divided into various Work Breakdown Structures (WBS)
to allocate labor and determine the duration of each activity. The work breakdown
structure for this project is as follows:

Figure 4.2 Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) of the 2B+G+16 project

Survey and Preconstruction work: This includes all the activities and tasks related to
gathering information and conducting surveys on the site area. It also involves setting
up temporary structures such as a site office, testing laboratory, store room, inventory
room, and others to facilitate smooth operations at the site. These activities are crucial
for initiating a new project and ensuring efficient site management.
Step 1: Creating an enterprise project for the company's execution. This step involves
creating a company profile and specifying the divisions in which the company operates.
These divisions are further subdivided into streams, such as Structure Urban and
Structure Rural, to streamline the project planning process.
Step 2: Allocating roles and establishing the organizational structure that comprises the
company's management and profiles of responsible managers. The job roles are
assigned based on the employees' expertise, qualifications, and experience in similar
tasks. It is essential to assign tasks to competent resources who can efficiently
complete the project within the specified timelines. These proficient resources play a
vital role in the successful execution of development projects.
step 3: creating working calendars as per the contract document.The contract
document’s project duration is 365 calendars day. All days are working days including

saturday,sunday and all holidays.Creating a unique calendar is necessary for adopting
the subcontractor’s working schedule which is 10 hours per day.

Figure 4.3 Global calander of the schedule

Step 4: preparing work breakdown structure

A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a systematic breakdown of tasks required to
complete a project or accomplish a specific goal. The WBS is structured in levels,
starting with the final task and then further divided into distinct work components. The
WBS is developed based on the sub-projects or sub-tasks within the overall project, and
the specific WBS being used is outlined below.A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a
project management tool that helps in organizing and defining the scope of work
required to complete a project or achieve a specific objective. It provides a hierarchical
and systematic breakdown of the project into smaller, more manageable components.

The WBS starts with the final deliverable or end goal of the project and breaks it down
into progressively smaller and more detailed tasks. Each level of the WBS represents a
different level of detail or granularity, allowing for better understanding and control of the
project's scope
step 5: scheduling the activities within each level of the Work Breakdown Structure
(WBS) by establishing their sequence and dependencies. This is done using a Gantt
chart, which visually represents the timeline and interconnections of the activities.

Figure 4.4 defining the activities of the WBS

step 6: preparing resources

The process involves generating resources such as manpower, machinery, and
materials for the project. These resources are managed using a comprehensive
enterprise asset management system, which provides flexibility in adding new
resources as needed. The cost of each resource is determined based on specific
factors: for manpower, it is calculated based on daily wages; for materials, it is based on
their weight; and for machinery, it is based on working hours, including any
maintenance expenses.

Figure 4.5 Assigning resources of the project

step 8 : preparation of final schedule
After all necessary data are inserted in primavera P6 software the next step is
preparation of the final master schedule.The project data are taken from the contract
documents which signed between Ayat Share Company and subcontractors. The start
date of the project is October 09,2023 and Finish date of the project is October 08,2024.

Figure 4.6 completed Activity schedule of first page

Figure 4.7 completed Activity schedule of second page


Conclusions and Recommendations

5.1 Conclusions
The study aimed to create a schedule and plan for the Ayat Share Company's 2B+G+16
Structure work project using Primavera P6 17(x64). The objective was to develop an
efficient construction sequence and daily scheduling to minimize project delays. The
research focused on utilizing Primavera P6 17(x64), a widely used project management
software, to develop scheduling and planning for the 2B+G+16 Structure work project
undertaken by Ayat Share Company. Primavera P6 is known for its robust capabilities in
managing complex construction projects, making it a suitable choice for this endeavor.

The main goal of the research was to create an effective schedule that would
optimize the construction sequence and minimize any potential delays. This
involved carefully analyzing the project requirements, dependencies, and
resources to develop a comprehensive plan. By utilizing the scheduling features
of Primavera P6, the research aimed to allocate tasks, set realistic timelines, and
establish a clear sequence of construction activities.

5.2 Recommendations
Planning and scheduling are vital processes in construction projects, as they
directly impact the project's success in terms of cost, time, and quality. These
activities involve organizing and coordinating various resources, such as labor,
materials, and equipment, in a way that optimizes their utilization and ensures
smooth project execution.

The planning phase starts early in the project lifecycle and involves defining
project objectives, determining scope, and establishing a roadmap for project
completion. It includes tasks such as creating a work breakdown structure
(WBS), identifying task dependencies, estimating resource requirements, and
developing a project schedule. This initial planning sets the foundation for
subsequent scheduling activities.

Scheduling, on the other hand, focuses on developing a detailed timeline that
outlines when specific tasks will be executed and completed. It involves
sequencing tasks, assigning resources to each task, and considering any
constraints or dependencies that may impact the project schedule. Scheduling
allows project managers to allocate resources efficiently, identify critical paths,
and track progress against planned milestones.

By continuously monitoring and updating the project schedule, project managers

can proactively address potential issues and risks that may cause delays or cost
overruns. Regular progress assessments help in identifying deviations from the
planned schedule and provide an opportunity to take corrective measures. This
may involve adjusting resource allocations, revising task priorities, or
implementing mitigation strategies to keep the project on track.

Primavera P6 is a widely used project management software that offers

advanced features for planning and scheduling complex projects. It provides a
comprehensive platform for creating schedules, managing resources, and
tracking progress. Primavera P6 enables project managers to visualize project
timelines, identify critical activities, and analyze the impact of changes on the
overall schedule. Its powerful capabilities help in optimizing project performance,
enhancing communication among project stakeholders, and facilitating effective

In conclusion, effective planning and scheduling throughout the construction

project lifecycle are essential for avoiding cost overruns, minimizing disputes,
and ensuring successful project outcomes. Utilizing tools like Primavera P6 can
greatly enhance the project manager's ability to plan, schedule, and control
complex construction projects.

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