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Summative Assessment

Module 2

Title: Role of Technology

Module 2
Summative Assessment Instrument
Unit Standards
SAQA ID: 115374 Demonstrate an understanding of the use of web-
sites in business
SAQA ID: 114050 Explain the principles of business and the role of
information technology
SAQA ID:114076 Use computer technology to research a computer



Learner Name: _David Sithole______________________

Workplace: __Geeks4Learning_____________________

Summative Assessment: Module 2 Issue Date: 06/08/2020 Review Date: 06/08/2022 Version: 02

Welcome to your Summative Assessment!

This document deals with the summative assessment of your competence towards the outcomes which
you need to achieve. “Summative Assessment is assessment for making a judgement about
achievement. This is carried out when a learner is ready to be assessed at the end of a programme of
learning” (SAQA: Criteria and Guidelines for Assessment Policy Document, pg 26).

Document Index

Content Description Page

Index and Welcome


Memorandum of Assessment 3

Assessment Plan and Appeals Form 4

Pre-Assessment Checklist 7

Summative Assessment: Knowledge Questionnaire 8

Summative Assessment: Workplace Assignments 12

Summative Assessment: Practical Assessment 14

Personal Narrative 18

Witness Testimonial 19

Feedback / Assessment Judgement / Report / Evaluation 20

Unit Standard Cluster Information

SAQA Unit Standard Title Level Credits

114076 Use computer technology to research a computer topic 4 3

114050 Explain the principles of business and the role of information technology 5 4
115374 Demonstrate an understanding of the use of web-sites in business 5 4

Summative Assessment: Module 2 Issue Date: 06/08/2020 Review Date: 06/08/2022 Version: 02

Instructions & Memorandum of Assessment

The following sections will outline all the required formative and summative assessment activities /
instruments which you will need to complete in order to be deemed competent in this module.

Assessment Section 1:

1.1 Classroom: Formative Learner Workbook Questionnaires / Activities

These activities will be completed during the classroom or facilitation session and can be found in
the learning material. Activities may include questioning, case studies, group activities and
1.2 Classroom: Formative Assessment Instrument
These knowledge-based questions will be based on the outcomes and Unit Standards addressed in
this module. This component will consist of both direct and multi-choice questions. You are required
answer all the questions provided as this will also form part of your portfolio of evidence.

Assessment Section 2:

2.1 Summative Knowledge Assessment

You are required to complete the knowledge assessment by answering all the questions provided in
filled giving examples where asked.
2.2 Workplace Assignments
This section will consist of Workplace assignments and projects which you will need to complete
which will form part of your Portfolio of Evidence.
2.3 Summative Practical / Observational Assessment
The practical / observational assessment will be completed by the assessor based on your
performance against the outcomes of this module to determine your competence.
2.4 Personal Narrative
The personal narrative requires you to reflect on the reflexive competence requirements needed to
be deemed competent in this module. This section will include critical cross field outcomes.
2.5 Witness Testimony
The witness testimony consists of a testimonial based on your performance as observed / reviewed
by your Supervisor / Manager in the workplace.

Summative Assessment: Module 2 Issue Date: 06/08/2020 Review Date: 06/08/2022 Version: 02


Please tick next to the unit standards you are being assessed against.

Unit code UNIT STANDARD TITLES NQF level Credits ✓

114076 Use computer technology to research a computer topic 4 3

Explain the principles of business and the role of information
114050 5 4
Demonstrate an understanding of the use of web-sites in
115374 5 4

Activity Evidence of activity will be found where Place & planned date Date
of activity Completed
Training Classroom training registers Training Provider
Self-assessment Assessment contract signed & dated Learner file
Assessment contract Assessment contract signed & dated Learner file
Initial meeting Assessor briefing checklist Learner file
Unit Standard No Assessment contract & assessment plan Learner file
Formative Assessment instruments Learner file
Assessment Date:
Summative Assessment instruments Learner file
Assessment Date:
Other Evidence Research portfolio (if applicable) Learner file
Feedback Feedback Report Learner file
Moderation Moderators report Learner file
Judgement Assessor Summary Report / Moderator Learner file
report Date:
1st Reassessment Assessors summary report / instruments Learner file
2nd Reassessment Assessors summary report / instruments Learner file

Special arrangements for assessment


People to be involved with assessment

Learner: Manager:
Trainer: Mentor / Coach:
Assessor: Moderator:

Next steps for learning

Summative Assessment: Module 2 Issue Date: 06/08/2020 Review Date: 06/08/2022 Version: 02

Resources required for this assessment

Guidelines to the learner:

Learners Name: ___________________________________

Learner’s signature: Date:

Assessors Name: _________________________________

Assessor’s signature: Date:


1. A learner has the right to appeal under the following circumstances

• If the laid down assessment procedures were not followed during assessments
• If not all evidence available was taken into account during the assessment
• The assessor was not a subject matter expert or did not have a subject matter expert during the assessment
• The assessor did not assess according to the performance criteria and range statement stipulated in the unit
• Not all the range items were available for assessment

2. A learner bringing an appeal against a decision of the assessment will lodge such an appeal with the assessor
and the internal moderator within 2 days of the assessment feedback session.

3. A learner bringing an appeal should complete the “Learner’s Notice of Assessment Appeal “form before the
Appeal Hearing. The form should be handed to the internal moderator or a representative of the SETA.

4. Should the internal moderator re-affirm the assessor’ decision, the learner may appeal to the external verifier
within 2 days after the initial moderator’s feedback session. The external verifier’s decision will be final. Should
the external verifier re-affirm the assessors’ decision, the cost for re-evaluation will be upon the learner. Should
the verifier’s decision differ from the assessor’s decision, the cost for re-evaluation will be borne by the assessor.


Summative Assessment: Module 2 Issue Date: 06/08/2020 Review Date: 06/08/2022 Version: 02


TO: The Internal Moderator

A meeting with the internal moderator is hereby requested to discuss the outcome of my assessment.

Internal moderator name

Date of submission:

Name of employee assessed:

Name of Assessor:

Date of feedback session:

Grounds for Appeal

No Tick the applicable ground(s) for appeal Tick

1 The assessment did not follow the laid down procedure
2 Not all evidence available was taken into account during the assessment
3 The assessor was not a subject matter expert nor was a subject matter expert present during the
assessment process
4 The assessment was not according to the performance criteria and the range statement stipulated in the
unit standard
5 Not all the range items were available for the assessment

Reasons for Appeal

No Please give detailed reasons for the choice(s) above


Learner’s signature: Date:

Employee witness: Date:


Points Assessor must cover in the initial meeting with the learner - Please tick

Summative Assessment: Module 2 Issue Date: 06/08/2020 Review Date: 06/08/2022 Version: 02

Item Points to be covered Tick

1 Welcome the candidate and put them at ease
2 Explain the purpose of the meeting (why you are there and how long the meeting will take)
3 Explain the
▪ Credits
▪ Certification process
▪ Learning pathways
4 Explain
▪ Who is involved in the assessment and their role (learners, coach, assessors, managers,
▪ Principles of assessment (fairness, confidentiality, validity, sufficiency)
5 Explain the assessment process?
▪ Check learner readiness for assessment (logbook / self assessment)
▪ Assessment contract to be completed
▪ Preparation of learner (this meeting)
▪ The assessment (observation and knowledge questionnaire)
▪ Judgement of the evidence
▪ Outcome of assessment (competent, not yet competent, need further evidence)
6 Give Learner copies of the following documentation and explain each document
▪ The Assessment Guide which includes
o The relevant unit standard (s)
o Assessment contract
o Assessment plan
o Observation checklist
o Knowledge checklist
7 Discuss the assessment plan (complete the assessment plan document)
▪ Allow the learner to participate in the decisions made
▪ Agree on dates, time and venue for the assessment and feedback
▪ Agree on evidence the learner can submit
▪ Agree and explain the assessment methods
▪ Identify and discuss special assessment needs of the candidate
▪ Identify and eliminate unfair barriers (language, disability etc)
▪ Discuss and agree on witness requirements
8 Tell the candidate his/her rights and responsibilities, the assessment procedures and policies
▪ How many times they may be assessed
▪ Appeals process / procedure
▪ Reassessment policy
9 Ensure the assessment environment is appropriate or make special arrangements
10 Discuss moderation
11 Allow the learner opportunity to clarify any items discussed

Learner declaration of acceptance of assessment instruments and relevant documentation: Date:

Learners Name: Signature

Assessors Name: Signature:



Summative Assessment: Module 2 Issue Date: 06/08/2020 Review Date: 06/08/2022 Version: 02

Instructions to the Learner: The following questions must be answered in full giving examples where
asked. Please read all the questions carefully and take time to consider your answer before recording
48/50 = 96% Competent

Instructions to the Assessor: The following questions must be answered in filled giving examples
where asked. The assessor can make reference to formative assessment evidence where available.

1. Describe the following types of businesses:
Sole Trader Only one person owns this type of business; there are no partners or
co-owners. In this form of business there is no need for formal
registration, administration or termination; no statues regulate sole
owners and no documentation needs registering.

Partnership Is a particular type of business association concluded between people

who intend making and sharing profits. A partnership is not a legal
person. The rights, duties and liabilities of a partnership bind the
individual partners.

Limited Company Is a private company whose owners are legally responsible for its
debts only to the extent of the amount of capital they invested.

Private Company Is a firm held under private ownership. Private companies may issue
stock and have shareholders, but their shares do not trade on public
exchanges and are not issued through an initial public offering (IPO).
Public Company Is a corporation whose ownership is distributed amongst general
public shareholders through publicly-traded stock shares.

2. Describe the following common objectives within which businesses operate.
Buying and Selling Trade is the art of buying and selling goods and services. Survival – a
short term objective, probably for small business just starting out, or
when a new firm enters the market or at a time of crisis.

Profit Describes the financial benefit realized when revenue generated from
a business activity exceeds the expenses, costs, and taxes involved in
sustaining the activity in question.

Charity Is when an organization set up to provide help and raise money for
those in need or the voluntary giving of help, typically in the form of
money, to those in need.

Social Clubs Public sector corporations are run to not only generate a profit but
provide a service to the public. This service will need to meet the needs
of the less well off in society or help improve the ability of the economy
to function: e.g. cheap and accessible transport service

3. Describe the environment in which various businesses operate. Give an example then explain your
Marketing environment - encompasses all the internal and external factors that drive and
influence an organization's marketing activities. Marketing managers must stay aware of the

Summative Assessment: Module 2 Issue Date: 06/08/2020 Review Date: 06/08/2022 Version: 02

marketing environment to maintain success and tackle any threats or opportunities that may
affect their work.

4. Describe the concept of an Information system as a “whole” composed of different parts.
Is a set of interrelated components that collect, manipulate, store and disseminate information
and provide a feedback mechanism to achieve a goal.

5. Describe the following theoretical components of an information system as a relation to each other.
Components: Input – Process – Output.
Is anything we wish to embed in a system for some type of use. A variety of sources are used
to input: keyboard, scanner, microphone, mouse, even another computer. What we input has a
purpose - but until it is processed and generated in some form of output, it doesn't do us much

Processing takes place in the internal parts of the computer. It is the act of taking inputted data
and converting it to something usable.

transfers the processed information to the people who will use it or to the activities for which
it will be used.

6. Give a clear description of each of the following information systems:
Transaction Processing System (TPS)
Is an information processing system for business transactions involving the collection,
modification and retrieval of all transaction data. Characteristics of a TPS include performance,
reliability and consistency. TPS is also known as transaction processing or real-time

Management Information Systems(MIS)

Is a computer system consisting of hardware and software that serves as the backbone of an
organization's operations. An MIS gathers data from multiple online systems, analyses the
information, and reports data to aid in management decision-making.

Decision Support Systems(DSS)

Is a computerized program used to support determinations, judgments, and courses of action
in an organization or a business. It Can be used to plan the fastest and best routes between
two points by analysing the available options. These systems often include the capability to
monitor traffic in real-time to route around congestion.

Summative Assessment: Module 2 Issue Date: 06/08/2020 Review Date: 06/08/2022 Version: 02

7. Explain the functions and application of the following computer applications in a normal business
Word processor
A word processor enables you to create a document, store it electronically on a disk, display it
on a screen, modify it by entering commands and characters from the keyboard, and print it on
a printer.

Is a rectangular table (or grid) of information, often financial information.

Is a structured collection of records or data that is stored in a computer system so that a
computer program or person using a query language can consult it to answer queries.

Is a sub-field of computer science and is concerned with digitally synthesizing and
manipulating visual content.

Lotus SmartSuite
SmartSuite is an office suite from IBM's Lotus Software group. IBM purchased Lotus in 1995
and Lotus made versions for IBM's OS/2, as well as Windows versions.

Corel Suite
Corel generally charges the hardware manufacturer very little per copy for the bundled

8. Explain the effect and impact of information technology on business systems.
It helps businesses to settle intricate issues with the right to make the most effective business-
related decision, you need to consider only two factors- delicacy and speed. All the companies
need to do marketing research, as it may help them to provide the perfect resolution.
Information technology makes a business more efficient, effective and promptly respond to
customers' needs. ICT can assist business activities including design, manufacturing, R&D,
distribution and sales and feedback.

9. Describe the difference between data and information.
facts or figures
Data is an individual unit that contains raw materials which do not carry any specific meaning.
Information is a group of data that collectively carries a logical meaning.

10. Explain the role of information in the following aspects of business:

Summative Assessment: Module 2 Issue Date: 06/08/2020 Review Date: 06/08/2022 Version: 02

A commonly used checklist for effective communication, helps to ensure that the message is
understood the way it is intended, which is particularly important in a business environment.

Price control:
is an economic system where prices are set by the interchange of supply and demand, with the
resulting prices being understood as signals that are communicated between producers and
consumers which serve to guide the production and distribution of resources.

is done by means of meetings between the research and development departments and the
sales and marketing departments of the organisation. The interaction between these
departments is very important to ensure that the new products sold by the organisation are
fully understood by the marketing department.

11. Explain how the following threats can affect data security and integrity:
Unauthorised Access Once an individual has gained unauthorized access to data or computer
networks, they can cause damage to an organization in a number of
ways. They may directly steal files, data, or other information.

Viruses Computer viruses today can cause a great amount of damage by

exploiting vulnerabilities in corporate networks, email systems and Web
sites. They can corrupt programs, delete files, or reformat disks.

Sabotage (staff) Is defined as deliberate and malicious acts that result in the disruption
of the normal processes and functions or the destruction or damage of
equipment or information.

12. Identify two of the following sub-systems that make up a business and then explain the information
needs of both in your own words. Sub-systems: HR (employment), Production (manufacture),
Marketing (branding), Financial (cash flow), Administration (general) (any two).
HR (employment) - Highly confidential information, such as employee contracts, job
descriptions and responsibilities, discipline records, attendance records, performance records
and IRS documents are all under the care of the human resources department.

Administration (general) - the general administrator may be responsible for handling all
correspondence, answering phone lines, taking messages, preparing reports and other general
office duties.

20/20 = 100% Competent

UNIT STANDARD: 115374 Demonstrate an understanding of the use of web-sites in business

Summative Assessment: Module 2 Issue Date: 06/08/2020 Review Date: 06/08/2022 Version: 02

Important Note: Should any additional information / documents be required or attached, kindly ensure
that you have referenced them accurately as identified in each section.
US Reference: SO 1 AC1 EEK
1. Explain the primary reason why a website may be commissioned by the following:
Personal / Business User:
A website can help small businesses increase flexibility, control, branding and credibility.
People go to the Internet to get information and its a great place to share your thoughts and
philosophies related to your industry, and a blog is the perfect medium to do just that.

Sponsor / Advertising User:

Get your brand seen, it is as simple as that. Sponsorship's give the brand a chance to get in
front of their target market, and even a chance to get in front of a new audience. Placing your
website address on all your promotional material will help you gain additional exposure and
encourage the visitors to first check your site for the information they are seeking.

US Reference: SO1 AC2 EEK

2. Explain at least three different uses of the Internet as business tool considering current usage
trends and different marketing media.
• Improve advertising effectiveness - Placing your website address on all your promotional
material will help you gain additional exposure and encourage the visitors to first check your
site for the information they are seeking.
• Easy access to new customers - You can have your existing customers refer you to their
friends and relatives using only your web address or URL
• Improves/Increase productivity - A website increases your company’s productivity because
less time is spent explaining product or service details to customers because all this information
is available 24 hours a day on your website.

US Reference: SO2 AC1 EEK

3. Explain the importance of adhering to industry standards and norms with regards to each of the
factors below when designing a website. Make use of an example in each case to explain your
An easily-navigated site map Clear links to the most important pages, and a site map, are
crucial for guiding visitors to the information they're looking for. Be sure your navigation is
clearly laid out. It is recommended to use dropdowns in the navigation menu so the visitor can
see the content under every heading from virtually any page. You want to make it very easy for
your visitors to find what they are looking for, or what you want them to know," Wright suggests

A clear description of who you are Someone who stumbles upon your website shouldn't have
to do investigative work to figure out what, exactly, it is that you do. That means clearly stating
your name and summing up your products or services right on the homepage. Tell people this
is the right website that they have been searching for. A clear description will attract the
visitor's attention immediately within 2-3 seconds, and encourage them to stay on your website

Summative Assessment: Module 2 Issue Date: 06/08/2020 Review Date: 06/08/2022 Version: 02

US Reference: SO2 AC2 EEK

4. Explain the use of the following techniques to improve the accessibility and popularity of a
Links to search engines
Search engines serve results, based on the reputation of a website and local results, based on
the proximity of the user to the business.

Links to popular sites

Link building is the process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own. A
hyperlink (usually just called a link) is a way for users to navigate between pages on the

Key words
they crawl the links between the individual pages on your website, and they will crawl the links
between entire websites.

US Reference: SO2 AC3 EEK

5. Identify the main reason why a website should be protected by making reference to a possible
consequence and vulnerability that could occur due to a lack of protection measures.
To keeping hackers and cyber-thieves from accessing sensitive information. Without a
proactive security strategy, businesses risk the spread and escalation of malware, attacks on
other websites, networks, and other IT infrastructures. Scanning an internet site for
vulnerabilities or security testing is ever needed to defend against the thefts or loss that occurs
due to digital hackers.



Instructions to the Assessor: The following questions must be answered in filled giving examples
where asked. The assessor can make reference to formative assessment evidence where available.
11/12 = 92% Competent
1. Explain what planning is required to conduct research on a computer topic.
The plan must identify the topic, objectives, and scope of the research. The plan must identify
the time to be taken for the research, the research methods to be used, and the sources of
information to be used. The plan identifies ethical issues in the research process.

The research plan should include the overall purpose of the research and how the outputs will
be used and communicated; the types and sources of data needed (including any secondary
sources and definitions of the subjects of the research); the means by which the data will be
collected and analysed; the scale of research (i.e. the numbers and spread of the research
subjects and the populations you want to draw conclusions about); the resources available
(including time); and, a clear indication of the stakeholders in the process

Summative Assessment: Module 2 Issue Date: 06/08/2020 Review Date: 06/08/2022 Version: 02

2. Explain how you would go about completing a research project on a computer topic.
You need to understand who will be using your data, to be able to prepare yourself for the
correct collection of information, display and delivery of the results of the research as well as
ensuring that the data was collected in accordance with the required target audience.

3. List the possible resources which you may require to complete your research project.
The time you are willing to commit
Friends and family members who are willing and able to help you
The money you are willing and able to spend
Access to the internet, your trainer
Other resource people in your community like the reference librarian at your local library.


File Checked:
Date Assessor Signature

This is to verify that the learner has completed all the above and has achieved competence.

Assessor Name:__________________________ Assessor Reg. No:___________________

Assessor Signature________________________Date:______________________________

This is to verify that the above work is authentic and my own.

Learners Name:___________________________ Learners Reg No:___________________

Learners Signature:________________________ Date: _____________________________

Summative Assessment: Module 2 Issue Date: 06/08/2020 Review Date: 06/08/2022 Version: 02

Instructions: The following Assignments must be completed by yourself in full. Read the instructions
carefully and ensure that you cover all the requirements of the Assignments thoroughly. Check to
ensure that you referenced each Assignment correctly and included all the required attachments.

Assignment 1: Computer Research Project

Instructions: Conduct research and gather information regarding different types of computing
technology available to address the function of customer service provision by organisations.

Objective: Identify three (3) different technologies available within the industry and follow the next
steps to complete your research Assignment:

Step 1: Consult with your supervisor to obtain a written list of factors which your research should
address in order to analyse the customer service requirements of typical organisations.

Step 2: Select a suitable method to gather information on the various organisations. Your methods may
include but are not limited to: questionnaires, interviews, publications, marketing materials etc. Compile
a research plan that outlines the specific steps and preparation which will be followed during your

Step 3: Gather information on each technology and complete the Research findings onto a separate
sheet of paper.

Step 4: Analyse your findings and compile a Report based on your research conducted which includes:

• The identified factors which your research is addressing.

• A summary of your analysis based on the findings of your research.
• A comparison diagram or chart that shows the “results” of all three (3) technologies which you
have researched.
• Compile a final presentation(report) which includes recommendations to your own company for
possible improvements which could be implemented.

Evidence Requirements: Once you have completed your research, you will need to attach the
following evidence to the Assignment:

• Written list of research factors to address (by supervisor)

Summative Assessment: Module 2 Issue Date: 06/08/2020 Review Date: 06/08/2022 Version: 02

• Research data collected on a separate sheet of paper which includes a summary of your
• Comparison diagram or chart.
• Final presentation(report) with recommendations.

Mark your attachments as reference: Module 5 Assignment 1 US114076 SO1-3.

Important Hint:

As part of your evidence, please record your interaction with staff or supervisors of the business which
you have contacted or consulted with to gather information for this Assignment.


Instructions: The following Observational / Practical Assessment will be completed by the Assessor
based on the learner’s performance against the outcomes of the Unit Standards in this Module.

Kindly Note:

• Direct observational evidence must be gathered where possible to address the relevant
outcomes included in the observational / practical assessment.
• The observation checklist must be completed by the assessor by ticking (yes) to confirm the
learner’s competence in regards to the observational outcome or (no) if it was not completed.
• Comments must be made by the assessor where possible in support of the learner’s
performance and competence.
• Product sampling of evidence may also be requested from and submitted by the learner in
relation to the required assessment criteria where appropriate.

No Direct Observational evidence are required for the Unit Standards in this Module.

Summative Assessment: Module 2 Issue Date: 06/08/2020 Review Date: 06/08/2022 Version: 02

Answer the following questions based on your experience during the completion of this module. Discuss what
you did well and what you would like to do differently.

What went well? What would I do differently?

I was able to identify and solve problems effectively throughout the various activities completed in
this module.

2 I was able to understand how different workplace activities have an impact on each other.

3 I was able to use new technology effectively in my daily tasks that I carried out.

4 I was able to communicate effectively with my team members and supervisors.

5 I was able to complete all my work in an organized and efficient manner.

Summative Assessment: Module 2 Issue Date: 06/08/2020 Review Date: 06/08/2022 Version: 02

8 Additional Comments

Learner Name: Signature

Assessor Name Signature
Date Date

Summative Assessment: Module 2 Issue Date: 06/08/2020 Review Date: 06/08/2022 Version: 02

Instructions: The following section must be completed by the learner’s supervisor / manager in the
workplace based on the learner’s workplace performance. Kindly indicate with yes to verify that the learner
has demonstrated this ability or knowledge effectively or no to indicate that the learner has not
demonstrated this effectively.

Constructive comments and testimonial evidence may also be attached in a separate document and
referenced in the section below.

Workplace Testimonial Comments and Evidence of Workplace Performance

Unit Standard Title SAQA ID: Unit Standard Title SAQA ID:

Performance Outcomes Yes No Performance Outcomes Yes No

Supervisor / Manager Testimonial Supervisor / Manager Testimonial

Testimonial Comments and Evidence of Workplace Performance

Unit Standard Title SAQA ID: Unit Standard Title SAQA ID:

Performance Outcomes Yes No Performance Outcomes Yes No

Supervisor / Manager Testimonial Supervisor / Manager Testimonial

Supervisor Acknowledgement
Date: Supervisor Signature

Assessor Acknowledgement
Date: Assessor Signature

Comments and Feedback

Learner Acknowledgement
Date: Learner Signature

Comments and Feedback

Summative Assessment: Module 2 Issue Date: 06/08/2020 Review Date: 06/08/2022 Version: 02
Comments from Learner:

Meet the requirements: Do not meet the requirements:
Requires additional evidence: Requires another assessment:
Can continue to the next assessment: Requires another assessment by another assessment:
Action required: By when:

Assessor’s feedback remarks

Declaration by Learner
I, __________________________________ declare that I am satisfied that the feedback given to me by the Assessor was relevant, sufficient and done in
a constructive manner. I accept the assessment judgment and have no further questions relating to this particular assessment instrument.

Learner Name & Signature Date Assessor Name & Signature Date Moderator Name & Signature Date

Summative Instrument: Module 2 Issue Date: 06/08/2018 Review Date: 06/08/2020 Version: 02

Indicate with a tick in the relevant sections:

The learner has not submitted sufficient evidence and is therefore not yet competent
The learner is required to submit additional evidence against the following:

The learner is required to improve in the following:

The learner is required to be reassessed:

The learner is required to be assessed by another assessor:
The learner has submitted evidence that is valid, relevant, current, sufficient and
authentic against all the listed specific outcomes an covered all range statements and
critical cross field outcomes
The learner is competent against the listed unit standards
The learner can be issued with a unit certificate
The learner has completed a full qualification

Assessors full name & signature Date

Declaration by Learner
I, ______________________________ declare that I am satisfied that the assessment conducted
by the Assessor was relevant, sufficient, and constructive. I accept the assessment decisions and
have no further questions relating to this particular assessment process.

Learner name & sign Assessor name & sign Moderator name & sign
Date Date Date

Reassessment Decision
The learner has submitted evidence that is valid, relevant, current, sufficient and
authentic against all the listed specific outcomes an covered all range statements and
critical cross field outcomes
The learner is competent against the listed unit standards
The learner can be issued with a unit certificate
The learner has completed a full qualification

Assessors full name & signature Date

Declaration by Learner
I, ______________________________ declare that I am satisfied that the assessment conducted
by the Assessor was relevant, sufficient, and constructive. I accept the assessment decisions and
have no further questions relating to this particular assessment process.

Learner name & sign Assessor name & sign Moderator name & sign
Date Date Date

Summative Instrument: Module 2 Issue Date: 06/08/2018 Review Date: 06/08/2020 Version: 02
Learner Name Assessor name
Unit Stds Date
Review dimension Learner Assessor Action
Yes No Yes No
Were the principles / criteria for
good assessment achieved?
Did the assessment relate to the
registered standard?
Was the assessment practical?
Was it time efficient and cost-
The assessment did not
interfere with my normal
Was the assessment instrument
fair, clear, and understandable?
The assessment judgment was
made against set requirements?
Was the venue and equipment
Were special needs identified
and the assessment plan
Was feedback and
communication constructive?
Was an opportunity to appeal
Was all evidence recorded?
Were the review / evaluation
process apparent and user

Learner Declaration of Understanding

I am aware of the moderation process and understand that the moderator could declare the
assessment decision invalid

Learner Name & Sign Date Assessor Name & Sign Date Moderator Name & Sign Date

Summative Instrument: Module 2 Issue Date: 06/08/2018 Review Date: 06/08/2020 Version: 02
Summative Instrument: Module 2 Issue Date: 06/08/2018 Review Date: 06/08/2020 Version: 02

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