Basic Mechanical Vibrations

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Fifth Edition

Singiresu S. Rao
University of Miami

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Rao, S. S.
Mechanical vibrations / Singiresu S. Rao. 5th ed.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 978-0-13-212819-3 (978-0-13-212819-3 : alk. paper) 1. Vibration. I. Title.
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ISBN 13: 978-0-13-212819-3 ISBN 10: 0-13-212819-5
To Lord Sri Venkateswara

Preface xi 1.7.5 Spring Constant Associated with the

Restoring Force due to Gravity 39
Acknowledgments xv 1.8 Mass or Inertia Elements 40
1.8.1 Combination of Masses 40
List of Symbols xvi 1.9 Damping Elements 45
1.9.1 Construction of Viscous Dampers 46
1.9.2 Linearization of a
CHAPTER 1 Nonlinear Damper 52
Fundamentals of Vibration 1 1.9.3 Combination of Dampers 52
1.1 Preliminary Remarks 2 1.10 Harmonic Motion 54
1.2 Brief History of the Study of Vibration 3 1.10.1 Vectorial Representation of
1.2.1 Origins of the Study of Vibration 3 Harmonic Motion 56
1.2.2 From Galileo to Rayleigh 6 1.10.2 Complex-Number Representation
1.2.3 Recent Contributions 9 of Harmonic Motion 57
1.3 Importance of the Study of Vibration 10 1.10.3 Complex Algebra 58
1.4 Basic Concepts of Vibration 13 1.10.4 Operations on Harmonic Functions 59
1.4.1 Vibration 13 1.10.5 Definitions and Terminology 62
1.4.2 Elementary Parts of 1.11 Harmonic Analysis 64
Vibrating Systems 13 1.11.1 Fourier Series Expansion 64
1.4.3 Number of Degrees of Freedom 14 1.11.2 Complex Fourier Series 66
1.4.4 Discrete and Continuous Systems 16 1.11.3 Frequency Spectrum 67
1.5 Classification of Vibration 16 1.11.4 Time- and Frequency-Domain
1.5.1 Free and Forced Vibration 17 Representations 68
1.5.2 Undamped and Damped Vibration 17 1.11.5 Even and Odd Functions 69
1.5.3 Linear and Nonlinear Vibration 17 1.11.6 Half-Range Expansions 71
1.5.4 Deterministic and 1.11.7 Numerical Computation
Random Vibration 17 of Coefficients 72
1.6 Vibration Analysis Procedure 18 1.12 Examples Using MATLAB 76
1.7 Spring Elements 22 1.13 Vibration Literature 80
1.7.1 Nonlinear Springs 23 Chapter Summary 81
1.7.2 Linearization of a References 81
Nonlinear Spring 25 Review Questions 83
1.7.3 Spring Constants of Elastic Elements 27 Problems 87
1.7.4 Combination of Springs 30 Design Projects 120

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