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Probability and Statistics (MATH F113)

Pradeep Boggarapu

Department of Mathematics
BITS PILANI K K Birla Goa Campus, Goa

February 21, 2024

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Standard Examples for Continuous Random

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Standard examples of continuous randam variables

1 Uniform distribution
2 Normal distribution
3 Gamma distribution
4 Exponential distribution
5 Chi-squared distribution

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Standard examples of continuous randam variables

Uniform distribution

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Uniform distribution
Definition 0.1.
We say that X is a uniform random variable on the interval
(a, b) if the probability density function of X is given by
f (x) = , a < x < b.

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Uniform distribution
Definition 0.1.
We say that X is a uniform random variable on the interval
(a, b) if the probability density function of X is given by
f (x) = , a < x < b.

Note that the cdf of X is given by

 0 if x ≤ a

F (x) = b−a if a < x < b

1 if x ≥ b.

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Uniform distribution Cont.

Theorem 0.2.
Let X be uniformly destributed over an interval (a, b)
1 The mean is given by µ = .
2 (b − a)2 b−a
2 Var (X ) = σ = and σ = √ .
12 2 3
3 The mgf of X is given by
 tb ta
 e −e if t ̸= 0
mX (t) =
1 if t = 0.

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Example 1.
If X is uniformly distributed over (0, 10), calculate (a)
P(X < 3), (b) P(X > 6), and (c) P(3 < X < 8).

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Example 1.
If X is uniformly distributed over (0, 10), calculate (a)
P(X < 3), (b) P(X > 6), and (c) P(3 < X < 8).

Example 2.
Buses arrive at a specified stop at 15-minute intervals
starting at 7 A.M. That is, they arrive at 7, 7:15, 7:30,
7:45, and so on. If a passenger arrives at the stop at a
time that is uniformly distributed between 7 and 7:30, find
the probability that he waits
(a) less than 5 minutes for a bus;
(b) more than 10 minutes for a bus.
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Example 3.
Consider a random chord of a circle and assume that the
length of the chord is uniformly distributed over (0, d)
where d is the diameter of the circle. What is the
probability that the length of the chord will be greater
than the side of the equilateral triangle inscribed in that
circle ?

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Example 3.
Consider a random chord of a circle and assume that the
length of the chord is uniformly distributed over (0, d)
where d is the diameter of the circle. What is the
probability that the length of the chord will be greater
than the side of the equilateral triangle inscribed in that
circle ?
Example 4.
A stick of length 1 unit is split at a point U that is
uniformly distributed over (0, 1). Determine the expected
length of the piece that contains a fixed point
p, 0 ≤ p ≤ 1.
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Example 5.
If X ∼ U(0, 1) and a < b, then find the distribution of
Y = a + (b − a)X .

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Standard examples of continuous randam variables

Normal distribution

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Normal distribution

Definition 0.3 (Normal distribution).

A random variable X with density
1 2
f (x) = √ e −(1/2)[(x−µ)/σ] , −∞<x <∞
where −∞ < µ < ∞, σ > 0, is said to have a normal
distribution with parameters µ and σ.

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Graph of density function of normal rv

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Normal distribution conti.

Theorem 0.4.
Let X be normally distributed with parameters µ and σ.
1 The moment generating function for X is given by
2 2
MX (t) = e µt+σ t /2

2 E [X ] = µ.
3 Var [X ] = σ 2 .

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mgf of Normal distribution
2 t 2 /2
To show that MX (t) = e µt+σ :
Z ∞ 2
1 x−µ
MX (t) = E (e ) = tX
e tx √ e −(1/2) σ dx
−∞ 2πσ

We use the change of variable in the above integral: x−µ σ

= y or
x = σy + µ. Therefore, we have that
Z ∞
1 2
MX (t) = e t(σy +µ) √ e −(1/2)y (σdy )
−∞ 2πσ
Z ∞
e µt 2
=√ e tσy e −y /2 dy
2π −∞
Z ∞
e µt 1 2 2 2 2 2
=√ e − 2 (y −2σty +σ t ) e σ t /2 dy
2π −∞
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mgf of Normal distribution conti.

Z ∞
1 2 2
µt+ σ 2t 1 2
MX (t) = e √ e − 2 (y −σt) dy
2π −∞
Z ∞
µt+ σ 2t
2  1 z2

MX (t) = e √ e − 2 dz .
2π −∞
Therefore, we get that
σ2 t 2
MX (t) = e µt+ 2

Z ∞
1 z2
as √ e − 2 dz = 1.
2π −∞

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Mean and variation of normal distribution

dMX (t) d 2 MX (t)

We know that E (X ) = dt
, E (X 2 ) = dt 2
t=0 t=0
2 2
Var (X ) = E (X ) − E (X ) .

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Mean and variation of normal distribution

dMX (t) d 2 MX (t)

We know that E (X ) = dt
, E (X 2 ) = dt 2
t=0 t=0
2 2
Var (X ) = E (X ) − E (X ) .
σ2 t 2
Since Mx (t) = e µt+ 2 , we get that

dMX (t) σ2 t 2 d 2 MX (t)  σ2 t 2

= (µ + σ 2 t)e µt+ 2 ; = (µ + σ 2 t)2 + σ 2 e µt+ 2 .

dt dt 2

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Mean and variation of normal distribution

dMX (t) d 2 MX (t)

We know that E (X ) = dt
, E (X 2 ) = dt 2
t=0 t=0
2 2
Var (X ) = E (X ) − E (X ) .
σ2 t 2
Since Mx (t) = e µt+ 2 , we get that

dMX (t) σ2 t 2 d 2 MX (t)  σ2 t 2

= (µ + σ 2 t)e µt+ 2 ; = (µ + σ 2 t)2 + σ 2 e µt+ 2 .

dt dt 2

Thus we get,
dMX (t) d 2 MX (t)
E (X ) = = µ, E (X 2 ) = = µ2 + σ 2
dt t=0 dt 2 t=0

and hence Var (X ) = E (X 2 ) − E (X )2 = µ2 + σ 2 − µ2 = σ 2 .

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Normal distribution conti.

Notation: We use the notation X ∼ N(µ, σ 2 ) to say that

X follows normal distribution with mean µ and variance σ 2

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Standard Normal Distribution

Definition 0.5 (Standard Normal Distribution).

The random variable following normal distribution with
mean µ = 0 and variance σ 2 = 1 is called standard normal
random variable, usually it is denoted by Z . Therefore,
the pdf of Z is given by
1 2
f (z) = √ e −z /2 ; − ∞ < z < ∞.

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Standard Normal Distribution

Definition 0.5 (Standard Normal Distribution).

The random variable following normal distribution with
mean µ = 0 and variance σ 2 = 1 is called standard normal
random variable, usually it is denoted by Z . Therefore,
the pdf of Z is given by
1 2
f (z) = √ e −z /2 ; − ∞ < z < ∞.

Z z
The cdf of Z is P(Z ≤ z) = f (y )dy , which we will
denote by Φ(z).

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Standardization theorem

Theorem 0.6 (Standardization theorem).

If X has a normal distribution with mean µ and standard
deviation σ, then the random variable
X −µ
has a standard normal distribution.

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Standardization theorem

Theorem 0.6 (Standardization theorem).

If X has a normal distribution with mean µ and standard
deviation σ, then the random variable
X −µ
has a standard normal distribution. Thus
a − µ b − µ
P(a ≤ X ≤ b) = P ≤Z ≤
σ σ
b − µ a − µ
=Φ −Φ
σ σ

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Standardization theorem

X −µ
We will find the moment generating function of σ :
X −µ −tµ tX
M X −µ (t) = E [e t( σ ) ]=e σ E [e σ ]

t  −tµ tµ σ 2 t 2 2
=e σ MX =e σ e σ + 2 σ2 = et /2
= MZ (t).
X −µ
Thus σ ∼ N(0, 1).

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Standardization theorem

X −µ
We will find the moment generating function of σ :
X −µ −tµ tX
M X −µ (t) = E [e t( σ ) ]=e σ E [e σ ]

t  −tµ tµ σ 2 t 2 2
=e σ MX =e σ e σ + 2 σ2 = et /2
= MZ (t).
X −µ
Thus σ ∼ N(0, 1).

Also note that if X is as in the above theorem:

a − µ b − µ
P(X ≤ a) = Φ and P(X ≥ b) = 1−Φ
σ σ

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Notation : For given α ∈ [0, 1], zα is a real number such

that P[Z ≥ zα ] = α i.e., zα will denote the value on the z
axis for which α area under the z-curve(graph of
√1 e −z /2 ) lie to the right of zα .

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Standard normal distribution-Table

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Standard normal distribution-Table

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Standard distribution-Table

Example 6.
Find the following:
1 P[Z ≤ −2.95]

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Standard distribution-Table

Example 6.
Find the following:
1 P[Z ≤ −2.95]
2 P[Z ≤ −2.62]

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Standard distribution-Table

Example 6.
Find the following:
1 P[Z ≤ −2.95]
2 P[Z ≤ −2.62]
3 z0.9956

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Standard distribution-Table

Example 6.
Find the following:
1 P[Z ≤ −2.95]
2 P[Z ≤ −2.62]
3 z0.9956
4 z0.33

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Standard distribution-Table

Example 6.
Find the following:
1 P[Z ≤ −2.95]
2 P[Z ≤ −2.62]
3 z0.9956
4 z0.33
5 z0.1515

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Example 7.
Suppose that diameter of the disc is normally distributed
with mean 39.8 and SD 2.05 inches respectively. What is
the probability that of 20 randomly selected discs exactly
5 have diameter of at least 40 inches?

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Example 7.
Suppose that diameter of the disc is normally distributed
with mean 39.8 and SD 2.05 inches respectively. What is
the probability that of 20 randomly selected discs exactly
5 have diameter of at least 40 inches?
Example 8.
If Xi ∼ N(µi , σi2 ), for each i = 1, 2, . . . , n, are
independent, then prove that their linear combination
X n Xn n
2 2
a i Xi ∼ N ai µi , ai σi , where ai ’s are real
i=1 i=1 i=1

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Example 9.
Data indicates that the yearly precipitation in a city is a
normal random variable with mean of 12.08 inches and a
SD of 3.1 inches. Assume that the precipitations of a year
is independent of that of any other year.
1 Find the probability that the total precipitation during
the next two years will exceed 25 inches.

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Example 9.
Data indicates that the yearly precipitation in a city is a
normal random variable with mean of 12.08 inches and a
SD of 3.1 inches. Assume that the precipitations of a year
is independent of that of any other year.
1 Find the probability that the total precipitation during
the next two years will exceed 25 inches.
2 Find the probability that next year’s precipitation will
exceed that of the following year by more than 3

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Example 10.
In a university examination of a particular year, 60% of
the students failed when the mean of the marks 50% and
the standard deviation was 5%. The university decided to
relax the condition of passing by lowering the passing
marks to show its result as 70% passed. Find the
minimum marks needed for a student to pass by assuming
that the marks are normally distributed ?

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Normal probability rule

Theorem 0.7 (Normal probability rule).

Let X be normally distributed with parameters µ and σ.
1 P[−σ < X − µ < σ] ≈ 0.68

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Normal probability rule

Theorem 0.7 (Normal probability rule).

Let X be normally distributed with parameters µ and σ.
1 P[−σ < X − µ < σ] ≈ 0.68
2 P[−2σ < X − µ < 2σ] ≈ 0.95

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Normal probability rule

Theorem 0.7 (Normal probability rule).

Let X be normally distributed with parameters µ and σ.
1 P[−σ < X − µ < σ] ≈ 0.68
2 P[−2σ < X − µ < 2σ] ≈ 0.95
3 P[−3σ < X − µ < 3σ] ≈ 0.997.

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Thank you for your attention

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