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September 23 – September 29, 2023


Day 1:
September 23, 2023 marked the beginning of the 75th founding anniversary of UCV. As I walked
along the parade route, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. The
streets were lined with different contingents, each one eager to showcase their talents and
celebrate together. As the parade came to an end, we took a moment to rest before heading
over to the softball field. Here, we were treated to a P.E dance and a traditional dance
performed by the Ucvian for CAR region. It was amazing to see people from different
backgrounds come together to celebrate this special occasion. The day was truly symbolic of
unity and reminded me of the power of coming together as a community. I couldn’t wait to see
what the rest of the anniversary had in store.
Day 2:
On the second day of the UCV founding anniversary, I was still buzzing with excitement from the
previous day’s events. However, I still had to attend school in the morning for attendance. In the
afternoon, I headed over to the basketball court where players were competing passionately.
The energy was electric as they battled it out on the court. Later that evening, I attended a
pageant where the stage was adorned with elegance. The contestants were all stunning and it
was amazing to see them showcase their talents. At 9pm, I went to MEB for our attendance. It
was a unique experience that I will never forget. The music was great and everyone was having
a good time.
Day 3:
On the third day of the UCV foundation anniversary, I attended school again for attendance. In
the morning, high jump players were full of energy as they competed in the competition. At
noon, we watched a volleyball match between two girls’ teams. The match was incredibly
exciting and it was amazing to see the players give it their all. The day was a reminder of the
importance of sports and how they bring people together. I was grateful to be a part of such a
special occasion.
Day 4:On the fourth day, I attended school again for attendance and to support the soc players.
They were incredibly strong in playing both basketball and volleyball. In the evening, we headed
over to the UCV gym for an event. The atmosphere was lively and it was great to see everyone
having a good time. It was a perfect way to end the anniversary celebrations.
Overall, the UCV founding anniversary was a truly unforgettable experience. It was amazing to
see people from different backgrounds come together to celebrate and showcase their talents. I
will always cherish the memories from this special occasion.

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