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Qualification details: BSB20120 Certificate II in Business

SBTA course reference: BC2-20_4.2_Environmental efficiency
Units of competency: BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices

Student’s ID: Jose Luis Sinisterra Angulo

Assessor’s name: assessor name


Assessment task instructions:
This is the first assessment task consisting of 2 parts: Part A consists of research and Part B consists of 9 written questions. You must
complete both parts successfully to gain a “Satisfactory” outcome.
Purpose of the assessment task:
The purpose of the assessment task is to assess your knowledge in the following:
 environmental and resource hazards and risks
 Australian and international standards for corporate social sustainability
 sustainability regulations and codes of practice applicable to own role
 organisational sustainability policies and procedures
 reporting channels and procedures to report breaches and potential issues
 advantages of sustainable practices in the workplace.
Assessment conditions and resources:
Assessment will be conducted in a safe simulated environment where you will have access to documentation, information and resources on
workplace environmental and resource efficiency and sustainability legislation, regulations and standards and links to complete environmental

Part A – Research:
Activity 1: ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT (Guide: 15 minutes)
Access the “Ecological Footprint Calculator”. and complete this
activity which should take you approximately 10-15 minutes.
Once you have completed the activity, write down three (3) things you have learnt about
environmental sustainability impacts.
1 I have learned that a lot of the world's resources have been consumed. The current global hectare is 1.7 per
person but mine was 7.6 Gha, about 3 times more than the land can provide
2 My CO2 emissions rate was 13 tonnes per year. Which was 59% of my total ecological footprint.
3 I have learned that If I continue living like this my personal earth overshoot day will be in 3 Mar. I will be
needed 5.9 earths to live.

Activity 2: STORY OF STUFF (Guide: 30+ words)

Click on the link below and watch “Story of stuff” (YouTube video).
Once you have watched the video, explain what you have learnt from the video and start Part B of
this assessment task.
After watching the video, I could understand that we live in a world that is running out of resources. we all
consume and throw away too many things because we buy things even if it is not necessary, we are consumerists.
It is necessary to become aware that we must change our way of thinking so that the world lasts longer.
Part B - Questions:
1.1. What does environmental sustainability mean? (Guide: 30+ words)
Environmental sustainability is the responsibility to conserve natural resources and protect global ecosystems to
support health and wellbeing, now and in the future, also to ensure future generation have natural resources
available to live an equal or better way of life as current generation.
1.2. In a workplace, it is important to be aware of environmental and resource hazards and risks? There are:
 Physical hazards
 Ergonomic hazards
 Biological hazards

BC2-20_4.2_BSBSUS211_Assessment Tasks Version 4_28 October2021

Page 1 of 18
Qualification details: BSB20120 Certificate II in Business
SBTA course reference: BC2-20_4.2_Environmental efficiency
Units of competency: BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices

Student’s ID: Jose Luis Sinisterra Angulo

Assessor’s name: assessor name

 Chemical hazards
Refer to the hazards and risks listed above and choose the correct hazard from the list below and enter
it in the column. (Guide: complete the table)
Column A Column B
These hazards come from organisms, including people, animals and plants,
and threaten human health.
Biological hazards

Can be toxic, corrosive, flammable and combustible Chemical hazards

Extreme temperatures, poor air quality, excessive noise and radiation in the
workplace can all harm workers, potentially causing respiratory problems, Physical hazards
hearing loss and cancer, among other problems.
Can result in disabling injuries afflicting their joints and muscles. These
injuries could be caused by unlabelled heavy loads, tools or objects stored in
hard to reach places, and standing in awkward positions when completing
Ergonomic hazards
tasks—particularly those involving weighted loads.
1.3. Research two Environmental Law or Legislations that would be relevant to your own job role in your
own workplace and list them in the space below? (Guide: list 2)
1.) Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
2.) Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989
1.4. Research and explain what organisations are required to do under the current National Greenhouse and
Energy Reporting Act? (Guide: 30+ words)
The NGER organisation which involves in any activities concerning greenhouse gas emissions, energy
production, and energy consumption shall be required to provide the reporting and dissemination of
information. For example, industrial organisations, etc.
1.5. Explain how you can apply sustainability regulations and codes of practice to your own work role.
(Guide: 40+ words)
First of all, we must perform activities that make people aware of the care of the planet and not carry out
activities that may cause damage, and take measures to prevent or minimise damage to the environment. In
addition, we must inform the competent authority and relevant persons when environmental damage has
occurred or is likely to occur
1.6. What can our society and local communities do to help Australian workplaces to implement more
environmentally sustainable practices in line with organisational sustainability policies and procedures?
(Guide: 40+ words)
Society and local communities can help Australian workplaces by taking responsibility for their duty of care to
the environment. They must comply with the organisation's sustainability standards to avoid any damage to the
environment and the planet. In this way, all policies and procedures will be implemented effectively and achieve
their purpose.
1.7. Name at least 3 workplace procedures or policies that an organisation should have in place for staff to
make environmentally sustainable choices at work and briefly explain why you selected them?
(Guide: 3+)
Policy and procedure How do these help with better environmental sustainability at a workplace
Promote a paperless This will help reduce paper production, which means cutting down trees. In
office addition, the use of digital and the cloud will make the organisation more
collaborative, streamlined, efficient, and more efficient.
Implement a recycling The implementation of recycling will make the organisation's staff aware of

BC2-20_4.2_BSBSUS211_Assessment Tasks Version 4_28 October2021

Page 2 of 18
Qualification details: BSB20120 Certificate II in Business
SBTA course reference: BC2-20_4.2_Environmental efficiency
Units of competency: BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices

Student’s ID: Jose Luis Sinisterra Angulo

Assessor’s name: assessor name

program sustainability.
Conserve energy within Making employees aware of the importance of conserving energy resources will
the office help save a significant amount on energy bills.
1.8. You are working in a reception of a college. If you identify an environmental hazard who would you
report it to? (Guide: tick ()with appropriate answer.
 Possible answers
 My supervisor
My friends at home
WorkCover NSW
The Premier of NSW
1.9. List four (4) benefits of businesses becoming an environmentally sustainable business.
 It can decrease your costs
 Environmentally sustainable business could attract more customers or clients to your
 It can maximize your output and cut waste
 Complying with environmentally sustainable regulations could save you some taxes

BC2-20_4.2_BSBSUS211_Assessment Tasks Version 4_28 October2021

Page 3 of 18
Qualification details: BSB20120 Certificate II in Business
SBTA course reference: BC2-20_4.2_Environmental efficiency
Units of competency: BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices

Student’s ID: Jose Luis Sinisterra Angulo

Assessor’s name: assessor name


Assessment task instructions:
This is the second (2nd) assessment task which consists of nine (9) practical activities including: written and practical activities and teamwork.
You must complete all activities at the required level to get a “Satisfactory” outcome.
Purpose of the assessment task:
The purpose of this assessment is for students to demonstrate how to:
 Identify sustainable work practices in own work role
 Measure current usage of resources in own work role
 Record and file resource usage documents
 Identify resource inefficiencies from gathered information
 Consult with colleagues and management
 Assess potentials to improve sustainability of identified work practices
 Identify and comply with workplace sustainability procedures.
Assessment conditions and resources:
Assessment will be conducted in a safe simulated environment where you will have access to documentation, information and resources on
workplace environmental and resource efficiency and sustainability legislation, regulations and standards.
completing practical activities in assessment task 2.
You have the following options to complete practical activities in this assessment task.
Tick This unit requires you to demonstrate teamwork. You have the following options to complete your teamwork activities: (refer to
 activity 2.7).
use the combination of emails and MS TEAMS to collect feedback and information
use TEAMS to invite and collect feedback and record any communication on TEAMS
utilise your workplace colleagues or other suitable colleagues to seek feedback
organise your team to attend the Academy, conduct a classroom consultation meeting
You may use emails to supplement any consultation process.
All communication must be recorded and uploaded with this activity
(i) All relevant resources for this task are situated in your Supporting Materials folder
(ii) Information on how to submit, upload, record, click: or ask assessor or contact
(iii) Your assessor will complete an Assessor Observation Checklist (AOC) for this task.

2.1. Refer to your own workplace and complete the following activities: (Guide: 100+ words)
a. list three (3) items/resources or tools that you use every day at work.
b. Provide short descriptions of each of the three items and how often you use it.
a) Items b) How often you use it
1 computer Every day

2 Plastic folder Every day

3 Paper Every day

c. Identify the “Life Cycle” of these items – their “Embroiled Energy” by answering the following
questions: (Guide: complete the full table)
 List raw materials.
 Where are they found?
 How are they processed?
 What energy sources are required?
 How are they transported?
 What happens after use?
Name of the item Minerals Plastic Paper
Where are these materials Mined and extracted from Plastics are made from raw Cutting down the trees and
found? the earth materials like make the pulp from
natural gas, oil or wood.

BC2-20_4.2_BSBSUS211_Assessment Tasks Version 4_28 October2021

Page 4 of 18
Qualification details: BSB20120 Certificate II in Business
SBTA course reference: BC2-20_4.2_Environmental efficiency
Units of competency: BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices

Student’s ID: Jose Luis Sinisterra Angulo

Assessor’s name: assessor name

plants, which are

refined into ethane
and propane
How are these materials Minerals must go The wood shall be cut into
processed to make the through various The wood pulp can be small pieces and
item? processes to be able to shipped wet or dry processed with the
be transformed into the in pressed bales or rolls. help of machines or
parts of a computer Wood pulp is chemicals
often by truck
What energy sources are it requires electricity to Requiere electricidad, aire,
used to develop the item? develop the item. Requires electricity, heat fuerza, calor para
to develop the element. desarrollar el

How is the item They will be shipped They will be shipped from The wood pulp can be
transported to customers? from all around the all around the world shipped wet or dry
world to each to each in pressed bales or rolls.
manufacturing plant. manufacturing Wood pulp is often by
plant. truck
What happens to the item It can be recycled, Not all plastic can be It can be recycled
after they are used? E.g. donated, or provided to recycled.
are they recycled or new user
thrown out?
2.2. Refer to the three (3) items and reflect on the actual efficiency of the items and explain if the findings
surprised you and if there is a possible replacement for better efficiency. (Guide: 50+ words)
Items identified Reflections
1 Deforestation would affect not only climate change, but also many other things such as
Pulp animal habitat, etc. We can reduce or replace the use of paper to reduce
2 Plastic is made from chemicals which can produce toxic chemicals affecting
the pollution.
3 It is surprising to learn that a computer and other things we use every day are made
from many minerals.
2.3. You are now required to measure the current usage of three electrical items identify how much kW usage
the item uses. When measuring, you must calculate basic metric measurements to determine resource
usage. (Guide: 3 calculated items)
Note: you can also take photos of the items and paste them in the table below when describing better usage of each
Name of items Metric Measurement (kW) How can better processes be utilised
1 Turn off the computer, monitor or other devices
Computer 0.12 kW (W=120) when not in use. Use power strips and
switch them off when not in use.
2 Using smart AC to save energy and reduce
Air conditioner 2.9 kW(W=2900)
carbon footprints.
3 Printer 0.55 kW (W=550) Only print when absolutely necessary
2.4. Refer to the three (3) items you identified above and record resource usage in your daily role.

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Page 5 of 18
Qualification details: BSB20120 Certificate II in Business
SBTA course reference: BC2-20_4.2_Environmental efficiency
Units of competency: BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices

Student’s ID: Jose Luis Sinisterra Angulo

Assessor’s name: assessor name

Items identified Resource usage

1 We can start with the habit of turning on the computer when we start our work. Then, we can
Computer turn it off at lunchtime or lunch break, and turn it on again when we use it again after
the lunch break, and finally we should turn it on at the end of the day.
2 We know that air conditioning is necessary to be used during the day, we can also
Air conditioner start the habit of turning it off when it is not necessary to use it, in this way we
can reduce the volume of use.
3 printer The printer can be programmed to be used 2 to 3 times a day as needed.
2.5. Explain resources inefficiencies in your workplace and how you could minimise power or water use in a
workplace. Provide 3 ideas and briefly explain them. (Guide: 30+ words)
Items identified Resources inefficiencies
1 More than 1,000 pieces of paper are used every day. We could recycle or refuse paper
that is no longer used whenever possible.
2 The lights are on all day long even when nobody is there. We could turn the lights off
when they are not needed, or use a timer to turn them on when they are needed.
3 The purpose of LED screens is to promote products and services. However, there are
LED display times when it is not necessary to have them on. Therefore, they can be switched
off those times
2.6. You are required to identify how to reduce, reuse and recycle items.
Review your current workplace, or a workplace you understand well, and review items you regularly use
during your working day (for example paper books or plastic bottle). Select and list two items in the table
below and explain how the use of each item can be reduced, reused and/or recycled. (Guide: 30+ words)
Item name: Reduce Reuse Recycle

Plastic cup Use a paper or disposable Use the plastic cup more Start educating
cup instead of a than once, if employees to
plastic cup. necessary, each collect all
person should recyclable
have their own containers in one
cup to avoid place and hand
accumulation. them over to the
Paper Use digital archiving Use two sides of paper Making new paper from
instead of paper where possible waste paper
whenever possible.
2.7. Review activities 2.5 and 2.6, select appropriate consultation process suitable to your workplace and
consult with management and your colleagues. (Guide: 80+ words)
To successfully complete this activity, you are to complete the following points:
a. Select an appropriate communication process that suits your current circumstances (e.g. an online
meeting using Teams with combination of emails) that will help you to consult successfully about
b. Select a team, including a manager and colleagues (the team)
c. Plan and organise times, date as required by the planned consultation process and advise your team
(e.g. complete template 1 Agenda and email it to the team)
d. With the team review the potential sustainability improvements you identified in tasks 2.5 and 2.6
and seek and document feedback on each from the team
e. Ask the team to contribute any additional improvements to work practices and add them to your
list (note: your team will add at least one more idem to your list)

BC2-20_4.2_BSBSUS211_Assessment Tasks Version 4_28 October2021

Page 6 of 18
Qualification details: BSB20120 Certificate II in Business
SBTA course reference: BC2-20_4.2_Environmental efficiency
Units of competency: BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices

Student’s ID: Jose Luis Sinisterra Angulo

Assessor’s name: assessor name

f. With your team assess all of the identified potentials for sustainability improvements to work
practices you collected and document all feedback from the team
g. make suggestions for improvements to workplace practices in your own work area and complete a
simple action plan
Template 1: Agenda

Consultation name Sustainability improvements Date and time 14/12/23

Student ID and name Selected

Jose Luis Sinisterra Angulo communication process Meeting at the
Consultation leader
(e.g. class, teams or workplace
Colleagues’ names
Patricia Zuluaga
Members invited
Miriam Rios
Diana Zuluaga
Why is this consultation for sustainability improvements needed
It is important to raise awareness of all that we as a company can do to help the planet
so we
In the meeting we will discuss all the tools that we can use to improve the whole
sustainability awareness part of the organisation. We will be informed about the
sustainability situation of the organisation and we will start working together to
find solutions that will help the company to put into practice everything related
to sustainability from an environmental point of view.
The discussions points will be:

 Why environmental sustainability is important: to ensure awareness of the

 How to become more environmentally sustainable: the participant
 change ideas and opinions
 What are environmentally sustainable legislations?
 How to assess environmental sustainability) The organisation's future goals
Discussion points
for environmental sustainability.
 The current state of environmental sustainability
 The environmental problems or impacts generated by our organisation.
 How we addressed environmental problems or impacts in the past.
 How we address environmental problems or impacts in the present.
 What is environmental sustainability? Raise awareness of the real meaning of
environmental sustainability.

Template 2: Simple action plan


Items that will improve environmental efficiency and sustainability in the workplace
 Recycling bin

BC2-20_4.2_BSBSUS211_Assessment Tasks Version 4_28 October2021

Page 7 of 18
Qualification details: BSB20120 Certificate II in Business
SBTA course reference: BC2-20_4.2_Environmental efficiency
Units of competency: BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices

Student’s ID: Jose Luis Sinisterra Angulo

Assessor’s name: assessor name

 Reusable glass
 Bicycle for rent
 Computer
 Air-conditioner
Policies and procedures to review and amend to implement new work processes to improve environmental sustainability in the
work area
 All staff should be aware of the recycling methods and implement them in the workplace.
 The recycling container shall be placed in the assigned place.
 No more plastic cups will be provided. Everyone will be provided with a reusable cup or can bring his or her own
reusable cup to the can bring their own reusable cup to the workplace.
 Bicycle rental service will be available for those who wish to transport themselves internally.
 Staff shall switch off their computers, monitors and other electrical devices when they are not in use.
not in use.
 Staff shall switch off air conditioning when not in use. In addition, the temperature In addition, the
temperature of the air-conditioning should be moderate to high to save energy.
Legislation and legal requirements that the organisation should be aware of when changing processes to improve
environmental sustainability in work areas
Políticas de control de emisiones
Ley de Reciclaje y Reducción de Residuos de 2020
Ley de Protección del Medio Ambiente y Conservación de la Biodiversidad de 1999
Objectives Activities to be Success criteria (or any Timeframes Resources
implemented KPI details)

 Reduce  Provision  Quantity of 3 – 6 months for The organisation

waste of rental rental
bicycle bicycle all of activities shall provide all
 Reduce air user
pollutions,  Provision the items and
of  Quantity of
services to staffs
 Increase recycling garbage
recycling & bin, and waste
reusing reusable
glass  Electricity
 Reduce bills
electricity  Provision
use of rental

2.8. Refer to your workplace or a workplace you are familiar with and identify three (3) environmental
hazards and categorise them for which types of environmental hazards they are.
Name of environmental hazard Type of environmental hazard
Electric shocks Electrical hazards
Back pain Ergonomic hazards
Toxic waste Chemical hazard

BC2-20_4.2_BSBSUS211_Assessment Tasks Version 4_28 October2021

Page 8 of 18
Qualification details: BSB20120 Certificate II in Business
SBTA course reference: BC2-20_4.2_Environmental efficiency
Units of competency: BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices

Student’s ID: Jose Luis Sinisterra Angulo

Assessor’s name: assessor name

2.9. Your organisation has a policy and procedure in place to ensure all staff report any hazards including
environmental hazards to the safety manager using the Hazard Form. (Guide: 1+ form)
Identify an environmental hazard in your workplace and complete the “Hazard Checklist” available.
Note: below is an extract from organisational policies and procedures on saving documents onto the
organisational management system.
“Saving and naming organisational documents.
All employees must use the following guidelines when saving any official organisational documents:
 Select Template 3 from Supporting Materials’ folder (student portal)
 Select location to upload completed template 3 (student portal)
 As per the organisation’s policy and procedures all staff MUST use consistent naming process.
Completed template 3 name must be named and saved as: BC2-20_3.1_Task 2.9_[your
Student ID]”

BC2-20_4.2_BSBSUS211_Assessment Tasks Version 4_28 October2021

Page 9 of 18
Qualification details: BSB20120 Certificate II in Business
SBTA course reference: BC2-20_4.2_Environmental efficiency
Units of competency: BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices

Student’s ID: Jose Luis Sinisterra Angulo

Assessor’s name: assessor name


Assessment task instructions:
This is the second (3rd) assessment task which consists of a of case study and a scenario, five practical and written and teamwork activities
which includes consultation activities. Complete all activities successfully to gain “Satisfactory” outcome.
Purpose of the assessment task:
The purpose of this assessment is for students to demonstrate how to:
 Identify areas of improvement to work practices in own work area
 Consult with colleagues and management to assess potential to improve sustainability of identified work practices
 Make suggestions for improvements to workplace practices in own work area
Assessment conditions and resources:
Assessment will be conducted in a safe simulated environment where you will have access to documentation, information and resources on
workplace environmental and resource efficiency and sustainability legislation, regulations and standards.
completing practical activities in this assessment task:
You have the following options to complete practical activities in this assessment task.
Tick This unit requires you to demonstrate teamwork and consultation. You have the following options to complete your teamwork
 activities.
use the combination of emails and MS TEAMS to communicate and collect feedback
use TEAMS to invite, consult and collect feedback and record the meeting on TEAMS
utilise your workplace colleagues or other suitable colleagues (e.g. students)
organise your team to attend the Academy, conduct a meeting in a classroom.
You may use emails to supplement any consultation process.
All communication must be recorded and uploaded with this activity
(i) All relevant resources for this task are situated in your Supporting Materials folder your learning portal.
(ii) All information on how to submit, upload, record is on YouTube, click: or ask your assessor or
(iii) Your assessor will complete an Assessor Observation Checklist (AOC) for this task.

Read the scenario below and complete the following activities.
Case study
Robert owns the Old Pub in the small town of Forester. The Old Pub has been servicing the locals since 1955. It has only been
renovated a few times in its life and the last refurbishment was in 1987.
Since then many people have visited and Robert River and his family have only owned the Old Pub for a few years.
Recently the local Council announced an Environmental Community Initiative for small business.
The initiative invited the Forester’s town small businesses to put a business plan together and explain how they would spend
$10,000 to make their business more environmentally sustainable.
Robert put a business plan together straight away as he saw an opportunity to finally work on some renovations and making
the Old Pub more modern and environmentally friendly.
The business plan had the following information.
History of the Old Pub, which described how the Old Pub was built, who owned it throughout the years and how long it has
been servicing the local community. Robert also explained how important the Old Pub is to the workers and the community
and how much it needs to stay open.
Description of the Old Pub’s current state, which included points such as:
 the Old Pub has old toilets and water taps that constantly leek losing water
 old lights throughout the establishment, which need replacing regularly and are expensive to run
 the water consumption from the kitchen and all the bathrooms is very high
 electricity bill is high as the Pub has old appliances – the fridge in the staff room is being repaired and has not been
replaced for years
 TV in the main area is still the old colour TV, which has been there since Robert purchased the Old Pub in 1998 and the
TV in the main games area is a Plasma (which has been bought a few years ago, has been repaired a few times and is
expensive to run)
 the Pub is very dark inside which meant that the lights must be on all day and night
 the staff are still using paper-based records
 the orders for the Old Pub’s kitchen are still being taken on dockets, by hand, and the waiters must run around looking for

BC2-20_4.2_BSBSUS211_Assessment Tasks Version 4_28 October2021

Page 10 of 18
Qualification details: BSB20120 Certificate II in Business
SBTA course reference: BC2-20_4.2_Environmental efficiency
Units of competency: BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices

Student’s ID: Jose Luis Sinisterra Angulo

Assessor’s name: assessor name

the patrons who bought the meal (which is time consuming especially when the patrons move seats)
 the office is old, and the Pub has only one computer in the office so all documents are files in paper-based copies and
Robert is encouraging recycling but there is no space for another bin so all that is recycled is glass
Descriptions of what the Pub’s future plans, in the next 2 years:
 reduce water consumption
 reduce electricity
 reduce paper usage in the pub
 increase light in the pub so that lights do not have to be on all the time
 introduce electronic ordering system to increase customer service and speed up the service process for the staff and
 Increase recycling capacity and develop a process to more than glass bottles from the bar area
The business plan budget. The budget provided an overview of how Robert will match the $10,000, he would receive form the
Council, and add own $10,000 from the Old Pub’s budgets, making the overall investment refurbishment of the Old Pub a
$20,000 investment.
The overall business plan conclusion covered the needs of the locals and how the Pub would service the community better if it
had better and sustainable processes and items in place.
Yesterday Robert received a phone call from the Council and was invited to a presentation. He was informed that the local
Community representatives and the Council’s Environmental Committee voted his application as a success and Robert was
granted $10,000 to upgrade the Old Pub.
Robert will be presented with a $10,000 cheque by the Mayor.
The presentation will be held in the local Community hall next month. It will be a big event. Robert wants to start organising
for the changes so that he can use his acceptance speech to explain to the locals how he and his staff will work together to
make the local Pub more inviting, environmentally sustainable and modern. Something the town will be proud to call their
Robert called for a special meeting and asked all staff to contribute ideas and research alternative items, resource or processes
to assist him with making the Old Pub more environmentally sustainable.
He asked staff to review the business plan list above, select 1 item or a process from the list, research, evaluate, price the item
or the new process and provide an action plan on how they would implement the new item or the process.
Scenario 1:
You assume the role or Robert for the rest of this assessment task.
3.1. Read the scenario and select one (3) areas that the Old Pub should improve. Record your selection
below. (Guide: 50+ words)
I believe that one way would be to make the staff aware of the importance of reducing electricity in the Old Pub.
The Old Pub has been using appliances that
I would also consider buying new, more environmentally friendly appliances instead of the old ones to avoid
excessive electricity consumption. In addition, all light bulbs should be replaced with LED bulbs.
3.2. Provide a brief overview on how the new items or process will benefit the Old Pub. (Guide: 20+ words)
It is important that the pub can change and use new appliances, which are more environmentally friendly, this
will help the Old Pub to reduce electricity consumption and electricity bills. In this way, the Old Pub will
become a more environmentally sustainable business.
3.3. Research environmentally sustainable products or processes that could be used at the pub and insert your
findings below or print the research and attach it to this assignment. (Guide: 4 bullet points)
LED bulbs: Led Bulbs save up to 90% energy compared to a traditional bulb with the same light output. LEDs do
not usually "burn out" or fail. Instead, the brightness of the LED dims slowly over time. slowly over time.
Televisions: The most energy efficient option is an LCD television under 42 inches. The larger they are the more
energy they consume. In addition, the Eco HD label is common on LCD TVs. Although TVs cannot be totally
ecofriendly, some designs and models are designed to reduce energy consumption.
Digitise records: Collecting digital data will help prevent any damage or loss that might occur with paper data. It
would also improve data accuracy and save the company time and costs.
Energy efficient windows: Windows can help reduce electricity consumption. However, there is much more than just

BC2-20_4.2_BSBSUS211_Assessment Tasks Version 4_28 October2021

Page 11 of 18
Qualification details: BSB20120 Certificate II in Business
SBTA course reference: BC2-20_4.2_Environmental efficiency
Units of competency: BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices

Student’s ID: Jose Luis Sinisterra Angulo

Assessor’s name: assessor name

providing light to the site. You need to choose a window that is perfectly suited to what you need. For example,
triple-glazed windows can help regulate the temperature in a place with intense direct sunlight. a place with intense
direct sunlight or extreme climates, etc.
3.4. Research two (2) environmental legislation relevant to the items and provide a brief overview on how
they relate to the Old Pub’s improvement needs. (Guide: 2 points 1 sentences each)
1.) Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000: energy efficient windows will use natural energy to light the room.
2.) Privacy Act 1988: Data collection can be a complicated and sensitive issue. Digital data, of course, would be
even more sensitive and complicated.
3.5. Now you must collaborate with your work colleagues (team members) and seek their feedback and
collect suggestions on how the Old Pub could improve workplace environmental sustainability practices
and processes. (Guide: select most suitable collaboration methods and techniques)
Complete the following points in this activity:
 Choose collaboration method and process and select team members to collaborate with (e.g. to use
email to consult with your team)
 Evaluate and assess items for environmental and WHS risks you consulted about
 Review if adapting these into the Old’s Pub’s work environment will improve or hinder
environmental suitability and work efficiency. Ensure that you are not selecting something that will
be worse for the environment, staff, customers or safety.
 Document feedback received which you will use to complete an action plan in the next activity.
If you are using emails you must copy and paste emails in the following space.
Feedback received Emails or comments from various colleagues in here.
Your own words from collaboration and collected feedback from the team overview in general.
Dear Staff

The Old Pub has been running for almost 7 decades thanks to your collaboration. Without all of you our pub could not have
come this far. Because the world today is changing from the one we knew and we must keep up with these changes, some
changes such as climate change, air pollution, waste, it is time we change to be more environmentally sustainable so that the
world and the Old Pub can last longer.

As we have been discussing what we should do to make the Old Pub more environmentally friendly, here are the details of
the conclusion:

1.) reduce water consumption: there is too much water consumption in the kitchen and bathroom. bathroom
2.) reduce electricity: there are old appliances, the lights are on all the time.
3.) reduce paper consumption in the pub: all data has been collected on paper.
4.) Increase the lighting in the pub so that the lights don't have to be on all the time. not enough window
5.) Introduce an electronic ordering system to increase customer service and speed up the service. for staff and customers:
staff have to take orders on paper, poor order management order management
6.) Increase recycling capacity and develop a process for more glass bottles from the bar. area: further increase recycling
As mentioned above, we are asking for your opinions and suggestions on how we should achieve the recycling of glass bottles.
Your opinions are always important to us. Here are some of your opinions and suggestions:
1.) Recycling knowledge: Although staff are knowledgeable about the topic, we should also organise a workshop to impart
recycling knowledge.
2.) Create a recycling corner: We should create a recycling corner and provide knowledge about recycling.
3.) Buy SMART appliances: the current market offers a lot of SMART appliances.
4.) Fixing the leaking: all the pipes and should be checked and fixed.

What we would gain from this improvement:

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Qualification details: BSB20120 Certificate II in Business
SBTA course reference: BC2-20_4.2_Environmental efficiency
Units of competency: BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices

Student’s ID: Jose Luis Sinisterra Angulo

Assessor’s name: assessor name

1.) The Old Pub would become more environmental sustainability.

2.) Staffs would be working more efficient and more convenient.
3.) Customer would have better experiences.
This is the e-mail to inform you all of the conclusion of this improvement. Thank you for your hard
work for all these years.
Best Regards

A risk assessment matrix is used to assess a change in the organisation and make sure the change is ok by WHS and
environmental sustainability standards. It’s simply to see if it is going to work and not be worse than the current system. Use
the Risk assessment matrix below to analyse the item for safety and environmental impact (if any). You may choose to use the
matrix below or research another one from the Internet and attach to this activity. When you are completing the environmental
risks, refer to the life-cycle activity to help you identify all relevant risks.
Consequences for Environment
How likely could this happen again?
1 = huge negative impact
A = Could occur in most circumstances
2 = moderate impact
B = Could occur at some time
3 = Minor impact
C = Could occur, but only rarely
4 = No impact
D = May occur, but probably never will
Item or process 1 Back pain
Calculate the WHS risk:

1 2 3 4





Risk Score Enter H, M or L

BC2-20_4.2_BSBSUS211_Assessment Tasks Version 4_28 October2021

Page 13 of 18
Qualification details: BSB20120 Certificate II in Business
SBTA course reference: BC2-20_4.2_Environmental efficiency
Units of competency: BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices

Student’s ID: Jose Luis Sinisterra Angulo

Assessor’s name: assessor name

Calculate the Environmental risk:


1 2 3 4





Risk Score Enter H, M or L

Item or process 2 Electric shock

Calculate the WHS risk:

1 2 3 4





Risk Score Enter H, M or L

Calculate the Environmental risk:


1 2 3 4





Risk Score Enter H, M or L

BC2-20_4.2_BSBSUS211_Assessment Tasks Version 4_28 October2021

Page 14 of 18
Qualification details: BSB20120 Certificate II in Business
SBTA course reference: BC2-20_4.2_Environmental efficiency
Units of competency: BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices

Student’s ID: Jose Luis Sinisterra Angulo

Assessor’s name: assessor name

Item or process 3 Toxic waste

Calculate the WHS risk:

1 2 3 4





Risk Score Enter H, M or L

Calculate the Environmental risk:


1 2 3 4





Risk Score Enter H, M or L


Items assessed ITEM 1 ITEM 2 ITEM 3 or PROCESS

WHS RISK There is a high chance
 Consequence It rarely happens
that happen but It rarely happens but
 Likelihood
 score the event can could create a could create a
occur, the big impact big damage
impact could Ex. Some might Ex. Some might
be moderate need medical need medical
Ex. Some might treatment treatment
need surgery
ENVIRONMENTAL RISK It nearly doesn’t affect Rarely happen but Rarely happen but
 Consequence anything to the
 Likelihood could draw a draw a big

BC2-20_4.2_BSBSUS211_Assessment Tasks Version 4_28 October2021

Page 15 of 18
Qualification details: BSB20120 Certificate II in Business
SBTA course reference: BC2-20_4.2_Environmental efficiency
Units of competency: BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices

Student’s ID: Jose Luis Sinisterra Angulo

Assessor’s name: assessor name

 score vast damage damage Ex.

to the water
workplace Ex. pollution, air
fire pollution.
3.6. Read the following scenario and complete as indicated.
Scenario 2:
You decided to select one of the items to implement first and plan to develop an action plan for the implementation and
adaptation of the item.
a. Review all feedback and risk assessment information you have collated; and
b. Develop an action plan for the implementation of the new item
c. An action plan must cover timelines, people and processes. (Guide: 80+ words)
Template 5: ACTION PLAN

ACTION PLAN – Implementing Environmentally Sustainability into the Old Pub

Name of the item or process Toxic waste
Why does this item or the process need changing? Toxic waste can harm people, animals and plants, whether it ends up
on the ground, in rivers or in the air. Some toxins persist in the
environment for years. Humans or wildlife often absorb toxins when
they eat fish or other prey.
Timelines Research timeline, the Risk and Purchasing and process Implementation, monitoring and
“life cycle” assessment reviews
3 months 6 months Over a year
WHS RISK assessment and outcome Toxic waste rarely happens but create big impacts to the
workplace and the workers
Life-cycle assessment (ENVIRONMENTAL Toxic waste can greatly damage the environment.
RISK of the item or process outcome) environment. Some can be disposed of, but some cannot.
How will the Item or process be replaced? Some toxins can be replaced by environmentally friendly ones, but
others cannot.
Some toxins can be replaced by environmentally friendly ones, but
others cannot. Therefore, we must perform our work activities with
care and under rules avoid the generation and distribution of
Costs and fees Replace toxics with environmentally friendly ones
environmentally friendly:
Estimated cost = 200,000
Purchase of new product: 60,000
Research fee: 40,000
Legislative consultation fee: 20,000
All costs and fees can be adjusted
Where can it be purchased and by whom? We could buy new environmentally friendly ones from the local
distributor, the importer or, if they cannot be sourced
domestically, from an international company.
Staff training on use of the new item or process The provision of training is considered essential. Because it has
implications for the safety of workers, the workplace and the

BC2-20_4.2_BSBSUS211_Assessment Tasks Version 4_28 October2021

Page 16 of 18
Qualification details: BSB20120 Certificate II in Business
SBTA course reference: BC2-20_4.2_Environmental efficiency
Units of competency: BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices

Student’s ID: Jose Luis Sinisterra Angulo

Assessor’s name: assessor name

Who will be responsible for what part of the Research and development team
implementation They will be involved in the investigation of potential
hazardous toxins.
They will then find solutions to be more sustainable.
Purchasing Department Will participate in the purchase of the
necessary products.
Human resources
They will perform workshops with the cooperation in R&D.
cooperation in R&D.
Management team
Will lead all activities related to the
Other comments Providing knowledge about the impact of toxic waste to the
environment to the staff is recommended
Web References

BC2-20_4.2_BSBSUS211_Assessment Tasks Version 4_28 October2021

Page 17 of 18
Qualification details: BSB20120 Certificate II in Business
SBTA course reference: BC2-20_4.2_Environmental efficiency
Units of competency: BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices

Student’s ID: Jose Luis Sinisterra Angulo

Assessor’s name: assessor name

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