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List of C & DS Programs

Write a program to reverse an array element.

Write a program to perform addition of two
matrices. Write a program to transpose of a matrix.
Write a program to find sum of a matrix element.
Write a program to find sum of lower triangular matrix
element. Write a program to find sum of upper triangular
matrix element. Write a program to find sum of diagonal
element of matrix.
Write a program to perform linear search.
Write a program to perform binary
Write a program to sort an array using insertion sort.
Write a program to perform push and pop in stack.
Write a program to create and display singly linked
Write a program to create a singly link list and count total number of nodes in a
list. Write a program to perform insertion and deletion in queue.
Write a program to insertion at last in singly link list.
WAP to print the factorial of a no. entered by the
user. WAP to print the power of a number nm.
WAP to check a no is Armstrong or not.
WAP to print the table of any no. entered by the
user. WAP for reversing the digits of a no.
WAP to check a number is palindrome or
not. WAP to print the pyramid:
** * *
WAP to print the factorial of a no. using recursion.
WAP to demonstrate the concept of pointer (address of variable, value of variable and double pointer
(**)). WAP to input /output a record using structure.
WAP to demonstrate the concept of pointer to a
structure. WAP to demonstrate the concept of union.
WAP to read and write from/into a text
file. WAP to copy a file into another file.
WAP to demonstrate the concept of bitwise operator (<< and >>).

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