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陳大文 (1155004567)
2023 年 9 月 30 日
題目 1 或 題目 2 或 題目 3
本範本採用了根據 MLA (Modern Language Association)修改的格式撰寫。以下
為格式的一般要求:1.5 倍行高(1.5-line spacing)書寫,中文字型為新細明體/Simsun,
英文字型為 Times New Roman,字體大小為 12 點。四頁邊留白(margin)1 英寸(2.54
cm)。每段首行左邊縮排(indent)½ 英寸(1.27 cm)。作者姓氏及頁碼應顯示於每頁右上角,
距頁頂 ½ 英寸,緊靠右邊留白。有需要時,可將論文分小節。亞里士多德(前 384-前
322)的《論天》(On the Heavens)中文書名應用書名號標示,英文書名則以斜體顯示。
引入了宇宙的地心模型。在這個模型裏,地球位於宇宙正中 (Evans 305-311)內文引用
(i) (<作者姓氏> <頁數>),例:(Darwin 51)表示文本 3 在課本的第 51 頁;
(ii) (<作者姓氏> par. <段數>),例:(Darwin par. 42) 表示文本 3 第 42 段,
(Darwin pars. 42-43)則表示文本 3 第 42-43 段;
(iii) (<作者姓氏> ch. <章節> par. <段數>),例:(Watson ch. 2 par. 63)表示
文本 4 的第 2 章第 63 段;
(iv) (<作者姓氏> bk. <卷> par. <段數>),例:(Plato bk. 7 par. 3)表示文本 1
的第 7 卷第 3 段;
(v) 引用補充文本亦依照上述格式,例:(DeWitt 20)表示文本 2b 第 20 頁。
日心說的轉變稱為「哥白尼革命」(庫恩 10-12),哥白尼推動科學革命的出現(席澤
宗 3-4)。網頁資料以標題或標題中關鍵片語(以較短者為準)作內文引用
(516 字)字數
(請使用 Microsoft Word 的 Word count 功能,只計算正文字數,

本篇所有引文由作者翻譯。原文為“They have been there since childhood, with their necks and legs
fettered, so that they are fixed in the same place, able to see only in front of them, because their fetter prevents
them from turning their heads around.” 引用著作應在文末列出,而不是以註腳的方式引用。註腳只用作一

席澤宗主編,《世界著名科學家傳記:天文學家 I》,科學出版社,1990。
Darwin, Charles. On the Origin of Species, 1859. Rpt. in In Dialogue with Nature: Textbook
for General Education Foundation Programme. Edited by the Editorial Broad of the
General Education Foundation Programme. 3rd ed., Office of University General
Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2023, pp. 39-61. (“Rpt”: reprinted;
“3rd. ed.”: third edition)
DeWitt, Richard. Worldviews: An Introduction to the History and Philosophy of Science. 3rd
ed. Wiley-Blackwell, 2018.
Evans, James. The History and Practice of Ancient Astronomy. Oxford University Press,
“Heliocentrism.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 6
Sep. 2021, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heliocentrism. Accessed 26 Sep. 2021.
Plato. Republic, 2004. Translated by C. D. C. Reeve. Rpt. in In Dialogue with Nature:
Textbook for General Education Foundation Programme. Edited by the Editorial
Broad of the General Education Foundation Programme. 3rd ed., Office of University
General Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2023, pp. 1-13.
Watson, James Dewey. DNA: The Secret of Life, 2003. Rpt. in In Dialogue with Nature:
Textbook for General Education Foundation Programme. Edited by the Editorial
Broad of the General Education Foundation Programme. 3rd ed., Office of University
General Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2023, pp. 63-105.

Abbreviations 縮寫表
?? Unclear. 不清楚
Acc Acceptable but not exactly correct. 可 Im Imprecise. 不準確
接受,但不完全正確 Ipt Interesting point. 有趣的觀點
Cit Add a citation to indicate the source. Icn Interesting connection.
添加引文以指明出處 有趣的連結
CitS Citation style. 引用格式不完全正 Intr Add an introduction. 加上引言
確,可參考範本例子 Len Lengthy. It should be more concise.
Con Add a conclusion. 加上結論 冗長,可更簡潔
Cw Improper choice of words. Lo Logical problem: (i) the two points
用字不當 are not logically related; and/or (ii)
Deb Debatable. 具爭議的觀點 improper use of conjunction.
Def Define. 需下定義
Del Delete. 刪除
Ls Long sentence. 句子太長
Dis Disconnected. 上下文缺乏連結
Ne Not exactly correct. 不完全正確
Eg Provide example(s). 需舉例說明
OriE Provide the original English term
Exp Expand. It is worth to expand the idea.
Pq Probing question. 追問
Ev Provide more evidence.
需提供更多證據 Rel Relevance. It is not highly relevant
to the topic. 與主題不太相關
Gpt Good point. 出色的觀點
Sw In the same way below. 評語適用
Gcn Good connection. 出色的連結
Gr Grammar error. 語法錯誤
TraC Provide the Chinese translation.
How How? 如何達到呢?需解說
Hrel How is it related to the topic or your
Why Why? 為什麼?需解說
argument? Explain. 如何與題目或論

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