Assignment - Psychology - Sigmund Freud

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Assignment 01

Student Name : A.D. Chmali Piyumika Udayasiri

Student No : C127890
Diploma Program : Human Resource Management
Batch No : 67
Modern psychology is a vast and vibrant field, encompassing a diverse range of subfields
dedicated to understanding the human mind, behavior, and experience. These subdivisions
offer unique perspectives and methodologies to explore various aspects of the human psyche.
Let's delve into some major categories:

1. General Psychology
General Psychology is the mapmaker, drawing the main paths and landmarks—concepts like
memory, emotions, and how we learn. It introduces the tools that need to understanding
perception, recognizing different personality types, and seeing how thoughts influence actions.
This foundation equips to navigate deeper, specialized regions like social dynamics, mental
health, or even animal behavior. General Psychology provides the building blocks for
understanding any specific aspect of the human mind.

2. Abnormal psychology
Abnormal psychology shines a light on the shadowed alleys, delving into mental disorders like
anxiety and depression. It's a detective investigating the roots of distress, examining biological,
psychological, and social factors that can contribute to mental health challenges. With careful
diagnosis, abnormal psychology crafts a treatment plan, offering tools like therapy and
medication to help individuals navigate the complexities of their struggles. It fosters
understanding and empathy, dispelling stigma and reminding us that mental health is just as
important as physical well-being.

3. Child psychology
Child psychology is the architect, carefully observing and understanding the delicate dance of
cognitive, social, and emotional development from babbling infants to curious teenagers. It
traces the fascinating blueprint of how children learn, how they form bonds, and how they
navigate the intricate world of emotions, laying the foundation for who they'll become. From
the first wobbly steps of understanding language to the complex social tapestry of friendships
and self-discovery, child psychology sheds light on every stage of this remarkable journey. By
understanding the building blocks of young minds, could better nurture their growth, support
their unique needs, and create a safe space for them to blossom into resilient and fulfilled

4. Developmental psychology
Developmental psychology is the conductor, tracing the intricate harmonies of physical,
cognitive, and emotional transformations we experience from birth to old age. It explores the
vibrant crescendo of childhood learning, the soulful introspection of adolescence, and the
graceful wisdom of later years, revealing the unique beauty of each movement in the human
experience. From grasping tiny toys to navigating complex emotions, from forming lifelong
bonds to finding purpose in retirement, developmental psychology delves into the evolving
orchestration of our lives. By understanding these age-related transformations, could foster
deeper connections across generations, support individuals at every stage, and embrace the rich
tapestry of human development.

5. Educational psychology
Educational psychology is the architect, meticulously designing and constructing this bridge
by applying psychological principles to learning. It illuminates how memory works, unlocks
the secrets of motivation, and reveals the intricate dance between attention and engagement.
With these insights, educational psychologists build stronger, more personalized bridges for
every learner. They empower educators with tools to craft effective teaching strategies, from
fostering collaboration to nurturing individual strengths. Students, in turn, gain strategies to
conquer challenges, embrace curiosity, and become self-directed learners. Educational
psychology recognizes that every learner walks a unique path across the bridge. It dismantles
one-size-fits-all approaches, celebrating diversity and ensuring everyone reaches their full

6. Social psychology
Social psychology is the weaver, meticulously examining the knots, twists, and turns of how
we think, feel, and behave within this dynamic fabric. It delves into the fascinating dance of
conformity and persuasion, uncovering the subtle cues that influence our decisions and shape
our opinions within groups. From understanding how prejudice arises to exploring the power
of cooperation, social psychology illuminates the hidden patterns that bind us together or drive
us apart. By equipping with these insights, it empowers us to navigate the complexities of social
interaction, build stronger relationships, and foster healthier communities.

7. Experimental psychology
Experimental psychology is the intrepid explorer, wielding tools of carefully controlled
research to probe its deepest secrets. Each study becomes a meticulously designed experiment,
with participants journeying through controlled environments to unveil the mechanisms of
memory, attention, and decision-making under a magnifying glass. Through precise
measurements and rigorous analysis, experimental psychology builds bridges of reliable
knowledge, separating fact from fleeting theories and painting a clearer picture of our internal
landscapes. Its findings become the building blocks of all other psychology subfields,
providing the fundamental truths that shape our understanding of what it means to be human.
8. Industrial psychology
Industrial psychology is the architect, applying psychological principles to design
environments that foster employee motivation, job satisfaction, and organizational
effectiveness. It delves into the intricate dance between individual needs and organizational
goals, understanding how factors like workload, team dynamics, and leadership styles impact
productivity and well-being. From crafting hiring strategies that match skills to roles to
designing training programs that nurture talent, industrial psychology ensures organizations
function as cohesive units where people thrive. Optimizing communication, reducing stress,
and fostering collaboration, build workplaces that are not just productive but also fulfilling,
bringing meaning and purpose to the daily grind.

9. Clinical psychology
Clinical psychology is the beacon of hope, offering a safe harbor through compassionate
assessment, accurate diagnosis, and evidence-based treatment of mental, emotional, and
behavioral disorders. From the careful listening of therapy sessions to the meticulous
construction of treatment plans, clinical psychologists weave a tapestry of support, utilizing
psychotherapy and other interventions to mend the tattered fabric of mental well-being. They
empower individuals to navigate the often-challenging journey of self-discovery, equipping
them with coping mechanisms and resilience to reclaim control over their thoughts and
emotions. Clinical psychology recognizes the unique struggles of each individual, dismantling
stigma and advocating for equal access to mental healthcare, ensuring no mind is left alone in
the storm.

10. Counseling psychology

Counseling psychology becomes a trusted companion, walking alongside individuals facing
personal challenges or seeking to enhance their well-being. It's a safe space for exploring
personal narratives, from coping with difficult emotions to making life-changing decisions.
Through active listening and empathetic support, counselors empower individuals to uncover
their inner strength and resilience. From navigating career crossroads to mending broken
relationships, counselors equip individuals with practical tools and strategies to navigate life's
complexities with greater clarity and confidence. Counseling psychology recognizes the unique
path each person walks, promoting self-acceptance and fostering personal growth. It celebrates
individual journeys, no matter how winding or uncertain they may seem.

11. Animal psychology

Animal psychology leans in, listening intently to the chirps, growls, and hums, delving into the
cognitive and behavioral capacities of creatures from primates to insects. It deciphers the
language of wagging tails, intricate nest-building, and complex communication patterns,
unveiling the hidden wonders of animal minds. Through careful observation and controlled
experiments, animal psychologists reveal the evolutionary threads woven into behavior, tracing
the fascinating history of how we all came to think, act, and interact. Studying the whispers of
the animal mind illuminates not just theirs, but ours too. Animal psychology offers a mirror to
human instincts, helping us understand emotions, social interaction, and even the roots of our
cognitive abilities.

12. Comparative psychology

Comparative psychology is the skilled weaver, meticulously tracing the intricate patterns that
connect and distinguish species. From chimpanzees using tools to birds displaying elaborate
courtship rituals, this field delves into the fascinating tapestry of adaptations, uncovering both
shared evolutionary legacies and unique solutions crafted by nature. By comparing memory,
communication, and social structures across species, comparative psychology sheds light on
the origins of human behavior, helping us understand how our minds and actions fit within the
broader story of the animal kingdom. It dismantles anthropocentrism, reminding us that
intelligence and complexity come in many forms, not just our own. Through comparative
understanding, we can better appreciate the diverse tapestry of life and foster respect for all its

13. Applied psychology

Applied psychology is the bridge, taking those valuable gems and putting them to work in the
real world, from healthcare and education to business and legal contexts. It harnesses the power
of understanding human behavior to tackle challenges like improving healthcare adherence,
optimizing learning environments, navigating legal complexities, and boosting organizational
effectiveness. From crafting marketing campaigns that resonate with consumers to designing
training programs that foster employee engagement, applied psychology translates theory into
tangible solutions, impacting lives in every walk of life. It's a dynamic dance between research
and application, constantly evolving to address emerging needs and challenges. This
adaptability ensures psychology remains relevant and impactful, leaving its mark on every
corner of society.

14. Parapsychology
Parapsychology, diverging from mainstream psychology, delves into unconventional
phenomena such as extrasensory perception (ESP) and telekinesis. The field challenges
established scientific boundaries by exploring experiences that fall outside traditional empirical
understanding. Investigating the fringes of human consciousness, parapsychology raises
questions about the uncharted potential of the mind. ESP, the ability to perceive information
beyond the ordinary senses, and telekinesis, the alleged ability to move objects with the mind,
are central focuses of parapsychological inquiry. While not widely accepted in mainstream
science, parapsychology encourages exploration of the unknown, prompting ongoing debates
about the boundaries of human capabilities.
Sigmund Freud is a pioneering psychoanalyst, believed that personality was shaped by
psychosexual development, a series of five stages where individuals grapple with the interplay
of pleasure, conflict, and self-discovery. He called these stages the oral, anal, phallic, latency,
and genital stages:

1. Oral stage :

Imagine a baby's world explored through the magic of the mouth. Sucking, tasting, and biting
aren't just about food; they're pathways to discovering the world and building trust with
caregivers. It's a stage where comfort and pleasure find their first expressions, but weaning
hiccups can leave lasting marks. Nail-biting or clinging might whisper tales of unresolved
desires from this early chapter. Think of the mouth as a bridge between self and other,
shaping how we connect and relate. A satisfying oral journey lays the foundation for healthy
attachment and trust. But frustrations at this stage, like abrupt weaning, can leave traces –
perhaps an overreliance on others or difficulty letting go.

2. Anal stage :

Think of the potty as a mini battleground, where "letting go" becomes a complex dance
between pleasure and control. 18-month-olds navigate toilet training, grappling with
newfound autonomy and the bittersweet act of giving up something pleasurable. Mastering
this stage isn't just about hygiene; it's about self-mastery. Confidence blooms with newfound
control, paving the way for creative expression and a healthy sense of order. But it's not
always a smooth ride. Frustrations during this delicate phase can leave lasting echoes.
Obsessive tidiness or a penchant for messiness might whisper tales of unresolved conflicts
from this early battleground. Remember, it's a crucial time for building trust and a sense of
"self." Positive reinforcement during potty training nurtures a healthy relationship with
control and lays the foundation for future resilience.

3. Phallic stage :

Imagine a child's world suddenly alive with new sensations and awareness. Between 3 and
6, bodies become fascinating puzzles, and gender takes center stage. Boys might feel a
special connection to their mom, sparking a playful "love triangle" (the Oedipus
complex). Girls may gravitate towards dad, navigating a similar dance of affection and
rivalry (the Electra complex). These complexes aren't about literal desires; they're about
understanding roles, boundaries, and where one fits in the family constellation. Navigating
this stage shapes how we view ourselves, relate to others, and navigate future relationships.
Smooth sailing isn't guaranteed. Unresolved feelings can leave lingering echoes, influencing
how we connect with partners and authority figures later in life.
4. Latency stage :
Imagine a sigh of relief after a whirlwind – the storm of early childhood subsides, giving way
to a calmer stretch from 6 to puberty. Sexual energy mellows, leaving space for exploration of
a different kind. Friendships bloom like vibrant gardens, offering fertile ground for social skills
and self-discovery. Teamwork, empathy, and communication blossom in this sunlit stage. A
thirst for knowledge takes center stage – learning becomes a thrilling adventure, fueling a sense
of accomplishment and purpose. Curiosity becomes the compass, guiding exploration of the
world and one's own potential. But beneath the calm, a transformation brews. This quiet stage
preps for the hormonal upheaval of puberty, equipping children with the social and emotional
tools to navigate the coming rollercoaster.

5. Genital stage :
Puberty paints the canvas of life with vibrant new hues, ushering in the Genital Stage where
mature intimacy can blossom. It's a time when relationships shift from playful explorations to
deeper connections built on trust and understanding. Those who navigated childhood stages
with healthy resolutions carry tools of empathy, self-awareness, and communication into their
relationships. They express emotions authentically, navigate conflict constructively, and find
joy in building lasting bonds. Remember, earlier experiences aren't rigid blueprints; they're
stepping stones on the path to fulfilling connections. Challenges met and lessons learned
throughout life can shape emotional maturity and foster healthy relationships. Building and
maintaining fulfilling partnerships takes effort, understanding, and open communication. The
Genital Stage is an ongoing journey, not a destination, with continuous learning and growth
enriching it.

1. Self-Understanding: Psychology studies help people become more self-aware and

personally develop by offering insights into their own ideas, feelings, and behaviors.
2. Better Relationships: Psychology enables people to comprehend the mechanics of
interpersonal relationships, improving their empathy and communication abilities and fostering
stronger bonds with others.
3. Career Opportunities: Having a foundation in psychology gives one access to a wide range
of professions, such as marketing, human resources, teaching, healthcare, and counseling.

4. Mental Health Awareness: Education in psychology helps people understand mental

health issues, lessens the stigma associated with them, and encourages early intervention and

5. Problem-Solving Skills: Psychological concepts give people the ability to solve problems
and think critically, which is useful in a variety of situations including the workplace,
interpersonal interactions, and making decisions.

6. Improved Communication: Knowledge of psychological concepts promotes improved

verbal and nonverbal communication, which improves understanding and cooperation in both
personal and professional contexts.

7. Stress Management: Stress management skills are taught in psychology, which enables
people to deal with hardships, obstacles, and everyday stressors in a more adaptive and healthy
8. Personal and Professional Development: Psychology provides tools for people to improve
personally, such as goal-setting and achievement, efficient time management, and building
resilience in the face of adversity.

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